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Season 4 Discussion

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14 minutes ago, millennium said:

The only person who makes Jorge look stupid is Jorge.    

I will agree to disagree. She enjoys giving Jorge the rope to hang hinself with and nothing about that is remotely entertaining to me.

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Is it just me, or does this guy's head look exactly like an egg when it's on her phone?

It was truly disturbing watching him try to hug her again after she had already pushed him off once! She might be a bitch, but he still needs to respect her boundaries! He outweighs her by AT LEAST 100 pounds, and after she made it very clear that she didn't want to be touched, he tried again and again to attempt a big bear hug! I thought that was truly disgusting! And that's what he was willing to do in front of the cameras!

It's very clear that there is zero chemistry between these two and the last thing they need is to get married.  She was looking at this phone thinking why should I let this egg into my house, even if it is his house, and even if it is a talking egg?

Jorge with a J is not inherently horrible looking.  However, if he really wants to live a shallow life with a beautiful, shallow bride, then he needs to go to the gym and sweat off about 80 pounds.Then, he needs a complete personality overhaul!  I'm thinking a School for Scoundrels type of deal.  Then, he could absolutely use his status to find himself a shallow, pretty woman without having to buy one.

download (1).jpeg

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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10 minutes ago, fountain said:

I would have liked Pedro to say "sure I'll sign a prenup, that will protect my earnings too".  Then he could watch Chantal's parent's heads spin.  After all there isn't anything to indicate Pedro plans to live off Chantal, at least not to me.  He seems like a decent guy.

Haha, that would have been perfect. Pedro does seem like a decent guy. I haven't once gotten the impression that he is using Chantel. 

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I was laughing at the send off Nicole got from Azan. He couldn't get rid of her fast enough! I hope they don't stay in touch or get married for the sake of her little girl. Nicole needs to make Mae the priority right now, she's a baby.

Matt's friends are as skeevey as he is. This had to have been producer ridden. And who wears an ugly Christmas sweater to your bachelor party?

Anfisa and Jorge. I have no words. Give her the Azan spend off "bye, you gotta go!" Bye Felicia! 

Pedro seems like a good guy. I don't think he's here for a green card or Chantel's future money. 

Lowo and Narkiya, I still think he's lieing about everything and she's stupid for believing him. If she loses her job I hope he's worth it. 

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1 hour ago, trimthatfat said:


I don't care if Jorge promised Anfisa a million dollars a month - her treatment of him is disgusting. I am just imagining a man being cruel to his girlfriend in the same manner and outcry that would follow. Anfisa is a jerk who gets off on making Jorge look stupid. I want Jorge to hand her a one way ticket to Russia and tell her good riddance. I don't even like Jorge and think he's an idiot, but I get no joy from watching how he's treated. I will be skipping their scenes going forward. Anfisa doesn't deserve any praise. I almost wish Jorge had kicked her out instead. She's not an attractive woman inside or out. And it's funny that she keeps saying she just wants money, but she repeatedly bitched that Jorge did not bring her flowers and didn't have a genuine apology prepared. I would think she wouldn't care for such things. Jorge should have called her bluff...her ass isn't going anywhere.


Here's how I feel about it (obviously, everybody is entitled to watch this garbage show in any way that they want, and cast judgments every which way on its participants) -- we have seen similar cruelty in previous seasons where the man held the power. No two situations are the same, so it won't compare 1:1, but Mark and Nikki from last season showed a husband/fiance basically isolate a 19 year old girl and berate/scold her for offenses as grave as touching a car window. And the show's narrative so far has tended to be either awkward but genuine-seeming romances, or women getting duped or mistreated by men. Combined with just the general fatigue I have with awful, entitled men in pop culture generally and IRL, I get my schadenfreude on when the tables finally turn.

Here we have a man who in episode one decided American women as a whole weren't worthy of him because of feminism and women having jobs and equal say in the relationship...and this is a common theme on this show, and something I've seen prevalent in documentaries on "mail-order brides", where the men are seeking out women who will be subservient and eager to please to stay in the country. Basically, when his own motives seem to be corrupt and sleazy - treating a hot lady's Instagram/Facebook as if it had a "buy now" link on it - I'm happy to finally see a narrative on this show where the power balance is flipped and one of these guys doesn't get to trap a foreign bride. Also I have a pet theory that he's so into being dommed like this, and is being coy about it on camera, but that aside my whole view on it is sure, they're both garbage people, but I don't feel bad in taking joy in Jorge's defeat. 

