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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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There was a lot of debate about this on TWOP when the episode aired. Some people swear they were wearing clear gloves and others say bare hands. I'm going to investigate and I'll edit my post with my verdict. 


ETA: Netflix is amazing. Their hands were indeed bare. There was a big close-up shot of it. 

I recall that debate.  She definitely had bare hands.  I am sure worse things have gone on with food I have eaten at restaurants that I didn't see.  But that scene was just GROSS.

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I went to a wedding catered by Chick-fil-a. You went down the line and picked up your sandwich, your fries, a dessert, and a drink. The Duggars could do that if they want a sit down meal. 

I'm just so curious... did they lie to the guests about the chicken being cooked in peanut oil?  I feel like one of these days Chick-fil-A will be on the news for killing someone, but I've always wondered if it'll be at one of their restaurants or a catered event.

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I'm just so curious... did they lie to the guests about the chicken being cooked in peanut oil?  I feel like one of these days Chick-fil-A will be on the news for killing someone, but I've always wondered if it'll be at one of their restaurants or a catered event.

Uh...I know this is waaaaaaay off topic, but CFA uses peanut oil? We don't eat there because there's not one near us but my son has a peanut allergy...good to know for the future.

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I'm just so curious... did they lie to the guests about the chicken being cooked in peanut oil?

I don't recall the type of oil it was cooked in being brought up at all.  This was like 15+ years ago though, not many people had allergies then.

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2 days till Jill becomes the first Duggar daughter to experience the (hopefully joy) of a penis! 

I remember this older member in my church talking to us about her experience having sex for the first time when she got married. It sounded terrible. Basically, she grew up with strict 7th day adventist parents and was not allowed to even look at boys after she went through puberty. Then all of a sudden when she hit like 18, 19 she was being pressured by her mom and being asked why she didn't have a boyfriend. There was no dating and every interaction had to be supervised by her family. She met a guy and got engaged. Her mom never told her what to expect on the first night. SHe didn't know what an orgasm was or that she was supposed to enjoy the act of sex. She said that she was very uncomfortable getting naked in front of her husband for the first time and when they had sex, it hurt like crazy every time. But she thought that's what it was supposed to be like for the woman. They eventually divorced and she left the church and discovered the joys of sex. Now she's remarried and back n the church and says that she has a much better love life now. She talked about how she never understood how you're expected to hide yourself and your sexuality from a guy and then in one night you're supposed to get over it and become involved in one of the most intimate acts with another person. 

I feel sorry for girls like that and I pray that Jill's first time isn't terrible. I just think it's so weird to go from never kissing to having sex in one day. Have they even smelled each other's farts yet? I know I didn't fart around my fiance for the first 6 months of our relationship. Also, I'm not saying that you HAVE to have sex with someone before you marry them, but there's nothing wrong with kissing and a little touching, just to know if you're compatible. And if you don't believe in that, there's nothing wrong having private conversations and alone time. How can you really know someone if all of your conversations are supervised. Of course everyone will say the right things in fear of messing up. I don't know man. This whole thing is weird, but I guess it worked for Josh and Anna so it might work for Jill and Derrick.

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Uh...I know this is waaaaaaay off topic, but CFA uses peanut oil? We don't eat there because there's not one near us but my son has a peanut allergy...good to know for the future.


Yep, they do (they brag about it here: http://www.chick-fil-a.com/Food/Ingredients). I've been there twice (only because my husband loves the place).  One time they told me that they don't use peanut oil and another time they told me they do but that it's the "safe" kind. No thank you. I didn't eat either time and we haven't been back. Sorry... I'll get back on topic now too.

She talked about how she never understood how you're expected to hide yourself and your sexuality from a guy and then in one night you're supposed to get over it and become involved in one of the most intimate acts with another person.I feel sorry for girls like that and I pray that Jill's first time isn't terrible. I just think it's so weird to go from never kissing to having sex in one day. Have they even smelled each other's farts yet?


That makes so much sense. I mean how do you go from "gasp!" holding hands to sex.  I hope it's a good experience for her also but I definitely worry about her.


And call me silly if you must but I can't stop laughing about the farts.

Edited by NikSac
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I imagine sex with Josh is akin to doing it with a bloated corpse.

I think Derick and Jill have a ton of physical attraction to one another, so hopefully they'll be okay once the awkward jitters wear off.

Jana is the MOH, correct? Thus far she's been in Josh's wedding, Pris' wedding and now Jill's. Homegirl better find a man quick. She's starting to resemble a Fundie version of 27 Dresses.

