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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

If your post is not PRIMARILY about the Duggars, it will be removed. Please stick to the topic or take it to Small Talk, thank you.

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I am so embarrassed for all of them. But it's really sad that they don't realize they should be embarrassed for themselves.

That's the worst part about it. They actually believe what they're doing is sexy and masculine. They have no idea that most 17 year old boys wouldn't be caught dead doing this kind of stuff.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 12

This reminds me of 7th grade drama class where we got into groups and had to create a music video. It was the 80s and MTV was a big thing back then.

I am so embarrassed for all of them. But it's really sad that they don't realize they should be embarrassed for themselves.

Half way through the video was as far as I made it and the key word that kept popping up in my head was embarrassed.  OMG.  I can see creating a stupid vid for youtube- but Duggar Studios- LMFAO.  


Before you decide you are a studio, you need to take more than one lesson on lighting and timing that stupid song to your lip sync.  Didn't you learn anything from Milli Vanilli?  Oh wait.  MEchelle forgot that lesson at the SOTDRT.  


My two sons would have laughed me out of town if I had suggested they do this at that age.  I did have a son that, when he was four, would dress up in cowboy boots, hat and fake bb gun and walk around the neighborhood at 6am.  Yea, had a few calls from neighbors but it was pretty funny.  


These boys are SO far behind in their real age that it is scary. 

Edited by truthtalk2014
  • Love 7

Wow!  Is this the kind of quality programming we can expect from Duggar Studios?


I'm sure they will be back on the air shortly, with one of the major networks picking them up.


This is typical of plays I've seen put on by homeschool groups.  Embarrassingly immature and just awful.


Sorry to any homeschoolers who do it right!

  • Love 3

Additional post to add to my original above...


Star Wars intro graphics at the beginning of the video... ? Really... ? REALLY... ???


Why are all of the hats either ill-fitting, Mr. Potato Head-sized, from Boer War and/or Napoleonic eras, or colonial tricorns ?


Did y'all see Brokeback Mountain ? Midnight Cowboy ? Dog Day Afternoon ?


The irony here is so palpable I can feel it, I can taste it, but knowing that they don't know it is the snark icing on my snark cake...


So let them eat cake  ;)

  • Love 9

Churchoney - You've not only won the Internet for today, you've won my heart... 


Your elegant, eloquent post knocked my socks off and I just had to respond - your very comprehensive list of what the J-Boys have never, and will never, be able to do, see, experience, or be, is simply perfect, but also a staggeringly sad and damningly accurate assessment of the failures of JB and Michelle - both as parents and as human beings. 


Thanks to my beloved late father, I was able to cross perhaps 90% of the things you wrote of off of "my" list as a child/teenager/young woman - encouraged to see the world, soak up as much as I could from literature, history, science, travel, languages, music, art, and on and on. My very first baby picture is me, at maybe two weeks old, being held by my Dad in front of Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural masterpiece Fallingwater. Quite a long drive to make with a newborn...


He "wanted to make sure I could appreciate the important things" from an early age !  I am sound asleep in the picture, BTW, but you get the message - I was an investment for him, a mind that needed to be cultivated and encouraged and challenged from birth onward. My Dad was kooky and unorthodox and sometimes a cranky bastard, but I never stopped learning from him or because of him. 


What the Duggar boys, or, rather, the Duggar children, have not just "missed" but were led directly away from, shielded from, or prevented from doing isn't just sad, or tragic, or unfortunate, or misguided.


It's obscene. Fucking obscene.


They are bores and dullards. Blissfully content-free, Stepford-esque blank slates that can talk about (perhaps) four or five subjects total, none with any degree of finesse or accuracy, and all with the same limited, juvenile, inadequate vocabulary of a person 5-10-15 years younger.


They have traveled the world and learned nothing. They have been media darlings and reaped the benefits of being wealthy in a closed, religious society marked by its bizarre penchant for self-imposed poverty, and are grateful for nothing. They routinely rant and rave as committed pro-lifers, some before I'm sure they even know what the word "abortion" even means, yet for the ones carried to term and born into a nasty, brutish world, they do nothing. They preach the sanctity of marriage and family but circle their wagons to protect an admitted child molester and adulterer. They cry wolf and rage against the "liberal media elite" for being "persecuted Christians", but what have they ever done that even came close to anything to doing anything their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, would have done ?




