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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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  On 6/10/2015 at 5:15 AM, TomServo said:

You might be surprised at the number of adults I know who eat in the bathroom (or in the shower, even).  They say they're multitasking, but I think it's a little weird.

I have so many questions about eating in the shower.  How?  Why? Wouldn't it be difficult?  Wouldn't it ruin the food?  What sort of foods can you eat?


Although I'll admit that I have taken food into the bathroom while I have a nice, long, relaxing bath.  

  • Love 3

Yeah, I've personally limited it to my roommate's delicious homemade pie while taking a long bubble bath or something like yogurt while rushing to get ready in the morning, but my dad regularly has cereal, ice cream sandwiches, coffee, and soda in the shower, while showering. (Obviously one set of food and beverage for the morning, the other for evening post-workout showers.) We know this because he leaves the cereal bowl, ice cream wrapper, coffee mug, and soda cans on the shower corner-shelves. You know, next to the shaving cream and shampoo. *shrugs* I actually think it's grosser that he brushes his teeth in the shower (toothbrush and toothpaste get left there too), but I do like to assume he eats the ice cream sandwich out of the wrapper rather than with bare soapy hands. I don't know why the stray hot water in his cereal/ice cream/beverage doesn't bother him, but it's a full-length enough shower (not tub) that the shower head doesn't spray water throughout. If one can shave their legs at the back of the shower mostly out of the water, I guess one could eat there mostly out of the water too?

As long as someone isn't eating while anyone in the bathroom is eliminating, and you're not eating food directly off the floor or toilet tank (!) or something, I don't think it's really particularly gross or unhygienic (especially if you're using utensils!), but in Jill's case it does speak to either really wanting some alone, quiet time or being insecure about having enough food. It didn't sound like she was relaxing in a bubble bath or just multitasking breakfast and showering, but like she would sometimes specifically take her dinner there. To be fair, I would have too!

So relieved that the comments on Jill's two-month IG photo are of the normal variety - it was awful the way people were commenting on her and Jessa's last pictures, like it was their fault.

Edited by WalrusGirl
  • Love 1

Regarding the Derick's leaving walmart rumour.....I'm not sure it's legit either.  My daughter has a job which entails her verifying employment (she's been doing it for ten years), and she has never encountered a situation where the person would state they had taken a job elsewhere....it seems odd to me, as well.  I also think it would be unlikely that Derick would begin such intensive dental treatment knowing he would be leaving whoever was treating him with a specific plan.  It'll be interesting to see what's true.

  • Love 2
  On 6/10/2015 at 3:33 AM, Darknight said:

I wonder how Jill will a just to Nepal. Everyone is buddhist over there. I love buddhism btw very peaceful encouraging religion

But wasn't Derick there to convert the heathen Buddhists to the almighty Christianity?

Re: baths. Does anyone think the Duggar daughters were allowed to take any relaxing baths? Ever?

Edited by DangerousMinds
  • Love 2
  On 6/10/2015 at 3:33 AM, Darknight said:

I wonder how Jill will a just to Nepal. Everyone is buddhist over there. I love buddhism btw very peaceful encouraging religion

They'll be in Nepal to convert the people to their form of Christianity. She can give two shit about their peaceful religion because she is there to tell them how wrong it is. In the aftermath of disasters, "missionaries" swarm in and take advantage of a population in need.
  • Love 23

I'm a little skeptical of the rumor that Derick has left Walmart, not saying it's not true but I doubt it means they're going to Nepal. First of all, the online program he's doing requires he and Jill a lot more college credits. Jill needs 2 years of college credits, and that would be from an accredited institution not from some wacky fundementalist program or uncertified midwifery courses. Secondly, Derick's coursework is 90 credits plus some 10 extra on top of that. That takes roughly 4 years to complete and we know he hasn't had a lot of spare time. The only other thing he could do is what is called a 2 + 2 program where he takes half of his courses here which takes 2 years as a F/T student and completes the other 2 years abroad, but Jill would still need to have a minimum of 2 yrs of completed accredited college courses under her belt. And on top of that, the mission organization they would be affiliated with (IMB of the SBC) would probably not be cool with them having a camera crew filming a reality show. Yes, they allowed filming for the 2 episodes of JB & Jill visiting Derick in Nepal, but that was highly exceptional and they didn't expose their mission work. That's very different from filming a reality series. That said, I'm very doubtful that Jill & Derick would be doing anything more than a very short mission trip, if that. If Derick has left Walmart, I would guess it's either to work for JB or another company. It goes without saying that I hope it's not working for his FIL, <fingers crossed>.

