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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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It was thoroughly stupid of Derick to post his dumb tweet. Even if people agree with him, it makes a PR nightmare to say anything hurtful about the LBGTQA community; it is our modern civil rights movement. Additionally, doesn't Derick have a four-year degree from a public university? I'm a few years older than he and had to take a couple of diversity and cultural classes. Did he skip class? Or did he purposely ignore any teachings that may show that people are people regardless of their orientation? He's either willfully ignorant or totally dumb. 

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1 minute ago, MaryAnneSpier said:

It was thoroughly stupid of Derick to post his dumb tweet. Even if people agree with him, it makes a PR nightmare to say anything hurtful about the LBGTQA community; it is our modern civil rights movement. Additionally, doesn't Derick have a four-year degree from a public university? I'm a few years older than he and had to take a couple of diversity and cultural classes. Did he skip class? Or did he purposely ignore any teachings that may show that people are people regardless of their orientation? He's either willfully ignorant or totally dumb. 

I vote for willfully ignorant AND totally dumb.  A twofer.

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Wow, Derick. You have sunk to a new low. This tweet was stupid on multiple levels, serving as both bad publicity and hateful drivel that nobody wants to hear. If Derick was smart, he would have just kept his mouth shut. Part of the reason the Duggars still have a show is that their less savory and more ignorant views are carefully camouflaged from the public eye. Derick messed up by exposing their true nature. 

In addition, what is truly the more Christian understanding of transgender individuals—shaming and ostracizing them or accepting them for who they are? Derick, transgender people do not hurt you by living as their authentic selves.

Edited by SnarkyShark
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Sadly, King JimBob is going to do nothing.  They all agree with what Derick said.  If Joshgate 1 and 2 and the "we play missionaries on TV" grifting got them a pass this will too.  Besides, in JB's view men are never wrong, so to "punish" Derick would be to admit he did something wrong.   Not going to happen.  It will be more baby pictures until this passes.  Expect more kid pics from Jessa as well.  Isn't Josh and Anna expecting #5 blessing soon?   They cannot derail the Josh forgiveness tour now.

Its obvious TLC is going to do nothing as they issued the standard PR statement.  Even if TLC pulled the show that will play into the "woe is our family...give us money" and the leg humpers will do just that.

/sorry for the ramble...very disgusted at them all right now but what else is new?

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Derick needs to learn that he can't attack minor children. If he's so passionate about transgender being a "myth," pick on an adult who can fight back. What he did was nothing short of cold-hearted bullying, and the network needs to punish him, not post cute baby pictures on the show page to deflect the backlash.

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1 hour ago, Lunera said:
They are attacking Jill's page too. I'm imagining Jessa running to the pool house waving her brown sandal angrily ready to get Derrick.

OMG, I'm glad I wasn't eating or drinking anything.  Too funny; I want to like this so many times.

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The thing is regarding TLC's response is that it's not just Derick's views and they know it. Every single member of the Duggar and Dillard family agrees with him, Derick's just the only one who's stupid enough to state his views about a specific person who happens to have a show on the same network he's on. They can't claim to care about Jazz or LGBTQ issues when they've bent over backwards to keep the Duggars on the air. 

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28 minutes ago, Gweilo said:

I'm not.

I'm 99.98% sure that Jessa, Jinger, Jana, Joy, Joe and every other family member shares the exact same views about Jazz. 

Agreed, but I have no issues with those people maintaining their opinions. What I have an issue with is a grown man feeling the need to call a 16 year old girl out on Twitter about it.

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4 minutes ago, ilovetrashtv said:

Agreed, but I have no issues with those people maintaining their opinions. What I have an issue with is a grown man feeling the need to call a 16 year old girl out on Twitter about it.

It’s a vile belief and a vile act, absolutely. The Duggars must love the rise in social media. So many new ways to tell people that God hates them!

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12 minutes ago, ilovetrashtv said:

Agreed, but I have no issues with those people maintaining their opinions. What I have an issue with is a grown man feeling the need to call a 16 year old girl out on Twitter about it.

