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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I don't remember what wedding prep episode this was from so I'm posting here.

It was when they all went to meet the ladies at the church to go over plans. They (the Duggars & Sierra, the long lost Duggar daughter) thought it was sooo funny to "surprise" the church ladies that they were having the reception in the church hall. Wouldn't most people ASK if they COULD have the reception in the hall? They just TOLD the ladies they WERE having the reception in the hall. That took some nerve. We later found out because of fire regulations (that Sierra or the Duggars never thought of) they could only have a certain number of people & went with the inside/outside theme. What if the church had already rented out the hall for another function that day? This family just continues to amaze me in their actions.

  • Love 2

Yeah, this reminds me of when I read about celebs adopting and the comments are almost always praising them for being so selfless and giving a poor unfortunate soul a home.... it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'm wary of those who adopt because they feel like it's noble and saintly; that sort of attitude quickly gives way to a savior mentality, which is part of what can fuck up adopted children psychologically. There's this implicit idea that the adopted child has been "saved" and must be grateful to their savior, and I don't think that's really a healthy attitude for children to have towards their parents. (Like, I think children should be appreciative for what they have and what their parents do for them, but that's different from viewing their parents as a savior who plucked them out of the gutter?) Especially when parents come to expect it and then get pissy when their adopted children don't exhibit the proper amount of gratitude because they live in the real world where adoption is a messy, complicated thing instead of the romanticized ideal peddled by noblesse oblige types.

And that's aside from all the other sketchiness that goes on in the adoption industry, particularly international adoptions. No way are Jessa and Ben equipped for something this fraught. They'd totally ride the savior train to the bank.

This. I agree. As a foster and adoption parent I don't expect the kids I adopt and take in to be grateful. Grateful for what? They're entitled to their feelings. People ask me why does your adopted daughter call you by your first name and not mom. She's so selfish that you saved her from foster care. I'm like no. I didn't save her. She has every right to feel the way she does. I also hate how adopted kids are the poster children for abortion.

I swear Benessa would do some shit like this. Take in a young healthy newborn from a young poor mother and tell everyone how happy they are that the mother didn't abort but chose to give her greatest gift to them. They would exploit that child. Thank goodness all this adoption talk is just talk.

Maybe I'm just messed up in the head, but my favorite part of the show lately has been watching everyone's favorite Godly uterus lusting after BinSeewald. I feel like in J'chelle's 17 year old mind, BinSeewald is the kind of hottie she was supposed to be with, instead of dorky Jim Boob. I can totally see her loitering around their house after Jessa has a baby under the pretense of "helping" (lol just kidding she'll bring Jinger for that) and constantly reminding BinSeewald that Jessa must wait 40-80 days before their desires can be righteously fulfilled. And then she'll go mow the lawn seductively in her green maternity shirt, ankle length skirt and black stockings.

I've seen the lifetime movie when mothers steal their daughters boyfriend. JB is old arrogant and probably can't per from like he use to. Ben might be a breathe of fresh air.

  • Love 3

It is rather funny how Michelle showed zero interest in the Derick/Jill courtship yet has jumped at every opportunity to serve as chaperone/double date for the Ben/Jessa relationship.


I believe Jessa is one of Michelle's favorites.  She probably sees more of herself in her than she does any of the other girls.  I think it is obvious to everyone that while she uses every opportunity to give Ben a side hug or rub his back, she doesn’t go anywhere near Derick.  Wonder how that makes him feel or if he even cares.

  • Love 1

I believe Jessa is one of Michelle's favorites.  She probably sees more of herself in her than she does any of the other girls.  I think it is obvious to everyone that while she uses every opportunity to give Ben a side hug or rub his back, she doesn’t go anywhere near Derick.  Wonder how that makes him feel or if he even cares.


If I was Derrick, I'd be massively-relieved...

  • Love 11

I don't think Michelle cares much for Jessa either. But she does respond better to men. Like at the "reunion" where the woman actually shared a nice story about Michelle standing up against a bully, but it was to the man that Michelle gave all of her attention. And I don't think that's a Gothardism thing - i think it's a Michelle thing. If anything, Michelle was downright dismissive of JB's pizza high jinks. You could tell she really could have cared less about his showing off.

  • Love 6

Ah I think we're talking about different people. I was referring to the guy who left his 22 month old in the car over the summer for 8 hours. My bad.

That was Ross Harris. I hope he burns in hell or in a car on a 90 degree Georgia day. Jerk leaves his kid in the car and then spends the day at his job sexting underage girls. I don't have words for my contempt.