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5 hours ago, millennium said:

I don't blame Anfisa at all.   She came here for a business arrangement.  Period.  She made no secret of it.   She has not sought romance from Jorge.   Jorge however has failed to hold up his end of the arrangement and is now trying to weasel out by whining that she doesn't love him but he loves her, boo hoo.   He's a big phony.  He knew the deal but counted on Anfisa being so hot for a green card that she'd suck it up when he couldn't deliver the bling.   He probably can't even afford a ticket back for her.

Speaking of Anfisa, does anyone think it's possible she lied about her age and in fact may be younger, maybe as young as 17?

I can't even discuss the Nigerian jerk.   The whole storyline is insulting to my intelligence.   The thought of Narkyia trussed up in pink fuzzy handcuffs, her mouth stuffed with cupcakes, was more than I could bear.

I detest Anfisa, but she did come here for a business arrangement; last week she told Jorge that if she were unattractive he would not have dated her.  See, I wonder what Jorge told Anfisa about himself and about the life he had in the US.  He could have told her he was wealthy, that she'd have a great life in America and now she's pissed because she realizes that what he told her wasn't what she was expecting. 

I think Anfisa isn't younger but older.

I can't stand the Nigerian jerk either.  It pisses me off that Narkyia left her son with her mother, to go running to Vietnam to make sure this jerk isn't cheating on her.  Girl, if you have to get on a plane to make sure the man isn't cheating, he's not worth the trouble.

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He lets these assholes get away with their shabby treatment of him, and comes back like a kicked puppy, wagging his tail, forgiving everything. He allows it so they keep it up.

Speaking of puppy-like, how about that scene in the tux shop where he was all "doesn't this suit make you want to snatch me up and marry me so no other woman can have me?" or however he said it. He was metaphorically jumping up and down like a little dog. Look at me! Love me! Please tell me I'm cute! And Alla was all...nah. Ouch.


She IS everything that is wrong with society. She displays an appetite for greed that is rare for a woman her age. She is also whoring herself, literally.

I object! I don't think it's fair or accurate to paint the entire culture with the Anfisa/Jorge brush. Those two are a creepy aberration, and they do not represent most of the people in this country or in the world. We watch this show because the behavior is so far from the norm, not because it is a reflection of ourselves.


Team Pedro. Chantel, I don't get what she wants, and I don't get why she had to make an appointment with her parents through her brother. Why not pick up the phone or go over their house? Why all this drama?

And why were the parents two hours late? That is some passive aggressive BS. I wouldn't wait two hours for anyone. Including my parents who I had screwed over.


It was truly disturbing watching him try to hug her again after she had already pushed him off once!

Jorge does it. Nicole does it. Danielle does it. I wonder if, in the history of the entire world, the "I'm going to smother you in affection until you love me back" technique has resulted in anything but contempt.

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OMG the airport scene with azan and Nicole was painful....I cannot imagine how Azan felt...I was watching it on tv and I was like "leave already.....go get on the plane....stop peeking at me....shes almost around the corner..yes...oh fake out..i still see her.....YESS!!!! she is gone!!! Seriously she is the most annoying woman ever and I felt physical relief for him when she was finally gone. lol. I do wonder what that ring set he gave her is worth.

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3 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

If I was paying for a 4th stripper for Matt, he would have had Danielle climbing on that bus in tassles.  She can use the money to fund her tour of America following Mo around.


The imagery of that....bwahahaha. Dammit man! 50 Shades of Baby Huey.

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Did anyone else catch the closeup of the ugly feet of the stripper as she approached Matt?   I've been out of the game for a while, but don't strippers usually walk in 6 inch heels?    This sounds like a production trick from Sharp/TLC.

