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S06.E02: Chapter 2

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7 hours ago, Aging Goth said:

If you have seen "The Haunted,"  "A Haunting," "Paranormal Survivor" or "My Ghost Story" the pattern is always the people stay in a severely haunted house because they spent their last dollar on the house and just cannot move.  They see the paranormal stuff and then convince themselves that it is just in their heads or they try to stick it out like they can outstay the ghosts.

I think they also get beaten down by the daily fear, and start to adjust to a "new normal".  It sounds bizarre, but there was a haunted house in my extended family.  My cousins were 10+ years older than me, so I didn't learn of it until much later.  But my aunt and uncle stayed in their house.  Most of the episodes involved one certain bedroom, so they moved the child out and turned the room into storage.  The creepy part was I learned the story long after everything stopped, and that bedroom was still just a storage room.  They still had three daughters crammed into one room.

The part that I found unbelievable was Flora screaming she didn't want to leave the house.  Unless we're supposed to believe Lee's an unreliable narrator, I just don't see a little girl, who had just been negotiating with a ghost to prevent the entire family's murder, kicking and screaming as she's removed from the house.  She seemed to fully understand what she was saying, and seemed to be aware that it was a scary thing.

1 hour ago, MrsMoltisanti said:

During the scene in the house when they went upstairs and there were bloody pig tails pinned to the wall and waving back and forth, I actually thought it was bloddy baby arms poking through holes in the walls and swinging back and forth....I was thinking: WHAT?  Later my daughter told me they were pig tails.  For some reason I thought the baby arms were somehow related to the Horror House basement activities in Season 1. 

In any case, it is interesting so far I suppose.  Still waiting for some oomph.

I thought maybe they were supposed to be pigs' tails, but aren't pigs' tails curled?

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Assuming they keep up the "based on real events" premise 'til the end, we can assume the main three all live. I'm guessing Flora lives too because those three would probably be more upset in their interviews if a child had died. I'm not actively rooting for anyone to go (yet; we'll see how Gaga is), but it kinda mellows the horror aspect when you know everyone gets out alive. Everything else is good, though. Murphy isn't rushing the storyline.

Question 1: Are the Kathy Bates crew actually dead, or living outside of time? That could explain how they all disappeared from Roanoke.

Question 2: Where is Evan Peters? Where is Cheyenne Jackson? Where is Wes Bentley? You cannot give me a scruffy Wes Bentley in period clothing and then keep him away!

13 hours ago, ShadowHunter said:

That was enough of Lady Gaga and she looked like Enchantress from Suicide Squad.

Was she the one in the beginning, in the woods holding that guy's scalp, or near the end of the professor's "found footage" (I think that might've been Kathy Bates)?

They keep blaming the hillbillies (what are their names?) for this, but those guys will probably try to save the day before the season ends. Living nearby, they've probably seen a lot of weird shit in those woods and wanted to either salt and burn the house, or at least keep people from living in it if they were unable to do so.

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3 hours ago, gesundheit said:

Not necessarily. The story might go on long after the "interviews" are over.

True, but until the interviews are over (and they don't seem to be going away anytime soon) the expectation is that the leads all survive. This is the first season where I haven't felt the suspense that everybody is at risk.

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Congrats to Evan lol where he is has ended up being the most talked about thing about the show.  From Yahoo news to Tv Guide etc.  I wonder if Ryan also wanted this mystery?.

Watching Sarah and Cuba makes me wonder what it would be like if that had been Sterling K.Brown now they had chemistry. 

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41 minutes ago, ShadowHunter said:

Congrats to Evan lol where he is has ended up being the most talked about thing about the show.  From Yahoo news to Tv Guide etc.  I wonder if Ryan also wanted this mystery?.

Watching Sarah and Cuba makes me wonder what it would be like if that had been Sterling K.Brown now they had chemistry. 

I agree about Sterling, and I loved his Emmy win.   But he's in a new network show.  I didn't have a big problem with Cuba's portrayal of O.J., but I think he's playing Matt a little too passive and submissive.  He's playing Matt as almost mentally challenged.  His body language, the glasses, the bug-eyed screaming at the nurses - it's borderline satire to me.  Maybe it's because he's playing against AB, who's all about strength and assertiveness.  Something isn't clicking for me.  I keep seeing shades of his portrayal of Radio, and I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to.

31 minutes ago, AngryCarrot86 said:

I thought it was human tongues nailed to the mantle, thrashing around.  No?

