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Danielle and Mohamed: The Original Mess

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22 hours ago, Nancypants said:

Thus the Garbage fire continues..

My grandma used to burn her garbage every Thursday I kid u not. 

Must be why I'm so drawn to the MoShow.

Garbage burned every Thursday. Hair done every Friday.  That's how she rolled. (Twenty miles under the speed limit and arguing with cops about it.)

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In my Google feed this morning, guess Mo's  paperwork to get his Green Card conditions changed has been lost in the US, Mail. In the article, he claims to have used US Mail many times & has never had this happen before. A few sentences later, he contradicts himself & says the same thing happened when his Green Card was originally mailed to him.

His "fans" are worried for him, they believe someone saw his name on the return address & stole the application. 

He has 90 days to get this completed & is running out of time.

Maybe someone gave Danielle this news just as they were snapping the above picture & she got over excited!


Edited by alegtostandon
Darn typos!
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This showed up in my news feed today. http://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2017/10/13/90-day-fiance-star-mohamed-jbali-being-investigated-by-u-s-immigration-over-lost-paperwork/

didn't something like this happen on Seinfeld? I like how he contradicts himself in his description of what happened. Mohammed's fans sound as ignorant as Danielle's, even suggesting that she might somehow be behind the missing application and the advice to "get a layer." 

Alegtostandon: Oh my, we were submitting the same story at the exact same time! 

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On 10/17/2016 at 9:45 PM, millennium said:

Children shouldn't have to be smarter and more mature than their parents but that's exactly what's happening here. 

This seems to be a recurring theme in reality shows, that the children have to be more together. (Wrong thread, but makes me think of Darcey and Larry.)

‘90-Day’ divorcee living single life in Texas

Jbali looking into becoming a YouTube star; former Norwalk woman seeking $12,500 from Tunisia native

Re›ector Staff Writer zoegreszler@norwalkre›ector.com

Mohamed Jbali

Danielle Mullins Jbali

Things have been rocky almost from the start for former 90 Day Fiancé stars Danielle Mullins and Mohamed Jbali.

Mullins, then living in Norwalk, began dating Jbali, a Tunisia native, after meeting on the Internet. He came to Norwalk to make a go of it with Mullins on a 90-day visa. Their courtship and eventual marriage was ›lmed for Season 2 of TLC’s hit reality TV series 90 Day Fiancé.

As fans of the show are well aware, Jbali and Mullins have had their fair share of ups and downs. Prior to the wedding, Jbali expressed he had concerns about marrying Mullins while talking to an immigration counselor.

The two then split in October 2016 and were granted a divorce in March. Danielle chose to keep her double last name, Mullins Jbali.

Fans have been following Jbali’s story since then. After moving from Florida, where he lived without Mullins, Jbali, 29, is now living in Texas, according to his Instagram posts (@mohamedjbaliusa), where he gives fans regular updates.

Recently, Jbali revealed he is interested in making a career out of YouTube videos.

“I am really enjoying this, I might turn it to a career,” he said in a recent post of a photo of video-editing equipment.

According to inTouch Magazine, Jbali currently is paying bills by working as a driver for the ride-sharing companies Uber and Lyft. But the YouTube interest didn’t come as a shock.

The celebrity magazine reported Jbali has “always liked to use Instagram live, Instagram video and Facebook live to tell his side of the story,” especially during the TLC ›lming. His social media usage reportedly got him in trouble with TLC because he revealed too much information about his life.

Mullins Jbali told the Re-›ector Tuesday she is about to begin her fourth semester of college classes, working toward becoming a registered nurse.

She also purchased her own double-wide mobile home in Sandusky a year ago.

Though life has improved since she last spoke with the Relector, when she said social media drama was getting out of control, things with her ex-husband are still less than ideal as she pursues legal action against him.

“I have a civil suit pending against Mohamed to get back all my money I put into immigration, money he took from ›rst tell, his airline ticket here and money I sent him before he came to the U.S.,” she wrote in a message to the Re›ector.

Mullins Jbali said she is seeking about $12,500 total.

While on the show, the age difference — she is about 15 years older — caused a great degree of controversy, along with the validity of their affection and Mullins’ honesty of her ›nancial problems. The couple also sought help from Dr. Phil when Mullins suspected Jbali was not being faithful, following his excursion with one of her friends.

In case you’re not familiar with the show’s platform, “90 Day Fiancé” ›lms single people from other parts of the world as they court American citizens through the use of a K-1 90-day visa. If the couple doesn’t marry in the 90 days, the overseas partner returns to his or her native country.

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It must be making Danielle crazy to think of Mohamed actually enjoying himself. He has better credit than she ever dreamed possible and can drive cars and live in better places than she ever imagined. (Meaning cars that don't break down and apartments that aren't really crappy.) Even his hollow YouTube following must look alluring to a woman who would happily abase herself if it meant getting an attention fix.

