trimthatfat July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 Derrick knew full well what he was getting into, what with the TLC filming and all. For all we know (or don't know) he found JIm Boob online to be a prayer partner in order to snag a Duggar bride. He could have easily walked away from this circus, nobody held a gun to his head.... or did they? MTE. Honestly, I don't sorry for Derrick at all. He's an adult who has some intelligence so whatever he's dealing with now (whether that be Jenny sleeping over or the other Duggar kids visiting), I don't feel an ounce of sympathy. He'll survive this. Link to comment
Vincom July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 (edited) [snip] The only reason I started watching "19 Kids" again was because of the courtships of Jill/Derick and Jessa/Ben (I think this is the big reason for the increase in ratings). I want to see the children break free from the cult, thus the speculations on what Jill and others will do once they are married. [snip] Edited July 7, 2014 by Rhondinella Inappropriate/off-topic comment deleted Link to comment
Ivy26 July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 Two trains of thought on Jenny staying at Jill's: 1) Honestly, I wouldn't want her in the house two weeks afterwards because as most of us know in marriage and relationships, the first few...intimate weeks, shall we're going at it like bunnies. Non stop sexy time. Think Derrick is okay with his 7 yr old SIL potentially hearing that? Plus, as sex/ purity obsessed as the Duggars are, wouldn't Bitchelle and Boob be afraid of it possibly "defrauding" Jenny? Unless... 2) Bitchelle suggested it and did it on purpose. Jill can't conceive if she's afraid of Jenny overhearing, right? Thus Michelle doesn't have to worry about when Jill becomes a breeding machine. Pure speculation, of course. 2 Link to comment
Rhondinella July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 Well, that would be some kind of evil genius right there. 5 Link to comment
cmr2014 July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 I keep thinking about the fact that Derrick is an accountant. That suggests to me that he is a really practical guy. Do you suppose he was interested in being JB's "prayer partner" because he wanted to get to know JB better and find out about his "debt free" lifestyle with 19 kids? I saw this link on FJ, and I wonder how much of this Derrick knows? I don't think Derrick and Jill will have more children than they can afford. There is nothing in Derrick's history to suggest that he will be happy raising a family in poverty simply to have a large number of children. Link to comment
DangerousMinds July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 I think Jill is suffering from a sort of Empty Nest Syndrome. Jill's buddies have been her de facto children for over a decade. I think Jill has always been a pleaser and can't walk away as easily as someone like Jessa could. If Jana ever gets married I have a feeling she'll be same way. Unless their husbands get transferred across the country for work. . . Link to comment
CofCinci July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 People is reporting on Dill being married for two weeks. Isn't an anniversary supposed to symbolize a year? Give it a rest! They're married. The world will continue to spin.People invested money into the couple and they see that Dill stories get hits. I imagine we'll get tons of updates on the couple, even if the news isn't that interesting to begin with. "3 month anniversary!" Link to comment
fixxin2 July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 Michelle overheard Jenny asking for her Mom so she sent her to stay with Jill. 9 Link to comment
Higgins July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 OR, Jill loves Jenny and thinks it was fun and sweet to have her over to spend the night. Simple as that. 11 Link to comment
CofCinci July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 She doesn't know how to be alone. Poor woman-child is probably scared to death to be their new house all by herself. One can only imagine the type of scaremongering she has been subject to over the years. 1 Link to comment
Literata July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 She is not their mother. For all intents and purposes, she's the "mother" of her buddies, whom she's raised since they were six months old. Think of a woman who adopts a six-month-old; she's every bit the mother of that baby, even though she didn't nurture the child for the first six months. I don't see Jill's situation being a whole lot different. I wonder if Jill enjoyed having some one-on-one time with Jenny, as she's probably really never been able to focus much on only one child at a time. And judging from what we've seen of Jill, I'm sure she offered, although I'm also sure Boob and Michelle were only too happy to agree. I'm sure if Jill heard that Jenny was miserable without her, she would have done everything in her power to make Jenny feel better. Of course Boob and Michelle should be handling those separation issues, but I think we can all agree that they should be doing a LOT of other things, too. 3 Link to comment