I thought they were possibly tongues immediately, but they seemed incredibly long.  Hopefully we'll get a better explanation.  My fear is Kathy Bates ripping out tongues before roasting her victims, replete with pig head, over a fire.

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3 hours ago, mirrorrim said:

(paraphrase) "Flora invented this game when she was three. You see, she plays hide 'n' seek without anyone else knowing she's playing. We have to realize she is missing because she's playing the game."

Yeah....'cause THAT's not extremely dangerous or twisted. Such a cute game for a 3 year old!!! Bet they regret encouraging that behavior now.

Obviously, as a cop, Lee knew there was nothing dangerous about a child's game which mimics the characteristics of a missing persons case or an Amber alert scenario.

As a cop, Lee also knew that there is no need to retrieve one's gun while investigating a suspected home invasion. In the basement. In the dark. If your frightened sister-in-law says, "Maybe you should get your gun," the appropriate response is, "No, civilian. It's in its proper place -- in a drawer upstairs where it could not possibly save our lives."

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15 hours ago, Wryly said:

Question: It seemed like the Polks have lived in the area for a while. It's not unreasonable to think that they already know about the freaky Roanoke ghosts and the haunted nature of the house. So why did they want to buy it?

I'm expecting a twist where the Polks were trying to buy the house to protect anyone else from getting hurt by the ghosts, or to stop the cycle or something. I think we'll find out they aren't bad guys.  Didn't they say, "You don't want this house" at the auction? They may look like creepy assholes, but maybe they are the guardians of the area, trying to protect people from getting hurt?

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4 minutes ago, Pixel said:

I'm expecting a twist where the Polks were trying to buy the house to protect anyone else from getting hurt by the ghosts, or to stop the cycle or something. I think we'll find out they aren't bad guys.  Didn't they say, "You don't want this house" at the auction? They may look like creepy assholes, but maybe they are the guardians of the area, trying to protect people from getting hurt?

I like that idea.

I thought what was found hanging in the woods, was the remains of that man that had the pig head shoved over his. Ew. 

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16 hours ago, Snookums said:

I am SO glad they had the scene with the bank guy! Because at least they threw a sop towards the "getting our money back! We'll sue!" bit without belaboring it.  And it actually works pretty well. These people are in their forties, not their twenties. They don't have years of earning power left to set up for any kind of retirement, etc., and they're in a depressed economic region without means to start over, or hire a lawyer, or anything. They really are stuck. 

Lee, woman; this was not the best decision you ever made. Everything about it did nothing but add to your ex'es claim and diminish your own! I'm leaning towards a Shirley Jackson-esque "house as a place of contained ill-will" type situation where the property attracts people in extreme and vulnerable emotional states and then magnifies those feelings, so that the persons do/say/act out in ways that they may know are crazy but they can't help it, or their pathologies really ramp up to eleven, like the nurses's did. So maybe the "power" the house has is that the longer you're in it, the more you're going to do what it wants even if you know rationally it's a terrible idea.

I really really liked the effect of seeing the little girl, Priscilla, through the window. How she looked like she was in an old-time picture, blurred and indistinct, and how the whole area seemed dim and dirty, even though other shots show the window to be perfectly clear and clean. Not being able to see her face made her ten times scarier then everything else onscreen combined. 

mamadrama, title of book, please! *opens window to Amazon, wags tail eagerly*

I've written scores of paranormal-themed books. :-) Some are true hauntings and some are fiction. If you'd like to send me a PM I'd be happy to share my real name. I'd share it here, only I like to judge some of these reality people a little too harshly. I have to maintain some sort of cover, ha ha. This is my escape! :-)

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I'm still on the fence about this season. While it's certainly different, and less campy, the problem is their attempt at realism sort of magnifies to problems, like why the hell Lee would bring her kid back to that house after the hillbillies broke in a strung up a bunch of voodoo dolls. She knows dangerous people are dead set on terrorizing those home owners, why bring her kid there? And why on earth would Shelby go running back into the woods, again, with no gun, after what happened to her the last time?

It also occurs to me that if this house is that haunted it should be easy enough to profit from it. Open it up to tourists. They could do a booming business in October. Advertise on Craig's List. You know how many people would  come out of the woodwork and pay to stay there overnight? Enough to eventually pay off their mortgage and then some. Meanwhile they can move into a rental somewhere.