ETA: It also takes approximately 1-2 yrs to be vetted through the mission organization they're wanting to go with. This would be cut down somewhat due to Derick having completed 2 years as a Journeyman with them, but they would both have to go through a fairly rigorous process of interviews, psychiatric evaluations, physical exams, and presented before a board of trustees before they're approved before spending 3 months in VA at a training center. Given the academic requirements on top of all this I find it unlikely that they're headed to Nepal anytime soon as full time missionaries.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 12

I feel badly for Jill that the police report came out and her personal business was exposed without her consent. However I understand where many of you are coming from in not feeling bad that- horror of horrors!, some of the Duggar kids will actually have to grind it out and work for a living. It's what the rest of us do and most people aren't given a huge leg-up from their parents in terms of McMansions and businesses.

  • Love 5

My corporate career was HR. there are things you NEVER state when asked (and a prospective employer worth their salt knows how to get around the scripted answers), but there are things you can state plainly. It would actually be perfectly acceptable to state that an employee left because they found other employment. Not to "volunteer" the information necessarily, but when asked directly "why did he leave your employment?".

  • Love 2

Having said that, if Walmart has accepted his resignation and believes him to be moving to other employment, they would have no reason to state his reason for leaving, even if asked directly. If someone pretending to be a prospective employer calls for info, for example, and it is implied or stated he left for other employment, there is no reason to pursue this candidate; he's already employed.

Someone posted that they'd emailed Derrick at work and gotten the auto response. if the auto response says he's taken other employment, that's unusual. Usually it would just say "Derrick Dillard isn't available. For assistance, please contact _____." John Q. Shouldn't be able to contact HR and get a reason for his leaving. They could answer a question posed "was his termination voluntary?" and MAYBE get a yes or no, but not specifics.

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 4
  On 6/10/2015 at 2:14 PM, Happyfatchick said:

Having said that, if Walmart has accepted his resignation and believes him to be moving to other employment, they would have no reason to state his reason for leaving, even if asked directly. If someone pretending to be a prospective employer calls for info, for example, and it is implied or stated he left for other employment, there is no reason to pursue this candidate; he's already employed.

Someone posted that they'd emailed Derrick at work and gotten the auto response. if the auto response says he's taken other employment, that's unusual. Usually it would just say "Derrick Dillard isn't available. For assistance, please contact _____." John Q. Shouldn't be able to contact HR and get a reason for his leaving. They could answer a question posed "was his termination voluntary?" and MAYBE get a yes or no, but not specifics.


When I worked in retail management we were told we couldn't confirm anything other than the day someone left. Anything more detailed needed to go to corporate HR.


Of course, there's a Dilbert cartoon out there somewhere that covers this: An inquiry comes in about a former employee, and the boss is asked to give an opinion. He says he can't, but here's the weather report-"The clouds are moving lazily across the sky, and everyone thinks they're stupid."


I might be paraphrasing slightly, but I love that joke. Though I doubt Walmart HR gives weather reports. 

  • Love 5

I think the email could be real. Derick has taken time off to film, travel with the Duggars, get married, have surgery and some paternity leave. The email is simple and is clear that he is not on another trip or leave that he is no longer with Walmart. It is a nice way for Walmart to inform their employees that used Derick for accounting questions that don't wait a week for Derick to come back, please go to another accountant for help.


I worked in a large office building for years with over 5,000 employees. It was a company where everyone had a specific job and there was no doing someone's else job even if you were trained. It was so frustrating to wait for someone to be free that was assigned a task when a customer needed help and you knew you could do that task. We got emails all the time to inform us if someone changed jobs or departments or if they left the company either short term or long term. It was important so when you needed billing or technical help you would not go to someone that no longer was allowed to do that job.


I hope Jill and Derick are making some of their own decisions, whether it be mission work , schooling or moving. I won't believe it till I see it because has anyone ever made a decision in this family without Jim Bob being involved?

  • Love 5
  On 6/10/2015 at 2:02 PM, Happyfatchick said:

My corporate career was HR. there are things you NEVER state when asked (and a prospective employer worth their salt knows how to get around the scripted answers), but there are things you can state plainly. It would actually be perfectly acceptable to state that an employee left because they found other employment. Not to "volunteer" the information necessarily, but when asked directly "why did he leave your employment?".




