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Season 3 Discussion

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On 11/16/2016 at 2:50 PM, 12catcrazy said:

Can't women be strong and badass and competent without being made into sex objects? 

Nope, not as long as having people (let's face it, it happens to men all the time too) be sexualized in entertainment keeps bringing in viewers. Let's be honest here, they wouldn't be doing that if it didn't keep getting people to watch. It's been that way in some form or another for all of human history and always will for as long as sex is a instinctual drive built into our genetic makeup.

As for the episode itself, it's "meh" just like the rest of the season. Unnecessary drama based around some false conflicts which only exist because the characters were entirely out of character? Check. Annoying FBI chick is annoying? Check. Things made barely passable? Check.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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25 minutes ago, secnarf said:

The B-plot was meh. Not thrilled with this baby thing, and IMO LaSalle should get a paternity test stat.

I can't believe he hasn't done that yet.  Should have been the first thing he did.  He also needs to let baby mama know she can't be calling him all the time while he's working.

I enjoyed Percy and Gregorio bonding over their loser choices in men.

  • Love 5

I'm this <> close to dropping this show. The baby storyline is insufferable and stupid. What guy in 2016 automatically believes a woman (a one night stand/booty call at that) when she shows up on his doorstep saying that her toddler is his? The first thing he would've done was request a paternity test. The fact that LaSalle believes the baby is his because the "timing works" and the baby "looks like" him is ridiculous and makes him look stupid.

Also, it's blatantly obvious that they are setting up this baby storyline as angst for Percy and LaSalle. Otherwise, why draw out her finding out about it? Definitely an "obstacle" to the Percy/LaSalle pairing.

The FBI agent also continues to be a struggle for me. She shows up to work with her hair messy and flying and her shirt unbuttoned to her waist. I'm sure the show thinks it's "sexy" but it looks unprofessional and like she's going out for a weekend of drinking with her girls, instead of going to work. The hair did get better as the episode progressed, but the shirt still needed work. She was hit or miss in the annoying department. I will admit to liking her and Percy bonding over their loser men. 

On a shallow note, Percy always looks great, but she looked especially pretty tonight, specifically when doing her undercover stint. 

I was so annoyed with the baby storyline, I couldn't even get into the case of the week. Does it make the episode worth a re-watch?

Edited by Enero
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In the next episode (3/7-Outlaws) Gregorio takes off a blouse and is wearing a tank which is more appropriate to what she needs to do. 

I wonder if the point of all of the tanks, and low cut at that, is to be the most ready for whatever you need to do.  It makes it easier to change clothes in front of people, or peal off a layer if need be. 

7 hours ago, Enero said:

The FBI agent also continues to be a struggle for me. She shows up to work with her hair messy and flying and her shirt unbuttoned to her waist. I'm sure the show thinks it's "sexy" but it looks unprofessional and like she's going out for a weekend of drinking with her girls, instead of going to work.

I was totally distracted by the way her shirt was painted on her.  It couldn't have been any tighter. 

Sadly, I'm just about off of this show. Between FBI chick and the baby daddy "drama", it's become pretty much unwatchable. Last night I started channel surfing about 20 minutes in and found something else to watch.

Edited by Skycatcher
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13 hours ago, Enero said:

The FBI agent also continues to be a struggle for me. She shows up to work with her hair messy and flying and her shirt unbuttoned to her waist. I'm sure the show thinks it's "sexy" but it looks unprofessional and like she's going out for a weekend of drinking with her girls, instead of going to work. The hair did get better as the episode progressed, but the shirt still needed work. She was hit or miss in the annoying department. I will admit to liking her and Percy bonding over their loser men. 

God her hair.  Come on, you are FBI for goodness sake.  You can't convince me that that mess of hair would have gone over with them.  And being out of FBI for even a month or two would wash away all that training?  She still annoys me, not because she has a grating personality -- they've toned that down, but now because they are inserting her everywhere to make her one of them.  It felt unnatural how they shoe-horned her into knowing LaSalle's baby mama secret last week and now the constant refrain of "she's got your back" this week.  Just way too much try hard.  Everything about her integration into the team has been handled wrong and it doesn't help that she herself is so off putting.

Of course the baby mama stuff is gonna be romance angst for LaSalle & Percy.  I don't care I want them to hit the sheets.  Hard.  There I said it.  ha!  But it is such a dumb subplot for him.  Really show?  Really?

