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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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ROL is running a story saying Josh was busted for watching porn on a company computer while working on a 2004 political campaign. (Wasn't this when Boob last ran?)  Subsequently, Josh was reprimanded with "very serious punishment" by church elders (more drywall, I assume). ROL references this as the "sin in the camp" we've seen mentioned before - which I thought had been tied to as his handiwork molesting young girls. There's certainly a lot of liquidity in this story. Josh was a busy boy sinning in many camps, if you ask me.

Edited by HundFan
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ROL is running a story saying Josh was busted for watching porn on a company computer while working on a 2004 political campaign. (Wasn't this when Boob last ran?) Subsequently, Josh was reprimanded with "very serious punishment" by church elders (more drywall, I assume). ROL references this as the "sin in the camp" we've seen mentioned before - which I thought had been tied to as his handiwork molesting young girls. There's certainly a lot of liquidity in this story. Josh was a busy boy sinning in many camps, if you ask me.

Eh, Josh was 15/16 in 2004, so this a little distasteful of Radar Online. He wouldn't have been 'at work' when this happened, and 99.99 percent of 16 year old boys would look at Internet porn, given the chance. There's no proven link between viewing porn and commiting sexual assault or pædophilia paraphilia (that I know of). Edited by Kokapetl
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I don't find it all that notable that a teenage boy is watching porn. And of course it doesn't speak to any proclivity to becoming a molester. This IS a headline story because Mr. FRC Josh - like his sanctimonious parents - live in glass houses while throwing stones at their neighbors. They might want to stand back from their windows.

Edited by HundFan
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Long term studies of molesters have found that use of porn has a strong positive correlation with recidivism. Porn is use different between molesters and normal adolescents. If he was curious about girl's bodies, why not just whack it to porn when no one around, why go after a 5 year old girl?

Most people like porn. Im assuming his porn tastes didn't involve 5 year olds.
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I don't find it all that notable that a teenage boy is watching porn. And of course it doesn't speak to any proclivity to becoming a molester. This IS a headline story because Mr. FRC Josh - like his sanctimonious parents - live in glass houses while throwing stones at their neighbors. They might want to stand back from their windows.


I'm not making any kind of causal connection between porn and molestation. I do think it takes serious lack of appropriate boundaries to watch porn at work, especially at work for a campaign run on conservative christian principles (and whichever campaign it turns out to have been, if Josh was involved I think we can be pretty sure it was a campaign run on conservative christian principles).


I imagine growing up around your dad preening about what an alpha male rut monster he is and how often he has sex with your mom would be a difficult environment to learn boundaries in, but clearly at that point Josh hadn't yet picked up on a street corner that the people around you have a right not to be involuntary accessories to your masturbatory behavior.

Edited by Julia
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Long term studies of molesters have found that use of porn has a strong positive correlation with recidivism. Porn is use different between molesters and normal adolescents. If he was curious about girl's bodies, why not just whack it to porn when no one around, why go after a 5 year old girl?

Good question, I don't know.

I shoplifted gay softcore porn magazines a couple of times when I was 14 in the late nineties, then I realised I could legally buy it (in Australia). I had my own bedroom and places to hide it though. Josh wouldn't have had those opportunities, but then again, that doesn't explain or justify him assaulting his youngest sisters.

I don't think Josh's contribution could be considered 'work', he was present because his father was present, he was at most a volunteer, and he was 16, at the oldest.

It doesn't need to.

There's also a correlation of oxygen consumption, defecation, brain activity etc. It's normal to like adult porn. Edited by Kokapetl
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I'm making any kind of causal connection between porn and molestation. I do think it takes serious lack of appropriate boundaries to watch porn at work, especially at work for a campaign run on conservative christian principles (and whichever campaign it turns out to have been, if Josh was involved I think we can be pretty sure it was a campaign run on conservative christian principles).

I imagine growing up around your dad preening about what an alpha male rut monster he is and how often he has sex with your mom would be a difficult environment to learn boundaries in, but clearly at that point Josh hadn't yet picked up on a street corner that the people around you have a right not to be involuntary accessories to your masturbatory behavior.