By the way, I'm betting anyone that the prenup is another production trick to arouse interest.   Remember a couple of seasons ago the older guy and the young skinny girl how he brought up and made her sign a prenup.   THAT was real because that guy had assets and had been through a divorce.   Skinny girl was also coming to the relationship barefoot and had all the signs of a gold digger.

Jorge highlights the importance of having good friends or family close to you who can tell you when you are fuC#ing up.   Even if I was a remote friend of dude, I'd tell him that he needs to cut it off and drive that girl to the airport tomorrow.   No if or buts, just dump her and dump her fast.

I keep feeling very sad for Azan and his family.   Poverty and scarcity of options make good people do weird things some times.    

I also feel that Alla is the smartest person in that entire season.   Matt showed some cojones but he went about it like a little kid.  He could have stopped the music, stop that silly whorehouse bus and told his friends to just go to a nice dinner so he could hear their advice/jokes and get drunk instead of them forcing a poorly nourished Anfisa on him.

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If I was paying for a 4th stripper for Matt, he would have had Danielle climbing on that bus in tassles.  She can use the money to fund her tour of America following Mo around.



I cringed watching Jorge and his desperation. He lied about his life and how rich he was. He took her on trips and made her think he was a millionaire. She over looked that he looks like Winnie The Pooh and probably sweats like crazy when having sex. She is done and wants to move on to the nexk mark.


Laughed with Azan! 

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39 minutes ago, Matias130 said:

She IS everything that is wrong with society. She displays an appetite for greed that is rare for a woman her age. She is also whoring herself, literally. 

I certainly don't agree with her life choices, but it takes two to tango. One could argue that Jorge displays an appetite for shallowness that is rare for anyone, period. Anvisa (ha - look what my spell check did, I think  I'll keep it) might be whoring herself but Jorge knew what he was getting himself into. He chose to "buy" someone's love because he didn't think average looking women from the US were good enough for his fat ass. He is ALSO what is wrong with society.

Part of the reason why I love this show so much is I keep going back and forth on who I dislike more and they always seem to break even.

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  Even if I was a remote friend of dude, I'd tell him that he needs to cut it off and drive that girl to the airport tomorrow.  

You mean like Matt's friends? that has gone well.

Edited by sleepyjean
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I also don't buy the claims of this solely being a business arrangement. Anfisa half-heartedly tried to make Jorge dinner and seemed somewhat disappointed when it was clear the meal was disgusting and Jorge didn't enjoy it.  She complained he was not romantic upon his return to the apartment. She may not want to admit it, but I think some part of her cares for him and it isn't just about money. She just isn't interested in showing it because she likes being able to hold the power. I know women in business relationships and they are focused on having bills paid and stacking as much as possible - they don't care about flowers and other romantic gestures. 

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6 hours ago, millennium said:

Funny how Pedro came to life, and was suddenly very interested in what was being said, once it became clear that he might be cut off from Chantal's income.    I don't trust that guy for a second.   But I did love the awkward silences in the confessional with Pedro and Chantal, especially when Chantal looked away with an expression on her face like "Is this really worth it?"

Hold on now, I'm on Pedro's side.  The reason he wasn't speaking up before was because he was being made to keep up the lie.  He expressed his frustration when spending time with her father and brother.  He could not be himself because he had to keep up the lie.

From where I stood, Pedro did not understand why Chantal needed to lie to her parents. This is all Chantel's making.  

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6 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

I also don't buy the claims of this solely being a business arrangement. Anfisa half-heartedly tried to make Jorge dinner and seemed somewhat disappointed when it was clear the meal was disgusting and Jorge didn't enjoy it.  She complained he was not romantic upon his return to the apartment. She may not want to admit it, but I think some part of her cares for him and it isn't just about money. She just isn't interested in showing it because she likes being able to hold the power. I know women in business relationships and they are focused on having bills paid and stacking as much as possible - they don't care about flowers and other romantic gestures. 

in one of the first episodes she said she had never felt like this about anyone..so yes, despite herself she does seem to have feelings for him.

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43 minutes ago, nlkm9 said:

OMG the airport scene with azan and Nicole was painful....I cannot imagine how Azan felt...I was watching it on tv and I was like "leave already.....go get on the plane....stop peeking at me....shes almost around the corner..yes...oh fake out..i still see her.....YESS!!!! she is gone!!! Seriously she is the most annoying woman ever and I felt physical relief for him when she was finally gone. lol. I do wonder what that ring set he gave her is worth.