Fuzzysox July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 Boob and Bitchelle are on a mission trip I can see Jill opening up her home to any of her brother or sisters that need some motherly love. Who got left behind to take care of them when Jana and Joyless Anna are in DC? Link to comment
BitterApple July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 When I saw the selfie Jill took of herself and James, I couldn't help but notice how carefree and happy James looked in contrast to his palpable discomfort during the staged one-on-one time with Michelle. 1 Link to comment
yogi2014L July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 I wonder if Michelle and JB are aware of what the general public thinks of them? I am fairly positive they know how people feel over on FJ ( but they probably view Fjers as a heathen subsect of the population). Now a lot of the mainstream new site articles have comments that are very harsh from the general public ( thank goodness the people aren't buying the wholesome Christian family with awesome values schtick). I mean its practically a general consensus among normal people that Michelle and JB are terrible people and most people pity their older daughters. I would hope that it bothers them but who knows they might be so far gone up their own asses they don't realize... To stay on topic regarding the visit- I think Jenny is totally missing Jill and Jill is happy to have the distraction from Derick not that he is bad but seriously going from never being a lone with someone to being alone with them 24/7 living together has to be a really rough transition, even without all the sex is bad brainwashing. 2 Link to comment
cereality July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 For all there is to criticize about the Duggars, the siblings do seem close to each other generally. I'm sure it was a shock to Jenny that Jill isn't living there anymore, even if they prepared her -- a kid doesn't get it until they get home and realize their sibling won't be sleeping there anymore; the Bates said that one of their younger kids freaked out when Erin left. I don't think it's any big deal that Jill had Jenny over for a night. It's really not that much of a disruption to Derick. If she picked Jenny up in the afternoon and hung out with her, at most Derick had to spend a few hours with her at dinner and maybe playing a game or outside or something for a while until it was time for bed. The next morning he was off to work and Jill had a few more hours to spoil Jenny with breakfast or an outing and then take her back home that afternoon. It's not as if Derick had to babysit for 24 hours or had to buy airline tickets to fly in the child -- at most he had to be polite to one of the more tame kids in the family. 9 Link to comment
CarolMK July 7, 2014 Share July 7, 2014 I'd be willing to bet that one of the main reasons that Jill's younger siblings want to hang out with her at her house is that she is a lot more fun to be with than Michelle is. I remember back when my older sister married when I was a teenager, her husband worked nights quite a bit and since she lived close by, I'd go over and listen to music and make cookies with her, stuff like that. It was also nice not being around parents while I was there, and yes, at 16 years old, I missed my sister a lot the first couple years she had married and moved out. They did move into a house 20 miles away about 3 years later and also had their first child later that year, but I'm glad they were close by the first couple of years of their marriage. I'm glad to see Jill's siblings going to her house to spend time with her there instead of Jill going to her parent's house to help them with chores and childcare. 11 Link to comment
Literata July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 I clearly need an intervention. I just brought myself up to speed on the Duggars' blog, and the comment about Boob "crying half the day" before Jill's wedding -- then making jokes to keep himself from crying further -- almost choked me up. Say what we will; the guy loves his kids. 1 Link to comment
parisprincess July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 Honestly, I don't sorry for Derrick at all. He's an adult who has some intelligence so whatever he's dealing with now (whether that be Jenny sleeping over or the other Duggar kids visiting), I don't feel an ounce of sympathy. He'll survive this. Has it been stated somewhere that Derrick is having problems concerning the Duggar kids and I've just missed it? 1 Link to comment
Rhondinella July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 Once again, thank you everyone, for not feeding the trolls. Link to comment
Almost 3000 July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 I always thought Jill the narc of the group but gotta say she's become one of my favorites and seems to have grown into a capable woman. Where she takes that remains to be seen but Derrick appears like he will help her along the way as she will him. 2 Link to comment
trimthatfat July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 (edited) Has it been stated somewhere that Derrick is having problems concerning the Duggar kids and I've just missed it? My point was more to the discussion upthread that he might not be happy, as a newlywed, to have his sister-in-law staying over so quickly. I was saying if he does not like that, I don't feel bad for him because he is intelligent and knows that Jill came with a ton of siblings she is very close to. I absolutely did not say he was having problems and was more discussing my opinion on if he did. Edited July 8, 2014 by trimthatfat 1 Link to comment
