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Season 4 Discussion

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On 21 de agosto de 2016 at 2:40 AM, Major Bigtime said:

TLC's site says the new season premieres Sept. 11, not Aug. 22. Either TLC decided to move it up or it's just a preview type of episode.


On the TLC channel in between other shows tonight's episode is announced as a special premiere episode, to air at 8 eastern / 7 central...

Thoughts on tonight’s episode.

Nicole and Azan: oh Dani 2.0. When the girl and guy are so mismatched like this it’s viewership signs for TLC and a train wreck waiting to happen.

Chantel & Pedros : these guy look equally matched. I think they actually do like each other even though it’s a bit rushed and the deception with the fact that he is coming on a K9 visa and not telling her parents isn’t a good sign.

Jorge and Anfisha: I was going to feel bad for this guy till I heard his take on women from his own country. I say Anfisha, go girl. You milk  Mark 2.0 for all he is worth.  Hopefully Jorge house is a bit better than Mark’s from last season.  His cell phone reads “My Princess”.  He thinks American women are a problem being too feminist yet this is a gal who is needy, whiny and controlling? Yeah, he deserves her.

Matt and Alla: Another Mark?  Or is Jorge going to win that title this year? 

Let the games begin people!  (P.S. Nutella - I like your photo!)

  • Love 14

This season is going to be one great big train wreck. 

Nicole is in for a world of hurt.  Azan doesn't seem to like plus size women. 

 Chantel is gorgeous.  She bears a striking resemblance to Dr. Baron of “Atlanta Plastic”.  I believe she could do much better than Pedro.  He seems shady. 

 I was rooting for pudgy Jorge until his anti-American women spiel.  I hope his Russian fiancé takes him for all he is worth. 

  • Love 10

Matt is sooooo awkward. How has he managed to get 3 women to marry him before this? Blackmail?

Chantel's iPhone is completely shattered. Why? What have you been doing with that poor phone, Chantel?

Jorge is getting played like a fiddle. But since we American women aren't up to his standards, hahahahahahaha! The idiot gave her his passwords? He deserves to get played.

Oh, Nicole. Even your family knows you are being used.

  • Love 15

Oh man, this season is going to be one big trainwreck! Red flags popping up all over the place! 

Nicole and Azan really are Dani and Mo part 2. And a child is involved to make things worse.

chantel seems like a smart girl and from a good family. WTH  Is she thinking?!

poor Matt is so lonely and desperate, yeah, another Mark.

Jorge. This fool! His sister and niece seem to care about him and have Anfisa  pegged already as a gold digger and only in for the green card and a $10,000 Chanel bag.  They should have staged an intervention.

and we haven't seen the fifth couple yet, they look like they are going to win the prize for the most effed up pair of this season. I can't wait to watch! 

Edited by Straycat80
  • Love 9

Nicole and Azan - this season's Dani & Mo. In the first two minutes I could tell she was totally clueless. And admitting on National TV she didn't know where Morocco was! Waves of desperation are just rolling off this girl. She's gonna get burned bad. One word - Tool.

Jorge and Anfisa - Sex kitten with claws meets chauvinist schlub. Can you spell sugar daddy? I think it's hilarious she erased his phone. No hope for these two.

Matt and  Alla - jury's still out on this one. It's always tougher when there's a kid involved. 

Chantel and Pedro - not sure. This one has potential but Parental deception is an auspicious beginning. And if Pedro know he was coming to the States, why doesn't he make an effort to learn English? She was the one having to speak Spanish. Plus did he say he didn't make his flight because he was late?  

  • Love 9

I don't like any of these couples, and will have no problem pointing out their stupidity each week. After Season 1, when it was discussed how the couples were mislead about the purpose of the show, I decided to go easy on Season 2 people, because many of them would have been filming before Season 1 aired. Season 3 were all fame-whores except for the New Orleans couple, who seemed too nice to be on this show. Even the Mormon couple wanted to discuss their faith on television so they were fair game.

