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11 hours ago, liammaam said:

Matt and Alla:

Patrick is a bit (lot) of a dick.  Actually, EVERYONE close to Matt seems like a dick… and the common thread is Matt.  “I’m just trying to protect Matt from making a stupid mistake like he’s….always done.” 

Honestly?  I think Matt thrives and survives on constant drama.  Between his sweet mom constantly coddling him, and his brothers and friends just plain OVER IT, Matt’s loving this whole whirlwind romance.  I think that sucks, because there is a kid involved, and a woman who actually seems decent—when she’s not being interrogated by everyone who knows Matt, and treated with outright hostility from his friends. 

Poor Alla—I get pissed when my husband is late, much less when we HAVE COMPANY COMING OVER, and said company are STRANGERS and I am left alone to make awkward small talk.  So, fuck Matt for putting Alla in that position.


Jesus, I almost threw the remote through the screen when Patrick harumphed that he didn't like that Alla complained about Matt being late. "We don't take no back sass from our fillies around here, girl!" She's not allowed to be mad? She is preparing dinner for Matt's friends, at his request, and he can't be arsed to show up on time? Guess she's supposed to be so grateful that she's made it to American shores she must never, ever show any unhappiness again, or be revealed as a shameless gold digging Ukrainian hoor, huh Patrick? I loathe him.

11 hours ago, liammaam said:

Also... is it just me, or does Nicole seem proud that she cheated?  I mean, when she first talked about it, she had a cat that caught the mouse kinda gleam in her squinty eyes...

"See what a sexy mama I am? All the boys want me!" Waves of nausea washed over me. She is pathetic.

4 hours ago, thejuicer said:

Alla is a lot more gracious than me because my response to Matt's friend saying "So you're Matt's next wife" would have been an immediate "And you're a fucking douchebag".

I'm not sure why his friends and family are stuck on such a high horse when it comes to Alla - OK, she might be looking for a better opportunity or a green card by marrying Matt. And what about Matt? He is thrice divorced and chose to meet someone online from Ukraine. He's been around the block himself and no one is forcing him into this. 

Chantel and Pedro are so not ready to be married. They're not even ready to be dating. I'd be shocked if they make it to the wedding.


@thejuicer, I agree wholeheartedly on Alla and Matt's family. The seem to be unloading all their fury at his first three wives on her. I just hate how they can all just look her right in the face and say such horrible things. What awful people.

Chantel, you are 25. Spring break? Her behavior at the club was terrible, so rude, and unkind to Pedro. She is a very selfish and self centered girl.

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Is it a widespread international delusion that any girl who comes to America can be a model?   Anfisa wants to be a model.  She's 25, has no experience, and just one expression.   Does she think Jorge can buy her a modeling career?  (Paola from the Ever After show is chasing the model dream too, but sweetie you're 30 years old.   That ship hasn't just already sailed, it's a speck on the horizon.   Do you imagine there will be no other Latinas vying for modeling jobs in Miami?  Let alone Latinas half your age?)

Perhaps the K-1 process instills the false impression that everything your heart desires is easily obtainable in America.  If all it takes to gain US citizenship is to seduce some loser, it's understandable that these immigrants might believe everything works that way.   

Mark and Alla: I think Patrick's whole problem is that he doesn't want to have to buy Mark a fourth wedding gift.

Azan and the Black Hole:  To me it seemed the height of ignorance and insult for Nicole to meet Azan's family dressed like a slob.   I don't know how strict Morocco is about such things, but out of simple respect for local custom shouldn't she have worn a veil?   Or at the very least long pants?  I dreaded she would strip down to a two-piece on the beach.  

Chantel and Pedro:  It wasn't until tonight that I realized how painfully immature Chantel is.   Her frequent pouty face only underscored the fact.   She's lucky Pedro a) doesn't have more of a Latin temper and b) doesn't drink, because her drunken lewdness could have resulted in people getting physically hurt.   

Jorge and Anfisa:  I don't care what his secret is anymore.   They've teased it to the point of meaninglessness.

The Catfish couple:  I have zero interest in their story already.

Slow, boring episode overall.

Millenium, this is very well written post. Thanks for your insights.

