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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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4 hours ago, Absolom said:

We need to keep an eye on the page of the Fayetteville campus of Cross Church for college ministry to see if Derick or Jill ever show up.  

Oh they are going to be allllll over it, until they suddenly disappear from it (signaling Cross Church has found, ahem, a different task for them). I still predict a power struggle.

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7 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

Oh they are going to be allllll over it, until they suddenly disappear from it (signaling Cross Church has found, ahem, a different task for them). I still predict a power struggle.

I think a safer prediction than a power struggle would be that Dreck will do or say something to embarrass the church.  It's almost a given.

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Interesting that Jill is promoting a Christian rock concert - see the short video above.  I guess her headship thinks music with a beat is OK, so now she's allowed to also.  (IMHO, it's a wonderful part of life!)

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There's that saying that any publicity is good publicity, however I'm thinking it doesn't apply in Fundyland. Being that Cross Church appears more mainstream Fundy, having Jill & Derick as the faces of C3 seems a little dangerous. J & D are going to put the church on so many haters radar. Bad decision if you ask me.

The 13 year old in me sees C3 as a male body part, minus the middle.

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8 hours ago, OpieTaylor said:

Interesting that Jill is promoting a Christian rock concert - see the short video above.  I guess her headship thinks music with a beat is OK, so now she's allowed to also.  (IMHO, it's a wonderful part of life!)

Or she's just being a Duggar, making public compromises for the almighty $$$.

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5 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Cross Church appears more mainstream Fundy

Cross Church isn't really fundie.  It's mainstream southern Baptist.  So unless we're calling the largest evangelical denomination in the country fundie, they aren't.  They are, however, conservative.  I think Cross Church has a "praise band" at every service so music with a beat is normal for them.  Jill has been attending there with Derick since at least their wedding.  She should be quite used to it now.

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On 8/18/2017 at 10:27 AM, doodlebug said:

Maybe it's some sort of fundie thing.  I've noticed the Duggar girls use signs in their décor like 'Family' or 'Eat' or 'Faith' and so does Joanna Whatsername from Magnolia.  I really don't need to hang a sign in the kitchen that says 'Eat' or put a sign on the mantel next to photos that says 'Family' and I really don't understand how that contributes to the décor.  I can figure out that the kitchen is for eating and the photos are of family without a sign pointing it out.

It's not just fundie. It's a (now aging) decorating trend. The Duggars never do anything that isn't a fad, all the while loudly announcing that they follow only Jesus and never follow the herd. Ever. At all. They may latch onto trends late because trends arrive later in the off-price chains and thrift stores than in the stores frequented by higher-end sheeple. 

And I'm pretty sure that 100 percent of decorating trends (like clothing trends etc.) are started not because of any beliefs or ideas or because of any group but because a bunch of companies got together, dreamed up some new "decorating concept" and then manufactured it and promoted the hell out of it for the sole purpose of getting us to buy something we otherwise never would have thought of buying in a million years. 

I think we see a lot of that kind of trend-following among fundies for the exact same reason they're fundies. They're mostly people who have to follow a leader slavishly to keep themselves from dying of fright and anxiety. 


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10 minutes ago, Genevrier said:

Er. Doesn't all music have a beat?

Gothard means music that really emphasizes its beat. Anything with a backbeat or much percussion. Anything where the beat is a large part of the point -- which is virtually always true in popular music of all kinds. Really the only music he approves of is pretty middle-of-the-road 18th-century classical stuff in a major key and with as little emotional content as possible. 

Anything that stirs up sexual or emotional impulses is supposed to be shelved for everybody's own good. So out with percussion. 

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6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

There's that saying that any publicity is good publicity, however I'm thinking it doesn't apply in Fundyland. Being that Cross Church appears more mainstream Fundy, having Jill & Derick as the faces of C3 seems a little dangerous. J & D are going to put the church on so many haters radar. Bad decision if you ask me.

The 13 year old in me sees C3 as a male body part, minus the middle.