Not one of these couples even seem to like each other. Hope their $5k was worth the bashing they are to receive on the internet. 

  • Love 10

No way Anfisa is 20 with that much face work already?!  Guess we'll find out for sure with all the human for sale, I mean, immigration documents.  How do you spend 70 grand on someone you barely know?  Ask me for $70 and I'm giving you the side eye.

Seriously Nicole?!  Honey just no.  Loved the prayer, "whatever he's in it for..."  I think her siblings ended up with all the brains.

Edited by Forcereals
  • Love 12

Except for stunningly beautiful Chantel, all of the U.S. people are doing the same thing most of the others did: Buying a far more attractive partner than they could hope to get here. They either want someone better looking or someone they think will do nothing but live to please them. Or both.  And it's not just the men. 

And dog help me, I never thought we'd see anyone more tragically ignorant than Danielle. Nicole actually has her beat in that department. Glad she at least had the camera crew following her around over there in Morocco.

  • Love 13

I'm in! 

Chantel really is gorgeous. I don't speak Spanish that well but I could understand her so she's speaking like 2nd grade spanish. Can she have a deep conversation with Pedro? He seems like a summer fling and no more.

I'm interested most in Azra and Nicole. We know nothing good will come of it but I'm still confused. It looks like Nicole was always honest on her video chats. It should have been clear she wasn't the skinniest. I've always wanted to go to Morocco so I'm interested in the travel porn nature of it.

Not to be mean but Matt's fiance looked sort of plain to me... and I wondered why he was into her so hard. Until I saw her swinging around on that stripper pole. Now I know why!

  • Love 7

Matt's chick is into him because he is her ticket to glamorous u s of a! Plus a meal ticket for her kid.  Im sure most of the dudes that want the hot Russian stripper dont want a pesky kid in the way.

My idiot brother did this....TWICE

It ended exactly as u can imagine...i cringe hearing these dude talk in slow toddler talk to the girls..my brother did that, and I wanted to punch him in the throat at every family gathering....?

Edited by Christi
  • Love 8

I can't wait to see these morons get taken to the cleaners.

At the top of my list, flabby drug dealer Jorge.   His sister and niece seem very nice but he's a stoner ass whose illegal hobby happened to work out for him.   That he has already spent $70,000 on a mail order grifter tells me he's an imbecile (maybe pot really does kill brain cells).  I hope she takes him for every last penny.

Next, stupid, stupid Nicole.   She probably deserves pity but her bovine qualities make me dislike her intensely.   Mom gets kudos for telling it like it is, but is then stripped of said kudos for coddling Nicole and enabling her delusion anyway.   Sis gets it, little brother gets it.   Nicole?  "Where's Morocco?"  Duh.

Chantel doesn't add up.  She's hot, seemingly intelligent, raised by a mom who's smart and doesn't appear to be a pushover ... but she's wiggling into a corset and making rose-petal hearts for some green-card loser who can't be bothered to show up when he's supposed to?    If ever a woman who looked like Chantel had plans to pick me up at the airport, I would have been there a day early.

Edited by millennium
  • Love 24

I think that he knew Nicole was larger, but didn't realize how much until he actually saw her in person. On the video chat, her face and breasts would show, but standing you could see that her bottom is as large as the top. He may throw her back for a new model, especially after she throws a tantrum because he won't touch her in public. 

  • Love 6

I have no problem with Chantel's relationship or the fact that she tried to make her bedroom romantic on his first night. That relationship seems legit. They met by accident, trying to learn new languages. They've spent time together and I can totally see why a man would fall in love with her. She's beautiful with a good head on her shoulders. As far as lying to her parents at this stage, I understand why she would be afraid of their reactions. They seem to be strong parents who want to be involved with every aspect of her life. But she is an adult. She doesn't owe them an explanation. And omg she actually has her own place, not living off mommy and daddy. If her decision to live with this man is a mistake, I don't think she'll have a problem moving on. It's her mistake to make though.

