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S03.E02: It's Official!

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3 hours ago, fuzzylollipop said:

Jinger is embarrassing to watch. She reminds me of 13 year olds screaming and crying for Justin Bieber or any boy band in history. She should be way past that stage at her age. She acts like she's way more into him than he is into her. How many times did she say I love you? How many times did he? I'm pretty sure the ratio is something like 10:1. She's acting like this guy is way out of her league, but he's really...Kind of...Just another loser Duggar son in law. She is in for a major reality check once that love bubble bursts and she's squeezing out an army of Jesus soldiers for a guy she barely knows. 

I wonder if Jinger thinks all these love-sick emotions and raging hormones she's feeling are the "Signs from God" that they've been raised to expect. It seems a little cruel to act so silly around Jana and JD and the other unmarried older kidults - she's kind of rubbing it in.  "Look at me! I've been blessed by God and you haven't yet!"  Also I'm a little worried for how she's going to handle it when the actual sex starts - she just seems so girlish right now.

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1 minute ago, OpieTaylor said:

I wonder if Jinger thinks all these love-sick emotions and raging hormones she's feeling are the "Signs from God" that they've been raised to expect. It seems a little cruel to act so silly around Jana and JD and the other unmarried older kidults - she's kind of rubbing it in.  "Look at me! I've been blessed by God and you haven't yet!"  Also I'm a little worried for how she's going to handle it when the actual sex starts - she just seems so girlish right now.

Good point. Jeremy is a man of the world and if he's not a virgin, he's abstained from the sex he used to have for quite some time. He might be ready to go full on, but if they're saving their kiss for their wedding, what's a meek virgin who's never even been kissed to do when this shit gets real? I don't have any hang ups about sex, but I would find that whole idea of going 90 to nothing a bit scary. Even those who wait for marriage, have usually engaged in kissing and heavy petting, so for them it's more of a logical "next step"...than suddenly now "ok, you're married now, so all things are permissible...have at it"...

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1 hour ago, Clemgo3165 said:

I don't know if Josie has delays or if they've coddled her to the point of being spoiled. Michelle said absolutely nothing to her about using her fork, it was Jessa who had to speak up. Why wasn't Michelle correcting her? I can't imagine Jessa would have insisted on the fork if she knew for a fact that Josie wasn't capable of doing so.

Since Josie was such a micro preemie, it's not unlikely she has some issues from her very early birth. 

Children with delays CAN do things but it's hard work! Let's just say that Josie has fine motor issues...feeding herself with a fork is challenging and the slippery lasagna falls off the fork so it's easier for her to simply use her hands.  Jessa knows Josie can do it but wants to just eat with her fingers because it is easier...jessa was just pushing her to use a fork. Jessa didn't want to hear any bull shit that it's hard. Just use the fork, josie.  Typical of Jessa. Michelle is checked out and has lost perspective of child development. (if she ever had it to begin with)

I think they coddle her for two reasons

1. Josie does have some delays and denial, denial....

2. She is the youngest and had such a traumatic birth...it's hard not to just pretend she is 2 and do things for her, excuse her behavior etc. 

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And two episodes in a row in which Jessa treats Other People's Children differently than what she claims she will do with her own. Because Jessa will have utensils in her kids' hands around the time they graduate to solid foods. I'm surprised that we haven't already seen Spurgey eating as a gentleman should. He's almost 10 months old, for crying out loud!

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Jill and Derick acting like oh no! I am in a dangerous place. This is not America. Jill with her what would I do if something bad happens to Derick...These two make me very stabby because they act like they are special snowflakes who are under the impression they are the only couple in the whole wide universe to deal with these types of issues. Wake up Derelict and Jillykins, you are not the first nor will you be the last couple who ever have to worry about losing a spouse. Talk to spouses of military personnel. emergency personnel, law enforcement officers, and others who have dangerous jobs. Talk to spouses of patients with a live threatening illness or serious medical conditions. Grow freaking up Jill! Derick get your manbun head out of your freaking behind! The both of you should have thought of this before getting married and having a baby. Geesh!!! It is not play time nitwits, it is called the real world!!! And newsflash, couples in America actually do deal with this on a daily basis. If you do not have your ducks in a roll, you only have yourselves to blame.

