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Whoopi Goldberg: EGOT Winner, So Why Is She Here?


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I think Whoopi should be fired by her bosses because she is a terrible moderator. I think her comments about Cosby are completely wrong and misguided, but she is paid to give her opinions. Something about that petition doesn't sit well with me.

Yeah I thought the same thing..... her opinion didnt bother me as much.... even though she was wrong..... what annoyed me is her trying to silence others.... not only the people sitting on the panel with her.... but the audience as well.

I didnt sign it.... just shared it

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I'm not much of a Howard Stern fan but it turns out about five years ago he did a bit on Whoopi where he compiled a list up to that point in time of her nonsense defenses of famous people doing horrible things. Of course five years later there are many more that he could add to that list.

Part 1 of 2:

Edited by TribbleTrouble
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Totally random but I watched Chris Rock's movie Top Five last night and low & behold The Captain o' The Ship / The Queen Herself showed up to do a quick little cameo along side Jerry Seinfeld and Adam Sandler.  Just when did this bitch become SO unlikeable?  Their scene took place in a strip club and everybody else manages to be acting like they are having a good time except for Whoopi.  She comes off just as bitchy and unlikeable in the 2 minutes she was in this movie as she does on The View everyday.  Sandler & Seinfeld were clearly enjoying themselves and managed to make the most of the scene to help a friend out but not this bitch.  She couldn't have looked and acted more pissed off to be there if she had tried. 

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Totally random but I watched Chris Rock's movie Top Five last night and low & behold The Captain o' The Ship / The Queen Herself showed up to do a quick little cameo along side Jerry Seinfeld and Adam Sandler.  Just when did this bitch become SO unlikeable?  Their scene took place in a strip club and everybody else manages to be acting like they are having a good time except for Whoopi.  She comes off just as bitchy and unlikeable in the 2 minutes she was in this movie as she does on The View everyday.  Sandler & Seinfeld were clearly enjoying themselves and managed to make the most of the scene to help a friend out but not this bitch.  She couldn't have looked and acted more pissed off to be there if she had tried. 

She was playing herself in the movie so.....................there you  have it!

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Hard not to notice a theme with her.  She will always defend a violent man even when there is ironclad visual proof like Rihanna's pounded face, a woman knocked unconscious and dragged out of elevator, etc.  It defies explanation.  


Doubtful that Whoopi has great female friends.  

Edited by MatchaLove
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This is Whoopi's Golden Globe speech.  Somehow, this always rankled me.  Her concept about how great those in the entertainment industry are.  Years later, listening to it informs her entitled attitude.  I went back to watch it because I wanted to remember how much I loved Whoopi at one time.  However, it made me understand why I can't stand her.



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Hard not to notice a theme with her.  She will always defend a violent man even when there is ironclad visual proof like Rihanna's pounded face, a woman knocked unconscious and dragged out of elevator, etc.  It defies explanation.


Or is it that she always takes the black man's side in every altercation?


I don't think race plays into it. She'll defend any celebrity with a swinging "brain" who makes the headlines for infractions with women.

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The Whoopi Goldberg Effect

Why do we pretend Whoopi saying something shocking is shocking?



Thanks for the link ginger!  I really enjoyed that article, which raises some good points.   For those who skipped it, here is the opening paragraph:


Whoopi Goldberg, once unquestionably beloved and most closely associated with "Sister Act," has devolved into a human factory of the absurd. Sitting on her daytime throne at "The View," she churns out illogical and offensive comments with the force and regularity of one of those ball machines for people who don't have a friend to play tennis with.


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I don't think race plays into it. She'll defend any celebrity with a swinging "brain" who makes the headlines for infractions with women.


I'll take it even further.  Listening to her over the years, even before she was noticed for being batshit arrogantly crazy, there was a theme.  Celebrity is good.  She loves being one.  So anything that threatens that sense of privilege and entitlement is unfair and wrong.  So a celebrity being attacked/condemned by a lesser one or, horrors!, a non-celebrity is just unnatural and must be stopped.


