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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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On the news the other day, a guy who is part of a group trying to stop another WalMart being built in New York City said the family who owns WalMart supports right wing organizations and is anti-gay/lesbians and want to block illegals from coming into the country. If this is true, JimBoob must be in seventh heaven his future son-in-law works for them.

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Jill and Derrick skyped for several months before he came home, so they haven't only known each other 3 months.  I know of several people who "fell in love" with someone they met on the internet but never in person and got married - how is this any different?  I get the feeling that Jill is Jim Boobs favorite, and he genuinely thinks Derrick is a good guy for her, otherwise, why not have picked Jana?

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Ripley 68 I have your answer. Michelle will not let Jana go. Why should she? Jana is far too valuable as a workhorse for Michelle to lose. I bet dollars to doughnuts that it is Michelle who won't "approve and agree" to any suitor for poor Jana until SHE is good and ready to lose this unpaid nanny/maid. It's clear to me.

I also would like for them to justify the substandard conditions that they allow their kids to live in; yes, sleeping on floors, fully dressed, no proper bathing, walking on, licking countertops, tables, jumping off furniture, overdressing for the hot Arkansas summers, underdressing for cold winters with improper shoes, etc.. the list goes on and on. I would LOVE a live interview with them and put these tough issues to them and see how they can dance on live TV.

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Someone mentioned that Derick was Pistol Pete for OSU. I looked into it and it's a great story (his dad was Pistol Pete before him and died before he could see Derick as Pistol Pete) that I hope he shares with Jill and their children. Here's a great interview I found with Derick talking about Pistol Pete--he even made a Pistol Pete FB page. http://dc.library.okstate.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ostate/id/7778


He also states that he'd like to one day work for Walmart or a big accounting firm. He said he'd eventually like to work for the FBI too!! That he'd use the gun safety and techniques he learned while being Pistol Pete. I really hope he helps Jill to branch out! Can't you just see them having their own show and going to OSU football games together?! I wonder how JimBoob would feel about that! The more I read about Derick the more I like him, he's religious but totally not fundie! Glad Jill found herself someone from the real world!

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Who can say whether Derick will stay mainline Southern Baptist (although he's apparently getting an MDiv online through the Southern Baptist Seminary in Texas)? He may well take his degree and apply Gothard teachings he learns from Jill.


Don't forget, Boob has Derick's balls in a sack right now, renting them (or letting them live for free in) one of his houses. One thing we've learned about Boob though the years is that he rules through total control.

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I don't see Jim Bob as the total ruler at all. I see Michelle as the one who pulls the strings and wears the pants. She seems to drive all the decisions in reality. And they way she has the house set up so that she never touches her kids or does housework? She's very masculine in attitude. 

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I think Jill and Derrick are really a great match, but I was kind of wondering, why the rush to get married? Yes, they knew each other over Skype, a few months and then courted in person a couple months, and then a 3 month engagement. Doesn't it seem a little bit sudden? I had been wondering if Jill would want to finish all of her midwife training before she goes to the alter (she has about a year left, I think..somebody correct me if I'm wrong). But she seems to be as enthusiastic to be getting married as Derrick is. 

Jessa, on the other hand, appears to not be in a rush at all. Though I wonder how long that courtship is going to last before the powers that be (ie. Jim Bob and Michelle) will question where it's going and what are Ben's goals in life. 

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One more week to go and the wedding will be here. Can't wait to see the dress! Will they have real food at their wedding? Will Famy sing? Will Mullet get her hair did for that day? Will Boob start crying at the ceremony? What krazy antics will her brothers come up with? (gag) So many FUN questions!!

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I hope there's a little bit of fun music at the reception. Derrick and his family don't seem to subscribe to the secular music is evil nonsense so I better see and/or hear a deejay. 


I also hope it's a nice wedding for Jill's sake. I felt so bad for Anna on her wedding day because her dress was frumpy, JD stupidly on-pupose forgot the ring, her car got trashed, she had to haul the luggage into the hotel room, and worst of all she got stuck with Smuggar. 

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Oh yeah, folks, I agree it's all hormones for these kids. They marry under that "I love you" when it is I lust you. Parents are so anxious to keep their girls pristine, they would rather rush a wedding than have her risk a full frontal hug with the boy. Stupid beyond belief. Jessa is "ok" with things the way they are because she really isn't that interested in poor little Ben, but thoroughly enjoys his 'you're beautiful" compliments. She knows she's pretty and is playing Ben on that. She's in no rush to start cooking and cleaning, something she knows little about nor does she have to do. If you notice, she has the "clean jobs",, like packing, poor Jana sweats in the kitchen cooking and washing pots.