Nicole. Wow. What an idiot. He is very obviously using her. And she has a child. Not cool for a mother to put a child in this situation.

Jorge is not running an illegal business. Medical marijuana is a good thing for cancer patients and epileptics and he definitely doesn't look like a stoner. He is however a stupid dumb ass. I don't care about his opinion of American women. I don't feel threatened and I don't hate him for it. Just who cares. But come on dude! Why would you give your password to this obvious gold digger? I don't think he's deserving of this raging bitch to act this way toward him after all he's done for her. He's so stupid it's unbelievable but he's still a person with real feelings and she is a very terrible human being. Just disgusting. That bitch will rot in hell.

Still unclear about Matt's woman. They have visited and he was straight up about finding a girlfriend from Russia. He's not bad looking so I do think she may like him but there's just something about her. A shady vibe I guess.

So far I think this cast of Americans is much better than last season and I don't want any of them to be taken to the cleaners. They all seem nice unlike creepy Mark and player Fernando from last season. Even Devar's wife was not very likable imo. only two of the four potential partners this season are definitely in it for the visa and are mega assholes whereas it was questionable for all except Noon last season but still none of them were terrible. I think this season will be really interesting.

  • Love 15

Nicole's family was so embarassing. A similiar number or more tourists have probably been killed in Florida than Morocco.her daughter was adorable.

I hope Max gets a green card and has a drama free life so I hope Kentucky dude and his mother work out. My boyfriend thought KY dude couldn't be all bad because he had six taps of mostly decent beer in his work lounge.

Jorge fiance is scary as fuck. And they are all creepy but I got controlling douche bag vibe from Pedro, if not telling her his  correct  flight info and asking why she would question him ìs treating her as a princess than she has only dated psychopaths.

  • Love 5

What a juicy train wreck of a season! Lots to snark on here!

The pole dancing girl from Kiev needs a nose job.

Jorge is a jerk and is beyond naive for giving her his password! He does not deserve an American girl; so superficial! His sister and Niece were too pretty and nice to be related to him!

Nichole is So naive and crazy for falling for that!

Edited by My2sense
  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Jorge is not running an illegal business. Medical marijuana is a good thing for cancer patients and epileptics and he definitely doesn't look like a stoner. He is however a stupid dumb ass.


I don't want to foment a debate about the legitimacy or efficacy of marijuana, medical or otherwise.    Let's just say I'll believe in it when it's manufactured by trained medical and pharmaceutical experts, not people like Jorge who, like any drug dealer, seems to be in it for the mad cash.    As for being a stoner, he said growing pot has always been a hobby of his.   The only people I've ever known who grow pot were also users.  JMO.  YMMV.

  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I am a bit shocked at all of the emphasis put on perceived physical attractiveness here. Yes, it can matter, but that doesn't determine a person's worth and there is SOOOO many more important things to consider, especially in a long-term relationship. 

I noticed that too, the attraction for most of them appears to be 100% superficial.  They gush about the physical attributes of their foreign fiances, but have nothing to say about their moral character.  Nothing. 

Jorge is probably a masochist.  He needs to acknowledge that his "type" wears black leather, cracks a whip, and orders him to lick the toilet clean.  A feminist wants a relationship as an equal and he wants high heel prints on his face.  He's right, that would never work for him.

  • Love 10
41 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Toaster, I also meant the extreme fixation on physical attraction from the commenters on this board. It just seems over the top.

DangerousMinds: You have to admit that all of these Americans did not choose the other person based on their personality. Also you have to admit that when describing their significant other, each American played up on the looks.  I didn't hear once, oh we have xyz in common. Or, I have such fantastic conversations with so and so about the meaning of life.   Why has none (except for Jorge who clearly dislikes American girls) tried to find a spouse in the States?  Each one claims it's too hard?  For what reason?  

In regards of commenting on the boards about the uneven balance of looks. For myself, if that's how they see their significant other then it's free game in my honest opinion.

Right now, I am most disgusted with Jorge and Nicole. They are both stupid beyond words. Like Jerry Springer guest stupid.

