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S11.E13: Bye, Bye, Beadors

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Michael and Kelly discuss their relationship. Also, Vicki is enlisted to shoot a commercial for charity; Shannon bids adieu to her old home; and Tamra hosts a day of indulgence and luxury at a spa, but dramas bubble up and surround a tearful Kelly.

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29 minutes ago, Tara Ariano said:

Michael and Kelly discuss their relationship. Also, Vicki is enlisted to shoot a commercial for charity; Shannon bids adieu to her old home; and Tamra hosts a day of indulgence and luxury at a spa, but dramas bubble up and surround a tearful Kelly.

WTF?  How are they not aware of last years' cancer scam?!?!  Who in their right mind would want Vicki to be in their charities commercial?  

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1 hour ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Maybe it's her own charity...Kill All Cancer.


Did you click through that site? LOL It says this....."(Our 501 c3 has been submitted & we will update with progress!)" at the very bottom of the Home page and when you click on the Charity link you get this....."404 Page not found BACK TO HOME" LOL Also, on the Support page you can "donate" but "Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time." LOL Scam, big time scam!

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There used to be a tab you could click on called "Insurance" which led to a page where you could let Vicki know if you were interested in critical insurance/cancer insurance, life, health, auto, or home insurance.  She was heavily criticized for using her "charity" as a front for obtaining insurance leads, so she removed that part.  Fortunately, nothing really disappears from the Internet:


Edited by Snarky McSnarky
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What little I've seen of Kelly and Michael together it seems she picks fights with him. They will be the next couple to divorce. 

The word of the night was 'narcissist'. I wish I had counted how many times Kelly, Tamra and Vicki said it. 

Vicki doing a commercial for cancer charity, how ironic! 

I still do not believe Shannon move herself out of that house, there had to be movers off camera. 

Im not a fan of Meghan's but I even got verklempt when the sonogram showed the twin not there. I'm glad for once her husband was there for her at that moment. 

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Hey I can't diss Shannon for not moving herself. I ran away last time I moved and got my mother to supervise so hey. Moving makes me unglued. And I have no idea how to get rid of the quote box that just appeared. Waa



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Yes I felt for Meghan as well. I know someone who just got that news, and it truly is a hard thing :(

So the last scene of Tamra in the previews was very troubling... but the real horror was the way that Kelly and her husband painted. What the heck? I'm no expert but I just finished painting a giant room and even I can tell that was like some phony baloney painting. LOL

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40 minutes ago, Chicklet said:

Shades of NJ, just what in the hell were Kelly and her husband arguing about? Was there even a topic or do these two just snipe at each other full time?

Pretty much, that marriage is way beyond over.

Michael seemed so calm compared to Kelly's crazy ass.

Kelly knows if she divorced Michael she will have no place for her family to stay and most likely also lose custody of her daughter due to her past legal problems.

Michael, file and move on from the crazy! Get your daughter away ASAP from the toxic mess this marriage has devolved into.

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What was up at the end of the episode when they showed what was coming up for the season?  How come I never saw any of those previews before?  I knew about the dune buggy crash months ago but the previews tonight were all new to me.  They go to Dublin?!  Looks like some big time fights too.  Wow.

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Kill Cancer Commercial Dude: Vicki, how long can they hate for?

Me: Dude. Have you ever read a message board? 

I hate (by which I mean I totally love) when this group of women gets an actual piece of gossip. They all lean in and tilt their heads and say "Really?" with such gusto when they find things out like David's "affair" lady is gallivanting with the rest of David's family.

OK, I need to decompress from not caring about Kelly's life and concentrate on the really important man & woman in the news today (by which I mean parsing Naomi & Liev's breakup, of course).  

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2 minutes ago, 100PercentPain said:

Kelly and Michael. I feel like any time you casually tell your spouse that you recommended their attorney to your friend who is getting a divorce because that attorney kicked your ass in the proceedings, there's nowhere good for the conversation to go. Michael is a dick, but I can't blame him for being annoyed at Kelly. She waltzes outside, tells him the work he's doing looks like shit and berates him, asks how he thinks their relationship is going and then starts talking about that time she tried to divorce him and only came back because his lawyer wore her down. How did she think that was going go? 

Exactly the way it went, I think.  Kelly gets these weird smiles when she starts baiting people.  I think she is, to a degree, going around and picking fights on camera because she wants air time.

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I missed the first airing and most of tonight's repeat b/c something else was, *cough cough*, but what the fuck is Kelly's malfunction? She's getting a massage with Crooked Vicki and suddenly starts acting hysterical about her husband, who I think she said was a proven narcissist, stomped up the stairs one night after telling her to shut up. WTF?

1 hour ago, Thumper said:

Tamra jumped into the conversation, claiming Simon was a Narcissist.   Really?  Has this been discussed before or was she just looking for attention?

Ugh, why is Tamra still being Miss Blabbermouth?

