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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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There is a bright side to Bin's adoration of 19th century theologians. If he and Jessa follow the ridiculous Duggar tradition of choosing one "special" letter for the naming of all their children, then their spawn should number a relatively normal and manageable five. The downside is the next four shall be named Schaff, Stade, Swete, and my personal favorite Schleiermacher. Boy or girl, makes no difference. Sweet Jesus, Spurgeon. Really?

  • Love 2

There is a bright side to Bin's adoration of 19th century theologians. If he and Jessa follow the ridiculous Duggar tradition of choosing one "special" letter for the naming of all their children, then their spawn should number a relatively normal and manageable five. The downside is the next four shall be named Schaff, Stade, Swete, and my personal favorite Schleiermacher. Boy or girl, makes no difference. Sweet Jesus, Spurgeon. Really?

Even the original Spurgeon's parents didn't name him Spurgeon! They named him CHARLES. 

  • Love 17

There is a bright side to Bin's adoration of 19th century theologians. If he and Jessa follow the ridiculous Duggar tradition of choosing one "special" letter for the naming of all their children, then their spawn should number a relatively normal and manageable five. The downside is the next four shall be named Schaff, Stade, Swete, and my personal favorite Schleiermacher. Boy or girl, makes no difference. Sweet Jesus, Spurgeon. Really?

Be afraid.

  • Love 7

Just remember, you only need to get about 35 questions right to pass.


If an idiot like Jill can pass a standardized test, someone who prepared well can too.

Boy have times changed.  When I took my nursing boards almost 30 years ago, we "sat" for our boards--2 tests lasting 3 hours each for 2 days (total of 4 tests over 12 hours).  And then we didn't get our results for about 8 weeks. But, unlike the computer tests now, we could go back and recheck and change answers.


Best of luck on your boards!!!!


Several years ago there was a boy at a local school whose name was spelled S-H-I-T-H-E-A-D----pronounced "Sha-thawd".  Things really can be worse.

BOOgen3, on 13 Nov 2015 - 6:43 PM, said:

There is a bright side to Bin's adoration of 19th century theologians. If he and Jessa follow the ridiculous Duggar tradition of choosing one "special" letter for the naming of all their children, then their spawn should number a relatively normal and manageable five. The downside is the next four shall be named Schaff, Stade, Swete, and my personal favorite Schleiermacher. Boy or girl, makes no difference. Sweet Jesus, Spurgeon. Really?

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_biblical_names_starting_with_S(be afraid)


Well...there IS a "Salmon" on that list...

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
  • Love 6

I don't understand that either. Our neighbor has a son named "something IV" meaning the fourth generation of the name, not the intravenous fluids!! But they call him Ivey. What? And Erin bates named the baby Charles something or other but they call him Carson. Another mystery although not a bad name.

Ivey? I actually think that's clever! I know someone whose son is a "third" and they call him Trey (tre, tres). Those two I'm ok with, they are connected to the original name. But Carson and Quincy???

Edited to add *** or what dorcastrilling said!

Edited by Readalot
  • Love 2

Quincy vs. Spurgeon....it's a toss up which one is worse...poor kiddo can't win either way---That said .It's not as bad as Dweezil (that name is so bad it's good) or Fifi Trixibelle or Peaches or Bronx Mowgli..

Actually surprised the Duggette was literate enough to even come up with a name she might have difficulty spelling given her Wisdom Booklet edumacashun!

  • Love 1

Some observations after reading the People article:

Think another poster noticed this but I agree --Jessa must have been feeling fine to be able to change into different outfits & go full throttle on the makeup.

Jessa admitted she hasn't changed any diapers. "Ben is changing all the diapers" she said with a smile.

The way this was written had me take a double look. "Having decided on an all-natural home birth, Jessa assembled a team of midwives--her mother, her mother-in-law Guinn, and sisters Jana and Jinger--to assist during labor." That makes it sound like there wasn't an actual (licensed) midwive there but later on in the article, it says her midwife became concerned about the bleeding. Now we have to wait to the special to find out who the mystery midwife is. Possibly Miss Theresa?? Anna??

I call Bull cookies on Jessa "soldiering through increasingly intense contractions, leaning on Ben" during her birthday lunch and birthday pedicure. I agree other women could possibly go thru this but this is Jessa "Its all about me" we are talking about. Granted she was the center of attention for her birthday but I think she would want it known that SHE was in labor at that time.

It said that Ben was so emotional & teared up after Quincy was born, he had to leave the room to compose himself before returning to cut the cord. I'm sure most fathers tear up and cry when their child was born.