Edited by DearEvette
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A poster speculated in another thread that Gregorio was brought in to sex up the show. The cleavage, hair and tight pants seem to confirm that, but Percy was already doing it better and managing not to look like an idiot. If they really want to sex things up they can put tighter t-shirts and pants and some intermittent bare chest on Pride and LaSalle. Seriously. It's not like we watch this show for the clever and unexpected plot lines.

I've always had an issue with the female agents' hair on these shows. The female professionals I've known who did field work were social service workers and visiting nurses. There wasn't a hair extension in the bunch. Even though they weren't chasing bad guys or aiming guns, they didn't have princess hair. It's just not practical if you're doing anything active on a consistent basis.

I'd be thrilled if the show would send Gregorio and her permanently pursed lips back to the FBI. On the way she could drop off the ridiculous baby plot somewhere. This woman LaSalle hardly knows shows up with a baby she claims is his and he takes them into his home and gives her permission to call him at work continually. That makes much more sense than determining paternity and, if he is the father, establishing an agreement for custody, visitation and child support, with mother and baby in their separate household. I like most of the characters in this show more than in any other iteration, but it's hard to continue to care about people I want to smack. And if the baby plot truly is in aid of furthering a LaSalle/Percy relationship, I want to smack the writers, too.

Edited by Passing Strange
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2 hours ago, DearEvette said:

  She still annoys me, not because she has a grating personality -- they've toned that down, but now because they are inserting her everywhere to make her one of them.  It felt unnatural how they shoe-horned her into knowing LaSalle's baby mama secret last week and now the constant refrain of "she's got your back" this week.  Just way too much try hard.  Everything about her integration into the team has been handled wrong and it doesn't help that she herself is so off putting.

This. So much of this. Her presence in the LaSalle baby mama drama is ridiculous. It does feel unnatural how TPTB are placing her in this story. She may be working with the rest of the team, but she does not fit, for me, with the rest of the members. I cannot put my finger on why, but she just does not work for me.

I am one of the very few who like the possibility of a Percy/LaSalle relationship. So I hate this baby mama story even more. Even if they do not go there with Percy and LaSalle I do miss their friendship/partnership dynamic that I feel is lacking this season.

I cannot say Meri was my favorite character, but she was pleasant and fit in with the team. I liked her well enough. I did like her and Sebastian together as friends or whatever it could have been. I miss the team camaraderie.

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Well, based on the comments thus far, it appears I can wait to watch until after Thanksgiving...if ever.

i agree with Passing Strange....Percy did the sexy much better. Because it's not so obvious and obnoxious. 

Does anyone know the demographic on this show? Everyone that I personally know that watches this..or the Mothership, are grown WOMEN. So, I must be missing something...if they want to sex things up by adding a woman, when the already have Pride and LaSalle. 

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On 11/20/2016 at 8:04 PM, neuromom said:

LaSalle is going to Gregorio for advice? Oye! I miss Brody! And after the big push to make LaSalle and Percy friends, he's going to ask the new girl first? I think this one will be on DVR until I read all the reviews on this board. 

It made sense in that she already knew the secret. But for the promo monkey to emphasize it makes me think we are going down the Sleepy Hollow Abbie and Ichabod path where the powers that be see Gregario as the female prize of the show.

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It made sense in that she already knew the secret. But for the promo monkey to emphasize it makes me think we are going down the Sleepy Hollow Abbie and Ichabod path where the powers that be see Gregario as the female prize of the show.

I thought this as well. I just hope it really does not happen. If they are really going down the Sleepy Hollow path then Percy will be dead soon.

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Ok, I actually didn't hate this episode, though I didn't love parts of it either. The baby storyline is ridiculous. Pride even asks LaSalle if the baby is his-- but doesn't urge him to get a paternity test?! "Timing" and "looks like me" are circumstantial evidence at best! Get some hard evidence, Christopher! It's enough to want to make me bash my head into a wall. Seriously?! You are fraking federal agents, you know better!! ARGH! Plus, why is LaSalle looking at colicky infant videos when it'/ a freaking toddler? Nope. 