And yes Ben you want to be a roll model for kids. Really!!! I guess you need to spread your philosophy of hate, bigotry, and trying to save the heathens because you think you are a talented special snowflake who actually understands what kids in the real world (emphasis on the word real) need to know in order to survive in dangerous places you and your wife would not want to live in.

Jinger is becoming another version of Jill. Jeremy should be grateful he can be alone by himself without her clinging to him. I hope he enjoys it while he can. I cannot wait to see the both of them in a few years. I will not be surprise if he is going down the buyer be aware road. I think he is going to be in for a very rude awakening. Josh is already been down the road, Derick is in the middle of the road, and Ben is in safe lane now, but he probably have dealt with the fast lane by now.

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19 hours ago, cereality said:

I can already foresee some irritation from his family when they realize their son's wedding won't feature a sit down meal but rather Costco sheet cake or Dixie cups of ice cream or whatever it is Jinger likes for dessert.


Not Costco!  Sam's Club only for these people, Costco is much too progressive.

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The only children I have anything to do with on any kind of meaningful level are my brother's two honor-roll, utensil-savvy, frontal-hugging children, so this is a completely uneducated and uninformed opinion (which makes it super valuable in Duggar World, so listen up, Duggars!), but I'm leaning more toward Josie's issues being more of a product of her insane parents than any kind of developmental delay. Michelle has a strong interest, both psychologically and financially, to keep her baby a baby. Carrying her around everywhere and letting her eat with her fingers at six years old says a lot more about Michelle's brain than Josie's. Just my uninformed opinion, and if someone who works with developmentally challenged children has a different opinion, I concede to it. :)

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6 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Derick is starting to venture into John Shrader/Poisonwood Bible territory. I agree that something happened and he likely shrugged it off as par for the course while Jill was scared shitless. 


I'm guessing some "fans" found their residence and knocked on the door, believing they were going to be invited in and could spend time with Jilly Muffin and the Big White Baby.

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But wasn't Boob carrying her? Not like her birth mother would ever deign to touch the Precious Miracle. They may well conspire together to hide something. Because Precious Miracle. She's supposed to be PERFECT!!!! I wonder what Josie would do if she was NOT carried. The feral dinner table manners at her age are inexcusable. The other kids manage to use utensils, often properly. I've seen too many pictures of Josie being carried in the last year. I think they are either in denial, or hiding information about her. With this being the Duggars, it's a 50/50 split on which box to pick. As I noted before, I was a premie when the cutoff date was much later than 25 weeks. I am still only 5'. My father never carried me around like that when I was six, and I knew how to eat at a table, despite my (adoptive) mother being a raging alcoholic more in love with vodka than her children. 

For once, mark the day, I agree with Jessa. 

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I use to work in group homes for the developmentally disabled, and a few clients I use to work with did live at home until they turn eighteen or twenty one. Some of them had good manners, but a few could not clean their own behinds after going to the bathroom, brush their teeth, or had good table manners. A few were treated like Josie has been treated, a few were given special treatment because they had a disability, and a few had good parents who treated their son or daughter like a normal human being and help them be prepared for the real world. And to be honest about it, I hated dealing with some of the parents because they thought the staff did not take good care of their child. I have no clue if Josie has some type of disability. Her parents have stunted her mental and physical growth. Who am I kidding? All of the Duggar children have stunted growth due to Ma and Pa. 

