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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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Hmmm...maybe it's payback for Ben's fathers rant about engagement/marriage and so that engagement is hastily announced with Boob knowing full well that Jill is going to get the cover of People announcing her pregnancy only days later. I guess the message is don't screw with the Boob.

I stopped reading People after their endless covers of Princess Diana years after she died and their fixation with talent-less celebrity famewhores (Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie and Lindsay Lohen) and more recently any and all Kardashins and the endless pregnancies of J'chelle.

And can I just say that those who say Boob really loves his kids I would respectfully disagree. Any father that does not value an education for his children, allows his children to raise his other children and believes women are put on this earth only to give birth doesn't know the meaning of love...and this is the family that gets a reality show that sends out such a terrible message to young girls?

  • Love 17

It has always annoyed me that whenever you have a TH with a group of kids, usually the older girls, Jill does all the talking. No one ever gets a chance to say anything before she's jumping right in there finishing the thought. Jana just smiles quietly, Jinger rolls her eyes and I can totally understand Jessa getting snarky if her whole life she's been talked over by her slightly older sister. 


Now this? Especially since lots of pregnancies terminate within the first trimester, it's incredibly selfish of Jill to rush out with the news (nothing wrong with keeping it to immediate family for 3 months) once again hogging the spotlight. 

I don't think it was Jill's choice when to announce her pregnancy. I think it was deliberate timing by Jim Bob/TLC to make the baby announcement around the same time as news of Ben and Jessa's engagement. I've suspected for a while that they weren't too keen on a Ben and Jessa union, especially in light of all the controversial comments Ben and his family had been making on social media of late. Maybe this was their way of "punishing" the newly engaged couple for not keeping sweet and towing the party line. Putting the focus on Jill's pregnancy takes the media spotlight off of their less favored, more controversial couple in Ben and Jessa. Kind of sucks for Jessa that she's getting overshadowed by her sister but then, I really don't care for her or Ben or their attention-seeking ways either so a part of me is crackling with glee over how this whole thing's playing out. 

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I have never been pregnant so I don't really know these things, but it seems weird to announce it 30 days after your wedding, which would be the first possible date of conception.  Why had she taken several tests in those 30 days?  I really  have no idea but I thought at the very earliest, you could test positive two weeks after conception


Jill could have known 8 or 9 days after the wedding.  Some of the tests on the market these days are that sensitive.  It leads to many young women these days, not just the Duggars, to be testing every cycle especially if they want a baby. 

Hmmm...maybe it's payback for Ben's fathers rant about engagement/marriage and so that engagement is hastily announced with Boob knowing full well that Jill is going to get the cover of People announcing her pregnancy only days later. I guess the message is don't screw with the Boob.

I stopped reading People after their endless covers of Princess Diana years after she died and their fixation with talent-less celebrity famewhores (Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie and Lindsay Lohen) and more recently any and all Kardashins and the endless pregnancies of J'chelle.

And can I just say that those who say Boob really loves his kids I would respectfully disagree. Any father that does not value an education for his children, allows his children to raise his other children and believes women are put on this earth only to give birth doesn't know the meaning of love...and this is the family that gets a reality show that sends out such a terrible message to young girls?

I missed this what did Ben's father say?  Have they shown his family?  I can't remember. Ben is cute and all, but the awkwardness between Ben and his "beloved' was uncomfortable to watch. Isn't he 18/19? What will he be doing to support his wife and very soon to be children?  Have they set the wedding date? I am sure the guest list will be over 1000. 

"less favored, more controversial couple in Ben and Jessa."  Do tell?? I am really out of the loop on the Duggers. Has their new season started on TLC? 

Jill wants to give birth at home? After witnessing a number of labors and deliveries I'm surprised that she would want to do so. Anna had the audacity to refer to "Miss Shelley's" place as the "birth center"? That was no more than the lady's house. She had a bedroom with a regular twin bed in it and a roman type bath tub; no emergency equipment, monitoring equipment, no medical staff nearby for any unexpected event. Hospitals and REAL birth centers has a collapsible bed which is tilted on a vertical slant in which gravity helps aid the delivering mother. Anna had none of that.


Getting back to Jill....what's up with her cartoon character makeup? She looks like a fully painted Christmas ornament in that clip of her and Derick. They are such idiots, IMO, as they were shocked with the news? When you screw like bunnies 25 days out of 30 a month, with no protection, or thought, guess what???? You are going to conceive...even us sinners do it...so how is that a "special blessing"? God blesses us sinners and those of us "out of wedlock" too? It's just the results of their act.