  • Love 4

While I'm not sure of the necessity of the "all about jessa" episode... I actually do kinda like the idea of learning more about an individual child, but I don't see why getting married is what gets you one of these episodes. In one way I'd like to see it to some degree on all the children, but unfortunately these episodes don't actually give us any more information than we already know so that makes them pretty boring. And while I am curious about other children by no means do I want to see 19 episodes centering on each child... I just wish if they were going to do this we would ACTUALLY get to know the kids more individually, not just rerun any footage TLC already has on the child. Although I am kinda loving the preview of Jessa in a talking head saying "I was a really sweet child... Ask anybody" all over a shot of her pushing a brother over. I think I'm starting to love Jessa more and more because she doesn't neccessarily completely follow the duggar mold.

  • Love 9

This goes back a bit in conversation, but I wanted to address wedding dress sizing. I imagine it's gone waaay more vanity so that Blessa can supposedly walk out of a specialty sample shop with a dress, but I could be wrong. I also walked out of a shop with my dress in 1994. not


I took it out last night after all that discussion about whether one would be willing to cut up a dress. Mine was fitted, nothing to give. But the important thing I wanted to convey was sizing. I was TINY when I got married in my early 30's. My dress was a size EIGHT, yet the waist was a mere 24 1/2". That would be junior sizing today. I may weigh *only* 115, but I'm *only* 5', and the weight I gained after a huge battle with my thyroid and Rx meds settled in my middle after all is said and done. 


I'd love to pass off the dress, but it's really a niche thing (think Downton Abbey without a back...very flapper). Its offbeat style was precisely why I was drawn to it in the first place. 


I got lucky: a dress that was on sale and didn't need a single alteration. $150, IIRC. Boob would have been proud. Of course, Blessa's dress was a comp job, which is probably better in Boob's estimation. Samples at a vanity size 10 would fit  larger (maybe even plus size) women, right? Blessa would be more like a 0 now. I doubt she even has the 24" waist I had back then; she seems even smaller. 

  • Love 1

Jessa looks like a four to me. 0s and 2s are ridiculously tiny.  My daughter who wears 0s and 2s was a 2 in a wedding gown and the daughter who wears mainly 4s was a 4 to a 6 in a wedding gown.  They both had designer gowns so the sizing seems to have changed more than they want to let on.

"Mrs. Duggar, you're trying to seduce me."


OMG, Hilarious is right!

          Nike, help    New Balance fix it Jesus  KEDS  "my eyes my eyes!"  

 "Give me the baby my husband can't". Does that make Mechelle a MILC? Mom I'd Like To Court?

Would they start off with a side screw?

  • Love 3

I'm dubious that these things are all comped just for the exposure on TV. I think they might be offered at a discount, but honestly, what would a jeweler or bridal store in Northwestern Arkansas hope to recoups for a diamond custom ring or an Allure gown? It's not as though there is going to be a huge stampede of shoppers who don't already know and admire the Duggars from that region, and their budgets are probably already small.

I can see Allure giving the comp, maybe. And maybe the store in Fredericksburg Va, where Jill went, which was a completely different demographic. But the Arkansas stores? Maybe a discount, but they might be as "thrifty" as Jim Bob himself.

  • Love 2

I'm dubious that these things are all comped just for the exposure on TV. I think they might be offered at a discount, but honestly, what would a jeweler or bridal store in Northwestern Arkansas hope to recoups for a diamond custom ring or an Allure gown? It's not as though there is going to be a huge stampede of shoppers who don't already know and admire the Duggars from that region, and their budgets are probably already small.

I can see Allure giving the comp, maybe. And maybe the store in Fredericksburg Va, where Jill went, which was a completely different demographic. But the Arkansas stores? Maybe a discount, but they might be as "thrifty" as Jim Bob himself.


It would be more than interesting to know what and how much the Duggars - reality families in general maybe - actually pay fully for themselves, what kind of discounts or breaks they regularly get and where - and how much is outright given to them/fully-comped. With some families it's clear that it's been truly extensive. I mean - plastic surgery/health care? That's a really nice freebie. I wish we could get an insider here on the forum to spill the [discounted] beans...

Regarding adoption, I seem to remember that Gothard discourages adoption because children can "come with the sins of the father." Can anyone confirm that?

I remember hearing that too. Boob and Mullet have talked about adoption a bit too. It was mostly in the post-Josie, pre-courtship time period, so possibly just filling up air time. I think this is just Blessa and Bin trying to "practice what they preach," in a way, even though they're not really doing anything yet.

