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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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Disagree. They have stated that their "trend" is going to be family names (at least for now...they will run out of them soon enough). I'm pretty good at naming Duggar spawn; I had Michael James nailed before anyone else way back when. 


Naming the next savior Rick James would be epic. And super freaky. :D 

Wins the internet today! 

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Joy, James & Johanna are Jill's buddies. So she has Joy-Anna, James Andrew, Johannah Faith in the mix if she uses those names.

Jim Bob is James Robert, Michelle is Michelle Annette. Jill already has Michelle as her middle name so I doubt it would come into the mix. It's funny that they didn't give the first born their middle names, Josh & Jana but waited to use them.

Andrew Richard Dillard has a nice ring to it! So he'd be Drew Dillard, a nice illiteration & it's like Derick's.

Edited by jb0495
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Did Jill really say that she would grab some food and eat in the bathroom when she was younger. That is so very sad.

I thought that was very telling, especially considering how when Jill was younger the Duggars didn't have the massive horde of children they do now. Her comment inferred that there wasn't enough food to go around, otherwise why would you take your plate and run? 

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Why does Jill continually kiss derickdillard with food still in her mouth during dinner? That's actually pretty revolting..derrick needs to tell her so....I also can see that he is a quiet guy and Jill is a noisemaker. It will grate on him and I believe it has already begun, he's still in that "polite state" as they married when still strangers to each other.

Their romantic Valentine's Day menu is comparable to a 5th grader's mentality. What adult chooses gummy bears and lifesavers? I know they don't drink alcohol, but apple juce? At least graduate to sparkling grape juice...come on, try to grow up a little!

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Is it me, or does anyone else feel a little sick at the flavors melding. Apple juice and muffins, maybe okay.  But Reese's Pieces, Life savers and Gummies?  It looked nice in the photo, the sparkling apple juice in champagne flutes and the candle.  But, the Life Savers and Gummies are a little much... But, it's their way of celebrating. At least they tried.

Oh, Lord, it's a good thing I wasn't eating my breakfast! Has anyone seen the photo of Jill and Derick on their facebook page actually holding up the ept stick with dried urine on it at her parents' house? Now I have seen everything. Is there no privacy with these people? For her younger brothers to actually comment that their older sister is going to "kiss now and other stuff" is disgusting. They have an unusually unhealthy perversion with sex.

There is also a picture of Anna and Jill "comparing bellies"...how distasteful, IMO for these conservative people..and to publish it on the web...? Anna looks like she needs an industrial strength bra as that girl must have a "G" cup already. She's so young and yet is convinced she must ruin her body in the process to continually procreate her own classroom sized family, which she already can't handle by herself...

There is also a picture of Anna and Jill "comparing bellies"...how distasteful,


Well, considering the rage right now is to have formal pregnancy photo shoots with professional photographers (seriously? The last thing I ever wanted to be around while pregnant was a fucking CAMERA), and to post all the pics on Facebook.


"Look, here's a belly shot,"

"Look, here's a belly shot with my shirt pulled up. They photoshopped the stretch marks out,"

"Look, here's me and the hubby making that heart symbol with our fingers ON the belly,"

"Okay, now let's see all those pics in black and white, too." 


Jill and Anna posing with their bumps is pretty tame. God knows, they're not being "immodest." I'd fall over and die laughing if they pulled up their shirts and compared bellies that way. (I've seen THAT on Facebook)  Michelle would have a freaking aneurysm.  The eye bugging and high screeching voice that only dogs can hear, would be EPIC (surpassing the "holding hands while praying" hissy fit).

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Didn't know whether to put this here or in the Media thread...

I was on TLC website to watch the sneak peek and other videos because I don't have cable now and haven't watched the new episode yet. They have the video where Jill and Derick tells his family they are expecting (don't know if this was in the episode or not). The difference between the two families is lile night and day. I loved how the Duggars are all like "OMG!!!! Finally wwe been waiting for so long!!!" And the Dillard's are like "Wait, what? Already? So soon?" Dan was completely baffled and in denial and Cathy said she was just about to wish them a happy 1 month anniversary.