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Kelly's a racist and overall a terrible person. However I'm going to need Vicki to shut the fuck up giving relationship advice. If a woman is sobbing over her loveless marriage to a controlling abusive asshole you don't say stay married because being single sucks. Um being single is better than being unhappy. There's a saying "I can do bad all by myself" and Kelly should set a better example for her daughter. I wonder how narcissistic Michael feels watching his wife in hysterics and telling the entire world how trapped she is. What a disaster.

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2 minutes ago, charming said:

Kelly's a racist and overall a terrible person. However I'm going to need Vicki to shut the fuck up giving relationship advice. If a woman is sobbing over her loveless marriage to a controlling abusive asshole you don't say stay married because being single sucks. Um being single is better than being unhappy. There's a saying "I can do bad all by myself" and Kelly should set a better example for her daughter. I wonder how narcissistic Michael feels watching his wife in hysterics and telling the entire world how trapped she is. What a disaster.

I feel this a reverse Grammer situation.

Kelly will come out behind in this scenario.

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My only Thoughts

I think the Meg and Jim scene was the only authentic one with the two of them. It was sweet but sad.

Kelly and Michael are both certifiable 


Also the preview for next week Im sorry but I straight up died with the last scene with Tamra like panic attacking and Shannon " just breathe slower". I am not sure why and maybe I shouldn't admit it but I laughed. And now I am very intrigued for the next episode. All these women need therapy. lol

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Tamra is more likable away from the group.

After 2.5 seasons of watching Shannon...I feel I can say that the main character from Soap Dish played by Sally Field has a real life counterpart.  Shannon is the underdog that we are both annoyed with, yet cant help but like.  I know we all have our thresholds for divorce...but David bringing the mistress around his extended family...wow!  I wish Shannon would divorce him just to show her three girls that no one had the right to treat them like garbage.  I have a feeling her youngest Stella will most likely become a little rebel..weve seen signs of it...if her being a boss on the drums is any indication.

Vicki...you are just trying to hurt Shannon and it isnt a good look on you.

Meghan and jimmy...an actual scene where the two connect.  Whose running the candle shop when Jimmy's away at work?  I could see Shannon helping :)

Kelly and michael...yikes

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16 minutes ago, charming said:

Kelly's a racist and overall a terrible person. However I'm going to need Vicki to shut the fuck up giving relationship advice. If a woman is sobbing over her loveless marriage to a controlling abusive asshole you don't say stay married because being single sucks. Um being single is better than being unhappy. There's a saying "I can do bad all by myself" and Kelly should set a better example for her daughter. I wonder how narcissistic Michael feels watching his wife in hysterics and telling the entire world how trapped she is. What a disaster.

I'm not so sure that Michael is the Narcissist, I think Kelly may hold that title in the family or they both do!

8 minutes ago, yogi2014L said:

My only Thoughts

I think the Meg and Jim scene was the only authentic one with the two of them. It was sweet but sad.

Kelly and Michael are both certifiable 


Also the preview for next week Im sorry but I straight up died with the last scene with Tamra like panic attacking and Shannon " just breathe slower". I am not sure why and maybe I shouldn't admit it but I laughed. And now I am very intrigued for the next episode. All these women need therapy. lol

Those scenes were of the rest of the season, not so much for the next episode. It looks like the season gets even crazier than normal!

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Every time I see in a post 'Kelly and Michael' I keep thinking 'Live with Kelly and Michael'......

Eddie's first line of the episode:  I'm starving.  Just made me laugh because eating is mostly what he does on the show.

Yeah Kelly, bring up the divorce and your husband not wanting to give you the big settlement you wanted.  And you wonder why you got into an argument?

Insurance for cancer?  You really think that's going to repair last season Vicki?

I really felt for Meg and Jim...

Not buying that Shannon packed that whole house.

Vicki's reveal about David's affair.  Hm.  I wonder how much did all of them actually know last season.  It sounds like more than I originally thought.

The previews for later in the season looks 'interesting'.  Tamra has a melt down with Vicki? 

Edited by breezy424
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12 minutes ago, valdawn said:

Ok I think I'm in the minority here, but I did not feel sorry for Megan. First of all there is a chance that neither embryo could have stuck and she'd have to start all over again. That didn't happen, she is pregnant. She is much better off and luckier than some who really do have to struggle with actual infertility and for whom Ivf may not be an option due to expense of for whom Ivf may just not work. Having seen a very close family member struggle for over 8 years to try and get pregnant, I really can't feel sorry for Megan when she got pregnant first try. 

I think she realized that in time but her reaction at 'that' moment was about losing a child and her pain was about losing that child.  Nothing wrong with that.

4 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I disagree. Yes, she was lucky the IVF took the first time but that doesn't lessen the pain of knowing that 1 of the 2 babies she wanted was lost. The loss/miscarriage of a baby/embryo is painful no matter how one gets pregnant. I never had any problems getting pregnant, I had trouble maintaining them. I lost 13 and had 1 full term successful pregnancy, our wonderful now adult son, and I mourned every single loss (and still do). :(

Hugs  ((()))

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3 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I disagree. Yes, she was lucky the IVF took the first time but that doesn't lessen the pain of knowing that 1 of the 2 babies she wanted was lost. The loss/miscarriage of a baby/embryo is painful no matter how one gets pregnant. I never had any problems getting pregnant, I had trouble maintaining them. I lost 13 and had 1 full term successful pregnancy, our wonderful now adult son, and I mourned every single loss (and still do). :(

I'm sorry for your losses. It IS hard. :( I've only had one miscarriage. I have two healthy, beautiful children and the third pregnancy wasn't planned - and it still hurt when it ended. 