FBI chick did not bother me as much this episode-- I agree, it's annoying that she was the first one to find out about the baby drama but she wisely told LaSalle to talk to Pride and refused to get caught up in the whole situation by telling Percy. I did like when she was in the van with Patton and casually told him to hack the ATF database; that was amusing. And I totally agree her hair was super distracting this episode. I don't care if it's professionally done but at least pull it back! And I liked her telling Percy her "dirty little secret". 

The biker gang story was ok, though it was pretty obvious where it was headed (to the viewers at least). As soon as they talked about him wearing a Niners jacket but not being in the system, the light bulb went off. (If it wasn't going off already, I guess!) 

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On 11/23/2016 at 1:02 PM, Passing Strange said:

A poster speculated in another thread that Gregorio was brought in to sex up the show.

Massive FAIL - her presence and the ham-handed way TPTB are forcing her on us has turned me off the show.

Also agree with.....biker war and not a cop in sight?  Yeah, right.

Absolutely not shipping Percy/LaSalle, and so far the baby-drama has been absurd. 

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The only good thing about this episode was the music and to a much lesser degree the case. 

I didn't think the Lasalle baby storyline could get more ridiculous and contrived but somehow they managed to top themselves in this episode. Watch, he will end up marrying his bootycall. She's already in his house, in his bed and has his child, the only thing missing is the ring. And the way they are writing him he'll be just stupid enough to take it there.

I agree. Gregorio's angst about whether to leave or stay was ridiculous. We know she's staying. 

So now Sebastian is going to become an agent in two episodes even though he has no experience being a cop. Got to love these shows for that kind of accelerated experience and training.

The only other good thing about this episode was the Turkey Pride cooked for Thanksgiving. It looked absolutely delicious.

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A lot of good it did to put a guard on the kid's hospital room. And the hospital is supposedly on lockdown, but the perp still waltzes out the ER door holding a gun on the kid, no hospital security in sight. He's terrified of the boss -- maybe he does know something about the cartel.

What would a conversation be like between Sebastian and Jimmy? If no one was there to keep them on topic, would they trivia themselves to death?

I don't remember seeing this:  has it actually been established that the baby really is LaSalle's, or is he just naively taking his ex-flame's word for it?

Angst over LaSalle not telling Percy about the baby, angst over whether Grigorio goes or stays, angst over whether skittish Sebastian can cut it as a field agent (it doesn't seem like he could do Nell's laundry). NCIS-NO is now a soap opera? More jazz and Cajun cooking and less melodrama!


Yep, that baby daddy storyline is getting beyond ridiculous.  And unless I also missed something, they still haven't done a paternity test.  I'd think most people would have done so already -- certainly someone who is a freakin' cop who has a lab pretty much at his disposal.  Yeah, probably they shouldn't do personal stuff like that for him, but... the point is, you'd think he would make absolutely sure that is his kid before shacking up with his one night stand woman.

Loved the jam session between the young lad and Pride.  And I agree -- the music was the best part of this episode.

Gregorio wasn't as bad as she's been in the past, but she still annoys me.  I still wish she'd catch the first flight to D.C. and stay there with the FBI.

Sebastian as a field agent?  Just don't see how he would get through all the extensive training (both mental and physical).   I realize what he went through earlier was a life changing event.  But I also think his character hasn't thought this completely through yet.  And yeah, it would take years of training -- not something he could accomplish during the course of a TV season.

I knew that guard at the hospital would be pretty the designated "red shirt" in this episode.  Poor guy.  At least it looked like he lived through it (I think).

I dunno, this season doesn't seem nearly as cohesive as last year's.  Seems like they are throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks.

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I still don't like the way they are writing the interactions between New Girl and Pride. Earlier this season when I mentioned the same thing people acted like I was seeing something that wasn't there.

This Sebastian storyline is making me think of when they brought Greg out of the lab on C.S.I.: LV. At least they took it a lot slower with Greg.

That baby story is such a steaming pile of shit that I'm not even going to bother saying more then that about it.

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3 hours ago, Jaded said:

I still don't like the way they are writing the interactions between New Girl and Pride. Earlier this season when I mentioned the same thing people acted like I was seeing something that wasn't there.

I didn't see it at first, but I saw it last night. Now I'm wondering if at some point they're planning to go THERE with them. 

3 minutes ago, Enero said:

I didn't see it at first, but I saw it last night. Now I'm wondering if at some point they're planning to go THERE with them. 

