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S18.E26: Power Of Veto 9

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"Born bred competitor". Hilarious, Paulie. Clearly, you weren't bred for this if you're this much of a sore loser. 

Victor is so well spoken. He handled Paulie in the best way that he could. Paulie was getting worked up, despite saying that he wasn't, and Victor handled each argument well. 

PAULIE'S ONE TEAR SEGMENT. And that music behind the Paulie/Corey moment.

I loved the plan fight because it started out planned before veto, but it quickly turned heated and real. Paulie got owned several times over this episode. Michelle was great with her hand gestures behind Paulie. I loved the tag teaming between Paul, Michelle, and James. Natalie joining in later was great. 

Zingbot! The zings aren't that great this year. But Michelle's enthusiasm was great. Victor's reaction to his was great. Paulie's zing was pretty good, because it's true. Michelle's was ok. Paul's was fantastic. 

The veto comp was a lot of fun (and Natalie looked adorable as the host/secretary) and people's prizes were great. The prizes ranged from great to WTF territory. Paulie has to bake pies? What? Paul's Secret Service sounds perfect for him. Lots of costumes this year. Also, "Patriot-Trad" made me laugh. I am sad that they cut down Paul's prize into a quick montage.

Paulie's Apple Pie segment? I thought they'd cut it into a funny montage. But nope, they showed part of Paulie's meltdown. Too bad I don't feel sorry for him on a game level, or much on a personal level. If he can't handle this aspect of the game, he should self-evict. If this is actually affecting his mental health, he should leave. Don't just talk about it; do it if it's serious. Otherwise, I hope he's not using this as a strategy for people to give him sympathy votes. 


They didn't show the part where Paulie was disrespecting Production by refusing to go to DR or to bake the second apple pie, or that Corey had to give him tough love for him to do it. They missed a lot of Paulie's meltdown but I have to assume it was for time. 

Oh my god, Red Alert during the veto ceremony. That was perfect. 

Paulie needs to leave this week and not have the RT. He's not even an entertaining villain. He's just straight up aggressive and scary. And look at how he handles being on the block. I don't see how him staying will bring good television. If anything, if he stays, it'll make it less likely for me to stick around, especially if he gets back into power. Because you just know if he's in power, or Corey or Nicole are, he'll become even worse than before. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
  • Love 12

Viva la revolucion!  Victor slams Paulie, Paulie cries like a 4 year old.  tells us how tough he is.  Hahaha

Zingbot!!!  Wearing the ducky?

Corey Huh?

Victor tu el douchebag! Is that harsh or does the word have less shock value these days?

James scares Nat's parents.  James is fun.  Husband material IDK?

Paulie poor man's Cody.  And Cody threw $450K away!  Silent Zing.

Meech vomit cry baby.  He was being nice, right?

Nat armpit hair?  That's a really far out tangent.

Nicole threw  1st game for a terrible showmance? no chance with this one either? OUCH!

Paul STFU!!!

I love this "steal the Veto" Veto.

Zingtucky!  Fuck you, Nicole.  bye Corey.  Bye Paulie.  thinking only of yourself, of course..  

Well played, Victor.  And James UTR snarfs up $5K.  Also well played

Secret Service Paul is awesome.

Paulie, Paulie poor little cry baby.  Your stupid family and your stupid friends let you push them around forever.  Now finally after 28 years you stumbled into a situation where everybody doesn't kiss your ass, all you can do is cry for mama.

Veto meeting.  Awesome Red Alert!  I like how Paul has stripped down his costume. but why can't Corey do the same thing?  

Victor is so pumped.  Throw Paulie's BS back in his face.

Excellent episode!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh my god, Red Alert during the veto ceremony. That was perfect. 

I so wanted an apple pie baking alert during the veto ceremony.

Watching Paulie prep his pies and being forced to wave that flag all while it bakes as he sits there utterly defeated was one of the best moments of the season.

1 hour ago, PaperTree said:

Secret Service Paul is awesome.

He really seemed to be enjoying it .... most of the time.  At least he put some enthusiasm into it.  Paul makes some good TV.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
damnit ... .frakking autocorrect screwed me again.
  • Love 11

A speedo? Ugh. Only Nicole wants to see that. When she was talking in that DR about Corey's chest and so on, I was embarrassed for her. I shouldn't be; she won't be embarrassed for herself.

I thought the Secret Service thing would be longer. Still hilarious. 

Here's a sad thing: For some reason, I think the Vote for Zingbot tees were cute. What's wrong with me?

Natalie, unlike some of the hamsters, did a decent job at reading aloud. Sometimes they sound wooden and stiff. 

Corey's zing could have worked for Nicole too. I think TPTB could have done better, but in general, he's such a non-person (outside of being #NotGayCorey and a couple of other things way too horrible to mention on broadcast TV. 

