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Season 3 Discussion


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Oh, great season finale! 

I agree with everyone, I teared up a bit.  Good job show.

For once Dre's crying was appropriate!

Charlie and Johann -- the bromance I did not know I needed.  Of course they made sense to each other!

Wait... I thought Charlie's mom was already dead.  He was mad his parents didn't come to his fake funeral but then again he didn't go to theirs either.  Oh wait, it is Charlie.  Who knows what is the truth with him?

Aww... Ruby calling Bow her daughter and asking for a blanket...I'm not crying, you're crying!

Pops, telling it like it is!

I always like it when all four kids are in their subplot together, they have great chemistry and by now the show knows how to use their personalities effectively. 

So yeah, good balance of humor, plot and a bit of drama.

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15 hours ago, BoogieBurns said:

Oh, I agree. I have taken to the Carrie Bradshaw method where I start registering for gifts too whenever my friends have another kid or wedding. I want free stuff too.

Hosting a baby shower for a 5th kid is just something people do, and I RSVP no. 

I keep thinking I need to do the same thing. I'm married but I chose not to have a shower (we did have a small online registry but that was just for the older relatives who we knew would insist on giving gifts - we figured we might as well make it easy to do so they wouldn't agonize over what to buy). We also chose not to have kids. I feel like I need an awesome shoe registry like Carrie!

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Very well done episode. I agree that even everything with the doctor was all in Dre's head of how he only heard certain words. Loved all the Pops scenes from the cupcakes to hugging Dre. Even that moment when he looked in the NICU and that look was both happy and sad. I agree, I have had two friends deliver premy babies and my own son was a couple of weeks early. I think the show did the best they could with trying to have it where Delante tried to be small, but he looked pretty full term. 

18 hours ago, Quickbeam said:

"Look at the baby!"

"Its Fallujah down there....."

Isn't that the kind of joke that gets made when a woman has a vaginal delivery and the husband doesn't want to look at her currently less-than-pristine genital area?  Bow had a c-section - everything is normal "down there" and her abdominal incision would be covered by bandages.

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I had a C-section and right after the baby was born, my husband said it look like an accident site and he had to turn away. By the time I was sewed up the baby was already weighed and put into a bassinet thing. I thought this was a great episode. I was glad to see that Dre was mostly a supportive dad and husband and wasn't acting like a child throughout. I got tears in my eyes several times but especially when Ruby called Bo my daughter! As always, I love Charlie and loved his description of a bathtub shark being a bad present (Why? Why?). Also loved his casual bringing up soul tranference and of course Johan knows all about it. Also laughed when Dre kicked over the bag of stuff that was blessed by a Shaman. I didn't like last weeks episode but they really brought it tonight. I also think a show is good if it makes me laugh out loud and cry.

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I laughed, I cried.  Such a good episode.  I figured the "shower" or "sprinkle" was mostly just for family.  Though there were several kinds of cupcakes, there weren't scads of them, and it didn't appear that anyone had to call people to cancel.   IRL I was invited to my best friend's shower and discovered when I got to the party that she was at the hospital, having gone into labor that morning.   The shower was being thrown by her inlaws and I knew nobody there so it was a relief to escape the party!  No food...weak punch...teensy piece of cake.  It was in my experience the worst kind of party...no men and no booze!!!!  Bring on the coed showers!

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2 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Isn't that the kind of joke that gets made when a woman has a vaginal delivery and the husband doesn't want to look at her currently less-than-pristine genital area?  Bow had a c-section - everything is normal "down there" and her abdominal incision would be covered by bandages.

The baby was just born. Bow was still open and that can be hard to look at for many people. I'm good with blood but I don't think I could look on the other side of that curtain to see an open incision.

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So, I'm wondering about the bedroom situation at the Johnsons'. Pops lives in the pool house, and the house apparently has 5 bedrooms, one each for Bow & Dre, Zoey, Junior, the twins, and Ruby.  We've seen Dre's friend have to sleep on the couch, and goodness knows where Johan sleeps.

