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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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5 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Where does their income come from?

Josh and Anna used to be mentioned in the credits, Jessa and Ben were in a photo at TLC headquarters and Derick goes back and forth about there is a contract, there isn't a contract.

The Duggars didn't have a pot to piss in until TLC came along. JB likely has grown the money with property investments - but there was no money to invest prior to TLC.

Are you asking about JBs money or the kids money?  Because JB obviously got paid by TLC- but if the kids got paid, it was by JB.  Josh might have gotten paid once they moved to DC / or he might have just got things like paint; when they painted a room on TV), dinner( when Anna drove into DC and they went to dinner) etc. 

I believe JB got paid as a corporation and it was up to him to pay or not pay the others.  TLC isn’t going to write  a zillion contracts with every person filmed. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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Didn't Jermy and Ginger renegotiate for their own contract?? I thought I read this somewhere?? My thought is ...because they espouse Patriarchalism...the money is doled out to the boys...the girls are on their own...unless the girls drink the kook aid ....but I bet Josh gets a big hunk...and this may be where Jill and Derick have a problem...especially since Josh is no longer allowed to film...


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2 minutes ago, Dimi1 said:

Didn't Jermy and Ginger renegotiate for their own contract?? I thought I read this somewhere?? My thought is ...because they espouse Patriarchalism...the money is doled out to the boys...the girls are on their own...unless the girls drink the kook aid ....but I bet Josh gets a big hunk...and this may be where Jill and Derick have a problem...especially since Josh is no longer allowed to film...


I think J&J having a separate contract is speculation. Personally, I think it makes no sense. Why do they get a their own contract, but J&D don’t?

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1 minute ago, Dimi1 said:

Didn't Jermy and Ginger renegotiate for their own contract?? I thought I read this somewhere?? My thought is ...because they espouse Patriarchalism...the money is doled out to the boys...the girls are on their own...unless the girls drink the kook aid ....but I bet Josh gets a big hunk...and this may be where Jill and Derick have a problem...especially since Josh is no longer allowed to film...


Particularly since Jill is the one who had to take her vulnerabilities in front of the lights and cameras in order for Counting On to happen.  Josh sits around filling his pie hole, bestowing blessings on Anna, engaging in questionable business practices resulting in investigations and likely sneaks away to dark corners to do whatever he wants whenever he can. 

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Just now, Zella said:

Oh undoubtedly. But I think he's too dumb and/or deluded to realize he'll always need that show because without the Duggar tie, he's just a washed up mediocre athlete and a mediocre preacher.

I think it's too arrogant.

IMO Jinger's birthday pictures revealed his attitude about the fact that no mater how hard he tries you'll never take the Duggar out of that girl.

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10 minutes ago, Dimi1 said:

Didn't Jermy and Ginger renegotiate for their own contract?? I thought I read this somewhere?? My thought is ...because they espouse Patriarchalism...the money is doled out to the boys...the girls are on their own...unless the girls drink the kook aid ....but I bet Josh gets a big hunk...and this may be where Jill and Derick have a problem...especially since Josh is no longer allowed to film...


Sure he really doesn't much else and has 6 kids to feed. 

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5 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Counting On was called Counting On with Jill and Jessa. I'm thinking they signed contracts. Maybe they didn't read them, but I think the contracts exist.

Maybe the kidults would need to sign something to agree that the money is deposited in a trust/company/LLC?

Or they just signed an agreement to appear on the show and being filmed?

Edited by Future Cat Lady
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37 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

That said, he was pretty naive/stupid to believe that “no contract” volunteer ministry story...he was obviously thinking with his hormones and not his brain at that point. He strikes me as a pretty angry guy in general and having his idealism and religious zealotry bite him this hard in the ass would be rage fodder for a lifetime.

Christians cheating other Christians especially then they themselves are the ones feeling cheated could be a big factor in Jill's conversion from the beliefs of Daddy and thinking her parents were so great.  Seeing how this is falling out explains a lot of her reading list.

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I don’t doubt JBoob Was the one getting paid, but Derick couldn’t have been so naive to think no one was getting anything beyond “trip and meal reimbursements” I think he knew dang well TLC was paying JBoob and was fine with it until they weren’t on the show anymore and now that the money train has dried up, he’s playing the “we didn’t know” card. 