I also would be mortified and embarrassed if my sisters asked me about babies during my first visits with them after the wedding..And YES, don't they know that taking multiple pregnancy tests in a few weeks are a waste of those tests? Can't they count their fertile days? I think that a subject such as conception, ( and it looks like Jill went to see them just minutes after crawling out of bed with Derick) would be a very private thing,....those idiots know no boundaries of respectability yet they hold themselves up as paragons of virtue and respectability.....illogical.

  • Love 10

I missed this what did Ben's father say?  Have they shown his family?  I can't remember. Ben is cute and all, but the awkwardness between Ben and his "beloved' was uncomfortable to watch. Isn't he 18/19? What will he be doing to support his wife and very soon to be children?  Have they set the wedding date? I am sure the guest list will be over 1000. 



If you go to Ben's family blog (seewalds .com) he posted a blog about marriage. In it, he calls out fathers who make suitors jump through hoops to marry their daughters (and tells young men to avoid these daughters with controlling fathers) and why it's wrong to discourage young couples from getting married. 

Yup, see Jill and Derick get full front page photo and Jessa gets a blurb on the bottom!


She doesn't even look pregnant. -_- I feel awful for Jessa. And that's saying a lot because I'm in the camp of not liking her and Ben together. They don't deserve this and I wouldn't blame them if they just eloped. 

Leigh3, I'm going to do a terrible job explaining Ben's fathers rant (plus I'm on an iPad and I can't do quotes or links) but he has a blog (if you go to the Benessa forum you can find the link) about ten days ago that called out those who would interfere with courtship leading to engagements. He implied that requiring such stringent rules would hamper marriage and lead the young not to marry. It was difficult to follow but most speculated that Boob wasn't a Ben fan and might not allow the engagement to happen after the six month courtship period and Ben's father was stirring the pot to get his son on the Duggar gravy train.

Edited by stafford

My first thoughts were honeymoon baby and couldn't they wait a few more weeks before announcing it?  I was really hoping they would wait, get to know each other and enjoy being married but, I guess that was too much to hope for.  I'm not a big fan of Jessa and Ben as a couple but I hope that they aren't upset that it has been announced days after their engagement. 

Edited by abseedee
  • Love 1

Does Derick always look like he hasn't slept or is majorly stressed? He had huge bags under his eyes at the wedding and the same in this photo. At the wedding -- ok -- wedding stress/jitters plus his mom was very ill, so he probably wasn't sleeping and looked like he had been crying. Now -- this is a happy time and his mom is doing much much better. Is that just his look?

Does Derick always look like he hasn't slept or is majorly stressed? He had huge bags under his eyes at the wedding and the same in this photo. At the wedding -- ok -- wedding stress/jitters plus his mom was very ill, so he probably wasn't sleeping and looked like he had been crying. Now -- this is a happy time and his mom is doing much much better. Is that just his look?


It's just his facial structure. 

I'll admit one thing - Jill's dress (what I can see) is adorable!


 And picked so as to accentuate an almost nonexistent baby bump. ;-)

  • Love 1

Hmmm...maybe it's payback for Ben's fathers rant about engagement/marriage and so that engagement is hastily announced with Boob knowing full well that Jill is going to get the cover of People announcing her pregnancy only days later. I guess the message is don't screw with the Boob.

I stopped reading People after their endless covers of Princess Diana years after she died and their fixation with talent-less celebrity famewhores (Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie and Lindsay Lohen) and more recently any and all Kardashins and the endless pregnancies of J'chelle.

And can I just say that those who say Boob really loves his kids I would respectfully disagree. Any father that does not value an education for his children, allows his children to raise his other children and believes women are put on this earth only to give birth doesn't know the meaning of love...and this is the family that gets a reality show that sends out such a terrible message to young girls?

I'm probably being tiresomely analytic with this, but -- since we're discussing it -- I think Jim Bob is in love with his self-image as the father of his children. When he tears up, he's emotionally looking at himself (O Great Father) and being touched by what he sees. I don't suppose he's the only person in the world who's like that. He's just so extreme with it. 

  • Love 7

She doesn't even look pregnant. -_- I feel awful for Jessa. And that's saying a lot because I'm in the camp of not liking her and Ben together

Add me to the group strangely feeling sorry for Jessa too. It's an odd feeling with how I can not stand her selfie obsession.

Who keeps spare pregnancy tests on hand? Obviously that's a stupid question, the delusional Michelle does. Don't those things have expiration dates? Does the family get a bulk discount? A case with some to Michelle, some to Anna, now some for Jill & soon some to Jessa. Eww, I think I made myself slightly sick.

I wish the best for Jill, Derick & baby Dill but it makes me a little sad that they didn't get a few months to get to know each other as individuals. I realize Jill is used to all kids all the time, but typically, in normal situations, a baby changes a couple's relationship in major ways.