Although the baby may sleep with his parents for a while, where will his room be?  I don't believe that Dre would agree to turn Zoey's room into DeVonte's room, and it's not like she could just share with Diane when she comes home, since Diane shares with Jack. Will Dre turn his sneaker closet into an alcove for the baby as Mindy did with her closet on The Mindy Project?  Will Jack move in with Junior, so Diane and Zoey  can share when Zoey comes home? ( I don't think that Junior, Zoe or Jack would be happy about this situation, although Diane might be ok with it.)  Will there be a newly discovered room?  Or do the Johnsons have a basement that has never been referred to, and they will suddenly install a bedroom suite down there for Ruby? (or Zoey, or Junior?)  Ruby would make the most sense, since it's nice to see the kids in their various rooms across the hall from each other.

I'm actually surprise the kids didn't bring this up as it will affect them.  Junior or Diane should certainly have thought of it.  (Zoey is too self-obsessed to think that she was in danger of losing her room, and Jack is too oblivious.)  It won't be long before Diane and Jack will really need to split up. Perhaps Jack would then share with the baby, although the age difference is certainly large.

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Loved the season finale.  Everyone was great -- Dre, Bow, Zoey, Junior, Jack, Diane, Ruby, Pops, they all were great.

Favorite part was what appeared on the promos -- Ruby's "my daughter" moment with Bow.

But the humor mixed in perfectly with the drama and brought about an amazing, heart-tugging final episode for the season.

I can't wait for next season, but I'm gonna miss Zoey (and Yara) being around.

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I'll keep it cute and say that it's a good episode.

- Tracee Ellis Ross is just so good and it pains me to see her act opposite of Anthony Anderson who is just terrible. They need to replace Dre ASAP with someone more attractive and has acting abilities.

- The kids were funny but poor Junior with that little recording.

- Charles was funny but his shtick is just tired now. Loved Johan saying that he immediately understood what Charles meant.

- Pops was funny throughout and Ruby was actually tolerable.

- Poor baby Devante. Premature babies are so tiny and there's always the risk of them not making it. He's obviously going to make it but it break my heart watching those scenes.

- I was a little confused by Bow's belly. In the past episodes she looked like she was nine months and now she's 7 months? The writers have problems with continuity and it annoys the hell out of me.

- 4th season has Dre being a stay at home dad is already making me roll my eyes. Hopefully Devante will grow up with his mother's good qualities.

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8 hours ago, lavenderrose said:

I was a little confused by Bow's belly. In the past episodes she looked like she was nine months and now she's 7 months? The writers have problems with continuity and it annoys the hell out of me.

The timing of the pregnancy felt off all season. They found out she was pregnant the episode before the season finale last year  (or maybe the season finale?) Presuming that it was may or April (i believe the kids were talking about their summer plans) the baby should have been born sometime around Jan/Feb.  I feel like outside of Bows pregnancy time moved at a normal pace . The kids had a summer vacation (the Disney epeisode) Zoe graduated etc so its just Bows pregnancy that moved slow. They could have had her give birth in the winter finale and the premature baby would have made more sense timing wise.   

  That being said I did really like this episode. Johan and Charlie's interaction was perfect. 

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On ‎5‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 11:33 AM, Shermie said:

However, in what universe do people throw their own baby shower? Is that a thing? I've never seen that and would be kinda pissed; seems like a gift grab, like Ruby said. Showers are supposed to be thrown by a friend or relative, never by the recipient.

I agree.  the husband throwing a shower?  no. 

On ‎5‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 11:51 AM, BoogieBurns said:

People definitely throw their own showers! Especially for their 5th child. Friends and family only want to throw the first baby shower, and after that it's on mom and dad to decide if they want to host guests for gifts. Because of the huge age gap between the littles and the baby, it's not crazy to have a shower. They wouldn't still have baby stuff leftover. 

It is considered bad manners to throw a shower for yourself.  I have been to tons of baby showers, and every one was hosted by the expectant mother's sisters, mother-in-law, or friends.  And only one was not for a first baby.  It was baby #3, and the women who attended out of obligation, grumbled about it.

Baby showers are for the first baby, for when you don't have a crib and a stroller, etc.   The idea of a wealthy couple throwing themselves a shower for a 5th child is ridiculous.

  • Love 6

Maybe it's regional (as most "life changing rites" seem to be), but I've been to plenty of baby showers for 2nd, 3rd, etc babies. Baby showers are supposed to be fun celebrations; bring a little gift and visit with the mom-to-be and friends. If it bothers you, just RSVP no. 