Regarding adoption, I seem to remember that Gothard discourages adoption because children can "come with the sins of the father." Can anyone confirm that?

Yes. Gothard also says that adopted children are the devil.

Gothard proof-texts the idea that we are connected to the sins of our ancestors by referring to an obscure text in Hebrews: “One might even say that Levi, who collects the tenth, paid the tenth through Abraham, because when Melchizedek met Abraham, Levi was still in the body of his ancestor.” (Hebrews 7:9-10)

Gothard tells potential adopting parents to try to research the potential specific sins of the biological parents so as to confess them and negate their consequences.[3] This equates to some animistic form of binding ancestral demons, and lacks any biblical merit.


  • Love 2

From Jill's instagram, taken today. Let's discuss how tired and bloated Jessa looks, wonder why they're all dressed up on a weekday, and ask why Ben isn't at work? :D



Jessa would look so great with chest-length hair, is the biggest thing I'm taking from this photo. Sometimes when hair gets to a certain length it starts to weigh itself down and look flat. My hair gets that way and Jessa's looks a bit like that too. The difference is that I usually chop all my hair off to shoulder length about once a year to stop the scraggliness from taking over.


Is that the same mustard cardigan Jill also wears? I wonder if she's borrowing it, or if there's more than one. I know they share clothes a lot.


Also Ben looks cute. Too bad when he opens his mouth to speak that cuteness usually disappears for me. :)

Edited by EarlGreyTea
  • Love 3

Yes. Gothard also says that adopted children are the devil.

Gothard proof-texts the idea that we are connected to the sins of our ancestors by referring to an obscure text in Hebrews: “One might even say that Levi, who collects the tenth, paid the tenth through Abraham, because when Melchizedek met Abraham, Levi was still in the body of his ancestor.” (Hebrews 7:9-10)

Gothard tells potential adopting parents to try to research the potential specific sins of the biological parents so as to confess them and negate their consequences.[3] This equates to some animistic form of binding ancestral demons, and lacks any biblical merit.


So Gothard thinks adoption is wrong, and I'm sure he doesn't believe in fertility treatments, right? But people (women) are only Godly and worthwhile if their quivers are full. So if a couple can't conceive and adoption is not allowed, how are they supposed to fill that quiver?

Edited by truelovekiss

As far as I can tell, Gothard is fine with fertility treatments, unless sperm or egg from a third party donor enters the equation.  At that point I suspect he'd consider it almost to be a cross between adultery and adoption, huge no-no's for him.  (We won't go into his brother's documented sexual hijinks, Gothards foot fetish and his predilection for teenage girls with 'girl next door' looks, long hair, and a modest and shy demeanor.)

Jessa looks like a four to me. 0s and 2s are ridiculously tiny.  My daughter who wears 0s and 2s was a 2 in a wedding gown and the daughter who wears mainly 4s was a 4 to a 6 in a wedding gown.  They both had designer gowns so the sizing seems to have changed more than they want to let on.


Dress sizes are nuts, though. My cousin-in-law wore a size 0 home from the hospital with her baby... granted she was skinny even pregnant, but given today's sizes I can see Jessa being 0. Or less (same cousin I mentioned has to buy clothes in size -2 to -4 normally).


I've never been a big Jessa fan but must admit I'm looking forward to the special a bit. I like seeing the kids when they're a bit more "real."

Over on the FJ Site someone posted a picture of Benessa supposedly from a People magazine shoot. Ben is standing behind Jessa with his arms around her and they are making one of those silly heart symbols with their hands. But it is in front of her stomach. Sooooo does this mean she's pregnant? If so a major announcement will be coming soon. Can't wait. ( major eye roll )

Consider that Eva Longoria is a 2 and is inches shorter than Jessa and I don't see Jessa as the skinny super thin that a 0 or 00 is.  She actually has hips and a bust line that go with her shoulders.  

No way Eva Longoria is a 2 even in couture clothes. She's like 5'1" and 100 lbs., tops. That said, I don't think Jessa weighed much more than 110 before her wedding, and she's around 5'5". As GEML said (and I concur): she was much too thin. 

  • Love 1


Hurry up and go into labor, Jill, so Jessa can announce as Dilly is crowning.