Beautifully-said, some... The perfect complement to churchoney's original post, which was also awesome. We have some serious writing talent on this forum.

  • Love 16

We must have had the same dad.  One of my favorite things was off the wall weekend quests.  Let's see, where can we find medieval armor around here?  Can we set up an appointment to see an autopsy?  Who can show us how to evaluate precious stones?  Those quests were so much fun, and we made so many wrong starts that ended us in someplace even better.

  • Love 4

Wellfleet - You just gave the Duggars a coronary over "complement" vs. "compliment". Gotta love you for that...   ;)


Please invoke The Flying Spaghetti Monster so we come out on the right side on that account. Very well done. I'm positive that Michelle, in all of her HomeFoolin' glory, has NO idea what we're saying here. 


Wait, what...Whaaa... ?!?! Didn't the undereducated Michelle pass off her un-education to the oldest 3-4 kids, and then THEY taught the next ten or so, and then it was just like...


Lord of the Flies ? The Peter Principle in Action ? 


At least we know bankruptcy law. Funny how THAT all came together, huh... ? 


Oh, and yes, we DO have some serious talent here !  I'm quite sure the Duggars are well aware (well-aware ?) of our little Algonquin SOTDRT here at PTV, and that just makes my skin positively crackle with hope ! 


MicksPicks - PM me if you want to talk Awesome Dads. I'm so happy you had one, too... :)

  • Love 6

The video, while corny, gives a great overview of the Duggar estate, the outbuildings, and all their cars and toys.  I enjoyed the juxtaposition of the young nameless howler in a blue "Buy Used, Save the Difference" t-shirt when the previous frame revealed all the Duggar vehicles in the background.


Who are the Pattons in the video?

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 2

This reminds me of 7th grade drama class where we got into groups and had to create a music video. It was the 80s and MTV was a big thing back then.

I am so embarrassed for all of them. But it's really sad that they don't realize they should be embarrassed for themselves.

I don't know. I liked the "big iron" on his hip. I mean, it's a fairly lame parody, but it is clearly meant as parody. They're trying to have some fun; they could be doing worse things with their time.

My girls (now in college) have always been theater kids. If they had a bunch of younger kids to keep occupied, they might well have decided to make a goofy video. It would have been a million times smarter and funnier than this is because they're my kids, but in principle? It's not what the "cool kids" would do, but I don't think it's an inherently awful activity.

Edited by JenCarroll
  • Love 8

Jim Bob has a lot of things to panic over, and one of those things is what the heck is he going to do with all these young adults with time on their hands and nothing to do.  Command performances for TLC filming was his business plan, and after all this scandal there is virtually no market for anything they have to say.  I have a feeling that even the girls will find their calendars clear.

  • Love 11
I am completely floored that JD is an instrument rated pilot! Considering he has NO formal education that's saying something.


Yes, very! I've always thought of John David--and Joe (not Smithson), as 2 young men who seemed quite capable and hard workers. They seemed to know what was going on whenever there was an vehicle broken down, etc.  (When I say hard workers, I'm not talking about household chores! We all know that doesn't fly in the Duggar household.)

  • Love 3

This gives me the sads. Note who is NOT pushing a stroller or holding a kid. Josiah, ah, I had such high hopes for him. I wonder why he was sent to Alert and allowed in a courtship so early. I hope it's because he has been caught checking the fence for weak links. Don't give up kid.


The ol' Paula Abdul skinny stretched image trick.

Gotta say I prefer Ken Ham being in America and not Australia.

  • Love 1

This gives me the sads. Note who is NOT pushing a stroller or holding a kid. Josiah, ah, I had such high hopes for him. I wonder why he was sent to Alert and allowed in a courtship so early. I hope it's because he has been caught checking the fence for weak links. Don't give up kid.


Michelle push or carry one of her own children?! Surely you jest! That's what the Indentured Nannies are for.

  • Love 4

Do we know he was the one piloting the plane?



Gawker.com reports a plane owned by Duggar Aviation LLC and often operated by Josh's brother John David Duggar departed Springdale Municipal Airport at 10:45pm Monday and landed at Chicago Rockford International Airport at 12:17am.    q985online.com

Gawker.com reports a plane owned by Duggar Aviation LLC and often operated by Josh's brother John David Duggar departed Springdale Municipal Airport at 10:45pm Monday and landed at Chicago Rockford International Airport at 12:17am.    q985online.com


Sorry, but Duggar Aviation just sounds so stupid.  I imagine a cartoon hillbilly with a belly, overalls, and no shoes, flying a rickety plane with a seats from a chevy van, and a pair of pliers in place of broken instrument panel knobs.

