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S33.E03: Your Job Is Recon

Tara Ariano
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9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Really? She doesn't strike me as being very bright. Mind you, none of the millennials do except maybe Zeke and Michelle, but her talking heads make her sound like she's sort of uneducated, and going off on Figgy on Day 1 wasn't too smart either.

Are you perhaps conflating her speaking patterns with her intelligence? Because I can assure you that's a mistake. I have a number of friends and relatives with high IQs and multiple degrees that often sound like good ole boys fresh off the farm, their speech rife with "words" *cough* like "boughten" and "heighth." That's all about their socioeconomic milieu and geographic location.

IMO, Michaela has made several astute judgments and decisions, and she's certainly capable of turning a clever phrase. She's also self-aware. She knows she can't hide it if she dislikes someone. The machete may have been overkill, but if you can't hide it, embracing it so you don't come across as false may be the better option.

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8 hours ago, blackwing said:

I get that they were upset at Paul indicating that the three bros were his core alliance, but my point is that the 3 women themselves were very close to each other, just as the 3 men were close to each other.  It was an alliance of 6, and she had 3 of the 6, so I'm really not sure how being 50% of an alliance translates to being "the bottom".  Has she never seen Survivor before?  Every large alliance always has suballiances, whether that be two or three people.  But it's always natural to have someone within your alliance that you truly trust.  The others are just there for the numbers and you use them just as much as they use you.  

I think the reasoning was, they had already voted out one woman.  Now they were voting out the other woman outside of the 6-person alliance.  Paul & his fellows can, at 7, easily say "yo (Ken or Dave) join the brolliance and we'll keep you around till F4."  It's a fig-leaf justification but something like that could be very plausible nevertheless, since it would actually be MEN vs WOMEN.  Now the funny thing is I don't think those men ever considered such an idea.  But the possibility obviously presented itself to Jessica.  Gender balance is worth considering, as you go forward through the game.  Any bit of common ground you can find could possibly get you the numbers somewhere down the line, and gender is a very broad base of common ground indeed.

9 hours ago, uoflfan said:

Love the typo.  Jesus would be awesome at water challenges.  He wouldn't need to swim, he could just walk on the water.  Plus, he'd feed the tribe by turning one fish into many fish.  lol.

"Jesus on Survivor would look like Malcolm and play like Carter" was one of my favorite little gags in Philippines, but I never considered what an Ozzy-like figure He might be out there.  Vote Him out pre-merge or He'll go on an immunity run, guys!

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10 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I think Ken is just kind of a sore loser. He probably came into this game assuming his mad fishing and survival skills would make him the most popular and indispensable and can't seem to fathom why everyone isn't looking to him for leadership instead of inferior Paul, who has caught no fish. I really doubt Ken would have aligned himself with losers like CeCe and Dave if he had any other choice. He doesn't seem to have any sense of humor either.

As I recall (could be wrong), Ken did gripe openly last week about not being part of the In Crowd, although this week he cast it more as frustration about his skills not being appreciated. But I think there's no doubt he thinks that in the true order of things he's a natural top banana.

Despite that, I have not gotten the impression he thinks he's too good to hang around with the Davids and CeCes. It's one of the best things about him, in fact.

Pointlessly sticking my neck out: Since no one else has said it, Tayls deserves a little credit for just about blowing everyone else away on the balance beam. There, I said one good thing about him.

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24 minutes ago, KimberStormer said:

"Jesus on Survivor would look like Malcolm and play like Carter" was one of my favorite little gags in Philippines, but I never considered what an Ozzy-like figure He might be out there.  Vote Him out pre-merge or He'll go on an immunity run, guys!

Vote him out and he just comes back stronger three days later...

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On 10/5/2016 at 9:38 PM, Lamima said:

So I am the oddball who is not all gushing for Ken. I think he's kind of an odd duck and moody...so not my type (but I like him as a player on Survivor). I think he didn't get in on the bro fest because he doesn't mesh and even seems to have contempt for the other fellas. 

He was horribly smug about the fishing gear refusal, explaining how he was going to continue fishing himself while the Millennials can go without. Okay, Ken, you could have refused their request without being a dick about it...but you didn't. I'm guessing that wasn't the first time he was a dick to people on this show.

