bigskygirl June 8, 2014 Share June 8, 2014 What exactly has Smuggar accomplished? He got a house, car lot from daddy. He got the his so-called job because his famewhoring parents and his last name. He could not stand on his own two feet if his life depended on it. Link to comment
PinkSprinkles June 8, 2014 Share June 8, 2014 I think Josh hasn't been given the opportunity to have to stand on his own two feet. I feel by JB and J'Chelle trying desperately to make him look successful they have done him a real disservice. More people would have identified with Josh if he was like most 20-year olds and had two or three jobs while in college and was also trying to get his degree while keeping up a relationship with Anna long-distance. At some point he will have to go it alone and it would have been easier to learn the hard lessons of money management and the like while young and alone rather than ten years in the future with a spouse and possibly ten kids to provide for. 3 Link to comment
bigskygirl June 8, 2014 Share June 8, 2014 Smuggar probably does not want to give up what he has. In the real world, he would have to get off his lazy, obnoxious butt and actually work. He enjoys being a so-called big shot in the Gothard and certain conservative movements. He is a younger version of JimBoob without the nineteen kids. Link to comment
CarolMK June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 I like Josh and Anna's house and the way it's laid out and decorated. I really like the fact that their childlren are not all crammed into one room the way the Duggar parents have always done, no matter where they lived. I might be in the minority here, but I find Josh and Anna more likeable and also to be better parents than Michelle and Jim Bob. They're more relaxed and hands-on. It was a nice smile from Marcus, and amazing to see how big he's already gotten. Josh is smug, agreed, but I don't think he's nearly as full of himself as Jim Bob is. And Anna is by far a much better mom than probably Michelle ever was, even prior to her nervous breakdown. Anna doesn't look pregnant to me. Just maybe a little leftover belly from having 3 kids in close succession. Living far away from their built in help might slow down their goal to have as many children as the Lord gives them. Having to do it all of their own has probably been a big eye-opener for them. BTW, does anyone know if they bought that house or are they renting it? And what town is it in...I remember the realtor told them they'd have an hour commute. Link to comment
MrMattyMatt June 11, 2014 Share June 11, 2014 If Anna is not pregnant again, they better get going! She also needs some twins next if she wants to beat out J'chelle.... Link to comment
NJRach June 13, 2014 Share June 13, 2014 (edited) From Smuggar's website, he is back in Arkansas, for Jill's wedding. Does the guy ever work a full week? Edited June 13, 2014 by NJRach 1 Link to comment
bigskygirl June 13, 2014 Share June 13, 2014 Smuggar would not know the meaning of the word work if it came up and bit him on his lazy, smug, obnoxious, conceited, pretending to know-it-all ass. Link to comment
Sew Sumi June 13, 2014 Share June 13, 2014 I saw the pics of them arriving in AR on Smug's IG earlier today. I also noticed that he photographed Anna from behind. I fully expect a pregnancy announcement on this trip (she's been filling out the last month or's about the time she announced Marcus). I don't think Anna is in the wedding party (could be wrong, but I remember it being the sisters with Jana as MOH). If Anna is in the wedding party and pregnant, it's going to be very obvious if Jill goes with seafoam satin (please no satin in June), it will be really obvious. If Anna is indeed pregnant (and I think she is), no way they can't announce it and show her 5 months pregnant in these wedding episodes. Link to comment
Sew Sumi June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 (edited) Hold your nose, get through the video and check out Anna at the end. I think she's hiding a pregnancy behind that late-spring scarf. edited: Or look at the picture (if it shows up for you). Edited June 14, 2014 by Sew Sumi Link to comment
PinkSprinkles June 15, 2014 Share June 15, 2014 I think Anna is pregnant based on that photo. Good luck raising four kids under five. 1 Link to comment
floridamom June 15, 2014 Share June 15, 2014 The Duggars will send Joy Anna to be Anna's "helper" and will make her feel guilty if she doesn't feel good about it. They are measuring Mac already for her apron and feather duster...I hope Anna has another boy. What will Anna do then? Step on it, Mac. Link to comment
Ivy26 June 15, 2014 Share June 15, 2014 Based off that photo, she's either pregnant or sporting Kevlar under that sweater. Dude, that's how *I* look in my bulletproof vest. Okay, if she's knocked up, here's my hope: That they are waiting until after Jill's wedding to announce. You know, to give Jill and Derrick their special moment. Oh wait, these are the'll be announced during the church service or the reception 2 Link to comment
PinkSprinkles June 15, 2014 Share June 15, 2014 I will be FURIOUS if they take the limelight away from Jill on her special day. It was crappy to announce M2 on Makenzie's birthday, but she will have more birthdays in the future. Jill gets ONE wedding day that's supposed to be about her and only her. No offense, but there's nothing remarkable about these two having a fourth kid. Send them a card and send them on their way. 2 Link to comment
MrMattyMatt June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 How many kids will Anna have to pop before she becomes batshit crazy like J-Chelle? Link to comment
floridamom June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 Anna has already admitted to being "a little overwhelmed". I can't imagine what will be going on after this one. Didn't they learn anything from Mama Michelle? I just don't believe that having child after child,, mindlessly, proves to God that you are a good Christian. Someone posted somewhere very wise words of wisdom: "once you have more kids than there are waking hours in the day", you've reached your limit and no one can provide the upbringing that these children need and deserve. You just get lost in the crowd. Why can't they see that? Link to comment
