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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

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I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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3 hours ago, Lunera said:

The US article says Bin is 23 but he turned 24 last week. Still, it's crazy he's 24 and on his 3rd kid and people talk crap about Alyssa. 

I'm just a little older than him (turning 25 in Decemeber) and i COULD NOT IMAGINE having one kid, let alone 3! at my age. I can barely dress myself. Hell, im trying to convince myself to eat rn. 

Ivy Jane is a cute name. It sounds super familiar to me for some reason. I bet Jessa and Jinger will share baby head wraps now. 

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Why no photo of Jessa with the baby? The baby was born 2 days ago - she must have had time by now to make herself look good enough for a photo with the baby.  No one is expecting her to be running around - just sitting on a chair or bed holding the baby would be fine. It's weird. 

I'm not keen on the name Ivy. It seems very old-fashioned to me. But I love the name Jane!

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Just now, GeeGolly said:

Ivy looks like the forgotten J-girl. The one born shortly before Josie.


I like that she's dressed in green and not over-the-top pink ruffles to proclaim her girliness. If the turban-bow matched the sleeper, she'd kind of have a Kermit the Frog look going on.

Maybe the next Seewald could be named Kermit. That kind of goes with Spurgeon... 

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1 minute ago, allonsyalice said:

It sounds super familiar to me for some reason.

Because of Blue Ivy? Queen Bey beat her to it...

Okay, I still don’t get it. I never had children but I can tell you that this girl would have gone to the hospital and begged for drugs about an hour after conception. 

Do you get some kind of Fundie merit badge for home births?

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1 minute ago, Oldernowiser said:

Do you get some kind of Fundie merit badge for home births?

I believe you do. Case in point, Adam Waller's recent blog post about how it took him two weeks to come to grips with his wife needing a planned c-section.

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Ivy Jane Is Here! 

May 28, 2019

Ivy Jane Seewald was welcomed into the world Sunday, May 26th. We were getting ready for church when my water broke, and we were thinking ‘Well, I guess we have a change of plans! After three and a half hours of labor, Ivy was born at 5:57pm. Her due date was June 5th, and since both of our boys went five days past their due date, we thought we would go late again. We were so surprised when she came two weeks earlier than her brothers. We definitely weren’t expecting that! Ivy was born at home weighing 7lbs 14oz and 20 1/2 inches long. She feels so tiny compared to her siblings! Spurgeon was born at nearly 10lbs, and Henry close to 9lbs. We’re so grateful to God for this precious gift. She is already so loved. Her big brothers adore her!


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2 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

If Spurgie went off into the normal world of schools and jobs he could always call himself Spur. Kind of a cute nickname. 

Isn't the baby early? I though mid-June is what was bantered about. 

June 5th/6th was the due date. The baby is less than 2 weeks early and is considered full term. 

Edited by Temperance
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Okay, if the Dullards are still in their golf gear, but the baby wasn't born until almost 6pm and was home, when were they at the birthing center and/or hospital? The next day? 

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27 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Ivy Jane Is Here! 

May 28, 2019

Ivy Jane Seewald was welcomed into the world Sunday, May 26th. We were getting ready for church when my water broke, and we were thinking ‘Well, I guess we have a change of plans! After three and a half hours of labor, Ivy was born at 5:57pm. Her due date was June 5th, and since both of our boys went five days past their due date, we thought we would go late again. We were so surprised when she came two weeks earlier than her brothers. We definitely weren’t expecting that! Ivy was born at home weighing 7lbs 14oz and 20 1/2 inches long. She feels so tiny compared to her siblings! Spurgeon was born at nearly 10lbs, and Henry close to 9lbs. We’re so grateful to God for this precious gift. She is already so loved. Her big brothers adore her!


No mention of the hospital. Maybe we should ask Derick for the details.

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39 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

I'm not keen on the name Ivy. It seems very old-fashioned to me. But I love the name Jane!

Funny how taste goes! Ivy sounds fresh to me whereas Jane feels more dated.

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3 minutes ago, cmr2014 said:

Figures that this post is from Jana. Even on the day of her birth, this little girl is nothing more than girl #1 of many more to come.

For a family in which teenagers still struggle with third-grade math-facts flashcards, the Duggars sure do love numbers. .... When it comes to children, anyway.

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I can't get excited over another J(ane)'slave or a potentially botched birth. I hope this is the last baby for Jessa.

I hope she didn't rub it in for Lauren too much.

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Has Jessa even been in any of the photos? Gives credence to the thought that the hospital visit was for Jessa's benefit once Ivy was born. But would have they released the newborn to be handed among the rest of the family willy-nilly while Jessa was still in hospital?

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1 hour ago, beckie said:

I think poison ivy. That's why I don't like ivy as a name.

My daughters name is Ivy and my dad said “why would you name her after poison Ivy?” Well, that isn’t what we were going for...