bigskygirl July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 My mother wanted her and my brother to move in with us after we were first married. She thought we should be taking care of her, and we should get rid of our cats because she is allergic to them. Obviously, she thought my main job was to take care of her and my two older siblings. End of long story, I kept my cats and no family are living with us. Link to comment
ChicksDigScars July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 Derrick has some LONG toes and fingers! You know what that means..... Yup. Big shoes and big gloves. :P I'm not at all surprised that Jenny has already spent the night. Nor do I think its strange. Jill has 18 siblings, most of them younger than she is. I would think it would be MORE unusual if she DIDN'T have them around and totally cut herself off. Derick knew what he was marrying into and he doesn't seem like the type that would mind. I wonder how his mom is doing. 4 Link to comment
Absolom July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 Erin Bates has done the same thing having siblings over frequently and some sleep overs. It probably helps ease the transition on both sides. Jill isn't used to not having tons of siblings around and the little kids miss her especially the ones on her buddy team. Although I can hope that Jill leaves ATI/Gothardism I think overall I think more highly of her for not abandoning her siblings than I'm worried that she sees them regularly. I think I'll wait a few months to see how it goes for a final decision. 2 Link to comment
Marigny July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 Two trains of thought on Jenny staying at Jill's: 1) Honestly, I wouldn't want her in the house two weeks afterwards because as most of us know in marriage and relationships, the first few...intimate weeks, shall we're going at it like bunnies. Non stop sexy time. Think Derrick is okay with his 7 yr old SIL potentially hearing that? Plus, as sex/ purity obsessed as the Duggars are, wouldn't Bitchelle and Boob be afraid of it possibly "defrauding" Jenny? Unless... 2) Bitchelle suggested it and did it on purpose. Jill can't conceive if she's afraid of Jenny overhearing, right? Thus Michelle doesn't have to worry about when Jill becomes a breeding machine. Pure speculation, of course. I'm willing to bet that Mullet tracks all of her girls' cycles and that the wedding date that she "suggested" lined up perfectly with ovulation week. That brings to mind another thought: Dill living in Boob's house. I doubt that they are living there rent free and I'm sure that Derrick can afford a nice one bedroom apartment closer to the office. I wonder if the house was offered to them as a way of making the newlyweds, especially Derrick, feel an obligation to Mullet & Boob. For example: "I really would rather not go to St. Pickle's Cathedral/come home from work to have random children in my house/have my in-laws pop up at my house unannounced but I don't feel comfortable saying anything since I'm living in their house." Or in Jill's case, they are letting them live in the house so she feels obligated to go to the house everyday and carry out duties like she never left. 4 Link to comment
MrMattyMatt July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 (edited) I wonder if the house was offered to them as a way of making the newlyweds, especially Derrick, feel an obligation to Mullet & Boob. I am thinking it is more of a dowry brought into the marriage. (with strings) I'm sure Derrick could afford a small house or apartment, but an entry-level accounting job wouldn't be a huge salary. I am assuming that he's more of accounts payable clerk or a general staff acountant. (even if it is Walmart Corporate) Edited July 8, 2014 by MrMattyMatt 2 Link to comment
bigskygirl July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 I crack up over the fact that Jill got a nicer house than Smuggar did when he got married. Of course, he got a crushy job, but it did take a while, even with the family name, to get it. Link to comment
bigskygirl July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 The look on Mullet's face scares me more than the dress. Creepy!!! Link to comment
Marigny July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 (edited) I crack up over the fact that Jill got a nicer house than Smuggar did when he got married. Of course, he got a crushy job, but it did take a while, even with the family name, to get it. I doubt that Smugs' take home from the car lot was enough to pay the rent on the kitten house. Edited July 8, 2014 by Marigny Link to comment
bigskygirl July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 What?! Smuggar was not a big success with the car lot. Please tell me it is not so!!! I am shock!!! Link to comment
