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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I think either we aren't getting the full, accurate story or that they're being deceitful. Heres' why: first the article says she wanted to go to the hospital for an epidural. Now I've never given birth and I'm not a medical professional, but aren't epidurals only allowed for a specific time BEFORE the actual birth? Once the baby comes. or you start pushing, isn't the epidural useless??  Then the article says that after she gave birth she started bleeding. "The midwife became concerned, everyone stayed calm, and Michele called 911". So something ain't adding up here. If she had the baby at home why would she need to go to the hospital for an epidural? 

Media Hogs!

You got me.  First there's the birthday lunch after 20 some hours of contractions already.  Then an epidural after the birth?  Unless for some reason she was still n great pain after the delivery because of the heavy bleeding and the size of baby no name yet.  It's not like it's completely 100% pain free the second the baby comes out but an epidural is supposed to be before the birth.  Sounds to me like Jill was on the phone with her giving her weird advice or something.  Sure Jessa go out and enjoy lunch you've got a couple of days to go - since Izzy took 70 hours.  Who knows with these people.

  • Love 3

All of the TLC families are deceptive. The Gosselins had a marriage vow renewal while they were leading comeletely seperate lives and headed for divorce. The Browns from Sister Wives were maintaining that they were one big happy family as one wife was having an on line affair with a catfisher. Even The Little Couple were deceitful. They pretended that they met their adoptive son for the first time on the show. Then in their book they admitted that they spent the day before with him at the orphanage. All of these families learn how to play the lying game for the almighty dollar. I don't care for the Duggars, but when it comes to being deceptive for money, they are not unique.


I love The Little Couple but yes, a lot of things for that adoption was very staged, but it didn't surprise me.  They have continue to stage various scenarios after they had both kids home as well, but that is the name of the game sadly.  So be prepared to have another version of the birth when it gets broadcast that differs from what was said in People and other media.

Edited by PJ123
  • Love 1

having birthed 4 babies in hospital but unmedicated, i think she meant that at one point she was ready to cave and go to the hospital for an epidural. she was encouraged to tough it out and did, but THEN had complications.  that is my impression.


Sad thing is I don't think any of these reality show families care if the media gets it right or wrong as long as they get they attention.

  • Love 5

People article - 10 hours of contractions - 48 hour delivery.


OK I'm going to try and make sense of this, why I don't know.  Jessa started contractions at approximately - 5AM on Nov 5th.  About 10 hours later the baby was born.  She went to the hospital and stayed there over night. People article included that overnight stay as part of their '48 hour delivery' comment.  


Otherwise the 48 hour delivery would have had Jessa starting contractions on Nov. 3rd. Going out for her birthday lunch on Nov. 4th and finally delivering on Nov. 5th.  


Or - there were 10 hours of contractions that were especially hard making her want an epidural.  


It's anybody's guess how long she pushed and when her water actually broke.  

I've already moved on!

I'm with you at this point.  Instead of Counting on I'm Moving On.

  • Love 7

At this point, I'm pretty darned sure that the '48 hour' labor is a gross exaggeration.  She probably had a couple of strong Braxton-Hicks contractions a couple of days earlier and counted that as the beginning of labor.  Or someone at People threw that in there to pump up the drama.  I suspect that the actual labor lasted between 12 and 18 hours.


The article states that after 10 hours of contractions Jessa considered going to the hospital for an epidural, then changed her mind.  How long she labored after that until the delivery is anybody's guess.  There was no mention of Jessa having to push for a prolonged amount of time, so I'm guessing that she was able to do that fairly quickly.  Given Bam Bams head was nicely rounded I'd think that Jessa is an efficient pusher.  Well done, Jessa, it takes some time and practice to get that whole pushing thing down.  (For me, what did it was a nurse begging me to act like I was pushing out a large wad of poop.  The light bulb went on in my head and soon I had a baby!)


I was surprised to read that Jessa went to the hospital without the baby:


"But after their son finally arrived at 6:54 on Nov. 5, their joy was soon interrupted by a surprisingly scary moment as Jessa began bleeding so much that her midwife became concerned.


Jessa says that "everyone stayed calm" while her mother Michelle Duggar, 49, called 911. "I tried to keep my head, I was awake and alert," Jessa recalls.


The hardest part? Leaving her newborn: "I had dreamed about those first moments, getting to breastfeed right away, all that. And so when I had to go to the hospital, it was a shock."