But I think there is more to it as well.  I think the gender thing comes from her own sense of inadequacy.  In her stand ups she once talked about being seen as "weird looking".  Something she grew to be proud of.  I'm sure she has plenty of stories of seeing roles go to men instead of women.  Roles going to white women over non-whites.  Younger over older and women perceived as being prettier than herself getting roles she was up for.  I have no doubts that there is a history of struggle and seeing others get something for having something that is neither skill or talent.


I also have no doubts that she thinks there were plenty of roles since she got famous that should have been hers even when she not skilled or talented enough for it.  She has a larger sense of worth than what she can deliver in my opinion.  But in her one Showtime special I came away with a sense that because she is not a "pretty red carpet" starlet, she is cheated automatically.  Problem is I get the sense she dismisses all other female competition as such (the unfairness at least) . She saw Rosie O as being a threat.  But what more she saw her as infringing on her own  entitlements (it could not have helped that Rosie was "brought back" to shore up the show in the wake of the poor casting choices).


I think she is dismissive of women because too often she was professionally always in the margins.  I think a huge part of that is the industry and societly and the flaws we still have in where women are allowed to fit in as it were.  But I also think more specifically, what we keep seeing her do on this show lately is also why after The Color Purple she was back to silly and often crude comic roles instead of seeing herself in some roles that might not have been blockbuster ones but still would be part of that awards career montage an actor could be rather proud of.


Then again she is hugely impressed with what she sees as her own incredible wisdom and insight and intelligence.  And she definitely seems to be one of those celebrities that falls into the trap of believing everything you have came solely through your own efforts.  I'm not knocking her or anyone else's hard work.  But I've noticed those that seem to be the most grounded are those who did work hard and yet still appreciate how much luck chance and the chanced afforded by others played to their current success.


Here we saw that celebrity still rules.  In this case Bill Cosby, a celebrity, was impacting on, in her own eyes of course, on the entitlement of a far greater celebrity.  And by her own rules (in my opinion), that must not happen. That "greater" celebrity of course is Whoopi herself.  So the whole sagacious comedian reaches enlightment segment with Dan Abrams.  Complete with benevolent look over her shoulders at the lesser beings still struggling up that path to remind them that yes, such levels of knowledge can be attained.  By Whoopi.

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Just checked The Whoopster's Facebook & ALL the comments, good & bad, over the last few weeks have been erased. FYI.

Wow, if true that is a serious chickenshit move. If you're so confident in your position then own it Whoop. Deleting criticism doesn't make it go away. I wonder if they will cleanse The View sites next. For someone who likes to dish it out she sure can't take it can she? I guess it stings when you're reminded (again) that most people don't think you're as awesome as you think you are.

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Cosby cut from documentary about black stuntmen


NEW YORK (AP) — Bill Cosby has been cut from a documentary about black stuntmen.

Producer Nonie Robinson said Tuesday that Cosby has been removed from "Painted Down." The documentary is about the history of white stunt performers who were "painted down" to look black to double for black actors.

For the film, now in post-production, Cosby gave an interview about his experience with the practice on the 1960s TV series "I Spy."

Robinson said the film, which also features Whoopi Goldberg, had been "standing by" Cosby. But after the latest release of depositions in which Cosby said he gave women Quaaludes in order to have sex with them, Robinson said axing him from the documentary "wasn't difficult."


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This oral history of the movie "Theodore Rex" is pretty funny/interesting http://www.slashfilm.com/theodore-rex/

I've never seen the movie, but I still remember how terrible it looked. There's some funny Whoopi dirt in it, like that she sat down for a meeting with a producer and said "For the record, I hate your guts." hahaha I definitely want to start conversations that way from now on.

Edited by Morbs
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This oral history of the movie "Theodore Rex" is pretty funny/interesting http://www.slashfilm.com/theodore-rex/

I've never seen the movie, but I still remember how terrible it looked. There's some funny Whoopi dirt in it, like that she sat down for a meeting with a producer and said "For the record, I hate your guts." hahaha I definitely want to start conversations that way from now on.