Also, I have ZERO pity for people who complain about being physically attractive. "I'm so good looking, woe is me!" Oh, stop fucking complaining about it! Your life might suck about 2% of the time, but the other 98% of the time you reap the rewards of a society that largely benefits people whose appearance rates above average. Furthermore, if you wanted to be ugly you could sabotage your own appearance quite easily, but I'm guessing you won't because deep down inside you know how much easier life is when you're attractive.

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11 hours ago, uoflfan said:

Love the typo.  Jesus would be awesome at water challenges.  He wouldn't need to swim, he could just walk on the water.  Plus, he'd feed the tribe by turning one fish into many fish.  lol.

Gotta disagree.  No guarantee the walking-on-water thingie still works, given the holes in His feet.  And if it does, how would Jesus ever get down to untie any submerged items if he's stuck on the surface?  :>

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2 hours ago, Nashville said:

  And if it does, how would Jesus ever get down to untie any submerged items if he's stuck on the surface?  :>

Obviously, He'd just part the water (like the Red Sea) and walk down to said items.  He might even turn the rope into eels for fun/balance for what His tribe is eating.

(And in saying "His tribe" while talking about Jesus playing Survivor, I'm getting the image of Survivor: Romans vs. Israelites.)

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3 hours ago, Superpole2000 said:

He was horribly smug about the fishing gear refusal, explaining how he was going to continue fishing himself while the Millennials can go without. Okay, Ken, you could have refused their request without being a dick about it...but you didn't. I'm guessing that wasn't the first time he was a dick to people on this show.

Honestly, I suspect there's a reason that Ken's one of the ones who was on the outside of Takali, and that was one of them.  Because yeah, in most cases, someone like himself would be part of the main alliance.  Something about him must rub the others the wrong way.  That's the only true reason I can think of to explain him having been in the minority.

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14 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

I'd have told them they could have fishing gear instead of comfort but only if they gave up immunity to our tribe.

I thought for sure that's where the discussion was headed.  I'm surprised no one brought that up.  Although it could be because 75% of the tribe already had it set in their heads that CC was going to be voted out, so why trade fishing gear for an easy Tribal Council vote.

12 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

My mom doesn't usually criticize people for appearances, etc.  But last night she sat up straight, and exclaimed "Oh my God, that voice!".

She is straight up "Fargo" times ten.  I love listening to geographic accents (since I'm from Michigan, where most of us are convinced that we have no accent, LOL), but Sunday's got the accent plus the squeaky nails-on-chalkboard voice to boot.  It's a cringe-worthy combination.  Plus, I don't trust her for some reason.

10 hours ago, Michel said:

I don't agree.  The moment Paul made his slip-up, Jessica was right to try and change things up.  Several people kept failing to make moves in BB15 because they kept being convinced that it was "too soon" to do so.  But it is never too soon to make a move when and if you start to feel that you might be on the bottom, or even get confirmation that you are.

THIS.  I think the downfall of many is declaring how risky it is to make a move too soon.  But in games like this, sitting and thinking things over, especially when you share your future plans with others, is a good way to get the boot.  Another reason I'm liking this season - I truly didn't think Paul was going to go, I figured it was just talk.  It was nice to see a plan put in place and executed quickly.

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7 hours ago, SVNBob said:

Obviously, He'd just part the water (like the Red Sea) and walk down to said items.  He might even turn the rope into eels for fun/balance for what His tribe is eating.

(And in saying "His tribe" while talking about Jesus playing Survivor, I'm getting the image of Survivor: Romans vs. Israelites.)

That's Moses, not Jesus.  

An understandable mistake, though; Ken did bear a certain resemblance to a Ten Commandments Charleton Heston.  

If Moses had been an old fat white guy, that is.


3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

THIS.  I think the downfall of many is declaring how risky it is to make a move too soon.  But in games like this, sitting and thinking things over, especially when you share your future plans with others, is a good way to get the boot.  

In BB this is known as "Helen Syndrome".  :>

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He looks like Jon Hamm, he's loyal to the pale skinny geek, and he loves language?  What's the catch?  

Possibly the fact that he's utterly humorless and a little too full of himself. 


Also, I have ZERO pity for people who complain about being physically attractive. 

Especially when they make their living as a model.


