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S02.E04: Drag Movie Shequels

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Editing doesn't have a damn thing to do with pp's toxic personality, and she really should have guessed by now that if she shows it in front of the cameras, it will probably be in the final cut, so please stfu and go home already! I'm sad to see Alyssa go, but am so happy that next week is the revenge with Tattiana and the other girls all coming back to, hopefully, send pp and/or roxxy home already.

I thought Katya and Detox were by far the funniest, the other two skits had really poor elements.  Putting Katya into a bottom 3 and putting pp on top was done purely for drama purposes, and it's fucking unneccessary.  The runway was at least amazing, regardless of the results.

Edited by Glade
  • Love 9

 l love Katya with my whole heart, but yeah, Alaska's going to win this, and I'm going to be fine with it. I love Alaska too, and Alyssa, but Alaska's the whole stinkin' package. I do want for all of the mirror queens to come back, Roxxxy and PhiPhi to go, and have a mini reboot. They're an episode short, since Adore bailed, right? Right?

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Watermelon said:

Like I said Phi2 is just so charmless.

Yes, it's like what Harold said about Michael in 'Boys in the Band': "Michael (in this case Phi2) doesn't have charm, he has counter-charm". Amen. I DESPISED Phi2 in her season and the feeling has only deepend this season. What a waste of valuable 'all stars' space!

I'm broken hearted that my darling Miss Alyssa Edwards was sent home (and fuck you Alaska with your new pageant girl tears that you've adopted to go with your new pageant girl speak). I hope she gets to come back for 'revenge' which includes sending Phi2 home. The jealously that some of those queens (Phi2 and Detox) have towards queens like Alyssa is because Alyssa has something you can't buy or even create: STARPOWER. Alyssa has 'it' and 'it' is spellbinding and (especially) Phi2 cannot take it (the same way she couldn't take it from Sharon Needles).

I love Katya and hope she wins but I think this is truly Alaska's race to lose. Her 'Li'l Poundcake' runway was genius and flawless in all the right ways.

Is it me or did it seem like Michelle and Ru were not pleased with Alaska's choice of Alyssa? I fully realize that I may be majorly projecting right now but ... anyone?

Edited by marsha
typos ... just, typos.
  • Love 10

Come the fuck on with an arbitrary bottom three after doing a bottom two last week! It makes the Katya vs Ginger showdown look even more like shenanigans. 

I'm so bummed about Alyssa! Roxxxy needed to go. I think Roxxxy's done a decent job of fighting clean (whereas Phi Phi seems like she's humorless and defensive to the core and there's no real fixing that), and while I wanted her to maybe get all the way to the final three after my heart broke on her behalf after the Pulse shooting (her home bar), I don't think she's keeping up.

Like Ginger and Katya last week, I think Alyssa got fucked over by the judges and production. Her role had the fewest lines of any of the queens, and heavily favored the Baby JJ part. For playing a paralyzed woman being terrified by the scenery-chewer, I thought she did well enough. And I loved her runway look! It was more of a reveal than two outfits in one, but Alaska also did that, coming out in a shroud and doing a reveal of the Lil Poundcake costume (which I loved, but wasn't exactly the category brief). Unless the dress was just deceptively sloppy up close, I thought the paparazzi theme was fun as hell. Roxxxy, while her look was my favorite of those who went for pure glamour, had much more of an opportunity to rise to the occasion in her scene and she just didn't. She was a flatline, and her character had the use of her legs and a decent amount of dialogue! 

I think I'm going to love this season so much more on a rewatch. It's great fun week by week, but production's hand is heavy here and since I love them all so much it's really frustrating.

  • Love 12
9 minutes ago, Blakeston said:

Was it just me, or was Phi Phi really not that great in the challenge?

Also, her first look on the runway was horrible.

Oh yeah - I thought the bottom two would be Phi Phi and Roxxy, with optional third Alyssa. The top two in my mind were Alaska and Katya , optional third Detox- although it is clear they are handing this competition to Alaska.   ?