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I thought it was interesting that the Duggars who did the survivor camp each said at one time or another, "we need to learn how to do this, you never know when we're going to need it." There was something about the way they said it that sounded like they're convinced something terrible is coming that they need to be ready for. It was so cult-like to me, like "we have to do this-or-that because Our Leader says this-or-that is coming and we need to be prepared."  Sort of like how the Doomsday cult leader told her members the U.S. was going to be hit with nuclear weapons, so they spent years building underground bunkers to get ready for it.  It wouldn't surprise me if the Duggars are swallowing up a heaping spoonful of survivalist disaster paranoia, especially in this heated election year when it kind of does feel like anything could happen. 

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23 hours ago, flyingdi said:

Ben is getting hard for me to dislike.  He is just so so earnest!  I'm now thinking he may have made a better mate for Jill than Derick.  In fact, I'm starting to think they should all be mixed-Jessa/Jeremy, Jill/Ben and that leaves Derick for Jinger, I guess.

While I agree with the Jessa/Jeremy pairing, I don’t believe Jinger would be attracted to Derick.  Jill and Derick seem well suited and I have a feeling that Ben and Jinger would make a better couple. 

What I found interesting was Derick proclaiming how happy he is with his life in Central America.  He strikes me as the type of guy who would rather live off the grid, even though his wife and kids are miserable. 

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3 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

I'm guessing some "fans" found their residence and knocked on the door, believing they were going to be invited in and could spend time with Jilly Muffin and the Big White Baby.

Actually I'm guessing the opposite; maybe some locals got tired of the stupid 'gringa' who butchers their native language while she tells them their version of Christianity is wrong.

Over the years I've worked with Salvadorans, Hondurans, Costa Ricans & Mexicans. In general, they took Catholicism and the adoration of Mary quite seriously. I could see some locals taking exception to the Dullards condescending brand of preaching & threatening them. Maybe they even played the 'I know people who can do this or that to you...' card. 

Edited by lulu69
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I'm sure  SOS has some sort of safety plans in place regarding "what if" type of safety scenarios & would go over them on the first day.  

I guess since Jill hasn't been exposed to or taught about life insurance, she probably doesn't have a clue of what it is & how it works. 

They make a big deal of Jer having to deal with a large family at the dinner table yet they can barely manage to keep one conversation going. Hope Jinger learns what (Italian) gravy is. I wonder what his family thought while watching the show.  

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Did Ben have an epiphany and realize that he should probably minister to people closer to his own intellectual level?

No surprises with Jinger, she's the 3rd 20 something going on 13 Duggar daughter to court. I can imagine the doodles on her IPad app.

I agree, someone, friend or foe entered Jill's home uninvited. Did I see razor wire fencing surrounding their home?

No comment on Josie the Miracle Licker.

And I have eaten many a meal with more than 20 or so people. In my world extended family as well as unrelated folks eat together.

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34 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

And I have eaten many a meal with more than 20 or so people. In my world extended family as well as unrelated folks eat together.

We attended a post-funeral lunch for a beloved family member three weeks ago. There were forty family members at the restaurant, some of which we'd never met before.

It's odd that there was no conversation at the Duggar dinner table. Wouldn't there be a little visiting about "what's going on in your church in Laredo", etcetera? I'm sure we'll see an extra-special Internetz FU in the upcoming weeks when everyone at dinner will be chattering away with each other...

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Maybe once they're officially "engaged" in show time, they may add some depth to him. Hell, Dreck had depth added from day one. 

Ben? Well, damn, he actually seems to have some ambition academically. I wonder what his world would have been without the Hot Duggar Daughter. Coaching the co-op football team back in Hot Springs?

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Lord help me, he might not be the sharpest tool in the tool box but I have really grown to like Ben. He seems so down to earth, like what you see is what you get.

Spurgeon is an absolute chubby faced little doll, so cute.

WTH take out lasagna, no tater-tot casserole?

Am I the only one who was hoping they would add in some banjo music while those dim wits were out in their survival training!

I am not picking on anyone, I had really bad acne as a teen but almost every one of the seems to have issues with acne. Is their diet I wonder?

I cringed when I heard one of the boys mention they were gonna keep their eyes on the goalie that they weren't going to just hand their sister to just anyone. What are we back in cave man days!

