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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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On 12/7/2021 at 9:11 PM, hathorlive said:

I don't know if I'll ever be able to look at a router again without thinking it's defrauding me.

How do you feel today ? I know I feel much better about mine today. Whew !  😁

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Here it is:

Duggar was found guilty on both charges he faced, receipt of child pornography and possession of child pornography.

The judge issued a stay of conviction on possession as a “lesser included offense.”

At a press conference after court adjourned, prosecutor Dustin Roberts explained that procedure.

“By function of law, you cannot be convicted of both,” he said.

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3 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

I think I just keep hoping that through all this Josh will finally figure out something about his life -- and have said to his family and to his lawyers, "Look, guys, this was actually right. I did this and the evidence proved it. And I'm a danger to others. I know that now and I know that I have to change my life. I need to get psychological and medical help with my frightening impulses. And pay my debt for this thing I just did that hurt some innocent people. It's time."  

I realize that sounds crazy.

But he's been a privileged and in some ways a quite lucky person throughout his life and now he's responsible for seven young children. So if those facts, plus this really sharp shock, don't make him at least temporarily recognize a bit of truth, then I tend to conclude that not only he but most of his misguided family too are never going to figure this out. They really are going to go on and on in denial and ignorance and arrogant insistence that nothing is ever ever their fault because they're Jesus's special people and now they're being persecuted. And that's going to make the raising and "education" of the Duggar-out-of-Gothard Generation 3 just as fucked up as the education of their parents.  

I see his recalcitrance as a bad omen for the whole rapidly expanding family. .....Hopefully some of those who didn't come to the trial with a thumbs-up attitude are rethinking all this, though. Despite the central figures in this mess apparently being hopelessly lost. 



Never happen. Josh is a predator and he won't ever stop on his own. Hopefully either Anna will leave and never let him see the kids again or the state will step in and take the kids

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Smuggar is in for a real eye opening experience and not in a good way. He will be known by his fellow inmates as a Chomo and is lower than pond scum in the jail and prison hierarchy. He will most likely have to be in protective custody, at least for a while. And, once he's not being protected, will need to keep his head down, be quiet and keep to himself. Even then, everyone he's housed with will make it known that he's a living, breathing piece of human shit. A lot of inmates doing time for sex crimes lie to their peers about why they're there in order to fit in. Smuggar doesn't have that option and I'm glad. 

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20 minutes ago, SJC said:

How do you feel today ? I know I feel much better about mine today. Whew !  😁

ROTF!!!  I lurve my router.  He serves up all my data, notes it, copies it and stores in case I step out of line down the road!

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In honor of the verdict, I have an awesome cheese appetizer I will donate to the prayer closet.  Fontina cheese mixed with mayo, a little parsley and some chopped red onion.  I have to restrain myself from eating it by the spoonful, it's so good.  (Note:  Not homemade, they make it at my local grocery store.)

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28 minutes ago, graefin said:


Here it is:

Duggar was found guilty on both charges he faced, receipt of child pornography and possession of child pornography.

The judge issued a stay of conviction on possession as a “lesser included offense.”

At a press conference after court adjourned, prosecutor Dustin Roberts explained that procedure.

“By function of law, you cannot be convicted of both,” he said.

Then why are both crimes?    Seriously.    He was convicted of two separate charges because that was what he was charged with.    

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58 minutes ago, Iguessnot said:

His sketchy behavior predated their marriage and took place in their own household. They can't put any greater blame on Anna than themselves.

That's true, but in their religion, the wife is responsible if her husband seeks sexual satisfaction elsewhere. We don't know if the Duggars really believe or follow that, but it would not be surprising if they did. They probably thought Josh's sexual problems would be solved once he got married and had someone to have sex with.

Edited by Future Cat Lady
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1 hour ago, BetyBee said:

@Churchhoney, I'm with you on this. I have an incarcerated relative serving time for a serious crime. She isn't just passing time. She really has seen the error of her ways and tries to atone for her crime by leading a good life. There are opportunities for her to improve herself and she has taken advantage.

Josh is a pedophile and it's unlikely that those urges will disappear. However, I would be happy for him and for his family if he were to see his crimes as crimes and get counseling to try to get a handle on why he is the way he is. I would hope that he one day would see that he presents a danger to children and accept that he deserves punishment. I would also hope that he furthers his education. In short, it would be great if he made the most of his time in prison. It's up to him. No one can do it for him.

I hope too, that Anna makes use of her time without him. I hope she focuses on her children and thinks about providing for them herself. I really hope that she expands her point of view and branches out in the world. She could find that she is strong enough without her husband to lead a good life. Just as with Josh, only she can do these things for herself. It's up to her.

Thanks, @BetyBee! This is just exactly what I'm thinking about. I respect your incarcerated relative so much for doing what she's doing. I have a formerly incarcerated acquaintance who is like her, and I know there are plenty more.  

On the subject of Josh's particular desires, I know his nature may be an especially difficult one. But there are studies now that show chemical castration plus therapy, like cognitive therapy, seem to make a difference. It would be so important for so many people if he were willing to admit his problems and try something like this. 

I so share your hope that both he and Anna will be motivated to use this time to move in good directions. 

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1 hour ago, Iguessnot said:

His sketchy behavior predated their marriage and took place in their own household. They can't put any greater blame on Anna than themselves.

Well, they definitely shouldn't. Now we just have to hope that they realize that....I do think they might. 

