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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

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I really don't see any real evidence that Mary was so protective of Josh or that she was laundering money or otherwise scheming.  Seems a lot of "evidence" is coming from a fake site, tho I may have missed some verified evidence of her financials and frame of mind

I don't know anything about the site, but when it said "you connect the dots" I'm here thinking, I don't know how. 

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Wanna bet Jana wrote that? Why else would he be referred to as "Grandpa Duggar" and be lauded as the "best grandpa" in terms that sound like they come from the grandkids' generation? It appeared that JB had a stranglehold on the funeral, but it's possible that Jana took care of some things, including the picture retrospective and obituary.

I would have guessed that Amy wrote it. She seemed like absolutely adored her grandfather.

  • Love 4

I find it sadly funny that a little more than a week ago we were snarking on JD's "swing - blade" persona, and now most posts that refer to him call him hard-working and infer he's the most normal of the bunch.

It's amazing how the pendulum swings, isn't it? I love that he bailed on the Erica Hill interview. He has more of a brain than we thought, lol. JD and Joe always struck me as hard working guys while Josh was the smug know-it-all who expected stuff to be handed to him.

  • Love 8
JD and Joe always struck me as hard working guys while Josh was the smug know-it-all who expected stuff to be handed to him.


Yes.  In the more recent episodes I'd noticed JD seems to have a sense of humor, which I've attributed to having relationships with people outside of the Duggar home, i.e., other first responders, constables, etc.  I bet Joseph's only said about 5 sentences in all of the years the show has been on the air--one of them being in "14 Kids and Expecting," which was, "My name is Joseph Duggar."  He seems to get along with John David, or at least seems to have the same interests and abilities, and the older girls seem to really enjoy their relationships with him.  Some of them cried at his ALERT graduation.

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I'm not sure any of us can say who seems what personality at all anymore, before this scandal Josh & Anna were my favourites, yes there was a slight smugness there and I despised his politics but as a couple I was rooting for them to pull away from the cult. Now I've realised how much I don't know about the truth of the Duggars. JD's weird obsession with trashing cars & non comfortable way with people still seems weird to me and I can't just reinterpret him to be the good guy just because Josh has gone down in flames. More and more I just feel like they're all incredibly damaged people.

  • Love 10

I find it sadly funny that a little more than a week ago we were snarking on JD's "swing - blade" persona, and now most posts that refer to him call him hard-working and infer he's the most normal of the bunch.


The gender reveal episode began to change my mind about him; he was running around fixing things and figuring out how to put those stupid ass flamingoes in the frozen ground. He's so handy and I find that attractive in men. You get the feeling he'd be okay without the Duggar money train. He could build a house for his bride a la The Notebook. From a kit, but still.

Edited by EarlGreyTea

Yes.  In the more recent episodes I'd noticed JD seems to have a sense of humor, which I've attributed to having relationships with people outside of the Duggar home, i.e., other first responders, constables, etc.  I bet Joseph's only said about 5 sentences in all of the years the show has been on the air--one of them being in "14 Kids and Expecting," which was, "My name is Joseph Duggar."  He seems to get along with John David, or at least seems to have the same interests and abilities, and the older girls seem to really enjoy their relationships with him.  Some of them cried at his ALERT graduation.


For me, the jury is still out on John David. It could be that he's just really over the whole TV thing - and has been for a long time. But there is a disturbing factor in the mix too. He seems like the type who might have once thought it would be fun to blow up a bullfrog, or whatever those kids were doing in Arachnophobia. I know, I watch too many movies. Anyway, I need more evidence of Good Guyness before I can clear him. Especially now.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 3

I've barely watched the show (despite my willingness to comment on it ... ), so I'm asking: Is there much evidence of humor in any Duggars at all, except for the childish mean tricks that I've heard a lot about (trashing cars, running down cats) and JimBob's yuck yucks over things he thinks are jokes? ....


I can't see that there would be much. Humor seems to require some sense that things are one way but could be otherwise. And in this particular rigid miniculture thinking that way about anything doesn't seem to be allowed.


There's very little humor at all. And what humor there is seems terribly inappropriate. JimBob trying to say "Hola" to Japanese people or John David "forgetting" the ring at Josh and Anna's wedding. If they were 10 years old it would be ok. But in grown men, it seems childish and aggressive.

I think Jessa and Anna have an exceedingly dry wit that is SO dry you blink and will miss it.

  • Love 3

I've barely watched the show (despite my willingness to comment on it ... ), so I'm asking: Is there much evidence of humor in any Duggars at all, except for the childish mean tricks that I've heard a lot about (trashing cars, running down cats) and JimBob's yuck yucks over things he thinks are jokes? ....


I can't see that there would be much. Humor seems to require some sense that things are one way but could be otherwise. And in this particular rigid miniculture thinking that way about anything doesn't seem to be allowed.