UGH!  I sure hope not.  :-(    For me, she can go any time now.  I don't think she adds to the show at all.  Whenever she's in a scene it feels dark, dreary and lifeless.  According to IMDB, she has 14 years of acting experience...14!....yet, you really can't tell it by what she gives us on this show.  Sad.

With any luck, the 'powers that be' for the show will notice that she is not getting 'warm and fuzzies' from NCIS: NO fans and will reconsider her 'regular' status on the show.  I'll continue to watch...but only because I like the rest of the cast.

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I had my doubts about Percy when she joined the team, but I'm liking that character more and more.  That actress is really bringing it to the role.  You could see the surprise followed by hurt in her eyes at Chris not sharing this important life news with her, and you could also see it in Lucas Black's eyes that he saw her hurting.  He did really well selling LaSalle's conflicted feelings there.  That was a great scene, and well done by the actors.  When LaSalle fetched his badge or gun or go-bag or whatever, did we catch a glimpse that he's been sleeping on the couch, a la Gibbs?  And he totally flinched when Baby-Mama forced a good-by kiss on him. 


I hate that he hasn't done a paternity test, I know that was his first instinct when Baby-Mama surprised him.  But I think that LaSalle is so lost that he's looking for family wherever he can find it, so he is secretly wishing that the child is his and doesn't want to know.  Too bad the kid comes with the Baby-Mama...


I think Baby-Mama is playing games and working a con.  I'll bet we find out the baby is actually LaSalle's brother's baby.


I thought it was a good episode.  I know they need to bring someone in to replace Brody, and I don't hate Gregorio as much as some here, but she does grate a bit.  Sebastian-as-agent will be a flash in a pan.  He'll go to FLETC training, then freak out at something there (the character is a total wad of neuroses) and realize he belongs back at the lab, but will make it out in the field more often doing on-location CSI stuff.

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13 hours ago, NYGirl said:

For the first time since this show started I purposely missed an episode.  I watched House Hunters instead and enjoyed it immensely.

Don't feel bad. This is the SECOND episode I've missed. And as long as the baby mama drama continues, I think I'll pass. It's too bad too, because I've adored Scott Bakula for years. 

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Maybe HurricaneVal is on to something about LaSalle's brother being the baby daddy. And I agree with whoever said that this season seems like they're throwing the do-do at the wall to see what sticks.  This season doesn't have the feel of the prior seasons.  It just seems ... off.  

I don't hate the FBI chick but don't really like her all that much. I'm still missing Merri.

Here's a story for you: almost 40 years ago I knew a guy who lived the LaSalle baby story line.  He was the brother of my BIL's wife.  He had a one night stand with a woman he met at a bar.  He even used "protection".  About a month later she searches him out and says she with child.  Much to everybody's horror, he actually married this woman he didn't really know.  Fast forward about 10 years and another kid or two later, and the wife announces that "she wants to go find herself".   And also decides to rub his nose in the fact that the oldest child, who he totally adored, was NOT his child; she was already pregnant when she went to bed with him.   So yeah, this shit DOES happen, but in 2016, you'd think a TV show NCIS agent would be savvy enough to not fall for it.   And to not insult the intelligence of the viewing public by letting him fall for it.  

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On 12/6/2016 at 8:22 PM, Passing Strange said:

All the angst about her going back to DC is silly when she's in the opening credits.

I was irritated that her overhearing the conversation between Pride and Sebastian made her not apply.  It's not like he's made it through the training yet, he may wash out or decide it's not for him.  OTOH, I do want her gone so...

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The baby mama drama is stupid. I'm glad Percy was pissed and upset LaSalle didn't tell her, because whether or not they ever do become a thing, she's right that they are friends first and he should have told her sooner. I thought the hurt and anger she had toward the whole situation was pitch perfect. LaSalle needs to get himself together. And frankly (I say this as a woman and a mom), LaSalle is not under an obligation to be his baby mama's husband. As Percy said, he needs to have her back and support the kid if it is his (which, for real, WHY THE FUCK HAS NO ONE DONE A PATERNITY TEST YET?!) but that doesn't mean he has to have a relationship with her unless he wants to one. I'm frustrated by the this whole damn thing. The longer this goes on, the more I want to throw a brick at my tv.

