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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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7 minutes ago, Marigold said:

They also might Bible Study hop. 

If Derick's church is running a hot series, Ben will pop in.  

Duggars seem kinda "church fluid" so I can see them swinging. 

'Church Fluid'--that's really a great moniker all around. I might use it, as I like different things about different churches. I'm an episcopalian on paper, but I'll pretty much attend anywhere to learn more about others and find other beliefs or ideas that resonate with me.

I'm glad to see Bin's willingness to be a bit more ecumenical, and though I don't agree with 95% of his mumblings, I've got to give him chops for trying to broaden his perspective beyond Vision Forum and the Duggar brand of IFB.  I think Bin understands that being a theologian requires one to study theology beyond his own experience and that examining it in a scholarly fashion is not the same thing as "losing his religion".

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I don't get why they would want to survive under a vengeful angry God they live in fear of. It's the ultimate abusive relationship. And as I think I read in the Dullards thread, why would any of them want to bring a child into the world, if they think the end is really happening any time soon.

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, kalamac said:

I don't get why they would want to survive under a vengeful angry God they live in fear of. It's the ultimate abusive relationship. And as I think I read in the Dullards thread, why would any of them want to bring a child into the world, if they think the end is really happening any time soon.

Because THEY are the speshul snowflakes and they are holier than thou.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Since according to the Gospel of Matthew, and Jesus said, "only the Father knows the hour", why do these Fundies keep insisting they know when?

God must have texted them inside info.  Because...Duggar.  Since God is their banker (according to Boob, God makes the financial decisions or some such thing) it might be on their bank statement too.

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, sheshark said:

Derick Dillard‏@derick4Him:

 "I'll root for Clemson because they're ORANGE! #gopokes #maybenextyear"

I guess this means the end isn't all that near.

Here's Dancing Derick preaching his latest missive....ooooh...shiny object! Clemson is orange...therefore...go pokes

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14 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

People In cults thrive on being scared, 'knowing' some pending disaster is going o happen any second, but only they are the holders of special secrets that will allow them to survive.


11 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Here's Dancing Derick preaching his latest missive....ooooh...shiny object! Clemson is orange...therefore...go pokes

Is this Fundie obsession with sports a new development? I could have sworn most were against them, with games being on Sundays and cheerleaders and tv watching and worshiping other "gods."

  • Love 2

Derick Dillard‏@derick4Him:  "I'll root for Clemson because they're ORANGE! #gopokes #maybenextyear"

I guess he likes the President Elect then....

Does anyone know if anyone Duggar ever outwardly said they said they voted for Trump?  I would think he was too flashy for their brand of Fundamentalism?

  • Love 4

Well, he's talking college football, played on days other than Sunday (that's reserved for the pros). They played the championship game Monday night, so nothing to interfere with his precious church service. I supppose as long as they don't follow pro teams (not that there are any very close to them), so I think Duggar Piety/college sports interest aren't a conflict of intrest. 

  • Love 1
50 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Well, he's talking college football, played on days other than Sunday (that's reserved for the pros). They played the championship game Monday night, so nothing to interfere with his precious church service. I supppose as long as they don't follow pro teams (not that there are any very close to them), so I think Duggar Piety/college sports interest aren't a conflict of intrest. 

Maybe I imagined it, but I seem to recall Bin "preaching" at one time against "having false gods" in reference to sports.

6 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Looks like Jessa had another baby shower. Isn't it gauche to have showers for second, third, etc. kids? Grift on, Jessa. Grift on...

This generation of super special snowflakes seem to have accepted multiple showers as OK. And of course they need to have many pics of themselves to post online as well!

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Looks like Jessa had another baby shower. Isn't it gauche to have showers for second, third, etc. kids? Grift on, Jessa. Grift on...


I thought that was a wineglass next to the D...or is it?  What is with the hands, are they getting ready to catch the baby?

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, sheshark said:

I thought that was a wineglass next to the D...or is it?  What is with the hands, are they getting ready to catch the baby?

It's probably a 'Sprinkle' not a 'Shower'. Feel free to roll your eyes. 

Pretty much the norm for second, etc., babies now. I get another shower when there's a big space between babies, or their different gender, but the big lavish showers for each kid still is odd to me. Also odd to me when people throw them for themselves, or have immediate family members throw showers/sprinkles/splashes.