I have nothing against Cuba Gooding Jr (although I thought he was woefully miscast as OJ Simpson), but his presence is annoying because I feel like he's been substituted for better actors. Why couldn't Paulson be married to Evan Peters or Wes Bentley? I'd much rather have one of them playing a lead character every week than CGJ. It feels like they're wasting two fan favorites in order to service a gimmick.

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I think this season is the most I've liked this show since S1. I love haunted houses and ghost stories and the more subtle stuff (I agree with whoever said in the last thread that one of the scariest movie scenes they've seen was a dude standing in a corner) so I'm definitely a fan so far. I feel like this is more of an actual "horror story" than the past couple seasons, which to me were mostly more just "random weird shit" than actual horror stories.

4 hours ago, ShadowHunter said:

Watching Sarah and Cuba makes me wonder what it would be like if that had been Sterling K.Brown now they had chemistry. 

Me too! That was my very first thought after seeing who was playing Shelby's husband in the premiere, that if they were going to use an OJ actor, it should've been SKB because he and Sarah were great together. I know that wouldn't have worked because he's on This Is Us, but it definitely made me think about what could've been.

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4 hours ago, Allie56 said:

I didn't know what they were, either. I thought they were babies arms, too. 

I thought they were penises. Exceptionally unattractive, thin, and weirdly shaped penises, but penises nonetheless. It took me a few minutes to figure out they were pig tails.

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It also occurs to me that if this house is that haunted it should be easy enough to profit from it. Open it up to tourists. They could do a booming business in October. Advertise on Craig's List. You know how many people would  come out of the woodwork and pay to stay there overnight? Enough to eventually pay off their mortgage and then some. Meanwhile they can move into a rental somewhere.

The idiot couple in Asylum would have been first in line had they not already been killed in the most easily avoidable manner possible.

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I'm enjoying the show, but this is what Roger Ebert called an "idiot plot - if the characters didn't act like idiots, there would be no plot"! Screw the monetary loss, there would be no way in hell I would stay there let alone bring a child there.

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I still feel like the creepy element is there so I will keep watching. I agree there is no reason for them to stay in the house. If the bank/lawyers changed the address to hide something about the house, that could be considered fraud and they could sue. At times it does feel like they are throwing in a  lot of different 'scary' elements and kind of mixing up things from the various seasons. The killer nurses reminded me of Asylum a bit. Not sure how killer nurses fits in with Roanoke but I guess we will see. 

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4 hours ago, Zanne said:

I thought they were penises. Exceptionally unattractive, thin, and weirdly shaped penises, but penises nonetheless. It took me a few minutes to figure out they were pig tails.

I'm pleased that the responses here reflect my complete confusion about the Unidentified Hanging Appendages. "Are... are they baby arms? No... pieces of intestine? T-tails? Malformed... genitalia...?"

Am I the only one who paused the episode on them to figure out what they were? And I still couldn't. They looked too long and straight-ish to be pig tails to me, but tails was still my best guess because Kathy Bates was nailing one onto the ass of poor Provisions Theft at the beginning of the episode. YOU DON'T STEAL PROVISIONS FROM ROANOKE COLONISTS, BILL. Those people DIED waiting for provisions, Bill. Do the goddamn math. Complete isolation from civilization + resource scarcity = you steal from them, insane pig rituals are gonna happen.

* The name of Bill has been completely invented by this user for no reason in particular.

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I really like it so far. I was kinda creeped out by Flora and her "they're saving me for last".

10 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

 The killer nurses reminded me of Asylum a bit. Not sure how killer nurses fits in with Roanoke but I guess we will see. 

Agree with this. I thought it was going to be lost colonist and Roanoke and then they throw in killer nurses? Why exactly? Unless the nurses where trying to do something with completing the word MURDER on the wall. What, no idea since they never finished and left. I guess time will tell.

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I am enjoying it.  I think I am more scared with this season than the others (although Asylum did scare me a lot).  I am a little bored by the Docu format, but I think it is very clever and I hope that the 2 characters will meet later in the season.  Someone mentioned maybe something happening during filming.  That would be fun.

I think what I don't like about Cuba is his voice.  It sounds like he has a frog in his throat or just sucked on some helium.  It's all I can focus on when he is on screen.

Every time a new character is shown I try to remember if I'd seen them in a previous season. At first, I thought the nurses were the 2  nurses from Murder House.  The visuals were too similar for my taste, although their personalities were completely different.

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2 hours ago, NaughtyKitty said:

Every time a new character is shown I try to remember if I'd seen them in a previous season. At first, I thought the nurses were the 2  nurses from Murder House.  The visuals were too similar for my taste, although their personalities were completely different.

