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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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A question, isn't Jill's piercing/mole a little far back? It is almost in the crease of her nose. I don't have personal experience with nose piercings but all the ones I've seen are on the nostril. I suppose you can put a piercing wherever you want but i was just wondering if crease piercing is the norm.

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Wasn't Jill the one sobbing when she had her wisdom teeth removed, terrified of even going? How does she go from that to nose piercing? 

As for her looking uncomfortable in the jeans, I would be too. Those things look like old thrift store jeans, super heavy denim. There's much more comfortable denim these days, she should try some. 

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Do you think Jill experienced as much shock and awe at her wearing pants as we did? Did she try them on, look in the mirror then change her mind and take them off the first few times she tried wearing them? Or she she throw caution to the wind, toss the jeans on and walk out the door?

Did she brace for the text from Michelle warning her that she is going to be seated in the defrauding, gender confused, section of heaven? 

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12 hours ago, cdp73 said:

I wish she'd learn how to close her mouth and lower her eyebrows when she has a picture taken.  That surprised face is so stupid.

It does look stupid, but I expect that the Duggar kids have spent such large chunks of their lives making phony faces for cameras just to get everybody off their backs. that it's become a really hard habit to break. I doubt Jill's ever relaxed enough or in touch with her own emotions -- or comfortable enough with the constant self-exposure, regardless of how much she habitually courts it -- to just look naturally at a camera. It's still all about doing something with your countenance that you figure TPTB will find super-acceptable, probably. Maybe by the time she's 50 or something. 

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I like her piercing! I had my nose pierced but removed it when I got a professional job, the hole healed in no time. I've since replaced my love of piercings with tattoos, I have 8 tattoos in places that are hidden by my work clothing (everyone is always surprised to see how much work I have at our annual sporting events when I'm less covered up haha).

Anyways, it's interesting to me that the girls have jumped straight from skirt wearing to now body modifications, but not one has had more than a trim (and short lived bangs on Jessa's part) done to their hair. Makes me wonder if their tresses, at this point,  have less to do with Gothardism and more to do with being a comfort blanket for them, something to fiddle in when bored and hide behind when scared or stressed. All of them would look SO much better with a foot less of hair, but especially Jinger as her hair seems to be thinner and more damaged than her sisters. 

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Nose piercing laundry photo.  Sammy's face  is totally "Get me the frick outta here!!"

The photo with the rainbow wrap --Jill's hair looks like it's in dreads. Try as she may--there is NOTHING cool about being a fundy Duggar.  NOTHING.  So stop trying, girrlll.

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For all Derek’s faults, I do think that he does love Jill. He just recognizes that he’s not 80 and would like his wife to act like she’s in her 20s, not 10 and not 80. He wants her to enjoy music and ‘social gatherings’ like the college student parties he’s been posting about.  He wants her to come to his version of Christianity where it doesn’t really matter how you dress as long as you are covered.   Them leaving the show might be the best thing ever for Jill. 

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1 hour ago, WhineandCheez said:


Nose piercing laundry photo.  Sammy's face  is totally "Get me the frick outta here!!"

The photo with the rainbow wrap --Jill's hair looks like it's in dreads. Try as she may--there is NOTHING cool about being a fundy Duggar.  NOTHING.  So stop trying, girrlll.

That photo with the dreads isn't Jill, just an example of an earthy mom. Frankly I like it and both Jill and Derrick would look good with this more creative vibe and less the homeless look.

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In one of the Heather Graham's book I was reading being a midwife in the 1660's in Salem Massachusetts was considered witchcraft and related to Satanism. A part of me wants to post this bit of information on Dwerp's twitter page. Poor Jill would have been killed in those days for practicing or in her case pretending to be a midwife.

I do not think Cling Queen is leaving the show. She probably will show up on it once in a while. I am not reading too much in what she has been doing lately. Now if she and Dwerp told JB and Michelle off, got jobs, and decided to leave the dog and pony show and actually took some responsibilities without expecting her family to be there at her beck and call I would be impressed.