  • Love 2

Weird one for me. I feel all conflicted. Michelle clearly was sending smoke signals to send Alyssa home. Carson thinks her star power (which she has in spades) outweighs her shortcomings. Who is right? Well honestly, I don't even think it matters because of the returning  queen thing. I think it'll obviously be Alyssa that battles back. (Snipped for-WRONG re:Katya's outfit) Agree that Alyssa wasn't given much to work with and relies too heavily on her ALyssa-ness, but what works works. And it works.

Did anyone catch Alyssa's threat/alliance to Alaska? Where ya going with that one boo? Agree that Alyssa cared more about throwing the others under the buss.

Edited by Granimal

Talk about grading on a curve. Sure, maybe Katya needed a minute to get going, but she tore it up in that scene. Phi Phi would have been in the bottom any other season. That was some S7 "I tried, so gimme a prize"-level bullshit.

Roxxy was objectively terrible and should have been gone. She's going to skate through the entire season just based on her drag network, not on her actual ability.

Katya mentioned on "Hnnnngh" that going on AS2 so early after her season kind of sucked because she didn't have as much time to mature, and it shows. Her fashion choices read much better on camera for her youtube shows than they do on the runway. But the judges are also trying their best to refuse to acknowledge her aesthetic. 

Edited by rozen
  • Love 6

I can't wait to read Phi Phi claim editng for that long ass continuous rant at the end. She needs to just own the villain thing. 

I love Alyssa more now, for the way she held to her decision. I also thought Michelle and Ru seemed shocked, but they set that up with the random bottom 3 and the pity top thrown Phi Phi's way. 

Alaska should take this thing. Genius. 

  • Love 1

I watched this in a room of maybe 30 gay men, and not ONE laughed a single time during the Roxxxy/Phi Phi performance, whereas the whole room was dying during the other two. The observation was made that RuPaul was laughing at Phi Phi far more than that performance deserved, so we knew the fix was in.

Between the push to get Phi Phi in the top 2 no matter what, and apparently to put Katya on the bottom again despite clearly not deserving it, the producer manipulation seemed really blatant this time.

Still, the final scene with the mirror? AWESOME.

  • Love 10

Well, this Phi Phi thing is getting repetitive. Sorry, but that bitching at the end was clearly edited to look unprompted and continuous, and that's rarely how these rants actually work. I didn't think anything she said was unreasonable. Alaska and Roxxxy said during a viewing party that it wasn't nearly as bad as it looked, and I believe them. However, Phi Phi is doing herself no favors by lashing out on social media against production - she's no Willam.

I almost never like the acting challenges, but this one was fine. Alaska's runway was the highlight of the episode, though.

Edited by Xazeal
  • Love 1

Roxxy was objectively terrible and should have been gone. She's going to skate through the entire season just based on her drag network, not on her actual ability.

Ru knew that risk when he decided to have the queens eliminate each other. I also think there's something to the idea that the queens are afraid of Katya's fanbase (I swear in the first episode, someone said something directly about that). 

  • Love 2

I would have eliminated Roxxxxxxxxxy for multiple reasons. I feel like she's been very lackluster/middle of the road this season and this week was no exception. Her performance as Baby Versace was forced, awkward, and not funny.

I agree that Alyssa's role this week was similar to Princess Di last week. There wasn't a whole lot for her to work with.

I didn't like PhiPhi in her original season but I was willing to give her a chance this season. Unfortunately, I still don't like her. It's not just that she lacks charm. She also seems to lack a sense of humor and she is always so sour.

  • Love 10

Phi Phi seems to think that if she's not yelling or getting in someone's face, that she's not being a bitch.  Naw girl; that shit is oozing out of your pores. 

I also don't understand why she's coming so hard about Alyssa supposedly changing her mind about how to select the person to go home.  Alyssa never agreed to use the same metrics as everyone else.  Although I am not a fan of letting the queens decide who should go, I definitely think they each should be allowed to choose whoever they want if they win. 