The one nurse with the more pinched face looked so familiar to me--but in checking her IMdB entry, I didn't know her from any of her previous work. The same goes for her sisternurse. According to IMdB, anyway, neither have been in AHS before. Weird!

I'm sure it's because of the documentary conceit, but I appreciate having all the credits at the end. That way, I pay more attention to the goings-on instead of mostly watching for so-and-so to show up because I caught her name in the opening credits.

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On 9/22/2016 at 9:29 AM, AngryCarrot86 said:

The new opening sequence is my main gripe.  If AHS has done anything amazing in the past seasons, it was the creepy openings.  They need to bring it back...Roanoke horror themed.  I'm not liking the mockumentary openings at all.

I love the opening sequences too. They are creepier than the actual shows and I don't even fast forward through them because they were so creepy before. My personal favorite of creepy opening sequences was Freak Show. However my favorite of the seasons was Murder House. I am rarely surprised by scary stuff in movies/tv, but when (SPOILER ALERT IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED MURDER HOUSE - STOP NOW)...was when Violet saw herself dead. I never saw it coming. I was super shocked. Just loved  Murder House.

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I haven't read the PTV recap yet but that will be my next stop after I post here.

So far, I'm loving this season.  It's weird but has the classic ghost tale which I dig.  I don't mind CGJ - - maybe because I wouldn't have necessarily pegged him to play Matt.  I don't mind that the character isn't aggressive; I do remember that he was attacked in LA.  Personally I think I would rather face LA than what's going down in Pig Tail House.  But I digress.

I wonder if Flora's reluctance to leave and now Shelby's is coming from some influence within the house?   Last week, Shelby was desperate to leave.  Now suddenly she's saying there is no option other than to stay?  That makes no sense.

I still think that just because we're seeing talking heads of Shelby, Matt and Lee it doesn't mean they survive.  Heck, they could survive recounting what happened and then boom!  Something goes wrong.  Or the makers of this reality show found these tapes, as Shelby and Matt found Denis O'Hare's, and used them for their program.  It's Ryan Murphy, anything is possible.

I do like the more even pace we're seeing here but my biggest gripe?  Shelby running around in the woods that she thinks are full of Deliverance type people, time slip people who like to throw offenders and intruders on a spit, etc. screaming her head off.  And screaming stupid stuff like "HELLO? HELLO?  HELLO?", "MATT! MATT! MATT!" and "WHO'S THERE?" Who on earth says "Who's there?"  Nobody ever answers that question.  And you NEVER say it in a horror/paranormal environment.  That's Scary 101. 

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On ‎9‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 11:04 PM, Valny said:

 (I hate guns/shootings)

How are you with roasting on a spit?  : )


On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 0:07 AM, ShadowHunter said:

I think these people should leave and they are crazy for staying. I worry I may lose my sympathy for them since they are staying.

Ship, sailed.  They force me to remind them about every five minutes that they're the ones who chose to big-dog it, bumping up the bid from $25k to 40k.

But then yourmomiseasy beat me to it with a knockout punch, comparing them to her mother's neo-eBay frenzy.  LMAO!!


On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 1:16 AM, Snookums said:

I am SO glad they had the scene with the bank guy! Because at least they threw a sop towards the "getting our money back! We'll sue!" bit without belaboring it.  And it actually works pretty well. These people are in their forties, not their twenties. They don't have years of earning power left to set up for any kind of retirement, etc., and they're in a depressed economic region without means to start over, or hire a lawyer, or anything. They really are stuck. 

Nope.  Nopenopenopenope.  STUCK??  They aren't handcuffed to the banister!  They look like they could probably both stretch out in a single decent-sized refrigerator box.  Extended Stay America is very reasonable.  Who chooses "recoup financial investment" in the face of sadistic supernatural forces, mutilation, murder and mayhem?


My impatience with the main characters is distracting me from the yummy scary goodness.  Did Shelby think these drowner/scalper/roaster people might step out sheepishly from behind the trees when she said "Show yourselves!"?  Because she used her 'stern' voice?


Why does Priscilla say she's tired of the bloodshed and then decide she'll kill them all, Flora last?  Inconsistent, but quick with the millinery.  My favorite part was when the promised bonnet came flying through the window 30 seconds later.  With flowers!

