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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I understand Jill is pregnant, and that makes it difficult to wear heels, but why not a nice pair of flats instead of those fugly sandals?




3 is enough, this is Barefoot Bride Jill we're talking about.  We should be thankful she's got shoes on.

Edited by zenme
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Jessa's bridesmaids dresses blew Jill's "KMart specials" out of the water in comparison. What is with this family and footwear? Jill's shoes are just soooooo not there! Last Saturday it was 54deg F for a high in Arkansas..Jill is wearing 4th of July backyard barbecue sandals with a dressy dress no less.. What is going on in that group photo with Ben's sisters? It looks like they are humping each other, IMO. The shoes are a mishmash of a mess. Except for the barefoot one on the end, the Duggar girls messed up in the shoe department again, as the other maids had decent shoes on....Michelle, you have on a fall-type outfit with spring time casual shoes. You needed to borrow Anna's shoes. Anna, I hope you had pantyhose on as it would be a complete look, I can't tell from the picture. Is Josh wearing boots with a suit at a wedding that is NOT cowboy themed? I guess it's an overall improvement. I also highly suspect that Michelle regards Kelly Bates as the fund fashion queen as she seems to copy her wedding fashion sense. Yes, Jim Bob's pants ARE too long for him, maybe it's those sneakers he's wearing and they need a shine too. Derick didn't you have a tie in the back of your closet from your job interview to pull out and maybe WEAR to a wedding? Jessa's maids' dress color was a good one because it coordinated with her blush wedding dress, even though I wouldn't have picked coral as my first choice in color, but it would have looked awful with a white wedding dress on the bride.

I wonder if Ben can walk today....or if Jessa can?

P.S. Jill also wore those awful summer sandals with a nice tailored dress to NY last week for the FOX interviews...it was chilly up there too, honey. If she is having a "foot/pregnancy issue", I'll give her a pass on the bad shoes, if not, she looked awful in them for those occasions.

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I think Jill looks more pronounced in the couples picture because she isn't turned into Derick. At first I thought Derick should have been behind Jill, but looking at it again, D&J would be in the same pose as B&J. Which would have balanced the picture out.

But I'm a stickler for things to be the same in posed pictures like this. I hate when you see someone turned the wrong way or holding their hands/arm a weird way.

If I ever get married, I know I'll only have a few bridesmaids, friends of mine and I much prefer the cute, silly interesting pictures, but I'll definitely get the standard posed pictures as well. I actually wish Jill had gotten the long picture of everyone on the stage instead of the mismosh of the Duggars in a weird configuration. It would have made for a nicer framed picture.

Edited by jb0495
Is Josh wearing boots with a suit at a wedding that is NOT cowboy themed? I guess it's an overall improvement


I'm from Texas and can attest to the fact Josh is not pulling off the boots and suit look. 


I did like the coral dresses, but my only issue is that the fabric and style of the dresses didn't suit the season very well.  I think the season dictates the fabric and style of the dresses, and this was a spring/summer look.  Overall, a lot better than Jill's dresses.


Jim Bob's shoes?  They look like some kind of corrective shoes that were 20 years old.  Hideous.  Michelle's dress? There is some improvement.  I'm sure by the time Josie is married she'll have her look down pat.

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I forgot about the infamous mini golf date where Michelle said "you can't do THIS yet", but we can....well, watch out what you say, MB and Meechelle. I think this is a response from your JessaBlessa that "now we CAN do THIS'... Good for Jessa, there was absolutely no need for her parents to behave like juveniles and embarrass those two on their first meetings together like that and on national TV. They deserve all they got from Jessa about this ceremony and she can post whatever pictures she likes.

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Yeah, it looks like girl on the left is wearing a huge nightgown or something. She looks short, but not that much more than some of the other girls. Maybe she's an ultra-fundie and wanted it longer?

I was thinking that as well.  There's a young kid on the men's side so I wonder if that girl wasn't pretty young herself and either her or her family was not comfortable with it being any shorter. 