Has this bunch ever picked a fair fight? For such manly men they can't even attack on a fair field. Hell, they can't even answer interview questions that aren't controlled and vetted. And these people are supposed to be leaders.

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I'm not on Twitter either, so I appreciate posters that are, to keep me up on things like this.

You don't have to be on Twitter to see what someone tweets, as long as their page isn't private requiring you to follow them.

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4 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

The devil built a fortress in Derelict's heart.

and now he is working on Derick's new face - a window into his dark, ugly soul, that crafty little fellow 

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4 hours ago, SMama said:

Sorry if this has been discussed, I was out running errands and now catching up. Does anyone (@absolom?) know if reality shows have a "morality" clause? I don't even know why I'm hoping since the molestation disclosure did not stop TLC from exploiting the victims.

Most do, but I'm not sure this situation would fall under one.

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That FB post from TLC why I called out Nancy's defense of Dullard "weak sauce" and "hypocritical" in the comments, and to me, it WAS a defense, otherwise action would have been taken. I also noted that the Duggars are the cockroaches of cable TV. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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48 minutes ago, lascuba said:

The thing is regarding TLC's response is that it's not just Derick's views and they know it. Every single member of the Duggar and Dillard family agrees with him, Derick's just the only one who's stupid enough to state his views about a specific person who happens to have a show on the same network he's on. They can't claim to care about Jazz or LGBTQ issues when they've bent over backwards to keep the Duggars on the air. 

And this is the long and short of it. I'm glad Derick has reminded us that, make no mistake, every single one of these people are bigots, including big city Jinger. I'm glad he has reminded me once again. I had recently put Counting On on the DVR, but am removing it tonight. Thank you to the person upthread who mentioned emailing TLC. I will do just that, knowing there will be absolutely no consequences to Derick. Like it or not, these bigoted rubes are still TLC's cash cow and, unfortunately, probably get higher ratings than Jazz's show does. So that means they are going nowhere. Moreover, this will blow over quickly and continue to feed the Duggars' belief that they are invincible.

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1 minute ago, Sew Sumi said:

That's why I called out Nancy's defense of Dullard "weak sauce" and "hypocritical" in the comments. I also noted that the Duggars are the cockroaches of cable TV. 

Imagine TLC taking the heat to put out a season of Joe and whatsherface.

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I still see her account (I never comment on her stuff). She may have just deleted the individual post. I hope they take some time to reflect. About as likely as Josh becoming a good person.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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1 minute ago, EarlGreyTea said:

I still see her account (I never comment on her stuff so I wouldn't be blocked). She may have just deleted the individual post.

I think it's just me

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23 minutes ago, Lunera said:

I think it's just me

I know that screen. They blocked you. I have learned (the hard way) not to comment on their threads. Jill hasn't been active commenting on SM until she's had some time to recover from this c-section. I've seen more likes and comments from her in the past three-ish weeks than I have in the three years prior that she's had SM accounts. Derelict has always responded to posts, so I know not to poke that bear, or Jessa. She's the worst. 

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I'm sure Anna is somewhere thinking, "Can this family just give me ONE scandal-free pregnancy/birth?" She may have made her own bed, but I still feel bad for any pregnant woman who has undue stress put on her.

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Just now, Curly Sue said:

I'm sure Anna is somewhere thinking, "Can this family just give me ONE scandal-free pregnancy/birth?" She may have made her own bed, but I still feel bad for any pregnant woman who has undue stress put on her.

And, when the last scandals hit, Izzy was a young infant, just like Sam is here.

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7 hours ago, sometimesy said:

Combined with their MIA  the last episodes of Counting On and Jeremy's rant, something tells me the Dills are done with the Show. Maybe he wants the freedom to express himself and couldn't because he was stifled by the Boob. I support him if this is what he is doing. Even if we don't like what they say, isn't it better to have them come clean? Didn't we want the world to know that the Dugg veneer of wholesomeness hid some controversial ideas. Jazz is getting a lot of support, it will be ok.

What was Jeremy's rant? Didn't see the last few episodes so I'm curious.

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17 minutes ago, cereality said:

What was Jeremy's rant? Didn't see the last few episodes so I'm curious.

