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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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  On 4/21/2015 at 5:49 PM, Ljohnson1987 said:

Jessa. We know you're knocked up. (It's all you're good for). Stop purposely arching your back to show us.


  On 4/21/2015 at 5:48 PM, abseedee said:

"Cooked, cooking and just in the oven."


She's doing a Jill pose.....arched back and raised eyebrows with crazy eyes added.

I guess congrats to Bingermin and Blessa.

I like to think that's a bit of gentle teasing -- she's "doing Jill" with that little smirk.

  • Love 4
I had higher hopes for Jessa. Will Bin be 20 by then? They're creepy.


Yes, his birthday is next month. I only know because we share a birthday!



So he was born in 1995, yes?  That disturbs me greatly that I am old enough to be his mother.  I'll be 39 in August.  That would make Bin too young to procreate.  Ugh.


For the record, I have no problem with them all marrying young.  My husband and I were 23 and 21 (him younger) when we married.  The difference is that we waited 5 1/2 years to pop out our first blessing. 

Edited by kstar821
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  On 4/21/2015 at 6:10 PM, kstar821 said:

So he was born in 1995, yes?  That disturbs me greatly that I am old enough to be his mother.  I'll be 39 in August.  That would make Bin too young to procreate.  Ugh.


For the record, I have no problem with them all marrying young.  My husband and I were 23 and 21 (him younger) when we married.  The difference is that we waited 5 1/2 years to pop out our first blessing. 


You might be old enough to be his mother but I AM the mother of a child born in 1995. Yikes - that really puts his age in perspective. 

  • Love 5

Meh. I can't snark on a pregnant woman who truly wants her baby because that is precious to them, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want them to space them out after this one. I guess it's not as shocking to me since all of my friends get pregnant like 15 seconds after they leave the church, but I did go to a liberal arts Christian college. It's just the next logical step in their minds.

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  On 4/21/2015 at 6:13 PM, GEML said:

My son is one year younger than Ben.

(More sighing)

  On 4/21/2015 at 6:20 PM, 3girlsforus said:

You might be old enough to be his mother but I AM the mother of a child born in 1995. Yikes - that really puts his age in perspective.

Yeah, me too. Mine were born in 95 and 96; they bracket Bin. And they'd both be horrified at the idea of impending parenthood at their age, thank heavens.

  • Love 4
  On 4/21/2015 at 6:23 PM, Spencer Hastings said:

Meh. I can't snark on a pregnant woman who truly wants her baby because that is precious to them, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want them to space them out after this one. I guess it's not as shocking to me since all of my friends get pregnant like 15 seconds after they leave the church, but I did go to a liberal arts Christian college. It's just the next logical step in their minds.

How great would it be for her next blessing to come when her firstborn is like 3? It would be craziness in Duggarland, but it's a very common age gap amongst people I know.

  • Love 2

Well, so no big surprise there. What else was she going to do. Get a job or go to school. That whole family is nuts and Boob and J'Chelle should be ashamed for putting pressure on a 19 year-old to get his wife of couple months pregnant. What a bright future, no job or no skills. I guess Ben must enjoy cleaning those toilets.

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  On 4/21/2015 at 6:34 PM, ginger90 said:

I wish them well.

Any wonderful comments from Jim Bob and Michelle yet?

Nothing official that I've seen, but I can guess what they'll say.

Boob: "we are so excited for Jessa and Bin. It's a really neat blessing that they're expecting their first child on their first anniversary. I guess they'll be spending that night a little bit differently from last year, heh heh heh. No word on names yet, but I'm hoping for Jim Bob!"

Mechelle: "I am soooo excited that my little Jessa Blessa and her wonderful husband Bin are expecting their first little blessing! Being a grandma again is going to be such a sweet, surreal blessing for me and I am just so blessed to be enjoying this new season of life. We're just hoping for lots more babies to come!"

  • Love 19
  On 4/21/2015 at 6:24 PM, 3 is enough said:

It just makes me sad to see this uneducated couple who feel that their only purpose in life is to pop out babies.

It's probably also the only thing these people are good at. ;)


Also, I see Jessa has learned the fine art of bump-emphasizing-back-arching from Jill.

