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Whoopi Goldberg: EGOT Winner, So Why Is She Here?

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Agree, it did not come up.  I have read on several comments pages on several sites that Whoopi threatened to leave and I just assumed I missed it, because it is out there everywhere.  I do recall Raven saying it though.  Whoopi should debunk this on the View, the part about her saying she was leaving the US.

What's the world come to, when I am defending Whoopi.....

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Yes, I was watching the day in question and she was just the first to speak following Raven's pronouncement she might leave the U.S., then everyone ran with it as "Whoopi and Raven say they'll leave The View." Even as an ex-fan, I knew that was false.

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I know - every.single.day on the show's FB people say WG was going to move. Never a link. Actually many say they should all move out of the US. Or he is our next POTUS and let it go. 

I think not.

ETA - well not Jediblabblah - but then she isn't chatted about much there.

Edited by maggiemae
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Is that jerk serious, suggesting that the school should bring in a "conservative performer" because they are letting Whoopi do a show?  Is that what it's come to - equal time for effin' comedians?  They won the damn election, can't they just be HAPPY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


I've never heard her say she would leave either, but it was this sentence that I found more provocative: "White asked if taxpayers were footing the bill and if the school was going to bring conservative performers the campus."

As in Celia's quoted comment, this was more my reaction to that article, rather than the speculation of Whoopi's leaving the U.S.  I found the County Commission Chairman's  concern of the "taxpayers footing the bill" because of Whoopi's Drumph position to be petty at best, and his equal-time query to be astounding.  Has the world gone so PC that everything must now be meted out by measured seconds to insure impartiality?  What about all the time given to Drumph by every TV network during the campaign?  Where was his concern then?

That's really where I expected Whoopi to come off the rails - because a venue was being criticized for allowing a performer to express her view on stage, when it's a free choice of the public whether or not to spend their entertainment dollars to attend and, in essence, be providing some of the financial support for the appearance.


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I am posting this here because it has to do with Whoopi and her stance on the N-word.

Ice Cube was on Real Time with Bill Maher last night, and he schooled Bill on why he or any other White person cannot use that word or why it still resonates.

I want Ice Cube to have a...conversation with Whoopi and see what happens.  Assuming he doesn't fall over himself praising her ass, like all celebrities tend to do. 

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UGH. Just saw on my FB feed that Whoopi was on The Daily Show last night-Extended interview and her "take" on the current political discourse in the country.??? Like Trevor couldn't get someone like, oh, I don't know, Sunny, instead? Or better yet, Joy Reid?!

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Okay, it wasn't too bad. BUT. They cut out all the good stuff-where she was funny, talked sense and made sense!?

But when Trevor started the interview and said "Let's talk about the View," you could tell she didn't want to and even said "Whyyyy?"

Don't bother watching the interview on demand or dvr/pvr, etc. watch the extended one on Comedy's website. This is the Whoopi I used to love.


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The last thing she needs is more power. I can only imagine how she'd destroy what's currently working about the show as executive producer. I could understand them giving her the money, but I hope they refuse her other two "conditions."

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From the 9/4/2017 episode thread:


1 hour ago, Haleth said:

That's a good point.  It had been years since the same panel carried over to a new year.  

I didn't read about Whoopi's new contract but is it for only one year?  Maybe her decision is to quit after this contract is up.  (Wishful thinking, LOL)

Based on the article that was posted in the media thread, or it could have been the episode thread during the last couple of shows from last season, Whoopi was quoted as saying the reason why she's staying is because of who is President, and that "someone needs" to be on this show to "push back." As if she's the only one who does it. What is Joy, chopped liver? I'm going to assume that her "push back" refers to Jedifoxbot, because Whoopi is the only person that rabid laughing hyena kowtows/bows down to, and doesn't argue with*,

*Apologies for ending with a prepositional phrase!

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On ‎7‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 1:05 PM, ChiCricket said:

Known 9/11 conspiracy theorist Charlie Sheen is starring in a film about 9/11

The actor's first role since revealing he was HIV positive sees Sheen starring alongside Whoopi Goldberg

This movie is getting absolutely terrible reviews.  reviewers are giving it 1 or 2 stars on 5-point scales, and there's only one positive review on Rotten Tomatoes. 

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25 minutes ago, backformore said:

This movie is getting absolutely terrible reviews.  reviewers are giving it 1 or 2 stars on 5-point scales, and there's only one positive review on Rotten Tomatoes

Probably from Whoopi or her daughter.

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13 minutes ago, Jaded said:

Probably from Whoopi or her daughter.

