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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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I've never been one to critize how they hold the baby or what the baby is wearing etc. But damn that video really bothered me. It was a 7 second window into the battle of the wills between a dad and child. Then the next logical question....why post that?

It pissed me off the way Dumbass Derick just flung him down on the bed. Morons.

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I think that Jill is a very pretty young woman, but I agree that her "look" is awful.


She reminds me a bit of a grown-up Josie -- like a neglected child. I realize that she is trying to affect a sort of hippy-dippy, shabby chic look, but she always looks -- to me -- like she doesn't own a comb, and doesn't really know what soap and water are for -- and the clothes!


Her clothes don'r fit her -- ever -- and they don't look like they were selected by a sighted person. The color and pattern combinations are hideous, and there is often a disconect in textures as well -- a lightweight knit skirt with a heavy sweater, topped off with one of those awful scarf things. And, everything she wears looks old and beat up like it has been though 100 washes and is just faded, stretched, and shabby.


She wore what was essentially a burka minus the hajib to Amy's wedding (of course she added just a splash of color with the mustard sweater!). It is beyond just a lack of clothes sense -- she has a bunch of sisters and a MIL who all looke reasonably well put together all the time, why not ask for a little advice? To me it is just another symptom of the Duggar arrogance. No need to spend 10 minutes putting together a nice outfit for Amy's special day -- why bother?


I am no fashionista, but I can manage to bathe and comb my hair, and put together an outfit that fits properly and looks good, and is appropriate to the occassion (and my personal style is very conservative and modest, too).


ETA: And they're on television, and in magazines! And they WANT to be on television and in magazines, but they can't be bothered to put on clean clothes and comb their hair (I'm including Derick in this). 

Edited by cmr2014
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Jill has 1.5 million followers on instagram. If 1% of them gave $1 per month = 15,000 per month tax free. (is that math right?)

-No accountability/transparency.

-They are in an impoverished nation.

-Liiving relatively cheap.

-Doing a mingling mission.

-While being paid by TLC.

At least they didn't name their kid Spurgeon.

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While posting in this topic, keep in mind the general guidelines and the following:

  • No gross or cruel nicknames for a baby.
  • Please no off topic discussion about governments, missionaries, healthcare and dentistry.


It's kinda funny considering Jill's new nephew's name.

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Jill has 1.5 million followers on instagram. If 1% of them gave $1 per month = 15,000 per month tax free. (is that math right?)

Or say, 3,000 people giving $5/month. Doesn't take much grift to live large in Guatemala. They'll be back soon though, I'm sure.

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Jill has 1.5 million followers on instagram. If 1% of them gave $1 per month = 15,000 per month tax free. (is that math right?)

-No accountability/transparency.

-They are in an impoverished nation.

-Liiving relatively cheap.

-Doing a mingling mission.

-While being paid by TLC.

At least they didn't name their kid Spurgeon.

Straight Out Of Tontitown

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jillmdillard2 years ago I traveled to Nepal with my dad to meet the sweetest most caring and amazing man ever! @derickdillard
I love you with all my ❤ babe! Leaving there and knowing I wasn't gonna get to see you for 60 days was so hard! Many nights I cried myself to sleep hugging your t-shirt! (Anyone who has been in a long distance relationship knows what I'm saying! ;-) So blessed to get to spend the rest of my forever with you mi amor! ❤


Jills most recent Instagram post. She had to be away from Derrick for a whole 60 days after knowing him for about a week. It was tragic!!!!!!! They sound so damn spoiled, even though I know they didn't grow up in a wealthy home. People have to spend months away from their spouses in the armed services, or because they can only find work in another state. They are just gross.

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They might be gross but I think this just shows Muffin's huge case of immaturity. She's operating with a middle school mindset. Maybe Jana has grown up a little or maybe she's just quiet. Probably the whole family is equally immature.