I didn't even notice Jim Bob's shoes until you all mentioned it. If JB has issues with his feet, I can't make fun of him for choosing practical footwear over dress shoes, but goodness, he couldn't have at least given them a fresh polish and shine? Eek. The shoes look like they've been run over several times and then thrown into a mud puddle.

I don't believe that they have never kissed before the wedding and that a reason for the private first kiss may have been because they may have looked too experienced in front of the guests.

Jessa was the one urging Jill to "practice" kissing during the wedding rehearsal, and Jinger was also giving her the sly side-eye when saying something about "after all, not having a chance to practice"...  So, yeah...

Whoa.  Late chiming in here, but loved the kiss pic!  I hope they're greatly enjoying finally getting to know each other!  They waited a long time, and hope it's everything they were hoping for.  


I can't decide whether her posting it is to get back at her parents and the whole community she grew up in, or if they're SO EXCITED and IN LOVE that they just want to proclaim it to the world and aren't thinking straight?!  Kind of like Jill with the pregnancy!  


Hmmm...funny how couples save their hearts and physical relationships for their spouses, but once they're married, all bets are off and anything can be shown to the whole world?  Why isn't that intimate relationship that they kept for each other between them?  It seems quite backwards to then let the entire public in on what you're doing together!  

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GEML, your posts never cease to amaze me. I'm a seminary grad (UM) and I never encountered this sort of Christian publication. With my first husband (early 20s) we were given a book on sex from my pastor but it limited itself to physical stuff like positions. Yet it did not take a position if you get my drift. How we went from there was up to us. How we went from there was to read it aloud to each other, share the line drawings and roll on the floor laughing. Of course, this was a long time ago. Perhaps things have changed. 

I received three books prior to my marriage, which was 25 years ago.  Well, I received two, my husband one.  I received LETTERS TO KAREN by Charles Shedd, which was where the infamous "Angel at the table, a devil in the bed" quote comes from.  My father actually gave it to me, and he gave my now husband the companion book, LETTERS TO PHILIP.  I'll be honest, my mother and I sat down and read from it aloud and actually howled over some of the things it said, which wasn't very nice to my father, who really was trying to make sure I had a good wedding night, but the book WAS pretty funny in its own weird way, and it was a nice bonding moment with my mom.

I also received a copy of THE ACT OF MARRIAGE by Tim and Beverly LeHaye (now better known for the LEFT BEHIND series.)  This was given to me by what would be known in most denominations as godparents, but since we don't practice infant baptism, we didn't use that term, but it was a similar idea -- a couple my parents age I could go to spiritual advice and support at any time. 

We also received some explicit counseling from the minister who married us.

Fundies are really invested in making sure sex is good.  Good sex, after all, IS helpful in a marriage!  :)

But of course I never told anyone that I'd learned a great deal long before any of them had said anything.  As I said, there's a lot of chatter in Fundy circles about sex in young crowds, and it's talked about a LOT.  It only takes one person to share information, but you can find someone who either "rebelled" or is a young married woman who will help you out.  Learning about it may be communal, but you learn all the same.  Kissing may actually be the most awkward part, because it's the hardest part to practice!  ;)  As I said, there's a whole different take from converting into the culture than there is growing up in it.  Michelle and JB have no idea what their kids know, how they know it, and where they learned it.

Edited by GEML
  • Love 4

I didn't even notice Jim Bob's shoes until you all mentioned it. If JB has issues with his feet, I can't make fun of him for choosing practical footwear over dress shoes, but goodness, he couldn't have at least given them a fresh polish and shine? Eek. The shoes look like they've been run over several times and then thrown into a mud puddle.


Agree - if Boob has feet issues, that would excuse the shoes. But I'm sorry to say I don't think that's the situation here. It just completely seems like his speed to wear these shoes. In some of their mega-church appearances, when he's also in a suit and tie, I think I've seen him in polished dress shoes.

Judging solely from the pics I think it's safe to say Jessa's wedding is blowing Jill's out of the water in terms of style. In the group photo the bridesmaid's dresses come through as really orange-y, but in the close-up pics they're more of a pinky-coral. They complemented Jessa's champagne colored dress nicely. Although bow ties aren't my thing, the guys looked good. I liked the navy with the brown shoes. 