Lol I noticed the same thing, watching her is so frustrating. It was like just go already! Stop interrupting every time words come out of Azan's mouth! Imagine the patience anyone that has to be around her has to have. As for the ring whatever it cost I think he should cut his losses and be glad that (over) month long nightmare is over. 

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6 hours ago, millennium said:

Funny how Pedro came to life, and was suddenly very interested in what was being said, once it became clear that he might be cut off from Chantal's income.    I don't trust that guy for a second.   But I did love the awkward silences in the confessional with Pedro and Chantal, especially when Chantal looked away with an expression on her face like "Is this really worth it?"

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't trust him! The whole issue of his reliability has been clouded by Chantel's big stupid LIE. However, let's not forget this man missed his flight, didn't bother to call her, and got testy with her when she, on the verge of disappointed tears, tried to question him about it. To me that said a LOT about his character! Also he did a bait and switch about his love of clubbing which seems to be Chantel's favorite hobby; again, this was clouded by her terrible behavior.  Add to that we know nothing about his work history or if he even has one! I think Pedro might actually be perfectly comfortable sitting on the couch all day playing video games while Chantel brought home the money.

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3 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

I don't care if Jorge promised Anfisa a million dollars a month - her treatment of him is disgusting.

But he craves it though.  He's a perv.  When he spent the night in his car he probably wanked until the windows were covered in cream.

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I personally think Pedro got animated about the prenup because he finds being asked offensive.  I know lots of people who do get upset at the idea for a first marriage where you generally grow up together and have kids together.  Later on in subsequent marriages where you already have something and have kids it is thought of differently.  In Pedro's culture they may not be common so he might not get it.  If he did go ahead with one I hope it would include consideration if he becomes the stay at home dad.

The stripper bothered me a lot.  The friends were disgusting (or was it the brother?) saying Alla can just leave if she doesn't like it.  Well what about Matt not being interested?  Personally, I feel strippers at a bachelor party are more for the married guys to have an excuse to see strippers than the guy getting married. 

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Oh you guys.   I am laughing my ass off this morning instead of working.

"Buy now link"   So so true.   

"Bookings at the Elk's Lodge" made me almost spit my tea out.  

Matt's friends know he shouldn't be getting married again.   But instead of talking to Matt about how maybe marriage isn't for him, they place all the balme on the new wife.   Because yeah, wife #4 is the problem.   Not the common denominator.   Although Matt is another "buy now link" kind of guy.   He doesn't have to go overseas to find a wife who will marry him then divorce him.   He could probably find someone to do that within a 50 mile radius of his house.   But he wants someone with fewer options so he has a better chance of stayng married.   

As for Narkiya, yeah, girlfriend ain't thinking straight.   If you have to go to another country, on your own dime, to check up on him, you are wasting your time.  You can find a guy much closer to home you can't trust.   Then all it will cost is a tank of gas.   You can get tips from Danielle on how to follow your man around to make sure he is being faithful.   

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I want to know what Jorge did or said that got Anfisa so mad and caused Jorge to apologize so profusely.  Too bad they didn't show that because maybe Anfisa really is justified in her reaction, like if Jorge told her he's broke.

As it stands after what we saw last night, she can be an admirable bitch but the way she acted was below human decency.  We need to know what the fight was about.

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I don't think Anfisa represents everything that is wrong with society but I do think she is the physical embodiment of Instragram #GOALS. Just another social media chick with no discernible skill or personality traits who sees the Kardashians as role models and want what they have - to be famous for nothing just by posting heavily edited pouty sexy pics of themselves wearing 5 lbs of makeup and all the shit they have like high end clothes, shoes, jewelry, houses, cars and vacations.  

6 hours ago, millennium said:

For Anfisa, "romance" = amount of dollars spent.   "Proposed" = $150,000 ring.   It's all business. 

Yep. Even Jorge's apology wasn't enough because it was accompanied by a gift and/or flowers.