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They might be gross but I think this just shows Muffin's huge case of immaturity. She's operating with a middle school mindset. Maybe Jana has grown up a little or maybe she's just quiet. Probably the whole family is equally immature.



I think it's more than the immaturity, too.


Because their living patterns are so unusual, it's easy to forget that these people grew up in a family in which husband, wife and all the kids (even Grandma) might as well be sewn together. They're together all the time. Nobody ever goes out without others in their company, father doesn't seem to go out to work much and when he does it seems likely he takes a bunch of people with him, kids don't go to different schools or even into different classrooms, almost nobody goes out to work at any place other than home and when they do they haul along a sibling or two or a parent as an "accountability partner," etc. And they also are preached at constantly that this is the way that things should be. There's a level of togetherness and enmeshment and so on in their lifestyle that's just off the charts compared to the way most people live. So they find it literally unthinkable to be doing things as individuals or to be alone in a house or whatever. It just doesn't happen in the world they've always known. And they believe that it's unnatural and wrong for people to be on their own. I don't think it's at all surprising that they fear aloneness and separation. It'd be more surprising if they didn't, given the way the family lives and its beliefs.

Edited by Churchhoney
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I think it's more than the immaturity, too.


Because their living patterns are so unusual, it's easy to forget that these people grew up in a family in which husband, wife and all the kids (even Grandma) might as well be sewn together. They're together all the time. Nobody ever goes out without others in their company, father doesn't seem to go out to work much and when he does it seems likely he takes a bunch of people with him, kids don't go to different schools or even into different classrooms, almost nobody goes out to work at any place other than home and when they do they haul along a sibling or two or a parent as an "accountability partner," etc. And they also are preached at constantly that this is the way that things should be. There's a level of togetherness and enmeshment and so on in their lifestyle that's just off the charts compared to the way most people live. So they find it literally unthinkable to be doing things as individuals or to be alone in a house or whatever. It just doesn't happen in the world they've always known. And they believe that it's unnatural and wrong for people to be on their own. I don't think it's at all surprising that they fear aloneness and separation. It'd be more surprising if they didn't, given the way the family lives and its beliefs.

Enmeshment is the key word for these people. Becoming an adult is the process of separating. Nothing like that in the Duggar cult. Nineteen kids been denied the right to grow up. 

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Enmeshment is the key word for these people. Becoming an adult is the process of separating. Nothing like that in the Duggar cult. Nineteen kids been denied the right to grow up. 

So true. And on top of that, whether a male or female they are handed off from a parent to a spouse. So sad for the newlyweds - they never get a chance to try out their wings.

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I think it's more than the immaturity, too.


Because their living patterns are so unusual, it's easy to forget that these people grew up in a family in which husband, wife and all the kids (even Grandma) might as well be sewn together. They're together all the time. Nobody ever goes out without others in their company, father doesn't seem to go out to work much and when he does it seems likely he takes a bunch of people with him, kids don't go to different schools or even into different classrooms, almost nobody goes out to work at any place other than home and when they do they haul along a sibling or two or a parent as an "accountability partner," etc. And they also are preached at constantly that this is the way that things should be. There's a level of togetherness and enmeshment and so on in their lifestyle that's just off the charts compared to the way most people live. So they find it literally unthinkable to be doing things as individuals or to be alone in a house or whatever. It just doesn't happen in the world they've always known. And they believe that it's unnatural and wrong for people to be on their own. I don't think it's at all surprising that they fear aloneness and separation. It'd be more surprising if they didn't, given the way the family lives and its beliefs.

All of the togetherness is just another way to ensure that no one has an original thought or questions accepted beliefs. It's a narrow, fearful worldview that is self-reinforcing.

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Enmeshment is the key word for these people. Becoming an adult is the process of separating. Nothing like that in the Duggar cult. Nineteen kids been denied the right to grow up.

Jim Bob and Michelle's "parenting" is emotional blackmail/incest at it's finest. Michelle is the biggest blackmailer of all.