Watching porn at work is definitely innapropriate, but it's better than his previous behaviour. Edited by Kokapetl
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I love spirited discussions! (Isn't that why we all come here?) But I didn't write the article about Josh's porn. I only excerpted parts verbatim. Here's the link again in case anyone missed it:


I apologise. I found Radar Online reporting on Josh's (I assume and hope) adult porn browsing distasteful, not your post.
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My point is: Science shows Josh's brain works Just A Little Bit Differently™ than anther teen's would've. Looking at porn is natural, and normal, though not everyone does it or is aroused. Most people come (hehe) to grips with their sexuality in a healthy way.  Yes, Josh is a hypocrite, we already knew that. Many molesters use porn to get aroused, then go looking for a victim, even if it's boring adult porn. I'm not saying Josh has had other victims. The fact that Josh went though treatment and was still using, in a risky manor (he has little choice there - no net at home) is somewhat troubling to me.  I start wondering if the strip club rumor is true. Again, not something 'weird' about an 18-19yo going to a strip club, but it doesn't square with the party line that his faux 'treatment' got things under healthy control. Also, I'm certain he didn't need that Lego talk at his wedding.


Is Josh really reformed? At this point only God knows. I know Josh never got a decent evaluation or good treatment. That's scary.


(Also, if anyone has data that contradicts my above statements re: molesters and porn use, please post. I'd like to be proven wrong!)

  • Love 9

My point is: Science shows Josh's brain works Just A Little Bit Differently™ than anther teen's would've. Looking at porn is natural, and normal, though not everyone does it or is aroused. Most people come (hehe) to grips with their sexuality in a healthy way. Yes, Josh is a hypocrite, we already knew that. Many molesters use porn to get aroused, then go looking for a victim, even if it's boring adult porn. I'm not saying Josh has had other victims. The fact that Josh went though treatment and was still using, in a risky manor (he has little choice there - no net at home) is somewhat troubling to me. I start wondering if the strip club rumor is true. Again, not something 'weird' about an 18-19yo going to a strip club, but it doesn't square with the party line that his faux 'treatment' got things under healthy control. Also, I'm certain he didn't need that Lego talk at his wedding.

Is Josh really reformed? At this point only God knows. I know Josh never got a decent evaluation or good treatment. That's scary.

(Also, if anyone has data that contradicts my above statements re: molesters and porn use, please post. I'd like to be proven wrong!)

I agree that Josh's treatment at the Lobby Hobby place was not therapeutic. At best, he was 'scared straight' by 3 months of sort of 'hardish labor'.

I really hope that DHS forced him to have counselling.

Edited by Kokapetl
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If I was his brother, I'd be beating up on Josh.  I imagine it is due to him that their internet use is so severely restricted.  Of course, Josh did the deed at work, on a campaign computer.  Bad call.  Really bad.


Well, he definitely inherited his parents' lack of judgment and zero sense of appropriateness.

  • Love 8

What?!? How did I miss this? Please provide details!

There were, admittedly sketchy, rumors when the scandal first broke that Josh visited strip clubs in Fayetville when he was 18-19. They could be true, or not. It's possible Josh was sly/quite enough to go without being recognized. That would've been pre-TV show. We discussed the rumors here. The consensus was....eh, maybe, with a whole shaker of salt.







This is small peanuts compared to what we know now, but it was pretty common knowledge that Josh Duggar frequented strip clubs in Fayetteville when he was 18-19, before he married Anna but after they got they had done more than one Discovery special (I had many friends at U0fA at the time, which is where this knowledge comes from). My parents are from Ozarka and have had a few near-encounters with the Duggars, and I get the impression that they are sort of just everywhere in the Springfield/Rogers area nowadays.

Edited by JoanArc
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In which Jim Bob makes a prayer about Jerick and Jilly Muffin leaving for another poverty tour all about Josh Duggar, Child Molester™. It's approximately at the 1:07 mark.


Dear Duggars,

Can nothing be private anymore? Is nothing sacred? Can you not say goodbye to your children without getting it recorded?

No love,


This clip made me extra stabby.  They really cannot have a genuine moment.  And then to make this about Josh.  JB should crawl under a rock and disappear.  Mechelle can take the rock next to his so she can stare adoringly.  


If Josh watched porn, no big deal.  If he went to strip clubs, no big deal.  If he got carpal tunnel syndrome from spending too much time trying to do a quick spank job whenever he could get a moment alone, who cares?  But Josh playing the holier than though, women/girls are at fault for "defrauding" men into sexual thoughts/conduct makes it all a huge problem.  