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Nicole should have kept her mouth shut about the one night stand. It's very telling that Azan kept in touch with her anyway and brought her over, he wants the green card. It's awkward watching her cling to him and not once have I heard her say she misses her baby.

what happened to Max? So Alla wants to go out, I get that, but what about Max? I assume he doesn't speak English and does he go to school? She needs to get him acclimated to his new surroundings first. I'm not getting a good vibe from these two, I think Matt just wants to be married and she wants the green card. 

Anfisa of course wants to model. She didn't get all that plastic surgery for nothing. 

I felt sorry for Pedro. It was disrespectful to watch Chantel grinding on other guys. 

The catfish couple finally make their appearance next week. I would be ok watching the trainwreck that is Nicole and Azan instead. 

Nicole telling Azan about cheating is part of the script to have Azan refuse her at the end. They weren't going anywhere from the beginning, but now under Nicole's cheating, it's easier for dumb audiences to accept it as a reason for the inevitable dumping. I keep thinking that this show needs less script and more heart, but I know nothing about television editing.

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OMG, Nicole is just a train wreck, poor girl.  In Azan's culture, virtue, modesty, and content of character and being from a good family matter more than physical appearance and middle eastern men like a little meat on their girls, but more like 12-16 size US. I get that, but Nicole possesses neither virtue nor modesty, and she is a stage 5 clinger acting worse than a 13 year old with her first ever boyfriend. FFS, she's 22 years old with a child already.  

Azan seems like a sweet young man, but Nicole has an attention void that no one can fill. Nicole, sweetie, Morocco and other Muslim countries don't really like immodestly dressed women and PDA; playing tonsil hockey in public and walking around with your tits hanging out is just not done.  Since she's got no respect for herself to begin with, it's not hard to understand that she's not going to show respect for Azan or his family or his culture. Moroccan food is deeeeeelicious!  You can eat French fries at home, Gurl! She's the typical American yahoo who gives all American tourists a bad name...(overweight, whiny, wants to eat at McDonalds, wants everything just like back home and is pissed off that it's not, shits all over the experience)...the poster that dubbed her "Queen of the Holler" was so right on.  She also seems to fall in love with anyone who pays her the slightest attention and she feeds off that. That young lady has some serious self esteem issues, and being as heavy as she is doesn't help either, since she knows people just treat people her size differently and are more judgmental of her. Not body shaming her; she's got the whole subscription already when it comes to issues.  For Azan to exploit a vulnerable young woman for a green card seems beyond cruel.  I hope he has enough sense and integrity to not do this to her now that he sees what he's really getting.

Alla seems like a sweet girl, and as badly as she wants to leave Ukraine, she has enough sense to realize that Matt may be more trouble than he's worth. She seems like she'd go home rather than be Mrs Matt #4. She seems more put together upstairs than he is.

And now, the train wreck that is Jorge and Anfisa. Trout-fisa is what I've christened her.   I have no words, this girl has had so much work done that her lips have frozen into a funky shape.  Gurl thinks she's all that and a bag of chips, doesn't she? My husband, who typically despises these shows, found himself very amused at how stupid Jorge is. This vapid young girl has gold digger written all over her. Though I don't blame many women for wanting to get the hell out of Russia or any similar country, she seems to think that all American men are millionaires or what. Before I rip her too much, it did occur to me that TLC may have cast her as the villain, so she will be vilified just for that alone. Trout is clearly all in for herself..."eeeef I don't like theees I go back to Russia" is totally manipulative. Jorge isn't much in the looks department and it appears that Fishface is going to play him like a fiddle and clean his clock to the tune of several hundred grand and split when she gets her green card.

And Chantal, you don't disrespect Pedro that way. I'm married to a Latino and there's no way he'd tolerate my doing what you did. It's about respect, cuz if you love somebody, you don't go grinding on other people...ya just...DON'T. 

I'd pay good money to sick Melanie's bulldog sister on Anfisa. THAT would be ratings gold. 

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I'm calling BS on Nicole actually cheating on Azan. She can SAY whatever she wants, but it doesn't mean that it really happened back home, thousands of miles away. At the same time it gives Azan an "out" if she claims to be pregnant. It could backfire on her and Azan can claim the other guy must be the father! Future Skype episode of "Maury"...

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17 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I'm calling BS on Nicole actually cheating on Azan. She can SAY whatever she wants, but it doesn't mean that it really happened back home, thousands of miles away. At the same time it gives Azan an "out" if she claims to be pregnant. It could backfire on her and Azan can claim the other guy must be the father! Future Skype episode of "Maury"...