Edited by graefin
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I guess they had to get it out in People before Royal Baby 2.0 arrives and steals the thunder. Seriously, I don't understand why TLC makes such a big deal out of these surprise announcements when they know it's going to come out in People before the show airs.

In the photo of The 3 Pregoteers, I noticed that Anna looks similar to Jill- more than Jessa does. Although I will give Anna credit for being the best groomed of the 3. Even with 3 kiddos at home on top of baking M'4, she looks put together and like she makes an effort to at least brush her hair.

So I have to ask... What are we going to call the Seewald offspring? We've got to come up with something entertaining now that our RickJamesBitch fun is over.

  • Love 2

Disappointing but not sure yet how they could have avoided it. Yes I expect some sibling at some point to draw a line in the sand and introduce birth control or staggered pregnancies but these girls (Jill and Jessa) have only just got married to very conservative men who share their mindset of no birth control. I'm not at all surprised that they're both pregnant so quickly. It's going to take a very brave sister to start that conversation when they've been taught all their life that birth control is a sin, accepting babies is their mission in life etc etc. Anna & Josh are probably more likely to be the first ones to start controlling properly - Josh seems to be have always been over the idea of a huge family. I feel sorry for these girls who don't seem to be able to see another way yet at all.

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I used to watch Masters of the Universe when I was a kid. I watched every new episode hoping it would be the really dramatic one where Teela would find out that Prince Adam was really He-Man. (Oh, if only fanfic had been around back then.) My 9yo self didn't realize it would never happen.

That's what it's like to wait for a Duggar to break the mold. Futile.

  • Love 10

Poor Anna. She's been totally back burnered. First by Jill and now by Jessa. I wonder if she raises her hand and says, "Hey! I'm pregnant, toooooo!" whenever she's around MEE-chelle. She's gotta be crushed. 


As for the Seewald Knocked Up News: SHRUG and UGH. Why aren't these kids allowed to have a life before being tied down with a family to support? Her husband is a TEENAGER. An unemployed, uneducated teenager, cleaning toilets for his father-in-law and living in a house that belongs to Grandma. Yay. Let's celebrate! 


Now we know why Jana is still single. She sees what will be expected and demanded of her if she gets married, and she's spent FAR too much time raising her mother's children to do that just now.  


I really hate JB and Michelle right now.  Why is pregnancy drilled into the Duggar mindset as the only thing that determines your worth?

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 8

I don't know why people were thinking Jill or Jessa would be the ones to break the mold.  Not using birth control is the cornerstone of their faith. It's what their entire lives are built around.  Nobody is going against that, at least not while the show is running and Jim Bob is still in his right mind.  Josie might have a shot.

  • Love 4

I get that these people have nothing else in their lives but birthin' babies, but geez, louise, women get pregnant every damn day.   It's not news.    If everyone stopped treating every announcement of a pregnancy with this family like it's the Second Coming, they might go away.   Ooooh, look a woman who has been raised to be a baby machine is pregnant.    News would be Jessa announcing  "we decided to wait to start a family" instead of "we fucked like rabbits on our honeymoon so I could get pregnant right away."

  • Love 8

Never doubt me again, readers of this forum (intoned in best James Earl Jones voice).


Still not quite sure why People published the photos of them way back when -- the "house tour" story -- and didn't realize they were giving the big secret away at that time. She was clearly pregnant. Which means she did start to show pretty darned early.


I AM shocked it's not a honeymoon baby. Guess Jill is still winning.

  • Love 1
  On 4/21/2015 at 7:21 PM, ChicksDigScars said:

Poor Anna. She's been totally back burnered. First by Jill and now by Jessa. I wonder if she raises her hand and says, "Hey! I'm pregnant, toooooo!" whenever she's around MEE-chelle. She's gotta be crushed. 


As for the Seewald Knocked Up News: SHRUG and UGH. Why aren't these kids allowed to have a life before being tied down with a family to support? Her husband is a TEENAGER. An unemployed, uneducated teenager, cleaning toilets for his father-in-law and living in a house that belongs to Grandma. Yay. Let's celebrate! 