The whole he wasn't Christian at the time of the molestation is a smoke screen I have seen before.  If you had spoken to him before these events, he would have said he was Christian.  He took Jesus into his heart.  However, when something like this happens the excuse is either the devil pushed Jesus out or he never fully embraced Christ.  Josh apparently has a heart like a sieve; Jesus just keeps oozing out.  

Edited by Muffyn
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Thanks for the info JoanArc. Wow! Josh going to a strip club (allegedly) wouldn't necessarily be a big deal - were Josh normal. But Josh was far from that. He'd already been busted multiple times for sexually molesting his sisters.  And his own parents so distrusted him they installed locks on the girls' doors to control his behavior!  So we see a still out of control predator, supposedly reformed (thank you, Jesus of drywall!), still giving, at the very least, the ​appearance of impropriety by surfing porn at a public campaign office - and now (allegedly), upping the ante further by going to public strip clubs!  I'm no shrink, but I don't think he was that stupid. I think he was getting a real charge out of this ever-escalating behavior. Sorry, my ass. Sorry he got caught. 

Edited by HundFan
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Folks, porn is not illegal, nor is it any indication that one is a molester. Please stop with the speculation that porn=molester. Also, we really do not need to speculate about what type of porn he was watching. Do molesters watch porn? Yes. Does just about everyone else? Yes. There are enough reasons to find what he did despicable without branding people that watch porn as molesters. This story is horrific enough. There is absolutely no need to pile on with baseless speculation.


  • Love 9

Folks, porn is not illegal, nor is it any indication that one is a molester. Please stop with the speculation that porn=molester. Also, we really do not need to speculate about what type of porn he was watching. Do molesters watch porn? Yes. Does just about everyone else? Yes. There are enough reasons to find what he did despicable without branding people that watch porn as molesters. This story is horrific enough. There is absolutely no need to pile on with baseless speculation.


Thank you, Mod Frenchtoast ! I've been trying to post something that would level the playing field and even the Josh Molestation Factor to something coherent, but you went and did it for me. Much appreciation to your thoughtful, succinct words.


My feelings and opinion, found to be true, because, uh...science, is thus:


  • Pornography does not make you a child molester.
  • Pornography does not make you gay.
  • Pornography does not make you a gay child molester. 


Not that I'm saying that porn, especially at an early age, can't, I don't know how to put it - maybe influence you a bit, if you're of a certain mindset, but it doesn't create monsters, anymore than masturbation, a totally natural act, would. Has Fifty Shades of Grey set off a rampage of desperate, middle-aged women running rampant all over the world, insisting on spankings and blindfolds from total strangers...? No. It's entertainment, albeit of the very bad, tawdry, modern bodice-ripper type, but it's still JUST fiction. Those that would act on impulses "created" by the oh-so-trashy trilogy already had those predilictions to begin with. I, for one, think porn, the "regular", non-child, non-violent kind, is just a fine with me...Enjoy !


I don't believe that sexually repressed/denied Christian Fundamentalists become child molesters because they were repressed or denied. I think they become child molesters because they were born that way. I play fairly loose on religion, respecting ALL faiths, and participating in some with reverence, but I don't think Gothard and his cronies "created" a molester in Josh. He was just like that to begin with, but their strange, backward, devious ways and obvious cover-ups fostered his sickness and allowed it to continue. Rehabbing a Hobby-Lobby into a center for Gothard was not a "cure" for Josh - it was the teenage version of a "time-out" while his parents got their shit together and did some serious shopping for new locks and doorknobs at the local Home Depot. 


Historically, the recidivism rate for untreated child molesters is about the same as those with severe hoarding tendencies - in the high 90s. Without medication and serious therapy the rate climbs to just about 100%. I'm not speculating where Josh is on the spectrum, but I'd bet my retirement account that, even if he is now a calmed, tamed, shamed monster, he's still a monster. His parents did him (and his victims/possible victims) a great disservice, a great sin, in fact, by sweeping this all under the Gothard rug, faking an intervention with a "family friend" who was soooo far from a real counselor I actually laughed out loud, and continuing to subject the Duggar daughters to repeated exposure to the man-boy who violated them. 


