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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I have never met anyone like Jessa -- meaning so full of righteous rage at 22 (or whatever she is). I usually associate things like her FB posts and tweets to really old men of the "Get off my lawn" school.


Does anyone know anyone like this? Is this something she might outgrow, or will her rage just be directed at different things over time?

  • Love 5

I have never met anyone like Jessa -- meaning so full of righteous rage at 22 (or whatever she is). I usually associate things like her FB posts and tweets to really old men of the "Get off my lawn" school.


Does anyone know anyone like this? Is this something she might outgrow, or will her rage just be directed at different things over time?

I think it's easier to understand Jessa if you remember that she was very, very successful at negotiating the Duggar household and making it work to her advantage, which required her to be able to speak her parents' language. Essentially, Jessa's peer group are fifty year olds.

  • Love 7

I have never met anyone like Jessa -- meaning so full of righteous rage at 22 (or whatever she is). I usually associate things like her FB posts and tweets to really old men of the "Get off my lawn" school.


Does anyone know anyone like this? Is this something she might outgrow, or will her rage just be directed at different things over time?


I knew a guy from college who I'd say was like this. Grumpy old man at age 20, and very outspoken and activist about his grumpiness. As far as I know, he remained a grumpy old man henceforward. He certainly did for a number of years afterward, because we continued to run in the same circles. And during his 20s, early 30s, at least, he didn't actually change his targets much. Don't know whether that's still true -- haven't heard much about him in the past few years. He was actually quite successful in life the last I knew of him although, like Jessa, he never struck me as being very smart. (he was educated, though) One person does not evidence make, of course. But I agree that it seems quite unusual. And the one case I know of certainly suggests that it's possible to remain this way for a long long time.


It upsets me that Jessa's probably going to be like this when she's a brand-new mom. I'm leery of a rage-filled mom who seems very set in her ways. Even if she doesn't take any rage out on her kid, she'll be an odd model and not a particularly healthy one for a child, I think. But maybe she won't be like my old college acquaintance. I would think that lightening up is possible, too, with more maturity. Don't know what would be likely to make her do it, though, given where the Duggar family is at present.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 4

Gothardites are taught to scorn and fear, and therefore hate, Others. I suppose individual personalities can help dictate how this world view is assimilated. But Jessa seems a cranky sort by nature, so she has a sanctioned outlet for her peevish ness. And since she is basically parroting dumbass authority figures, she may always feel just fine about the crap she posts.

  • Love 7

Oy, please don't bring up the ring again! I'm still getting the JCPenney ad every few days, and it hasn't gotten better looking with age.

At least you are not getting the birth control ads.  Does anyone think Mechelle ever wears that THING? I must take the rest of my comment to the Boob and MEchelle topic.  I want to talk about that ring. 

Edited by truthtalk2014
  • Love 2

She took it down.

Really? Wow!

She's been getting a lot of heat feom the media for that today. US Weekly's headline was she "turned her back" on her brother.

Amazimg how much media coverage there is on this story, almost more than the molestation.

Edited by TaxNerd
  • Love 2

Well, I think she got a call from Daddy Dearest reminding her who gives her the roof over her head (okay, that's Grandma, but you get the idea) and a job for her child-spouse, with a side reminder that those women's shows won't last forever. Or even past the birth of Peanut Seewald. I'm sure Boob was full of guilt trips to make her fall back into lockstep. No Seewalds for HER. Once a Duggar, always a Duggar, apparently. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 7

Well, I think she got a call from Daddy Dearest reminding her who gives her the roof over her head (okay, that's Grandma, but you get the idea) and a job for her child-spouse, with a side reminder that those women's shows won't last forever. Or even past the birth of Peanut Seewald. I'm sure Boob was full of guilt trips to make her fall back into lockstep. No Seewalds for HER. Once a Duggar, always a Duggar, apparently. 


The great thing about this is -- Guess what, Boob? It's all to no avail!

