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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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48 minutes ago, magpye29 said:

I don't remember if we've talked about this before, but looking at recent pictures of Derick, it seems to me that he looks like he has Marfan's disease.  I think it was those really big C-3 hands that put the idea in my head.

Yes,  it's been discussed here.  You're not alone in your suspicion. 

  • Love 2
On ‎9‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 8:33 PM, Zuleikha said:

I'm honestly surprised to see Derick cooking (and apparently happy about it). I can't imagine JB doing that. For all their rigid beliefs, it seems like the younger generation of Duggars and spouses are still a little bit looser about what they consider women's roles vs. men's roles. The men seem to be fairly involved with parenting and do help out somewhat with the house. Technically, the women are the breadwinners although I'm sure everyone tap dances around acknowledging that fact.

JB never cooks. He pretty much wants a gold medal when he "cooks" when Mama is out of town with the older j-slaves and in that case "cooking" consists of tuna right out of the can with a side of peas served cold and out of the can. He far to manly to cook. Didn't Michelle have to stop and make JB an omlette or something when she had started laboring with one of the 19 blessings and needed to get to the hospital before the baby fell out? But Derick -- he was raised by different parents. He said in their wedding episode that his dad made the best brisket and that's why they served his recipe at the rehearsal, so he had a dad who at least cooked once in a while. And it's also possible that he saw his dad cook more regularly too -- his dad was a cop and his mom was a senior exec at Walmart; cops work shift work and I think it's been said that his dad worked nights a lot in order to spend some time with his sons. So it's very likely Derick and Dan got home from school and DAD was the one whipping up dinner to feed them before he left for his night shift.

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

Dear dill pickle and grifter 

can you please tell me the best grifting sites that I  can grift from because Christmas is coming and I don't want to use my money for my kids presents I rather use people's money that I can grift from

thank you In advance as I know you know the best site that I can use

We're sorry. We've been having technical problems with the charitable donation sites lately so have no advice to offer. We suggest that you write to Jill and Chimpie Rodriguez to find out how you can brainwash your children into giving gifts to you instead of expecting you to give gifts -- or even a Christmas dinner -- to them. 

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

We're sorry. We've been having technical problems with the charitable donation sites lately so have no advice to offer. We suggest that you write to Jill and Chimpie Rodriguez to find out how you can brainwash your children into giving gifts to you instead of expecting you to give gifts -- or even a Christmas dinner -- to them. 

Whoever named him Chimpie should win a prize.  It's perfect!  Makes me LOL every time I see it.

  • Love 7
10 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

How lucky am I that this premiers on my bday???  Maybe Mr. Natalie will get me a drippy sundae.  

A drippy sundae would feel so empty and hollow unless Mr. Natalie also made a social media post thanking God for his Godly Ms. Natalie who fears God and enjoys cooking and getting her nails done for God.

  • Love 16

Mr Luni and I have our birthday on the same day, September 12. We're gonna film each other's birthday video messages to each other to post on SM. Then we'll hit up all the restaurants that give out free birthday desserts and end our day at Olive Garden. We might take the whole week off from work for no particular reason.

Edited by Lunera
  • Love 23
15 minutes ago, Lunera said:

Mr Luni and I have our birthday on the same day, September 12. We're gonna film each other's birthday video messages to each other to post on SM. Then we'll hit up all the restaurants that give out free birthday desserts and end our day at Olive Garden. We might take the whole week off from work for no particular reason.

PLEASE make it the "nice" Olive Garden ...

  • Love 19
19 minutes ago, Aja said:

We should have a year-long competition to see who can have the Duggariest birthday, complete with meaningless word salad SM posts and free desserts. I hereby commit to next 04 May, my 43rd. I will be awaiting generic praise from all of my fellow posters (who actually probably all know me better than Boob and Mechelle know their kids, so be careful to avoid anything that would actually single me out as an individual.) 

I wuv you!

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Aja said:

A drippy sundae would feel so empty and hollow unless Mr. Natalie also made a social media post thanking God for his Godly Ms. Natalie who fears God and enjoys cooking and getting her nails done for God.

He has big shoes to fill!  Satan must have built a fortress in my heart because I have neglected my nails.  I am such a bad helpmeet!

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Lunera said:

Mr Luni and I have our birthday on the same day, September 12. We're gonna film each other's birthday video messages to each other to post on SM. Then we'll hit up all the restaurants that give out free birthday desserts and end our day at Olive Garden. We might take the whole week off from work for no particular reason.

Do you live near a Denny's restaurant?  One of my ex-coworkers would go there on his birthday and get free lunch, and then go back to get free dinner.

Boob would be so proud!

Yes, I do believe you and the Mr. deserve that week off.  Paid, of course.  Dear Dillweed would concur, I am sure.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Lunera said:

Mr Luni and I have our birthday on the same day, September 12. We're gonna film each other's birthday video messages to each other to post on SM. Then we'll hit up all the restaurants that give out free birthday desserts and end our day at Olive Garden. We might take the whole week off from work for no particular reason.