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14 hours ago, GeeGolly said:


ETA: I'm still not believing Jill has a nose ring. Its only been a few years that they've had their ears pierced. 

I haven't seen a picture yet where the purported nose ring looks like shiny metal. It keeps looking like the color of pus to me. .... Now, I know metal photographs weirdly. But I'm still skeptical too. 

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They look horrible in that Twitter picture. Both look like they picked their clothes out of the dirty pile and Jill looks a frumpy mess even in pants. She would have looked decent if she had worn flats and a cardigan and taken off that awful baby headband.

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35 minutes ago, Lunera said:

They look horrible in that Twitter picture. Both look like they picked their clothes out of the dirty pile and Jill looks a frumpy mess even in pants. She would have looked decent if she had worn flats and a cardigan and taken off that awful baby headband.

Baby steps, you guys.  I’d like to see a more granola look and less of a homeless person look., too  Jill has never been a fashion plate. She’s come a long way from the days of prairie frumpers and dollar flip flops.  There’s a bohemian/Gypsy style that Jill could really rock if she made a bit more effort.  Even lopping a foot of dead ends off her hair would help.  I do think they trim their manes, but if they could just lop off a foot of fried hair, their hair would really look good. If it gets an6 longer, Jill could be Cousin Itt with banana curls. 

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16 hours ago, LilJen said:


I don't know about you guys but I find it a LOT harder to find pants that truly fit well. Skirts, fitting in them is easy-peasy.

Jill looks like she's still carrying some baby weight in the middle, so I'm wondering if the waist on the pants is digging into her and that's why she appears so uncomfortable. She'd probably be better off going for something with an elastic waist. 

Regarding the new Jan Brady, I can't figure out what prompted the makeover. I think Jill can pull off crunchy granola very well,  but the nose ring screams "desperately trying to keep up with the co-eds" to me. Either way, if it makes Boob's head explode, then it's a win in my book.

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38 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

 There’s a bohemian/Gypsy style that Jill could really rock if she made a bit more effort. 

You're right. Jill is new to pants and seems uncomfortable in jeans so she buys ill fitting ones that are more comfortable. She needs to discover cute bohemian pants and skirts. As for Derrick he's going for the 18 year old college student look.

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What I find interesting is that Heavy D was recently doing the grunge/hippie thing with his wardrobe and man-bun, which I thought suited him.  His current haircut reminds me of Jim Carrey in Dumb & Dumber, and now here's Jill doing the boho thing (which I also think suits her).  These two can't seem to get on the same page, fashion-wise.

I'd like to think the piercing was her idea because she wanted it, not to try and hang onto Dillweed.  But if it was actually Dill's idea, the thought of that conversation makes me pretty uncomfortable...as in, "Wife!  Go out and get your nose pierced because I got kicked off the show and we need to stay relevent/tick off your father/stand out from your pants-wearing sister."  I don't enjoy the thought of Dreck pushing Jill around in that way, given that he himself is only a fur coat away from begin an actual sloth and probably thought of the idea between composing Twitter missives from his seat on the couch.

Edited by laurakaye
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Add me to those who think Jill (and Derick, even) could rock the bohemian look. Frankly, it's a look I actually like, and tend toward when left to my own devices, I'm also a bit of a girly-girl, and 30+ years of being the "Navy officer's wife" has left me on the classical end of the boho scale (as an aside, I've been loving the clothes made by this company of late - not so much the Celtic or Renaissance styles, but I have a number of the more restrained gypsy/boho pieces https://holyclothing.com/collections/dresses-1  They even have one named after you, Arwen!)

At any rate, if they found a lifestyle which suited the both of them, settled down, actually looked happy, and dialed back the asshattery, I could see both Jill and Derick becoming relatively attractive looking and approachable people in a crunchy granola sort of way. If it wasn't for the fear, loathing, and sense of entitlement instilled by the ultra-fundie kool-aid, which,whether they have each been drinking it all their lives or just over the past few years, has given them a grossly inflated sense of self-worth, I still get the feeling that there were probably fairly nice people hidden in there at some point. Whether it's too  late to rediscover them, I have no idea, and it would be much easier if they were better suited to each other in temperament, but it would be cool to see them cut ties and find the actual humanity within themselves. I suppose there are probably way too many  "ifs" in there to really make that remotely likely, though...