  • Love 2

I dunno. Jessa yanked it quickly enough. It's obvious that some other Duggars read People, which is where I know *I* saw that Jessa had "turned her back" on Josh for the non-fundies or non-Duggar followers to see. Boob might not have had much of a problem with Pa Seewald saying it, but he definitely had a problem with Jessa supporting it! 


And whatever he said to her worked this time. In the future? As long as they're beholden to Boob, I can't see the status quo changing. Ben needs to get off his ass and get a real job. Once he does that, THEN we might gain more insight as to what Jessa REALLY thinks and find out how much of her behavior during Joshgate I & II was keeping sweet Duggar lip service. Getting this brief glimpse, one has to wonder if she's about ready to blow w/r/t her idiotic family but can't, because $$$. 

  • Love 4

I'm just going to play it safe and eat sandwiches during sex.

Wear a maxi skirt and you'll go from "safe" to "guaranteed".  


I have never met anyone like Jessa -- meaning so full of righteous rage at 22 (or whatever she is). I usually associate things like her FB posts and tweets to really old men of the "Get off my lawn" school.


Does anyone know anyone like this? Is this something she might outgrow, or will her rage just be directed at different things over time?

Jessa has absolutely no self awareness.  I went to college with some people who had difficulty adjusting because they'd been big time academic or sports stars in their high schools, you know, the proverbial big fish in a small pond.  Jessa doesn't realize she's only been a big fish in a small aquarium.  

  • Love 9

I'm so glad there was no such thing as social media when I was 19 and knew everything. When I read her tweets I cringe at her future embarressment. She doesn't even know, what she doesn't know.

When I was Jessa's age, I had to settle for making an ass out of myself on livejournal and AIM. Before that, it was geocities and guestbooks. 

  • Love 7

I'm so glad there was no such thing as social media when I was 19 and knew everything. When I read her tweets I cringe at her future embarressment. She doesn't even know, what she doesn't know.

Being approximately that age, I would just like to say definitively that I do know everything.  And no one can convince me otherwise ;)

Except that unlike Jessa Blessa, I limit my posting on FB because I know that the internet never forgets! 

Edited by ChocolateAddict
  • Love 14

Alert - astrological stuff ahead - detour if you find the subject offensive or boring or just laughable:


Jessa is a Scorpio, and I can't imagine a more infuriating culture for a Scorpio woman to be born into than the "keeping sweet", submissive, "precious", stickily saccharine, pathologically controlling, isolated, puritanical Duggar/Gothard one.  Scorpios are ruled by planet Pluto, named for the Lord of the Underworld, and there is nothing sweet about them.  With Scorpios it's all about the deep, primal experiences - sex, death, and regeneration - and the use/abuse of the profound power at the core of those experiences.  There is absolutely nothing in the D/G culture that provides a Scorpio woman with a healthy, disciplined, open way to express Plutonic energies and emotions.  

The only way for Jessa to vent those powerful energies is via self-righteous rantings about her religious beliefs and the heathenish behaviors of others, with her brother Josh now as a special target.  Oh, and by her many and varied passive-aggressive attitudes and actions within the family circle.

Jessa may never choose to expose the full collection of skeletons in the Duggar closets, and Josh's deeply dysfunctional behavior may well continue to be the main source for the family's public humiliation, but Jessa's penchant for delivering the scorpion sting to whoever has earned her contempt or anger is not going to stop - and that venom can be fatal.  

JB had better watch his back with this daughter.  

  • Love 7

Well, I think she got a call from Daddy Dearest reminding her who gives her the roof over her head (okay, that's Grandma, but you get the idea) and a job for her child-spouse, with a side reminder that those women's shows won't last forever. Or even past the birth of Peanut Seewald. I'm sure Boob was full of guilt trips to make her fall back into lockstep. No Seewalds for HER. Once a Duggar, always a Duggar, apparently. 

Spot on Sew Semi.  While Jessa likes to passive-aggresively throw barbs at JB, she won't do anything to jeopardize the path that leads to Daddy's wallet.  Daddy says take it down - it's down.