So now FBI chick is all ready to jump on board with NCIS-- and then throws it away when she hears Sebastian is going to try and be an agent? Ugh, right. She's in the main credits! We don't need this drama! Maybe she will go back to DC and stay (here's hoping).

Edited by catray
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On 12/8/2016 at 6:43 PM, catray said:

The baby mama drama is stupid. I'm glad Percy was pissed and upset LaSalle didn't tell her, because whether or not they ever do become a thing, she's right that they are friends first and he should have told her sooner. I thought the hurt and anger she had toward the whole situation was pitch perfect.

Yeah, I like the way they played that.  Percy's reaction is about hurt that she was the last to know not about some lame jealousy.  Also she was giving him common sense advice.

But the whole baby mama story is an insult to the audience.  'The timing is right and he looks like me' is not proof of paternity.  I mean LaSalle is a cop, he should he suspicious just out of principal.

Even though Gregorio is not as abrasive as she has been, she is still annoying because messy hair and pursed lips  is not an acting choice.

I thought the COTW was meh, but I did love the music aspect of it.

Edited by DearEvette
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I still really dislike Gregorio. She grates every time she is onscreen. I love that NCIS-universe finally got a 'regular' who isn't straight, love the way it was done, but it doesn't change how I feel about her as a character.
I wish they had done something like that with Meredith, but maybe that is just me wishing she would come back.

I really hope we never hear from LaSalle's ex again. Nothing to be gained from that storyline, except a concussion from all of the head-banging.

1 hour ago, secnarf said:

I still really dislike Gregorio. She grates every time she is onscreen. I love that NCIS-universe finally got a 'regular' who isn't straight, love the way it was done, but it doesn't change how I feel about her as a character.
I wish they had done something like that with Meredith, but maybe that is just me wishing she would come back.

I really hope we never hear from LaSalle's ex again. Nothing to be gained from that storyline, except a concussion from all of the head-banging.

So Daryl is going to be murdered... yawn. I can't stand Gregorio - couldn't bear her on Graceland. Bring back Meri.

The Driver  reminded me of  Blake Lively

I like Gregorio. She is who she is. Not every character has to ooze charm and be soft and cuddly. She obviously can be affectionate, just not with anyone you expected. Under the hard crust, she's eager to please her NCIS buddies and loves the city. And Sebastian as a field agent? Meh.

By the way, N'awlins is supposed to be a character itself, but has been neglected too much lately. Come on, show, more tourism and history!

LaSalle wanted to believe the baby was his, so no paternity test, just like he wants to believe he can handle any crisis without help, dripping with macho overconfidence. If he had only let Daryl be arrested for punching him, the outstanding warrants, etc, would all have come out from the beginning. Why would Chris, who would do anything to protect a child he only thought was his, not realize that Daryl would do anything to be with the child who he knows is his and that ordering him to stay away wouldn't have any effect?

"I can't tell you what's going on -- you wouldn't understand," gets overdone on these types of shows and is mui aggravating. I can say from experience that with the death of a child, all bets are off. You go to the cops and spill everything, the heck with Dana, who most certainly should pay for her crimes. You don't go, "Ooo, don't rock the boat!"

Place your bets: how long before Daryl gets out of jail?

Looking at the female characters in this episode I'm thinking the wardrobe, hair and makeup people hate Vanessa Ferlito. CCH Pounder, Shalita Grant and Meghan Ory all looked professional and attractive. Vanessa Ferlito looked like her character had just rolled out of bed and gone to the office wearing whatever clothing was on top in the laundry hamper. Beyond that, I think it's the actor I don't like as much as the character. She's just not selling Gregorio's transition from anti Nola, anti NCIS to risking her job to help Pride's team. Because of that, I'm not buying Percy and LaSalle's turnarounds, either.

Now we know why LaSalle never had a paternity test. It would have confirmed what we all suspected, that he wasn't the father. That it also would have spared us this episode's stupidity makes me even more sorry he never had one. It's good that the show touches on the issue of domestic violence, but a more realistic solution would have been nice. Having a friend who can press serious charges, uncover other ones and have cops on hand "just in case" isn't a common solution to the problem. My guess is we're done with the baby story and it was a catalyst for some growth we'll see from LaSalle.

Just when Sebastian had passed tolerable and was on the way to likable they decided to make him annoying again.