But I've never been to a baby shower thrown by the mom-to-be, or where liquor is served. 

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There's always wine at showers (baby and bridal) that I've attended. Just because Momma can't drink, doesn't mean the guests have to suffer!

I wonder if the choice to have the baby be a preemie was the showrunners' answer to much public grumbling about "Ugh, a baby? Just no." There was a lot of online displeasure with that plot choice, since babies often ruin sitcoms and it's such a ridiculous and unrealistic trope. By having the baby be a preemie and in danger, it maybe softens the hearts of the grumblers (like me), who might think, "Well, I didn't want the show to have a baby, but I don't want it to die!" Suddenly the naysayers are rooting for the baby. Well played, showrunners, well played.

  • Love 2
39 minutes ago, Shermie said:

I wonder if the choice to have the baby be a preemie was the showrunners' answer to much public grumbling about "Ugh, a baby? Just no." There was a lot of online displeasure with that plot choice, since babies often ruin sitcoms and it's such a ridiculous and unrealistic trope. By having the baby be a preemie and in danger, it maybe softens the hearts of the grumblers (like me), who might think, "Well, I didn't want the show to have a baby, but I don't want it to die!" Suddenly the naysayers are rooting for the baby. Well played, showrunners, well played.

The episode was inspired by creator Kenya Barris’ recent experience with the birth of his sixth child,

Good episode.  For a few seconds, I was thinking, "just because most viewers think a baby is a bad idea, they can't have it not survive - this is a sit-com!"

I believe Miss Manners says that showers should never be hosted by family. Personally, I think it is fine for a sibling to host, maybe even for the soon-to-be grandparent to host a shower for their daughter/d-i-l, but hosting one when you are the parent, especially for your 5th child and you, apparently, make a lot of money, is just rude.  But it is also within Dre's character, IMO.  I think for Dre it was more about throwing the best shower ever than getting gifts.

One part I found odd, but not completely unbelievable, was the montage of all the shower they had been invited to.  These are people in their early 40's, their friends are probably able the same age and most people don't have babies that late, but their kids would be too young to be having babies (in most cases).  I mean, it is certainly possible, but I would think Bow and Dre wouldn't get a lot of baby shower invites during this stage of their lives.  

On 5/11/2017 at 9:39 AM, MadyGirl1987 said:

Johan was there. Also, don't her parents live out of state? They wouldn't have had time to come as her having the baby that day was not expected.

And wouldn't Dre invite Bo's parents to the baby shower.

  • Love 3
On 5/11/2017 at 3:25 PM, fishcakes said:

I think the baby was a combination of animatronic doll and CGI, not a real baby. The cast credits listed "Davonte arm" played by one person (I assume a baby), and "Davonte body" by another. I saw on a soap opera where they used only an animatronic and it was fairly creepy, but combined with CGI based on real baby video, it comes off pretty believable. I even let out an, "awwww!" when he started sucking his thumb. (I think that's how Davonte was spelled in the credits; it went by fast. IMDb doesn't have the full credits up yet, so I couldn't check it.)

Your listing of the credits made me crack up. 

Sigh. So they're still going with Davonte? I was hoping Bo would have a change a heart at the last minute and insist on coming up with a better name. And it's not just because it's a 'black' name. I just don't like the name Davonte. 

And I'm going to fanwank that Bow acted so clueless and surprised about pre-eclampsia and its complications because she was nervous about the baby and had shifted from doctor mode to scared mother mode. But IRL she would most of this info already, both from med school and from having 4 other kids. Even though she isn't an OB/Gyn, she would still know it. 

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That reminded me that I wanted to check the full credits when they were available on IMDb.

I did get the name wrong; it's Devanté, which I'm sure I'll continue to misspell, if only because of the accent mark. These forums don't even accept all HTML code, which means that we'd have to spell it "D-e-v-a-n-t-Google é-CTRL C-CTRL V" which seems like a lot of work considering that the show will probably act like the baby doesn't exist until they rapid age him to a four-year-old in season 5.

Anyway, "Devante Hand" was played by Kendall Neal, who's a 27-year-old actor and "Devante Body" by Jidechi Umeh, who has no bio info. So I don't know what any of that means.