"if you are not happy get other girlfriend", said Anfisa. Was this Nicole's way to let Azan know that she's got "plenty of choice" in the men's department? Sort of "I had him, but I chose you, Pikachu" moment? 

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2 hours ago, AmyBre said:

 I will not be surprised if Chantel uses this exposure to attempt to get into TV.

You are CORRECT.  Watch how the camera loves her, how they always focus on her body.  She's looking for modeling/acting/reality TV show gigs.  For all we know Pedro speaks perfect English and both of them are in this together. 

BTW, most Middle Eastern men I know like women with large behinds.  The stores in my neighborhood are run by Middle Eastern men who used to call me "Janet Jackson" when I was younger. 

I think Matt is a serious trainwreck, and that's why all of his friends are trying to protect him.  Alla may be a nice woman, but I hope she realizes that she's marrying a loser. 

Edited by Neurochick
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45 minutes ago, Landlord said:

Was this Nicole's way to let Azan know that she's got "plenty of choice" in the men's department?

And to threaten him that this is what happens when you ignore her for more than 5 minutes! She NEEDS constant affection, you know! Azan is destined to become her love slave, never out of her sight and subjected to pawing and dozens of awkward shoulder kisses throughout the day and climbing up Mount Nicole every night. He's quite the trophy in her eyes since she admits she's not used to "super hot guys" paying attention to her. 

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You are CORRECT.  Watch how the camera loves her, how they always focus on her body.  She's looking for modeling/acting/reality TV show gigs.  For all we know Pedro speaks perfect English and both of them are in this together. 

That would explain like Chantal is always overdressed for every occasion.  When they were having their lunch at the restaurant on the beach, he was in shorts and a tee shirt and she was in a cocktail dress and heels.

I do not understand why Azan stays with Nicole.  He could find another American girl easily, I would think...his English is excellent and he's adorable.  IT just makes me so uncomfortable to watch her.

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2 hours ago, AmyBre said:

1 - Stop picking losers.

2 - Along the same lines, please pick people with actual lives and futures.

3 - Give more time to their background and life story.


Matt has the means to write a formal letter inviting Alla's sister to the wedding. He needs to hire an attorney and present the visa request for Alla's sister through said formal way. The show can do so much in terms of educating people about processes and instead chooses to ridicule the characters.


I am wondering if you saw season one, which I thought did a good job with those, and included (mostly) couples to root for. It was all downhill after that.

This is another example of Grumpy's Law ("any good idea is eventually ruined").


Invitation letters (unless they come from Congressmen or Senators) basically hold no sway (which the State Department even admits):

"If you do choose to bring a letter of invitation or Affidavit of Support to your interview, please remember that it is not one of the factors that we use in determining whether to issue or deny a nonimmigrant tourist visa."

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Nicole is a mental toddler demanding instant gratification for all things and is controlled by her genitals' screaming pubescent urges and obsessions.

The way she was leaning on Azan and nuzzling her face in his shoulder was outrageously childish and immature, I don't buy "shy."  She's not shy to boast of her sexual exploits in front of the camera,but suddenly coy in a social situation?  No, she's a big baby.  She probably thinks it's cute.  It's not.  She acts like a petulant child then she starts sentences with "I'm the type of woman that..." no... you're not a woman at all, not even close.

And the way she was asking for wine on that terrace, making ugly faces (she must have thought were funny or endearing) and fake fancy gestures with the glass (think pinkie up holding a teacup but wine) made her look like a young child making pretend she is an adult for fun.

Azan's family spoke nice words but their faces told a different story.  Either Azan is lying to them too, or they are in on it.  I bet they are in on it.

She keeps saying she loves Azan but she doesn't know what love really is.  It's not banging like rabbits.  I get the feeling that Azan is like a trophy to her, and she doesn't care about him as a person.  She will say she does.  She's too dumb to know that she doesn't.

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Can someone please explain to me why Azan would subject himself to this for a green card? I admit I don't know much about Morocco, but it looks like a vacation destination to me. The beaches, neat looking buildings, shopping and omg that food... Azan is a personal trainer, right? And he has a lovely family, I just don't understand why he'd dive into Nicole's post-flight swamp vagina just to move to America.