Nat's zing? Couldn't they think of anything else? 

Hey, Paulie--you didn't write the page or the book about trying to rattle someone before a comp. I guess when it happens toa "born bred competitor and champion," it's worthy of crying, but if someone else cries, then they're just too emotional.


I wish they had shown Meech, Nat, James, and Paul keeping Paulie up all night before the veto. Was Vic in on it too, or was he upstairs? 

This after Paulie asks to sleep with Paul, despite the empty beds.


Edited by Porterest
  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Porterest said:

Nat's zing? Couldn't they think of anything else? 

Producer #1: Ok, so we need to write a clever zing for Natalie for Zingbot to use. What do we got?
Producer #2: Well....she has been portrayed as dumb in the edits.
Producer #1: Ok, so she's dumb and....what else? Is that all we got? 
Producer #2: Well, she's not an asshole. We already used showmance zings with Corey, Nicole, and James. We can't use another one!
Producer #1: Ok, well we could go for...physical attributes? She'd be ok with that, right?
Producer #2: But...what could we even use?
Producer Team: ...............
Producer #3: Maybe we could say something about her armpit hair?
Producer #1&2: Eh, I guess better than just calling her dumb.

  • Love 6

Paulieis relying on the Two Way Round Trip Ticket...OF COURSE he has the ticket...Alison Grodner will see to that whether he actually truly did pick it out or not. She's simply not going to let him go off to the jury house.

Even worse than that I have a prediction of how it will go down. Once he's back in the house He'll bro up with Corey and well Nicole and they will find a way to bring Paul back to their side (Paulie did say he could get into peoples heads) and they will vote out in no particular order James and Natalie. Once these comp threats are picked off Meech will go. What exactly happens with Victor I'm not sure.

Mixed bag for Zingbot....Corey, Natalie and Victor zings weren't funny at all but he killed it with all the rest. James I think got the best zing of the night...and props to Michelle for remembering Zingbot has a kid...that cements her super fan status.

Interesting to think the "plagurism" scandal means nothing to the houseguests since they missed the outside world controversy.

Tag teaming of Paulie in the kitchen is WHY I watch BIG BROTHER...nothing like a good pile on. I am very glad we are  so far away from the peace and love of Season One where they tried to bribe someone with a suitcase full of cash in order to get them to leave so they could bring in someone to spice things up...and no none took the bait.

and one more thing. I laughed out loud at Paulie when he said he has no one in the house. Well, dickhead...you had ONE person who would have stuck with you thick or thin but you didn't rescue her from the block when you had the chance and have spent the rest of the time mourning having a bro up on the block without apparently anyreference to missing who your true strongest ally was. Since it can't be said enough...dick.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 11
13 minutes ago, partofme said:

This episode was horrible.  Way too sympathetic to Paulie.    He better be going to jury tomorrow.

It was a total white washing of the week. They made me feel sorry for Paulie and I read the feeds thread.  I've resisted thinking this, but I'm starting to see it.  The Paulie redemption tour has begun.  He has the RT.  

  • Love 5

I agree with OttoDbusdriver, Paulie sadly waving that American flag, all sad and just wanting to quit and go home, was by far the highlight of this episode, if not the season.

I didn't think he got that great of an edit, although that might be my complete loathing of him coming through. He came off as a big baby and a sore loser. Which he is.

I thought the zingbot was lame and took way too long. The only one I really liked as Nicole's, because A) true, and B) just shows how much she sucks as a player, because she should have taken that as a huge wake-up call but apparently decided to say that he was soooo meeeeeeaaan. She's the worst. 

True story - my sister called me up as she watched it (I DVRed it to watch some Olympics), and asked me what was going on with Paulie and Corey, and if they were a 'thing' in the house. She's a very casual viewer and does not watch any feeds or anything, so I was wondering why she thought that? Well, first we get the epic bromance in the bathroom, but then, when everyone was woken up for the veto, there was a shot of those two practically spooning in a rather small bed. Which, hey, I'm not saying it means ANYthing, I just thought it was rather bizarre.  Honestly, at first I bought it was Corey and Nicole, but no, she was in the Have Not room. 

  • Love 3

OK, I LOVED that comp! Zingbot for President? Make America Zing Again? Feel the Zing? Giving them all trucker hats and mocking up the campaign posters and having the electoral college and all the scandals ("deleting zings off a zing server" -- OMG! and the "zingtern!") And the way Zingbot just...shrieked after the latest scandal was revealed and Natalie implored how Zingbot needed their help "more than ever!"

Also "Paid for by Houseguests." HA! These comp designers can bring it when they want to. That was 10 times as entertaining as OTEV this year.

Oh, and costumes galore! MORE COSTUMES! I love that the show has realized that's what 'Merica wants to see: houseguests dressing up and looking like fools!