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17 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Counting On was called Counting On with Jill and Jessa. I'm thinking they signed contracts. Maybe they didn't read them, but I think the contracts exist.

CO J&J was just 3 episodes that led to the series.

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I can believe everything Derick says to be true.  His fault for not knowing the industry better, but I assume that’s what law school is for.

First, I bet JB shoved a paper under Derick’s nose before Nepal that he had to sign before flying Jill out there.  That likely covered the filming release & signed all control over to Boob.  Jill would have signed over her rights years ago when Boob could sign for her.

Boob controls the master contract from TLC through his LLC.

Then they get married & have Izzy.  Derick starts asking around about money but gets the “Oh, it’s just ministry,” line.

They got to Danger America, likely with rules about when they should film by themselves and a crew gets sent down every few months.  Jill & Derick don’t follow these rules (i.e the shower curtain incident & whatever made JB and Michelle fly down last minute).  Jill & Derick don’t talk about these incidents on camera (the q&a session right before they quit).

So TLC gets mad and says, “Hey you have a minimum number days you have to film per your contract.  You have to come back.”  Jill & Derick’s heads simultaneously swivel.  Then they have Samuel’s birth shortly thereafter and I’m sure TLC wanted to take advantage of the whole thing.  They ask for their own contract, TLC says no and they leave.

Based on everything Jill has been reading, it seems like she blames JB for everything and not necessarily TLC.  It also sounds like Jill & Derick would go back if they were compensated.

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JB could have also used the excuse of, I'm getting paid for using my properties as filming locations.  Note, several of the married couples live in JB properties, not their own.  Something Jill and Derrick seem to have changed. 

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yes derick is bitter and i think Jill may be as well if they had financial issues. also the whatever happened in danger america was a rude awakening for Jill when it wasn't all nail painting and candy.

Is Derrick working, or is he just a full time student in law school? From social media, it doesn't seem like he works. But how is that possible if it's true that they were poor and not being properly paid by Jim Bob or TLC? If their medical bills were so high, how come nobody got a job?

I remember one of the Duggar girls saying several years ago that they weren't allowed to go to Cousin Amy's house alone. Like she was a crackhead or a whore or something. Ridiculous. I do believe that Jim Bob rules with an iron fist, and I believe there are reasons why Jeremy won't live in Arkansas. But I agree with everyone that Derrick's story keeps shifting. You have to be pretty stupid to believe that TLC was running a volunteer ministry with 19 Kids and Counting. 




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15 minutes ago, Tikichick said:

JB could have also used the excuse of, I'm getting paid for using my properties as filming locations.  Note, several of the married couples live in JB properties, not their own.  Something Jill and Derrick seem to have changed. 

Yet they filmed in DC, Central America, Laredo, LA and at Jessa's house. JB doesn't own any of those homes.

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58 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

Right up until they requested to be paid, and Kate threw a fit because she wanted all the money to go to her and Jon.  So no, I don’t think that the adult offspring were being paid by TLC or JB. 

It's worse than that.  Jodi and Kevin didn't ask to be paid.  TLC offered to pay them a small sum because filming was happening with them so often.  Kate went ballistic that if anyone was making money off her kids, it was going to be her.  I can see Jim Bob being the exact same way.  TLC historically cuts one check per family and most families set up a family business or LLC unless the family negotiates a different arrangement (or they are forced into by law) to receive the funding and then decide among themselves or the adults how to distribute it.  

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9 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

Is Derrick working, or is he just a full time student in law school? From social media, it doesn't seem like he works. But how is that possible if it's true that they were poor and not being properly paid by Jim Bob or TLC? If their medical bills were so high, how come nobody got a job?

I remember one of the Duggar girls saying several years ago that they weren't allowed to go to Cousin Amy's house alone. Like she was a crackhead or a whore or something. Ridiculous. I do believe that Jim Bob rules with an iron fist, and I believe there are reasons why Jeremy won't live in Arkansas. But I agree with everyone that Derrick's story keeps shifting. You have to be pretty stupid to believe that TLC was running a volunteer ministry with 19 Kids and Counting. 




He's a full-time student but also seems to be doing some part-time work for grubhub now. By not working last year, he was actually following an edict from u of a law school. Last time I checked, their website was pretty emphatic about not working that first year without being used to the workload. I was told the same thing as a grad student in another department there, though I also had an assistantship. He may be getting some form of financial something from the school--from the research I did when I was contemplating law school, the u of a is more generous with that than some other regional law schools. His mom might be chipping in some too. That or he got *gasp* loans.