It is possible to be happy about the baby she is having *and* mourn the one that was lost. 

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Shannon's rental looked like an episode of Hoarders.

Since the word narcissistic has been tossed around this episode it got me thinking. I know in-laws are often haters but I've been tying to figure out why both David's mom and sister would dislike Shannon since the very beginning. All Shannon's tics and issues could get old quickly. Its a bit narcissistic always calling attention to yourself in this way. I can see where she might rub the in-laws the wrong way. That said, MIL is a bitch. Does it seem like tptb are using every shot they can find of David looking simple minded?

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30 minutes ago, 100PercentPain said:

I'm sorry for your losses. It IS hard. :( I've only had one miscarriage. I have two healthy, beautiful children and the third pregnancy wasn't planned - and it still hurt when it ended. 

It is possible to be happy about the baby she is having *and* mourn the one that was lost. 


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I thought it was really weird that Michael Dodd got a TH.  I don't remember any other husband of a first year HW getting a TH, and the established HWs' husbands rarely get them. That being said, the fact that neither Kelly nor Michael took off the socket covers when painting made me irrationally perturbed.

I cannot believe that Shannon is still with David after learning he took his mistress around to his mother's place for family dinner.  All this time, I thought his affair was just a poorly guarded secret; now it comes out that apparently everyone in his family knew about it and was okay with it to the point of befriending the mistress.  You'd think that his mother, who had been cheated on, would have told him to get a damn divorce first.  I guess she really does hate Shannon's guts.  I can't figure if Shannon's a better person for forgiving and moving to reconcile or just a delusional dupe.

Can't wait for Ireland!  Tamra looked like an overheated toy dog breed on the party bus panting with Shannon stroking her hair.  I hope some good, crazy shit goes down! 

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I feel bad about being incredibly annoyed by Meghan being upset that there's "only" one "VERY healthy" pregnancy :-/

And David taking his mistress to dinners with his family?? That's some bold,shady, lowdown, dirty shit. On both his AND his family's part. Fucking scum. I would never have them around my kids. Fuck his dumpy ass Momma.

Edited by MichelEliz
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I'm wondering if the dislike for Shannon by the in-laws has something to do with her being of a different background than him.  Maybe some prejudice involved?  The dislike for Shannon is ugly no matter how ya cut it.  But for Momma Beador to be meeting & speaking with the mistress is all kinds of ick . . . on so many levels it's pretty nauseating.

Meghan's story continues to be such a downer -- made worse by asshole Jimmy & his inability to show ANY emotion, even when his wife was in real pain.  She really was "helped" by his brutish coldness?  Really?  Oy.

Are Kelly and that thoroughly unpleasant husband of hers still married?  God, I can't stand that creepy charmless character.  She's clearly hanging onto him for the dough & the house.  Idk how she can stand him.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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9 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I'm so glad Kelly and Jacqueline Laurita from RHNJ aren't on the same show.  It would be nothing but crying, hysterics and crazy.

It would be a blood bath.  Kelly cuts deep.  She said to Shannon, no wonder your husband cheated on you.  In the previews she says to Tamra, no wonder your daughter won't speak to you.  Those are extremely hurtful statements and Jac is the EXACT same way.  They both go for the lowest of blows and they don't even give a rat's ass how nasty and hurtful they can be.

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Shannon is claiming on Twitter that what Vicki said about the mistress hanging with David's family isn't true. The only issue with that is that Heather was nodding alongside Vicki and confirming that it was true. Vicki is a walking pile of bullshit and Heather is in her own way, but she doesn't usually fabricate things like that out of thin air. Shannon also hasn't shied away from putting the dirty details of the affair out there though so I don't know why she would say it wasn't true if it was. Maybe we'll get some clarification at the reunion. 


In any case, if it is true and the family "loved" the mistress, it's probably because it was a good opportunity to send a "fuck you" to Shannon. The mistress might have also been in that new relationship, "I want your family to like me" stage and consequently didn't get them any resistance. Controlling, manipulative family members do "like" people who give them what they want and stay in line. Had Shannon and David divorced and he remained with the mistress and their relationship continued past those early couple of years where everything is "perfect", the mistress likely would have to start putting down some boundaries with them too and I'm sure they would have been just as peachy about it as they've been to Shannon. 

I believe any affection they may have had for the mistress was 100% about sticking it to Shannon though.

Edited by 100PercentPain
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So Kelly would have us believe that Michael screamed "Shut Up!!!" at her for no particular reason. 

This is after we saw her go out to the garage to "help" Michael and all she did was tell him his job was awful and half-assed (as per usual according to her) and she brought up how his personality is defective and that she would be divorced (and happier) if only his ninja lawyer wasn't so good.

It is really not so hard to fill in the blanks here.

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