5 hours ago, Cherrio said:

                 I do think Jorge inflated his net worth and spending power to Anfisa.   I really think he is as delusional as Danielle in that he thought she would change and love him for him.

As soon as marijuana is legalized Jorge will be able to afford the nightmare wife of his dreams.

Edited by islandgal140
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6 minutes ago, Sup wit dat said:

I want to know what Jorge did or said that got Anfisa so mad and caused Jorge to apologize so profusely.  Too bad they didn't show that because maybe Anfisa really is justified in her reaction, like if Jorge told her he's broke.

As it stands after what we saw last night, she can be an admirable bitch but the way she acted was below human decency.  We need to know what the fight was about.

And if a said she didn't even remember what the fight was about. Jorge apologized because he is worried she will leave. Kicking him put and having him grovel was a power play to her. 

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Next week's preview showed Nicole eating with her family. They noticed she was eating less than usual and questioned if she were trying to lose weight and seemed to disapprove of her doing that? If so why? I wonder if they encourage her to be over weight and dependent upon them? Other wise, no matter what the reason, losing weight would be good for her.

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2 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Yeah, I couldn't figure out what the big deal was. Neither one of them has any money.

It could dictate how they handle other aspects of the marriage - that he can't move back to DR w/ any future children if they divorce, that they must keep all future finances separate, that he can never request alimony if they divorce, etc. (Tho would INS actually honor a pre-nup???)

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Something tells me that the neighbors could tell the producers what Jorge and Anfisa were arguing about.

Jorge is an idiot for actually leaving the apartment when his name is on the lease and is a US citizen, little Miss Ukraine should have been the one to sleep in the car.  Anfisa will never have any respect for Jorge because he has let her treat him badly and comes running back for more, every time.  He has screwed himself big time. 

Azan can't even look at Nicole when he talks to her and Nicole does not even see that?  It is hard to watch them together.

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12 hours ago, steff13 said:

What exactly is Chantel protecting with a pre-nup, anyway?  

If Chantel was attending the prestigious Spelman College and owns a townhouse in Buckhead, I could see her needing a pre-nup.   However, she attends a Community College and lives in a one room efficiency in Atlanta, where depending on the neighborhood, a three bedroom apt goes for $550.  Her parents need to have several seats. I am starting to agree with the posters that think their story line is a fake. 

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I thought it was interesting that Azan apologized to Nicole, on the cab ride to the airport, about having been rude to her. He said he should have treated her better, like "she deserved to be treated." I think he knows he made a huge mistake with her and is overcome w/ guilt and frustration.

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5 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

I am starting to agree with the posters that think their story line is a fake

I agree the story line is totally fake. I think that Chantal and  Pedro met and decided to stay together. She saw an ad for 90 Day Fiance and concocted the story of their secret engagement as hook to get the producers to select them for the show. Everything after that has been manufactured drama for the cameras. 

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45 minutes ago, winsomeone said:

Next week's preview showed Nicole eating with her family. They noticed she was eating less than usual and questioned if she were trying to lose weight and seemed to disapprove of her doing that? If so why? I wonder if they encourage her to be over weight and dependent upon them? Other wise, no matter what the reason, losing weight would be good for her.

I'm not going to soapbox real hard here, especially since the scene in full hasn't aired yet, but I don't think it's a logical conclusion that them being concerned about her feeling to need weight for a guy means they have a codependent need to keep her fat. And there are definitely unhealthy motivations for wanting to lose weight, which could open a Pandora's box of other issues, and solely to make a partner happy is one of them. Especially when said partner is an online relationship turned green card fiance. 

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2 hours ago, thejuicer said:

He chose to "buy" someone's love because he didn't think average looking women from the US were good enough for his fat ass

yes, Jorge wants no part of "average looking" American women with their modern outspoken FEMINIST ideas! They might want to leave the house, express an opinion or *gasp* work! I AM worried about that poor kitten's welfare. I hope production brought it along as a filming prop and it has gone to a good home. 

I noticed Pedro's English comprehension seems to conveniently come and go depending on what's being discussed around him, Baby. And would someone from the Dominican Republic know anything about something called a prenuptial agreement? I wonder if Chantel's parents have any idea the K1 visa comes with the promise of her financial support? 