I think she is a cute newborn, and I don’t think many newborns are. Obviously I love her name! 

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5 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

Interesting that Jill posted pics of them with Ivy at Jessa’s house with no Jessa in sight. 

The kid is now more than 2 days old and there is not a single picture of her with her mother?  And, after Gwinn posted a photo that was clearly taken in some sort of medical facility; we've now seen the baby  in a variety of settings, all of them verifiable as Duggar daughter homes, being held by multiple members of the clan, but still no photo of Jessa holding her?  Hmmm.... Methinks something untoward occurred and they are now trying desperately to distract people from questioning what exactly happened.  I suspect Jessa probably had a lot of bleeding, perhaps needed multiple transfusions and is still in the hospital recovering.  Either they're saving it for the show, have sold the exclusive to People or they just want to continue to pretend that they are having perfectly safe homebirths.  For the Duggar daughters, this is now 6 homebirths attempted, half ending in delivery by cesarean in the hospital, the other 3 resulting in 2 postpartum hospital trips and 1 completely out of hospital and uncomplicated.  Those are very poor odds.

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3 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

But if Jessa was hospitalized wouldn't the baby be there too?  So she can feed her?  It is odd.  No photos of Ben either.  Or the boys.

Not always.  She may be pumping or they may be allowed to bring the baby to her to nurse.  The baby would not be admitted as a patient unless she herself had some problem that required it.  As I noted above, there are ways to accommodate this.  I think we all think that the Duggars, including Bin and Jessa, do not have great insurance coverage.  There is no way they'd even consider allowing the baby to be admitted to the hospital if she didn't need it and, if Jessa is either not in an area where she can have her (and Bin or someone else) with her or is too sick; then I expect the baby is going to be passed around the family.

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8 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

If the baby was born outside the hospital, she could not be admitted to the regular newborn nursery as there are laws preventing it due to infectious risk.  Some hospitals have facilities for postpartum mothers who are admitted (or more likely, readmitted) to have their newborn stay with them in the hospital, but all of the ones I know, require that there be another adult present with the newborn at ALL times because the nurses are there to care for the mother, not the baby and, if mom is sick enough to be in the hospital, she is sick enough not to be 100% responsible for the baby's care.  And, of course, if Jessa is in ICU or some other intensive setting, there may not be an option for the baby to stay.  Hospitals are very germy places and I am always shocked to see how many people drag their tiny babies in to visit people with pneumonia and Lord knows what else.

Ah, thanks. That makes sense.

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4 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Jessa posted the birth announcement on IG earlier today. Whatever her condition, it isn't dire.

It was posted on her Instagram, but does that mean no one else could've done it for her?  I doubt she is near death or anything; but suspect there is another scary birth story complete with emergency trip to the hospital that they are ignoring.

For those of you playing along at home: for the 3 Duggar daughters who have labored at home, the odds of an emergency trip to the hospital for either delivery or postpartum complication is around 83%.  Any reputable midwifery practice doing homebirths should have a transfer to hospital rate of half of that or less.  

The homebirth literature is somewhat sparse on this topic and, quite frankly, that is at least in part because direct entry midwives don't want to publicize their complications; but, over multiple studies, it seems that around 40-45% of first time mothers end up transferred to the hospital at some point while around 12-15% of second time or more moms need to go there. Granted, the 6 Duggar births is a very tiny sample, but it will take a whole lot of successful home deliveries for the Duggars to climb out of the hole.  And, if folks like Jill and Joy keep trying to deliver at home with their prior track records; the number of transfers is only going to rise.  The odds of either one every delivering without complications at home are minute.

Edited by doodlebug
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Ivy looks like Jinger with a bit of Ben mixed in.

6 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Maybe she figured a home birth would get her more minutes on the show since they could take video of as much of it as they wanted. And, you know, those mean old hospitals put limits on that. 

Wouldn't surprise me if Jessa's more than a little chagrined that her central role in the show might be dwindling...

Jessa's first two births were recorded on iphones, while Jinger's hospital birth had TLC cameras for everything up until the actual birth. I think Jessa's motivation for homebirth is pretty much the same as a lot of other homebirthers...it's on trend in her circle, and has not much do so with the show. Also, in their first book, Michelle talked about how she liked her two home births and wished she had been aware of homebirth as an option earlier because maybe she could have avoided c-sections. I imagine that the girls grew up hearing that and internalized the idea that homebirth is preferable. 

5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

If Jessa ended up at the hospital for whatever reason, she's now at 66% for botched homebirths. It's time for Bin to get a real job that comes with real health insurance. This is becoming ridiculous.

I think Jessa's the type that would opt for homebirth even if she had the best insurance in the world. 

41 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Do babies still get eyes drops shortly after birth? None of Jessa's children seem to have that wet-eyed look that most babies do after the drops.

Homebirthers usually opt out of the eye goop. 

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2 minutes ago, lascuba said:

Ivy looks like Jinger with a bit of Ben mixed in.