Morocco is a vacation destination for a lot of people, but it also has a very high unemployment rate, particularly for younger people. There are also a lot of perceived and actual restrictions on freedom--probably more so now than when I lived there. When I lived there King Mohammed VI was passing a lot of progressive legislature My friends were all from financially comfortable families, and they all wanted to leave. They viewed Morocco as a country without a future in comparison to Western European countries and the US. There is also a lot of mythologizing of what life in the US is like, so people are comparing the reality of life in Morocco with a fantasy of life in the US.

There's also a real cultural difference about how marriage is conceived. Love matches aren't unusual at all in contemporary Morocco, but pragmatic matches also aren't unusual or judged negatively. A lot of people think of love as something that can develop in a well-matched marriage and not something that needs to happen first, and many people will have some real-life models of happy marriages that worked exactly like that (as well as models of some horribly abusive ones).

Oh! One other important factor is cost of living differences. Azan will expect himself and be expected to send back money to his family in Morocco. Because of cost of living differences, a relatively small amount of US money will be very helpful for a Moroccan family. Even if his income is very low by US standards, he will probably be able to help his family a lot.

Edited by Zuleikha
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Where is the thread to discuss the follow-up show that aired in the 2nd hour?

14 hours ago, liammaam said:

Also... is it just me, or does Nicole seem proud that she cheated?  I mean, when she first talked about it, she had a cat that caught the mouse kinda gleam in her squinty eyes...

Only your messy drama loving types confess under the circumstances. Confessing was just a way to create high drama and tell Azan that she has sexual value and options. She strikes me as someone who keeps the Twilight and 50 Shades trilogy on her mantle as proof that she is an avid reader. Confessing and Azan forgiving is also something to add to the 'we've been thru so much' column like Bella and Edward. 

Might be odd coming from someone who believes there is such a thing as emotional cheating (Catfish bait Meri, Sister Wives) but I have a hard time seeing what Nicole and Azan had at the time as an actual committed relationship.  Never been on a date, never met in person, the man lives thousands of miles away and likely can't visit even if he wanted to - this ain't nothing but a skpe pal. Also, let's face it Nicole seems incapable of having a deep conversation so how kismet could they be?  I would never be in such a situation because... NOPE... but best believe if I went off and did the dirty my grimy messy ass wouldn't be confessing SHITE because that skpe buddy ain't my man.  

12 hours ago, millennium said:

When Nicole said that last week, my impression wasn't that she regarded herself as perfect but that she thought she had found a very clever way to have her cake and keep eating too -- and now Azan was spoiling it for her. 

I really don't think Nicole tried to give a false impression of her size and not to be fresh or fat shaming, but how could she? Even if she was only showing herself from the boobs up, that is still a considerable woman.  I thought that perhaps she thought that he was into bigger women and her size wasn't an issue.  Hell, maybe she even thought she could gain a few and he would be cool. It may have been hard for Azan to wrap his mind around her true size because he had no real frame of reference.  Kind of a like watching a nature show (I'm gonna be real careful with this analogy here) - you know a giraffe is tall and has a super long neck but you don't get the full impact and awe until you see one in person. 

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On September 19, 2016 at 7:52 AM, autumnh said:


Anfisa wants to be a model? I see her in a mens magazine (thats what m husband said....he said she is all porn star'ish as far as acting modeling goes" lol

OMG, that's EXACTLY what my hubs said too! My hubs has tremendous respect for women, and that's the only thing he could come up with to say about Miss Thang other than "gold digger"

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The only word I have for Nicole is pitiable. As cringeworthy as it is to watch her embarrass herself, I take no pleasure in her exploitation for the shit show that is TLC. She's got real issues.  Not so worried about Anfisa, she's showing us all who she really is, and she could give zero fucks what we all think of her -- but Nicole, shes  a sad little girl with a giant black hole for a heart and she fills herself up with food to fill up the emptiness inside her.

If Nicole got herself down to a healthier weight, wore a bra that was flattering, and dressed in a way that flattered her, she'd look so much better.  I can tell she has a pretty face, and beautiful skin, which is a marvel, when one considers her atrocious high carb, sugar, and deep fried diet.

Nicole needs serious therapy to deal with the emptiness inside her, and her family is doing her no favors by coddling her and enabling her behavior. Until she gets some self esteem, she's going to keep repeating bad guys who will only treat her badly.  We all want someone to love and who loves us back in equal measure. Don't blame her for wanting that, just her methods of trying to acquire it are only to her detriment. What example is this for her daughter? 