After nearly fainting, Jessa had to undergo a blood transfusion and stay overnight; at that point, her son was brought to her side. "


So all the pictures of smiling relatives posing with a towel clad newborn were taken either as Jessa was bleeding, or after she was taken to the hospital.  That seems unfair to me.  Jessa's the one who grew that kid and went through labor and delivery, yet she's at the hospital for a few hours before she can hold him and start to get to know him.  No mention of if Ben went in the ambulance with her, followed in his car, or hung around the house for awhile until instructed to bring the baby to the hospital to meet his mom. 


Who was the aforementioned midwife?  Who went to stay with Jessa in the hospital?  Was a camera crew present at the birth or at the hospital?


There's a lot of unanswered questions here, but maybe the magazine will expand the story to include those details.  I'd normally tell myself that it's none of my business, but Jessa and Ben clearly want the attention.  Still, poor little Bam Bam wasn't consulted on the question of how much of his new life is being parceled out for public consumption, his entire existence is being used to provide his parents and extended family attention, money, and a story line for a stupid TV show.  Knowing that, now I feel like I'm exploiting him just as much as his family, TLC, and People magazine.

Edited by Zahdii
  • Love 8

Would the EMT's have recommended they take the baby with them and have him checked out just as a precaution? I find it odd the baby didn't go with Jessa and it pretty much confirms my suspicion that they have no health insurance.

Jessa looks nice on the cover but the picture lying down wasn't the most flattering angle. I still can't believe these two idiots are parents.

Oh, and yes, total bullshit that Jessa doesn't Google herself. There are way too many F.U. Interwebz moments with this family. They are well aware of what's being said about them.

  • Love 12

I agree.  She probably had a few Braxton-Hicks and said "I'm in labor" and the clock starting ticking.  I would think that if your water breaks you would NOT be going out to a restaurant.  My water broke and I stayed home, and then contractions started about 5 hours later.  But I was also keeping my doctor informed who told me to stay home!

  • Love 2

I think they best start with a coloring book and work their way up to the lofty goal of magazine.


Ohhhh. A Duggar Paper Doll book! You can switch among the various striped skirts and fugly green button down shirts. Also, hair styles. From crinkled crispy fried 80's hair, to headbands and side braids! Accessories! I-Phones and Starbucks...and an infant, or course. 

  • Love 8

Ohhhh. A Duggar Paper Doll book! You can switch among the various striped skirts and fugly green button down shirts. Also, hair styles. From crinkled crispy fried 80's hair, to headbands and side braids! Accessories! I-Phones and Starbucks...and an infant, or course. 

But would they be in their *gasp* underwear until you put the paper clothes on them?!


Jessa - we know you google yourself and probably read here.  Get your timeline straight.  And congrats on Baby Brown Towel.

  • Love 10

I like those!


Grifton Judas Seewald - half biblical, 100% true.


Shitshow Seewald - too much alliteration?

Shitshow Seewald has a nice ring to it lol! But poor baby can't help what he was born into. Maybe Bin should change HIS name to Shit SHow.


And that article was a nice reminder to not feel sorry for these egomaniac fools. Lying liars who lie indeed

  • Love 3

I understand the desire to have a natural birth, but don't these girls understand they can have a natural birth in the hospital? They don't make you get an epidural... their logic just doesn't make any sense to me. 


And of course Jessa doesn't need to google herself - everything that's going around google is mentioned in her comments that she so abruptly deletes because she has nothing better to do throughout the day than monitor what people say about her. 


I'm feeling how most of you guys are about this whole situation. Bored. She dragged this birth out for so long. Yawn. 

  • Love 7

I wonder if Jessa claimed the 48-hour labor to yet again one-up Jill: a longer labor AND a vaginal birth AND almost dying for her child.

I bet she really grinds home Michelle's birthday tradition of "I could have died birthing you" to Bam-Bam--after all, she now has real evidence! One-upping Michelle also; it's a twofer.

  • Love 8

I agree. She probably had a few Braxton-Hicks and said "I'm in labor" and the clock starting ticking. I would think that if your water breaks you would NOT be going out to a restaurant. My water broke and I stayed home, and then contractions started about 5 hours later. But I was also keeping my doctor informed who told me to stay home!

Didn't Jill go for a pedicure or a hike after her water broke? Maybe Jessa felt like she needed a post water break outing to keep up.