And shame on Alaska for crying without nary a tear!

  • Love 9

I love the way Roxxy looks, I think she is completely GORGEOUS.  However, she is always very boring off the runway and now there aren't the dress making challenges (will they have them at all I wonder?) she has no opportunity to outshine anyone.  Sorry, she should have gone home.  Alyssa, I'm so sad.  She provides tons of entertainment and her antics really give me life.  Phi Phi just seems like a whiner and not a bitch, BITCH PLEASE.  If you are a bitch I want some Joan Collins bitch slapping bitch, not some sour bitter notes from someone picked last for games. 

Alaska for the win, I hope Alyssa and Katya make final three.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, rozen said:

Talk about grading on a curve. Sure, maybe Katya needed a minute to get going, but she tore it up in that scene. Phi Phi would have been in the bottom any other season. That was some S7 "I tried, so gimme a prize"-level bullshit.

Roxxy was objectively terrible and should have been gone. She's going to skate through the entire season just based on her drag network, not on her actual ability.

I agree that Roxxy was terrible. When I watched the show and Phi2 started blubbering I hit the FF button and apparently held it too long to catch much of Roxxy's critique beyond Michelle saying that she was over-matched in comparison to Phi2's performance. They said something similar to Alyssa, but Alyssa, at least, matched Alaska's intensity, which was the only option available to her in that script. This was clearly a split decision among the judges because the other judges seemed to appreciate the T in C.U.N.T. that allows Alyssa to shine in just about any situation (even in leaving the stage with grace and dignity).

I found Michelle's comments to be very condescending; people don't give passes to performances willy-nilly, there's usually a good reason behind doing so and it comes from recognizing that succeeding at something in an unexpected way is what keeps things fresh and original.  Alaska does this thoughtfully and with intent; Alyssa is more of savant; and Katya, to my eye, is somewhere in the middle. I've never made the connection before, but I think that there's quite a bit of Phi2 in Michelle, and the more I see of it the less appealing she becomes.

  • Love 4

i can't believe i'm saying this but I thought Phi2 won the lip synch and was also very good in the challenge, second to Alaska. I still hate her though.  I thought for sure Alaska was going to send Roxxxxxxxxxy home but alas. 

Alaska tore this shit up again though. Spot on Bette Davis as Baby Jane. Lil' Poundcake on the runway.  I SHRIEKED at that reveal. She absolutely deserved the win.

Katya should not have been in the bottom. No way, no how. I'm getting a little sick of the shenanigans. "Katya has confidence! We gotta stop that! Let's put her in the bottom twice for no good reason!" Bullshit. especially after the bottom 2 last week, then a bottom 3 this week? WT everloving F? That actually makes me really angry.

Why yes, I did squee and clap my hands when Alaska revealed (Ru-vealed?) herself as Lil Poundcake on the runway. YEEEESSSS!!! I think All Stars 2 is is Alaska's to lose. I agree with those that posted they were willing to give PhiPhi a second chance...and for me that flew out the window but quick, Sourpuss PhiPhi will never change. Sorry to see Alyssa go but love Love LOVED the mirror reveal at the end, PhiPhi especially looked perturbed. If I had to choose for one queen to return it would be Alyssa, and for the icing on the cake she would win the challenge, LSFYL, and show PhiPhi the door. :)

  • Love 3

One of my favorite moments in this episode was when the judges started squealing when Alaska came out on the runway as Lil Poundcake. That was definitely a moment when they were just like the rest of us at home.

The mirror reveal at the end was hilarious. You could practically hear the dun dun DUUUUUUUUUUUUUN as the other queens turned around and saw them. Ha, or as Alyssa Edwards would say: wun wun WUUUUUUUUUUUUN.