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40 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Lord help me, he might not be the sharpest tool in the tool box but I have really grown to like Ben. He seems so down to earth, like what you see is what you get.

Spurgeon is an absolute chubby faced little doll, so cute.

WTH take out lasagna, no tater-tot casserole?

Am I the only one who was hoping they would add in some banjo music while those dim wits were out in their survival training!

I am not picking on anyone, I had really bad acne as a teen but almost every one of the seems to have issues with acne. Is their diet I wonder?

I cringed when I heard one of the boys mention they were gonna keep their eyes on the goalie that they weren't going to just hand their sister to just anyone. What are we back in cave man days!

I actually think it might be a genetic thing with them. My younger sister had terrible acne, which none of us older kids had a problem with. She had the same clusters of angry pimples as you see on the Duggar kids. The difference between us older kids and our little sister - she has a different mother, and it turns out skin problems that don't respond to diet or medication run in her family. My sister is now in her early 20s and only just starting to have her skin clear up a bit.

I hope all the Duggar girls that become Gothard breeders have nothing but boys, so they're not bringing more girls into a belief system that treats them like property with no agency of their own.

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In regards to the acne, I think it is genetic. Both of my sons, now 19 and 22, had to go on Accutane in their teens because nothing else worked for them. The dermatologist told us they were at high risk for having permanent scars, so luckily the medicine worked well for clearing it up permanently. I guess the Duggars don't believe in dermatologists though. I'm glad they earned enough from the show for all of the kids to have braces, because it seems like nearly every one of them had to have them. I can't remember if the money was there when Josh and John David were younger because I don't think those two had them. 

I don't think they believe in any kind of physical or occupational therapy either, or Josie would be functioning better for her age. Too bad she isn't in a public school, I'm sure she could learn much more than the Duggars will ever teach her.

Ben is starting to grow on me as well. He doesn't come across as smug or pretentious or holier-than-thou, (although I've read he comes across this way in his writings). He seems to have some interests in doing something with his life but he's been stifled by the Duggars and the tv show. I remember when he first met Jessa, he was installing windshields with his dad, wasn't he? Then later on it was reported he was selling insurance part time, and he even had a woman who was his boss. It is possible he's still selling insurance now?

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The Seewalds working out with the baby strapped to their torso was dumber than usual. Why would anyone think that's a remotely good idea? The baby's head flopping back and forth, the risk of baby puke, sweating on the baby. 

John-David has zero charisma. 

Why did they need to "borrow a friend's" RV? Don't they have that bus? 

Poor Jill. She clearly hates living in Central America, but Derick loves living rough, and he claims God wants them to persist with it. 

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I have 2 micro premmie babies, both were about double the weight of Josie, but each have had their issues.  My daughter (who is a couple of weeks older than the speshul snowflake), had hers mainly in hospital but has thrived since, she is in an accelerated learning class for grade 1 this year and is doing great.  Our son, has motor skills issues, if let be at the dinner table, will use his fingers for anything, and it drives me insane!  He can use cutlery, but if he is in any way tired, all ability to do so goes out the window.  He is 5.  He has had his doting big sister do everything he needs for him for a good part of his life, they are best friends and play well together.  Josie also has had EVERYTHING done for her, so my guess is she is used to being helped out more than anything, hence the finger usage, however Jessa isn't one to do things for her as she doesn't live at home any more.  

My guess the curtains and the doors down in danger America are for the air con, it limits the cost if the room is darker, and if the power does fail, keeps it cooler longer too.  I pity Jill, her insulated home life doesn't give her the skills to get out and be a risk taker.  Derick at least wants to "Make a difference" in the best way he can, despite all the challenges.  Poor Jilly Muffin has always had her sisters to rely on and bounce everything off, even if she was the snitchy one and told tales every chance she could get.  