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I'm starting to wonder if Derick's mom is thinking that she should have slapped the lust out of him when he started fixating on Jill.


Yes, Cathy, you should have.  Now your best thing to do is to enjoy the new baby while telling Derick about the benefits of spacing the kids out.

Yeah, Derick is going downhill real fast since he hooked up with the Duggars. He went from being confident and worldly in Nepal to being a spineless dweeb once he married Jill. I thought it was cool the way he humored Jill and the little girls by playing dress-up, but the kiss count was just vomit inducing.

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New Duggar commercial airing on TLC for the new season in Feb -- it was on during the Kate + 8 show. It shows them sitting down with the family with Derick announcing "the pregnancy test said positive" -- with a requisite shot of the older sisters with Jana squealing with excitement. I guess they re-created it for the cameras, but Jill had said that her sisters urged her to take the test, Derick was in there with her, and when they came out of the bathroom the sisters were like "OMG you're pregnant." Guess the cameras weren't around to capture it, so they had to re-do it.

There's also a shot of an ultrasound with Derick saying "hi baby I'm you're daddy." I know people on here like him, but the dude seems so girly and lame to me; not that other fathers won't say that but it's just his overall affect -- of OMG bald eagles mate for life and OMG I'm so emotional seeing my baby. I don't think it's uncommon for fundie guys to be lacking masculinity . . . .

Its cus he kinda sounds like Herbert the pervert on Family Guy.
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Richard James Robert Dillard, but he'll never escape the nickname Dilly. March 18th, 8lb.10 oz. 22.5 in. Born at home with Mullet hogging camera time. Wouldn't be surprised if JimBoob posted news of the birth on the gate of the compound, like they do at Buckingham Palace for a royal birth.

I'm expecting his grinning mug popping up from between Jillys legs to proclaim it looks like a Duggar...yuck yuck( as in the way he laughs)
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Joy, James & Johanna are Jill's buddies. So she has Joy-Anna, James Andrew, Johannah Faith in the mix if she uses those names.

Jim Bob is James Robert, Michelle is Michelle Annette. Jill already has Michelle as her middle name so I doubt it would come into the mix. It's funny that they didn't give the first born their middle names, Josh & Jana but waited to use them.

Andrew Richard Dillard has a nice ring to it! So he'd be Drew Dillard, a nice illiteration & it's like Derick's.

OMG i just found out Jill's middle name isn't Muffin!! The way they were calling her that i just figured those bumpkin hillbillies had named her that for reals! Haha
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It's a miracle!  They just announced Jill's pregnancy last night and now look at her: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=603871826413137&set=vb.510067475793573&type=2&theater

Wow, Jill is huge! That is going to be one big baby, I really hope she delivers in the hospital so she has the option of pain meds if necessary. 

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I didn't know you can actually see a baby kick like that. That's neat. I guess. I mean...sorry. Newly pregnant here. Weird feeling!!

I wish Jill would share more about her pregnancy, like what she's mainly eating, avoiding, etc. if she has I haven't heard. I don't keep up on Facebook. I saw the candy post and the beans, but that's it. Has she been worried about things that could have gone wrong or does she only stay outwardly positive?

I know none of this is my business. I'd still be curious if she shared, though, especially what if any advice Michelle and Anna gave her. But, I think maybe it's smart not to go too detailed. Sometimes people can be very opinionated. Not saying people shouldn't have opinions. Just that since they do, I see why she wouldn't share much.

I've been craving barbecued beans and cornbread all day. Lol

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I have never seen anyone so obsessed with their appearance while expecting as Jill is displaying. That video of her now waiting for the baby to move is just over the top...with her own mother expecting for 20 years straight, I would think she has "seen it all" and indeed she has...witnessing her own mother's deliveries..Jill looks like a water balloon, sorry, she is so huge, entertaining the idea of a home birth is not wise IMO. I sincerely hope all goes well and she is "larger down there" than she thinks.

Why did derickdillard have to dress up (but who was he?) with the little girls, but Jilly didn't have to?