Azan has probably done more to help her in his own way than she realizes than any other awful "boyfriend"she's had.  He's already tried to show her what respect is.

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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

You are CORRECT.  Watch how the camera loves her, how they always focus on her body.  She's looking for modeling/acting/reality TV show gigs.  For all we know Pedro speaks perfect English and both of them are in this together. 


Thing is, Chantal is the hot girl only in the context of this show.   Put her in a room with a hundred other aspiring models and she'd melt into the background.

Nicole comes off like the embodiment of everything America's enemies hate about us: bloated, gluttonous, soft, self-absorbed, entitled, demanding, disrespectful of their culture, immature, immodest, immoral, trying to exploit and corrupt one their young men ... 

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26 minutes ago, millennium said:

Thing is, Chantal is the hot girl only in the context of this show.   Put her in a room with a hundred other aspiring models and she'd melt into the background.

Nicole comes off like the embodiment of everything America's enemies hate about us: bloated, gluttonous, soft, self-absorbed, entitled, demanding, disrespectful of their culture, immature, immodest, immoral, trying to exploit and corrupt one their young men ... 

IMO Chantel and Anfisa are on this show because they want the TV exposure.  A lot of aspiring models/actresses want to go on reality TV just for the sake of being on TV.  I think it used to be seen as a stigma, being on a reality TV show, but the Kardashians kind of changed that.  Just by being on TV might give Chantel or Anfisa an advantage over better looking girls with NO TV exposure.

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2 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Nicole is a mental toddler demanding instant gratification for all things and is controlled by her genitals' screaming pubescent urges and obsessions.

except I don't think she has genital urges and obsessions far greater than anybody else age 22 (which I admit, can be pretty overwhelming).  I still think all her promiscuity and inappropriate behavior is because she's emotionally damaged with no self esteem and THIS at least gets her attention and validation, no matter that it is fleeting.  Everything else you said is spot on. 

2 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:


She called him her "Arabian prince". She thinks he's Aladdin and she's Jasmine. I bet she wants to have a Disney wedding to boot. 

and didn't he look baffled (or annoyed) by that!!!!  Probably thinking...."Arabia is that way  <points>, this is Morocco."  

Edited by Granny58
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my problem watching is that I find every one of these people totally unlikable. Alla is the only one I could possibly "root" for but if she thinks a dolt like Matt is her and Max's ONLY ticket to a better life, while being well aware of Matt's terrible track record with wives, I'm quickly running out of sympathy for her, too. 

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20 minutes ago, magemaud said:

my problem watching is that I find every one of these people totally unlikable. Alla is the only one I could possibly "root" for but if she thinks a dolt like Matt is her and Max's ONLY ticket to a better life, while being well aware of Matt's terrible track record with wives, I'm quickly running out of sympathy for her, too. 

I don't think we're supposed to like them.  Isn't that the hook of the show?  Watching pathetic/reprehensible people exploit a loophole in the immigration process at a time when illegal immigration is a volatile topic in America?   And all the fun that ensues?

Edited by millennium
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4 minutes ago, millennium said:

I don't think we're supposed to like them.  Isn't that the hook of the show?  Watching pathetic/reprehensible people exploit a loophole in the immigration process at a time when illegal immigration is a volatile topic in America?   And all the fun that ensues?

I have to agree with this.  I don't know if we're supposed to like them or be appalled by them.

And it seems that immigration is always a volatile topic in America, especially when those immigrants are brown, but that's another story. 

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7 minutes ago, millennium said:

I don't think we're supposed to like them.  Isn't that the hook of the show?  Watching pathetic/reprehensible people exploit a loophole in the immigration process at a time when illegal immigration is a volatile topic in America?   And all the fun that ensues?

Yup. TLC docudrama seems to be more point, laugh and marvel at the buffons tv.  I think it is supposed to be the answer to the oft asked but never answered but mostly rhetorical question: "who does that?"

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5 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Chantel, you are 25. Spring break? Her behavior at the club was terrible, so rude, and unkind to Pedro. She is a very selfish and self centered girl.

I agree. She gets shitfaced and then goes rubbing her ass and tits on any guy on the dance floor. With her boyfriend a foot away. Why, because he's not a great dancer?. Pedro needs to dump that disrespectful loser. Oh, and she's afraid of telling her asshole family the truth. Pedro seems like a decent guy to me. He deserves to be treated better. 