The moment Paul made his slip-up, Jessica was right to try and change things up.  

Agreed. She has no way of knowing whether there might be a tribal swap before the next tribal council. You can't rely on getting someone out "next time" when you don't know who's going to be on your tribe "next time" until after the merge.

It's probably also naive to assume the decision was based purely on Paul's verbal slip. I never trust the editing on this show to tell the real story and Ken made some good points to her before it came down to that.

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On 10/5/2016 at 8:53 PM, mojoween said:

Fuck off Probst I don't care if "millenials" still do that there is no reason to not type out the word you on a full keyboard.  It's not like we're using the number keys any more.  Also vinyl is way dope man.

Yeah, that's my lawn and I want you off it.

Peachy, when my son texts me in "shortcut," I tell him to speak to me in English. I work with college students. Their penmanship is for shit, they can't spell or punctuate because everything is done FOR them on phones and laptops. You might think it's "cool" to type this way, but we're raising a generation of idiots. I had to teach one how to SIGN his name to open a checking account. They had stopped teaching penmanship and cursive writing in schools. All he did was print. And badly. 

And get off my lawn, as well. 

I will type out the word "you" in texts until the day I die. And I will continue to use punctuation, even though I hear that's the latest way to wear your old fogey badge. The dumbing down of society is nothing to boast about.

FUCK YEAH. *High Five*

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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11 minutes ago, ChicksDigScars said:

Peachy, when my son texts me in "shortcut," I tell him to speak to me in English. I work with college students. Their penmanship is for shit, they can't spell or punctuate because everything is done FOR them on phones and laptops. You might think it's "cool" to type this way, but we're raising a generation of idiots. I had to teach one how to SIGN his name to open a checking account. They had stopped teaching penmanship and cursive writing in schools. All he did was print. And badly. 

And get off my lawn, as well. 

Probst is apparently confusing "efficiency" and "laziness".

And screw "get off my lawn"; if I catch you ON my lawn, I'm taking a mulching mower to your ass and turning you into fertilizer.  And in Tennessee we can get away with that shit.

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17 hours ago, Cutty said:

Kinda odd we didn't get a single confessional from Michelle after the big move at the previous tribal. She's either very boring or not long for the game.

I wish we would have at least seen her conversation where she was supposed to "explain" everything to Hannah. 

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15 hours ago, simplyme said:

Are you perhaps conflating her speaking patterns with her intelligence? 

Reread this after sleeping and realized I sounded like I had a stick in very uncomfortable places when I wrote it. Wow. I stand by the points I made, but no shade was meant for those with a differing opinion.

And yes, I would not last long on Survivor. :) 

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14 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

I think the reasoning was, they had already voted out one woman.  Now they were voting out the other woman outside of the 6-person alliance.  Paul & his fellows can, at 7, easily say "yo (Ken or Dave) join the brolliance and we'll keep you around till F4."  It's a fig-leaf justification but something like that could be very plausible nevertheless, since it would actually be MEN vs WOMEN.  Now the funny thing is I don't think those men ever considered such an idea.  But the possibility obviously presented itself to Jessica.  Gender balance is worth considering, as you go forward through the game.  Any bit of common ground you can find could possibly get you the numbers somewhere down the line, and gender is a very broad base of common ground indeed.

This is a good point. Things change. Just because you're in an alliance of 6 now, that doesn't mean everyone is going to honor down to 6. It's possible as pickings got slimmer, the guys would want to take out more women, and save their "strong" players. (Not saying *I* don't think the women are strong, but the guys sometimes perceive them as weaker members of the team.) This way, they've kept things a bit more balanced. 

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

It's probably also naive to assume the decision was based purely on Paul's verbal slip. I never trust the editing on this show to tell the real story and Ken made some good points to her before it came down to that.

I think Ken's words might have done something, but given that Jessica, Sunday, and Lucy didn't do anything till after Paul messed up, I think it largely had to be that.

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54 minutes ago, ChicksDigScars said:

Peachy, when my son texts me in "shortcut," I tell him to speak to me in English. I work with college students. Their penmanship is for shit, they can't spell or punctuate because everything is done FOR them on phones and laptops. You might think it's "cool" to type this way, but we're raising a generation of idiots. I had to teach one how to SIGN his name to open a checking account. They had stopped teaching penmanship and cursive writing in schools. All he did was print. And badly. 