I still think Nicole's ring set is a CZ. (She could be easily fooled, unlike Anfisa who would probably pull out a jeweler's loupe and inspect it.) I re-watched the proposal scene and couldn't help but notice it came in one of those foil covered cardboard cube boxes like they have at discount stores. 

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1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

I don't think Anfisa represents everything that is wrong with society but I do think she is the physical embodiment of Instragram #GOALS. Just another social media chick with no discernible skill or personality traits who sees the Kardashians as role models and want what they have - to be famous for nothing just by posting heavily edited pouty sexy pics of themselves wearing 5 lbs of makeup and all the shit they have like high end clothes, shows, jewelry, houses, cars and vacations.  

I agree.  She even said she wants to be famous; that is her goal.  She's one of these "Insta-famous" young women who wants to be the next Kardashian, they feel, "if it worked for Kim/Kylie/Khole, it can work for me too!" 

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26 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I agree the story line is totally fake. I think that Chantal and  Pedro met and decided to stay together. She saw an ad for 90 Day Fiance and concocted the story of their secret engagement as hook to get the producers to select them for the show. Everything after that has been manufactured drama for the cameras. 

I don't believe it's a fake because Chantal looks progressively worse as the days go on.  She looks like she is very anxious and nervous.  She appears to be one of those people who stops eating when anxious.

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15 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

I don't know. Matt actually showed some cojones (small ones) by not going along with the stripper. It would've been better if he had walked out entirely, but there may be some hope for him. That was a rough-looking stripper though. Why were they doing all of that in the bus?


Narkiya flying to Vietnam is beyond stupid. Or rather, Narkiya taking unpaid leave, spending whatever it costs to get a last minute ticket to Vietnam, and allowing her son to watch her chase after her bald-faced liar of a fiance is beyond stupid.Going to another country because you think he may be lying is a HUGE sign that there are major issues. If you don't trust a man's word, you don't marry him.  UGH. These people.

I was pleasantly surprised to see him [Matt] take a stand, even if it wasn't as strong a stand as I think he should have (or that I would have taken). His friends and his brother are truly pieces of shit. It seems very clear to my wife and me that his friends and brother engineered the bachelor party to get him in trouble with Alla. This seems even more clear when you look at the previews for the next episode wherein Patrick straight out tells Alla that he doesn't think she's marrying Matt for the right reasons. And that stripper? It's hard to get any skankier than that and still look good enough for people to both hire you as a stripper (as an employer) and want to touch you (as the customer). Thankfully, it did not turn out to be one of Matt's ex-wives. My wife and I are hoping that Matt's friends' behaviour will help torpedo their friendships with him since they're doing something so overtly diabolical. Unfortunately, these are people he has to work with every day.

As for Narkyia and Lowo ... where do we even start? "Beyond stupid" is probably as descriptive a negative assessment as you can give without getting vulgar. I can think of meaner ways to put it, but they aren't printable. I'm sure the show paid for her ticket over there, but why go in the first place? She doesn't trust him, anyway, no matter how many times she claims otherwise. Is going there going to change that? (Rhetorical question; don't answer.) And then to take UNPAID time off?!? Made me want to reach through the TV and punch her in the head. If they actually get married, their marriage will be even shorter and more explosive than Danielle's and Mohammed's. If TLC is smart, they won't turn off the cameras for a second once/if these two get married. I think their relationship and the resulting flameout will be a Chernobyl-level disaster, including the toxic follow-on effects in the rest of their lives and relationships with friends, family, etc.

Anfisa and Gorge .. err Jorge. I think we should just all take to spelling his name as "Gorge" because he is clearly a glutton for punishment. And whatever I said in the last week or two about Anfisa actually being willing to go back to Russia? Yeah, I take it all back. Anybody that told me "She's just using it to manipulate him" .... well, you were right and I was wrong. Whether this tactic will work or not depends entirely upon whether he has the cash to meet her demands and views that as a good way to part with that cash. I've been thinking that Jorge was just p***y-whipped, but now I realize he's just a bigger p***y than Matt is. If he had a spine, he'd have told her to GTFO when she was trying to kick him out of his own apartment. After all, it's not like her name is even on the lease/rental agreement. At this point, I'm sick of seeing her and listening to her. I'm hoping Jorge gets fed up next week and buys her that return ticket to Russia. I'm certainly looking forward to his family putting the smack down on him for being willing to pay for sex (and spend so much on it)!