  • Love 6

I dunno. Jessa yanked it quickly enough. It's obvious that some other Duggars read People, which is where I know *I* saw that Jessa had "turned her back" on Josh for the non-fundies or non-Duggar followers to see. Boob might not have had much of a problem with Pa Seewald saying it, but he definitely had a problem with Jessa supporting it! 


And whatever he said to her worked this time. In the future? As long as they're beholden to Boob, I can't see the status quo changing. Ben needs to get off his ass and get a real job. Once he does that, THEN we might gain more insight as to what Jessa REALLY thinks and find out how much of her behavior during Joshgate I & II was keeping sweet Duggar lip service. Getting this brief glimpse, one has to wonder if she's about ready to blow w/r/t her idiotic family but can't, because $$$. 




I was just being unclear. I didn't mean it was to no avail in keeping Jessa on leash. I meant that Boob's attempts to keep Jessa on leash, as well as all other stuff he's doing at the moment, are to no avail in winning the Duggs back their tv show -- because with Jessa on leash or off, and Josh in rehab or not, Anna standing by her man or not, they're not getting a tv show again. So flail on in your search for total control, Boob. From now on, you're just a control freak without media cash or fame. You won't enjoy that, Boob. But I will.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 5

Jill still has the tweet up that links to her FILs article. It being Jessa, who even knows what she actually thinks. Sympathy for Anna, righteousness, following her husbands "headship" (good grief I do not like that word), are probably lower down on her list of influence. I think swaying her more is her love of the spotlight. Distancing herself from Josh, and in fact opposing his actions, could be her strategy to have a chance of a show, article, book.... something apart from the rest of the Duggars.

  • Love 3

Yes but somehow, we all found a way to make asses out of ourselves.  Well done, group.


Yeah, but I'm so old it was in a smaller circle. No widespread internet, although I did make a fool of my self on a Commodore board talking about Atari computer... Got mixed up on the boards... Long ago when people first started going on the internet using stone knives and bearskins....


Now at least I try to reel myself in before I'm a total ass.

  • Love 6

I don't know, maybe I am more lenient but I am proud of her for finally taking a stand.  These kids have been brainwashed - she herself had to go on television and back HER MOLESTER which even brainwashed had to in some remote recess of her mind be messed up.  Now that perv of a brother who got everything, a great job, a place to spew their lifestyle once again blew it.


No spin off show, no more fame all because of him.  So I can see where this event finally did it for her.  Maybe the Seewalds are not much better but they certainly cannot be worse than her own parents who seem to not understand the son is a pig and THEY made him that way.


Maybe she will break free more - who knows.

  • Love 5

I don't know, maybe I am more lenient but I am proud of her for finally taking a stand.  These kids have been brainwashed - she herself had to go on television and back HER MOLESTER which even brainwashed had to in some remote recess of her mind be messed up.  Now that perv of a brother who got everything, a great job, a place to spew their lifestyle once again blew it.


No spin off show, no more fame all because of him.  So I can see where this event finally did it for her.  Maybe the Seewalds are not much better but they certainly cannot be worse than her own parents who seem to not understand the son is a pig and THEY made him that way.


Maybe she will break free more - who knows.

She had second thoughts and removed the link to the Seewald rant. Round one went to JB.

  • Love 3

Alert - astrological stuff ahead - detour if you find the subject offensive or boring or just laughable:

Jessa is a Scorpio, and I can't imagine a more infuriating culture for a Scorpio woman to be born into than the "keeping sweet", submissive, "precious", stickily saccharine, pathologically controlling, isolated, puritanical Duggar/Gothard one. Scorpios are ruled by planet Pluto, named for the Lord of the Underworld, and there is nothing sweet about them. With Scorpios it's all about the deep, primal experiences - sex, death, and regeneration - and the use/abuse of the profound power at the core of those experiences. There is absolutely nothing in the D/G culture that provides a Scorpio woman with a healthy, disciplined, open way to express Plutonic energies and emotions.