Agreed, as an HR person I can tell you that HR people have a way of communicating w/each other w/o actually saying things. Also, some will 'tip' you off as a 'friend'/professional curtesy.

Edited by lulu69
  • Love 2
  On 6/10/2015 at 1:39 PM, msblossom said:

The only other thing he could do is what is called a 2 + 2 program where he takes half of his courses here which takes 2 years as a F/T student and completes the other 2 years abroad, but Jill would still need to have a minimum of 2 yrs of completed accredited college courses under her belt. And on top of that, the mission organization they would be affiliated with (IMB of the SBC)...


Yes, he would have to have at least an MDiv I believe, but the IMB (and other "arms" of SBC mission work) aren't as stringent as, say Chaplaincy with the military (which carries ridiculous requirements). I think the missionary requirements may have relaxed a hair, many people transfer to the SBC seminaries just for the last semester and the diploma. Also, those seminaries have recognized that it's a hardship on families and now have online programs that require very little actual presence on campus. I don't believe BOTH of them have to be degreed, either. I know chaplains wives are vetted but not degreed.

re: vetting for both of them. In addition to Derrick having a degree from an approved SBC theological seminary, they would be vetted (both of them) like they've been caught in an old timey wringer washer. The SBC talks to EVERYBODY. countless references, interviews, papers passed around, notarized and approved. Derricks current church isn't SBC, IS IT? I thought a "community" or non-denom kinda thing. And Jill has ZERO SBC in her background. If they want to go under the SBC umbrella, they need to BE SBC. Given her notoriety, that's gonna be hard to fake.

There are short term disaster relief support teams in the SBC that don't require degrees. Still considered part of IMB, and referred to as missionaries but completely voluntary. My parents did this for almost 30 years and travelled extensively, but only in the U.S. And only where sent by the SBC. They were given supplies for specific jobs, but not paid. Completely volunteer. I'm not sure the Dills could a) meet the vetting requirements b) be self sufficient enough to live there and c) get themselves placed in Nepal under the IMB. Additionally, there's the new baby to consider. SBC doesn't frown on families at all as long as the oldest child is younger than 11 or 12 (I forget). But I don't think they'd be willing to send Derrick there with a relative newborn. The WOULD require immunizations, no way around it. Short termers are expected to be self sufficient, and the SBC in general isn't happy about public fund raising. Their missionaries in the field are pretty discreet about voicing needs. the home church can (and usually does) support them, and frequently sends care packages, and they can accept all the family support they can get.

All that to say I agree: they aren't taking a mission under the guise of SBC mission work unless it's short term - and even then, they would be vetted at length and Iz might be problematic. UNLESS the first time Derrick was in Nepal he was SBC. Does anybody know what organization he was under in Nepal before? If he was SBC that time, he's already passed many obstacles and will be able to bypass some roadblocks.

There are other non-denom mission orgs (Christian but not denomination based). Maybe they went there?

More likely, derricks extended family was causing such a distraction at WM that he chose to quietly move on to another job in his field - and probably with a gentle nudge from his boss. Thankfully, his skills are highly mobile and one can easily transfer jobs in Accounting. Numbers are numbers.

  • Love 4
  On 6/10/2015 at 2:49 PM, silverspoons said:

I think the email could be real.


Being a hopeless snoop, I was looking up some people on LinkedIn this morning (for a legitimate purpose!), remembered one of the names of the other employees named in the email and searched for it (because I'm a snoop, as I mentioned). Guy is indeed a user-tax accountant at Walmart headquarters. So if that is any kind of phony email, somebody want to pretty major lengths to construct it. Thinking that they didn't.     


Hoping that Derick is doing something sensible and helpful for his family by his move, wherever it's taking him.

  On 6/10/2015 at 3:22 PM, Happyfatchick said:


 Derricks current church isn't SBC, IS IT? I thought a "community" or non-denom kinda thing. And Jill has ZERO SBC in her background. If they want to go under the SBC umbrella, they need to BE SBC. Given her notoriety, that's gonna be hard to fake.



I may well be wrong about this, but I thought that Derick's church (Cross Church) is not only SBC but that its pastor, Ronnie Floyd, is the current SBC president. .... Maybe a different Ronnie Floyd, perhaps? I thought it was the same guy, but it's certainly possible it's not.