Like someone else said, the article didn't mention Ben returning to work. I guess Stay at home Dad is his new title.

As I said in my previous post, this article could have been written about the births of most children. What makes them so special to get the cover & feature article? (I know the answer--Jim Boob)

  • Love 10

Reminder: This is the Jessa and Ben thread. It is not a place to attack Catholics. Keep it on topic aka Jessa, Ben, and the new baby. Posts attacking certain religious groups will not be tolerated and will be hidden or deleted at the discretion of the mods. Warnings, suspensions or being banned will come calling if this type of insulting baiting continues. If you cannot be civil then the mods suggest going someplace else to post.


Boy have times changed.  When I took my nursing boards almost 30 years ago, we "sat" for our boards--2 tests lasting 3 hours each for 2 days (total of 4 tests over 12 hours).  And then we didn't get our results for about 8 weeks. But, unlike the computer tests now, we could go back and recheck and change answers.

I took them on computer - 75 is the minimum number of questions. and the number I got. You need a little over 50% correct to pass, and a number of the questions don't count (they're for making other tests). Some people get over 200 questions, so it varies. When I think of poor Jill or Jessa trying to take real, legitimate boards, I chuckle inside. Enklecks Seewald has a nice ring to it.


A special, precious, neat message from Jill *spew* 

Basically Jill has the Duggar gift of making someone else's event all about yourself.  Highlights include-

It was such a joy to get to be apart of the birth from Central America, thank you. You were a champ! I felt those contractions with you. 

For me during labor this meant that God would give me just enough grace for the next contraction. Now it tells me that if I abide in Christ daily (reading the bible and asking him for wisdom and strength), God will help me to be the wife and mother he wants me to be. God's grace is sufficient in our weaknesses (we definitely aren't perfect)!

I'm so excited to both be on this motherhood journey together! I pray our boys will love Jesus with their heart, soul, mind and strength and love others more than themselves! We will have to let them FaceTime frequently while we are down here. It will be so fun to see them experiencing things and going thru similar stages within a few months of each other. 

  • Love 5

Lol, "Don't feel bad about letting family and friends help you". Is that a little F.U. Interwebz moment I see there? Jessa has gotten a ton of flack for using Mary and Jana as nannies so she and Bin can keep to a regular schedule.

If it was any other mother or family I don't think people would judge, but when you're talking about two people in their early 20s who don't work there's going to be a few side-eyes. Especially when you're making an elderly woman stay up nights so your man-child husband can get his eight hours in.

  • Love 17

Lol, "Don't feel bad about letting family and friends help you". Is that a little F.U. Interwebz moment I see there? Jessa has gotten a ton of flack for using Mary and Jana as nannies so she and Bin can keep to a regular schedule.

Definitely an F.U. Interwebz moment, but, even more so, I think it's an F.U. Jessa moment...


Wow, can all of these holy, Godly, special precious people/sisters be bitches

  • Love 15

Oh good grief.  Let me get out my pen and edit that silly post.  Jill, you are hopeless.  

She can't write her way out of a paper bag. 


She was also probably the "midwife" referenced in the article. I wonder who brought the surgical tools to cut the cord? It's not as if Jana has those just laying about; she's the only one with "training" in the room, and that was only as a doula. I can't imagine how badly this was actually bungled. But hey, MEchelle got her some camera time, and that's what it's all about as far as she's concerned! 

  • Love 3

















All the ridiculous names used by the moms on the Teen Mom/16 & Pregnant franchise.

^^^^All names I'd rather have than Spuregon. Heck, North looks like a downright nice name in comparison. I even like Apple and Pilot better than Spurgeon.

Way to go Ben & Jessa, you've set yourselves up for Quincy to silently curse you every time he has to explain that his real name is Spurgeon but he goes by S.E., Elliot, or Quincy, which will happen over & over throughout his life. It'll be a pain in the butt and he'll get tired of explaining to people that his parents were idiots. Trust me, I know. I was named after my mom but called by a diminutive of my middle name for my entire life. My mom claims she was so high on the meds at the hospital that she reversed the names because in her drugged out haze she thought it was prettier. People (at dr's office, new teachers, etc) would call my given first name and it wouldn't even register it was me they were calling. People would ask me why my parents didn't just reverse my names. I hated having to explain and correct everyone. I hated having to defend what my parents named me. Finally when I was 13, my parents just had my name changed for me. It did cost some money and was a headache to do so. I remember having to meet with someone with them about why I even wanted it changed (not sure if this was a lawyer or what).

It was a pain for them but they knew it was a pain for me to have to explain my name situation. And heck, I went by a diminutive of my (then) middle name....it's not like I was going by a completely random name (like Spurgeon Elliot going by Quincy). They wanted it fixed before I went to high school, college, and out in the world.