  • Love 2

Anthony is is definitely the weakest actor of the bunch -- weaker than any of the kids, even.  All he knows how to do is cry -- which fits, Dre being a spoiled, stupid baby.

On 5/11/2017 at 1:18 PM, Mountainair said:

I cried the whole episode. But I cry easily- really easily

I cried, too -- when spoiled baby Dre threw away 6 perfectly good sliders just because Johan wanted one.  F** you, Dre, and your stupid privileged ass,

On 5/10/2017 at 11:08 PM, Traveller519 said:

Junior's memo to himself killed me, "I will break the cycle!" It works so well because of how they've built up the Andre and junior dynamic, then following it up with pops taking it out on Andre added to it.

He's going to have a lot of work to do.

  • Love 2
On 5/22/2017 at 6:20 AM, fishcakes said:

I did get the name wrong; it's Devanté, which I'm sure I'll continue to misspell, if only because of the accent mark. These forums don't even accept all HTML code, which means that we'd have to spell it "D-e-v-a-n-t-Google é-CTRL C-CTRL V" which seems like a lot of work considering that the show will probably act like the baby doesn't exist until they rapid age him to a four-year-old in season 5.

I use the accent code when I'm on my laptop. Hold down the alt key and then type 0233 on the number pad. If I'm on my phone, the keyboard lets me hold down the E and then a bunch of options for the letter E with different accent marks pop up. I've used both of these options on the PTV forums and they both work.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I use the accent code when I'm on my laptop. Hold down the alt key and then type 0233 on the number pad. If I'm on my phone, the keyboard lets me hold down the E and then a bunch of options for the letter E with different accent marks pop up. I've used both of these options on the PTV forums and they both work.

Oh, thank you! I won't remember alt-0233, but it turns out the touch keyboard on the taskbar does the same thing as the phone keyboard.

The Johnsons have unlimited money, apparently, so the number of bedrooms will never be a problem.  And this is fantasy.  Maybe it'll be like The Mindy Project and instead of cutting a whole in their roof and making the apt. above a baby's bedroom they'll discover a tunnel to the home for sale next door.  At least the writers wouldn't have to write a ridiculous story of how someone bought them a second, expensive home, like on Mindy.

On Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 3:23 PM, Unclejosh said:

The blue-collar/white collar discussion reminded me of something that happened within my group of friends back in the early 90's.  A very attractive female cousin of one of the female members of our group was hanging out with us on one of our weekly drinking get together.  Somehow the discussion turned to dating and we were joking that she should date one of the guys in our group.  Now bear in mind that we had all been friends since high school so they both knew each other at least in passing.  She got all offended and said she only dated White Collar Guys.  Now my friend was an accountant in a management position at his family's accounting firm plus was a millionaire (on paper) due to multiple real estate holdings that he owned and rented out to various businesses. There was literally an hours long argument that his job was white collar and she refused to believe it.  

She ended up marrying a soccer coach a few years later.

This episode reminded me of the issues some people have with white collar vs blue collar jobs and why it is all so stupid.

I feel like that goes to another offensive stereotype that everyone should be independent, but pretty girls do not have to worry because they will marry well.

My cousin was considered very attractive, even beautiful by a lot of people.  She would date cool guys with regular jobs.  It would not be long before some fool would say, "A pretty girl like you should be dating a doctor...better get on it...those looks ain't gonna last forever."

On Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 11:22 PM, Nalan said:

I like Rashida Jones, but her character was one of those I can't stand -- the kind who just gets lucky in life while everyone else works hard to get what they want.  Believe me.  I've met my share of those people in real life, too, and didn't like a single one of them.

The second one was a bit, but it felt more clip-show-like than an actual episode.


On Friday, April 28, 2017 at 6:15 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

No disrespect to Luther, but I LOATHE that song. I understand the sentiment but the cheesiness of it makes me roll my eyes (as opposed to other people who get teary-eyed when they hear it).