And get off my lawn, as well. 

I can't get over the change to only putting one space instead of two after the end of a sentence; shouldn't this be the type of thing that is voted on?  Or at least announced to the general public by the Format/Punctuation Dictator so that we all use the same standards?  Maybe Peachy will address this hot button topic in next week's Language Arts Challenge...

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23 minutes ago, Michel said:

I think Ken's words might have done something, but given that Jessica, Sunday, and Lucy didn't do anything till after Paul messed up, I think it largely had to be that.

At the very least the women already knew that Ken, David, and Cece would be happy to vote with them to get Paul out.  Half the work of orchestrating the flip was already done before they decided to go for it, and that may have played a part in their decision.

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There's also the fact that during the Immunity Challenge, Paul was verbally harassing (or, haranguing) Lucy while she was trying to get across the balance beam. The women might have started to sour on him after that.

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On 10/5/2016 at 9:52 PM, Squirrely said:

I will type out the word "you" in texts until the day I die. And I will continue to use punctuation, even though I hear that's the latest way to wear your old fogey badge. The dumbing down of society is nothing to boast about. 

Not only is it nothing to boast about, but it can be dangerous.

Let's eat, Grandma.

Let's eat Grandma.

Punctuation is important. 

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11 hours ago, Michel said:

someone like himself would be part of the main alliance. 

Not necessarily. My crush Joe was the killer in any physical challenge, and he was also the main food provider, but he was never brought into a tight alliance. Of course he was gorgeous , with a awesome bod. For the same reason that the poster above has such a negative view of a good-looking, skilled guy like Ken, the other gen-xers might have been resentful. Not one of the rest is a looker, and not one of them can catch a fish. 

And Joe was a nice guy...I'm betting Ken is as well. 

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21 minutes ago, Knuckles said:

Not necessarily. My crush Joe was the killer in any physical challenge, and he was also the main food provider, but he was never brought into a tight alliance. Of course he was gorgeous , with a awesome bod. For the same reason that the poster above has such a negative view of a good-looking, skilled guy like Ken, the other gen-xers might have been resentful. Not one of the rest is a looker, and not one of them can catch a fish. 

And Joe was a nice guy...I'm betting Ken is as well. 

Mmmmm, Joe. Now we're talking.

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21 hours ago, LanceM said:

We didn't hear anything from Michelle but we heard a lot about Michelle. Namely we heard Probst give her ALL the credit for flipping the vote last episode (ignoring Jay's part) and this was reinforced later in the episode when Adam reiterated that the only reason Figgy was in the game was due to Michelle (though he did mention Jay too). The point being the editors want the viewers to know who Michelle is and that she is a smart player. Now whether this translates to Michelle being around for a long time or if she is the strategic player that inevitably gets booted right before the merge remains to be seen.

I agree with your points, and want to add one more.  Even though Adam singled out Michelle as the mastermind, he still wanted to target Figgy!  Another sign of good play on Michelle's part.  The others know she pulled the drawstrings, but still aren't talking about booting her. 

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I think the thing that got me about Ken is during tribal council during the whole texting talk, is that people were straight-up laughing when he went into his spiel. Usually people would keep a polite face on, the fact that multiple people were laughing with a, "can you fucking believe this guy?" expression on their faces, suggests to me that Ken does this type of stuff A LOT. All of his confessionals have a similar, "I'm going to teach you a very serious and important lesson," tone, I get the distance between him and his tribe. 

He's still an alright guy and I believe that growing up with a speech impediment did give him some real sympathy for somebody like Dave. But you have to be able to laugh at yourself sometimes.  

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On 10/6/2016 at 7:15 PM, LanceM said:

We didn't hear anything from Michelle but we heard a lot about Michelle. Namely we heard Probst give her ALL the credit for flipping the vote last episode (ignoring Jay's part) and this was reinforced later in the episode when Adam reiterated that the only reason Figgy was in the game was due to Michelle (though he did mention Jay too).

Does Jay really deserve the credit though? He was going to take Figgy's exit lying down until Michelle said she wasn't ready to lose Figgy. She sent him to do her dirty work. I suppose he deserves credit for actually doing it and being convincing, but he never would have bothered without Michelle's influence.