BTW, Green Bean Casserole is a staple for my family at Thanksgiving and it's good when you make it right. I didn't recognize that slop that Anna made.


Speaking of Anna, she is indeed expecting M#4 in September...what idiots. I think she's already starting to show signs of exhaustion, what will she do with 4 kids under 6? That's just utterly stupid.

With the wedding next weekend, I hope someone calls "Stacey and Clinton" and helps Michelle out. If she insists on keeping that stringy, unattractive hair, maybe someone can give her a stylish "updo" and dress her right for the occasion. I've never seen her or any of the older girls in heels? Have you? What's up with that? I hope she doesn't wear crocs to the wedding and black stockings; that's so not appropriate for an afternoon event. Sadly, I predict that Derick's family will be swallowed up by the Duggars, if Derick's homecoming at the airport is any indication of the Duggar consideration. Keep strong, Cathy and make your family's presence known, dance with your son at the reception, and I know YOU will look appropriately fabulous.

Can't believe Jill chose "Pepto Bismol pink, and puke Green for her attendant colors..what is wrong with them? Didn't she see better options at the bridal store? Wouldn't she listen to the bridal consultant's suggestions for something fashionable? Hopefully, no heavy satin in June. I just shake my head.

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I doubt there will be music at the reception. Just the standard punch and cake fare for these people.


I just hope that Jill doesn't have a shitty first time when she finally has sex. I feel like Michelle wouldn't dare talk to Jill and have a genuine heart to heart about sex and her needs.  I remember Jim Bob trying to hint to Josh that sex is about two people and there was some reference to a woman's wants/needs, but Michelle doesn't seem that self-aware or concerned about Jill.

Edited by trimthatfat
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Whatever else happens at the wedding, I hope that JimBob doesn't stop the ceremony to announce The.Big.Kiss.  This is the first time they are going to kiss, folks, get your cameras ready.  And I sincerely hope that Boob Jr. doesn't ram his tongue down Anna's throat to call attention to the already married, we know everything there is to know about everything couple that he thinks they are.


I can live with the pink and green.  I can't take Boob and Smuggar acting like total asses.  Or Michelle's hair.  Or John David's vandalism.  Could these people just act normal and dignified?  And somebody please comb those little girls' hair, too.

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I doubt there will be much of a do at the reception.  Derick is still southern Baptist and they don't allow drinking and dancing in the church halls.  I've seen Jill and Jessa in heels and maybe Jana. 

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They have done off-season VSEs in the past. I think Michael's birth was broadcast a week after he was born in the off-season (they tried keeping the name a secret until then but Amy blabbed). I can't see them hanging onto Jill marriage footage when everyone knows she's engaged and getting married in June and these episodes wouldn't be broadcast until the fall. 


I would think a two hour special two weeks or so after the wedding with the first hour being wedding planning and the next hour the actual wedding would suffice. Any honeymoon or moving in stuff can be episode fodder for next season. 

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In his Pistol Pete interview, Derick talked about appearing in character at weddings and even one funeral. He said that at weddings he would sometimes dance with the bride (no mean feat considering he was wearing a giant head). No mention that dancing conflicted with his values. He comes across as a normal guy, religious yes, but a guy who went to public schools and who interacted with a variety of people. I hope he doesn't lose sight of his own upbringing and that he and Jill raise their family the way he was raised. One can hope anyway.

Edited by Hpmec
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It's weird how Anna's wedding sucked but Priscilla's was quite lovely. Of course Anna didn't have style input from TFDW....

Speaking of which, will our favorite glassy-eyed Gothard princess and her zesty husband be attending the Dill festivities?

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I had a dream that Jill and Anna were pregnant at the same time, and had babies the same day. Jill had hers first, and then got up to delver Anna's. For some reason, this doesn't seem too far fetched. It was weird. 

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had a dream that Jill and Anna were pregnant at the same time, and had babies the same day. Jill had hers first, and then got up to delver Anna's. For some reason, this doesn't seem too far fetched. It was weird.


Michelle would die, she would literally drop dead from that.

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I had a dream that Jill and Anna were pregnant at the same time, and had babies the same day. Jill had hers first, and then got up to delver Anna's. For some reason, this doesn't seem too far fetched. It was weird. 

Oh Lord, I can see double and triple pregancy storylines coming.  Maybe J'Chelle will have one of those false sympathetic pregancies, whatever they are called. 