My faves are the Sip and Sees - come and drink wine and see the baby after it is born. Is your baby so ugly you have to get people drunk to see it? Nondrinkers have hijacked that  with Sip And See with Iced Tea. 

Maybe this one is a girl?

  • Love 4

Yes, it's incredibly tacky to have another baby shower, especially when your kids are only fifteen months apart. And Jessa doesn't get to use the "second shower because the new baby is a girl" excuse because she hasn't revealed what the sex of the new baby will be. But hey, grifters gotta grift, right?

On a bitchy note because I can't stand her; Jessa's looks totally go to shit when she's pregnant. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 15

Aren't these people sick to death of effing baby showers? I had to throw TWO last year, both first babies to my sister and brother and I wanted to murder myself. Boring AF!!!! At least at most of the showers I go to I can drink a little to get myself through 3 hours of stupid games and present opening.  A dry shower for the second baby in 15 months for a very well off reality tv person...just no.

All these people do is throw effing showers!!!!!! 

Also that picture is dumb as hell. Sierra, mother to 5 kids ( or 6) are you really THAT excited for someones second effing baby. Dumb dumb dumb DUMB. LOL

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 14

These people have no other source of entertainment or stimulation besides showers. They don't do Tv/movies/music/books/sports. Their homeschooling involves sticking a kid in front of a computer. They don't cook. Probably don't clean. They home church. Showers are the most interaction so many of them have (not all conservative Christians or Fundies, but definitely the Duggars and friends).

  • Love 9

Jessa always looks so smug and pleased with herself, doesn't she?

I could see a modest sort of scaled down second shower. My mom was given a baby shower for #3 and #4, but there were 7 and 8 years from my birth and 3 and 4 years from my brother. This was the 70s.

My mom didn't solicit or wish for these showers or set them up herself; her friends wanted to do them for her. Friends, who were very English, who were always concerned about "being vulgar".  I really want to give Jessa a pass, and I would have, were it not for her grifting tendencies.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, RazzleberryPie said:

It's probably a 'Sprinkle' not a 'Shower'. Feel free to roll your eyes. 

Pretty much the norm for second, etc., babies now. I get another shower when there's a big space between babies, or their different gender, but the big lavish showers for each kid still is odd to me. Also odd to me when people throw them for themselves, or have immediate family members throw showers/sprinkles/splashes.

My faves are the Sip and Sees - come and drink wine and see the baby after it is born. Is your baby so ugly you have to get people drunk to see it? Nondrinkers have hijacked that  with Sip And See with Iced Tea. 

Maybe this one is a girl?

Jessa said that she's not revealing the sex...oh excuse me....GENDER to ANYONE this time. So, no, they can't use the different sex excuse for throwing this shindig. In the real world, Jessa could have politely turned down the offer of another shower. She tends not to like these shindigs anyway. 

But they're not living in the real world. TLC probably needed a plot to flesh out the season of nothing but SSDD. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 3

That pics just makes me wonder how much stray hair is in all the food. All three of them need to cut off about a foot of hair or at least pull it back or something. Their hair always looks like it hanging and clinging everywhere, and they all look like its just average thickness. It's just EVERYWHERE.

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

That pics just makes me wonder how much stray hair is in all the food. All three of them need to cut off about a foot of hair or at least pull it back or something. Their hair always looks like it hanging and clinging everywhere, and they all look like its just average thickness. It's just EVERYWHERE.

Were it not for Joshley Madison's midnight marauderings, the Duggars would surely have gotten a Swiffer commercial.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Jessa said that she's not revealing the sex...oh excuse me....GENDER to ANYONE this time. So, no, they can't use the different sex excuse for throwing this shindig. In the real world, Jessa could have politely turned down the offer of another shower. She tends not to like these shindigs anyway. 

But they're not living in the real world. TLC probably needed a plot to flesh out the season of nothing but SSDD. 

If they were at all concerned about children, or even their Public image, they could have a second shower where all the gifts and diapers are donated to a local shelter. Especially since they want all the babies to be born all the time.

either they are completely clueless or just THAT selfish. Im going with the latter.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

These people have no other source of entertainment or stimulation besides showers. They don't do Tv/movies/music/books/sports. Their homeschooling involves sticking a kid in front of a computer. They don't cook. Probably don't clean. They home church. Showers are the most interaction so many of them have (not all conservative Christians or Fundies, but definitely the Duggars and friends).