  • Love 8

LIVING for Alaska as Lil Poundcake!  And her performance was fantastic; she F'ing OWNED this episode.  As much as I like Alyssa I kinda agree with Michelle we can't make excuses for a piss poor runway looks (Im sorry that paparazzi dress was bleeah) because she has a sparkling personality.  She's got charisma in spades and that's great for Alyssa's Secret.

I think Detox & Katya's performances were the best a collective group but Alaska and yeah Phi2 were great on their own.  IDK I still like Phi2 & I'm glad she was in the top 2. 

No hate here just love for them all...

I was stunned that it wasn't Roxxxy who went home. Should have been, IMHO. Just not much "there" there.

Alyssa is at least fun and entertaining, and even though I never did like Phi2 she's better TV than Roxxxy so I figured she'd stay.

I didn't care much for Alaska until this series started. Now I'm convinced it's hers. She was born to play Bette Davis - I think that's the best acting/impression I've seen on RPDR, in any season. Wouldn't you love to see Alaska do Bette Davis for Snatch Game!!

  • Love 2

I loved the idea of Alyssa's camera dress, but maybe it would have been better if it had been those small disposable cameras instead. It would have allowed possibly something different in the way of hiding it, rather than simply lifting up the skirt to the shoulders. I think they come in different colors too, but maybe it was impossible to rig something to set off the flashes though.

I was willing to give PhiPhi a chance. It did seem like she'd grown as a person and a performer since her season, and it seemed as though she was happier, in a good relationship, changed up her drag style, etc. But no. She's just the same, but without the yelling.

Perhaps Katya should have not come on AS2, but waited for AS3. I get the strike-while-the-iron-is-hot impulse, but she's been really proactive about keeping herself out there, so the iron wouldn't have cooled all the way off. I'm happy she's more confident, but it seems she needed a bit more time to grow into that. Not that I'm complaining about getting to watch her again, but I want so much for her to succeed.

  • Love 2

PhiPhi is and always has been BASIC. So fucking basic. She was basic as a bitchy showgirl in season 4. She may have adopted some cosplay shit but she is still a basic bitch. Nothing remarkable about her lipsync, and her acting is OTT "trying too hard" crap. The judges putting Katya in the bottom and PhiPhi in the top was a joke. I was sure during the whole episode that Roxxxy and PhiPhi would be the bottom two (Alyssa would be a third if they went there). Michelle Visage is obviously Team PhiPhi and it's no surprise, they were practically separated at birth.

  • Love 14

Alaska is just killing it this season! Her Baby Jane was a revelation! Even though I think Alaska should have won her season (to me Jinkx's looks and polish were really lacking), she has improved exponentially since then! Week after week, she is a joy to watch. Normally it would be boring watching someone so far in front of the pack, but Alaska is giving me my life. It's such a treat to witness someone at the very top of her game.

I felt really bummed watching Alyssa leave. She does have that star power that Roxxxy just doesn't have. Alyssa will sorely be missed if/when she is eliminated for good so I hope this twist gets her back in. She has that IT FACTOR and has been fulfilling my entertainment needs week after week.

Edited by delicatecutter
  • Love 6

Fair enough... But I think Roxxy was the clear weak link.. Hope this twist sends her home cause with the help of her friends, she will keep surviving. Anywaay, why a bottom 3 this week if we had only a bottom 2 last time? Guess that it would be too obvious that if it was between the real bottom 2 this week ( Alyssa and Roxxy) who either Alaska or Phi Phi would send home.

Also, while I agree that the judges sometimes gave Alyssa a free pass based on her charisma, Roxxy is getting a free pass from the queens, so...

Edited by CaioF
  • Love 3

Roxxxy should be gone.  She was terrible in the maxi challenge.  I will give her credit on her runway, she did look good--but that's all she can do is look good.