Pride's hair game was on point this episode.

Has this show finished filming for the season or is there room for viewers' opinions to maybe have some effect on future episodes?

Edited by Passing Strange

Place your bets: how long before Daryl gets out of jail?

I was pleased at how this storyline ended, but I agree that Daryl will probably show up soon.  When LaSalle went 'AWOL' from the case and witnesses saw him in a fight with Daryl, I figured that Daryl would turn up dead and LaSalle would be arrested (which would have really annoyed me, because that has been done so many times). 

I am happy the baby mama plot is (hopefully) over, but man did they have to make LaSalle so monumentally dumb to get us there?

I am even questioning what the overall plan was for the plot?  The girlfriend never once seemed like she was running from something or in danger or even fear for her and her kid.  She just came off as seeming like an opportunistic schemer who got lucky that LaSalle was too stupid to insist on a paternity test.

What is worse the show doesn't do a convincing job of making Daryl look like the domestic abuser he supposedly is, since the only person we even see him hitting is Lasalle.   Wouldn't it have made more sense for him to have grabbed the ex and the kid and forced them to leave with LaSalle none the wiser if he was such a controlling abuser?  Instead they have him tracking down LaSalle at his place of work?

Honestly until she said she was afraid for Tucker because Daryl had a temper, I was assuming they were just having her be a simple liar.  She lied to LaSalle about the kid and then she lied to Daryl about LaSalle. Didn't realize until then they were going the "danger" route because literally nothing up til that point telegraphed it.

This is the most I liked Gregario the whole time.  Her scenes with her ex-GF were well done and conveyed a sense of intimacy so you believe they had been a couple.  Even so Vanessa Ferlito's acting tics are hard to overcome and I found myself annoyed when she'd show up or the clumsy way the show is trying to make her necessary to the team.

Edited by DearEvette
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I didn't understand the baby mama plot when it was happening, and I understand it even less now that it (hopefully) is over.

I thought maybe they were trying to lead up to some sort of plot in which the baby mama (or, potentially, the actual dad) was part of some crime or something and then we would discover that everything is not as it seems, or just that this is reality now, Chris is a dad and living with the baby mama (why?) and here we go (barf, but ok). Instead, we have this random side plot that pretty much came out of nowhere, and now it's all over.

It would have been much better if they had Chris do a paternity test originally showing Tucker is his kid, and then in this episode, some murder/crime happens, and in the process of investigating, evidence points to this guy Daryl, and they're talking with him, and then as they run background on him, it shows that he has a wife named Melody and a son named Tucker, with a picture of them three (camera slow pans to Chris's face), and then they turn up all this evidence that Daryl is (insert whatever of hard criminal, wanted in Nantucket for this, serial abuser, whatever), and in the process of nailing him, discover that Melody faked the paternity test because of Daryl being abusive to them.

The bit with Gregorio and whatever Meghan Ory's character's name is, I thought they were going with the characters being sisters, since the actresses could pass for sisters IMO, albeit Meghan's character being the more professionally attired and styled sister. Gregorio can just go away now. Stay in the FBI, rekindle your relationship, adios.

Also, can we officially be done with characters who work in labs or technology or not the field places, wanting to become field agents? It isn't working on NCIS LA, and it's not working here either. Sebastian (and Nell/Eric) are effective when they're doing what they're good at, and as soon as they start writing them elsewhere, somehow it follows that they start writing them like idiots also. Pass.

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When New Girl was in the scene where it was revealed the lawyer lady was her ex, she started fumbling for words talking about being confused back then. She was saying lawyer lady helped her with that but they also made it sound like she bi. Revealing that New Girl is gay or bi made it seem like they were dressing her more sloppy with messy hair to portray that which kind of came across as stereotyping to me. 

The writers were probably trying to inject some character development into Lasalle with this whole "baby mama" arc, but the whole thing was badly bungled from start to finish. How the writers probably wanted this to come across is Lasalle slowly coming into the idea of being a father, but what the development ends up looking like is that he goes from "smart competent federal agent" to "total dumbass" the second a woman claiming to have bore his child showed up. The very least they could have done was have Lasalle have a paternity test done and have it turn out inconclusive or the mother faked it, at least then Lasalle wouldn't have looked like a total idiot.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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