You don't have to be afraid of all clowns, but you should be afraid of John Wayne Gacy.


You don't have to be afraid of all charming law students, but you should be afraid of Ted Bundy. 


Time will tell if we need to be afraid of stone-throwing, glass-house owning, hypocritical Gothard Christian who, as an adult, let only his parents and victims speak for and defend, his actions, while he hides in the barn-loft behind his three children and pregnant wife. 


I hope only that the remaining girls are safe, that JB and Michelle learn to really keep an eye on their eldest, and that Gothard's exposure as an established predator and pervert would maybe, maybe put it upon their hearts and they would purpose to get their heads out of their asses.

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This M'Kid is about to enter a very different life than her siblings did. Mackynzie is the real loser here. With the cameras around she could be as spunky and as sassy as she wanted with her little brothers but now her parents don't even have to pretend that she won't be trained out of that. Anna can be pretty sassy herself, so I have hope but poor girl had to claw her way up to that before this trainwreck happened.

Unless someone here is a clinical psychiatrist treating sexual offenders who began at a young age, I'm not comfortable tossing around recidivism rates. Because I've looked it up and they are all over the place. And of course we don't have good rates for those not in traditional counseling, because how would those rates be recorded if that person were NOT caught?

I'll admit, I've asked some friends, and I've had various answers. None of them are great. All agree that Josh SHOULD have had counseling. But none rule out the possibility that his own upbringing is so problematic, that speaking about the case off the cuff is unprofessional.

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I can't figure out how to post a pic here, so here's a link to my Twitter. It's important to remember that the children who were molested didn't look like the heavily mascaraed women with the perfect barrel rolled 'do. Because TLC hasn't cancelled their show and the Duggars and their humpers still believe Josh's actions were "normal."


Edited by FakeJoshDuggar
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Aw, FakeJosh, that is a heart wrenching photo!!! Since I looked anyway, haha on Jessa's "blingy" gold belt, and WTH is that big fat mess on Joy??? I'm breaking with my prior stance on prairie dresses. Little house look alike would have been HIGHLY preferable to that awful thing!!!

Recidivism rates are something we've all been curious about, especially those that target the molester that may not have been treated properly. No, we don't actually know whether Josh was treated other than ATI at all, so that's certainly a factor. But given that J still is in constant contact with small children, I am more curious over recurrence numbers.

I once heard a story about a man who got arrested for peeing at a golf course. He wasn't in "public", and he didn't expose himself. He had to go and was a long way from the restroom, so he did what men do (the men I know at least) and found a tree. As he zipped up, the course marshal stopped him and had him arrested. The man thought it was ridiculous and didn't fight the charges. Went to the hearing sort of "internally" snorting, sarcastically. As a result, he was fined, put on probation and required to register as a sex offender. (In our area, and I'm assuming across the U.S., sex offenders are on a map you can easily view online). He was then mortified at his lack of foresight. Last I heard, he hadn't been able to get the label removed and is still a sex offender.

I said all that because there is justifyable horror over the outcome of being busted sometimes (and when the debt to society is paid, it's paid) but other times...like with Josh... It seems to me like keeping an eye on the offender is a pretty good idea. I feel like he managed to slide under he radar because of the statute, and nobody can do anything about that. But I hope SOMEBODY comes up with a way that he has to be watched more closely than the average John Brown. Certainly more closely than the guy taking a leak at the golf course.

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I can't figure out how to post a pic here, so here's a link to my Twitter. It's important to remember that the children who were molested didn't look like the heavily mascaraed women with the perfect barrel rolled 'do. Because TLC hasn't cancelled their show and the Duggars and their humpers still believe Josh's actions were "normal."


Talk about a scared straight moment. 

Edited by amitville

The Anna statement about Josh being helpful at night and how she takes care of the north end while Josh takes care of the south end, especially at night, gives me the creeps.  No speculation, hope I'm wrong, but with the information everyone now has it's creepy.  Just like his incest joke back when he was courting Anna about his bro & sis 'double dating' with them was and is creepy now that we know what he did.

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Gothard claims that one of the seven stresses, lust, can have a powerful affect on your immune system. 'The endocrine system consists of about 16 or 17 or so glands throughout our body and they are affected by our sexual drive,' he explains. Lust can have a positive or negative affect on the body depending on what it's for. God designed us to have an attraction to the opposite sex for marriage. But whoremongers will be damaged by their own system.'