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37 minutes ago, bobalina said:

Never happen. Josh is a predator and he won't ever stop on his own. Hopefully either Anna will leave and never let him see the kids again or the state will step in and take the kids

I think you're very likely to be right!

But I also think -- and have seen evidence to prove -- that we don't ever know how capable anybody is of change until they're dead. So I always hold out some hope! 

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I was watching Emily Baker's live stream for a bit, and she had a copy of the jury instructions. I thought the part about what they were allowed to consider regarding his prior molestatations was interesting. 

They were allowed to consider it, if they thought those insitances were likely to have happened. And they could consider how those prior behaviors led to what he was currently charged with. But they could not convict if they thought he was giulty of the prior crimes and NOT guilty f the current charges. 

I bet a few minds were changed/swayed based on the prior molestations. 

I'm guessing a lot of us here aren't happy/releived just because he was found guilty of the current changes, but that it's also kind of justice that he will also face consequences for what he got away with in the past. 

I think it's possible (not guaranteed of course) that had his prior crimes been properly dealt with, he may have been able to avoid his current charges. I would give him more capacity to change if he had received proper treatment in his younger/teen years. At least the possibility was there. It is probably too late now. 

I feel for his kids. And while I have no sympathy for Anna for staying with him, I'm sure this is not easy to deal with. JB & M can fuck right off. I also feel for Jill, Joy, Jessa, and Jinger. 

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I know it's been mentioned that Anna's parents were not present in the courtroom but is it known whether they are offering to help Anna at all through this?  Or are they deep in fundie land and believe that Anna needs to stand by her man?

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Josh Duggar has been found guilty- discussion of his conviction, the trial, previously admitted abuse (and public commentary by now adult victims who have chosen to come forward) is allowed.

Discussion of Jim Bob's campaign is NOT allowed. 

Speculation regarding other victims of Josh Duggar (minor or adult, their identities etc)- is NOT allowed. Again, SPECULATION regarding potential victims of Josh Duggar, IS. NOT. ALLOWED.

Discussion of wishing sexual assault on ANYONE, including Josh Duggar- is not allowed. 

If in doubt, do not post.* The moderators will not be moderating for graphic content, warnings will be issued for violating these guidelines. 


*You may always message a mod for clarification, and await a response BEFORE posting.

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

Is there a So only jail?  Wow.

There are sex offender units in jail. Sex offenders are the lowest rung on the jail and prison hierarchy ladder and are hated by their fellow inmates. If they just dumped him into general population, he might not make it to his sentencing. Inmate hierarchy is brutal and child sex offenders are the lowest of the low and are treated accordingly by their fellow inmates. Smuggar is going to have to watch his back for the duration of his time behind bars.

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1 hour ago, MargeGunderson said:

From Reddit: Father is incarcerated 😂🤣

(The “Mother is bleeding” jokes may be old someday, but today is not that day. I am here for all of them.)

I am not in on the JB "is this allowed" jokes!  How did I miss out on this?

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10 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

There are sex offender units in jail. Sex offenders are the lowest rung on the jail and prison hierarchy ladder and are hated by their fellow inmates. If they just dumped him into general population, he might not make it to his sentencing. Inmate hierarchy is brutal and child sex offenders are the lowest of the low and are treated accordingly by their fellow inmates. Smuggar is going to have to watch his back for the duration of his time behind bars.

However, in this case, the WashingtonCoSO was referring to the Washington County Sherrif's Office. He hasn't been assigned to a specific prison let alone unit yet. 

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1 minute ago, christine falls said:

He hasn't been assigned to a specific prison let alone unit yet. 

I was just coming to ask this.  I know this was discussed upthread - many many pages ago! - but is there any indication of where he will be sent when sentenced?

Edited by SusannahM
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2 minutes ago, christine falls said:

However, in this case, the WashingtonCoSO was referring to the Washington County Sherrif's Office. He hasn't been assigned to a specific prison let alone unit yet. 

One of the articles I read said he was booked into the sex offender unit of the county jail.

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6 minutes ago, Ljohnson1987 said:

Those doesn't happen in federal prison.



Also... What do you think Anna will say to the kids about where Smug is? 

Columbia? Nepal? Somewhere that he is working hard to convert people to the right Jesus? 

I don’t think we will ever know because I’m certain Anna will never post anything on SM. I expect her to live a private life. 

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7 minutes ago, Ljohnson1987 said:

Those doesn't happen in federal prison.



Also... What do you think Anna will say to the kids about where Smug is? 

He's being held at the county jail until sentencing. Many states do not allow conjugal visits at any level of jail. Hopefully, AR is one of these states.

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3 minutes ago, SusannahM said:

I was just coming to ask this.  I know this was discussed upthread - many many pages ago! - but is there any indication of where he will be sent when sentenced?

There is a federal prison in Forrest City, AR. His attorneys will most likely ask for him to do his time there so his family can visit🤮

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1) We do not allow any discussion speculating on Josh's victims.  

2) We do not allow any wishes, joking or otherwise, for anyone to be assaulted.

3) The site's Politics Policy is still in effect.

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1 minute ago, lovesnark said:

There is a federal prison in Forrest City, AR. His attorneys will most likely ask for him to do his time there so his family can visit🤮

It's a minimum security unit. Sex offenders are put in medium security, minimum. He's going out of state.

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5 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

It's a minimum security unit. Sex offenders are put in medium security, minimum. He's going out of state.

There are three facilities at the complex. Medium security,  low and minimum.

Edited by lovesnark
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