Chantel and Pedro. My wife and I can't figure out, like the rest of you, what it is that Chantel needs to protect with a pre-nuptial agreement. I wish they would spend some time delineating that for us. I also can't figure out why Chantel doesn't just step up and say "I don't see a need for a pre-nup and I'm going to proceed without one." This leads me to believe that she has some kind of inheritance or trust or something that hasn't been mentioned on the show. From the looks of it, Chantel isn't going to be willing to proceed with the wedding without the pre-nup and, of course, Pedro's mother gets furious at the suggestion. (This isn't a surprise to me as I think most mothers probably would react the same.) Based on the revelation that she's been lying for about a year regarding this engagement, I can see why her parents and brother reacted so badly when the truth was revealed. I mean, I knew she'd been lying for longer than three or four months, but even I didn't predict it would have been a year.

Nicole and Azan. Thank God it's over. Let's hope their relationship ends soon after. That whole discussion on the rooftop was pointless. We were glad to see her ask him why he loves her, but then she just accepted the answer of "I love you because you love me; and you have a great smile". Yeah, those are definitely qualities that'll make someone fall in love with you. :rolleyes: They accomplished absolutely nothing on the rooftop, except to affirm their relationship is pointless and based on fairy dust and moonbeams. That all said, if this gets Nicole to rethink her relationship with food and exercise, then I'll take that victory - no matter how small it might be.

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54 minutes ago, balisticnikki said:

It could dictate how they handle other aspects of the marriage - that he can't move back to DR w/ any future children if they divorce, that they must keep all future finances separate, that he can never request alimony if they divorce, etc. (Tho would INS actually honor a pre-nup???)

Okay, that actually makes more sense now.  Yeah, it is suspicious that suddenly Pedro was awake and understanding and even assertive when they started talking money.  I didn't know he had it in him.

Especially because we are almost at the end of the season and we still have no idea what he does for a living? (Unless I missed something?)

And his mom sounded like a total harpy, screeching about, "Estúpido Americano!" Where's the love?

Not that Chantel's family is any better.

But yeah, I don't trust this guy. His scheme is harder to detect because of his obvious chemistry with Chantel, but he's got ulterior motives. 

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3 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

Here's how I feel about it (obviously, everybody is entitled to watch this garbage show in any way that they want, and cast judgments every which way on its participants) -- we have seen similar cruelty in previous seasons where the man held the power. No two situations are the same, so it won't compare 1:1, but Mark and Nikki from last season showed a husband/fiance basically isolate a 19 year old girl and berate/scold her for offenses as grave as touching a car window. And the show's narrative so far has tended to be either awkward but genuine-seeming romances, or women getting duped or mistreated by men. Combined with just the general fatigue I have with awful, entitled men in pop culture generally and IRL, I get my schadenfreude on when the tables finally turn.

Here we have a man who in episode one decided American women as a whole weren't worthy of him because of feminism and women having jobs and equal say in the relationship...and this is a common theme on this show, and something I've seen prevalent in documentaries on "mail-order brides", where the men are seeking out women who will be subservient and eager to please to stay in the country. Basically, when his own motives seem to be corrupt and sleazy - treating a hot lady's Instagram/Facebook as if it had a "buy now" link on it - I'm happy to finally see a narrative on this show where the power balance is flipped and one of these guys doesn't get to trap a foreign bride. Also I have a pet theory that he's so into being dommed like this, and is being coy about it on camera, but that aside my whole view on it is sure, they're both garbage people, but I don't feel bad in taking joy in Jorge's defeat. 

Yes. They are trying to keep the dom/ slave element low key

i really was uncomfortable watching Jorge go in for the second hug. I noticed how Big he is and he was forcing himself on her. I don't like her but was glad the cameras were there

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17 minutes ago, hisbunkie said:

I don't believe it's a fake because Chantal looks progressively worse as the days go on.  She looks like she is very anxious and nervous.  She appears to be one of those people who stops eating when anxious.