It was a youtube of his recent sermon where he ranted about unprepared missionaries and bad missionaries. It kinda reminded everyone of Derick which made everyone wonder if he was taking a stab at Derick. 

No one will ever know the motivation for preaching that sermon! 

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Honestly his views are shared by a LOT of people -- many/most religious conservatives that I know; I'm betting all fundies; and certainly every one of his siblings-inlaw/inlaws etc. And while he's picking on a "child" -- that child is 16, not 6 and has put themselves on TV for this issue and is saying themselves that cyber bullying is common for this issue. This is nowhere near as big a deal as molestation or cheating on your wife; it is the expression of an opinion that many agree with (and many don't). I am guessing Jessa/Ben and even Jinger/Jer (bc they ARE relying on the money -- see the new house) are worried not about what he said but about whether there will be enough reaction to drop the show altogether bc if they get dropped again, they aren't coming back even sans Derick/Jill. But since it's an opinion held by many -- if it looks like they're getting dropped, one of the more media savvy siblings can come out supporting Derick, talking about how they are being persecuted for their religious views etc. to keep this in the news and use the spotlight to negotiate for a show with UPTV, Christian Broadcasting or one of the other Christian stations on cable who would LOVE to have them. I'm not thinking TLC's contracts are so air tight as to keep the Duggars off TV forever -- I mean TLC couldn't get it done after molestation . . . .

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26 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

We all know the reality 'stars' read this forum just like they do Twitter.  What makes it ok here and wrong on twitter? 

Because most of us here don't work to get pay checks from TLC & Derick does.  If you have half a brain, you don't bite the hand that feeds you in such a nasty way.

Edited by ariel
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On the one hand it's awful that Derrick outed himself as a bigoted piece of shit. 


But on the other hand, the outrage this has provoked is just plain odd to me. Is this a surprise that a member of the Duggar clan--perhaps the most heinous, hypocritical, morally bankrupt family to ever appear on television--feels this way? Of course not. And why is it somehow acceptable that he feels this way, as long as he keeps it to himself? It's not. 


Bottom line is that everyone knows exactly what the Duggars are. They--and people like them--make our modern society demonstrably worse, whether they loudly tweet bigoted hate speech or quietly vote against civil rights and donate money to hate groups like Rapey Josh's old clan. Anyone who truly feels like this family needs to go away should stop watching, plain and simple. Post outraged messages all you like but until this show stops making money these people and the vitriol they spew will not go away. And until enough people stop watching, this show will continue to make money for the powers that be. Put your viewership where your mouth is.

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45 minutes ago, ariel said:

Because most of us here don't work to get pay checks from TLC & Derick does.  If you have half a brain, you don't bite the hand that feeds you in such a nasty way.

Edited 32 minutes ago by ariel.

That is a very valid point. Never criticize a co- worker on social media. I didn't consider that part. 

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57 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

I'm the Lone Ranger, I guess, in that Jazz and her parents put her in the public eye with every public event they've done and now the show. They put a minor up for public comments.   Pretty much the same way the Duggars put out their own children in the public eye. This forum is full of people questioning the children's sexual orientation( which the mods try to keep a lid on), comments ridiculing the Children's looks, dress, developmental issues ( Josie).  That's bullying too. We all know the reality 'stars' read this forum just like they do Twitter.  What makes it ok here and wrong on twitter? 

Just from reading some cursory info about Jazz Jennings show, I feel like I know way too much intimate information about the poor child. Nobody even needs to speculate with Jazz. I feel dirty that I now know what's going on with her genitalia. 

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23 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

Just from reading some cursory info about Jazz Jennings show, I feel like I know way too much intimate information about the poor child. Nobody even needs to speculate with Jazz. I feel dirty that I now know what's going on with her genitalia. 

She's pretty brave for someone so young. Bottom surgery hurts to even think about it.

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9 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I'm not gonna lie, I'd push an old lady into traffic to be a fly on the wall at the TTH right now. The Duggars are fully aware they can't afford another PR disaster and Derelict just served one up on a silver platter. 

OK, I volunteer for the little old lady job as long as I can join you on the wall.

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