Also, Laurakaye just above made most of these same points better than I did. Just read hers instead :)

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
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50 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I don't enjoy the thought of Dreck pushing Jill around in that way, given that he himself is only a fur coat away from begin an actual sloth and probably thought of the idea between composing Twitter missives from his seat on the couch.

Dying here!   So funny!

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@Jynnan tonnix, thanks for sharing the boho site. The Arwen gown is totally my jam! Yes, it would be a wondrous thing if these two can shed their asshattery and make themselves more relatable and approachable.  The idea of being a witness for one’s faith should ideally DRAW others to oneself, rather than put people off from wanting to know more about your faith. Maybe, they might finally be starting to slowly “get it”.  Even the Fundy church I was familiar with cautioned against “offending others with your preachiness”.

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On 28/11/2017 at 3:25 AM, Sew Sumi said:

Oh Derelict. Proving that he lives in his own Christian private Idaho,  consciously closed off to those with whom he disagrees.

Mano a Mano Cockfight.


It’s nose and knee. Do you think it’s to show up those Muslins?

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43 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

, these guys married into a headship culture and there have been some things clearly orchestrated by them -- notably the moves to Danger America and Laredo. But I don't see why that would add up to -- And then he told her she had to get a nose ring!  

I agree with this. I don’t really even have a problem with it, other than the resulting effect it had on Jill. Derick and she had stated their common goal to be missionaries.  Then Jill’s privacy was violated by Jim Bob after the earlier violation by Josh. I’m sure Derick thought a mission would be a good thing. Jill just couldn’t handle it. 

In terms of Laredo- Jeremy has a job.  Newly married couples choose one location or another usually based on 1 persons’ job. 

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7 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

It does look stupid, but I expect that the Duggar kids have spent such large chunks of their lives making phony faces for cameras just to get everybody off their backs. that it's become a really hard habit to break. I doubt Jill's ever relaxed enough or in touch with her own emotions -- or comfortable enough with the constant self-exposure, regardless of how much she habitually courts it -- to just look naturally at a camera. It's still all about doing something with your countenance that you figure TPTB will find super-acceptable, probably. Maybe by the time she's 50 or something. 

Re: Jill's Face in the last picture with her kids and the laundry and the piercing, everybody under forty on my facebook feed posts pictures of themselves making that face. Under forty, eyes wide, mouth agape, especially more popular in "candid" shots. It's also used in group selfies. When I googled it, it's called the Faux Surprised Face and all the "cool" kids are doing it. The Duggars apparently pay attention to selfie facial expression trends, Jessa does the duckface pout in her pregnancy selfies. I'm not sure what the face Jill is making is about, but I'm millenial and I still want them off my lawn. 

Edited by Temperance
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3 minutes ago, Aja said:

I certainly never meant to imply Derick forces Jill to do anything. He doesn't have to. A simple "gee, nose rings look nice on Godly ladies" is all it would take. I just have a REALLY hard time swallowing the "pants and nose rings are a sure sign that Jill actually has a brain and is about to run" line of thinking, which is about as likely "Jill secretly has lesbian lovers" or "Jill is secretly penning a tell-all" or "Derick secretly has a job."

Sorry I went off like that! I get this. And I agree that Der or Jer could make very large changes in Jill's or Jingle's behavior by a little statement like that. The Duggarling women are certainly primed to ask "how high?" when a guy whispers -- 'jumps are nice." .... Seems to me that the whole thing kind of morphed into an urban myth of his kind of "ordering" her to do it after you said it, though, mainly just because Der has pissed us all off so much so we want to believe the worst in every regard! 

But the urban myth seems likely to be inaccurate to me. .... I doubt very much that he gives orders about clothing and jewelry. He's way too busy spouting the deep-fundie theology lines for that, seems to me. 