NO, these are all newspaper and magazine professional movie reviewers.  

that's why it was so outrageous for WHoopi to blast people who check reviews on Rotten Tomatoes before seeing a movie.  It's like looking at consumer reports before making a  purchase.  It's not just "one person's opinion,"  it's a consensus.

She's pissed that the poor reviews will mean the movie will be seen as a stinker, and she won't make money. 

There is another element, though.  Charlie Sheen stars in the movie, and he is a "truther" - he didn't believe the 9/11 attack was what people say. he thinks there was some sort of conspiracy to cover up the real truth, followed the theories of Alex Jones that it was an "inside job."   So, people are PISSED that he was chosen to star in a movie about a disaster that he doesn't believe in.  

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I don't go to the movies often if at all so I'm one of the few left who hasn't really kept up with the Rotten Tomatoes site and how it works. Pardon my ignorance there. For supposedly still being movie star she can't do better then being in a movie with Sheen and Gina Gershon? I like Gina but she's usually stuck doing clunkers or smaller movies.

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Rotten tomatoes is a site that compiles all the reviews in on place.  Even though most reviews are on a 4 or 5 star scale, RT divides them into either Fresh (positive) or rotten(negative).  Then they give a percentage. So Whoopis new movie was at 17%, which is the percentage of positive professional reviews. That's pretty low.

 They also, once the movie has been in the theaters, give an audience review percentage.  The audience one is always going to be higher, because it's only people who chose to see the movie.

I almost always check the RT site, because otherwise, the only thing to go by is the trailer.  If almost all the reviews are bad, it's probably not worth the ticket price.

Edited by backformore
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Whoopi and her sweaters last night on Colbert. She says the sweaters make her happy, and they are ONLY $89.00. I say they make her money is the bottom line.


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Those sweaters are UGLY! A fart joke on a Christmas sweater? Pompom butt santa? Crass, tacky, over-priced crap.

And is she really explaining WHY "happy holidays" is inclusive? Doesn't everybody know that by now?

I didn't like that she said women and "gay folks" are saying they were sexually harassed or abused.  A 14 year old boy being molested is not "gay folks" , he's a kid.  Boys and men being abused or harassed is wrong, and bringing their sexual orientation into the discussion is wrong-headed. It serves only to advance the stereotype that if you are a man who is sexually abused, you must be gay.

Edited by backformore
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On 1/18/2018 at 1:31 PM, Tanichka said:

I quite like the house. How about some staging, tho?

She probably didn't want to spend the money, figuring that  just her name would be enough to get top dollar!

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I saw a clip that David Axelrod was going to do an interview with Whoopi.  They played a clip of her confronting trump on "birtherism" on The View.   from the interview clip I saw, Whoopi looked better than she does on The View, and seemed more coherent.  

She was also wearing that blue/grey scarf with the stars on it, but it looks like it might have been cleaned and pressed !

Trivia - Whoopi and Donald trump were once in a movie together.   Can anyone guess what movie? 

(not really a spoiler, just hidden in case people want to guess) 


The 1994 "Little Rascals"  whoopi played buckwheat's mom, Donald was another kid's dad.

Edited by backformore
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11 hours ago, backformore said:


I saw a clip that David Axelrod was going to do an interview with Whoopi.  They played a clip of her confronting trump on "birtherism" on The View.   from the interview clip I saw, Whoopi looked better than she does on The View, and seemed more coherent.  


You beat me to it. I saw a clip as well and she is always more coherent almost everywhere except The View. I’m interested to see the rest of the interview tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, Love2dance said:

I enjoyed the interview, although not too much new information. This was definitely the more mellow, thoughtful Whoopi.

As usual.  I wonder which "persona" is the real Whoopi ... even her "tone" is totally different.  I did enjoy the interview, even if there was nothing new.

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From 02/19/2018 episode thread:

18 minutes ago, backformore said:

Remember she had a movie come out recently to very bad reviews. The movie was 9/11, starring Whoopi and Charlie sheen. 

Whoopi didn't reference it explicitly, but had a little rant about how nobody should pay attention to movie critics.

The sad thing is, she is a very good actress. Her work she did in that movie a few years ago--For Colored Girls--the one scene they showed us on this show; her appearance on Blue Bloods; her scared the bejesusouttame performance in Law & Order: Criminal Intent: "Down to the Bone" as a murderous foster mother. That's just her more recent stuff. It shows her insecurity, maybe, because she's choosing crapola shit? I mean, Charlie Sheen????

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I thought most of the actresses in FCG did such a great job (Anika Noni Rose, Janet Jackson, etc.--especially Phylicia Rashad, who was absolutely phenomenal), and Whoopi was surprisingly a weak link. She wasn't bad, but I thought it could've been better. *shrug* The role was one of the weaker ones anyway.

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