Isn't her midwife keeping track of the possible size of this baby vs Jill's "size"? I would think that with the sizes of the male Dillards she would be delivering in a hospital. What if she is heavily into labor and suddenly it's realized that she needs a C-section? Wouldn't it be safer to already be delivering in a hospital?

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Isn't her midwife keeping track of the possible size of this baby vs Jill's "size"? I would think that with the sizes of the male Dillards she would be delivering in a hospital. What if she is heavily into labor and suddenly it's realized that she needs a C-section? Wouldn't it be safer to already be delivering in a hospital?

I also hope they take into consideration that Duggar babies have larger heads. Makes me cringe just thinking about it.

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God Bless Jill! I have had twins for my first and I really wanted a totally natural birth. No drugs. No nothing. So I went through it, with just the Bradley method for delivery. As soon as I had my first, I was OMG! I have to do that again. Thank God it went well. I practically had them meet me in the parking lot with the epidural the next other  births... LOL! She should take some advice, take the pain meds. IMO

I absolutely think she has a big baby due to the dads height. Please oh Please get traditional help! You don't need to live like its the 1800's! 

Isn't her midwife keeping track of the possible size of this baby vs Jill's "size"? I would think that with the sizes of the male Dillards she would be delivering in a hospital. What if she is heavily into labor and suddenly it's realized that she needs a C-section? Wouldn't it be safer to already be delivering in a hospital?

You are right, IMO

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IMO i think first time births should maybe always be done at a hospital. JillyMuffin might react horrible to pain ( we all have different tolerance levels) and might want an epidural, if the baby is super massive having close access to a OR if need be


I truly wish her all the best but if I was having my first I would at the very least want to be at a birthing center...you just don't know how your body will handle labor, why risk it...I just hope nothing goes wrong!  And I also hope she has the full term baby next week so everyone can freak out :-)

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I have never seen anyone so obsessed with their appearance while expecting as Jill is displaying. That video of her now waiting for the baby to move is just over the top...with her own mother expecting for 20 years straight, I would think she has "seen it all" and indeed she has...witnessing her own mother's deliveries..Jill looks like a water balloon, sorry, she is so huge, entertaining the idea of a home birth is not wise IMO. I sincerely hope all goes well and she is "larger down there" than she thinks.

Why did derickdillard have to dress up (but who was he?) with the little girls, but Jilly didn't have to?

That may be so, but this is a first for *her*. It's one thing to watch someone else experience these things, it's entirely different when it is happening to you. 

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Count me in as one who feels first-time births should take place in a hospital, or at the very least with a FULLY LICENSED, UNIVERSITY EDUCATED, EXPERIENCED midwife with an OB-GYN on call if an emergency situation presents itself.  But the Duggars are special snowflakes and nothing bad will ever happen to them because they are having babies for Jesus!


I just hope everything goes well for them.  Maybe having a big baby will make her consider delaying number 2 for a bit, though I somehow doubt that...

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I was born at home because we lived in a tiny town and no hospital. 


With that being said I live in Chicago now and would NEVER consider having a child at home. I went to the hospital with my twins because it was the safest place to be. I got wheeled into the operating room just in case. Everything went pretty smoothly and thank you Jesus for an epidural! 


I would advise Jill to do the same. Please for the safety of yourself and your baby a hospital setting is best.

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Yea. I hate doctors, hospitals, etc.. But my babies were both born in the hospital with my mother (a nurse) by my side the entire time. I trust her, not the others. I was HUGE like Jill with my first, I had Gestational Diabetes as well. They were going to induce me on my due date for fear that my baby was too big. Luckily, aim went into labor on my own, and gave birth to a 7 and a half pound baby. All those people thinking I'd have a 10 pounder (my husband was 10lbs 2 oz at birth) were way off. In our pool here I went with a due date of one day early and a 8 lb baby.

Where I live people are big into home births. I have a Facebook friend who had a home birth go terribly wrong. Ambulance was called, baby rushed to NICU where she stayed for one week before being able to come home. Had she given birth in a hospital she would have been able to go home like usual. So, while I dislike doctors and hospitals I understand their importance and would never risk a home birth. Too many variables.

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