And WHEN the Duggar money train ends, Ben can't support the family/be in the spotlight, and Jessa can't be kept in the lifestyle she's become accustomed to, this couple will either leave the fold together with their kids or one of the parents will leave and eventually some of the kids may follow. Mark my word, one day (probably many, many years from now), Spurgeon Seewald won't be fundie. He'll be out in the world with the rest of us heathens but stuck with Ben's pious name choice whose "significance" it will be lost on. Depending on when this all goes down, poor Spurgeon might even have to explain his name to classmates.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 8

Here I was thinking the "grandma" in question was Michelle as she was Fishstick's grandma.  I know my kids began calling me grandma when the first grandchild was born.


Jana did at least sign up with the state as a midwife apprentice about the time Jill had to extend.  She may have done more than doula training at least for a short time.  Perhaps that's when she decided she didn't like it. 

  • Love 3

Her headship won't approve of that!

I bet he would approve if the change was laid on her heart to change it to "Jim bob"... Oh wait did you mean Ben?

I took them on computer - 75 is the minimum number of questions. and the number I got. You need a little over 50% correct to pass, and a number of the questions don't count (they're for making other tests). Some people get over 200 questions, so it varies. When I think of poor Jill or Jessa trying to take real, legitimate boards, I chuckle inside. Enklecks Seewald has a nice ring to it.

I'm going to take this to small talk )

I wonder how they see that all panning out with their army of adopted children. Do they plan to give all their "real" children ridiculous names inspired by religious figures and then accept that their adopted children are named Ethan and Emma? Will they plan to change their adopted children's names to something "better" like Spurgeon?


ETA: Not that I think that any reputable adoption agency would give them a child, but if it were to happen, it would be a child, not a baby that they could name.

Edited by cmr2014
  • Love 5

Upthread someone liked to the Key and Peele football players’ names sketch.  In that was the perfect name for the next little Seewald, eeeee eeeeeeeeeeee.  Yes, those are dolphin noises.  Little Spurgeon and eeeee eeeeeeeeeeee would be so cute together, forever linking the name Seewald to Seaworld.

  • Love 7

Upthread someone liked to the Key and Peele football players’ names sketch. In that was the perfect name for the next little Seewald, eeeee eeeeeeeeeeee. Yes, those are dolphin noises. Little Spurgeon and eeeee eeeeeeeeeeee would be so cute together, forever linking the name Seewald to Seaworld.

Maybe Spurgeon Seewald could be a Seaweed farmer that supplies Seaworld with Seaweed.

  • Love 3

I get baby Carson Paine's name. It's not a traditional nickname for Charles, but with him being a fourth, they're out of options unless they want to repeat. Plus, I feel like Erin likes those trendy names and it was a way for them to name their baby something they both wanted and he could go by either name as an adult. 


I still can't get over Spurgeon. Maybe they didn't name him Charles because that's Erin's baby's name? 


This also kind of reminds me of the names you see on people in Utah.

  • Love 6

I sometimes think the stupidity, ignorance, and gullibility of the general public is infinite. And that they will keep uncritically lapping up all the Duggar stories that are served up to them, unto the end of time.


I have these fears too. I feel almost certain that there's clues in the Book of Revelation about the end times that reference Duggars. Like Jim Bob is the antichrist (false prophet). Or that 666 can be decoded to spell out 'DUGGAR.'

  • Love 10


A special, precious, neat message from Jill *spew* 

Basically Jill has the Duggar gift of making someone else's event all about yourself.  Highlights include-

It was such a joy to get to be apart of the birth from Central America, thank you. 


"Apart"...Bwahahahaha, definite Freudian slip there, Jill, you genius...er, jenius! Or just another example of the poor education she received at the SOTDRT. Most likely, it's both.

  • Love 14

"Apart"...Bwahahahaha, definite Freudian slip there, Jill, you genius...er, jenius! Or just another example of the poor education she received at the SOTDRT. Most likely, it's both.

And a heartfelt "Bwahahahah" to your post ! I looooooove your "jenius" !!!


This also holds for all of the other Duggarisms we've been subjected to - "alot", "irregardless", "should OF", "could OF", "would OF", etc, to say nothing of the bizarre use/non-use/misuse of commas ! Commas aren't like sprinkles, Duggars ! You can't just randomly shake them over your words...


At least they can spell perpendicular, no ?

  • Love 15

I guess the naming-situation could have been worse? Suppose the baby was a girl?