Now we know why Jana is still single. She sees what will be expected and demanded of her if she gets married, and she's spent FAR too much time raising her mother's children to do that just now.  


I really hate JB and Michelle right now.  Why is pregnancy drilled into the Duggar mindset as the only thing that determines your worth?

Eh, who cares about Anna, she's had her 15 minutes (j/k)...

As for the rest, wash, rinse and repeat...until maybe they get down to the little kids. By then, Hannie and Jennifer might do things differently. Does anyone on here really expect once a Duggar gets married that they're going to hold off having kids for a year or two? And by year, your definition of year doesn't count, Jessa. Moron.

  • Love 3

Regarding the infamous Duggar fertility, I don't think they're more or less fertile than any other 20-something girl, they just do nothing but try to get pregnant. They don't work and their husbands barely work. That leaves an awful lot of free time for sweet fellowshippin'. It's no wonder they're all knocked up within three months after marriage.

  • Love 12

Hi, new here!

I just had to comment on the pregnancy.


Ben is only 19. That scares me. Sure, I know there are some mature 19 year olds out there....but I think back to when I was 19.  I'm so different now. 


That picture of the three of them...what a bizarre look on Jessa's face.


Maybe that's the pregnant diva look, I don't know...


Anyway, nice to meet you all! :)

  • Love 16
So I have to ask... What are we going to call the Seewald offspring?


I may start calling it Poor Baby Of Idiot Parents Who Signed Away Its Birth To TLC and Magazines.  


Okay, not really, that might be too cruel.  At any rate...I want to know where my People magazine spread is.  I gave birth too!  In the summer of 1995 when we had record and near record heat in the Chicago area.  And then my delivery room at the hospital didn't have the best air conditioning.  I just don't get any of this.  People fuck and have a baby.  It happens.  At some point this has got to be not such a great moneymaker for the various parties involved and they'll back away and cut the program down to specials once a blue moon.  One can hope anyway. 

  • Love 3

All of this makes me sad.  So many kids today having babies.  I'm not that old (41), and having a baby when in high school was not thought well of when I was in school.  We had all of the Birth Control methods crammed down our throats in school, and kids today get that info younger than we did.  And yet I know people my age who have kids in high school who have one, and sometimes two kids of their own.  They throw elaborate baby showers for them (all of which I have declined).  Someone I was once friends with was proud that their daughter would "have a big belly" for prom and graduation.  I guess I just don't get it, and never will.


I understand accidents do happen, but they're not all accidents.  Babies aren't a status symbol, or the cool new hip accessory.  Sad all the way around.

  • Love 8
  On 4/21/2015 at 5:16 PM, zenme said:

Ben's face looks so creepy in that photo. He's looking like "I've been having sex 'round the clock, and now she's been impregnated..."



Not as creepy as Jeesa looks with her sisters. She looks certifiably nuts. 


  On 4/21/2015 at 6:10 PM, kstar821 said:

So he was born in 1995, yes?  That disturbs me greatly that I am old enough to be his mother.  I'll be 39 in August.  That would make Bin too young to procreate.  Ugh.


For the record, I have no problem with them all marrying young.  My husband and I were 23 and 21 (him younger) when we married.  The difference is that we waited 5 1/2 years to pop out our first blessing. 



My oldest nephew is 19, will be 20 in June and he's my younger sister's kid. And let me tell you, I tell him every time I see him to not trust his girlfriend's birth control pill taking abilities and do whatever he has to do to make sure she doesn't get pregnant. And he has a job and is in school to become an RN and she's studying to be an accountant. I saw the outcome of my sister's idiot decision to get pregnant at 17 and her idiot boyfriends lack of job skills and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Ben is young and stupid, I hope his parents have a back up plan, we know JB and Michelle don't for Jessa.  

  • Love 2


I'm just surprised she kept it hush for so long unlike Jill who announced as soon as the sperm met the egg.

She even passively denied it this past weekend at the conference. They know what side their bread is buttered on - dummying up until you get magazine cover out of the truth.


I'm very sad she'll be relying on Jill's 'expertise'. I kind of hope Jessa takes the same attitude towards pregnancy as she did the wedding, just something that's means to an end, and then winds up trying to be a good mother to her child.

  • Love 1
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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