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  On 6/10/2015 at 5:48 AM, ChocolateAddict said:

I have so many questions about eating in the shower.  How?  Why? Wouldn't it be difficult?  Wouldn't it ruin the food?  What sort of foods can you eat?


Although I'll admit that I have taken food into the bathroom while I have a nice, long, relaxing bath.

banana? ;^)

You are EXACTLY right, Question. Generally employment questions are fielded through HR anyway, but if a call or request GOT to a supervisor, the supervisors were all instructed to say "he/she left "x" day. You'll have to speak to HR for further questions."

I worked in distribution centers or manufacturing plants in rural areas throughout much of my career. In rural areas, the phone calls OFTEN reached supervisors, because the caller and the supervisor were... cousins/neighbors/best friends. (Sometimes all 3!). when THAT happens (only in rural areas), the supervisor gets comfortable and opens a Coke.

OT (but good...): also when working HR in the sticks I had a marginal (leaning towards awful) employee who's mother died. EIGHTEEN PEOPLE were out of work two days later for the funeral. Never saw that coming. EIGHTEEN RELATIVES this man had in our plant. That's something that never quite gets mentioned during an interview.

Did not know Cross Church was SBC. INTERESTING!!!!!

  • Love 4

Here's another thing. If the auto response is that unorthodox (in actually saying that he's taken another job elsewhere), could this be a herring? WalMart agreed to shut down Derick's e-mail due to high traffic and/or harassment, that has nothing to do with business. Also, saving them the spotlight that a son-in-law of the now tainted Duggars, works for them? 


Long shot, I know. I just hope that he's on his own, not working for the CEO of the Tater Tot Compound of Tontitown, like Ben is. (Leave your balls at the door)

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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  On 6/10/2015 at 4:07 PM, ChicksDigScars said:

Long shot, I know. I just hope that he's on his own, not working for the CEO of the Tater Tot Compound of Tontitown, like Ben is. (Leave your balls at the door)

IMHO of course, but derickdillard should RUN from doing Jim Boob's taxes. JB won't be the one going to jail if something is wrong or miscalculated.


Imagine the sigh of relief from everyone in his department that (hopefully) the distractions of having a reality TV "star" as a co-worker are over.

  • Love 11
  On 6/10/2015 at 3:22 PM, Happyfatchick said:


Yes, he would have to have at least an MDiv I believe, but the IMB (and other "arms" of SBC mission work) aren't as stringent as, say Chaplaincy with the military (which carries ridiculous requirements). I think the missionary requirements may have relaxed a hair, many people transfer to the SBC seminaries just for the last semester and the diploma. Also, those seminaries have recognized that it's a hardship on families and now have online programs that require very little actual presence on campus. I don't believe BOTH of them have to be degreed, either. I know chaplains wives are vetted but not degreed.

re: vetting for both of them. In addition to Derrick having a degree from an approved SBC theological seminary, they would be vetted (both of them) like they've been caught in an old timey wringer washer. The SBC talks to EVERYBODY. countless references, interviews, papers passed around, notarized and approved. Derricks current church isn't SBC, IS IT? I thought a "community" or non-denom kinda thing. And Jill has ZERO SBC in her background. If they want to go under the SBC umbrella, they need to BE SBC. Given her notoriety, that's gonna be hard to fake.

There are short term disaster relief support teams in the SBC that don't require degrees. Still considered part of IMB, and referred to as missionaries but completely voluntary. My parents did this for almost 30 years and travelled extensively, but only in the U.S. And only where sent by the SBC. They were given supplies for specific jobs, but not paid. Completely volunteer. I'm not sure the Dills could a) meet the vetting requirements b) be self sufficient enough to live there and c) get themselves placed in Nepal under the IMB. Additionally, there's the new baby to consider. SBC doesn't frown on families at all as long as the oldest child is younger than 11 or 12 (I forget). But I don't think they'd be willing to send Derrick there with a relative newborn. The WOULD require immunizations, no way around it. Short termers are expected to be self sufficient, and the SBC in general isn't happy about public fund raising. Their missionaries in the field are pretty discreet about voicing needs. the home church can (and usually does) support them, and frequently sends care packages, and they can accept all the family support they can get.