  • Love 13

This gives me the sads. Note who is NOT pushing a stroller or holding a kid. Josiah, ah, I had such high hopes for him. I wonder why he was sent to Alert and allowed in a courtship so early. I hope it's because he has been caught checking the fence for weak links. Don't give up kid.

Love it when Boob says that evolution is not scientific.  I am really sad for these children as I listen to them speak.  Yes, Josiah.  I am still holding out hope for you. 


And yes, I saw who was never pushing a stroller or holding a kid.  Love it when she is sitting down by herself while Jana feeds Josie a bottle.  I think the little one was scared of the Noah puppet preaching.


All the pink and white shirts.  Wow!  Mullet Mullet Mullet!  LOL  Thanks for sharing.  

  • Love 9

Love it when Boob says that evolution is not scientific.  I am really sad for these children as I listen to them speak.  Yes, Josiah.  I am still holding out hope for you. 


And yes, I saw who was never pushing a stroller or holding a kid.  Love it when she is sitting down by herself while Jana feeds Josie a bottle.  I think the little one was scared of the Noah puppet preaching.


All the pink and white shirts.  Wow!  Mullet Mullet Mullet!  LOL  Thanks for sharing.  

I think the older one holding him was scared of that puppet,  I know I was!

  • Love 2

Sorry, but Duggar Aviation just sounds so stupid.  I imagine a cartoon hillbilly with a belly, overalls, and no shoes, flying a rickety plane with a seats from a chevy van, and a pair of pliers in place of broken instrument panel knobs.

Now there's a business for the family. You can travel to and from any hayfield in Arkansas in a flying stink bus piloted by a beflip-flopped eight year old with complimentary in-flight tater tots.


ETA: I often make poor choices and I just  sat through the creationism museum visit."It was faaaascinating, watching the moving animals…." Okay Michelle has LITERALLY no I.Q. NONE. Does her spinal chord even touch her brain? Maybe that's the back muscle she's missing.

Edited by Aja
  • Love 17

Now there's a business for the family. You can travel to and from any hayfield in Arkansas in a flying stink bus piloted by a beflip-flopped eight year old with complimentary in-flight tater tots.


ETA: I often make poor choices and I just  sat through the creationism museum visit."It was faaaascinating, watching the moving animals…." Okay Michelle has LITERALLY no I.Q. NONE. Does her spinal chord even touch her brain? Maybe that's the back muscle she's missing.

Or Michelle is purposing to substitute her missing brain cells with a missing back muscle.  I will now make a wrong choice of my own and watch the museum visit on your recommendation.

  • Love 3

Well after watching it my observations are that Michelle is more like one of the children than a parent.  No surprise there.  Other girls are carrying around caring for youngers - but not her!  She's so enthralled to be at a museum, she definitely doesn't get out much.  Jim Bob had to be corrected by one of his children - no surprise there.  Josiah seems introspective and more intelligent than his parents.  I hate what they've done to him. Jana seems somewhat happy and open to learning about different beliefs, like a longing to at least know about them.  I hate what they've done to her too.  Jessa is just towing the party line's doctrine. I forget what Jill said if anything.  The bus smells bad.  We know it won't be Michelle cleaning the toilet.  So the Duggars believe man lived with the dinosaurs.  How very fascinating as Michelle would say.  Why did the dinosaurs get killed off and not them?  

  • Love 3

That video made my heart ache for Jana and Josiah.  They both seemed like they were on the cusp of questioning what they were hearing, but then fell back into "it's the Bible, it has to be true".  


ETA: I loved the editors splicing in commentary from non-creationists directly contradicting what the Duggars were saying.

Edited by bob.loblaw
  • Love 8

Perhaps we've overlooked the Bates country fried, western wear influence in this mess.

From Lawson's Instagram:

"You were great tonight man! Let's ride to town again sometime! #dixiestampede #trickriding"


I'm getting Brokeback Mountain-meets- Village People- meets- Fundy realness from this picture. I bet Lawson would like to ride a trick. Edited by Joe Jitsu913
  • Love 8

I have a question about the Duggers home church and taxes. Would this trip to the museum be considered a business expense? What tax breaks are home churches allowed? Could I have a home church as I worship all things chocolate?