I also like the simple, yet cute set-up of the sundae bar with the dessert toppings in labeled mason jars. I think Jessa took a "less is more" approach and the result was a cleaner, more cohesive feel versus a slapdash of random Pinterest ideas. And color me shocked! REAL spoons!!!


Finally, go Miss Anna in your tight dress and heels! I do believe I see some knee! That scandalous hussy!!!!

  • Love 2

I never used to have a problem with Jill... at all... until this season. There's a smug superiority about her now that she's married and pregnant that is positively revolting. The sight of her now makes me ill; when she's onscreen now, I have to turn off the sound. 


Conversely, I never cared much for Jessa and am liking her more by the second. Not her views, but her "I'm doing things my way" attitude. 


I've had the same feeling with Jessa - liking her better now for trying to be more of her own person. But I've never warmed up to Jill at all. I'm continually appalled at how much she dominates conversations in which ALL of the older girls are present, answers questions asked of other people and now she even talks over her own husband. She must have missed Mechelle's lesson on eyelash-fluttering acquiesence and obedient servitude to her man. Sadly, I've also known quite a few women who seems to develop that 'I'm now better than you because I done trapped myself a man" vibe. No way does it happen with everyone, but it does happen with some.

Whoa.  Late chiming in here, but loved the kiss pic!  I hope they're greatly enjoying finally getting to know each other!  They waited a long time, and hope it's everything they were hoping for.  


I can't decide whether her posting it is to get back at her parents and the whole community she grew up in, or if they're SO EXCITED and IN LOVE that they just want to proclaim it to the world and aren't thinking straight?!  Kind of like Jill with the pregnancy!  


Hmmm...funny how couples save their hearts and physical relationships for their spouses, but once they're married, all bets are off and anything can be shown to the whole world?  Why isn't that intimate relationship that they kept for each other between them?  It seems quite backwards to then let the entire public in on what you're doing together!  


Well-said, not to mention an excellent point.  Again, the extreme is on view here. From no hugging or kissing with the person you're going to marry [!!!] to outright public displays of it. I guess we should be grateful they're stopping at kissing. For now, at least. There are others who do go even farther...

I received three books prior to my marriage, which was 25 years ago.  Well, I received two, my husband one.  I received LETTERS TO KAREN by Charles Shedd, which was where the infamous "Angel at the table, a devil in the bed" quote comes from.  My father actually gave it to me, and he gave my now husband the companion book, LETTERS TO PHILIP.  I'll be honest, my mother and I sat down and read from it aloud and actually howled over some of the things it said, which wasn't very nice to my father, who really was trying to make sure I had a good wedding night, but the book WAS pretty funny in its own weird way, and it was a nice bonding moment with my mom.

I also received a copy of THE ACT OF MARRIAGE by Tim and Beverly LeHaye (now better known for the LEFT BEHIND series.)  This was given to me by what would be known in most denominations as godparents, but since we don't practice infant baptism, we didn't use that term, but it was a similar idea -- a couple my parents age I could go to spiritual advice and support at any time. 

We also received some explicit counseling from the minister who married us.

Fundies are really invested in making sure sex is good.  Good sex, after all, IS helpful in a marriage!  :)

But of course I never told anyone that I'd learned a great deal long before any of them had said anything.  As I said, there's a lot of chatter in Fundy circles about sex in young crowds, and it's talked about a LOT.  It only takes one person to share information, but you can find someone who either "rebelled" or is a young married woman who will help you out.  Learning about it may be communal, but you learn all the same.  Kissing may actually be the most awkward part, because it's the hardest part to practice!  ;)  As I said, there's a whole different take from converting into the culture than there is growing up in it.  Michelle and JB have no idea what their kids know, how they know it, and where they learned it.


I've always believed this too, that Boob and Mechelle were totally clueless in this regard. They honestly believe their kids follow all their rules and believe what they believe. Of course, some do, Jill in particular I think. But the more you tell a kid "don't look in this box..." the more curious that kid is going to become.  Even their numbers work against them. With two kids, maybe they could have swung it. But with 19 kids, there is no way there are going to be 19 happily-married straight ultra-conservative couples with 10 or more kids per couple at the finish line of this game.