They're never more likable than when they look absolutely ridiculous. Probably why there were...so many costumes this year. ZIIIING!

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 7

Your stupid family and your stupid friends let you push them around forever.  Now finally after 28 years you stumbled into a situation where everybody doesn't kiss your ass, all you can do is cry for mama.

Yeah . . . that was pretty much my takeaway as well. Clearly Paulie is used to having his own way and just doesn't understand why everyone isn't doing what he wants. What a delusional little man. Was I actually supposed to feel sorry for this pathetic ass?

And that scene between him and Corey in the bathroom was hysterical. I actually thought they were going to kiss. 

What really gets me is that all five men outed their five-men alliance right in front of Nicole, and she went and told Natalie and Michelle the men basically admitted to having a five-man alliance, and just the same, she spent the rest of the episode focused on protecting/saving Corey. Good God, what an idiot.

I hate to say it but it would probably be better voting out Corey. Paulie has nobody at this point and he'd make a good final two partner because nobody would vote for him. Except Corey.

  • Love 10

I wish that I wasn't among those that can feel down in their gut that Paulie will be taking a Round Trip to see Julie to then return to the game for his redemptive arc/reunion with his true love Corey...

I'm also fearful of what kind of shenanigans they have planned for Friday.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 2

Well, I'll admit it,  it worked on me.  I felt bad for Paulie this episode. Maybe he does have the round trip ticket,  but I don't see what good it will do him unless he wins HOH...and it kind of seems like he'll be so emotionally drained that he won't be able to.

Can he just go to the jury house and this whole thing can be done with?  Please and thank you! 

4 hours ago, Fatkat said:

Did anyone hear what Zingbot said to Corey after "wedding bells?"

I played it back a few times, and couldn't catch it.  But everyone reacted, so I know it had to be good.   I put my closed-captioning on, and it said that Zingbot said "JASON".

SO -  I think the joke was Nicole hears wedding bells, and then Zingbot called HAYDEN.

Unless someone heard something that makes more sense.  Hayden WAS the other guy she hooked up with her previous season, right?

Edited by backformore
  • Love 4

You know why Paulie's lowest moment came while waiting for the pie to cook?  That was woman's work! No more humiliating or demeaning thing could happen to an old world misogynist than kitchen chores on camera.  It was like when the American prison guards in  Guantanamo made the terrorists do gay looking stuff.  Paulie's daddy probably told him all his life that he was a born and bred competitor and champion, even while he sobbed about losing.  I wonder if his parents are rethinking that decision to never make him learn to sleep alone after the crib>twin bed transition.

Loved Secret Service Paul and hated that he cut the suit up, he looked so cute in it.  I keep hoping he'll get bored enough to shave the beard.  I have a feeling there's a very handsome guy under there.

Armpit hair?  Really, Zingbot?  Could they all just leave Natalie's body alone for awhile?

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Armpit hair?  Really, Zingbot?  Could they all just leave Natalie's body alone for awhile?

I agree 100%.  That was really reaching.  At least she seemed to take it in fun, unlike Nicole, who pouted in the DR that Zingbot is such a Meanie McMeaniePants (especially since Nicole's "zings" were spot-on).  And regarding Natalie, I normally despise the whole Zingbot routine, but Nat's narration of the "Zing" related POV comp was actually very cute, she did a good job.

The best "Zing" of the night, IMO, came from Big Meech to Paulie: "You're not Cody or Derrick!"  ZING!!

I found it interesting that the person who offered Sad Chef Paulie a hug was Natalie.  She certainly didn't have to do that, after the way Paulie has treated her.  Has Paulie ever apologized to her?  I think that Paulie wanted Natalie for himself from Day One and it wounds his Jersey Boy pride that she likes James.

So Paulie is bred to win Big Brother?  Huh.  Those are some...lofty goals, I guess.  And I still hope New Jersey locks him out when he tries to cross the state line.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 11

Loved Corey and Paulie's reactions to being nominated. Corey whining about, "What did I ever do to you??" proves he has no idea about how to play this game. And Paulie in tears was just epic. Even if it was pretty sad that he had tears for Corey, but gave no shits about Zakiyah being up on the block. Girl, take notes. 

The Paulfrontation was the best thing ever. And I normally I don't like gang-ups. But Paulie is such a smug, entitled asshole; I had no problem with this one. Big Meech was serving it up! "LOL, YOU convinced them" - "You're never going to be Cody and Derrick". ZING! Who needs Zingbot??? 

Speaking of, Zingbot seemed too tame this time. Calling Victor a douche? BFD. The only one I found truly Zing worthy was calling Nicole out on her game. THAT was glorious. 

Thankful Victor won the Veto. I always get nervous when they do these White Elephant comps, because someone might be swayed by money over the Veto. Now Paulie has to bake pies, and he actually looks more upset about that than not winning the Veto. I just really hope his tears aren't fooling anyone in the house, because they sure aren't fooling me. 