  • Love 5

If you watch the video on People, it says that Michelle (pfft, yeah right!) and Jana are staying with the new parents so Ben and Jessa can sleep at night. How lovely for Jana to wake up at 3am to care for yet another person's infant. 



Edited by Guest

J'Chelle likes Baby Brown Towel, because he's brad new. Once he's over six months J'Chelle will care less about him. Also, why would they do the People interview without choosing a name for their son?

J'Chelle likes Baby Brown Towel, because he's brad new. Once he's over six months J'Chelle will care less about him. Also, why would they do the People interview without choosing a name for their son?

  • Love 5

If you watch the video on People, it says that Michelle (pfft, yeah right!) and Jana are staying with the new parents so Ben and Jessa can sleep at night. How lovely for Jana to wake up at 3am to care for yet another person's infant.


So is Jessa pumping? But even then she'll still need to pump a few times a night to establish her supply.

I'm surprised they aren't asking Jana to take medication that will make her lactate so she can also feed the Towelette. Ben and Jessa don't have jobs that require them to be well rested.

  • Love 15

If you watch the video on People, it says that Michelle (pfft, yeah right!) and Jana are staying with the new parents so Ben and Jessa can sleep at night. How lovely for Jana to wake up at 3am to care for yet another person's infant. 



They shouldn't have become parents if they need to sleep at night. #FreeJana.

  • Love 13

It's not like Bin and Jessa have full time jobs. #FreeJana. J'Chelle will only care about Baby Brown Towel for six months, so she's getting her fill while she still cares.


You are being too generous.  4 months, tops.  Then she is onto waiting for the next grandbaby.


Jana doesn't need any more buddies!

  • Love 4

Is Baby Brown Towel Jana's new buddy? Part of being a new parent is the lack of sleep. Bin and Jessa need to care for their own child.


Seriously. It's just them and one baby. Not a house full of kids with Ben having to go to work. Then I could understand having someone come help keep the house up/make meals. They literally have nothing else to do but care for this blessing.

I'm sure the name will come next week so they can sell it to People for one last paycheck. Because after that really there is nothing to sell them. Unless they get divorced or something shocking. Baby #2 won't pay out nearly as much of anything. Need to milk this poor baby for all they can.

  • Love 13

Isn't it about 3 more months until Joshie is let out of "rehab?"  So Baby Brown Towel will only have the spotlight on him for that long, is my prediction.  Then MeeShell will have to be all about "My son is home!  He is all better!  And Anna stood by him!  Now they can work on baby #5."

  • Love 2

Would the EMT's have recommended they take the baby with them and have him checked out just as a precaution? I find it odd the baby didn't go with Jessa and it pretty much confirms my suspicion that they have no health insurance.

I don't think it is odd.  I've read a few other stories of women having to be rushed to the hospital, leaving their newborn, just moments after giving birth.

I don't think EMTs are going to want to transfer a baby who doesn't need care.  It would take their attention to make sure the baby is safe in the ambulance, and the patient bleeding out is the one who needs attention.  An infant can't just ride along in the front, afterall

  • Love 2



Bull. Shit.


Delete instagram and then we'll talk.

Only a Duggar could lie that shamelessly and blatantly with a straight face. Particularly when she has an Instagram account that pretty much contradicts everything she said in that stupid piece. On a daily basis.

  • Love 11

I can't fault anyone for having their mother and sister come stay with them after childbirth, especially if Jessa downplayed what actually happened to her. If she had any kind of surgery to clean things up down there, she would not be in any shape to take care of the baby alone with Ben.

Now if they really are letting Jessa "sleep through the night", I would bet BamBam is a formula baby.

  • Love 4

Jana helping take care of #$6 is actually offensive to me. Ben can ask his boss for a few days off (sarcasm), and take care of his own damn kid. Why should Jana lose sleep to care for Jessa's first born when his FATHER is right there napping with Jessa? Michelle is there for the face time. Seriously, is she going to care for someone else's kid? No but she couldn't even play the role for TLC, enter Jana as her stunt double.

  • Love 15

If they could change the birth date of Anna and Josh' youngest (so it wouldn't coincide with the announcement of the show ending)...


Why didn't they hold off on Terry Cloth's birth announcement and pictures until Jessa could participate?

Isn't there any soft baby towels/ receiving blankets around the house?


Jessa should be pissed!  While she was being treated- her cray cray family really took over!

  • Love 6
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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