PinkSprinkles June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 I think with the addition of a fourth child public/private school for Makenzie and a preschool for Michael is going to start looking very attractive. I'd go crazy with four little kids at home. Didn't J'Chelle lose it at six kids? Link to comment
MrMattyMatt June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 Didn't J'Chelle lose it at six kids? I thought it was before 6, but I could be wrong. Link to comment
PinkSprinkles June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 It had to have been at five then. Someone was musing that maybe Jessa was so "cold" because she was the baby when the meltdown happened and the buddy system was enacted/J'Chelle checked out. Link to comment
CarolMK June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 Anna's one sister has either 8 or 9 children now? Esther? The one who lives overseas in Africa now. Can anyone confirm how old her sister is and how many children they have? I'm sure they'll have over a dozen. I guess it looks like Josh and Anna will, too. Good luck to them and let's hope that Josh can keep this well paying job he has now in Washington. Link to comment
Ripley68 June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 While I agree MIchelle looks spaced out, why does everyone say "she lost it" around kid 5 or 6? Is it written somewhere? Just wondering. Link to comment
PinkSprinkles June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 (edited) Michelle mentioned on the show as well as in one of the Duggar books that she had a breakdown in the family laundry room when they were on kid five or six. They were living in a small house on a used car lot they owned and she had no help because JB had to work all day. It was at this point she started the buddy system and started getting "blessings" from other people and checked out of parenting. ETA: This rendition of events comes from my time spent lurking on TWOP. Edited June 17, 2014 by PinkSprinkles 1 Link to comment
JessDVD June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 Regarding Anna and the alleged pregnancy, assuming that this picture from Josh's instagram was actually taken 3 weeks ago when it was posted, right around the end of May, there is no way that Anna's due in September. She would be at least 5 months along at that point and her stomach is totally flat. Also, I would find it hard to believe that they would keep it secret that long. If she is pregnant though, four kids in 5-6 years is busy but not totally insane. What is insane, is continuing at breakneck speed after that and I sure do hope that they don't. Link to comment
Absolom June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 Interesting picture, thanks. Although I'd have to say she looks about as far along in that picture as my daughter did in May. Daughter is due in.......September. Link to comment
roamyn June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 I've seen nothing that isn't speculative & rumor. 1 Link to comment
JessDVD June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 I think maybe a first pregnancy would look that pregnant at 5 months along, but a 4th pregnancy, probably not. I saw the comment on the Duggar Family Blog site, from someone going by "Anonymous", so no need to take that seriously. If David Waller said so, the chances are a little better but really I don't think I'd take much seriously that doesn't come from People mag, the Today Show, or their official Facebook, which currently says "expecting their third child" so probably not from there either. Link to comment
BitterApple June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 CarolMK, don't quote me on this, but I want to say Esther is around 30 or 31. Before her family moved to Africa they were living in a camper in the woods while Esther's husband scrounged for donations to fund their mission trip. 1 Link to comment
Lillybee June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 I have been posting about Esther and her family over on the Sweet Fellowship thread. She has 8 children and is pregnant with the 9th. Her oldest is either 10 or 11. They are now living in a church basement with no running water. She has to haul water from a nearby well. Between Esther and her jerk of a husband, Priscilla and TFDW, it looks like Anna won the fundie jackpot for her family. Smugglar looks like a gem compared to those two. Link to comment
bigskygirl June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 Smuggar being a gem in the fundie jackpot. The world really is going to heck in a handbasket. Link to comment
Micks Picks June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 OMG and these uneducated hicks drum up the bucks to go to Africa to teach the Africans what, exactly? They already have religions. They've served them well so far. Anybody ever seen the Book Of Mormom? Hysterical. To be so young and and 9 kids under age 11 while hauling water...the African are teaching them, not the other way around. What is wrong with them? Brain farts galore? They are so naive they may easily get involved in the sectarian muslim/christian or tribal violence, or incite it. Just have the TFDW go and sing to them. 2 Link to comment
Lillybee June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 John's purpose, if one could call it that, is to train KJV pastors in Africa. I don't understand why the pastors that they have there aren't good enough. Link to comment
floridamom June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 If this religious group wants to train African pastors, why don't they fly the pastors over to this country? Wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to do that? There is no need for a whole family, with little children, to go over there. Esther really needs some intervention. I don't have much respect for the Kellars or for Anna in allowing Esther and the kids to be used and abused in such a manner. I can't find anything Godly about this one, folks, sorry. 4 Link to comment