Corey has to wear a unitard, but he gets shorts. What?

Paul's punishment seems more like a punishment for the OTHER members of the house, no? 

  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I found it interesting that the person who offered Sad Chef Paulie a hug was Natalie.  She certainly didn't have to do it, after the way Paulie has treated her.  Has Paulie ever apologized to her?  I think that Paulie wanted Natalie for himself from Day One and it wounds his Jersey Boy pride that she likes James.

It just proves that SHE is a good person, despite what he said to her. But he'll probably never see that. 

  • Love 11
8 hours ago, Frootloop Dingus said:

What the hell, crying over Corey, and never a tear for Zakiya? 


I think the,  "and my best friend on the block beside me," was just something else to say while he sobbed and if he had been on the block with Z it would have been "and my best girl beside me."  I think it's just Paulie sobbing for his poor little self and adding stuff to make it look better.  He showed his true colors in the end when he coldly said that he was going to have to campaign against Corey to save himself.

Paulie is still so arrogant and smug about his power with women that he really thought, since he had chatted up Michelle for five minutes, she would be ready to play veto for him. I will never have pity for this spoiled brat.

Edited by JudyObscure
Spellcheck doesn't think "chatted," is a word.
  • Love 9

This is only my second exposure to Zingbot and I'm not a huge fan because the voice makes my teeth ache. 

If his shtick is normally to represent us ALL by saying "You're an idiot to throw your game away on a showmance" and "Shut the fuck UP with your stupid catchphrases"--that's extremely satisfying.

But if it's just mostly tweaks about armpit hair and, hardy har, son-in-law potential, they could skip it.

  • Love 2

Do we know who writes the jokes for Zingbot? Whoever it is, they seem to be deftly attuned to what viewers are thinking because I always find them spot on. Nicole's was especially true - and she needed to hear it. I feel like often when the players get out of the house, most still don't truly have an accurate sense of their perception to the viewers.  I suppose it's because friends and family try to protect them from the brutal truth. Even so, I hope Zakiyah gets the full treatment that I know social media is capable of.  It's not that I wish for cruelty, it's that it is clear to me that it will take an inordinate amount of vitriol for her to open her eyes to how she was played by Paulie. 

Speaking of Paulie, I continue to be amazed at how he has transformed from a handsome man to a sniveling, pudgy-faced boy.  I hope he works on transitioning back to the former when he gets out. Of course, it could be that I just failed to see him for the man-boy he always was.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Loved Secret Service Paul and hated that he cut the suit up, he looked so cute in it.


3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Corey has to wear a unitard, but he gets shorts. What?

Three of the current costume wearers - Corey / Nicole / Paul - have two versions of their costume - a "full dress" version (I.e., the original form of the costume we saw on each), and a "cut-down" version, presumably to deal with the outdoors heat.  I'm especially glad for Paulie's sake; with all the running around and chasing he does on every Alert, I was afraid Paul might get heatstroke.in that full suit.



Armpit hair?  Really, Zingbot?  Could they all just leave Natalie's body alone for awhile?

Give the Zingwriters a break - when it comes to zinging Natalie, options for material are pretty thin.  :)

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Nashville said:

Give the Zingwriters a break - when it comes to zinging Natalie, options for material are pretty thin.  :)

"Natalie! You're -er - really sweet and genuine! ZING?"

I did like James' zing though - "The only people you're scaring this season are Natalie's parents! The son-in-law they didn't want!"

Even though she knew it was a joke Nat still found time to reassure James about that - "It's not true!" What a girl...

  • Love 7
32 minutes ago, laprin said:

Speaking of Paulie, I continue to be amazed at how he has transformed from a handsome man to a sniveling, pudgy-faced boy.  I hope he works on transitioning back to the former when he gets out. Of course, it could be that I just failed to see him for the man-boy he always was.

It's amazing, isn't it?  I see him  now, and I wonder how he was the best-looking guy in the house when the season started, and how the hell he got a goddess like Zakiyah to give him more than a passing glance.  What the hell happened?  Is it just that his vile personality leaked out and spoiled his looks?  Because gaining a few pounds doesn't usually have that big an impact! 

  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Three of the current costume wearers - Corey / Nicole / Paul - have two versions of their costume - a "full dress" version (I.e., the original form of the costume we saw on each), and a "cut-down" version, presumably to deal with the outdoors heat.  I'm especially glad for Paulie's sake; with all the running around and chasing he does on every Alert, I was afraid Paul might get heatstroke.in that full suit.

Yea, I don't have an issue with their being an indoor and outdoor version of the outfit. My query was why Corey's unitard gets a pair of shorts to wear over it? I don't remember seeing that before. 

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