The only way for Jessa to vent those powerful energies is via self-righteous rantings about her religious beliefs and the heathenish behaviors of others, with her brother Josh now as a special target. Oh, and by her many and varied passive-aggressive attitudes and actions within the family circle.

Jessa may never choose to expose the full collection of skeletons in the Duggar closets, and Josh's deeply dysfunctional behavior may well continue to be the main source for the family's public humiliation, but Jessa's penchant for delivering the scorpion sting to whoever has earned her contempt or anger is not going to stop - and that venom can be fatal.

JB had better watch his back with this daughter.

I'm a scorpio and you are 100% right. I kinda feel sorry for jessa in a way. I know there is no way I could live her life. Maybe that's why I don't find her so "evil" bc in a way I'm a lot like her

  • Love 5

I think life has gotten very real very fast for Jessa and she's floundering. Sure it was cool to marry an unemployed teenager when the TLC money and People spreads were subsidizing her lifestyle, but all of that has come to a screeching halt. They might make a couple grand speaking at the occasional conference but how long will that last? Not to mention Bin's AA in Political Science is useless in a job market where everyone has four year degrees. He would have been much better off doing a two year trade program instead.

The advantage they have is they are young with relatively few expenses. NOW is the time to get their shit together and stop hoping Bin's "ministry" takes off and stop relying on Daddy Duggar for free houses and employment because eventually it will end.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 16

I think life has gotten very real very fast for Jessa and she's floundering. Sure it was cool to marry an unemployed teenager when the TLC money and People spreads were subsidizing her lifestyle, but all of that has come to a screeching halt. They might make a couple grand speaking at the occasional conference but how long will that last? Not to mention Bin's AA in Political Science is useless in a job market where everyone has four year degrees. He would have been much better off doing a two year trade program instead.


What would he do with a four year degree in Political Science?  Waaaaaay back in the olden days when I was in college, a lot of people majored in Political Science as part of their Pre-Law education, but the only other definite profession I can think of is teaching Political Science.  I guess work on someone's election campaign or run for office yourself, but you can get a much more useful degree and still work in politics.  Maybe things have changed, but I've always thought of a Political Science major as one that is pretty much useless without further education.


I wish we had some insight into their present day finances.  Do the Duggar businesses bring in enough revenue to support the entire family(s) without the influx of cash from television?  I curious as to whether they'll just need to scale back their lifestyles some, or if family members will have to look at real jobs and not living in houses provided by Big Daddy.  

  • Love 2

Poli Sci is useful for three things - law school, grad school, or professional political operative.  Unfortunately for Bin, the last one means years of working on campaigns on your own dime (unpaid internships, paid work that amounts to $50 a weekend) until someone puts you on their staff or scrabbling for clients if you set up your own consulting gig.  

  • Love 6

What would he do with a four year degree in Political Science?  Waaaaaay back in the olden days when I was in college, a lot of people majored in Political Science as part of their Pre-Law education, but the only other definite profession I can think of is teaching Political Science.  I guess work on someone's election campaign or run for office yourself, but you can get a much more useful degree and still work in politics.  Maybe things have changed, but I've always thought of a Political Science major as one that is pretty much useless without further education.


I wish we had some insight into their present day finances.  Do the Duggar businesses bring in enough revenue to support the entire family(s) without the influx of cash from television?  I curious as to whether they'll just need to scale back their lifestyles some, or if family members will have to look at real jobs and not living in houses provided by Big Daddy.  


A bachelor's in poly sci could be used as a basis for many master's level or beyond programs. These days knowledge of political science is looked on as knowledge about people, groups, behavioral trends etc - and is very attractive in many business fields. In addition, for the last 15 years before my retirement I worked in university admissions - handling strictly graduate-level applications, where it was not unusual to have poly sci students applying for MBAs and our MS degree in health care administration. And one thing in particular I remember very clearly when I was a senior in college myself [40+ years ago]. Insurance companies were not at all picky about what your major was. That really couldn't be said about any other employer that visited our campus. They had jobs for accounting people, and philosophy graduates. Or at least were willing to talk to graduates in nearly every area.