Phi2 was ready to eliminate Alyssa because she knows Alyssa is better than her at pretty much everything.  IDK Alaska's reasoning outside "worst critique".   And using that seems like a cop out.  But Alaska definitely earned her win.  Fabulous in the maxi challenge & brilliant as Lil Poundcake on the runway.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, CaioF said:

Fair enough... But I think Roxxy was the clear weak link.. Hope this twist sends her home cause with the help of her friends, she will keep surviving. Anywaay, why a bottom 3 this week if we had only a bottom 2 last time? Guess that it would be too obvious that if it was between the real bottom 2 this week ( Alyssa and Roxxy) who either Alaska or Phi Phi would send home.

Also, while I agree that the judges sometimes gave Alyssa a free pass based on her charisma, Roxxy is getting a free pass from the queens, so...

PS: I give Alaska a A+ for her acting on the maxi challenge, but a C- on her crying over Alyssa elimination.

  • Love 1

This was an episode worthy of the title All Star Challenge. Such creativity.


Phi Phi you are still a nasty bitter conniving queen. I never bought the 1st episode mea culpa and true to form she got spooked in the 1st episode and immediately went back to her old tricks, so sad.  I think she realizes how out of her league she is and is freaking out.  You can leave at anytime and take Roxxxy with you.  

Although I find Alyssa Edwards to be entertaining I can only handle her in limited doses.  Not upset that she got voted off. We’ll see what the mirror reveal will bring.  Speaking of which, I GAGGED at that. BEST TWIST EVER!!! I wonder if the pit crew had to come in and sweep up all the cracked faces on the floor.

I am concerned about CoCo though.  Of the mirror girls she is the only one that I think is out of her league in general on this show.  Especially taking into account the last challenge.  I just don’t see her skills and taste level of the standard to rise to that challenge.  I think coming back is going to be a struggle for her.

  • Love 3

I was watching at a bar in the Castro and when Alaska revealed her look there was so much screaming and hollering that you literally could not hear anything else for the rest of the segment. I don't care that she basically didn't do two looks. She gave us the biggest moment of the season so far. Amazing. 


PhiPhi and Roxxy, get the fuck out. Bye. 

  • Love 5

I'm so done with "editing" excuses. Phi to the second power was allegedly already worried about coming off as a villain, yet she still said all the things she said. That's. Nobody's fault but your own. Even if it was a conversation, you KNOW how the editors are. Of course they'd make it a diatribe of deviousness. What's worse, it wasn't even earned because she didn't win the lip sync!

  • Love 1

No wonder why Phi Phi went bersek with Alyssa´s way to choose the queens to go... So far, she has being the one either in the bottom or in the middle, that couldnt come close to a victory. So when Alyssa came with the idea to give a chance to those queens with a stronger body of work, she thought she would be screwed (she probably was planning on playing safe, just avoiding be the worst of the week).

Now, this week, she was in the top 2. Lets see how this and the twist with other queens will play with her head. She might even return with the scream.

  • Love 3
On 9/16/2016 at 11:34 AM, marsha said:

I'm broken hearted that my darling Miss Alyssa Edwards was sent home (and fuck you Alaska with your new pageant girl tears that you've adopted to go with your new pageant girl speak).

I must say, this. What was with the tearless crying?!

Oh, please god Ru cans this format from here on in. I don't enjoy seeing them sending their competitors home, I don't enjoy the why-I-should-stay segments, and I miss the extra judging critiques as well as the relaxing with drinks chatting backstage. I also don't like worrying about how those little black bars with the names on don't come flying out of their costumes during the lipsync for your legacy. And I miss the mad passion of the lipsync for your life.

I particularly don't like how this series seems to be a setup to guarantee an Alaska win.

  • Love 3
On 16 September 2016 at 2:38 PM, Trip said:

Still, the final scene with the mirror? AWESOME.

23 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

The mirror reveal at the end was hilarious. You could practically hear the dun dun DUUUUUUUUUUUUUN as the other queens turned around and saw them. Ha, or as Alyssa Edwards would say: wun wun WUUUUUUUUUUUUN.

You know what else was masterful? The way the mirror-has-two-faces trick was foreshadowed in Episode 1 when Detox looked around the workroom and commented on how production re-grouted the tiles around the mirror. Suck on that, Damon Lindelof.