Edited by ramble
  • Love 2

Thank you PinkSprinkles (great name btw) and stafford. i will be checking this blog. When I saw the picture of Derrick my first thought was "Damn Jill let the boy sleep once in a while"  yes immature I know. One (maybe just me) gets the idea that since they can't hug-heaven forbid that may lead to SEX and only holds hands that they must go buck wild on their wedding night.   


This has nothing to do with Jill or Derrick but it drives me CRAZY that Jim Bob and the boys won't even frontal hug the women in their family. Are they worried the hug will bring on lustful thoughts???????  Personally I know of parents who only allow side hugs with the opposite sex, but the parents will give their kids a full hug.

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OMG, here we go, another baby-making machine. There's just no words for these people. And Jessa and Ben are engaged which spells more pregnancies. This show will be on TV for the next 25 years anyway.

A make-up artist did Jill's make-up this morning. First time I've seen that.

I know this is going to sound ugly, but I'm just so tired of these famewhores. I wish all of them well, but for some reason they all make me just a little bit nauseous.

Yes, in so many ways they are very similar to the Kartrashians. So very different, yet so similar. Yuck.

  • Love 2

I wonder if Smuggar and Anna are pissed that none of their blessings were announced via a People cover. They just got the Today Show. Speaking of that, have they cut ties with the Duggars? That's usually where they announce this kind of stuff. 


I was wondering about that too.  Whenever Michelle had a birth announcement,  it used to be either with Meredith Viera or Ann Curry. 

Who keeps spare pregnancy tests on hand? Obviously that's a stupid question, the delusional Michelle does. Don't those things have expiration dates? Does the family get a bulk discount? A case with some to Michelle, some to Anna, now some for Jill & soon some to Jessa. Eww, I think I made myself slightly sick.


She's probably buying them wholesale direct. And they DO have an expiry date. I hope Jill had this confirmed by blood test. Be funny if after 2 negative tests, the positive was a faulty expired one.

I wonder if Smuggar and Anna are pissed that none of their blessings were announced via a People cover. They just got the Today Show. Speaking of that, have they cut ties with the Duggars? That's usually where they announce this kind of stuff. 

They apparently were on GMA this morning. I guess that means we'll also be subjected to the gender reveal a few months down the road. So much for Jill ever going back to midwifery, even on a part-time basis.

Well that didn't take long, which is no shock at all.  I'm happy for them, though.  I think motherhood will suit Jill much better than some of the other J'Girls (not to mention her mama). Speaking of... I cringed when I read, "'Well, mom has pregnancy tests upstairs and you could be pregnant so you should take one!'" Of course she does.   Sigh.


The due date is in March, so I assume it's a honeymoon baby. 

They probably planned the wedding around her fertility calendar.


Jill isn't even out of her first trimester...why is she announcing this so early? Wishing her a safe and easy pregnancy, but yeah, there's a reason why doctors discourage telling loved ones until the 12 week mark.

Good Doctors don't. It is none of their business. I am in the medical field and we don't offer that kind of advice.

  • Love 5

I was wondering about that too. Whenever Michelle had a birth announcement, it used to be either with Meredith Viera or Ann Curry.

The pregnancy announcement was on "Good Morning America" this morning. Hello ABC goodbye NBC?

When GMA was doing the teaser they stated the family was going to grow bigger in a surprise way. I was praying that Bitchelle was not pregnant! Whew my prayers were answered. But still kind of sad that Jill is prego soon soon. I was hoping it was a late Benessa engagement announcement

Edited by Readalot
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My parents married on July 13 and had a son on March 18.  To THIS DAY they INSIST he was a wedding night baby.  He was 6# and change so he wasn't early.  Make of that what you will and some of us still contend there was some hanky panky ahead of time but if so it was too early to know before hand.


I have a feeling Jerrick had a wedding night baby.  My parents?  Still not buying that an 8 mo baby weighed 6# and change.

Edited by Shugardrawers
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My next door neighbor's daughter had a baby Tuesday who was four and a half weeks early and weighed 6 pounds one ounce.  Weight is not perfectly correlated to gestation. :) 


They all don't arrive exactly on their due dates either.  For Jill's sake I hope this baby isn't unduly early.  Perhaps that's why they announced so early?  They may hope to cut down on speculation later. 



Edited:  Checked the calendar for exact dates.

Edited by Absolom

Yeah, I actually know someone who got pregnant two or three months after she got married, and then delivered the baby early because of complications so the baby (who is now almost 8) "seems" to be a pre-wedding development, but her original due date was around their anniversary, I think. I agree that I hope for Jill's sake, the due date is outside the realm of speculation.