I confess my "watching" was interrupted by face book games on the other computer screen and washing up (yes it was more interesting than this in parts and we don't do disposable plates unless we are bbq-ing in nature and I am feeling lazy) so I did miss a fair chunk, but it was more boring than bat shit!  

Question, did they see a bear and what happened?  I went back to washing up LOL  

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Like others, I must confess that Ben is growing on me as well.  Of all the adult males connected to this family, Ben is the only one who is a partner in his marriage. I'm not running out to make a t-shirt pillow or anything but he's racking up some cool points. 

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6 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

The Seewalds working out with the baby strapped to their torso was dumber than usual. Why would anyone think that's a remotely good idea? The baby's head flopping back and forth, the risk of baby puke, sweating on the baby. 

John-David has zero charisma. 

Why did they need to "borrow a friend's" RV? Don't they have that bus? 

Poor Jill. She clearly hates living in Central America, but Derick loves living rough, and he claims God wants them to persist with it. 

I also thought they had an RV or bus. Maybe when the cancelled Ma & Pa Duggars' show it got repossessed?

Jill really does seem unhappy, she probably thought oh it will only be a month or so then I will be back home with all the air conditioning and hair spray I could ever need. Culture shock for her.

Derrick on the other hand has really gone native. The hair, beard and bandanna, he truly seems to be enjoying being there doing missionary work.

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17 hours ago, Aja said:

My military dad was stationed in southern Italy when I was a young'un and OH MY GOD, you should have heard the way some of the servicepeople and dependents wailed about the lack of Burger Kings like their human rights were being violated. Somehow Muffy strikes me as this type.

Jilly would be like some of the wives my brother met in England. They rarely left base to go on the economy, unless it was a field trip. ENGLAND for pity's sake! We speak the same language!  Of course, we saw what they were like in England.   Maybe Jeremy might be able to open Jinger to some new experiences.



What I found interesting was Derick proclaiming how happy he is with his life in Central America.  He strikes me as the type of guy who would rather live off the grid, even though his wife and kids are miserable. 

If he wasn't married, I think Derick would be one of those backpack travelers, meandering through interesting places around the world. Teaching English/Bible study to natives to pay for his stays. I think he got lonely and thought it would be nice to have a partner while he traveled. Since he is religious, a wife was the most ideal partner. He ended up with Jill. Which at first glance, would seem perfect. You really have to dig under the surface and see, in spite of their worldly travels, she is sheltered and afraid of anything different.

Edited by Catlyn
added adeejay's quote
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28 minutes ago, Catlyn said:

If he wasn't married, I think Derick would be one of those backpack travelers, meandering through interesting places around the world. Teaching English/Bible study to natives to pay for his stays. I think he got lonely and thought it would be nice to have a partner while he traveled. Since he is religious, a wife was the most ideal partner. He ended up with Jill. Which at first glance, would seem perfect. You really have to dig under the surface and see, in spite of their worldly travels, she is sheltered and afraid of anything different.

I think you nailed it with that ^^^^. Jill was "pure," fundie, religious, and wanted to be a missionary. She was a D-list celebrity and one of the stars of a reality TV show. On the TV show, she and the family had traveled internationally as well as around the US making appearances. 

I'm sure Derick had no. idea. of how ignorant, under-educated, "sheltered" (isolated!!), and close-minded Jill really was (and is). I doubt that he gave much thought to the fact that she was literally, physically, surrounded by her huge family 24/7/365, and that just moving into a house where she lived only with him would be a huge change for her. Even if that house were right around the corner from the TTH. I'm sure that clingy Jill bringing his lunch to him at work was not what he expected. I suspect that he had to get away from the Duggar circus for his own sanity, and I give him credit for thinking that getting Jill out of there - especially after Joshgate broke - was in the long run a good move for her. 

I have no clue who Derick really is, and he certainly doesn't come across as an alpha male. But ya know, he DID move Jilly a long way from the TTH and her toxic parents, and keep her there for several months in a row. That's a big deal, IMO, given the massive gravitational pull of the Duggar Circus on Jill (and I think the other kidults). 