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I have feeling Smugger knew a lot more about sex than we're led to believe. 


Not that I sit and think about what the "first time" will be like for any of these people, but I have a feeling that Jill's might be special.  As for Jessa, it'll probably be over in less than a minute and Bin will be asking her to make Chicken Alfredo and Apple Pie.

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Dill's gift registry (courtesy of MSN.com):


"Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard's wedding registry includes guns, cereal and duct tape

Are Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard planning a honeymoon or a stakeout after they get hitched on Saturday? E! unearthed a wedding registry for the "19 Kids and Counting" couple and let's just say it's as unconventional as their parents' approach to baby-making. In addition to plain old housewares, they've requested gifts including neon duct tape; a shotgun, rifle and ammunition; cereal (only the good stuff, like Cookies and Cream, Fruit Loops, Malt-O-Meal Berry Colossal Crunch Cereal and Malt-O-Meal Fruity Dyno-Bites) and a tape measure. They've also asked for gift cards to fast food joints like Taco Bell and Burger King. Other items include that classic wedding keepsake, a lint remover, and basketball. Here's hoping they plan to shoot hoops and measure their waistlines after consuming a few days' worth of Beefy 5-Layer Burritos and Froot Loops. Whew, good luck, kids."

Wow. Happy breakfast, kids.

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Jeez, I thought it was bad enough that they were registering for 2 vacuums, 2 irons, 4,000 sets of towels, etc.  But guns, Fruit Loops and Burger King cards?  Give me a break.  I like these two but they need some serious registry etiquette lessons, like not putting the entire store on your registry just because you can.  


I didn't see any of the Bates kids registering for silly stuff like this.  

Edited by SaharaTea
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Jeez, I thought it was bad enough that they were registering for 2 vacuums, 2 irons, 4,000 sets of towels, etc.  But guns, Fruit Loops and Burger King cards?  Give me a break.  I like these two but they need some serious registry etiquette lessons, like not putting the entire store on your registry just because you can.  


I didn't see any of the Bates kids registering for silly stuff like this.  


I personally think etiquette lessons in general would help. Or at least some self-restraint. 

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I'm surprised that Jill didn't register for pregnancy tests. I bet Mullet has many left over.

I doubt she'd share. She probably takes one every month because she's so desperate to produce another miracle.
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I doubt she'd share. She probably takes one every month because she's so desperate to produce another miracle.

They probably buy cartloads at Aldi so she can use one everytime she needs to take a tinkle.  You never know when the Lord may allow her to catch a baby!

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You'd think some of these mass-market stores would programmatically restrict a few of the categories of items that can be added to regisitries, especially groceries.

IIRC, Smug included candy in his registry. They must have received a LOT.

Too bad we don't have an address. I'd lead a campaign to send rolls and rolls of duct tape. At first I was thinking of boxes of cereal, but that would be too useful. How much can they possibly do with neon duct tape?

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How much can they possibly do with neon duct tape?

My oldest has made a wallet, makeup bag, purse, belt, hair accessories & a bouquet. She considered making a tank top but she sort of OD'd on the duct tape crafts & has taken a break. Although she has more than just neon colors. She loves using the stuff but if she ever got engaged & tried to put it on a wedding gift registry we'd be having a serious little talk.

It's been awhile since I've done wedding gift shopping. I'm in the in between time of kids too young & friends already done or doing it by themselves. Still some things seem obvious to me. Napkins? Yes. Sanitary napkins? No. Cereal bowls? Yes. Cereal? No. Burger flipping utensil? Yes. Burger King gift cards? No. I thought it was odd a zillion years when I got paper towels as a wedding gift. Maybe I'm just a gift giving & receiving dud.

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I can't get past the gun.

Maybe it's to chase Boob and Mullet away when they've overstayed their welcome or bring up innapproprolately personal questions.

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A gun has no business on a wedding registry. Neither does food and fast food gift cards. Seriously, they come across as a couple of clueless rubes. I can almost forgive Jill. As the spawn of JimBoob and J'Chelle, she can't be expected to have any sense of wedding etiquette. But Derick, the university grad who came across in Nepal as self-sufficient and reasonably intelligent, should know better.

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Hi - first time poster - lurker for a while now so I finally made an account because I actually have a question - sorry if it's already been discussed.


I am curious as to why they made their wedding registry public? I mean, they have other links on their wedding website set to private which one would need a password to view (for example the ceremony and reception pages.) I totally get that because they don't want weirdos showing up unannounced. I just don't get why they strategically made the gift registry public - Jill even advertised the wedding website on Twitter. It's as if they are asking perfect strangers to send them stuff. It just seems sort of greedy, tacky, etc. Why wouldn't the registry be set to private as well? Seems a bit like they have their hands out.