Edited by Corgi-ears
  • Love 4

Not a fan of Phi Phi but I did like her final reveal dress. The outfit she wore for the LSFYL looked great on her, but it was nothing special since it looked like something one might find at a fetish/glam type shop and what Siouxsie Sioux might have worn on stage, but only Siouxsie could have rocked that look.

Alaska's L'il Pound Cake was beyond brilliant, and seriously funny shit. I love most of Alaska's drag aesthetic, but I find her strung out on quaaludes voice so annoying.  If one of my friends spoke like that, I'd have to be a friend a tell him/her just how awful that voice sounds. I'm from Texas, where we are known to drawl and speak slower than most folks, but her voice is way too slow, even for Texas.

Just when PhiPhi was starting to make herself likeable, she threw down her shady bitch card once again.  Most drag queens can read someone for filth and still be hilarious, but she still comes off like a triple decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce.

  • Love 1

Ugh. Roxxxy should have been sent home. This is what happens when you look at one day rather than a cumulative body of work-middle of the pack queens who are safe stay in the competition.


i don't agree that Alyssa was throwing the other two under the bus. She was focusing on her - she hasn't been in the bottom two - and particularly focused on what she brings to the table in the one on one

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, violet and green said:

I also don't like worrying about how those little black bars with the names on don't come flying out of their costumes during the lipsync for your legacy.

Those are lipsticks, hee. I think we're supposed to attach them symbolically to the lipstick mirror message the eliminated queen leaves, though I don't think we've been seeing the messages being written this season (instead it's those exit interviews interrupted by Ru's revenge twist).

I'm guessing the lipsticks are not in the queen's cleavages during the lipsync. A PA or somebody probably takes them after they film the queens selecting the lipstick and secreting them away in their bosoms, then after the lipsync they probably are handed the prop back so they can dramatically ruveal their choice. I wish that wasn't the case, though -- I don't worry that the lipstick might fly out mid death drop, I hope it does. Or, can you imagine, Alyssa comes back, ends up in the top two, and in the middle of her song breaks into a vogue. Instead of pantomiming lipstick application, she grabs the real deal out of her titties, and turns so Phi Phi can see that its her name! It would be delicious. But yeah, I doubt the lipsticks are on anyone's person during the lipsync. 

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

Those are lipsticks, hee. I think we're supposed to attach them symbolically to the lipstick mirror message the eliminated queen leaves, though I don't think we've been seeing the messages being written this season (instead it's those exit interviews interrupted by Ru's revenge twist).

They've been doing the lipstick messages. Without them, we would never have gotten "It's not personnel, it's drag" written on the mirror!

(The other queens left messages, too - they just weren't as memorable as Alyssa's.

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, Blakeston said:

They've been doing the lipstick messages. Without them, we would never have gotten "It's not personnel, it's drag" written on the mirror!

(The other queens left messages, too - they just weren't as memorable as Alyssa's.

Right, I meant I don't think we've been seeing the messages being physically written, so we don't know if they're using the lipstick with their name on them or not. At least in earlier seasons you would see the queens writing the message with their closing thoughts in voice over, but that might have been replaced with them holding the Ru trophy and doing the interview in the last couple of seasons.

  • Love 1

I thought the Lil Poundcake thing was brilliant the first time and even moreso when Alaska brought her back. One of the most resonating kinds of jokes is a callback to something funny that was brought up before, because people are familiar and in on it, and because that was originally a moment that happened on this show, it was the perfect reference. Ru is also all about references to other funny things (note the showsquirels line callback to phiphi's go back to party city where you belong line), but if you haven't seen the same things he has, it doesn't work as well. It was a smart choice on Alaska's part, and probably the smartest move anybody has made on drag race, imo.

I love katya unconditionally and am going to continue to root for her, but alaska is playing to win and I'm in the camp that thinks the crown is hers to lose.

Edited by belligerent
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