Although probably Oregon or Maine might have been a better choice than Danger America, in terms of Jill making a good adjustment to the move. That's where we see the Derick who's happy to be out roaming around the world vs. working in a cubicle.

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15 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

But wasn't Boob carrying her? Not like her birth mother would ever deign to touch the Precious Miracle. They may well conspire together to hide something. Because Precious Miracle. She's supposed to be PERFECT!!!! I wonder what Josie would do if she was NOT carried. The feral dinner table manners at her age are inexcusable. The other kids manage to use utensils, often properly. I've seen too many pictures of Josie being carried in the last year. I think they are either in denial, or hiding information about her. With this being the Duggars, it's a 50/50 split on which box to pick. As I noted before, I was a premie when the cutoff date was much later than 25 weeks. I am still only 5'. My father never carried me around like that when I was six, and I knew how to eat at a table, despite my (adoptive) mother being a raging alcoholic more in love with vodka than her children. 

For once, mark the day, I agree with Jessa. 


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4 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Like others, I must confess that Ben is growing on me as well.  Of all the adult males connected to this family, Ben is the only one who is a partner in his marriage. I'm not running out to make a t-shirt pillow or anything but he's racking up some cool points. 

Please, PLEASE let us know if you do feel the need to make a Bin t-shirt pillow.  Our intervention will be speedy and effective.

1 hour ago, Kokapetl said:

Is ice cream a thing with Ben and Jessa?

I found the whole courting announcement odd...first, Jer asks Jinge to court.  They go in the house and tell JB and J-Chelle and whatever rugrats are running around.  Then, they go to Jessa's and announce it again and have ice cream.  Then, they Skype Jill and Der and announce it AGAIN.  THEN, they have a big, awkward family dinner...couldn't they have just announced it to everyone there?!  I thought, holy crap - Jinge and Jer must be freaking exhausted.

1 hour ago, Catlyn said:

If he wasn't married, I think Derick would be one of those backpack travelers, meandering through interesting places around the world.

This, absolutely.  He seems very chill in Danger America, he's changed his looks into something that he feels comfortable with and honestly suits him (IMO).  Jilly is being taken along for the ride and doesn't seem too happy about it, but I do believe she knew what Heavy D was all about when she married him.

Regarding Josie - who knows how this show is edited, but after Jessa scolded her for eating with her (probably not clean) hands, the next scene showed Josie leaving the table and disappearing into another room, with no one giving so much as a glance as she ran away.  I'm no tyrant, but my kids had to ask to leave the dinner table.  I'm sure Michelle didn't even register that one of her kids was no longer there.  Actually, I'm not sure Michelle registers much of anything anymore.

Jeremy holding Josie was just.....really bizarre.  Is that child so desperate for someone to pick her up that she'll accept any takers?

That dinner scene, tho...I'd like to take a seat on the Bin Bandwagon and give him props for trying to make small talk while the rest of the Duggars scarfed their food with their heads down and eyes averted.  WTF was that?!  Haven't they all supposedly known Jeremy for awhile?  Why did no one talk to him?  Were the icky love vibes making everyone uncomfortable?  I know they were making me uncomfortable, and I was sitting on my living room couch.  Jinge needs to seriously cool it with the adoring, swoony eyes.  It was like she was trying to stare into his brain or something.  ICK.

Edited by laurakaye
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Josie left the table with her grubby, lasagna-tainted fingers, supposedly to go and sulk on the waiting room furniture. Gross! She was also eating something while again being held.  Over the years, I've seen those kids constantly eating while playing, wandering, anywhere but the table.  I do believe sit down meals are a very rare event in the Duggar household.

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Ben has a long list of issues that we can, and do, comment on.

But, at least he is trying. He seems more open than everyone else, more social, more aware and seems to actually be reading books. 

Edited by Marigold
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8 hours ago, LittlePeas3 said:

Question, did they see a bear and what happened?  I went back to washing up LOL  

Right - what happened with the bear? Ominous music and Blair Witch-style footage, then... shots of tree branches. The end.