All that to say I agree: they aren't taking a mission under the guise of SBC mission work unless it's short term - and even then, they would be vetted at length and Iz might be problematic. UNLESS the first time Derrick was in Nepal he was SBC. Does anybody know what organization he was under in Nepal before? If he was SBC that time, he's already passed many obstacles and will be able to bypass some roadblocks.

There are other non-denom mission orgs (Christian but not denomination based). Maybe they went there?

More likely, derricks extended family was causing such a distraction at WM that he chose to quietly move on to another job in his field - and probably with a gentle nudge from his boss. Thankfully, his skills are highly mobile and one can easily transfer jobs in Accounting. Numbers are numbers.

I think it's the short term voluntary route they are taking. They would be 'self sufficient' because I think this is their spinoff and TLC is footing the bill. As far as I know there are no 'reality' shows with a Poisonwood Bible angle, but I would be way more interested in watching Anna's sister and that family than Derrick and Jill. Much more 'interesting'.

Edited by sometimesy
  • Love 2
  On 6/10/2015 at 5:00 PM, sometimesy said:

I think it's the short term voluntary route they are taking. They would be 'self sufficient' because I think this is their spinoff and TLC is footing the bill. As far as I know there are no 'reality' shows with a Poisonwood Bible angle, but I would be way more interested in watching Anna's sister and that family than Derrick and Jill. Much more 'interesting'.

Again, IMHO, but I wonder how TLC would be able to field a crew to go to Nepal, let alone find a safe place for them to stay with food, fresh water, etcetera. And this is super-duper my opinion, but I believe the only people allowed into the country should be those who are actively working on relief for those living there.


I think the Dillards would be an unwelcome distraction.

  • Love 20
  On 6/10/2015 at 5:07 PM, Quilt Fairy said:

I did wonder how they felt about the prospect that the new kid was going to get 6 weeks of paternity leave every year for the next 20 years or so.

Does Walmart actually have paid paternity leave?  If they do, anyone is eligible for that.  Most people wouldn't be crazy enough to take it 20 times.


But ANY employee of Walmart is eligible for FMLA, which is how most people take paternity leave.

Edited by Skittl1321
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  On 6/10/2015 at 7:21 PM, Marigold said:

I feel bad that Jill's private situation was exposed.


She has had a few challenges this year but has a strong family network to help her. Certainly no worse than anyone else. Better than a lot of people I know. I think she is blessed.

Blessing isn't how I would necessarily describe Jill's family but ymmv lol

  • Love 8
  On 6/10/2015 at 3:22 PM, Happyfatchick said:


Yes, he would have to have at least an MDiv I believe, but the IMB (and other "arms" of SBC mission work) aren't as stringent as, say Chaplaincy with the military (which carries ridiculous requirements). I think the missionary requirements may have relaxed a hair, many people transfer to the SBC seminaries just for the last semester and the diploma. Also, those seminaries have recognized that it's a hardship on families and now have online programs that require very little actual presence on campus. I don't believe BOTH of them have to be degreed, either. I know chaplains wives are vetted but not degreed.

re: vetting for both of them. In addition to Derrick having a degree from an approved SBC theological seminary, they would be vetted (both of them) like they've been caught in an old timey wringer washer. The SBC talks to EVERYBODY. countless references, interviews, papers passed around, notarized and approved. Derricks current church isn't SBC, IS IT? I thought a "community" or non-denom kinda thing. And Jill has ZERO SBC in her background. If they want to go under the SBC umbrella, they need to BE SBC. Given her notoriety, that's gonna be hard to fake.

There are short term disaster relief support teams in the SBC that don't require degrees. Still considered part of IMB, and referred to as missionaries but completely voluntary. My parents did this for almost 30 years and travelled extensively, but only in the U.S. And only where sent by the SBC. They were given supplies for specific jobs, but not paid. Completely volunteer. I'm not sure the Dills could a) meet the vetting requirements b) be self sufficient enough to live there and c) get themselves placed in Nepal under the IMB. Additionally, there's the new baby to consider. SBC doesn't frown on families at all as long as the oldest child is younger than 11 or 12 (I forget). But I don't think they'd be willing to send Derrick there with a relative newborn. The WOULD require immunizations, no way around it. Short termers are expected to be self sufficient, and the SBC in general isn't happy about public fund raising. Their missionaries in the field are pretty discreet about voicing needs. the home church can (and usually does) support them, and frequently sends care packages, and they can accept all the family support they can get.