She looks like she's either drinking or not getting much sleep.

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18 minutes ago, MrSmith said:


Nicole and Azan. Thank God it's over. Let's hope their relationship ends soon after. That whole discussion on the rooftop was pointless. We were glad to see her ask him why he loves her, but then she just accepted the answer of "I love you because you love me; and you have a great smile". Yeah, those are definitely qualities that'll make someone fall in love with you. :rolleyes: They accomplished absolutely nothing on the rooftop, except to affirm their relationship is pointless and based on fairy dust and moonbeams. That all said, if this gets Nicole to rethink her relationship with food and exercise, then I'll take that victory - no matter how small it might be.

Agreed. I thought she was right on in asking him that question, but just didn't realize the answer was not enough.

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Narkyia, just so stupid, who has money to buy a plane ticket to Viet Nam last minute to spy on the liar you are engaged to and I bet she will be paying for the hotel room, the flowers, etc...I would feel so guilty spending all that money for my selfish, stupid behavior and then hug my son goodbye knowing that I will have to provide for him and his future, education etc...Does she not ask herself what this Nigerian prince is bringing to the table other than fuzzy hand cuffs and a big load of lies? 

I had to laugh when Chantal's parents asked about a pre nup, honestly, they don't have two nickels between them!  BTW, Chantal's mom has got to stop it with the cowboy hat.  Mr. Betty and I have a pre nup but we have children from our first marriages so we wanted to protect them and ensure that they would get their inheritances etc...you know, the gobs of money I have tucked away in a Swiss bank account, lol.  

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55 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I agree the story line is totally fake. I think that Chantal and  Pedro met and decided to stay together. She saw an ad for 90 Day Fiance and concocted the story of their secret engagement as hook to get the producers to select them for the show. Everything after that has been manufactured drama for the cameras. 

I am torn on this, because if it is all fake then Pedro/Junior is a damn good actor.  He seems genuinely offended by the whole situation that Chantal, according to the storyline which makes no sense but whatever, caused as far as his being the bad guy who is not to be trusted.  Mother Chantal is really beautiful.  Maybe the pre-nup is supposed to protect Chantal's inheritance from her parents. I have a cousin who married into a wealthy family and their was a big pre-nup brouhaha right before their wedding, I've no idea of the legal details however.

Alla brought my favorite part of the show again when she said something would show her Matt is stupid, cut to Matt making the DURR face of the century. 

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1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Okay, that actually makes more sense now.  Yeah, it is suspicious that suddenly Pedro was awake and understanding and even assertive when they started talking money.  I didn't know he had it in him.

Especially because we are almost at the end of the season and we still have no idea what he does for a living? (Unless I missed something?)

And his mom sounded like a total harpy, screeching about, "Estúpido Americano!" Where's the love?

Not that Chantel's family is any better.

But yeah, I don't trust this guy. His scheme is harder to detect because of his obvious chemistry with Chantel, but he's got ulterior motives. 

He's just too handsome to have a bad side!!! OMG he's so good looking. Best looking 90 Day Fiancee person ever.

49 minutes ago, Kickboxer said:

I am torn on this, because if it is all fake then Pedro/Junior is a damn good actor.  He seems genuinely offended by the whole situation that Chantal, according to the storyline which makes no sense but whatever, caused as far as his being the bad guy who is not to be trusted.  Mother Chantal is really beautiful.  Maybe the pre-nup is supposed to protect Chantal's inheritance from her parents. I have a cousin who married into a wealthy family and their was a big pre-nup brouhaha right before their wedding, I've no idea of the legal details however.

Alla brought my favorite part of the show again when she said something would show her Matt is stupid, cut to Matt making the DURR face of the century. 

Inheritances from dead relatives are usually automatically protected.

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1 hour ago, Lion18 said:

Yes. They are trying to keep the dom/ slave element low key

i really was uncomfortable watching Jorge go in for the second hug. I noticed how Big he is and he was forcing himself on her. I don't like her but was glad the cameras were there

Agreed--when he first went into the apartment he tried to corner her between the door and the wall and it was very apparent how much bigger he was than her. It was very unsettling to watch.

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