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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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It's not like Michelle came up with the phrase "cause others to be defrauded". This is straight from Gothard, the pervert.



Is he also the one who coined the phrase "catch a baby"?  I swear these people say the strangest things.  I feel like Inigo Montoya all, "You keep using that word.  I do not think it means what you think it means."


JimBoob no doubt came up and made a big speech about how this would be the couple's 1st smooch before personally giving the go ahead and then standing by with his trademark shit eating grin. It's always all about JB and Mullet no matter what the occasion.



Oh, God I hope not.  Although I can't figure out what else he would be doing standing AT THE ALTER at his daughter's wedding.  Don't dads traditionally sit down after walking the bride down the aisle?  Maybe he was a groomsman?  That seems weird.  Please tell me he didn't stand there through the whole ceremony making sure they didn't have any illicit contact until after the magic pronouncement that they were married.  I could see him doing that.

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New pic




Sorry,we were posting at the same time


I am defrauded by Jill's knees

Haha, I just saw that.  Maybe I've never noticed but have the other Duggar girls pull their hair back like that?  Good for Jill, she looks normal and not like a clone. 

Edited by abseedee
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You know, I try really hard to not think about these people having sex.  Having said that, I can't help but be concerned when these sheltered girls are thrown into marriage with it's incredible intimacy.  Having seen the Instagram pic above, I think we can stop worrying about Jill.  She seems very satisfied.  Good on Derick.


By the way, maybe we can encourage Jill to delay, or at least slow down, the baby making machine, by telling her that days spent cuddling in your hubby's lap are long gone when the rug rats start coming. 

Edited by RedheadZombie
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It's my understanding that the long wavy hair is to please the headship, and to catch a man. Jill caught the man, and if her new headship doesn't mind the hair pulled back, she can go crazy.

Well then, like others have said, baby steps.  I'm sure Derick wouldn't mind Jill doing other things and she probably won't be able to go from here to there overnight but hopefully it won't take her too long to adapt. 

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Have JB and Mullet stated that the Duggar girls are not allowed to wear their hair up?  I have seen some of the older Duggar girls wearing their hair pulled back/up a time or two. This link shows Jill with a braid and Jessa with a side pony.


There's some pics here of a younger Jessa in braids, Jana and Jessa with their hair back, Johannah with ponytails, etc..



That family has so much hair......too much hair.....and it must get so hot in the Arkansas summers wearing it down all the time. Oftentimes when I see the 4 oldest girls posed together I just want to jump through the TV screen and trim a foot or two off their hair.

Edited by starfire
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I think Derick & Jill look perfectly normal. They're newlyweds and very much in love with each other. I don't think they're flaunting anything at all. Besides, they never had a chance to act like a normal couple (except for the hand holding). This will probably wear off because I don't think Derick is a horn dog like Boob.

I'm snarking. Of course it's normal to normal people. But to Ben & Jessa, it might seem defrauding.

Jill looks really happy. I'm sure there were some awkward moments the first couple nights, but I don't get the vibe that Jill is shell-shocked or traumatized from losing her virginity.

On another note, I saw the selfie that Jessa took of the girls getting ready for the wedding, and Joy Anna is stunning. She looks like Jessa's twin when she's all dolled up.

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Seriously, Jill looks beautiful in the newly posted photos; I used to think she was among the plainer of the Duggar girls, but time has proven me wrong; she really has turned out to be quite lovely. No doubt, her personality helps in that regard, as I don't find Jessa nearly as striking anymore. Not that what I think matters, and I really don't like snarking about looks ... and after all, everyone in the family is conventionally attractive. But marriage agrees with our girl Jill, to be sure.


Speaking of marriage, I've been wondering: Remember how Boob had the scripted-but-still-horrifying sex talk with Smuggar before Smug and Anna got married? Do we think Michelle had any type of sex talk with Jill? I'm hoping someone at least prepared Jill for the fact that things may be a little uncomfortable at first, or that she was at least allowed to read about  what it might be like to do the deed. Didn't Boob give Smuggar some fundie sex manual? Do they have one of those for women?

Edited by Literata
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I get the impression that the Duggar's as a whole have left the word decorum and couth out of their dictionary while insisting that they are the personification of modesty. And full to the brim with pride they are! "We're so modest we think our 4 year old daughter showing her arms in a dress will sexually titillate viewers!"

  • Love 4

Jill has the advantage over most other Gothard girls.  First of all, she has learned that (at least during labor) a woman's body is nothing to be ashamed of.  No matter how conservative her midwifery books are, there would be A&P which would include clitoris, etc.  I would think she would have learned at least a little about human sexuality.  I still remember my surprise when I took this class in college, and not only were there very explicit diagrams, but there were also long detailed descriptions of the stages in an orgasm.  It also differentiated the male and female experience.


I refuse to believe that, at least after becoming engaged, Jill did not seek out some of this info.  It is not salacious, just cut and dried medical facts.  She also probably has a superior understanding over the whole reproductive system, and hopefully figured out that once you go off birth control pills (like that slutty Michelle) there is no way it would cause a miscarriage in a subsequent pregnancy.  She also will have that helpful knowledge about peeing after sex to avoid UTIs, etc. 