Which only proves what we've all figured out!!  The Whoopster is a piece of work who has been known to have a heart of gold, so there's that .....

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And then there's this today about Whoopi's sweet little friend.  Seriously, she needs to FO with the defence and on-camera "rage" about unfair judgment of these pieces of disturbed garbage.  



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This oral history of the movie "Theodore Rex" is pretty funny/interesting http://www.slashfilm.com/theodore-rex/

I've never seen the movie, but I still remember how terrible it looked. There's some funny Whoopi dirt in it, like that she sat down for a meeting with a producer and said "For the record, I hate your guts." hahaha I definitely want to start conversations that way from now on.

Ah yes, but then and extra $2 million changed her mind.   That's the Whoopi I know - the one that would do anything for money including going back on a commitment or changing her mind for a couple million.  The Whoopi that would agree to a deal for $5 million and use that offer to score a three picture deal from another company and had to be forced to honor the original commitment.  The Movie Stah who worked in a movie so crappy it went straight to video but still pocketed $7 million.    Kind of like no matter how crappy The View gets, she's still getting the big bucks.   There is no incentive to make it a better show.



This is my favorite quote: 

Walter: What was Whoopi like? Boy, I was hoping you weren’t going to ask me that. I’d rather not give you any specifics, but let’s just say that, to this day, if I see her on TV or something I have to change the channel immediately.




It's a cool story though - who knew Hollywood was so complicated?   And it sounds like young Whoopi wasn't much different from this Whoopi. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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They quote Whoopi yelling at the producer to "stay in her lane like she did on The Oprah Winfrey Show."   All thing connected to Oprah seem to drive Whoopi crazy.  She has so much anger toward her and it seems to slip out repeatedly.  I always wonder why….

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Hard to know how much of that is true, but it certainly *sounds* like something Whoopi would do, doesn't it? Didn't RosieO also try to move the hot topics staff meeting to 8:30 AM and WG crapped all over it? The Daily Mail article went on to state that rumors are they may be looking to make WG work through the end of the year and then let her go after the holiday break, bumping Joy up to full time moderator and (ugh) bumping Sherri up to full-time host. Finally dumping WG would be a nice Christmas present, but Sherri? Talk about a disappointing stocking stuffer.

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Hard to know how much of that is true, but it certainly *sounds* like something Whoopi would do, doesn't it? Didn't RosieO also try to move the hot topics staff meeting to 8:30 AM and WG crapped all over it? The Daily Mail article went on to state that rumors are they may be looking to make WG work through the end of the year and then let her go after the holiday break, bumping Joy up to full time moderator and (ugh) bumping Sherri up to full-time host. Finally dumping WG would be a nice Christmas present, but Sherri? Talk about a disappointing stocking stuffer.

absolutely sounds like Whoopi1   And I agree that getting rid of Whoopi would be great for the show.  But Sherri?   There's a reason she was fired from the show, nothing has changed.   She's still stupid.

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Just saw a commercial for Law & Order SVU.  Whoopi will be on next week, a new episode. 

My Mom was watching SVU with me tonight (I was sad there was no Borba) and when the promo for next week's episode came on my Mom said "I'm so tired of her." talking about Whoopi. She hasn't watched The View in quite awhile but she even thinks the show hasn't done Whoopi any favors the past few years she's stayed on there. 

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I think, until the Year of Barbara, she never did anything that wrecked the show so her name value outweighed her inability to moderate correctly. She was someone most people knew, respected, and liked (myself included) outside The View. Unfortunately, she dived off the deep end after Barbara left and has almost single-handedly ruined the show. At this point, the name value she brings to the table (which itself is lessened now, considering she hasn't acted in anything big for a long time) is outweighed by the damage she's bringing to the show by alienating the audience, antagonizing fellow co-hosts, spreading offensive messages towards women/victims, refusing to improve, and being all-around toxic to the chemistry on camera and behind-the-scenes.

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