As for getting her nose rubbed in all of this stuff, nobody enjoys it better than... Mohamed.

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That that fat old slag Danielle got a young, attractive Tunisian man to fuck her says a lot about the huge power imbalance that exists between even the trashiest American and the average Tunisian. The GDP per capita of Tunisia is approx 1/20th of the United States. It’s like $3,500. 

Fuck this “Tunisian Love Rat” bullshit, this is the rich exploiting the poor. First world exploiting the third world. 

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I don't think anyone here on PTV feels much, if any, sympathy for Danielle. We recognized her as a scammer herself right from the very beginning. It was clear that Mohamed had an incorrect perception of America and the Green Card procedures, and Danielle didn't clear them up before he arrived. In my opinion, she thought he would have to stay with her, work and pay bills, and have sex with her. He never had any intention of doing any of that, and thought he would receive a Green Card upon marriage. He also thought he could get into Canada easily, and stay with his brother. 

They are both scamming liars who lie and they deserve each other.

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On 1/25/2018 at 1:40 AM, Kokapetl said:

That that fat old slag Danielle got a young, attractive Tunisian man to fuck her says a lot about the huge power imbalance that exists between even the trashiest American and the average Tunisian. The GDP per capita of Tunisia is approx 1/20th of the United States. It’s like $3,500. 

Fuck this “Tunisian Love Rat” bullshit, this is the rich exploiting the poor. First world exploiting the third world. 

Ironically, $3500 is also Danyeels GDP.

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On 1/25/2018 at 3:40 AM, Kokapetl said:

That that fat old slag Danielle got a young, attractive Tunisian man to fuck her says a lot about the huge power imbalance that exists between even the trashiest American and the average Tunisian. The GDP per capita of Tunisia is approx 1/20th of the United States. It’s like $3,500. 

Fuck this “Tunisian Love Rat” bullshit, this is the rich exploiting the poor. First world exploiting the third world. 

Agreed. This is why I was always Team Mohamed. 

It's basically a prostitute/John relationship, and in such cases, I am always on the side of the prostitute because NOBODY has sex for money unless they are desperate in some way, shape or form.

As for the Johns, they know the person doesn't want them. How do you have intercourse with someone you know is repulsed by you? To me that is wretched behavior.

And, deep down, Danielle KNEW. She knew a young man like Mo wouldn't want a woman like her. But she traded the keys to the United States to get laid.

And, when Mo tried to leave, Danielle demanded her pound of flesh. He must have felt like a prisoner. Well, he said as much. Yet, she used everything in her power to force him to stay.

When Mo finally did leave, she was ten kinds of spiteful. Yet he gets a bad rap for turning off the cable TV? Why should he pay for television in a home where he doesn't live? While everyone was critiquing Mo, few people stopped to ask why a 40-something woman couldn't pay for her own cable service.

In addition to revenge, Dani wanted to kick Mo out of the country was so that she could import another young man. I don't think she cared much about the fate of her co-sponsor(s). And, she certainly never considered Mohamed's feelings on anything. She really did behave as if she owned him, like, she paid for him so he was hers; I found this reprehensible! 

I said this before, but Danielle treated Mohamed like a recalcitrant robot in her own trailer park version of West World.

BTW, and this is why I came here today, I came across these photos and can't get over how much Dani's daughter is the spitting image of her! Let's just hope she doesn't have the same personality.

Yes, I was looking at her photos. #IHaveTooMuchTime






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On April 18, 2018 at 11:02 AM, CoachWristletJen said:

I said this before, but Danielle treated Mohamed like a recalcitrant robot in her own trailer park version of West World.

Beautifully put.

I've been re-living their fairy tale romance during the two hour special tonight...those two lovebirds are just....so....special...

I agree with your analysis of their relationship's power dynamics - apparently Mohammed has built a life for himself in Texas:


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On 1/26/2018 at 6:04 PM, Christina said:

I don't think anyone here on PTV feels much, if any, sympathy for Danielle. We recognized her as a scammer herself right from the very beginning. It was clear that Mohamed had an incorrect perception of America and the Green Card procedures, and Danielle didn't clear them up before he arrived. In my opinion, she thought he would have to stay with her, work and pay bills, and have sex with her. He never had any intention of doing any of that, and thought he would receive a Green Card upon marriage. He also thought he could get into Canada easily, and stay with his brother. 

They are both scamming liars who lie and they deserve each other.

I agree. I just watched the TLC special about their "journey".  I never saw their season but read endless things about them both on forums.   I really wanted to punch Danyell a few times she's so clueless.  "I'm gettin a nullment, no a divorce, no a nullment"  Make up your dam mind.   He was even worse in my opinion.  Danyell is clearly not all there mentally and he knows that and saw her as an easy way to get his precious green card, he didn't care about her at all.  I hope karma bites him in the ass.