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1 hour ago, Tikichick said:

Does he try to chart an all new direction out in LA that won't be vulnerable to skeletons falling out of the closet? 

"Put on your baking sleeves and get to it in the kitchen, Jingle!"



Jessa is pacing the floor trying to determine if Derick's posts will drum up interest or tear down her income source.

She just hit Ben in the nuts, then realized that's where babies come from!

Good work for everyone catching Derwood's lies. As much as he hates his in-laws, he certainly can't raise above their moral level. Some of what he's saying is no doubt true. Honestly, the more petty the stuff he brings up, the more I believe it. It's just WHO THEY ARE.



(Edit - I just noticed Zella's use of this Gif, but F it - this new info deserves a repeat! Please don't sue - even though you you could!)

Edited by JoanArc
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1 hour ago, Kellyee said:

Is Derrick working, or is he just a full time student in law school? From social media, it doesn't seem like he works. But how is that possible if it's true that they were poor and not being properly paid by Jim Bob or TLC? If their medical bills were so high, how come nobody got a job?

well they are they chosen of God and Duggars do things a little different.

Filming requirements + stage 5 clinger Jill + Derick never wants/has had a real job was the end to his employment with walmart


Edited by crazy8s
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24 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

Is Derrick working, or is he just a full time student in law school? From social media, it doesn't seem like he works. But how is that possible if it's true that they were poor and not being properly paid by Jim Bob or TLC? If their medical bills were so high, how come nobody got a job?

I remember one of the Duggar girls saying several years ago that they weren't allowed to go to Cousin Amy's house alone. Like she was a crackhead or a whore or something. Ridiculous. I do believe that Jim Bob rules with an iron fist, and I believe there are reasons why Jeremy won't live in Arkansas. But I agree with everyone that Derrick's story keeps shifting. You have to be pretty stupid to believe that TLC was running a volunteer ministry with 19 Kids and Counting. 




That is so God awful sad. 

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6 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

Good work for everyone catching Derwood's lies. As much as he hates his in-laws, he certainly can't raise above their moral level. Some of what he's saying is no doubt true. Honestly, the more petty the stuff he brings up, the more I believe it. It's just WHO THEY ARE.

A gift Wanderwoman left us. 😎😁

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:


@tara.blum yes, but it’s just harder now because we’re not allowed at the house when JB isn’t there. Jill even had to ask JB permission to go over to the house to help her sister when she was in labor because her sister wanted her help, but jill couldn’t provide the assistance until we got it cleared with JB.



Is JB afraid that Derick will start a revolution? Derick is a lot of things...a leader he is not.

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:


@tara.blum yes, but it’s just harder now because we’re not allowed at the house when JB isn’t there. Jill even had to ask JB permission to go over to the house to help her sister when she was in labor because her sister wanted her help, but jill couldn’t provide the assistance until we got it cleared with JB.

Like so many things Derick says, this strikes me as a partial truth.

Jessa gave birth in her home, not the TTH. Jessa and Ben own their home, and Derick specifically says "the house" meaning the TTH, not their own home. She may, of course, have spent part of her labor at the TTH, but Derick is just so untruthful so much of the time that I kind of doubt it.

While I'm 100% sure that JB is an asshole and a control freak, I think that Derick is telling partial truths about being "allowed" at the TTH, too. Maybe they have to have permission to visit because of filming? If Derick and Jill are lolling around the TTH during filming, they may need to sign waivers to appear -- and Derick may be unwilling to do that. That that cuts into JB's revenue stream -- not something he's going to be okay with under any circumstances.

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37 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Yet they filmed in DC, Central America, Laredo, LA and at Jessa's house. JB doesn't own any of those homes.

Does any of that line up with the names that have been listed in the credits at any time?

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2 minutes ago, Tikichick said:

Does any of that line up with the names that have been listed in the credits at any time?

The only names that I noticed in the credits was Josh and Anna, back when the show was 19 Kids. Their names were in the credits prior to moving to DC.

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

Counting On was called Counting On with Jill and Jessa. I'm thinking they signed contracts. Maybe they didn't read them, but I think the contracts exist.

Or the financial entity created by JB signed with the production company and TLC, the family signs with JB's financial entity -- an LLC, a family trust.  Probably doesn't matter much what it was because it's set up for JB to maintain total control. 