This religious exemption thing is not true. The TTH house property does not have a religious exemption listed against it. They pay about $7,500 a year to the county in tax for the property. Keep in mind it is is a rural/urban fringe property across the road from the town landfill. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 1
Duggar Aviation because we all know that God made airplanes, not science.


For a few years now I've been contemplating getting a bird or two.  I've decided that if that day ever comes, his/her name will be Duggar Aviation.

Would this trip to the museum be considered a business expense?


Or could it be an educational expense? Hmmm...I hoped Jimbo saved his ticket stubs. 

Edited by zenme
  • Love 3

I know we've discussed Duggar Aviation a lot but seriously, what's the deal w/John David?

At 25 he's not married (normal in our culture but M & JB must be pushing), he doesn't live at the TTH, he doesn't have an accountabilty partner (even JB has one of those) & he conviently has to work whenever there are big 'family' announcements, meetings, etc...

I'm wondering if, unlike Puddin' Boy, maybe JD realized he's not cut out for marriage, or at least gothard marriage w/the requisite dozen kids? If so, I really hope he doesn't cave/conform & potentially wreck a whole lot of lives (Puddin' I'm looking right at you). Thoughts?

Edited by lulu69
  • Love 4

I know we've discussed Duggar Aviation a lot but seriously, what's the deal w/John David?

At 25 he's not married (normal in our culture but M & JB must be pushing), he doesn't live at the TTH, he doesn't have an accountabilty partner (even JB has one of those) & he conviently has to work whenever there are big 'family' announcements, meetings, etc...

I'm wondering if, unlike Puddin' Boy, maybe JD realized he's not cut out for marriage, or at least gothard marriage w/the requisite dozen kids? If so, I really hope he doesn't cave/conform & potentially wreck a whole lot of lives (Puddin' I'm looking right at you). Thoughts?

I always thought JD would be the one to be caught living with a girlfriend or going to Hooters and Josh only fondled (or whatever) the Holt girlfriend that caused a mini feud with some political families. Wish I had been right...

  • Love 4

I've often wondered about JD, also. Which episode said he has his own house in Rogers? In the later episodes, he was rarely seen or mentioned, except as a filler to take Michelle on a backhoe tractor ride!


My theory about JD: He hasn't been living the ATI/Duggar lifestyle for a long time. Since all JB & M have always cared about is their squeaky clean, wholesome, godly image AND their TV show, JB figured that having a son that publicly left the fold just would do them a lot of harm.

Even if he didn't go ahead and spill deets on Josh and whatever hoarding stockpile of skeletons are in the family closet, a son who stopped Duggaring would be just too detrimental, him talking about why he left would be bad enough.


So... I think JB sat him down and offered him a deal: as long as you are discreet and publicly pay lip service to the values and lifestyle we raised you in, act Godly at home and for the cameras, you can go out and live your own life as you please. Go ahead, live by yourself. Go to school, get a job, live your lifestyle and AS LONG AS YOU ARE DISCREET I will support you $$$$ and with a house....


JD could probably make a killer of everything he knows about his parents' lifestyle and he probably knows where the bodies are buried. 

  • Love 12

I know we've discussed Duggar Aviation a lot but seriously, what's the deal w/John David?

At 25 he's not married (normal in our culture but M & JB must be pushing), he doesn't live at the TTH, he doesn't have an accountabilty partner (even JB has one of those) & he conviently has to work whenever there are big 'family' announcements, meetings, etc...

I'm wondering if, unlike Puddin' Boy, maybe JD realized he's not cut out for marriage, or at least gothard marriage w/the requisite dozen kids? If so, I really hope he doesn't cave/conform & potentially wreck a whole lot of lives (Puddin' I'm looking right at you). Thoughts?

The snarky me wants to say that JD aka Slingblade has a Murphy tub full of babyshoes and friendship bracelets in his dungeon...err basement. But the nice me knows he's just boring as eff and makes his own coin so he doesn't have to put up with Jimboobs circus or even appear unless there's grub to be had or gitch that need his grammas laundering skills on.
  • Love 1
Message added by Scarlett45

If your post is not PRIMARILY about the Duggars, it will be removed. Please stick to the topic or take it to Small Talk, thank you.

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