If Ben's true, "lofty" aim was to honor Mr Spurgeon, yet he and Jessa were fine in assigning what they called the gender-neutral nickname, then I can see them sticking with Quincy even for a girl, yet still officially naming her Spurgeon.

Next baby stop in the Twilight Zone? Cotton Mather Seewald. That guy saw "witches" and the Devil everywhere. I'm sure Ben is a fan. Or Brocklehurst Seewald! Remember him from Jane Eyre?


That note from Jill is dripping with honey-soaked passive-aggressiveness -- toward everybody.

Can I say that I truly hope PEOPLE stops with these fawning cover stories over every new Baby Duggar? Enough is enough.

Edited by sleekandchic
  • Love 4

"I felt those contractions with you!"

Um, no you really didn't. You were sitting in a wicker chair with a Fundie Mojito and grinding your teeth that your birthing fame was being stepped on. And why do they have to make their messages public? My sister and I text most days but I would be horrified if anyone saw it. Of course, there ain't a whole lot of precious blessedness involved.

I would so contribute to a gofundme when little Spurgeon files to have his name legally changed. I hope he changes it to John Smith.

Or Satan Beelzebub.

  • Love 20

I think I mentioned this in a Bates thread. "Carson" is a contraction of "Charles' son" which is appropriate in this case (I think it's adorable).

For Quincy, I got nothin'.

Maybe Quincy is from President John Quincy Adams, 4th or 6th.

I wonder if Jill and Jessa have their own thanksgiving dinner for themselves, apart from a big family (Duggar, Seewald, Dillard, etc.) dinner.

  • Love 1

"I felt those contractions with you!"

Um, no you really didn't. You were sitting in a wicker chair with a Fundie Mojito and grinding your teeth that your birthing fame was being stepped on. And why do they have to make their messages public? My sister and I text most days but I would be horrified if anyone saw it. Of course, there ain't a whole lot of precious blessedness involved.

I would so contribute to a gofundme when little Spurgeon files to have his name legally changed. I hope he changes it to John Smith.

Or Satan Beelzebub.

Or Joe Smithson.

  • Love 14

Maybe Quincy is from President John Quincy Adams, 4th or 6th.

Not unless he was a preacher!


I'm guessing that the joke evolved thusly:


Ben: We need to pick a letter for our litter.*

Jessa: You might as well pick Q because we won't need many names. Think of my figure!

Ben: What starts with Q?

Jessa: Quincy. The end. Let's adopt!


*you do know dog breeders do this, to keep track of things, right? Each litter has a letter or a theme.

  • Love 11

Not unless he was a preacher!

I'm guessing that the joke evolved thusly:

Ben: We need to pick a letter for our litter.*

Jessa: You might as well pick Q because we won't need many names. Think of my figure!

Ben: What starts with Q?

Jessa: Quincy. The end. Let's adopt!

*you do know dog breeders do this, to keep track of things, right? Each litter has a letter or a theme.

How about Q-Tip Seewald

  • Love 4

I don't think the Duggars/Dillards/Seewalds have ever had one conversation between each other where they haven't just thrown a bunch of bible verses and God-fearing phrases at each other. I don't understand why Jill can't just shoot Jessa a text and say "Congratulations! I'm so proud of you! You worked hard!" Shoot, I would've even been okay with her posting that on her Instagram. But they always feel like they have to write these long, drawn out, passive aggressive messages to each other. And the religion part always feels so forced. 

  • Love 19

I don't think the Duggars/Dillards/Seewalds have ever had one conversation between each other where they haven't just thrown a bunch of bible verses and God-fearing phrases at each other. I don't understand why Jill can't just shoot Jessa a text and say "Congratulations! I'm so proud of you! You worked hard!" Shoot, I would've even been okay with her posting that on her Instagram. But they always feel like they have to write these long, drawn out, passive aggressive messages to each other. And the religion part always feels so forced.

She could have sent her a Fundie emoji.

  • Love 3

I sometimes think the stupidity, ignorance, and gullibility of the general public is infinite. And that they will keep uncritically lapping up all the Duggar stories that are served up to them, unto the end of time.

But, I hope you're right, and the grifters' gig won't go on forever. Thanks for adding some optimism to the discussion!

. Remember all the years of hoopla surrounding Paris Hilton? I thought it was never going to end. Then came the Kartrashians. I feel like they are on their downside of popularity now. It's a slow decline, but I'll take it! I noticed there is another family People is trying to push as "your new family obsession". Going by the titles, I think they have a transgendered child? Wouldn't that be hilarious is they stole the Duggar's thunder and gave them an extra push down the slide to oblivion?
  • Love 7
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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