I'm curious to see if Jill ever pursues nursing.  I'm a nurse, and it's very difficult to work in a field based in science, while also being a person who denies science.  I'm curious to see her evolution (couldn't resist). 


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 She also probably has a superior understanding over the whole reproductive system, and hopefully figured out that once you go off birth control pills (like that slutty Michelle) there is no way it would cause a miscarriage in a subsequent pregnancy.  She also will have that helpful knowledge about peeing after sex to avoid UTIs, etc. 




Yeah, I don't know.  We're making the assumption she actually had regular A&P like you did.  They probably have a Fundie A&P book that labels the clitoris as the Devil's Pleasure Button and the short chapter "You're a Woman, You Don't Need to Worry About Male Anatomy".  And that UTI's are God's punishment for too much recreative sex.


Obviously I'm making broad assumptions for humor's sake, but I doubt she knows too much

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It was a video interview with the wedding dress supplier. Near the end Josie runs by and has her dress on with out the jacket. (They are at home on the porch at this point.) Michelle picks her up and tries to cover up her perfectly innocent bare arm with her hands and says, "oh no, speaking of modesty, where is your jacket Jos?" That's a paraphrase from memory.

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After the wedding, Michelle was having a discussion with the woman who owns the shop where Jill bought her dress. This took place in front of the Duggar compound. At one point during the discussion, Josie emerged from the house wearing her sleeveless flower girl dress without the modesty jacket. At first the women don't notice or pay any attention to the 4-year-old. However, when Josie finally wanders over to Michelle and Michelle sees her, she lifts Josie up and awkwardly places her hand over Josie's shoulder and then shifts her own body to the side to shield Josie's exposed shoulders from the viewers so as not to defraud anybody. She also asks what happened to the jacket. She is clearly embarrassed. The video is available at duggarsblogspot.blogspot.com but you have to scroll down to the second page.

Edited by Hpmec
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That whole scenario about Michelle being embarrassed by Josie's arms/shoulders showing - geezo pete that is so messed up.  I know we all snark about this family and so forth, but seriously - there just about has to be some mental health issues going on for her to really believe that way - doesn't there?  I'm also curious if Jim Bob thinks this way too or does he just let her set the tone and go along with it?  Does/did he ever bathe his baby girls or was that off limits to him?  It just all makes me so sad - Duggar World is such a strange place...  

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My mom was raised Catholic, and I remember so clearly a book that I found when I was about 12.  It was called "Sane Sex Life", and was given to her by a priest before she married.  I remember because it so explictly described the missionary position-lay flat on your back with your heels in the back of his knees.  And described how after the male finished, he should withdraw and you put a folded towel between your legs and immediately roll onto your side.


I kid you not.  And it scared the crap out of me, partly because it sounded so boring-no mention of pleasure, or feelings, or the woman at all.  But mostly I was scared that I would get caught reading it!  Years later, I figured out that it was total bulls**t, but I never forgot it.


Sure hope that Jill didn't have to read anything like that in her "bridal package." 


Love the pic of her sitting on Derrick's lap.  They look happy.  That's what a week away from the dog and pony show does for you!

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Thanks for telling me where to find that video it's Michelle and Josie. Wiggity wack. A four-year-old shoulders are going to defraud someone?

I mean there are just some days relaxing at home when you need to let the body breathe a little. I'm a psychologist and sometimes I take off my jacket and I have just a sleeveless shirt. I hate to think what they'd think of me. To be fair, I do have a client who is Morman, and when he comes I try to keep the arms covered out of respect.

Edited by H.E. Pennypacker
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UGH the cheap looking dresses and the ugly shoes are a huge NO! Belts with a bridesmaid dress who does that????? Why couldn't Jill have picked a long dress to avoid the modesty issue because the white slip thing is just krazy. Jessa feet look dirty and they all should have gotten real haircuts before the wedding. Pictures are forever and  they are not flattering in the least.


The cake ummm it's nice for a shower but not professional enough for a wedding. Even Erin  Bates had a more beautiful cake and they are poor in comparison.


IDK I expected better since they said they had a wedding planner. This wedding looked like it got slapped together in a week. I hope Jessa learns from Jill's mistakes and goes with a better theme.


I know everyone keep saying the wedding should have been better because they are "rich" but I completely disagree. First, TLC wages are GROSSLY inflated on message boards. Sure, they've made some decent money, but I'd be surprised if they've earned even 2 million over all the years of shows. Second, while they might have done a better job on the hems of the dresses or picked less ugly shoes, Jill got the wedding she wanted. From what I've read about her Pintrest, it sounds like everything we've seen has been exactly Jill's dream wedding. So good for her. I don't see Jill being comfortable with the wedding Princess Erin had. I can't see Jill knowing how much money would be spent (wasted) on one day and being okay with it. Jessa, maybe, Princess Erin, obviously, but Jill, no. And not for nothing, the Bates would have been much better served without spending so much money. They don't have steady income like the Duggars do, don't have health insurance for their kids, and Gil was (is?) borrowing grocery money from one of his sons since he can't afford to feed his family. 