All that to say I agree: they aren't taking a mission under the guise of SBC mission work unless it's short term - and even then, they would be vetted at length and Iz might be problematic. UNLESS the first time Derrick was in Nepal he was SBC. Does anybody know what organization he was under in Nepal before? If he was SBC that time, he's already passed many obstacles and will be able to bypass some roadblocks.

There are other non-denom mission orgs (Christian but not denomination based). Maybe they went there?

More likely, derricks extended family was causing such a distraction at WM that he chose to quietly move on to another job in his field - and probably with a gentle nudge from his boss. Thankfully, his skills are highly mobile and one can easily transfer jobs in Accounting. Numbers are numbers.

Not to split hairs, but Derick was enrolled as an MDiv student online with the intention of being commissioned as a full time missionary with Jill. And as far as Jill goes, if she and Derick go as full time Career Missionaries she will indeed HAVE to complete the 2 yrs accredited college hours. Not to get too detailed, but I am very familiar with the process, having completed all of this with my husband recently. There's much more I can speak to, but trust that this and everything I've posted is fact.

  • Love 8
  On 6/9/2015 at 1:53 PM, Julia said:

but think about this: how often in her life has Jill, or any other girl in that family, been alone in a room without a toilet in in it?

I wasn't trying to make it seem normal. I just meant, I could see why she might do that for the reason you stated. When else could she ever be alone just to do or eat whatever she wanted without it being noticed or commented upon.

  • Love 3
  On 6/10/2015 at 9:21 AM, CofCinci said:

They'll be in Nepal to convert the people to their form of Christianity. She can give two shit about their peaceful religion because she is there to tell them how wrong it is. In the aftermath of disasters, "missionaries" swarm in and take advantage of a population in need.

Makes my blood boil.      Anyone who is not going there to truly help should be turned away.

  • Love 7

I remember Michelle saying in an interview that Jill had been doing a lot of studying recently. Assumed that it was in accordance with Derick's classes for the MDiv & missionary work. Would be great for Jill to get more of an education aside from SOTDRT. 


How did someone get Derick's email? I think sometimes this & other boards go a bit overboard with the fact checking, IMO. 

  • Love 2
  On 6/10/2015 at 8:35 PM, jb0495 said:

I remember Michelle saying in an interview that Jill had been doing a lot of studying recently. Assumed that it was in accordance with Derick's classes for the MDiv & missionary work. Would be great for Jill to get more of an education aside from SOTDRT. 


How did someone get Derick's email? I think sometimes this & other boards go a bit overboard with the fact checking, IMO. 

It's really easy to guess work emails if you know where the person works. The first letter of their name and then last name usually. Maybe it was listed on a website though. Yes we are all definitely way too invested in these folks, myself included;) 

How did someone get Derick's email? I think sometimes this & other boards go a bit overboard with the fact checking, IMO


PTV did not get Derick's email. A poster here posted an image of something that may have been his email and it was removed. Talking about what you find is maybe ok, though we really don't encourage the whole cyberstalking here. No posting of addresses or pictures of houses or pictures of someone's email. Posters are free to dig around the internet and say they found something but remember just because you can find it doesn't mean you need to disseminate it. Others can find it on their own. 

  • Love 8
  On 6/10/2015 at 8:35 PM, jb0495 said:

How did someone get Derick's email? I think sometimes this & other boards go a bit overboard with the fact checking, IMO. 

The Pickles and Hairspray FB page posted it. Apparently the person who runs that page emailed Derick and got that "away" message. If you go there you can read the entire thread for yourself. What I posted here (since removed) was a direct link to the FB pic.

  On 6/10/2015 at 8:18 PM, msblossom said:

And as far as Jill goes, if she and Derick go as full time Career Missionaries she will indeed HAVE to complete the 2 yrs accredited college hours. Not to get too detailed, but I am very familiar with the process, having completed all of this with my husband recently. 


Does it matter what she studies? Does she need to be at a college or university or would community college suffice? Am curious, but pleased to know that the SBC is so careful in sending people who are prepared out into the world.

  On 6/10/2015 at 8:18 PM, msblossom said:

Not to split hairs, but Derick was enrolled as an MDiv student online with the intention of being commissioned as a full time missionary with Jill. There's much more I can speak to, but trust that this and everything I've posted is fact.