Also what was up with that Walmart Tom guy?  Is he bi?   Who  befriends a young guy you met at Walmart?  I got the feeling Tom was into Mo as more than a friend, and yes I know he's married, lt just seemed really odd.

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On 5/5/2018 at 5:24 PM, SevenCostanza said:

I agree. I just watched the TLC special about their "journey".  I never saw their season but read endless things about them both on forums.   I really wanted to punch Danyell a few times she's so clueless.  "I'm gettin a nullment, no a divorce, no a nullment"  Make up your dam mind.   He was even worse in my opinion.  Danyell is clearly not all there mentally and he knows that and saw her as an easy way to get his precious green card, he didn't care about her at all.  I hope karma bites him in the ass.

Also what was up with that Walmart Tom guy?  Is he bi?   Who  befriends a young guy you met at Walmart?  I got the feeling Tom was into Mo as more than a friend, and yes I know he's married, lt just seemed really odd.

1. Ditto about the karma. I hope it bites them both in the butt.

2. Walmart Tom was only plot fodder placed by TLC. 

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I'm just finishing up the glorious Dani/Mo trainwreck, and I think I'd blocked out some of their endless bullshit. If Danielle says yet again that she wants to talk to Mohamed *one more time*, I'm going to stick my head in an oven.


"I'm going to tell Mohamed I'm over him!" Yeah, suuuuure you are. "Pathetic" isn't a strong enough word.

ETA: "Please leave." "I'm not going to let you make this about you!" "Please leave." FFS, Danielle. You don't look pathetic AT ALL.

My husband watched part of this with me. Somehow our marriage survives.

Edited by the-grey-lady
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On 5/8/2018 at 1:41 PM, Lady Iris said:

What? I'm sure Mahammit is still great friends with Tom *snerk*

There's one line where Walmart Tom says to Mo words to the effect of, "Even if you do get sent back to Tunisia, it won't affect our friendship. I'll still be your friend." And you watch it fall across Mo's face and you see exactly how much that means to him.  Nothing.

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On 5/13/2018 at 2:08 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

There's one line where Walmart Tom says to Mo words to the effect of, "Even if you do get sent back to Tunisia, it won't affect our friendship. I'll still be your friend." And you watch it fall across Mo's face and you see exactly how much that means to him.  Nothing.

Yup.  Although I believe Danielle was wrong to marry Mo, I think he is a psychopathic con man.  I didn't watch the Danielle/Mo saga until the season he moved to Florida with that other grifter (can't recall her name, the blonde one).  When he used all his tricks to try to manipulate her, I knew then that to Mo, people are only objects to use for his own purposes.  

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On starcasm they have screenshots of What Mohammed said to Danielle before the 90 days! I can see why Danielle thought he really wanted her. He kept saying over and over and over again how much he wanted to be married to her and wanted to be a family with her girls. He was saying what she wanted to hear. While I'm sure most of us could have seen through him, Danielle I think was so desperate and he said how much he wanted her AND her girls and to be a family that she bought it. 

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I need to go read that. Did she have those messages in her 3-ring binder of shame and that’s how Starcasm got them? Poor old dumb Danielle. Bless her heart, I always end up feeling sorry for her.

Now I feel bad for what I came back to this thread to post but here it goes anyway. My husband is a doctor so couldn’t help but ask him what he thought of Danielle Jbali future RN and he said she’d probably make history at her school for being the first student to have a GPA in the negatives. Then I asked what he’d do if her ever walked into the OR to see Danielle there as the scrub nurse. I got in his face and started hanging onto his arm going “Dr. Dr. I done got all yer stuff all set up for you. And here goes the patient’s binder, uhh, I mean chart. Ain’t you gonna take it? Here..” like I was chunking it at him. It was funny, we share a twisted sense of humor though lol

On 5/20/2018 at 11:14 PM, MollyZee said:

I have no idea why, but I swear, every time I see “Walmart Tom” as an identifier, I laugh until I cry.

Me too!

Edited by Marilee
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A woman who  appears to have absolutely no concern about the welfare of her children deserves no sympathy as far as I am concerned. She deserved everything she got.  In my opinion, she is the villain in this piece as one, she was the one with children, and two, everyone knows why he went along with the program. It certainly wasn’t for her body, her intellect, her charming personality, or her sense of style.

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23 hours ago, Kid said:

A woman who  appears to have absolutely no concern about the welfare of her children deserves no sympathy as far as I am concerned. She deserved everything she got.  In my opinion, she is the villain in this piece as one, she was the one with children, and two, everyone knows why he went along with the program. It certainly wasn’t for her body, her intellect, her charming personality, or her sense of style.

I agree.  Both were scammers.  Danielle had debt she withheld that information from Mahammit till the day before the wedding. Mahammit thought he can just marry her and take off like his brother up in Montreal. I think both those two deserve each other.

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