Actually, I'm even skeptical that he even suggested anything about her attire, I have to say. Largely because I think that if there's anybody on the planet who's less aware of attire -- anyone's attire -- than Jill it's probably Derick. But I do agree that that scenario is possible. The one where he was really pushy about it just seems completely out of character to me, though, even though he certainly is pushy about other stuff. . 

5 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Re: Jill's Face in the last picture with her kids and the laundry and the piercing, everybody under forty on my facebook feed posts pictures of themselves making that face. Under forty, eyes wide, mouth agape, especially more popular in "candid" shots. It's also used in group selfies. When I googled it, it's called the Faux Surprised Face and all the "cool" kids are doing it. The Duggars apparently pay attention to selfie facial expression trends, Jessa does the duckface pout in her pregnancy selfies. I'm not sure what the face Jill is making is about, but I'm millenial and I still want them off my lawn. 

Once again, there's no such thing as a fad that Duggars won't follow, apparently. So funny when they spend so much time also preaching how they stand so apart from the world. 

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20 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Sorry I went off like that! I get this. And I agree that Der or Jer could make very large changes in Jill's or Jingle's behavior by a little statement like that. The Duggarling women are certainly primed to ask "how high?" when a guy whispers -- 'jumps are nice." .... Seems to me that the whole thing kind of morphed into an urban myth of his kind of "ordering" her to do it after you said it, though, mainly just because Der has pissed us all off so much so we want to believe the worst in every regard! 

But the urban myth seems likely to be inaccurate to me. .... I doubt very much that he gives orders about clothing and jewelry. He's way too busy spouting the deep-fundie theology lines for that, seems to me. 

Actually, I'm even skeptical that he even suggested anything about her attire, I have to say. Largely because I think that if there's anybody on the planet who's less aware of attire -- anyone's attire -- than Jill it's probably Derick. But I do agree that that scenario is possible. The one where he was really pushy about it just seems completely out of character to me, though, even though he certainly is pushy about other stuff. . 

Once again, there's no such thing as a fad that Duggars won't follow, apparently. So funny when they spend so much time also preaching how they stand so apart from the world. 

Nay! No apologies! I think my point was that there is no way in hell Jill would independently run out and get a nose ring or wear pants without Derick's permission. But that somehow got morphed into "he forced her." Derick is guilty of a great many horrendous and vile things, but I seriously, seriously doubt physical abuse is one of them. No signs whatsoever.

And now I feel like I said something nice about him. GAH! *washes mouth out with soap*

Edited by Aja
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7 minutes ago, Aja said:

Nay! No apologies! I think my point was that there is no way in hell Jill would independently run out and get a nose ring or wear pants without Derick's permission. But that somehow got morphed into "he forced her." Derick is guilty of a great many horrendous and vile things, but I seriously, seriously doubt physical abuse is one of them. No signs whatsoever.

And now I feel like I said something nice about him. GAH! *washes mouth out with soap*

Meh...just a little hand sanitizer on the fingers should do the trick :)

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On 11/22/2017 at 0:03 PM, Maharincess said:

I'm an atheist and I have donated many baskets for the needy during the holidays and I always adopt needy families. I usually adopt from a place called Friends Outside which helps the families of those who are incarcerated. I don't think Christian has anything to do with this. I think it's the decent, human thing to do, not a Christian thing to do. 

I also live in California and have no air conditioning so shut up Cathy. 

Same here!  While I have it in my car I never use it.  I much prefer the wind while driving.  Air conditioning makes me feel icky.  

This thread has given me some new fun people to follow on twitter!  

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I also live in California and have no air conditioning so shut up Cathy. 

Don't say that too loudly or the Dullards will show up at your door with friendship bracelet-making materials and Bibles.

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1 hour ago, Temperance said:

Re: Jill's Face in the last picture with her kids and the laundry and the piercing, everybody under forty on my facebook feed posts pictures of themselves making that face. Under forty, eyes wide, mouth agape, especially more popular in "candid" shots. It's also used in group selfies. When I googled it, it's called the Faux Surprised Face and all the "cool" kids are doing it. The Duggars apparently pay attention to selfie facial expression trends, Jessa does the duckface pout in her pregnancy selfies. I'm not sure what the face Jill is making is about, but I'm millenial and I still want them off my lawn. 