Are these episodes airing out of sequence or what? Odd that there was no mention of Jessa's pregnancy. 

And Jill is pregnant, yes? 

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I think there was no bear and it was all faked for drama. I know the Duggars are total dumb asses, but I can't imagine the camp leaders would allow Joe (or whoever it was) to venture towards the area where it was spotted. I've seen better acting on Finding Bigfoot.

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I don't think Jill is pregnant because if that footage was filmed in May, she'd really be popping by now and recent pictures (at least the ones I've seen), don't show that. Jill is like Anna where they always look four months along even when they aren't expecting.

Edited by BitterApple
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There's apparently about 300 bears in Missourah. I don't think we saw one in this episode. 

1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I think there was no bear and it was all faked for drama. I know the Duggars are total dumb asses, but I can't imagine the camp leaders would allow Joe (or whoever it was) to venture towards the area where it was spotted. I've seen better acting on Finding Bigfoot.

Bear growls courtesy Finding Bigfoot production team. 

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Jill, adults in the US, and everywhere else, have tough discussions about death, wills, insurance, etc. It's called being a grown-up, and is especially important when children enter the picture. People die every day, everywhere. And FFS, you're in AMERICA. How can you not realize this when you always say Central AMERICA. 

She really has lost it, hasn't she? What happened to being a midwife and helping others? They knew they were going to be parenting when they left. She may as well have stayed back home. I can't scrape together any pity for someone living high on the hill, in what may as well be a mansion compared to how most of the citizens live, just because the power goes out sometimes and there are bugs. She embodies everything that is wrong with the majority of missionaries who set out to help those poor brown people who don't worship Jesus the "right" way. I imagine it's affecting anything Derick can accomplish as well, as I'm sure they all know his wife is above them all.

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I got less than five minutes  in and Jinger said she didn't want to eat ice cream because courtship makes you not hungry. Then Jessa opens her trap and spews out (in such a high voice I'm shocked local dogs didn't howl) that Jinge had to fit in a wedding dress. Shut up, Blessa, Jinger looks like a breeze would take her away. I'm done watching. I'll fill in any gaps by reading here.

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4 minutes ago, FakeJoshDuggar said:

I got less than five minutes  in and Jinger said she didn't want to eat ice cream because courtship makes you not hungry. Then Jessa opens her trap and spews out (in such a high voice I'm shocked local dogs didn't howl) that Jinge had to fit in a wedding dress. Shut up, Blessa, Jinger looks like a breeze would take her away. I'm done watching. I'll fill in any gaps by reading here.

Wow. If that was supposed to be an FU Interwebz moment, I'm really worried for Jinger.

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7 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Regarding Josie - who knows how this show is edited, but after Jessa scolded her for eating with her (probably not clean) hands, the next scene showed Josie leaving the table and disappearing into another room, with no one giving so much as a glance as she ran away.  I'm no tyrant, but my kids had to ask to leave the dinner table.  I'm sure Michelle didn't even register that one of her kids was no longer there.  Actually, I'm not sure Michelle registers much of anything anymore.

Jeremy holding Josie was just.....really bizarre.  Is that child so desperate for someone to pick her up that she'll accept any takers?

I think Jessa was right to try and insist Josie not eat with her hands. Precious Tiny Addition has the motor skills to throw back her head and lower pieces of lasagna into her mouth with her eyes closed, I'd say she could move a fork from a plate to her mouth and back. 


As for the carrying, you'd have to pay me a lot of money in order for me to allow grossie Josie to sit on my arm. 

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When Jeremy walked up behind Jinger at the soda machine he was totally going to (GASP) rear hug her. It would have been a perfectly normal thing for any young couple without touch restrictions to do. He caught himself though. And she seemed visibly uncomfortable with his nearness, even though there was a little cha-per-OWN (like Bin says it) right there. Busted!!!

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