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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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Clearly those  kids haven’t learned Duggar time yet!   You know why?  Because I know damn well they put them to bed early to have their alone time together.  With Derick gone all day (don’t get me started on that 🙄) Jill needs her #besthubbyever time.

I’m positive she hasn’t figured out that kids don’t sleep from 7pm to 11am.

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3 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

Clearly those  kids haven’t learned Duggar time yet!   You know why?  Because I know damn well they put them to bed early to have their alone time together.  With Derick gone all day (don’t get me started on that 🙄) Jill needs her #besthubbyever time.

I’m positive she hasn’t figured out that kids don’t sleep from 7pm to 11am.

Im all for early bedtime, but you only get early bedtime with a consistent sleep schedule ( and early wake up) and we all know Jilly probably can't handle that. 

I don't think they put them down early. I think they probably go to bed whenever because it's probably easier to have them pass out on their own vs keeping a schedule. 

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Re::  The tattle phone

I taught kindergarten for 18 years, and I've employed several different techniqes to control tattling.  At a teacher conference, one teacher said she would post a picture of the governor and would tell her kids to 'go and tell the governor' about it.  

My favorite technique was to use a tattle journal.  I had a notebook, along with  pencils, etc. The child who was tattling had to go to the journal, and illustrate what had happened  and write a sentence about it.  One afternoon I saw a line of 5 year olds waiting patiently for their turn.  I told them I would read them after everyone had gone home. I wish I had saved that book!  The stories and pictures were quite comical..

Of course, exceptionons were made if someone was sick, bleeding, or had a  bathroom accident..

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19 minutes ago, questionfear said:

Ooh, can I guess? I think they're probably having a human! I mean, you never know, it might be labrador twins though!

I go along with a hamster because it reminds me of the scene on Designing Women when Bernice said she was tired of people asking the parents what the want. The parents would usually say we do not care as long as the baby is healthy. Bernice said you would care if the baby is a hamster.

Okay...I think she might have said gerbil. My answer is the baby will be a hamster or a gerbil.

Edited by bigskygirl
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5 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

I apologize for having to crop the top of Yay’s head off, took a screenshot from Jill’s Instastory


That’s the picture she chose to use for asking that question? 😂What goes in, must come out, can equal a rash, Jill.

No Huggies endorsements for Jill.

I guess weird pimply things is a new medical terminology.

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12 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

Jill try switching brands of diapers.  

That my dear would make too much sense. You would think with all the babies in the house before Izzy and Sam along she would have learn how to deal with rashes and weird pimply things by now.

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Maybe she should try changing the diapers more frequently, thoroughly cleaning and drying Sam's butt, and maybe applying a thin layer of some diaper rash cream?  

I did have an issue with Huggies some 20+ years ago.  I found that liner tended to split and I found the tiny gel absorbent bubbles on the baby's skin.  I switched to another brand.  

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I know Jill has lead a sheltered life, but who needs a consensus on a diaper irritating their child's skin?  If you are cleaning the kid's skin properly and using the diaper rash cream of your choice and the child is still getting a rash, then change the brand of diapers.  It's not that hard.  She has 18 siblings and at least of them has to have some kind of skin sensitivity.  I grew up in a home where dryer sheets were never used and we only bought certain brands of laundry detergent because of my dad's skin.  I've only strayed once with a free bottle of Gain and will never do so again.  

I am beginning to agree with those posters who suspect that JB has paid money for a social media whisperer to help the family monetize their profiles.  Obviously they got the cheapest one and only had them work for a few hours before one of the 19 is now the Social Media Marketing Expert (tm).  There is a way to be relatable that is not humiliating your children or "friends."

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It could also be the wipes she uses.  Granddaughter was allergic to some chemical used in every brand of wipe until my daughter bought Water Wipes.  Changing diaper brands and being compulsive about keeping him clean and dry is an excellent beginning.

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19 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I know Jill has lead a sheltered life, but who needs a consensus on a diaper irritating their child's skin? 

Someone angling for a Vegetables and Carrots influencer job to score free diapers.

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2 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

I go along with a hamster because it reminds me of the scene on Designing Women when Bernice said she was tired of people asking the parents what the want. The parents would usually say we do not care as long as the baby is healthy. Bernice said you would care if the baby is a hamster.

Okay...I think she might have said gerbil. My answer is the baby will be a hamster or a gerbil.

I used to watch Designing Women with my mom when I was elementary school aged. That show was so far ahead of it’s time & still so relevant today.  Too bad Jill and the other Duggar daughters never got to watch it growing up. 