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I agree that Nicole most likely isn't ruled by her genitals. I've had numerous promiscuous friends over the years and came to find out later in life that most of them couldn't even have an orgasm. The just had a deep need to be wanted and to have others know they are wanted. That's why Nicole blurted out that her and Azan had sex. "See everyone, somebody wants me! I'm lovable!". Super sad and I've seen so many marriages end because the woman only wanted to get married so they could be seen as wanted but the marriages were empty and most didn't last more than a year.

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22 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Oh, and she's afraid of telling her asshole family the truth.

Why are her family assholes?  To me they seem very concerned; or they're in on Chantel and Pedro's real game, to become reality TV stars. 

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33 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I have to agree with this.  I don't know if we're supposed to like them or be appalled by them.

And it seems that immigration is always a volatile topic in America, especially when those immigrants are brown, but that's another story. 

Case in point: They keep serving up young Muslim men pursuing green cards through pathetic women like Nicole and Dani -- at  a time when the nation's scared shitless about radicalized young Muslim men finding ways to enter the country and wreak death and destruction.    Does anyone truly believe this is coincidence?   Depending on how you look at it, this show is either preying on our insecurities or doing a national service by exposing this potential weakness in our country's security.

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1 hour ago, millennium said:

I don't think we're supposed to like them.  Isn't that the hook of the show?  Watching pathetic/reprehensible people exploit a loophole in the immigration process at a time when illegal immigration is a volatile topic in America?   And all the fun that ensues?

Original poster here...Millennium, You're absolutely right. I wouldn't bother watching, OR coming here for the snark, if it was all unicorns and rainbows and happy success stories! What fun is THAT! 

Edited by magemaud
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10 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

I was really surprised by Nicole's attire and clingy behavior during the meeting with Azan's family, but I shouldn't have been. Frankly, I find their situation so bizarre. Azan is clearly not physically attracted her, she cheated on him, she has a child, she's not Muslim...like, what is really going on here? I think he has a deal with his family that he will be their ticket to the US after he gets married so they are happy to go along with it for the time being. Azan's mother was lovely, but I find it very, very hard to believe that she would choose Nicole as a daughter-in-law if it were left solely up to her.

Poor Alla. I think she deserves far better than Matt. And I find it funny that Matt's loved ones think that Alla might be using him. Matt has been married THREE times and he's 43. That is a huge red flag that reflects far bigger issues than Alla possibly coming to the US to build a better life for her son.

Chantel and Pedro...eh. I can't believe she was grinding on strange men while Pedro was standing right there. I don't know any man who would stand there while sipping a drink and watch their girlfriend dance with other men. His reaction just didn't ring true to me. Either he doesn't care or he doesn't stand up for himself out of fear of Chantel leaving him.

I saw Pedro say something to the last dude she was grinding on right before he made her leave. He's probably afraid that if he gets into an altercation, he'll be sent home and then there's the matter of the big lie they're trying to pull off. I think he's being over careful in order to not make a scene. Even with her he's very careful to not step on her toes. She won't keep him long I'm afraid. I think Pedro is too mild mannered to deal with her obnoxious behavior.

Furthermore, Chantel's brother is an asshole saying Pedro gives off a bad vibe. I bet that little shit wouldn't have said that if Pedro could understand English. The poor guy is just trying to fit in with the family and he probably thinks he had a nice time with the brother when reallythe brother was talking shit to the camera. 

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7 hours ago, okerry said:


Here's what this show is teaching us: Americans who marry people from non-first-world foreign countries don't realize that their new spouses fully expect the American to not only bring them over, but their families, too.

You aren't just getting a spouse. You're getting their whole family, too, but few Americans realize that up front.

The expectation is there from almost any country unless it's first-world, like Europe or UK. Anywhere else, you betcha. At the very least, the American spouse had better be sending loads of money back to the new spouse's foreign family, as with Melanie and Devar.

That's what the meeting with Azan's family was about, and that's why they were all literally grinning and bearing it when they met her. No way in hell would a trashy, slutty non-Muslim girl who has a child out of wedlock would ever in a million years be acceptable for their son otherwise. Not in a million years.

Sure they do. They happen in any culture/country. But the difference is that people don't advertise it and publicly brag about it, the way Nicole does. Ya keeps it on the downlow, doncha know, so that at least the family is not publicly humiliated. And that includes Nicole's family, like her daughter.