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Compliments to all of the witty posters--your comments have been making me laugh.

I don't know what's different with me, but I'm finding this season so dull. I'm not rooting for anybody and am only slightly irritated with some (as opposed to being full of insane rage every time some misogynistic asshole speaks). Or maybe it's the editing. And I've watched every season, so I know there have been worse seasons.

I'm glad Paul's gone but I was confused why he was in the Gen X tribe to begin with. I was born in the last Baby Boomer year, and he's older than I. Maybe there's a new chart I should consult. Between this and hearing that I'm no longer the same astrological sign because the signs are supposedly all wonky and wrong, I don't know who I am anymore! 

If this has been mentioned before, my apologies (this is the first episode this season that I've read comments), but David looks like the love child of Kevin Spacey and Boyle on "Brooklyn 99."

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On ‎10‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 3:13 PM, Knuckles said:

Not necessarily. My crush Joe was the killer in any physical challenge, and he was also the main food provider, but he was never brought into a tight alliance. Of course he was gorgeous , with a awesome bod. For the same reason that the poster above has such a negative view of a good-looking, skilled guy like Ken, the other gen-xers might have been resentful. Not one of the rest is a looker, and not one of them can catch a fish. 

And Joe was a nice guy...I'm betting Ken is as well. 

Ah, but Joe, while a nice guy, was, as we saw, terrible at strategy and didn't have the best social game, either.  Ken's probably like Joe -- seems like a nice enough guy (though the griping over Paul and the smugness over the fishing gear has me in doubt), but doesn't seem to be the best at the social game.  Especially given that he really only seems to hang out with David and only talks to CeCe out of necessity more than actually liking her.

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18 hours ago, huahaha said:

Does Jay really deserve the credit though? He was going to take Figgy's exit lying down until Michelle said she wasn't ready to lose Figgy. 

I don't know if it's 100% fair to paint Jay this way. Jay could very well have been conflicted about the vote: Figgy is in his alliance, but she's also his rival for the time and loyalty of Tayls. So he went immediately to Michelle to see her reaction and if she wanted to save Figgy. Michelle laid out why they should, and Jay committed.

So, yes. Michelle deserves the credit for saving Figgy, but I don't know that Jay would really have been in a worse place personally if Figs went home. 

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On 10/7/2016 at 11:40 AM, ChicksDigScars said:

Peachy, when my son texts me in "shortcut," I tell him to speak to me in English. I work with college students. Their penmanship is for shit, they can't spell or punctuate because everything is done FOR them on phones and laptops. You might think it's "cool" to type this way, but we're raising a generation of idiots. I had to teach one how to SIGN his name to open a checking account. They had stopped teaching penmanship and cursive writing in schools. All he did was print. And badly. 

And get off my lawn, as well. 



FUCK YEAH. *High Five*

The only people I know who type "u" instead of "you" are over 60.  ;-)

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On 10/7/2016 at 0:43 PM, FlyingEgret said:

I can't get over the change to only putting one space instead of two after the end of a sentence; shouldn't this be the type of thing that is voted on?  Or at least announced to the general public by the Format/Punctuation Dictator so that we all use the same standards?  Maybe Peachy will address this hot button topic in next week's Language Arts Challenge...

I learned to type on a keyboard with no letters on it in 1963 and was a legal secretary in the seventies when you could not make a mistake and fix it, you just started over, so I can type without looking at the keyboard and have excellent accuracy.  I adapted to the block format for letters along the way, learned to use a Selectric, got used to computerized typewriters and then computers with word processing, taught myself to do spreadsheets for grades, even used Google Classroom my last year as a teacher -- but I cannot put only one space after the period.  Too many years of doing it the other way.  My son scolds me all the time, but it's too late to change at my age, I guess.  

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Of all silly things I got into an argument with someone on Facebook because I said I had typed my preceding comment with the double space after the period and she was all nuh-UH you didn't.  I did--FB just "corrected" it for me!  I should know how I type!  

I agree the "summit" was ho-hum but I will say those big chunks of bread with PB and jam were about the only things I've seen on Survivor that actually made me hungry.  That looked like nice fresh bread.  (When I was in Fiji decades ago, there was a bakery called the Hot Bread Kitchen with delicious, well, you guessed it--but that was in Suva).  