Maybe Derick has gotten Jill more comfortable with the idea of going more mainstream.  This would be a good thing, because the church would give an isolated girl like Jill a sense of community and a chance to make some friends of her own. Anything that gets Jill out in the real world will help her get better socialized and might help with the PPD to some degree.

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The whole family seems to have gone Gothard-lite. A lot of the old cultural touchstones are gone. They listen to music with a beat. They were dresses and skirts that show the knees. (I remember very well that Jessa had one a knee length skirt at her wedding rehersal.) I'm sure there are more I'm forgetting. 

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On 8/14/2017 at 6:14 PM, Sew Sumi said:

Nah, that's the Episcopalians.

 Same great religion, 50% less guilt.

On 8/16/2017 at 7:39 PM, doodlebug said:

At my heathen Catholic Church anyway, those sorts of positions leading Bible study or youth groups are unpaid. The few positions for lay people that are paid are not anywhere near full-time and the compensation is minimal.

My Parish has a FT paid youth minister.

22 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Look forward to more of these this school year. He seems to feel that he needs to be the face of C3. Comments are great.

I betcha that's what they want from him, his and Jill's many SM followers.

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On 8/16/2017 at 6:18 PM, Churchhoney said:

He's gone to that church pretty much all his life, I think. And it's huge. I doubt there'll be much opportunity for a power struggle, really. He'll just be a little cog in a very big machine. 

He's "famous". Whoever it is that was in charge of obtaining people for this ministry believes he'll bring in the sinners -- after all, they want to meet the famous Dillards.

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On 8/17/2017 at 9:26 AM, Absolom said:

Cross Church already has a college pastor named Brian Mills.  What Jill and Derick are doing really looks like a volunteer post at most churches.

I may or may not have been a pastoral studies major during my fundie years... (And yes, I understand that I had no chance of ordination in the Assemblies of God at that time. I would have completed at LEAST 5 years of school to become a volunteer "helper".) It's unfortunate that Triple D does not know he also has NO chance of ordination unless he completes seminary studies and earns a MDiv at the least. They're either giving him a stipend because he's famous and they think the heathen college kids will FLOCK (yeah, right) or this is strictly volunteer and a plot contrivance for the next season of the show.

We can only imagine why Triple D ceased attempting to earn his MDiv; didn't he divulge the little tidbit he was working on it in one of the publicist written People Magazine exclusives?

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5 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Gothard means music that really emphasizes its beat. Anything with a backbeat or much percussion. Anything where the beat is a large part of the point -- which is virtually always true in popular music of all kinds. Really the only music he approves of is pretty middle-of-the-road 18th-century classical stuff in a major key and with as little emotional content as possible. 

Anything that stirs up sexual or emotional impulses is supposed to be shelved for everybody's own good. So out with percussion. 

Just throwing this one out here. I went to Gothard's Basic Youth Conflicts multiple summers as a teen, which is the old-skool name for his seminars. Anything with "syncopated rhythm" (aka, a beat) was out. Our pastors went so far as to rail against classical music from the pulpit as well. The only "acceptable" music was sacred.  Don't ask me what the difference between "sacred" and non-sacred classical music was because I don't think the pastors knew, either.

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1 hour ago, MamaMax said:

 Same great religion, 50% less guilt.

My Parish has a FT paid youth minister.

I betcha that's what they want from him, his and Jill's many SM followers.

I checked it out and my parish has a full-time parish activity coordination person who is paid and has benefits, etc.  There is also a part-time paid youth minister, who works with multiple other adult volunteers to run various programs.  Since Cross Church already has a youth minister and neither Derick or Jill would meet even minimum requirements for that position anyway, I suspect their new 'ministry' working with college kids is a contrivance for the show designed to bring in millennials.

Edited by doodlebug
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1 hour ago, doodlebug said:

I checked it out and my parish has a full-time parish activity coordination person who is paid and has benefits, etc.  There is also a part-time paid youth minister, who works with multiple other adult volunteers to run various programs.  Since Cross Church already has a youth minister and neither Derick or Jill would meet even minimum requirements for that position anyway, I suspect their new 'ministry' working with college kids is a contrivance for the show designed to bring in millennials.