I was specifically talking about Anza's talking heads which are complete bullshit.

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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

Why are her family assholes?  To me they seem very concerned; or they're in on Chantel and Pedro's real game, to become reality TV stars.

Because they were very condescending to him at dinner, and her brother was a straight up jerk when they were at the barber shop. Why? Chantel is worse for expecting Pedro to lie, you could see how uncomfortable he is with having to do it. 

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Nicole is quite the demanding toddler, isn't she? Her parents were giving her a "we don't dare cross her" look during the earlier episodes. Emotionally, she's stuck at toddler age too. So what the hell is going on? Did something happen when she was a kid that left the parents feeling guilty and her feeling entitled to whatever she wants, whenever she wants it?  And the shy little girl act with Azan's relatives, shades of Danielle burying her head in Mo's jacket at the 2014 reunion show. What has made them think this widdle girl behavior is cute? What is wrong with these women? 

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1 hour ago, millennium said:

Case in point: They keep serving up young Muslim men pursuing green cards through pathetic women like Nicole and Dani -- at  a time when the nation's scared shitless about radicalized young Muslim men finding ways to enter the country and wreak death and destruction.    Does anyone truly believe this is coincidence?   

I actually wondered if the reason why we are seeing Nicole and Azan in Morocco (as opposed to the U.S.) has anything to do with the scrutiny about fiancé visas since the San Bernardino attack. (The wife in that case having come to the U.S. on a fiancé visa.) Maybe there is some added scrutiny surrounding that process now?

Around the time that this season started, Kyle (from last season) put out some posts on Twitter decrying how easy it is to get a K1. I thought it was interesting that some of the others who'd been on this show seemed to agree with him.

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5 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Nicole is a mental toddler demanding instant gratification for all things and is controlled by her genitals' screaming pubescent urges and obsessions.

I still stand by my opinion that Nicole probably knows nothing about sex or libido;  she is of the mind that availing herself sexually to any man who will accept her is "love" .  

Her constant burrowing her head into Azan's shoulder at the parents' house was ridiculous. Is this her way of acting coy and shy? Was she batting her eyes too?  I think that sort of behavior should be outgrown by the age of four.

I laughed when Alla was making dinner and the "friend" immediately belted out the comment, "So you're Matt's *next* wife?"- and the girlfriend's response (which was sort of covered over by other talk) was, "I'm sorry, forgive him. He's a jerk." Yes, yes he is.

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3 minutes ago, LaChavalina said:

I actually wondered if the reason why we are seeing Nicole and Azan in Morocco (as opposed to the U.S.) has anything to do with the scrutiny about fiancé visas since the San Bernardino attack. (The wife in that case having come to the U.S. on a fiancé visa.) Maybe there is some added scrutiny surrounding that process now?

Around the time that this season started, Kyle (from last season) put out some posts on Twitter decrying how easy it is to get a K1. I thought it was interesting that some of the others who'd been on this show seemed to agree with him.

The others (even Dani and Mo) actually met in person before pursuing a K1.  Nicole and Azan are probably the only couple who have not even met in person before her trip to Morocco. I don't think even if there were no issues with terrorism in the States that Nicole would be able to obtain a K1 visa for Azan without at least meeting him in person once. Despite what Kyle and the others have said about how easy it is to get the visa. 

I guess I am just tired of all the scripted bullcrap.  If it wasn't for the snark postings I would have given up on this show a few seasons ago.

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I hadn't watched the first episodes but did read or hear correctly. Is Nicole staying there for a month?

. What will it take for her to respect the custom? Azan being dragged off the jail?  

"Gee, I guess I shouldn't have humped him in the middle of the road"

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My guess is that Nicole doesn't meet the financial requirements. She works at Starbucks, none of her family probably want to co-sponsor with her and even the money from this show won't help. Of course the money from this show will help the lovers meet up somewhere else where he doesn't need a visa. Then she can nuzzle, kiss, hug, chew on him ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT. Lucky Azan.

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3 hours ago, millennium said:

I don't think we're supposed to like them.  Isn't that the hook of the show?  Watching pathetic/reprehensible people exploit a loophole in the immigration process at a time when illegal immigration is a volatile topic in America?   And all the fun that ensues?

nailed it

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56 minutes ago, Bubbles1967 said:

I hadn't watched the first episodes but did read or hear correctly. Is Nicole staying there for a month?