Although it would be really interesting to see that challenged in court.  Hopefully Derrick is paying very good attention whenever tort actions are discussed in classes.  Those types of battles get very messy with lots of tea spilled and lots of shovels digging everywhere.     

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 I get the feeling that if Jill were currently pregnant either She, Derwood, or The both of them will go completely insane.

 That may be what we’re looking at.  I hope it’s just trolling.

Edited by JoanArc
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I believe the thing about Jessa and Jill. It might explain why the sisters are so distant while Jill seems to have relationships with the male kid Duggar’s and Michelle. Honestly this makes me sad. Feel like JB has intentionally alienated Jill and cut her off from her family and Derick isn’t helping. 

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14 minutes ago, CherryMalotte said:

It's all in the presentation.  JBoob dangled his ripe young virgin daughter in front of that man boy like bait to a fish, and man boy just snapped her right up along with whatever other bullshit JBoob was selling.  JBoob thought he was getting some docile mate for his daughter that would go along with whatever program plus he saw ratings ratings ratings with Jill's wedding.  I don't think that real life hit Derek until Sam was born with whatever ensuing complications, the bills were stacking up, the mess with Josh and then he started realizing just what he'd gotten himself into.  I'd bet law school has been a real eye opener too.  So yeah, while I hate to come off as defending him...I really can see him being that naive.  He strikes me as one of those kids that was searching for something, settled into religion, thought that missionary work was the way to go, but really he'd never been out of his lane so to speak.  Missionary work maybe made him feel better about himself but it certainly truly didn't expand his insight into other cultures.

   I said the same thing elsewhere.  It really explains the reading material.  I hope it helps her.  I never thought I'd say it but I do feel sorry for her.  She was daddy's girl, did what she was told, including being interviewed about your molestation, she had thought she had a clear path in life but now she has to ask permission to see her siblings and JBoob has to be present?  Yeah I'd be rather uncorked as well.        

what books has she been reading??

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Didn't Jessa have Ivy at her own home? If she only went to the TTH to walk the stairs, what kind of assistance would she need from Jill requiring her to go there? Jill would technically have been needed at her own home, not the TTH.

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If Jessa had gone into labor at TTH or knew it was imminent, she might’ve requested Jill’s help getting things started or wanted her there for comfort.  Jessa may have wanted to be “home” (my parents’ house is still the only place I want to be when I’m sick or in pain) and have her sister there with her. 

JB is a straight up douche bag if he made them get permission in a situation like that.

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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19 minutes ago, coconspirator said:

If the book ever gets written I believe the turning points will be “Counting On:Jill and Jessa,” and Samuel’s birth. If JB was still the one collecting the money on a show he wasn’t even in, and then Samuel’s birth resulted in unpaid medical bills, that would take the blinders off for D and J. Derick has been vague and all over the place on Twitter but I’d bet the entire picture put together is very indicting of JB.

Jill and Derrick could probably make a decent sum of money by doing an interview with People magazine, for instance, and coming clean about what really went down with Samuel’s birth.

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2 minutes ago, beckie said:

Didn't Jessa have Ivy at her own home? If she only went to the TTH to walk the stairs, what kind of assistance would she need from Jill requiring her to go there? Jill would technically have been needed at her own home, not the TTH.

She began labor at TTH and then went home for the final stage which was dumb bc she could have died from the hemorrhaging. But think Derick might have been talking about Jessa convalescing after birth at TTH.

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Jessa needed assistance with the camera not the birth. Later at her house Jill did the filming because Bin was busy with Jessa. If Jessa really needed help with the birth her dumbass should had gone straight to the hospital. Buuuuttt they probably  would not have allowed filming there. 

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2 hours ago, Zella said:

But a couple of months ago he said that his being a missionary was a violation of their contract with TLC. And even that doesn't hold water since he was on the show for seasons as a missionary. As we say in Arkansas, that dog don't hunt.

Mean old Christian-persecutin’ TLC not letting them continue their godly work of God-pestering the heathens is a much better “donate” pitch than, “Jill freaked the fuck out in Danger America and the heathens laughed their asses off at interpretive dance so we came home.”

I truly believe Derick got bamboozled by theDuggar Christian Family Bullshit, but equally I believe he’s not above shoveling out duplicitous bovine excrement of his own.

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