Humor? I suppose so, in the broadest possible sense. Although frankly The Three Stooges have more finesse, and aren't as mean either. The Duggars think it's "funny" to have a clown on stilts at a birthday party for their cousin who is terrified of clowns and has been since she was a toddler. I give a grudging yes to humor. Not a bit of wit, however. To be witty I think you really need to be a reader, and none of them fit that bill.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 2

I've always been on the fence about John David. I've felt kind of bad for him growing up in Golden Boy Josh's shadow. He does seem to work hard and be a stable kind of guy. He's also one of the few who has pursued outside interests (first responder, volunteer fireman, pilot). He's kind to the little ones- he was the one to tell Michael not to worry about the paint on his clothes and I remember being surprised how often he and Joseph were holding babies and toddlers in the background of the early episodes.

And then he does something like trash cars at a wedding or says something mean, and I don't know what to think about him. I've wondered if the car trashing and some of the comments are producer instigated, but there's no way of knowing. I don't think it helps that he seems to be a serious and reserved person, and is also one of the less attractive...none of that is going to make it easy for viewers to connect with him or cut him some slack.

Edited by Jenniferbug
  • Love 5

JD still has a personality duller than dishwater, the maturity of a 12 year old, and a misogynistic attitude, but he's handy, hasn't gained 75 lbs or gone bald, and he can fly a plane. As far as we know, he hasn't been involved in any incestuous molestation. This makes him a better catch than Josh, but he's still just a shinier turd of a giant pile of shit.

  • Love 5

Wow! I forgot about JD's wedding day pranks! That was pretty cruel. I suppose we haven't seen very much of that very recently, and the past few episodes he hasn't been too bad. We all mature at some point and maybe he's finally reached that point. Fingers crossed. Having corny old Jim Bob for a dad is no help in the humor department.

I wonder what JD's post-Josh's "mistake" experience was like? Was his every mice scrutinized? Did he feel guilt or responsibility for not being able to protect his sisters. Perhaps JB allowed him to peruse interests, like flying, in order to get him away from the temptation of the girls in the house. Given what we know about JB, I find it so hard to believe that he purchased a plane (buy used and save the difference) -- but if he was worried about JD sinning like Josh, the plane makes sense.

  • Love 3

JD has that personality - beta male, quiet, immature, possibly scared of girls, slightly cruel (all those pranks) that makes him a prime candidate to twist scripture and ATI teaching, and really make an outspoken, Marjorie type girl miserable with all the submission dogma. I don't think it's a bad thing that he isn't courting or married yet.

  • Love 6

I really wanted to write something positive today since  it seems its all horrible news since the scandal broke.


Back when the Duggars were in the hospital right after those long months  with Josie, they came across other families who also had micro preemies. One of them was Sarah Pope and her son Samuel.Samuel is 4 and half at the last blog post.She's too busy with two children to post, thank God. I find it interesting all the many therapies she made sure Samuel got and he is indeed doing so well now. If anyone wants to read about all that she did for him you can read about it in her blog which is called Parenting the preemie Pope. Such a wonderful family! It was a nice positive blog and I'm happy to have read about something positive from watching the Duggars.


I often wonder if Josie has any issues, and you can see one child that the parents were honest enough about them. I believe she was delaying preschool two years for him to have him repeat it, as it was much better for him. He was looking forward to making new friends. It was so sweet.

  • Love 7

I've never been a JD lover or hater, either (though I've had my moments, depending on the episode) but we also have to remember that we're not getting the real picture. I'm not a fan of his pranks, but I have to wonder how much he was put up to. I think he genuinely likes (most of) his siblings and spends time with them, but I don't get the feeling he's so rosy about his parents and that is probably what keeps him away from the TTH. I see his brothers especially looking up to him. Joseph in particular.

  • Love 4

He has the First Twin Syndrome. We really have no idea what they are like as people. The family tells us every other breath how terrific and wonderful and talented they each are. But the show never really managed to capture it. I think Jana gets more sympathy from viewers because she's prettier than JD, but they are both fairly mysterious.

  • Love 4

I really don't see any real evidence that Mary was so protective of Josh or that she was laundering money or otherwise scheming. Seems a lot of "evidence" is coming from a fake site, tho I may have missed some verified evidence of her financials and frame of mind

There's no real evidence that the Duggars were laundering money. It's just another way to capitalize on Duggar hysteria. That site claimed they were shut down by the Duggars the first time around because of Jana's upcoming courtship to Tim Tebow. So take it with a massive grain of salt.

Edited by MissMally
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So Obviously the majority of my sympathy is with the Dugger Daughters. But I wanted to take just a minute and think about how most likely it's really not much fun to be a Dugger son also. ( I'm not talking about Josh, I mean what his brothers have had to put up with)  Imagine being 12 year old JD, and suddenly his every move is scrutinized and he's barely allowed to talk to his twin Jana any more. Maybe they were never close to begin with , but I'm sure what ever relationship they had got clearly separated when all this happened. No wonder the guy is so bland. that was safest way for him to be, to not attract any attention. It must be really creepy for the boys, who have all these rules about not touching, not baby sitting, not being alone with their siblings. It must have been really confusing for Joseph and Si too. I'm sure their dad grilled them about Impure thoughts all the time. Yuck. I feel much worse for the girls, but these boys were pretty poorly parented too.