Skittl1321 June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 (edited) Local churches here go on missionary trips to Africa (where they meet with permanently settled missionary's who live there to receive this visitors- and those missionaries live there with their whole family) usually to dig wells. Jesus is the secondary mission. Edited June 17, 2014 by Skittl1321 1 Link to comment
BitterApple June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 Well, Anna lucked out because we know Joshie would never get his hands dirty by doing actual labor. No third world mission trips for them! 9 Link to comment
lizzie3 June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 Based on that video, could it be any more obvious that Michael is Josh's favourite kid? Mac was barely in it, and I we hardly saw Marcus at all. Josh better be careful, that kind of favouritism leaves a mark. 3 Link to comment
PinkSprinkles June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 Well, in Smuggar's defense, Michael is at an age where he can do fun things with dad like play catch, go to the park and play, and somewhat communicate. Marcus is still a baby (thus still dependent on Anna most of the time if still being breastfed) and Mackynzie is mom's helper and seems glued to her hip so Michael gets disproportionately more attention as a result from dad. This may change as Marcus gets older and more kids are added to the family. 1 Link to comment
SnarkyMcSnarkerson June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 (edited) Smugglar looks like a gem compared to those two. Not sure if this was a typo, but I laughed so hard at Smugglar! I think I will use that as Joshie-poo's nickname from now on! Edited June 17, 2014 by SnarkyMcSnarkerson 2 Link to comment
PinkSprinkles June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 Reminds me of the Hamburglar! 3 Link to comment
Boots June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 There can never been denying those children are his that's for sure! :-/ Link to comment
drafan June 18, 2014 Share June 18, 2014 Living far away from their built in help might slow down their goal to have as many children as the Lord gives them. Having to do it all of their own has probably been a big eye-opener for them. I doubt it. Remember Anna had "Baby Fever" right after she had given birth to the last one. And she's already been pregnant 5 times that we know of. Look at the letter they chose.......a billion names begin with M. The first one that picks Q, U, or V....then we'll know the size of the family will be limited. I'm putting my money on Jessa, Jinger, and JoyAnna for those letters. They'll probably fight over them, then use the letter as an excuse for not having more blessings. Jill will probably choose K or D. Link to comment
SpaghettiTuesdays June 21, 2014 Share June 21, 2014 Jill will probably choose K or D. I peg Jill as a trendy K. 1 Link to comment
Ljohnson1987 June 21, 2014 Share June 21, 2014 If Anna is pregnant with M4, I bet it'll be announced after the Dill wedding special. Does anyone really care anyway? She's going to pop out babies for as long as she can. She doesn't have the skills or education to do anything else. 1 Link to comment
BitterApple June 21, 2014 Share June 21, 2014 Both my sister and I are "K" names and I want to gag myself with a spoon with the Kardashian-esque trend of repurposing "C" names with a "K." One of my co-workers is pregnant and naming her son Karter. Cool name, but why is "C" no longer good enough? 1 Link to comment
Emme June 21, 2014 Share June 21, 2014 My whole family had names with the same initial. Some of the names were also very close. I HATED it, and vowed not to do that to my kids (I didn't). I'd like to see at least one Duggar kid leave behind the same-letter trend, and give their kids some individuality. 1 Link to comment
OSM Mom June 21, 2014 Share June 21, 2014 Both my sister and I are "K" names and I want to gag myself with a spoon with the Kardashian-esque trend of repurposing "C" names with a "K." One of my co-workers is pregnant and naming her son Karter. Cool name, but why is "C" no longer good enough? Because spelling it with a K is fresh and edgy. *gags* I hate cutesy spellings and made up names. 4 Link to comment
KAOS Agent June 22, 2014 Share June 22, 2014 I've found that people with "boring" names tend to give their kids unique and special names because they hated being just boring old John or whatever. People who grew up with a more unusual name or one with a different spelling often give their kids more "normal" names because they've spent their lives having to explain how to pronounce or spell their names constantly and it's a pain in the ass they don't want to put on their child. Josh and Anna had the ability to use M and be cutesy without messing with their kids' names too much. Then they went and named their daughter Mackynzie. She's going to love having to spell that out all the time. 1 Link to comment
Ripley68 June 24, 2014 Share June 24, 2014 The Duggar website has posted that Anna is NOT pregnant. Link to comment
CarolMK June 24, 2014 Share June 24, 2014 Good news on Anna not being pregnant yet. Let's hope that at least one of them is doing some form of natural family planning. Link to comment
ariel June 24, 2014 Share June 24, 2014 (edited) The Duggar website has posted that Anna is NOT pregnant. Wow, that's interesting that they felt the need to make that statement on their website. Edited June 24, 2014 by ariel Link to comment
Rhondinella June 24, 2014 Share June 24, 2014 They must have gotten wind of all the internet chatter. We need one of those Twitter accounts like IsTeresaInJail (from, which gives daily updates on whether Theresa Guidice is in jail or not. For example: Wednesday, the 18th of June, 2014. Teresa Giudice is not, at present, in jail. Heh. There could be daily updates saying, "Monday June 23. Anna Duggar is not currently pregnant." 6 Link to comment
ChicksDigScars June 24, 2014 Share June 24, 2014 Makes you wonder if Michelle is starting to get irritated that there is no "M" tribute to her, yet. You know it's coming. Remember when Joshie promised Meredith Viera that they'd use her name? I think Mullet's head would explode if there was a little Meredith before a little Michelle. 1 Link to comment
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