Thank you JoanArc that's the picture I was talking about. By the time Jessa has her baby Jill will be announcing she's pregnant again, when Jill has her second baby Jessa will be pregnant again. It will keep on going and going. Trying to one up each other.
  • Love 3

Unfortunately I'm a 00 in pants.  That's if I want them to fit.  Most stores don't carry less than a 6 around here, rarely a 4.  So I have to go and get them made smaller.  It costs a fortune to alter where they need alteration.  I don't have a butt so pants literally fall down on me.  At the end of the day I take them off without undoing the button or zipper and put them on the same way.  If I had a butt they'd have a chance of staying up.


From now on I'm going to go the distance and pay the big bucks for something that fits.  In rare cases I can find a pair of children's pants that I can wear.  I don't consider myself super skinny, but the lack of a posterior curve gives nothing for the pant to ride on.  No butt, no hips.

Oh NO. That picture seems to confirm a lot. I was so hoping that Jessa would continue to set her own course and not rush into pregnancy to please her parents' (her psycho mother, especially) warped obsession with all things maternity.  That non-televised wedding kiss being "fuck you #1," and not obsessively pissing on pregnancy tests by December 1st (fuck you #2) gave me so much hope. 

  • Love 2

Yep, Eva Longoria is a 0 or a  2 depending or so she said.  I've seen her standing beside my same height thinner daughter.  She's about 5'1.5" and 96 pounds or at least that's what she said she weighed.  I don't know why she'd lie about wearing 2s when that's what she said she was wearing and the size she was buying.  That's how we got into the conversation.  We were all looking for the same size range.

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Women's sizes are ridiculous, I'm either a 0-4 in pants depending on the brand, and I'm a dress size 2 (or 3 Juniors) no matter what brand and I'm about 5'4" 115-120. My sister wears the same sizes as me but she's shorter and curvier than me (Lucky. I'm a friggin stick). Anyway, why the fuck is sizing this difficult, and wedding dress sizing is so much different from regular clothes sizing?! Can some explain please, lol.

  • Love 2

Dress sizes are nuts, though. My cousin-in-law wore a size 0 home from the hospital with her baby... granted she was skinny even pregnant, but given today's sizes I can see Jessa being 0. Or less (same cousin I mentioned has to buy clothes in size -2 to -4 normally).


Negative sizes?? When did that even become a thing? I've never seen or heard of them. That's just ridiculous. Why would a clothing manufacturer not just label the smallest size they make a "0" and work from there? As I've said, the vanity sizing is getting nuts. I find I'm wearing a smaller size in many brands these days than I did a number of years ago even though I've gained way too much weight. But if I find something that looks good on me, I don't care if they call it a 14, an 18 or a 95. I'm 5'3", weigh about 190, and don't see the point to clothing being made into negative sizes just so I can claim I got into a size 10.

  • Love 8

There is no standard.  Each company or designer gets to pick their own sizing and also their own proportions.  It's a mad world trying to find clothes that fit.  Companies keep changing their sizing, too.  


To tie back to Jessa, I think she probably ordered the black sheath dress online and since she'd never had one before she didn't realize that it didn't fit properly.  I think she really needed some nice pumps with it, too.  

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Hurry up and go into labor, Jill, so Jessa can announce as Dilly is crowning.

FWIW, this pic is a month old. This photoshoot accompanied the home tour video. I guess we'll find out just how far along Jessa is when she makes the inevitable announcement....via People before her wedding episode airs on 3/31. 


eta: I'm laughing because FJ just discovered this pic today, and Pickles, who claims she hates FJ, posted this pic on HER page today. Where the hell have either of these sites BEEN? This pic is OLD NEWS!!! LMAO

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 1

We all suspected this after seeing that photo of Jessa last weekend at the Women's Show. I suspect by the size of the pooch in last week's photo she's 2 months along or more. So disappointed they didn't wait at least a year or two. What is the hurry??

Edited by msblossom

All these quiverful second generation are depressing me as they run head long into childbearing.  I hope they find their own sense and reason after the first one or two.


I haven't seen any negative sizes yet either, but I did run into a 000.  Scary.  I think I was a 2 or a 4 in their sizing and trust me, I'm not any more.  

  • Love 1

I just saw on Pickles and Hair Spray that Jessa is indeed pregnant.

I was so hoping she was secretly taking birth control.

Damn. Will any of these kids ever get the hell out and live the lives they should be living? I'm losing hope.

First, love your username. Second....yeah. I think we were all kidding ourselves that they used any for of BC whatsoever. What a shame. Oh well, at the very least it'll be interesting to see Jill's face now that she's finally been one-upped. Her announcing her pregnancy and stealing Jessa's thunder makes me petty enough to hope that Jessa returns the favor.

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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