ITA. I was going to say, baby showers are these people's versions of happy hour. I personally find any and every excuse to get out of going to baby and wedding showers, but for these dorks, they seem like one of the few ways they're allowed to socialize with anyone in their peer group.

  • Love 5

Have never heard of baby showers for anything but firsts, learn something new everyday.

2 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

These people have no other source of entertainment or stimulation besides showers. They don't do Tv/movies/music/books/sports. Their homeschooling involves sticking a kid in front of a computer. They don't cook. Probably don't clean. They home church. Showers are the most interaction so many of them have (not all conservative Christians or Fundies, but definitely the Duggars and friends).

Agree. They may do these things as fun social events, not necessarily to restock the baby clothes. Besides, if this is their normal, Jessa will be right back at Sierra's house soon with a gift, so they break even.

  • Love 3
48 minutes ago, yogi2014L said:

If they were at all concerned about children, or even their Public image, they could have a second shower where all the gifts and diapers are donated to a local shelter. Especially since they want all the babies to be born all the time.

either they are completely clueless or just THAT selfish. Im going with the latter.

I do like that idea! But doubtful they'd do it.

Someone at FJ also mentioned a diaper shower AFTER the baby is born. That would have sufficed just fine, but I guess they want to end this season with the Birth VSE, so a diaper shower throws off TLC's timeline. 

Also, I saw that 130 people attended this thing and that there were (thankfully) no gifts. Oh TLC, I see right through you! 

  • Love 2
28 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Someone at FJ also mentioned a diaper shower AFTER the baby is born. That would have sufficed just fine, but I guess they want to end this season with the Birth VSE, so a diaper shower throws off TLC's timeline. 

Also, I saw that 130 people attended this thing and that there were (thankfully) no gifts. Oh TLC, I see right through you! 

Looks like gifts in the pictures, maybe Jessa's friends just can't help showering her with presents 

  • Love 2

TLC posted a gallery. Looks like Jinger was a no-show. Apparently, they made care packages for women at a pregnancy crisis shelter consisting of a pen and devotional book. Just what *I* would need, for sure! It's almost as thoughtful as the giant bear Smuggar regifted to a crisis center in LA.. Remember that one? :D


So yes, this Sierra Production was filmed.

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 3
21 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Here's Dancing Derick preaching his latest missive....ooooh...shiny object! Clemson is orange...therefore...go pokes

Maybe THIS is why they voted for Trump!  I was surprised how they voted.  Thought for sure they would just write in Cruz or something. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, sometimesy said:

Have never heard of baby showers for anything but firsts, learn something new everyday.

Agree. They may do these things as fun social events, not necessarily to restock the baby clothes. Besides, if this is their normal, Jessa will be right back at Sierra's house soon with a gift, so they break even.

No, Jessa would be at Sierra's house with her used baby clothes she no longer wants.  There...fixed it for ya.?

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

This made me laugh hard.  Then I felt bad for laughing...and then I laughed some more.

I have a hard time actually saying what Smuggley did to those poor girls..so I use euphemism to be able to say it.

But dammit, if ever a house needed a Swiffer, it would be that one...yuck..

I wonder if Jessa really didn't want gifts or whether the producers saw a perfect F.U. Interwebz moment. How many people attended the shower? There was barely enough food there to feed 20, let alone the enormous crowds they typically invite to these things. I'm glad to see the Duggars busted out their finest Styrofoam, though.

  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I wonder if Jessa really didn't want gifts or whether the producers saw a perfect F.U. Interwebz moment. How many people attended the shower? There was barely enough food there to feed 20, let alone the enormous crowds they typically invite to these things.

The Duggars & their friends never seem to have enough food to feed their guests.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Apparently, 130 people attended, but yeah, that spread of food was severely lacking, marking this as a Sierra Production. But Jessa got a big cookie (since she hates cake), so she didn't care! 

130?! Even the food in the industrial kitchen didn't look plentiful enough to feed that many. So did everyone get a 1/4 cup of lemon orzo soup and a forkful of salad?

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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