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The Duggar Family Blog site had some comments on how "expectant" Anna looked in a video and a photo. One of the posters said that she was indeed very pregnant, due in September. The Fabulous David Waller's website confirmed that she and Pris are expecting; that guy is such a yenta, he can't keep a secret yet. It was also reconfirmed in another post. I'm shaking my head at the stupidity of these two girls.

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Ljohnson, according to J&A's FB fan page, TFDW told a friend Anna is preggers and due in September. Pris is due in November. There's also a pic on the page that they took on Father's Day. I don't know how to post the link, but it's pretty obvious she's expecting.

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Good lord...Anna really is pregnant for the fourth time? You wonder how she and Josh have any energy left after dealing with 3 little ones already. Maybe MIchelle and Jim Bob could let Joy Anna move in for awhile to give Anna a hand. But with Jil leaving, I'm sure that won't happen. If it did, Michelle would have to start actually do some real parenting.

I wonder if this time that Josh and Anna can have their own delivery without the entire Duggar clan being present for the birth. 

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Yeah, Smuggs and Anna are going to age ten years overnight when M#4 arrives. A pre-schooler, two toddlers and a nursing infant? Good luck with that one.

Jill and Derick will be living in that big house Boob bought and gutted a few seasons back.

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I definitely think JoshAnna will slow their roll when they have this baby. They already look so haggard (ETA: by that I mean exhausted) and they have only been married for six years. If you watch the episodes on Netflix or YouTube when it was 18 Kids and Counting you will see how different they look. 

Edited by PinkSprinkles
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I hope there's a little bit of fun music at the reception. Derrick and his family don't seem to subscribe to the secular music is evil nonsense so I better see and/or hear a deejay.

The groom's family rarely has a say in the reception. Besides, they don't seem the type to override someone else's beliefs.

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Smuggar would not be the one tired from having another kid. Anna will be the one who will be taking care of the young ones since it is her main job in life to pop out the kiddies and to serve Joshie.

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Josh spends time w/his kids. He wss also the one who rushed Michael to the bathroom when he was sick.

I don't think you csn lump Josh & Anna's child rearing as the same as JB's & Michelle's. (Even though JB seems to do more of that than Michelle)

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OMG the rehearsal for Derick's proposal is posted on TLC. Michelle plays the part of Jill, and they went over it all, where to stand, and the camera crew was even there, and of course another camera was filming the camera crew rehearsing. I just get a squicky feeling about it all - poor Jill, it was all so fake. It's like she is living in a weird world, like that movie "The Truman Show."


Derick should run back to Nepal ASAP. He was his own person there, and now he has turned into Milquetoast.

Edited by NJRach
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Wow, rehearsing the proposal? That makes it so much less special. I had high hopes for Derick, but it seems like he's jumped on board the crazy-train with eyes wide open. I knew it was all downhill when they agreed to live in one of Boob's rental properties. Enjoy life on the stink bus, Derick.

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Erm, kinda mixed feelings on that one. For those out there who don't just blurt out a proposal over tacos or while hanging out at my parents' house (hypothetically speaking), I can understand rehearsing a proposal just so the propose-er feels more comfortable with it and getting timing down with multiple parties involved. But TLC, did you really have to film it? I'd put that one under too much information. It was neat to see the proposal. I don't need footage of them rehearsing the proposal. That just gets a little too Truman Show.

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XrystalPond, one of my friends did a cocktail-party reception only and it was amazing. She had such a great selection of hot and cold appetizers you basically left out of there feeling like you'd eaten a full meal. Not to mention it also saved a ton of money.

I just wish the Duggars and their ilk could get a little more creative than Ritz crackers topped with Cheez-In-A-Can.

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All I can remember about Smuggar's wedding food was the lady mixing the chicken salad with her bare hands....

There was a lot of debate about this on TWOP when the episode aired. Some people swear they were wearing clear gloves and others say bare hands. I'm going to investigate and I'll edit my post with my verdict. 


ETA: Netflix is amazing. Their hands were indeed bare. There was a big close-up shot of it. 

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Earlier today, a Duggar family friend (the woman who "rescued" Michael's rainbow birthday cake a couple of years ago) posted a picture on her Instagram of three of the Duggar howlers (James, Jed, Justin) with an older guy (relatively...probably mid-late 20's) pushing around palettes at Sam's Club. Seen on the palettes: Tubs of powdered lemonade, plastic spoons and plates by the hundred count, plus other items that couldn't be identified.


So much for any illusions of a classy reception. Someone noted there were about 3000 spoons that they could see. That's a lot of stuff for a landfill come Saturday night. I also wonder at the spoons. Ice cream, maybe?

Edited by Sew Sumi
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