And how does Jill not know about diaper rash questions- she raised several of her siblings! And I thought she was doing cloth diapers. (I did them with my eldest until he was about a year old, but my husband and I also worked full-time and our daycare wouldn’t allow cloth diapers, so we switched to disposables with baby number two, who is 17 months younger than baby 1.)  Jill has no job outside of the home and I think her apartment has a washer/dryer in the unit. What happened to cloth diapers? (They make cloth pull-up-type diapers for babies Sam’s size.) I don’t personally care if one uses cloth or disposable (and disposables made my life a whole lot easier, no lie), but aren’t the Duggars supposed to be all about frugality and wasn’t crunchy-for-Jesus midwife-ish mama Jill all into cloth diapers at one time? (Not to mention that if one is going to have multiple babies, cloth diapers really cut down on cost (although I tend to think/hope Izzy and Sam are it for Jill). 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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3 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

I apologize for having to crop the top of Yay’s head off, took a screenshot from Jill’s Instastory


How many babies has she already raised/lived with? She can’t just ask her family about this? Looking for attention?

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When my youngest was still in diapers he got awful rashes suddenly from Huggies. I switch brands to an organic kind and the rash went away almost immediately. 

What I did not do is post on social media asking for options. It doesn’t matter if 69%, 99.99999% don’t have issues, HER kid does. Is she not going to change brands because her poll says most people don’t have issues?

Figure it out Jill. 

Edited by Trillium
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1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I used to watch Designing Women with my mom when I was elementary school aged. That show was so far ahead of it’s time & still so relevant today.  Too bad Jill and the other Duggar daughters never got to watch it growing up. 

I loved Designing Women! I remember after I had my son via c-section, I was at home watching DW. It was the episode where Charlene psychic tells her that  she is going to marry a certain man who ends up being really gross. I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to pop a staple! 

41 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Because men are inherently better at killing insects, dontcha know? Omg why is she looking for so much validation?

The time I saw a giant centipede in the bathroom, I did kind of wish my husband was home. 

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If nothing else, I wish Jill was aware that killing bees is not a good thing. They will never sting unless they are threatened or provoked (they themselves will die if they do), and this planet needs every bee it can get right now. 😢

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4 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

My house has so far been spared from hand foot mouth virus (coxsackie), but I have heard a weird blister diaper rash is an early sign.

I had that once. 

I was 45.

(Doctor, in tone of wonder, “Adults hardly EVER get this!”)

I hope this isn’t what the poor kid has, because I was pretty miserable.

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5 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Jill looks like she's plotting to blow up a government agency. I've never seen someone look so deranged over killing flies. It ain't that serious, sis.

Jill the terminator. Taking out terrorist bees and wasps with one single blow from her fly swatter.

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Here's a tip, Jill.  If you spray hairspray at the flying object, its wings won't work and it just drops to the ground.  Then you pick it up.  Also works for spiders.  They can't walk anymore and just fall down so you can pick them up.  No smushed bugs on the walls.

Edited by CalicoKitty
I do know how to spell.
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30 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Jill looks like she's plotting to blow up a government agency. I've never seen someone look so deranged over killing flies. It ain't that serious, sis.

I hate Dereck #besthubsever with a vengeance. 

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21 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

Here's a tip, Jill.  If you spray hairspray at the flying object, its wings won't work and it just drops to the ground.  Then you pick it up.  Also works for spiders.  They can't walk anymore and just fall down so you can pick them up.  No smushed bugs on the walls.

ahh, yes hairspray, the choice of many of my friends in my teen years to kill bugs! 

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1 hour ago, CalicoKitty said:

Here's a tip, Jill.  If you spray hairspray at the flying object, its wings won't work and it just drops to the ground.  Then you pick it up.  Also works for spiders.  They can't walk anymore and just fall down so you can pick them up.  No smushed bugs on the walls.

At the risk of sounding like something out of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", I use Windex. Only on flies, though. But when I get a bunch of flies in the house which like to congregate on windows, a few well-aimed blasts of Windex will kill them pretty rapidly even if they manage to fly off at first. And I get clean windows into the bargain. Works well if they land on the counters, too.

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1 hour ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

My house has so far been spared from hand foot mouth virus (coxsackie), but I have heard a weird blister diaper rash is an early sign.

And many years ago my second son, who will turn 50 this year, had a terrible diaper rash.  I was a stay at home mom who used cloth diapers and was diligent about changing him.  I changed detergents no help.  I asked the pediatrician who had no kids and was no help and finally got an anti fungal cream to use which did help.  Now how in the world did he get a fungus on his areas?  He didn't go to daycare and I washed the diapers in hot water.  Anyway, it finally went away. Some things happen.

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1 hour ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

If nothing else, I wish Jill was aware that killing bees is not a good thing. They will never sting unless they are threatened or provoked (they themselves will die if they do), and this planet needs every bee it can get right now. 😢

Lots and lots of people are making comments like yours on her IG post.

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When Jill is trying to look badass and not cutesy or squinting you can see that she actually has very pretty eyes. She can be quite attractive when she's not making her usual stupid faces IMO.

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