Cross Church also has a dedicated college minister and an associate college pastor, so Derelict isn't even in the running for any kind of official position with the church. He and Jill are being used for their name recognition, nothing more. I doubt they'll even let Derelict "preach."

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Derrick will be damned if Izzy doesn't realize he's a filthy sinner and repent before his 3rd birthday. I dislike Blessa and Ben, but I doubt they'll be doing this shit. Even Josh and Anna treat their kids better.

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4 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

He's "famous". Whoever it is that was in charge of obtaining people for this ministry believes he'll bring in the sinners -- after all, they want to meet the famous Dillards.

Yes, I suppose that's the main thing that most of the Duggars and Duggar-adjacents have going for them in the job market. Wonder how many years that'll be good for after the show finally dwindles away. (assuming that ever happens, of course) 

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31 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

Derrick will be damned if Izzy doesn't realize he's a filthy sinner and repent before his 3rd birthday. I dislike Blessa and Ben, but I doubt they'll be doing this shit. Even Josh and Anna treat their kids better.

I'm not so sure about Bin. He seems benign, as far as what we see, but he's a bigger Calvinist than any of them as far as I can tell.

And he deliberately went and spoke at that event in June with a bunch of guys who are in the forefront of the children-are-evil campaign and who were pushing it even before it became a current fad. And I'm sure there are other places he could have gone to fulfill his school assignments. He picked those guys out, and he knew at least some of them from the Vision Forum days, so he had to know their views. 

It does seem that acting on those views would set up some cognitive dissonance for old Bin. .... But I say that and then I think, well, that would require there to be something "cognitive" in there. And I kind of doubt that. 

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I was just thinking it's a little weird that they call their son Iz, but they spell it with a Z.  If God is the great I AM, then he Iz seems a little presumptuous.  I know, I'm working too hard to make this bizarre point.  I've got some very nice grilled pork chops to eat in the prayer closet. (Yes, I'm being ironic, but that's actually what I made for dinner today.)

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6 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

Yep, he's a cutie and can even defy gravity! WTF is up with these wonky photos? It works for some shots, but not all of them.  Looks like he's  becoming a ginger.

1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

I don't they call their son Iz, it's just the posters here that do that. Cuter than Israel.

Iz is much better since they can't pronounce Israel properly anyway.

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21 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

I'm not so sure about Bin. He seems benign, as far as what we see, but he's a bigger Calvinist than any of them as far as I can tell.

And he deliberately went and spoke at that event in June with a bunch of guys who are in the forefront of the children-are-evil campaign and who were pushing it even before it became a current fad. And I'm sure there are other places he could have gone to fulfill his school assignments. He picked those guys out, and he knew at least some of them from the Vision Forum days, so he had to know their views. 

It does seem that acting on those views would set up some cognitive dissonance for old Bin. .... But I say that and then I think, well, that would require there to be something "cognitive" in there. And I kind of doubt that. 

In one hand I can see this being true, but then it gives me hope to see videos like the one where Spurgie was listening to the headphones and dancing, with Jessa laughing about it in the background. Even if they are like that, I think they have loosened up about some things. Obviously Bin will be okay if Spurgie grows up to love Christian rap, so even if they're strict about some things, they're better than Derrick. 

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22 hours ago, JoanArc said:

Derrick will be damned if Izzy doesn't realize he's a filthy sinner and repent before his 3rd birthday. I dislike Blessa and Ben, but I doubt they'll be doing this shit. Even Josh and Anna treat their kids better.

IMHO of course, but please look into the Calvinists. I realize I have a real bug up my butt on the subject, but I live just outside of Seattle and we spent years with the biggest Calvinist of them all -- Mark Driscoll. He's desperately trying to "relaunch" his "ministry" in Arizona and not getting a lot of takers. Here's some of Mark's greatest hits for those who might be interested in reading about them. If Bin's beliefs mirror the Calvinists, his kids are in for a rough time. Period.