  • Love 4

Being approximately that age, I would just like to say definitively that I do know everything.  And no one can convince me otherwise ;)

Except that unlike Jessa Blessa, I limit my posting on FB because I know that the internet never forgets! 

Ha...that's okay, Chocolate Addict--we all outgrow it. It's weird: the older I get, the more I discover I don't know.


ETA: I agree that Jessa's floundering. For all her tough-girl posturing, most of what she posts is nothing more than aping someone else's opinion: Linking to Big Daddy Seewald's bloviating blogpost, closeup photos of her graffiti-bible, repeating something said during a church service, quoting Charles Spurgeon hate speech like a chimpanzee flinging shit at zoo gawkers. The only things over which she demonstrates personal authority are doing hair, bullying toddlers, and taking wide-eyed selfies. It would be mind-boggling to see her, just once, with her Pantene tresses tied back, no makeup, hard at work doing something of practical use. It appears her only function right now is to be a decorative holier-than-thou f*ck doll. Keep your aspirations high, Jessa.

Edited by SometimesBites
  • Love 21

In the real world, it never mattered to me much WHAT the degree was for (I was HR). It mattered to ME that they had the discipline to complete a degree. I know tons of people who had long successful careers with degrees completely unrelated. He does need to finish and say he's accomplished something (Seeboy). I know 2 different men who had music degrees but retired from the banking industry. Music. Really???

  • Love 7

In the real world, it never mattered to me much WHAT the degree was for (I was HR). It mattered to ME that they had the discipline to complete a degree. I know tons of people who had long successful careers with degrees completely unrelated. He does need to finish and say he's accomplished something (Seeboy). I know 2 different men who had music degrees but retired from the banking industry. Music. Really???


History degree here, have worked in financial services for the last ten years, and the legal world before that.  It didn't used to matter, before '08.  And it still doesn't if you have industry experience.  Which leads to the interesting question of, what do you list "Being JimBob Duggar's Indenture Servant" as on a real life resume?

  • Love 6

To clarify my earlier remarks, it's great that Bin completed something, but in terms of real world relevance, an Associates isn't going to get him far. He would have been better off going to school for auto mechanic, plumber, electrician, x-ray tech etc., because it would have given him a marketable skill. Hopefully he's working a plan behind the scenes, because the Duggar name is toxic right now. I don't think he'll get a cushy job hook-up the way Josh did with the FRC.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 12

History degree here, have worked in financial services for the last ten years, and the legal world before that.  It didn't used to matter, before '08.  And it still doesn't if you have industry experience.  Which leads to the interesting question of, what do you list "Being JimBob Duggar's Indenture Servant" as on a real life resume?


"Proven record of being easily manipulated by management"

"Long experience at stating the party line and only the party line"

"No task too menial or demeaning"

"Will work for food"

  • Love 4

Ben tried to post their entire wedding video on Youtube. TLC flagged it for Copyright Violation and the sound is now muted.



Edited to include link.

I find that fascinating. Imagine not even owning the rights to your own damn wedding!
  • Love 18

Ben and Jessa sold their wedding to TLC. That's what happens when you sell your life to a basic cable channel. 


And when your parents sell your life to a cable channel before you're old enough to have a chance in hell of figuring out how stupid and cruel that is.


Jessa grew up being told that it was not only normal, but godly and the source of all good things in life.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 7

And when your parents sell your life to a cable channel before you're old enough to have a chance in hell of figuring out how stupid and cruel that is.


Jessa grew up being told that it was not only normal, but godly and the source of all good things in life.


Yes. I'm actually beginning to feel sorry for these two kids having a kid. In their youthful ignorance, they got sold a raw deal by JB and TLC.  

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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