. Oh, I believe you! Being commissioned as a missionary is an arduous process, and I'm a little surprised Jill was (is?) going to tackle the process. Do you believe her to be taking online courses as well? (I'm GLAD, but surprised.). My opening shot into the working world (when dinosaurs still roamed the earth) was with the SBHMB when it was still called that, on W Spring St in Atlanta.

I read somewhere that he wants to return to Nepal. What language is spoken in Nepal? I'm assuming Derrick picked up at least a functioning bit of that - Jill would be required to learn that too, besides completing the college requirement before they leave, right? I know there is a cap on age for dependents, but what about a baby? Would Iz have to be a certain age? Would they allow them to leave if Jill were pg at the time of departure?

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  On 6/10/2015 at 7:36 PM, lulu69 said:

Blessing isn't how I would necessarily describe Jill's family but ymmv lol

I meant that she has a nice house, a decent husband, a healthy infant and a family that helped her when she needed it (post C-section etc). In addition to the opportunities she has had being on TV.  i.e. travel etc.  Many people don't have any of that. 

 Jill has many blessings in her life. She has many problems too.(josh situation)(being a Duggar)   But so many people are stuck with only problems. She certainly has many good things going for her. 

  • Love 10
  On 6/10/2015 at 8:40 PM, Cherrio said:

Gil:  Kelly,. don't buy a pinata for the shower.

Kelly:    Why?

Gil:     We'll use Josh.

LOL- My LMAO moment of the day!  I would pay to see that on TLC.


Whatever J&D have chosen to do, they chose it before the scandal hit. 


I'm still hoping for a job in another state.  However, people are only talking about Nepal in terms of their mission work.  There are many other countries (that haven't recently suffered from an earthquake) that they could go.


I'm with them either way.  Just get the hell out of Duggar Dodge.

Edited by truthtalk2014
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I imagine that the mission in Nepal is the spin off. Why wouldn't they go if they have their own show? They would be paid far more than regular missionaries, there would be a crew along that could help them out and I am sure they will be made very comfortable. The mission would get exposure and definitely lots of contributions from viewers. Nepal probably doesn't have the laws we have here about filming people from whom you do not have permission. So I would imagine that we would see some of the people they are helping and filming without their consent. They could have Jessa holding down the fort in the USA. Having her baby and stuff surrounding that. The Duggars could take a trip over there on TLC's dime. This is just my speculation. Does it mean the same if you are paid 30,000 per episode to be a missionary? 

Edited by NoThyme
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  On 6/10/2015 at 9:56 PM, NoThyme said:

I imagine that the missionary in Nepal is the spin off. Why wouldn't they go on have their own show? They would be paid far more than regular missionaries, there would be a crew along that could help them out and I am sure they will make sure they are comfortable. The mission would get exposure and definitely lots of contributions from viewers. Sadly Nepal wouldn't have the laws we have here about filming people from whom you do not have permission. So I would imagine that we would see some of the people they are helping and filming without their consent. They could have Jessa holding down the fort in the USA. Having her baby and stuff surrounding that. The Duggars could take a trip over there on TLC's dime. I have the feeling this is what they are going to do. Does it matter that you are paid 30,000 per episode to be a missionary? 

Could someone please enlighten me as to what exactly missionaries do.  


Are they there to simply convert people of other religions - or no religion at all?


Or, do they go there and work their asses off to help them have clean water, gardens and stable housing?


I've spent a small amount of time around the religious sector and had an unfortunate small portion of my life subjected to fundie types, but I do not know how the missionary thing works with the fundie faction. 


I want to understand what J&D would be doing in any country as a 'missionary'.  No snark.  Just curious.


ETA:  I moved this to the religious thread.  

Edited by truthtalk2014
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  On 6/10/2015 at 10:09 PM, truthtalk2014 said:

Could someone please enlighten me as to what exactly missionaries do.  


Are they there to simply convert people of other religions - or no religion at all?


Or, do they go there and work their asses off to help them have clean water, gardens and stable housing?


I've spent a small amount of time around the religious sector and had an unfortunate small portion of my life subjected to fundie types, but I do not know how the missionary thing works with the fundie faction. 


I want to understand what J&D would be doing in any country as a 'missionary'.  No snark.  Just curious.


A longer answer is probably more suited to the Religion thread, but in short, they do all of the above. It depends on the denomination/agency sending them, and what the missionaries are trained to do, but yes, many do relief work or community service (medical, education, etc.) and don't just try to convert everyone or tell them they're bad. (I guess some do though.)

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