abseedee July 8, 2014 Share July 8, 2014 (edited) I am thinking it is more of a dowry brought into the marriage. (with strings) I'm sure Derrick could afford a small house or apartment, but an entry-level accounting job wouldn't be a huge salary. I am assuming that he's more of accounts payable clerk or a general staff acountant. (even if it is Walmart Corporate) I was an accounting clerk for 27 years and believe it or not with no accounting degree and with a lower pay rate but I learned along the way and before I left the company I had a pretty good salary. I think entry level accountants with degrees currently average around more or less $50,000/year. Pretty good starting salary and if Derick and Jill are careful with their finances they could build a nice nest egg to eventually buy a home of their own. I can't get over Michelle's dress. It certainly looks exactly like what Kelly Bates wore at her son's wedding. Well except for the bib, lol. Is it just me or does anyone else think it enhances her boobs so making modesty not really work? Edited July 9, 2014 by abseedee 1 Link to comment
starfire July 9, 2014 Share July 9, 2014 What?! Smuggar was not a big success with the car lot. Please tell me it is not so!!! I am shock!!! I always figured that many of the car-buyers were probably fans of the show. Does Duggar Automotive still exist or did they sell it after Josh went to DC? Or maybe Boob is renting it out? Link to comment
MrMattyMatt July 9, 2014 Share July 9, 2014 I was an accounting clerk for 27 years and believe it or not with no accounting degree and with a lower pay rate but I learned along the way and before I left the company I had a pretty good salary. I think entry level accountants with degrees currently average around more or less $50,000/year. Pretty good starting salary and if Derick and Jill are careful with their finances they could build a nice nest egg to eventually buy a home of their own. Please don't think I was knocking an entry-level accounting salary. That was not my intention at all. I worked my way up in computer programming with no degree initially and totally agree with what you are saying. It's just that people hear "accounting" "Wallmart" "college" and suddenly it's assumed he has a six figure salary. I am sure they will do fine. Before TLC created the Duggar Dynasty, Jill was well trained on how to run a home economically. From what we have seen of Derrick he seems pretty sharp as well. 1 Link to comment
abseedee July 9, 2014 Share July 9, 2014 (edited) Please don't think I was knocking an entry-level accounting salary. That was not my intention at all. I worked my way up in computer programming with no degree initially and totally agree with what you are saying. It's just that people hear "accounting" "Wallmart" "college" and suddenly it's assumed he has a six figure salary. I am sure they will do fine. Before TLC created the Duggar Dynasty, Jill was well trained on how to run a home economically. From what we have seen of Derrick he seems pretty sharp as well. No worries. It didn't even occur to me that that is what you were doing. I was comparing my salary with no degree to Derick's with his degree and was thinking about what his salary might be and just wanted to point it out. ;) My company CPAs were making the six figures when I left but, that was after many years of service. So yeah, even with a degree it's not a given that you will automatically start with a six figure salary. Edited July 9, 2014 by abseedee Link to comment
abseedee July 9, 2014 Share July 9, 2014 Derick and Jill at IHOP's birthday celebration. $0.56 for a shortstack. Link to comment
Literata July 9, 2014 Share July 9, 2014 Derick and Jill at IHOP's birthday celebration. $0.56 for a shortstack. Mmm, pancakes. Seriously. Link to comment
Ljohnson1987 July 9, 2014 Share July 9, 2014 Jenny looks pissed in the Dill wedding pic of the flower girls. I guess she knows that she's lost her mommy. Poor Jenny. :( 3 Link to comment
maraleia July 9, 2014 Share July 9, 2014 Hey peeps can we please post in the correct threads. I'm finding lots of comments about Michelle and Jim-Bob in this thread and we have a thread for them. Link to comment
Rhondinella July 10, 2014 Share July 10, 2014 NOTE FROM THE MOD: I deleted all the Walmart talk, guys, cause it's off-topic. If you want to discuss things directly related to the specific job Derick does for Walmart, that's fine. But this is not the place to debate Walmart's overall policies and air your contempt for their practices. I have no doubt there are plenty of places online made specifically for that. Thanks. Link to comment
barbedwire July 10, 2014 Share July 10, 2014 Does anyone know if the money for the purchase or down payment for this house was actually what Jill has earned by being on the show ever since she turned 18 (and I assumed was suppose to legally get paid herself, being an adult and all)? My guess is that Jill had Jenny over at J'Shell's suggestion. I got married young and had a hard time not doing what mom and dad said. It took time to be able to say "no." Link to comment
Almost 3000 July 10, 2014 Share July 10, 2014 Jill didn't buy the house that Derrick and she are living in. It was one of JB's purchases and actually shown on the show as one of the houses all the kids helped clean out. Its known as the "kitten or cat house" because they found them inside when they were cleaning. Nice house, Jill scored! I think JB probably let them rent it because he knew Jill would be a great caretaker and Derrick could afford the monthly rent. Score for JB... Link to comment