Jessa's first two births were recorded on iphones, while Jinger's hospital birth had TLC cameras for everything up until the actual birth. I think Jessa's motivation for homebirth is pretty much the same as a lot of other homebirthers...it's on trend in her circle, and has not much do so with the show. Also, in their first book, Michelle talked about how she liked her two home births and wished she had been aware of homebirth as an option earlier because maybe she could have avoided c-sections. I imagine that the girls grew up hearing that and internalized the idea that homebirth is preferable. 

I think Jessa's the type that would opt for homebirth even if she had the best insurance in the world. 

Homebirthers usually opt out of the eye goop. 

A lot of non-homebirthers opt out, too, and, nowadays, they don't use silver nitrate which used to stain the skin brownish/black.  Instead, a clear antibiotic ointment is used that is absorbed very quickly and doesn't irritate the eyes like the silver nitrate did.  Many mothers who do want the eye treatment request that it be delayed for a couple hours which is fine if the mom has not signs of infection, etc.

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13 minutes ago, lascuba said:

Jessa's first two births were recorded on iphones, while Jinger's hospital birth had TLC cameras for everything up until the actual birth. I think Jessa's motivation for homebirth is pretty much the same as a lot of other homebirthers...it's on trend in her circle, and has not much do so with the show. Also, in their first book, Michelle talked about how she liked her two home births and wished she had been aware of homebirth as an option earlier because maybe she could have avoided c-sections. I imagine that the girls grew up hearing that and internalized the idea that homebirth is preferable. 

I think Jessa's the type that would opt for homebirth even if she had the best insurance in the world. 

I don't think Jessa's the type to have a homebirth even with the best insurance. She was very nervous for her first two births at home.  It is quite a custom in her culture. Fundies love homebirth, because a lot of them lack money and insurance. And then there's a cultural distrust of doctors, who are too worldy and seen as part of an establishment that fundies don't trust. She probably heard plenty about the "benefits" of homebirth from other mothers they know.

It makes me quite sad and angry that Jessa seems to have run into issues again. I hope she is okay. 

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37 minutes ago, Temperance said:

I don't think Jessa's the type to have a homebirth even with the best insurance. She was very nervous for her first two births at home.  It is quite a custom in her culture. Fundies love homebirth, because a lot of them lack money and insurance. And then there's a cultural distrust of doctors, who are too worldy and seen as part of an establishment that fundies don't trust. She probably heard plenty about the "benefits" of homebirth from other mothers they know.

It makes me quite sad and angry that Jessa seems to have run into issues again. I hope she is okay. 

Homebirth can be a cult on it's own, and Jessa is nothing if not a true believer. Insurance isn't the primary issue, I don't think. 

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25 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

There haven't been any pics of either Ben or Jessa since the baby was born.

I hope it's just Jessa trying to create some buzz by being mysteriously absent from the first batch of photos, and not that there were serious complications after Ivy's birth. 

I don't know how these things work, but the US magazine story was headlined as an exclusive, and in the article the statement from Jessa and Ben was presented as "[they] told US exclusively." I take that to mean that People wasn't interested in an exclusive, so the Seewalds did a deal with US instead. I also take that as a step down in the celebrity world. 

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If she tore and went to the hospital to be stitched up, I can see her wanting to keep that quiet. I wouldn’t information about my vagina in the world. That would be my leading theory, combined with wanting to create mystery - except the IV pole gives me pause. I wouldn’t think she would need fluids to be stitched up. Especially if they were trying to keep expenses down, they could have refused fluids.

The pictures of hours old Ivy Jane being held by Derick gross me out. 

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14 minutes ago, NotthebadVictoria said:

My money says she’s waiting for the highest bidder to release her first family photo.

Sadly, you're probably right.

But I doubt the bid's gonna be all that high. A Duggar -- the formerly "hot girl" Duggar, now commonly known as "one of the frumpier Duggars" -- has a third kid. The birth was NOT uncomplicated and everything's dicey great. Millions will be panting to see that photo. 

Wonder if Bin still has his Charles Spurgeon beard.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Maybe Jessa decided to sell her pictures for money which is why there is no Ben or boys with Ivy. Create a little drama. 

Or maybe Jessa doesn't look so great, plain and simple.  She could be swollen or have a headache from pushing or be pale or any number of things.

The picture of Jessa, Ben and newborn Spurgeon was really awful. Maybe she learned her lesson? That picture of Jessa looking so sickly is forever on social media. I personally wouldn't want a picture so soon. 

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4 minutes ago, Marigold said:

]That picture of Jessa looking so sickly is forever on social media. I personally wouldn't want a picture so soon. 

Amen to that. And to put it out for publication yet. Yeesh. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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This is Spurgeon after she HAD to make an appearance because the story broke that Jessa needed an ambulance. Jessa does not look well and no way Jessa wants a repeat of that picture. 

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