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Enmeshment is the key word for these people. Becoming an adult is the process of separating. Nothing like that in the Duggar cult. Nineteen kids been denied the right to grow up. 


Oh, they'll get the opportunity all right. Sadly though, it won't happen until Boob is gone. I think the loss of Me-chelle will not come close to the same level of "aftermath" and adjustment for the kids. Let's face it, she's not a very involved parent - in many cases, she's barely been involved at all. But the Last of Boob will be traumatic in ways we can't guess, and very different from the way things are when a mature child loses a parent.

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Oh, they'll get the opportunity all right. Sadly though, it won't happen until Boob is gone. I think the loss of Me-chelle will not come close to the same level of "aftermath" and adjustment for the kids. Let's face it, she's not a very involved parent - in many cases, she's barely been involved at all. But the Last of Boob will be traumatic in ways we can't guess, and very different from the way things are when a mature child loses a parent.


It will be like conquering a drug addiction. Boob is the core of this dysfunction, and Mechelle is the ultimate enabler. Some of these kids will never grow up, even when the parents are gone. Others will survive and perhaps even make an adult life of their own. It won't be easy or complete for any of them.


I often wonder who the leghumpers are who champion this family. Some may be fundie girls who have access to social media, but more, I suspect, are lonely young adults who see an idealized family they have had. It's very sad because the Duggars are not a healthy family . 

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Jill crying herself to sleep after spending a few days with Derick?  Sounds to me like she gave away a big old hunk of her heart to the guy, and before she was married or even engaged.  Isn't their wonderful system supposed to prevent that?

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Jill crying herself to sleep after spending a few days with Derick?  Sounds to me like she gave away a big old hunk of her heart to the guy, and before she was married or even engaged.  Isn't their wonderful system supposed to prevent that?


Yeah, according to the absolutely baseless theory they use to describe their system. But since their system is really just made up out of whole cloth as an additional way to control and limit people, it ends up having the exact opposite effect of what their pretend theory suggests it will (as anybody who actually thought it through for half a second would figure out).


It's so ironic that they busily forbid fantasy when literally everything they preach is total fantasy, based on nothing but Jim Boob's and Gothard's desire to run other people's lives for their own purposes and their own delectation.


Truly, these kids have just about no chance of comprehending reality at all, after what they've been told about it. If a handful of them are really smart, maybe in time they can figure out how nonsensical the stuff is that they've been basing their lives on. But so far no Duggar kid looks very smart at all.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Now, Jill says that they had a LDR. Weren't they COURTING? DIdn't they make a big deal about just this point, like, over and over and over and over again? How long until Muffy talks about her first "date?" Jessa has already done this; funny how they can co-opt normal people-speak when it suits them. In these cases, it's entirely to stay relevant, and maybe even a little, dare I say it, hip. 


As for Muffy's writing: yet another F. She starts off with a list that has no commas, and it goes downhill from there. :D

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Don't you have to be in an actual, romantic relationship with someone in order to have a long distance relationship? I thought courting was just getting to know someone? Skyping with Mommy and Daddy babysitting you nearby doesn't mean shit. How can that even be considered romantic? Sorry, Jilly Muffin, but that's not a relationship. When it comes down to it, Derick was the the only person that made Jill tingly "down there" and she LUSTED after him. How sinful! But bitch is delusional as hell and considers this LOVE.

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Yeah, according to the absolutely baseless theory they use to describe their system. But since their system is really just made up out of whole cloth as an additional way to control and limit people, it ends up having the exact opposite effect of what their pretend theory suggests it will (as anybody who actually thought it through for half a second would figure out).


It's so ironic that they busily forbid fantasy when literally everything they preach is total fantasy, based on nothing but Jim Boob's and Gothard's desire to run other people's lives for their own purposes and their own delectation.