5 weeks, actually! Didn't even know where Morocco is, let alone the local customs, but left her baby at her sister's to go thousands of miles to meet her Skype fiance in person. 

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1 hour ago, Bubbles1967 said:

I hadn't watched the first episodes but did read or hear correctly. Is Nicole staying there for a month?

. What will it take for her to respect the custom? Azan being dragged off the jail?  

"Gee, I guess I shouldn't have humped him in the middle of the road"

5 weeks.  She's leaving her 2 year old with her sister during that time.

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Nicole...I just can't with this half wit. And does Azan even know he's on television?  That entire situation is pathetic and a bit too stereotypical for me. Some of the players are true caricatures and it is insulting.

But besides all that...can we talk about Nicole's granny bra sticking out during the beach scene?  Girl...you are trying to make an impression on this man. I mean he doesn't have high standards but at least have fun with "sexy" and trying to look good for yourself if no one else. Why couldn't TLC let one of the makeover shows have a go with her before putting her in the plane to meet "the love of her life". 

Someone said Azan was a 7...THAT was being generous. However he does at least try to play up his appearance by dressing ok and being fit and healthy.  I just can not get in board with him not knowing about Nicole's body. She has a fat girls face and neck...he doesn't seem stupid so what gives?  Maybe he hoped for more proportionate / curvy?  She tends to carry her weight above the hips. (I'm a big girl and did the match.com way of meeting people. I was honest because I would be wasting my valuable time if I met someone who didn't like my type)

Chantel...she is so basic. She is pretty but looks like many other basic girls so if she is using this as a step to ...whatever was said up thread...I don't seems t happening for her. 

Her behavior at the club was gross. She should have been grinding on her man not strangers. Who cares if he can't dance...THAT wasn't dancing. They kept showing her branding on one man and his facial expressions clearly showed he was getting "something" out of that. Gross!!!

The Russian lips girl...I like her. She's pure comedy in a sad way. But hey...she better go for it while she is young enough to at least be an Internet freebie porn girl. 

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16 hours ago, Maria Von Trapp said:

I felt terrible for Alla. That dinner party where everyone sat around with long faces, looking like they'd rather be anywhere else , was excruciating. Aren't dinners with friends supposed to be fun ? No one appeared to be enjoying themselves.  That friend of Matt's was an absolute turd, insulting someone he'd never met, and sitting there with his beer holder while everyone else sipped wine at the dinner table. And why is it that Alla's sister probably can't come to the wedding ? Is Matt not willing to cough up the plane fare and do something that would make his fiancé happy ? Alla needs to get out of that situation ASAP, she does not deserve this jerk.

^^^^^  I co-sign this 100%.  I felt terrible for Alla.  That dinner party was the most depressing thing I've seen in a long time.  Matt allows everyone to treat her like crap because of his past choices.  She seems like a really sincere person, if only they would talk to her, get to know her a little, and make her feel welcome.  Why can't that other wife invite her to go get their nails done, or go out for drinks?  I bet Alla has a really fun side to her, and it's being wasted away around all those awful people.

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Because they were very condescending to him at dinner, and her brother was a straight up jerk when they were at the barber shop. Why? Chantel is worse for expecting Pedro to lie, you could see how uncomfortable he is with having to do it. 

I totally disagree with this, here's why.  I find it refreshing to see a black family (yes, I know the father is light skinned, so whatever), and a black father protect his daughter.  I think about Malcolm X's comment that black women are the most unprotected groups in America.  I think Chantel's family should tell her that twerking up against strange men isn't cool.

Edited by Neurochick
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I love how Matt's family and friends are blaming Alla.   Like it's HER fault he's been married 3 times already.   Nope she must be a gold digging Hoor (thank you whoever used that word) just using poor innocent Matt.   Instead of Matt being a moron who keeps buying mail order brides and never learning from his past mistakes.   Where are all the scenes of the friends talking to Matt "Dude, you've been married 3 times.   Maybe you should hold off on another one for awhile.   Like forever."   Nope, let's just make cracks to Alla about her fiance's poor choices.

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2 hours ago, LaChavalina said:

Around the time that this season started, Kyle (from last season) put out some posts on Twitter decrying how easy it is to get a K1. I thought it was interesting that some of the others who'd been on this show seemed to agree with him.

I cynically refer to it as the "KY Visa" because it grants easier entry.

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