I can't quit laughing at this. So let's say I admire a poster of Magic Mike XXL, or enjoy the fact that one of my best friends is built like a thing of beauty, or flirt in a raunchy way with my usually ex-boyfriend then I am killing myself?! Holy crap I'm in trouble. I think I may have shaved years off my life when I got divorced & starting dating again. Stupid glands! I bet Josh wishes the old man would shut up. His blathering is ridiculous. I'm not sure I want to even consider the other six "stresses". I may already be dead & not know it.

There were, admittedly sketchy, rumors when the scandal first broke that Josh visited strip clubs in Fayetville when he was 18-19. They could be true, or not. It's possible Josh was sly/quite enough to go without being recognized. That would've been pre-TV show. We discussed the rumors here. The consensus was....eh, maybe, with a whole shaker of salt.

The two clubs in Fayetteville are dumps. (A few side ones have popped up & closed before you can blink.) They are on a main road with no hidden parking so in theory a car could be recognized. One does share a parking lot with a busy Mexican restaurant so it wouldn't be hard to blend your car in. Anyone who goes in them has to be a bit sly or just not give a crap that they could be seen. It isn't like a they are nice, clean, upscale places filled with scads of smoking hot women. From a guy I know who went a few years back he said there were less than a handful of women & seeing one lady with a missing tooth & a poorly done Cesarean scar killed his libido for some time. Who knows if it's true about Josh or not but our local joints are nothing like you might imagine from seeing clubs on TV.
  • Love 6

I can't quit laughing at this. So let's say I admire a poster of Magic Mike XXL, or enjoy the fact that one of my best friends is built like a thing of beauty, or flirt in a raunchy way with my usually ex-boyfriend then I am killing myself?! Holy crap I'm in trouble. I think I may have shaved years off my life when I got divorced & starting dating again. Stupid glands! I bet Josh wishes the old man would shut up. His blathering is ridiculous. I'm not sure I want to even consider the other six "stresses". I may already be dead & not know it. The two clubs in Fayetteville are dumps. (A few side ones have popped up & closed before you can blink.) They are on a main road with no hidden parking so in theory a car could be recognized. One does share a parking lot with a busy Mexican restaurant so it wouldn't be hard to blend your car in. Anyone who goes in them has to be a bit sly or just not give a crap that they could be seen. It isn't like a they are nice, clean, upscale places filled with scads of smoking hot women. From a guy I know who went a few years back he said there were less than a handful of women & seeing one lady with a missing tooth & a poorly done Cesarean scar killed his libido for some time. Who knows if it's true about Josh or not but our local joints are nothing like you might imagine from seeing clubs on TV.

It's strange, but Gothard starts out basically correct with outline of the endocrine system. There may not be 17 but there's like 10-ish major glands, he then loses the plot a bit with his statement about lust and the endocrine system, however stress does affect the body via the endocrine system. The rest of what he says is downright nutty.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 2

It's strange, but Gothard starts out basically correct with outline of the endocrine system. There may not be 17 but there's like 10-ish major glands, he then loses the plot a bit with his statement about lust and the endocrine system, however stress does affect the body via the endocrine system. The rest of what he says seems downright nutty.

There's always a kernel of truth in his teaching. The best way to lie or misdirect is to include just enough truth in what you're pushing.

  • Love 7

There's always a kernel of truth in his teaching. The best way to lie or misdirect is to include just enough truth in what you're pushing.

I found a sample 'Wisdom Booklet'

I found most of it impenetrable (I'm not religious), but there is something wrong with the anecdotes.

The Case of the Foreigner Who Turned Out to Be a Coroner

A young attorney was defending his client in a murder case. He claimed that the death was a result of suicide and not homicide. An old German doctor had performed the autopsy and was convinced that the fatal bullet wound could not have been self- inflicted.

Cross-Examiner: “Doctor, you seem very certain about your findings in this case. You do

not give it as your opinion that the wound in this case could not have been self-inflicted, but you state it as a matter of fact—swear to it as a matter of fact. Now, I would like to ask you—by any chance is this the first autopsy you have ever made? I don’t find your name anywhere in our local medical directory.”

Doctor: “No, I can say that I have made a previous autopsy.”