Truly, these kids have just about no chance of comprehending reality at all, after what they've been told about it. If a handful of them are really smart, maybe in time they can figure out how nonsensical the stuff is that they've been basing their lives on. But so far no Duggar kid looks very smart at all.

They're all just making shit up as they go along, and then changing the rules as it suits them ! For something that they crow about endlessly it's a mystery to even THEM. It's courting, not dating, but it's a relationship, but it's not. You're courting, not dating, so you don't give away pieces of your heart, unless, of course, you do, and then you're no longer courting, but because you weren't dating then you still have your heart. Or you don't. Or something. 


Now, Jill says that they had a LDR. Weren't they COURTING? DIdn't they make a big deal about just this point, like, over and over and over and over again? How long until Muffy talks about her first "date?" Jessa has already done this; funny how they can co-opt normal people-speak when it suits them. In these cases, it's entirely to stay relevant, and maybe even a little, dare I say it, hip. 


As for Muffy's writing: yet another F. She starts off with a list that has no commas, and it goes downhill from there. :D

I know, right ?!?! I love your use of the word "co-opt" here ! It's like they say they are stalwart and faithful in their ways, planting their hands on their hips and stomp their feet to declare that THIS is the way they are, the righteous, Godly way, blah, blah, blah, but in order to avoid being too "out there" they slyly populate their social media postings with words and phrases that any "normal" 20 year-old would use. If they're not reading their own press obsessively and then responding as F.U. Internetz at every turn I will eat my hat ! 


Adding insult to injury is, as you noted, the atrocious grammar and phrasing. The Dillard Family Blog reads like the diary of a tween, and I think that's actually insulting to tweens. 


Is it just me, or is Jill replicating, for whatever reason, Michelle's pop-eyed, googley stare ? In the last few photos of her that I've seen she has that look that Michelle has perfected - as the comedian Dennis Miller put it in the late 90s - "freshly tasered"...

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Jill is only mimicking what she knows, and unfortunately, her "motherly" role model is Mechelle. 


As for courting/dating/whatever the fuck they're calling it this week, the Duggar Goal Posts keep shifting. I can't keep their rules straight anymore. 

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jillmdillard2 years ago I traveled to Nepal with my dad to meet the sweetest most caring and amazing man ever! @derickdillard

I love you with all my ❤ babe! Leaving there and knowing I wasn't gonna get to see you for 60 days was so hard! Many nights I cried myself to sleep hugging your t-shirt! (Anyone who has been in a long distance relationship knows what I'm saying! ;-) So blessed to get to spend the rest of my forever with you mi amor! ❤

Jills most recent Instagram post. She had to be away from Derrick for a whole 60 days after knowing him for about a week. It was tragic!!!!!!! They sound so damn spoiled, even though I know they didn't grow up in a wealthy home. People have to spend months away from their spouses in the armed services, or because they can only find work in another state. They are just gross.

I wonder if Jill had anything to do with Derick resigning from Walmart. She was making three round trips to Walmart HQ each day to spend as much time with him as she could and but I don't think it was enough for her.
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I wonder if Jill had anything to do with Derick resigning from Walmart. She was making three round trips to Walmart HQ each day to spend as much time with him as she could and but I don't think it was enough for her.


I think that Jill had everything to do with Derick resigning (or being fired) from WalMart. It's not just that Jill is a clingy, needy, tween, it's that this is part of the Gothard lifestyle. Men are supposed to work for themselves, not corporations. At WalMart. Derick was not able to have an "accountbility partner" breathing down his neck every second that he was away from Jill.


I also think that the weird disconnect between the "not giving away pieces of your heart" courting relationship and the reminiscenses of their (less than two year old) "love story" are pure Gothard-speak, too. When they are "courting" they are in a competition to prove how spiritual and non-physical their relationships are. Once they are married, it's a new competition to prove how romantic their "love story" is and how deeply in love they are. This allows those of us who do not follow their ways to truly understand how inferior we are, and how hopelessly inferior our own "love stories" really are.