My one and only child was born nearly 20 years after the wedding, so I guess you could say I had plenty of time to get to know my husband and enjoy married life before settling into parenthood. I realize that's unusual, but I just feel so bad that Jill and Derick will not get to experience at least a few relatively carefree years of building a life together, just the two of them, before they have to attend to diaper duty, sleepless nights, runny noses and all else that parenthood entails. I love my daughter to pieces. She's the light of my life. But I'm grateful for the experiences I had during my childless years and think they ultimately made me a better parent. If Jill truly wants to be J'chelle 2, more power to her. If she feels she has no other choice, that's just sad.

Edited by Hpmec
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I'm not at all surprised they got pregnant quickly, but this quickly surprised me a bit. It really surprised me that they are given the whole cover of People and that they would announce this early. It's to the point that this family seems to be famous for being famous. I think some considerable money us being thrown Jill and Derrick's way. I hope in a decade they can look back and think that selling every "first" in their life together was worth the price.

  • Love 4

A first time pregnant mom "showing" at 9-10 weeks is what we call in the OB world: a food baby or a poop baby. (Maybe those 1st trimester hormones are making her constipated.)

I had a food baby. In fact, I had three. I gained 75 lbs with the first and was pregnant with the second in 3 months in which I gained 50. It took me three years to lose that weight and then became pregnant with the third and gained 50 again exercising daily and watching what I ate the last one, I still gained 50.

I'm more than a little pissed that these two get a People cover while Lauren Bacall's death gets a small corner. What is so earth shattering about two twenty-somethings getting pregnant?


I'm totally confused why they even merit cover news, let alone a huge cover photo!  I have a weird fascination with the Duggars, but I was under the impression that the average person barely knows who they are.  I would have thought Duggar news would have been more suited to a brief statement in the birth/marriage/death page of People.  You can't even make the argument of a slow news week.  Makes no sense to me!

  • Love 6

Why do the Duggars think that every grandchild, marriage, engagement announcement needs to be on a national platform? Are we supposed to care that they keep adding to  the overpopulation of the world? Even though the whole world can fit in the city of Jacksonville, right, Boob? They're so uneducated. I hope that Jill and Derrick let their child have more of an education than she had. 

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I know babies are supposed to be happy news but really?  I feel bad for them.  I so wanted them to enjoy getting to know each other and spending time together before a baby came along.  My husband and I were together for 5 years, married for one, when we had our daughter. 


I know they don't have to worry about finances or starting out with next to nothing like a lot of young couples, but you would think after raising all those kids, she would have wanted some "me" time.  Or "just the 2 of us" time.  They're so young, and she should have spent some time getting out in the world and meeting people, and experiencing life, which she never had the chance to do.


I had such hope!

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Good Doctors don't. It is none of their business. I am in the medical field and we don't offer that kind of advice.


I am in the medical field as well (PA in OB/GYN) and I've heard doctors/colleagues suggest it. Not every single doctor ever in existence does it and those that do discourage it weren't holding a gun to the patients' heads and saying they couldn't say anything before the 12 week mark to loved ones, but rather informing them of what could happen in the first trimester (good and bad). So okay.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 4

I am in the medical field as well (PA in OB/GYN) and I've heard doctors/colleagues suggest it. Not every single doctor ever in existence does it and those that do discourage it weren't holding a gun to the patients' heads and saying they couldn't say anything before the 12 week mark to loved ones, but rather informing them of what could happen in the first trimester (good and bad). So okay.

I look at the cover of People and I keep thinking that when I was their age (and in fact I was pregnant with my first child at Jill's age) this very exposure of every detail of my marriage would have given it all an unreal feeling, kind of like "Is this real or is it memorex?" I think it would have made my experiences more shallow, less fully lived. And that would have been a very bad thing. 

  • Love 5

How pissed is J'Chelle at this news? I wonder if, when she heard the news, she kept sweet and then went to her room and raged, trashing the room and letting forth a string of explicatives until she passed out, clutching a pregnancy test.


I still can't get over her having a stash of pregnancy tests in the home at her disposal.

  • Love 9

I am in the medical field as well (PA in OB/GYN) and I've heard doctors/colleagues suggest it. Not every single doctor ever in existence does it and those that do discourage it weren't holding a gun to the patients' heads and saying they couldn't say anything before the 12 week mark to loved ones, but rather informing them of what could happen in the first trimester (good and bad). So okay.


I remember a co-worker bouncing up and down with excitement when she found out she was pregnant and crowing it to the world. When she miscarried, she could barely bring herself to return to work because she felt like she couldn't face people. Then when she had a successful pregnancy, she hid it for about 5 months. I felt like had she just waited on the announcement the first time, it might have been a bit easier to return to work, and she wouldn't have been so reluctant to tell everyone the next time. I think the net result was that she lost some of the joy in talking about it the second time by talking too soon the first.


I'm not expressing this well, sorry.

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