  • Love 16
7 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Nicole's family was so embarassing. A similiar number or more tourists have probably been killed in Florida than Morocco.her daughter was adorable.

I hope Max gets a green card and has a drama free life so I hope Kentucky dude and his mother work out. My boyfriend thought KY dude couldn't be all bad because he had six taps of mostly decent beer in his work lounge.

Jorge fiance is scary as fuck. And they are all creepy but I got controlling douche bag vibe from Pedro, if not telling her his  correct  flight info and asking why she would question him ìs treating her as a princess than she has only dated psychopaths.

When one of Nicole's relatives piped up about human trafficking I remembered the Ab Fab episode when Patsy sold Saffron and laughed my head off. Seriously, Nicole. You're 22 years old. Where's the fire? Why the rush to nail down a man? Her family trying to scare her out of going to Morocco was not a good look.

Kentucky dude did seem strangely naive for someone who's been around the block three times already. I'm inclined to agree with @islandgal140, I think he's got a bit of a savior complex. And this time he can save not only his chosen wifey, but her child too! His friend's reaction was weird and over the top. Jesus buddy. Its his life. Disagree with his choice all you want, but he's supposed to be your best friend. The cup flinging and flouncing out? Who over the age of 14 does that? But despite this I feel the most hopeful about these two. Unless he's some sort of crazy god-botherer who'll drag her to church and demand her repentance and renunciation of her sinful ways, anyway.

Jorge deserves whatever he has coming. His forced little giggles when Anfisa messed with his phone and email! "what a little minx!" Um, no. I agree that something in him loves it. "My fiery, hot tempered princess!" Of course, he believes that she comes back to him after these displays, full of remorse, prettily batting her little eyes and begging his forgiveness. Chump. And I definitely believe that he does not have anywhere near the amount of money he says he has. He didn't get her a $70,000 bag. He got her a bracelet for a tiny fraction of that. I bet he has run up considerable credit card debt with all these vacations and gifts.

Chantel and Pedro, I don't know. I think she's adorable and I hope she's not going to get burnt.

  • Love 4

C'mon, kids, what do we think Jorge's secret is? The one he's worried about, yet he knows his psycho fiancee will find out about sooner or later?

1) He's gay. (Doubtful, the way he goes after the women.)

2) He's trans. (Don't really think so, but this is reality TV.)

3) He's got at least one child somewhere, maybe in foreign countries. (I'm betting on that one.)

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Nicole's family was so embarassing. A similiar number or more tourists have probably been killed in Florida than Morocco.her daughter was adorable.

I think Nicole's family's instincts were right on the money.  From May 2016:

ISIS plot to kill dozens of Western tourists in Morocco is thwarted: African who was ordered to recruit Moroccans and Algerians to slaughter holidaymakers is arrested  

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, okerry said:

C'mon, kids, what do we think Jorge's secret is? The one he's worried about, yet he knows his psycho fiancee will find out about sooner or later?

1) He's gay. (Doubtful, the way he goes after the women.)

2) He's trans. (Don't really think so, but this is reality TV.)

3) He's got at least one child somewhere, maybe in foreign countries. (I'm betting on that one.)

I actually said to my husband that his "fiancee" looks trans! lol

  • Love 2

Things that are okay:  commenting on the show participants' assumed obsession with physical attractiveness.

Things that are not okay:  commenting on your fellow posters' assumed obsession with physical attractiveness. 

If you don't like someone's opinion, you can ignore them or Ignore them-- but don't accuse them of being shallow or short-sighted. 

  • Love 4

I actually feel really bad for Nicole - she is very very young.  Danielle was not.  At Nicole's age it is SUPER easy to get wrapped up in a fantasy storyline.  

I can't believe anyone in her family actually gave an ounce of approval for her to go over there ALONE.  I know she's an adult and can do what she wanted but I'd like to think at that age my parents would have begged me not to go, at least not by myself.  And how in the world is she affording it???

  • Love 5

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