  • Love 4

I thought it was reminiscent of Abercrombie and Fitch. Regardless of saving their first kiss blah blah blah cakes, Miss Jessa has been at the very least exposed to a lot more media than her parents knew about. That picture is pretty sensual.

And way different than the first honeymoon photo we saw of Jill & Derick smiling on the beach. What a comparison. Go Benessa!
  • Love 1

It did look like Boob has the thrifty look about him. The suit from the Dillard wedding, which I think is too light in color for a November wedding, what looks like the usual turquoise shirt he wears when he wants to match MEchelle but it doesn't match the blue in her dress. He couldn't have sprung for a new blue shirt to match her dress or go with a white shirt & blue tie and a darker suit. I can't add anything more to what has been said about his shoes. Even if he has foot problems, there are men's shoes out there that look like dress shoes but are more comfortable. My husband has a pair for work. Of course, they weren't cheap, so that's out for Boob.

Anyone else see this?



...it reads like a spoof blog, so I doubt the actual account's veracity...though the idea itself is totally plausible. And if so? Who cares. Go for it, Blessa & Bin.

It is a spoof blog, but if they're married, it isn't sinful lust, so whateves. If she's the wild child of the family, then LOL. 

Personally, I don't think this was their first kiss. I'm not saying that they kissed before the wedding, but I'll bet they went into the private room, kiss briefly and then joined the rest of the wedding for the ice cream social. Then they went to the hotel room and practiced for the night. I'll bet this photo was taken 24 hrs later after a few practice kisses and after they found some kissing photos online. Jessa's a socialite and I'm sure she wanted to look good for the selfie. No way was she having an awkward kiss be photographed and put all over the internet on FB, Instagram, blogs and websites everywhere. She has a lot of fans. She had this photo planned.

  • Love 3

I think Boob twisted Mechelle into the whole Gothard deal. He is an extremist personality who dives head-first and full-on into everything. The minute Boob he embraced Gothard's message, he was going to be sure to pull her in as well. She was probably OK with her high school behavior before Boob came along. I also think reminding Mechelle of her "scandalous" past makes him feel superior to her.


I've always thought the opposite.  I've always gotten the impression that Michelle is a true zealot.  There is no one more irritating and hypocritical than a converted fanatic.  JB thinks he runs the show, but it's all Michelle.  He worships the ground she walks on, and she tolerates him.  He remembers what she was wearing when he met her, she claims she can't even remember meeting him.  That's how she's kept him at her feet.  She was more experienced sexually, and probably blew his mind.  Remember, she makes sure to let it be known that he has bad breath and is whiny about pain.


I'm not sure Jill is sticking her belly out. Look at her heaving boobs -- massive, compared to her normal ample size. Admittedly, she does look big for only being 1/2 through her pregnancy.


Jill is high on attaining two of the fundy trifecta (wife, pregnancy, mother), and will soon have all three.  She has achieved what God says is her only purpose in life.  Add to that, she's in love and get's a lot of physical affection and someone's sole attention.  She must be walking on a cloud.  I love that she eschewed style for comfort.  I can't see a Bates sister wearing flats.


I never realized how much fundy girls look alike.  In that wedding picture, I see two Jingers, two Jills and Jessa in a bridesmaid's dress.   The wedding dress is gorgeous, and the bridesmaids dresses are ugly - but I never expected less from Jessa. 

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I'm with you on this floridamom.  I thought Michelle's reaction to it wasn't because they were holding hands before being engaged but they shouldn't be shown holding hands now since the engagement was not yet announced.


I agree, Michelle seemed so....weird about it, is the only way I can describe it. It was like she was really uncomfortable but couldn't quite figure out how to spit out what she wanted to say. It seemed like she couldn't stop giggling. What would have been REALLY weird is if everyone else was allowed to hold hands EXCEPT those two because they were courting.