Edited by candall
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12 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

I wonder if Flora's reluctance to leave and now Shelby's is coming from some influence within the house?   Last week, Shelby was desperate to leave.  Now suddenly she's saying there is no option other than to stay?  That makes no sense.

Yeah I did not understand this.

5 minutes ago, candall said:

Why does Priscilla say she's tired of the bloodshed and then decide she'll kill them all, Flora last?  Inconsistent, but quick with the millinery. 

Or this.

6 minutes ago, candall said:

My favorite part was when the promised bonnet came flying through the window 30 seconds later.  With flowers!

Or this. Wasn't that bonnet only to be given in exchange for help? Did Flora already "help" Priscilla somehow?

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On 9/22/2016 at 9:23 AM, Chaos Theory said:

We don't know who Shelly and her husband are talking to.  They could be making their own video footage and the next family might be watching and they could be already dead.  

It seems like pretty good production quality, including dramatic re-enactments, to be them making their own footage.


Re: the pinned-up pigs' tails, it took me a second at first too to figure out what they were. Some of them were curly, though. You see them again nailed to a tree when the group is outside looking for Flora.

Edited by rubinia
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15 minutes ago, rubinia said:

It seems like pretty good production quality, including dramatic re-enactments, to be them making their own footage.

That's my problem with the whole "re-enactment" conceit in the first place. I watch plenty of crime re-enactment shows and the filming of the "re-enactment" part here, the angles, the quality, the scene's are too much like watching a typical movie/tv show. It makes the whole thing feel even faker than it is. IDK, it's like if Blair Witch had been perfectly lighted and not shaky. It's just not what it says it is.

Plus, Murphy, so whatever we think it is he will make it something else not because that's good storytelling, or interesting, but because this man LOVES to yell "GOTCHA!"

I'll keep watching, sort of, for now in the hopes it gets better. But right now it is not scary, creepy maybe, but not scary at all, and the characters are not interesting or likable which is probably why I'm not scared. If Evil Roanke people, or ghost nurses or hillbillies or Pricilla decided to up and kill the whole family I would probably cheer them on at this point.

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1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

It occurs to me that Ryan Murphy should really have cast total unknown actors to play the "real" Shelby, Matt, and Lee. It would have added a sense of "wow, this is realistic," that Blair Witch had.

I'm pretty sure the reason he went with this format is he now has too many "pet" actors he wants on the show and not enough roles. So have them double up! It is a senseless waste of talent to have Lily Rabe just sitting there talking, though she does it well, all during the re-enactments I keep wishing it had been her in the role.

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I feel like this is all moving too fast. Couldn't we just have had a week of cold spots and thumps and maybe an escalation to the point we're at now? I mean, this was only the second episode. I expect everyone to die next week.

I've decided (for myself) that the reason they can't leave the house is an obsession with the house caused by the ghosts. The guy in the cellar had it. I mean, if you're going to leave the house to live in a cellar, couldn't you just leave completely and live in your car? That's why Lee brought her daughter back.

All that being said, I really like AHS, I'm glad it's back.  I've actually enjoyed every season.

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6 hours ago, littlemommy said:

So I'm guessing the unfinished "Murde" is a nod to the cryptic "Croatoan" that is part of the Roanoke story. For a good gag they'd need one more word posted somewhere during the series.

It is so goddamn hilarious that those insane evil nurses happened to pick a house with even MORE insane evil in it, and were (hopefully) killed by the Roanoke ghosts before they could finish "murder."

I hope one of those nurses was as OCD as Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory is about incomplete patterns. And has spent 20+ years pacing up and down in front of the word "murde" on the wall, her eye twitching. "WHEN WILL A RICHARD BUY THIS HOUSE?!! RON, REBA, ANYTHING!!!"

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6 hours ago, FanOfDorks said:

*calls out*  EVAN!!  WHERE YA HIDING??  COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE *maybe next week lol*

I went to IMBD not the most reliable of places but sometimes they have something. It says credit only for episodes 1 and 2 but he is listed for the rest.  Will see like I said they are not the best source.


8 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I'm pretty sure the reason he went with this format is he now has too many "pet" actors he wants on the show and not enough roles. So have them double up! It is a senseless waste of talent to have Lily Rabe just sitting there talking, though she does it well, all during the re-enactments I keep wishing it had been her in the role.

I agree and would have loved to see Lily take more of a lead role. Sarah is great and has been around the show long enough that I think it would have been okay to see her take a smaller role for a few episodes.

Edited by ShadowHunter
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