Cross-Examiner: “Well, can you go as far as to say you have made five autopsies?”

Doctor: “Yes—yes, I think I can say that I have made five autopsies.”

Cross-Examiner: “Well, sir, why beat about the bush? Let’s put it this way: Can you say you have made a thousand autopsies?”

Doctor: “Well, I think I can truthfully say I probably have. You see, I was coroner for forty years for the city of Berlin before I came to this country!”

Biblical ramblings follow, but I don't see the logic of that story. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 3

I found a sample 'Wisdom Booklet'

I found most of it impenetrable (I'm not religious), but there is something wrong with the anecdotes.

Biblical ramblings follow, but I don't see the logic of that story.

Logic is covered in the next wisdom booklet.

One of the things I was hopeful for the move to DC was for Mac to possibly go to a Christian school. Now I suppose there is no way they won't homeschool.

Edited by TaxNerd
  • Love 4

It's strange, but Gothard starts out basically correct with outline of the endocrine system. There may not be 17 but there's like 10-ish major glands, he then loses the plot a bit with his statement about lust and the endocrine system, however stress does affect the body via the endocrine system. The rest of what he says is downright nutty.

It's sad too because I think he is trying to blame people with diseases for getting diseases as if their sinning caused it, like God's punishment of them.  It's actually a pre-Christian belief when one remembers the story of someone asking Jesus why a child was sick - had his parents sinned and Jesus said no.  The event of the child being sick was to show the grace of God in healing, not God's punishment.  I only bring up the bible story because that is SUPPOSEDLY who Gothard CLAIMS to follow, as well as the Duggars, yet if they still feel that people get disease out of God's punishment for their sins they are not following Jesus.

  • Love 6

Logic is covered in the next wisdom booklet.

One of the things I was hopeful for the move to DC was for Mac to possibly go to a Christian school. Now I suppose there is no way they won't homeschool.

Considering that Anna's production output is about 50% of what Michelle's productivity was, and that Anna prides herself on her 24/7 devotion to her kids, and not 24/7 reliance on benzos and sister moms, Anna was always going to homefool the M's.
  • Love 1

It's sad too because I think he is trying to blame people with diseases for getting diseases as if their sinning caused it, like God's punishment of them.  It's actually a pre-Christian belief when one remembers the story of someone asking Jesus why a child was sick - had his parents sinned and Jesus said no.  The event of the child being sick was to show the grace of God in healing, not God's punishment.  I only bring up the bible story because that is SUPPOSEDLY who Gothard CLAIMS to follow, as well as the Duggars, yet if they still feel that people get disease out of God's punishment for their sins they are not following Jesus.

Ben posted something related to this last night. Having lost both of my devout parents to cancer, I might have blasted him for being so obtuse. My post was apparently deleted, but he did not block me. 


The show demonstrated Anna doing some pre-school homefoolin' with Mack while in DC. She was adamant then that she was going to homefool her spawn. Now? I just hope she is smarter than she comes off, or her M kids will be fucked trying to deal with the increasingly more educated "real world."

  • Love 1

It's strange, but Gothard starts out basically correct with outline of the endocrine system. There may not be 17 but there's like 10-ish major glands, he then loses the plot a bit with his statement about lust and the endocrine system, however stress does affect the body via the endocrine system. The rest of what he says is downright nutty.

I agree. I understand how stress can play havoc on the body and that the endocrine system is involved. I've struggled with adrenal issues. You're right about the nutty part as well. I guess lust can stress one out if there is never an outlet for the desires, but I doubt that's what Mr. Gotta-Take-Your-Shoes-Off was trying to teach the unwashed yearning masses.  


Ramble-  "my usually ex-boyfriend"  That's great!  Been there, done that.  LOL

Not the healthiest place to be. This probably does impact my whore-mongering stressors. As of tonight he may be the always ex-boyfriend. Idiot stupid pig man of dumb-assery. 


I'm uncomfortable with how curious I am if M4 has been born. It doesn't impact my life, but I want to know and know as soon as it happens. That's probably a stress too. I may be dying from all the curiosity and the lust.  All that stress. Egads! Quick, where's a picture of the Marvel Chris Club to revive me? Fully clothed of course. I'd side hug the fire out of those boys!

Edited by ramble
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