bigskygirl July 10, 2014 Share July 10, 2014 (edited) Mmm, pancakes. Seriously. Nothing says romance than fifty six cents pancakes. *lol* Edited July 10, 2014 by bigskygirl Link to comment
Ljohnson1987 July 10, 2014 Share July 10, 2014 Dill are continuing Boob and J'Chelle's cheapskakeness. Come on! Link to comment
Spencer Hastings July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 (edited) Speaking from experience, I can see why Jill would come back from her honeymoon and immediately go see her siblings. I know we've been called here to snark and I can snark with the best of y'all, but I'm putting on my empathetic hat for a minute. I've seen speculation that it must be tough for Jenny and James to know that their buddy/mom has moved out, but I know how tough it must be on Jill as well. I grew up taking care of my younger brother and sister after school because my mom worked nights, and they started to think of me as more than just a big sister. While my friends were out having fun like regular teenagers, I was doing housework, helping with homework, entertaining, bathing, feeding two kids dinner, and putting them to bed every night. Because of that, my siblings and I are what some people would call unusually close. When I went to college, they called me every night on the phone and I'd go home every other weekend to help ease things up. A lot of my friends saw it as me being needy/co-dependent, but that transition was tough. So incredibly tough. I was 11 when I took over those household duties and I was 18 when I left for college. We bonded a lot during those years and I felt like I'd left my kids behind. I'm feeling it again as my younger sister is heading off to college. Jill may be feeling it as she's been doing this for most of her life and is now suddenly without any buddies. You feel a great deal of affection towards siblings that you raise and being away from them is like a mother being away from her children. I totally understand why Jill is taking them out. She didn't give birth to them or choose her life, but those are her babies in every way. It would be jarring for her to not see them once or twice a week at first, I'm sure. It wouldn't be a healthy transition for any of them and I'd probably be really worried about Jill if she didn't try to keep spending time with them. I know she shouldn't feel obligated to do so, but she probably needs to see them just as much as they need to see her. Jessa may run for the hills and never look back, but I see Jill being more involved and attached. I'm also betting that she knows her parents won't help with the transitional phase and that her buddies will be ignored just as much as Jessa's and Jinger's are. I can see her wanting them to continue feeling like somebody cares for them. Edited July 11, 2014 by Spencer Hastings 21 Link to comment
mythoughtis July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 There's nothing wrong with IHOP 56 cent pancakes! It's a perfectly normal American consumer way to save money. As is cutting your husband's hair. I would not cut my husbands because I would mess it up, but Jill has had plenty of practice. These two strike me as doing just fine right now. Doing perfectly unremarkable things like going out to eat. 16 Link to comment
bigskygirl July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 When my husband was in high school, his parents put in their will if someone would have happen to the both of them, he would have gotten custody of two of his three younger sisters. I do not know if he was ask about it, but he would have met the challenge head on. In the case of Jill, she was parenting her younger siblings because of her two selfish parents. Makes me want to slap Mullet and Jim Boob. Mother of the year for spreading her legs and getting knock up. Link to comment
Higgins July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Two trains of thought on Jenny staying at Jill's: 1) Honestly, I wouldn't want her in the house two weeks afterwards because as most of us know in marriage and relationships, the first few...intimate weeks, shall we're going at it like bunnies. Non stop sexy time. Think Derrick is okay with his 7 yr old SIL potentially hearing that? Plus, as sex/ purity obsessed as the Duggars are, wouldn't Bitchelle and Boob be afraid of it possibly "defrauding" Jenny? Unless... 2) Bitchelle suggested it and did it on purpose. Jill can't conceive if she's afraid of Jenny overhearing, right? Thus Michelle doesn't have to worry about when Jill becomes a breeding machine. Pure speculation, of course. Is it possible that they could control themselves for night? 5 Link to comment
starfire July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Is it possible that they could control themselves for night? LOL.. plus I tend to doubt they are screamers anyway. 3 Link to comment
kaleidoscope July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 Jill Duggar, Derick Dillard News: New Bride May Be Making Money Off Of Sponsored Posts On Instagram: Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard: Reality Show in the Works?! Link to comment
Portia July 11, 2014 Share July 11, 2014 If they're following the Gothard playbook, they're abstaining two weeks a month anyway. 2 Link to comment
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