I thought the seating arrangement of that table was also strange.  It was probably just easier for filming, and so they could get a good shot of the scandalous hand-holding incident, but I don't think I've seen seating arranged like that at a restaurant before. I haven't seen a lot of their restaurant episodes so maybe it's normal for them?

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I actually don't think Jill is high on anything right now - I think she looks tired and worn out from a difficult pregnancy.

The website is so fake - the posts from Jill's wedding prove this. But it's a pretty elaborate piece of work from someone who has a very weird obsession with things Fundy in general and the Duggars in particular.

Judging solely from the pics I think it's safe to say Jessa's wedding is blowing Jill's out of the water in terms of style. In the group photo the bridesmaid's dresses come through as really orange-y, but in the close-up pics they're more of a pinky-coral. They complemented Jessa's champagne colored dress nicely. Although bow ties aren't my thing, the guys looked good. I liked the navy with the brown shoes. 


I also like the simple, yet cute set-up of the sundae bar with the dessert toppings in labeled mason jars. I think Jessa took a "less is more" approach and the result was a cleaner, more cohesive feel versus a slapdash of random Pinterest ideas. And color me shocked! REAL spoons!!!


Finally, go Miss Anna in your tight dress and heels! I do believe I see some knee! That scandalous hussy!!!!

Don't men marry women that are similar to their mothers?? lol

What the hell is around Ben's shoulder/neck? Looks kind of S&Mish to me.


lol I thought the same thing at first, but I think it's just a light colored tank top with a darker edge (i.e. tan with navy blue). I'm surprised to see him in even a tank top, honestly, but I don't think it's anything more than that.

There is a picture on Pickles and Hairspray FB page of Benessa kissing on their wedding day and it is not good.  Jessa is kissing Ben's chin and his lips are up near her nose. 

I think they have been practicing a lot since then to get this shot that she took and put on her Instagram.

Except Bin's mouth is closed in that "scandalous" pic, lol.

Whoa. Late chiming in here, but loved the kiss pic! I hope they're greatly enjoying finally getting to know each other! They waited a long time, and hope it's everything they were hoping for.

I can't decide whether her posting it is to get back at her parents and the whole community she grew up in, or if they're SO EXCITED and IN LOVE that they just want to proclaim it to the world and aren't thinking straight?! Kind of like Jill with the pregnancy!

Hmmm...funny how couples save their hearts and physical relationships for their spouses, but once they're married, all bets are off and anything can be shown to the whole world? Why isn't that intimate relationship that they kept for each other between them? It seems quite backwards to then let the entire public in on what you're doing together!

Right - all that talk ad nauseum about MODESTY, and then this? That's the only issue I have with it. Edited by DangerousMinds
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I agree with previous posters, I think the kissing pic is awesome - but with her past of "modesty", it's kind of odd.  LOVE how Anna dressed for the wedding. I think the group shot was flattering, but I bet she looked great.  I don't understand why Jill was turned toward the Bride and groom.  I'm liking Jessa more and more the further into this wedding timeline we get.

I think Jessa did a good job on this wedding. The wedding dress is pretty, the bridesmaids' dress are nice, Michelle is dressed decently (a feat in itself), Anna and Josh look sophisticated, and the mason jars for the sundae toppings are clever (but there must have been hundreds of them). Jessa worked within a budget, and she pulled off a wedding with some style. Still, I hope Jill's wedding served her purpose and made her happy.

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I don't think Jessa harps on modesty all that much, does she? I think she wears a skirt, but she's clearly pushed the line in terms of cut and style for at least the past few years. And her wedding gown may have been from the modest line, but on a bustier bride, it would have needed alterations.

I should know! ;)

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Well they both had their mouths closed like JB and Michelle do when they kiss so the only thing more provocative about it is the way Jessa is holding on to him.  I seriously wonder if they french kiss in private or do some open mouth deep throaty kissing.  Even Josh and Anna look lame when they kiss.  


Jessa is a bit of a rebel and after all the notoriety and press Jill got she has to up her game and her version of sexing it up is the only chance she has to stay in the spotlight maybe.  

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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