JereMe also does that wrinkled forehead agape mouth schtick.  I second that thought (want them OFF my lawn!)  Old lady boomer here.

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On 11/27/2017 at 1:19 PM, Marigold said:

i thought the other picture of Jill was a pimple.

Looking at this picture, it looks like a piercing.  Plus, two pictures taken from the side like that are trying to show off the piercing.

I'm gonna be honest and say I don't like the piercing on Jill. 

I coulda sworn it was a pimple but this pic looks like a piercing.  It must have been swollen in the earlier pics.  I have to say the nose piercing was THE MOST painful one I have gotten.  Based on the pain alone I am never taking that sucker out.  Figure I went thru the pain, I am leaving it there!

On 11/27/2017 at 1:38 PM, Aja said:

Aren't face piercings a little lesbiany? Or, at  the very least, defiling of the countenance? 

When I worked at the police dept with my nose ring that is what they thought.  

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51 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I coulda sworn it was a pimple but this pic looks like a piercing.  It must have been swollen in the earlier pics.  I have to say the nose piercing was THE MOST painful one I have gotten.  Based on the pain alone I am never taking that sucker out.  Figure I went thru the pain, I am leaving it there!

When I worked at the police dept with my nose ring that is what they thought.  

My 30-something daughter couldn't wait to get piercings and tats when she turned 18.  Some of the piercings didn't last, but of course the tats are still there.

She has a professional job, and knew she would have to dress conservatively, so her tats are covered by clothing.  I'm far too squeamish myself to have any body art.  Just my ear piercings hurt a lot.

I agree that the Dullards could be the hippy-dippy (thx George Carlin) couple if they would just lose the judgmental bullshit.  Sorry to say, I hate man-buns though. Dillweed with loose long hair would be OK.  

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I'm going with the theory that Jill is trying to look more modern and less frumpy now that her husband is around other women who are not in the cult.  Whether he is thinking impure thoughts or not, as a human, he is at least looking at women his age, and I'm sure Jill is very aware of this fact.  I don't remember how long they've been married, but it's normal to have low times in a relationship, and with Derick's attitude lately, I suspect they aren't exactly feeling like honeymooners.  Plus, of course, the stress of two young children so close together in age.  

If I'm correct, the lower their relationship slump goes, the more Jill will work on herself to try to keep her husband's interest.

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I hope that Jill enjoys the positive reinforcment that she's getting for the pants and the piercing and it gives her some encouragement to take a little more pride in her appearance. She has nowhere to go but up.

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They can't hold hands before engagement, but Jilly can get herself a new hole.  Wouldn't that be going against God and her countenance?  I mean, she's 'messing' with what God gave her.

The ultimate Christmas present for all of us would be a pic of Muffin smokin' a toke.  Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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3 hours ago, Aja said:

Don't say that too loudly or the Dullards will show up at your door with friendship bracelet-making materials and Bibles.

Along with nail polish and, aptly named, dum sum suckers.

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That still looks like a giant zit to me, now in the whitehead stage.  Though considering all the pictures of pants one after another, the Dillards are so obviously in need of positive attention that an impulsive decision for Jill to get a nose wrong sounds highly likely. 

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23 minutes ago, ariel said:

I think so too, but he'd have to wash it.   Dercik  seems to have an aversion to soap, shampoo, &  water.

And comb it! I think he would be better off with short hair (and Jill would, too) simply because he clearly has no interest in personal grooming. They both need wash and go looks, and they both have high maintenance looks instead. Jill has that huge mop of hair that she doesn't wash, or comb, or trim. She wears layers upon layers of ill-fitting mis-matched clothing. Derick has an unfortunate Jill-cut, and 3-day beard.

Jill looked good in jeans and a sweater. Simple clothing choices with a short, layered hair cut would look great on her. Derick should make a choice -- a real beard or no-beard -- and stick to it. He could find a brand/style of pants that fit and stock up, then dress them up or down with button-down shirts: untucked for casual wear, and tucked with a tie and jacket for formal occassions. Done and done.

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