I think that this is part of the Gothard playbook where young women are encouraged -- especially when they are not particularly happy in their relationship -- to publically state how wonderful and Godly their spouse is, and how lucky they are to have such an amazing "headship."

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As I recall most of us were posting a lot about the neediness of Jill and the driving him to and from work and going there for lunch as well.  I can think of a lot of names for Derick that we implied he was, including one that means a cat.  We couldn't believe he didn't tell her to get off his back.  We smirked at how ridiculous it must have seemed to his co-workers.  We speculated he spent most of his time texting.  We made fun of her dependent, teensy behavior, and we were amazed that Derick got so much time off.  GEML had it all worked out that he didn't really take that much time off, but despite her calculations, I'm sure he did.  Nothing he did in his year of work ever struck me as being normal.  If I had the opportunity to sack his ass, I would have.  Grow up Derick.   

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As I recall most of us were posting a lot about the neediness of Jill and the driving him to and from work and going there for lunch as well.  I can think of a lot of names for Derick that we implied he was, including one that means a cat.  We couldn't believe he didn't tell her to get off his back.  We smirked at how ridiculous it must have seemed to his co-workers.  We speculated he spent most of his time texting.  We made fun of her dependent, teensy behavior, and we were amazed that Derick got so much time off.  GEML had it all worked out that he didn't really take that much time off, but despite her calculations, I'm sure he did.  Nothing he did in his year of work ever struck me as being normal.  If I had the opportunity to sack his ass, I would have.  Grow up Derick.   


I agree. If I had been Derick's supervisor, I would have been looking for every possible reason to like him, since I probably would have known his mother and wanted him to do well. But instead of working hard and trying to make a good impression, Derick took every possible vacation day, and took advantage of every possible bit of goodwill I might have had for him. His job seemed to be something that interferred with his filming time and his photo-shoot time, and I would have lost patience long before his first anniversary. If he wasn't fired, he would have been at the top of my short list of people who could be let go if the company wanted to lay off employees.

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Imagine if Jilly Muffin had her heart broken. Jill has the mind of a 12yo. The fun die lifestyle did nothing for her. Now imagine if God forbid derrick dies or divorces her. What will she do? What if derrick was in the army, or policeman? He would be away a lot.

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Now, Jill says that they had a LDR. Weren't they COURTING? DIdn't they make a big deal about just this point, like, over and over and over and over again? How long until Muffy talks about her first "date?" Jessa has already done this; funny how they can co-opt normal people-speak when it suits them. In these cases, it's entirely to stay relevant, and maybe even a little, dare I say it, hip. 


As for Muffy's writing: yet another F. She starts off with a list that has no commas, and it goes downhill from there. :D

Well considering the Duggar 19 can't mature past teenage-hood, there is really no such thing as courting. Even before the courting stage, the minute dad says it is okay to smile at each other, the girls are upstairs writing their names with their suitors last names and hearts all over the page. It's just not realistic.


And, I'm curious to know how Jill even knows the phrase - long distance relationship - even exists. It's not like she just strung those words together naturally.

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This is just one more post that underlines my complete confusion about "courting". These are arranged marriages. We know they're arranged, and yet all of the folks in them are somehow obligated to blog ad nauseum (emphasis on the nausea) about how 110%-over-the-moon-you-sinners-especially-teh-gays-could-never-possibly-understand in love they are. Is it the teenage mentality that the cult encourages? Over the top delight in finally being able to acknowledge sexual impulses? I'm lost here. 

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I used to catch the show for a few minutes while channel changing, and always found something off about it. To have such a strong reaction that she cried herself to sleep almost every night, Jill must have been very lonely. I can't imagine such a controlled life; one where I would not be allowed to read what books I want or go shopping when I want, or to make and meet friends or make any of my own decisions. No wonder she was so lonely and clingy. It is very sad.

Edited by madfortv
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