A week off work, I wish! My birthday was Tuesday, Mr Little Peas 3 forgot the actual day, even though he took me shopping Sunday to get some Summer clothes ( we are in Australia) and at work (high school teacher), I had some random kid ask me why I wasn't staying home?  I almost fell over and was thinking how Duggar-like they were.  My school is very low socio-economic for the most part, and very bogan too, but the thought of having a day off work for my birthday was insane.  I know I would have enjoyed the peace and serenity at home and I wouldn't have had to put Senior folders together for the board of school studies, but that is why we get paid the $ in the first place.  Evidently a work ethic others, including the Duggars don't have.  (Mr Little Peas 3 apologised after a little text message and came through Wednesday night - he was working Tuesday night - and made dinner, had a surprise cake and extra presents in my favourite chocolates :D ) 

  • Love 13

There's a picture on Instagram of them on looks like a wagon ride or something. And they are holding tortillas. The comments are saying that the baby has a tortilla on it's head, but, in the picture I see, no tortilla on the head. So, it was probably deleted.  Cultural appropriating tortillas? Trying to cook his little head to put inside a tortilla? Also, the usual moaning and groaning about the baby wearing mittens on his hands. I don't know. Probably something really stupid, like usual. I really think if the Duggars or offspring died in a house fire, people would be outraged because of the pollution they created.  I do think it's funny that on their Instagram they have a link to their charity and the link says suspended. https://purecharity.com/ccsm-missions-derick-dillard-suspended/ 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

It only took Pure Charity about 12 hours (if that) to pull his attempt at grifting...again. ?

As I have posted before, I'm a legal idiot.

I don't know how to even explain my point but WHY is Derick in constant trouble for his donation requests?  Doesn't this loser know that he is doing things wrong or breaking the law or something?  Why does he keep doing this...putting up requests and it gets pulled down??

Whatever he is doing that is wrong, WHY DOES HE KEEP DOING IT???  Can't he get in trouble? Isn't he embarrassed? 

I truly do not understand any of this. If you do something wrong, you fix the issue and don't repeat it. 

  • Love 12
11 hours ago, Marigold said:

As I have posted before, I'm a legal idiot.

I don't know how to even explain my point but WHY is Derick in constant trouble for his donation requests?  Doesn't this loser know that he is doing things wrong or breaking the law or something?  Why does he keep doing this...putting up requests and it gets pulled down??

Whatever he is doing that is wrong, WHY DOES HE KEEP DOING IT???  Can't he get in trouble? Isn't he embarrassed? 

I truly do not understand any of this. If you do something wrong, you fix the issue and don't repeat it. 

But, this is Derick who, in his own mind, can do no wrong.  In his mind, everyone else is wrong and it is his duty to 'save' their souls, so long as someone else pays him to do that.

Edited by Mollie
  • Love 4
47 minutes ago, Marigold said:

As I have posted before, I'm a legal idiot.

I don't know how to even explain my point but WHY is Derick in constant trouble for his donation requests?  Doesn't this loser know that he is doing things wrong or breaking the law or something?  Why does he keep doing this...putting up requests and it gets pulled down??

Whatever he is doing that is wrong, WHY DOES HE KEEP DOING IT???  Can't he get in trouble? Isn't he embarrassed? 

I truly do not understand any of this. If you do something wrong, you fix the issue and don't repeat it. 

Well, we all know the definition of insanity...and Derrick does seem to be a few tater tots short of a casserole..  

Edited by EVS
I misspelled 'tater tots'
  • Love 15
6 minutes ago, christine falls said:

The picture of Samuel with a tortilla on his head is still in IG, you have to scroll over, it's the last picture in the set. 


I guess the Dillards didn't receive enough donations to pay for sunscreen and a hat for the baby.  I also guess they don't teach about skin cancer in homeschool.

  • Love 5
39 minutes ago, Marigold said:

As I have posted before, I'm a legal idiot.

I don't know how to even explain my point but WHY is Derick in constant trouble for his donation requests?  Doesn't this loser know that he is doing things wrong or breaking the law or something?  Why does he keep doing this...putting up requests and it gets pulled down??

Whatever he is doing that is wrong, WHY DOES HE KEEP DOING IT???  Can't he get in trouble? Isn't he embarrassed? 

I truly do not understand any of this. If you do something wrong, you fix the issue and don't repeat it. 

I have the SAME question, @Marigold.  I just don't get it.

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, cmr2014 said:

Honestly, I think these are nice pictures. The kids look clean and happy; Jill and Derick look clean and happy. They are doing something appropriate for a young family without a bunch of Duggars in tow. Putting a tortilla on Sam's head is about the most light-hearted thing I've ever seen from these sad sack, humorless dolts.

The Seewalds were also there. Jessa posted pics of Spurge on the pony ride. I assume this was a filmed event. 

  • Love 3
47 minutes ago, Marigold said:

As I have posted before, I'm a legal idiot.

I don't know how to even explain my point but WHY is Derick in constant trouble for his donation requests?  Doesn't this loser know that he is doing things wrong or breaking the law or something?  Why does he keep doing this...putting up requests and it gets pulled down??

Whatever he is doing that is wrong, WHY DOES HE KEEP DOING IT???  Can't he get in trouble? Isn't he embarrassed? 

I truly do not understand any of this. If you do something wrong, you fix the issue and don't repeat it. 

All I can say is that the first time he put up the DONATE site, they first did delete the comments, and the site remained up. The next morning when I checked it, it was gone. I don't know why they couldn't just disable the comment section if that was the problem and leave up the page? To me, that indicates something else was wrong. But then, he got them to put the site up again for about what amounted to half a day before it came back down. Maybe Derelict promised to reword his begging in some way but failed to comply? I don't think we'll ever know what really happened. 

I imagine a Go Fund Me is up next. But he should still be ashamed. They own no property (I checked last night), so I can surmise that they havve plenty of TLC/People cash stowed away. There's absolutely no reason he can't pony up $6500, even if it's extra to drag the Barnacle along on the missioncations (and leave the kids with Cathy, I suppose). 

  • Love 4

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