Edited by Bella
small edit to make compliant with speculation guidelines
  • Love 21

Or having given up your entire childhood to be filmed, and you never receive any benefit of it. Indeed, even what little education you might have had has been taken because the filming schedule was primary, but you're too young for a special of your own or anything that might generate cash in your own name.

I feel badly for all the children.

  • Love 4

Or having given up your entire childhood to be filmed, and you never receive any benefit of it. Indeed, even what little education you might have had has been taken because the filming schedule was primary, but you're too young for a special of your own or anything that might generate cash in your own name.

I feel badly for all the children.

This is so well put. And really, why I wish we could crowdfund the kids. Not going to happen, of course. Maybe, if the heat stays on someone will start asking about compensation, and force Jim Bob to lay out the finances, but I doubt it.

This is so well put. And really, why I wish we could crowdfund the kids. Not going to happen, of course. Maybe, if the heat stays on someone will start asking about compensation, and force Jim Bob to lay out the finances, but I doubt it.


If one of the kids called Oprah and asked for help with college, I wonder if she'd give to them. In your face, JimBob!

For me, the jury is still out on John David. It could be that he's just really over the whole TV thing - and has been for a long time


i don't know if anyone will remember the Duggar boy (I am wondering if it's John David) who was giving a tour of the big house while they were all in there "building" it. It was still a skeleton structure, but this Duggar boy broke my heart when he showed the camera man a little crawl space/ cupboard like space. He said, "This is my favourite secret spot. I can go in here and be all by myself." That's when I realized, maybe some of these kids can't handle the lack of privacy? Does anyone remember this special?

  • Love 3

i don't know if anyone will remember the Duggar boy (I am wondering if it's John David) who was giving a tour of the big house while they were all in there "building" it. It was still a skeleton structure, but this Duggar boy broke my heart when he showed the camera man a little crawl space/ cupboard like space. He said, "This is my favourite secret spot. I can go in here and be all by myself." That's when I realized, maybe some of these kids can't handle the lack of privacy? Does anyone remember this special?


I remember, but I don't remember which kid it was - maybe Joseph or Jason?

  • Love 2

 Mr. Jim gave up time with his girls (he has two) to follow around this dog and pony show. I'm hoping the production company helps the crew transition.


I would love to hear what Mr. Jim feels (and knows) about this family. I realize that he is a huge fan of theirs, but surely he saw some cracks in the Duggar foundation?

  • Love 5

i don't know if anyone will remember the Duggar boy (I am wondering if it's John David) who was giving a tour of the big house while they were all in there "building" it. It was still a skeleton structure, but this Duggar boy broke my heart when he showed the camera man a little crawl space/ cupboard like space. He said, "This is my favourite secret spot. I can go in here and be all by myself." That's when I realized, maybe some of these kids can't handle the lack of privacy? Does anyone remember this special?

I think it was Joseph who liked the space. I know i couldn't handle being surrounded by people in the Duggar house, i can't imagine all of them liking the lack of personal space.

  • Love 3

Hopefully, if the show ends, the other children can now have little moments of normalcy all to themselves.


I can't see the household becoming 'normal' for them as their parents and married siblings will be angry and resentful of the loss of their cash cow. As well, Boob and Shell will be still traveling cross country, drumming up speaking engagements in counties that still love them. I can see poor Jana saddled with overseeing all the kids now that there's no crew members to be aware of, or subtly babysit while the little ones run rampant, refusing to homeschool etc. I bet it's a mess because none of the 'adult's' heads will be into returning to the old way.

  • Love 6

Folks, you've all been exemplary and understanding about the landmines of language with this issue. We'd also like to add rape and incest to that. Please be very, very careful when you use those term as they mean something specific. It would be best to use molest. It describes perfectly what we (so far) know has occurred. Thank you.

As a non-local student, Joseph HAS to live on-campus. I believe you can only live at home if you are within a 30-ish mile radius of the school (might be as much as 50...it's been a while since I checked). 


He certainly visits often, but you rarely see him in pictures that the Bateses publish on Instagram (they rarely use the blog anymore). I wonder if that's due to a conflict of interest. Many of these parties the Bateses have had of late happened during the school year. I wonder if Joseph even attended, but had to be hidden off-camera? 


I noticed that DuggarFamilyOfficial (FB page) is still hiding behind the skirts of the little girls. Cowards. 

  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

If your post is not PRIMARILY about the Duggars, it will be removed. Please stick to the topic or take it to Small Talk, thank you.

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