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JillyDilly has a new Instagram photo today, bringing a picnic basket to meet up with hubby for lunch. He must have gone right back to work after the honeymoon. 




I agree that as far as the older Duggar girls, Jill blossomed once the braces came off, but since Derick came into the picture, she simply glows and looks gorgeous. You really don't see that with Jessa. She's gorgeous, but she always has been. She doesn't have that "I'm-so-in-love-pinch-me" look. 

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Are they renting the house from JB or living there rent-free, if it's known? That is some house -- just looking at the kitchen and the grill, that doesn't seem like a starter home to me; it looks pretty upscale. If JB is providing this to Jill and Derick, does he intend to provide a similar home to all of his daughters and in-laws? I can't imagine it. I wonder how Jessa is feeling right now -- her sister is married to a man with an education and a future and they already have a gorgeous home. Meanwhile her man is a freshman in college, fixing windshields on the side and will not have the type of income Derick has (which I'm not suggesting is huge - but a young professional's salary must seem like a big deal to these guys), and they're more likely to have the type of home that Josh and Anna started with.

What hit me today is Jill now has actual health insurance through Derick's job at Walmart. I wonder if that is the first thing that will set off a tidal wave for them to leave Gothardism behind. I can already see the changes in her face. It's like a weight has been lifted off of her shoulders. I really hope she continues her midwife training because she really loves it and the extra money or bartering for goods can't hurt them as they learn how to live as a married couple.

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I thought JB had the entire family on insurance. Jill is still in the honeymoon stage. Once the babies, bills, and things all married couples deal with on a daily basis, the stress will catch up with her. I hope she does not end up like Mullet and Anna with the dopey look on their faces when the look at their husbands, and not popping out or worrying why baby number x has not been conceived yet.

Edited by bigskygirl

I must say it's nice to see a picture of Derick grilling. I know even Josh grills, but it's nice that in the early days of marriage -- Derick is already stepping up and doing things around the house instead of thinking "wife -- where's my dinner?" Nice to see Jill with James as well. She is like a mom to "her" kids so I'm sure after 1-2 weeks of being away and probably not interacting with them too much on the wedding day, she's missed them and they've missed her; I'm sure Derick won't want their house to be a continuous Duggar slumber party, but with Derick working, she can at least see some of her siblings during the day on the days where she doesn't have midwifery commitments of her own.

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Yeah, the implications there are icky and I don't like to think about them.

I think it borders on psychotic.

JillyDilly has a new Instagram photo today, bringing a picnic basket to meet up with hubby for lunch. He must have gone right back to work after the honeymoon. 




I agree that as far as the older Duggar girls, Jill blossomed once the braces came off, but since Derick came into the picture, she simply glows and looks gorgeous. You really don't see that with Jessa. She's gorgeous, but she always has been. She doesn't have that "I'm-so-in-love-pinch-me" look.

That's a super-nice kitchen in that Instagram pic. Is that their house!?!?

Yes. It's the "kitten house" from an older Duggar episode. Boob/Mullet own the house in their Trust. JD's house is on the same street. So, sadly, it seems that they will be influenced much more strongly by her family than his. Their attendance last Sunday at the Church of the Holy Airplane Hangar saddened me. I hope they go to his church too, and figure out which church works for THEM, not for Jill trying to keep in her family's good graces.


Piecing together the IG pics, Jilly and James went shopping on Monday, not early Tuesday before she met Derick at work for lunch. He wore the same shirt in a group shot taken at the TTH with the 7 youngest kids (James being the cutoff at 12/almost 13).


Cute pic of Derick grilling in his hippie sandals (have we EVER seen a Duggar male in sandals?). Too bad we know the truth about the guy and this is an anomaly.

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Cute picture of grillmeister Derick on Jill's Instagram this morning.  Also one of her in the car after grocery shopping with James.  James? Really?  As a married woman, surely she is allowed to go to the store alone now.  At least her car wasn't full of Howlers.

That is one really expensive grill!  I was recently shopping for grills.  A new one like that runs $1,500 or more.  This one is built in, so it could be more.  Isn't this grill part of the house they are "renting" from JimBoob?  It probably was already on the property.  Or JimBoob acquired it at a restaurant auction, the way they supposedly acquired their industrial kitchen equipment. 

The picture of them being at the 'home church' was disappointing.  Hopefully they are alternating church services until Jill feels comfortable at Derick's.  I was really hoping (but pessimistic about it) that Jill would move that direction, rather than Derick moving to the Duggar cult.   It could still work out though, it usually takes young newlyweds a couple years to develop their own sense of a family unit.  Until then, I have concerns of Jim Bob and Michelle interfering.  I think a young man with 4 years at a public university and 2 years in Nepal is going to resent that interference.


JD's house may be on the same street, but word was that he had it rented out.  So, I doubt that JD is on that street all that much.

I just saw a few new pictures on the Duggar family blog.  Apparently the 4 little flower girls walked down the aisle each carrying a sign.  The 4 signs together read "Here comes your bride".  The attendants stood at the altar in pairs as the couple made their vows.  Do you think Jill promised to 'obey'?  It's not in most services anymore.

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