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  1. So many red flags...so very many red flags.
  2. I thought it was interesting - by which I mean telling of some deeper dysfunction - that Mariah said that she had warned Meri about the relationship but Meri went ahead anyway. It's not a child's place to tell a parent who they can be friends with. Mariah seems to be hurt partially because she didn't get her way, which is messed up. on the other hand, she totally has Meri's number when it comes to what type of relationship she had with Sam and that she was ready to leave the family (including Mariah) to go off and start fresh. I think Mariah is justifiably hurt and pissed off about that. She should probably talk to a therapist about this to help her process her emotions. And a real therapist, not that quack Nancy. im no fan of Robin, but she was totally justified in saying No to the trip to Utah with Meri. Especially since Meri's was just taking him to serve as a buffer. And frankly, given her reaction when they said no, I'd be thinking "lady you aren't emotionally stable enough to be taking my children anywhere."
  3. I've given up on this channel and their constant stream of Trump coverage. I can't believe how quickly they've wrecked it all in the name of getting election ratings.
  4. The more I think about it, the more Dani reminds me of something you'd see on My Big Fat Gypsy wedding. I don't think she's "rummney", but she ain't 100% gorger either.
  5. There's plenty of affordable places in the subburbs of Chicago where both of them would have more opportunities to get day jobs besides chicken factories and Yamir could still METRA in to the city to do his music. So I call bullshit on Chelsea. I don't know what is up with Dani, but the voice switch caught me off guard and I'm starting to think the "boo hoo I'm so scared and pathetic" act is just that. Either way, this is more fucked up than I even thought.
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