I have not actually viewed the registry, but from what I am reading from y'all, I just can not believe how odd some of these items are. 

Edited by ArazNight
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I am curious as to why they made their wedding registry public?... It's as if they are asking perfect strangers to send them stuff. It just seems sort of greedy, tacky, etc.


My bet is what you said, they're asking perfect strangers to send them stuff.  I can see it from Jill, who has probably been heavily influenced by her nutty parents.  I don't know why Derick is going along with it.  He might think it's fine, or he might not like it but doesn't want to rock the boat until after the wedding.  We'll have to wait and see if this type of behavior continues after the wedding.

It's got to make you wonder what Jessa's registry will look like, since she and Bin seem to be much more immature than Jill and Derick.

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I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.  I'm sure there are a ton of people out there who want to send them gifts and maybe reached out asking if they had a registery.  I have known (read/followed) several bloggers who when they announce they are getting married or having a baby are coerced into setting up amazon wish lists so that people can give a gift.


As for the cereal, duct tape and such, I know that some stores give you points/credits when people buy things off your registry.  So let's say $2,000 is spent off your registry, you'll get a gift card back for like $20.  I know when I was getting married, my husband and I added a few things that we were purchasing the day we were registering to our Target registry so that we could amass the credit. 


And for the the guns, meh, honestly, if we had registered at a store that sold guns, I'm fairly certain my husband would have wanted one on there.  You can only buy it in the store, so there are no prices listed.  But my guess is that Derrick or Jill want one and figured they'll get credit (he may even get a discount at Wal-Mart) and again might as well apply it to the registry to get whatever bonus points Wal-mart does. 


All that being said, I am SHOCKED there isn't a charitable donation option.  Hell, set up a donation page for the FRC even. But to have NO CHARITY options from a guy who just came back from being a missionay in Nepal and a young woman who has been one of the faces of the "we give back because we're Christian" movement is amazing to me.

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In Derrick's defense, he probably had nothing to do with the gift registry.

Jill is still under JB's "authority", and until that authority is transferred to Derrick, I'm sure he is just going along to get along.

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All that being said, I am SHOCKED there isn't a charitable donation option.  Hell, set up a donation page for the FRC even. But to have NO CHARITY options from a guy who just came back from being a missionay in Nepal and a young woman who has been one of the faces of the "we give back because we're Christian" movement is amazing to me.


I keep waiting (and waiting and waiting) for these people who claim to follow Christ's teachings to actually follow Christ's teachings and give to those in need. Or maybe I'm waiting for Godot.

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I know they don't belong to any official church, but do they tithe to any kind of religious organization? They may consider that their contribution to charity if they do. 


Why stop with that, though? 

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In regards to the public registry: I suspect it was an attempt to placate super fans.  Sure, none of us us are likely to send a gift.  But, there are thousands of sycophantic, religious fans who admire the family and follow them religiously.  The public registry was probably an attempt to let those fans send a gift and maintain super fan status without inviting them to the wedding. I think if that registry was private, the Duggar compound would need a phone operator to answer the calls from the fans about gifts.

In regards to the public registry: I suspect it was an attempt to placate super fans.  Sure, none of us us are likely to send a gift.  But, there are thousands of sycophantic, religious fans who admire the family and follow them religiously.  The public registry was probably an attempt to let those fans send a gift and maintain super fan status without inviting them to the wedding. I think if that registry was private, the Duggar compound would need a phone operator to answer the calls from the fans about gifts.

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They think their show it a ministry.  They've said it for years. 


I could go into "potty training obsession" mode on this issue of charity, and I need to stop myself. I think it's pretty clear that I think they're hypocrites.

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I'm with you on the charity issue, Bella. I have always believed if you have even a few cents to spare to give to a worthy cause you should. I can't speak for J'Chelle and JB's charitable donations because they have never spoken about them one way or the other. I think it'd be a fair question to bring up to them during the show. 


As for Jill and Derrick- I don't see why it'd be an expectation for them to have a charitable donation option. They are starting their life as a newlywed couple and since they didn't live together beforehand they don't have anything to bring into their home. This is also speculation, but I don't think Jill is going to receive any monetary compensation from her time spent on the show these past several years so she and Derrick are going to have to rough it on their own (especially if Jill gets pregnant every year) unless they get separate contracts a la familia de Smuggar and choose to remain part of the dog and pony show. 

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