When Bow mentioned that Santamonica was one of those people, I immediately thought of my friend's ex who was exactly like that. Similar to Santamonica being offered a commercial when she was a little girl and then gliding through life on sheer luck, this ex was a child model so when he finished high school there was a pile of money just sitting in a bank account waiting for him so he's never HAD to work. Whenever he gets a job, it's because he feels like it. He always liked to draw and he ended up being offered a job to work on animating video games at one of the big companies (I forget the exact story, but it wasn't like one of those people who spends their whole life dreaming about working at Disney and working towards that goal - he didn't even apply for a job there and it just got dropped into his lap). His brother, on the other hand, had to work really hard for everything. Since he didn't have a fat savings account waiting for him after high school, he had to get all kinds of part time jobs to support himself while he figured out what he wanted to do (you know, like a normal person) and he was a little resentful that his brother just always happened to get lucky with opportunities.

Normally I loathe clip shows, but it was amazing to see how much all the kids have grown in three years.

I hated that everyone was trying to pressure Zoey into picking a school for their own selfish reasons, so I was glad that she chose NYU for her own reasons. Of course, then I had to rescind that when she decided to stay in California to be near her family. Don't get me wrong - family is important, but it's okay to go out of state for college and leave your siblings behind. She can still fly home for important things (you know Dre would be willing to give up buying a new pair of sneakers if it meant buying a plane ticket for his Zoe-Zoe to come home for the weekend).

I was surprised that Diane was into SATC. I know it's in reruns which is probably how she's been watching it, but given her general attitude about everything it seems like the kind of show she would make fun of, not use as the basis for idealizing New York. I can totally imagine her hate watching it just so she can bitch about the outfits and ridicule every life choice Carrie made though.

When Rainbow was trying to guilt trip Santamonica into doing something more important in life by pointing out that her boobs won't always look that good, I thought her sister was going to get a boob job to make sure they looked good forever. 

I finally saw the one with the sister.  I know the show is always trying to take Bow down a peg, but I kinda agreed with her.  Santa Monica had everything handed to her on a silver plate, because she was pretty.  I also got the feeling that the mother just plain liked Santa Monica more.  I mean of course Santa Monica could check in on the dad and teach the mom to text...she was not a pregnant doctor raising five kids.

It gives me a kick that Junior is the type of brotha Joan from Girlfriends would have loved...so fitting Tracy is his mama.

Dancing to Candy is never wrong...see Best Man Electric Slide.

On Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Empress1 said:

I lost my glasses on a water ride once too! I was maybe 12. It was a day camp field trip. I was a CIT and we all got to go on a field trip. This other kid (I remember his name to this day but I won't put him on blast, hee), who had a crush on me and was always messing with me, knocked them off my face by accident. I was really upset, not because I couldn't see (I don't think I was as visually impaired as Diane appears to be), but because I thought my parents would be mad. (They weren't, at least not at me.) I was in tears and the kid who knocked them off me got in a lot of trouble. (His parents replaced my glasses. I had a spare pair that I used.)

It was really weird to me that Dre didn't seem to notice that. She's saying flat-out that she can't see, and Dre's just going on about how majestic the whatever it was was? It would be one thing if he were like, well, nothing we can do about it now, but for him not to even comment on it was bizarre.

Tracee looked great in that black dress. Bow, Pops, and Ruby were the best part of the episode. "We gon' hit the wall!"

So I guess the Johnsons are no longer worried about money? There was a point when they were, and I'd think they'd want to tighten things up a little with another baby coming (which I am REALLY not looking forward to).


On Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Arcadiasw said:

Maybe the writers realized it was one of those forgettable story of the week that didn’t make sense. 

Dre remind me of some people who grew up poor, make it big and think that entitles them to flaunt or act superior when they spend a lot of money. I'm getting tired of Dre justifying his behavior by saying he wants to give his kids what he didn't have. Even if it wasn’t VIP and he didn't get to buy the expensive food or souvenirs, he did get to go to Disneyland as a kid. Not everyone had that chance as a kid or an adult. 


On Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 10:35 PM, Shermie said:

I agree, DW is way better than DL because you get Epcot and Animal Kingdom. Although the notion that they could get through more than one of these in one day is laughable.

The family is a little crazy with their spending and entitlement - Dre buying $300 shoes every week, the kids stealing gift cards from a charity auction, the family flying across the country to spend a day at a theme park (they were in at least two parks but it was all the same day).

I know a family that both the parents are doctors making bank and thy have to budget to go to Disney.  The fact that Dre flew everyone first class and got the VIP treatment a Disney meant he paid an insane amount of mone...way more then most upper middle class families could hope to afford.   I do like the show, but Dre is really over the top.

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