Some of the ads on the website may be NSFW, but they did exhaustive reporting on the effect of Mars Hill Church's Calvinist beliefs (and parishioners dealing with an overly controlling pastor). It's terrifying. I would submit that Driscoll and those pastors espousing the same beliefs are as bad if not worse than Gothard.

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1 hour ago, Christina87 said:

In one hand I can see this being true, but then it gives me hope to see videos like the one where Spurgie was listening to the headphones and dancing, with Jessa laughing about it in the background. Even if they are like that, I think they have loosened up about some things. Obviously Bin will be okay if Spurgie grows up to love Christian rap, so even if they're strict about some things, they're better than Derick Jill

There, fixed it for ya.  You know it's Jill that was raised Duggar and remembers Boob taking the batteries out of musical toys. And Jill is all about rules and no one can remove the big stick she's got up her ass.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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I'm not defending Jerick bc I can't stand them -- but coming from a family where many members are of an orthodox, old school faith -- annoyingly I know people like Jerick whose #1 concern in raising their kid is about morality and faith starting when the kid turns about 18 months. So they lecture about lying. They'll be out in public reciting scripture to a kid -- who has no idea what is going on and just thought it would be funny to say no repeatedly or saying "I love you" to "manipulate" you into an extra cookie or whatever. They are SO fearful of their child turning out non-religious that they view EVERYTHING their kid does as a sign that the kid is not going to be faithful and then punishing/lecturing etc. They're so fearful they lose all rationality and can't recognize that a 2 yr old doesn't even understand that he's defying you -- he's not 16 . . . . So I view Jerick the same way. I don't get it or agree. My view is if you're strong enough in your faith and raise your kid in that faith, then your kid will follow it bc they will see the virtues of that faith. If you need to beat them over the head with the faith -- guess what -- they don't believe, they aren't strong in the faith, and they're only following so as not to get screamed at or disowned by you --and that's how I view Jerick. But then that's how JB raised his family -- with fear. There are a million rules bc he doesn't trust that his kids will believe in the faith enough not to hop into bed with the next guy/gal they see -- thus chaperones and no private conversations etc. None of these morons is really faithful. It's just perpetuated based on the fear of what'll happen in the family if they were bold enough to say -- I don't believe in x part or y part of what we believe so I won't abide by those things.

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39 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

There, fixed it for ya.  You know it's Jill that was raised Duggar and remembers Boob taking the batteries out of musical toys. And Jill is all about rules and no one can remove the big stick she's got up her ass.

Is that for real?! God, with all the things these people have missed out on, music is probably one of the biggest ones. They have no idea about sweating it to the oldies, or disco, or rock, or dance music. They have no idea about feeling like a particular song was written just for you and your partner's love, or being carried through a hard workout by Beyonce songs. I know they know plenty of hymns. Hymns are great and many of them speak eloquently of salvation and God's grace. But damn, sometimes secular and personal issues are just as relevant and pressing. It's true most of today's popular music is centered on Nike issues, but there's so much good stuff out there.

Jill has no idea what she's missing. I hope Derick introduces the kids to music, but what am I saying? That bigot probably has terrible taste in music.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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2 minutes ago, EarlGreyTea said:

Jill has no idea what she's missing. I hope Derick introduces the kids to music, but what am I saying? That bigot probably has terrible taste in music.

I totally agree with you on all scores re music. Can't imagine how joyless Growing Up Duggar would have been for those of us who love rock, punk, metal, jazz, soul, R&B, blues, etc. 

But seriously, if you'd ever seen footage of Derick's interpretive dance, it was something that can never be unseen. It confirmed just how awkward you thought their sex life must be. Izzy does not need dance lessons from Derick, no how, no way.

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20 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

But seriously, if you'd ever seen footage of Derick's interpretive dance, it was something that can never be unseen. It confirmed just how awkward you thought their sex life must be. Izzy does not need dance lessons from Derick, no how, no way.


Imagine Triple D forcing himself to look away from the enticing young cheerleaders while he was Pistol Pete. It must have been soooo hard for him. I'm sure he still has nightmares.

I think Triple D protests a bit too much.

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