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I think it was a mistake to vote off Paul, he was good in challenges. Sure he was a little annoying but not nearly as much as many of his type. One of the top 3 rules pre-merge is - don't go to Tribal. So that means don't vote off your strongest challenge people. Dumb move. They'll go to the merge way low on numbers and have to try to fit into milleniall alliances. That’s if xyz individual even make it the merge if they lose every challenge. By ensuring you are going to lose challenges you ensure that being on the bottom matters. But if you win, it doesn't matter as much. You can always swing to another alliance if you make the merge. Sorry Cici. She's terrible at challenges. Now if she was awesome at strategy maybe keep her around anyway but she's not. (As a matter of fact I have not seen evidence of any major strategic talent on either team.) CiCi should have gone before Paul. Ken - that was dumb move because your feelings are hurt that everyone hasn't said they want you to be leader. There is a type that is really competent and stands around and wonders why everyone hasn't chosen them as leaders......Ken, leaders lead by leading. Leadership is not a popularity contest. I started this season by thinking that the Millenials would beat Gen X'rs in some general sense. I have seen nothing to dissuade me.

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On October 6, 2016 at 1:48 AM, loki567 said:

I was wondering why Ken wasn't the most popular guy in his tribe and then he started on the value of language in text messaging and vinyl is the only way to listen to music, and I got it. He's a huge cheeseball. Like a nice, well-meaning cheeseball but a cheeseball nonetheless. It's hard to really mesh with someone who takes himself so serious. 

Yup, same here. He's SO good looking and I do appreciate a serious side in a person, but he is genuinely awkward and seems like a bit of a downer. I still prefer him over the other men in this tribe, but that's a low bar. 

However, I also agree with this:


Ken is handsome, has abs for days, and is actually catching fish, and is good at the challenges. So, of course, the bros don't like him. Paul, the windbag is gone, but the other two are the kind of men who need to buddy-up to face the world. Ken is more independent, which is a threat to them. Plus, he does not seem to share their dismissive attitude towards the women in the tribe.

I do think the other guys are a bit threatened and jealous. What I would like to see (but probably won't happen due to the fact that Ken seems uncomfortable with his appearance being a focus) is Ken making it to the merge and winning over the millenial women, leaving the shlubby Gen X guys in the dust. 


It wouldn't ruin my day if "Tayls" fell into the campfire.

God, I can't even express how much I hate that nickname. I hate the nickname far more than I do the guy, who is kind of a lump of nothing to me so far. 


David revealed himself to be a fool at strategy. He gave away too much information at the meet, while gathering none.  He id'd the alpha male, and offered to ditch his whole tribe in return for a ride on their coattails. Which would tell me he has no loyalty, and is someone they can use and dispose of, without a second thought. Could he not attempt to find out how the power structure in the other tribe works, and id the weaker players there who might be good allies after the merge? Nope. 

I didn't have a problem with him IDing Paul as the alpha, that seemed like a decent thing to throw out there to put a huge target on his back at merge time (which ended up not being necessary, ha!). Paul is not allied with David, so trying to sink him wasn't a bad move. 

But that "I'll flip on my tribe in a second" strategy is puzzling. If Taylor rats you out, you're sunk on your own tribe and even if he doesn't, you're still running the risk of being dragged along as a free vote and then chopped off. 

All in all, I was happy with the boot, though it may be premature given how badly they're doing in challenges. Paul was one hell of a swimmer, I'll give him that. 

I felt a little bad for him after he gave his nice parting words, he did go out graciously. 

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On 10/7/2016 at 3:43 PM, FlyingEgret said:

I can't get over the change to only putting one space instead of two after the end of a sentence; shouldn't this be the type of thing that is voted on?  Or at least announced to the general public by the Format/Punctuation Dictator so that we all use the same standards?  Maybe Peachy will address this hot button topic in next week's Language Arts Challenge...

My college-aged son and I had a massive argument about the double-spacing issue, and I only argued so vehemently because I knew I was right - you always double-space after a sentence.  Turns out, only dinosaurs still use a double-space.  I was livid.  I will ALWAYS double-space.  In fact, I might someday start to triple-space just because I'm so upset that this very simple and efficient rule was changed and no one told me.

On 10/8/2016 at 11:28 PM, Michel said:

Ah, but Joe, while a nice guy, was, as we saw, terrible at strategy and didn't have the best social game, either.  Ken's probably like Joe -- seems like a nice enough guy (though the griping over Paul and the smugness over the fishing gear has me in doubt), but doesn't seem to be the best at the social game.  Especially given that he really only seems to hang out with David and only talks to CeCe out of necessity more than actually liking her.

I still heart Ken and I suppose it's difficult to sit by and hold your tongue while the self-appointed leader and fisherman extraordinaire goes out to catch fish and comes back empty handed, and blames it on the strong current.  As for the smugness over the fishing gear, I thought it was pretty smug of the Millennials to ask for the fishing gear in the first place.  I liked how Ken was all, "no, I'm having way too much fun catching tuna, and octopus, and other assorted fishies, which we then crisp to a golden brown over an open fire and consume."  I thought Ken's comment was a nice little dig at both Paul and the Millennials.  I can also understand why Ken would be frustrated as to how Paul ended up the leader of the six without doing a whole lot of actual leading.

On 10/9/2016 at 0:22 PM, simplyme said:

I don't know if it's 100% fair to paint Jay this way. Jay could very well have been conflicted about the vote: Figgy is in his alliance, but she's also his rival for the time and loyalty of Tayls. So he went immediately to Michelle to see her reaction and if she wanted to save Figgy. Michelle laid out why they should, and Jay committed.

So, yes. Michelle deserves the credit for saving Figgy, but I don't know that Jay would really have been in a worse place personally if Figs went home. 

Loyalty of Tayls, my new band name.  Paul is gonna play guitar.

Edited by laurakaye
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1 hour ago, piequinn35 said:

I'm gen x, I use u for you, r for are, wer for where, y for why, not using apostrophe most of the time (is that the right spelling?) in texting, who cares, my husband and friends don't care :P

I'm a millennial but I do this as well. I'm fine with it!

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1 hour ago, piequinn35 said:

I'm gen x, I use u for you, r for are, wer for where, y for why, not using apostrophe most of the time (is that the right spelling?) in texting, who cares, my husband and friends don't care :P

A lot of it depends on who you're texting (and if you're using a flip phone or such where you have to press the same key multiple times to get a letter.) If it's your professor, for God's sake, be formal. If it's your best friend or spouse, no one cares. If he's stuck on a flip phone to his bestie, even Shakespeare is typing 2 b or not 2 b.

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I think how you text is mostly irrelevant until it starts becoming how you spell in general.  College English teachers tell me a lot of students don't realize that some of those shortcuts aren't words, like "thru".  Nationally, less than half of SAT takers test ready for college English.  At my college, 2/3 of students have to take remedial English before they can take English 101.  The remedial class doesn't apply toward degree requirements, it's just to get you up to entry level.  

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I rate high school essays.  When I started the job I expected a natural bell curve distribution.  The actual distribution is heavily skewed to the left.  These kids can't spell, their grammar is atrocious, they can't organize a coherent essay to save their lives, and their handwriting is practically illegible.  I blame it all on personal computers.

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1 hour ago, lilabennet said:

I rate high school essays.  When I started the job I expected a natural bell curve distribution.  The actual distribution is heavily skewed to the left.  These kids can't spell, their grammar is atrocious, they can't organize a coherent essay to save their lives, and their handwriting is practically illegible.  I blame it all on personal computers.


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Regarding texting shortcuts, I guess it depends on your audience and if you know for sure your audience will understand what you're trying to say. If the reader has to reread the text several times because nearly all the words are misspelled and there's no punctuation, so it's really difficult to get the meaning, then shortcuts are a failure.

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On 10/12/2016 at 7:55 AM, Lamb18 said:

Regarding texting shortcuts, I guess it depends on your audience and if you know for sure your audience will understand what you're trying to say. If the reader has to reread the text several times because nearly all the words are misspelled and there's no punctuation, so it's really difficult to get the meaning, then shortcuts are a failure.

Or, if you're like me, you use shortcuts occasionally for effect.  Like when I want to be dorky or flippant or whatever.  Nuff said.

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