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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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It's not just talk - It's bullying. She has no interest in actually adopting. She's no longer on the bottom bunk kicking up to bother Jana. The media is her bunk bed. Every time she mentions adoption, she's putting the screws to her father and their faith. Passive aggressive. JB will give Jessa another gift and she'll quiet for a while.


Red meat to the lioness. Jim Bob'd better hope he doesn't run out of cash for bully gifts or the tell-all book will be on its way. He'd also better hope no more of the kids have Jessa's bullying determination.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 4

You know who else I bet is enjoying this? Michelle. Because the former cheerleader may have to be sweet about decades of spending eight hours a day sitting in the dark dressed in a neon sack and pumping her breasts to get away from her houseful of burdens who never leave, but she sure did make sure her special little mean girl got rewarded for torturing Daddy's favorite. I think Jessa's mommy's little spite poodle, and I'll bet she's tickled to death that Jim Bob is her new hydrant.


I also think Josh's get out of jail free card has expired, but he's got a few weeks before he needs to worry about that.


I wonder which one took her role in the house?

I would think Jinger, wouldn't you? Although I suspect she probably isn't as much of an alpha without Jessa backing her up.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 5

One of my couponing friends goes to a mega church, Willow Creek, in suburban Chicago. She is deep into it and is taking classes in a program they sponsor called Safe Families. Within their church community they take in foster kids. Can be for a couple of days can be longer. This program is not state run, just something the church does to help out people that might need someone to take care of their kids while they have surgery, etc. Right now she has two foster kids that she might end up adopting. She doesn't share many details but it sounds like it might be a go.


So if Binessa is taking classes I'm thinking they are doing the same program within Cross Church. Once they finish their classes they get cleared to take in foster children. Perhaps this is her plan that in the end to be able to adopt kids that are within her church community without having to go through a state or private agency. I have no clue how adoption works but just sharing my friend's current experience.

I don't know anything at all about the adoption process so please excuse me if this is a really dumb irrelevant question but I was wondering is there such a thing as a private adoption where say a woman who is still pregnant decides to give her child up for adoption and chooses the parents to raise her child and it's handled through private attorneys?  There would probably still be some kinds of laws and things but would that kind of adoption be less restrictive in some ways?

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 BinSeewald's father is not too kind to Josh.  

Wonder how Jim Bob liked that?  (( well it will make for fun family get togethers once baby Seewald arrives!!!)

If blasphemy was actually God's top priority, wouldn't he have made it the first commandment?

I'm not even going to address the idea that looking for a hookup with a willing partner is more of an offense against God than molesting a five year old.

  • Love 18

I was once a social worker (now I'm a clinical social worker/psychotherapist).  They would most likely pass a homestudy.  Ben and Jessa are employed; They're public speakers and most likely make decent money at these bullshit conferences.  You don't have to be rich to adopt.  They have stable, safe housing.  Large supportive families on both sides.  Character references from tons of people in government, like their buddy Mike Huckabee.  If Jessa and Ben honestly want to adopt, they would be able to do it.  They'll make us all sick in the process though.

I do not agree they would pass a homestudy.    I would not consider them employed in a dependable job with a steady income.   Fail.      They do not own their home and probably cannot produce proof they have paid rent.  You need to provide proof you can consistently afford a mortgage or rent.    Fail. 

        Their large supportive families, at least the Duggars have produced a litter of children who never graduated school and have also never held a real job. They have been investigated numerous times by DFC.   Their personal beliefs would lead the adoption agency to believe a child would not be able to grow mentally and physically in a healthy way.

       I cannot see a professional approving them for a child.

  • Love 5

I don't know anything at all about the adoption process so please excuse me if this is a really dumb irrelevant question but I was wondering is there such a thing as a private adoption where say a woman who is still pregnant decides to give her child up for adoption and chooses the parents to raise her child and it's handled through private attorneys?  There would probably still be some kinds of laws and things but would that kind of adoption be less restrictive in some ways?

Even in a private adoption a social worker liscened by the state to do a home study ( not just liscened) is required. They look at things such as child rearing philosophies, physical plant of the home, financial ability to raise a child, medical histories, educational histories, criminal background checks, drug/ alchol use and letters of reference.

  • Love 5

Doesn't Jessa's  and Ben's house just have two bed rooms? Where I live, foster and adopted kids must each have their own room..you can't layer them in the bedrooms like sardines, like the older Duggars did. Maybe Jessa thinks everyone does that, since she lives an isolated life?

Doesn't Jessa's  and Ben's house just have two bed rooms? Where I live, foster and adopted kids must each have their own room..you can't layer them in the bedrooms like sardines, like the older Duggars did. Maybe Jessa thinks everyone does that, since she lives an isolated life?

  • Love 6

I do not agree they would pass a homestudy. I would not consider them employed in a dependable job with a steady income. Fail. They do not own their home and probably cannot produce proof they have paid rent. You need to provide proof you can consistently afford a mortgage or rent. Fail.

Their large supportive families, at least the Duggars have produced a litter of children who never graduated school and have also never held a real job. They have been investigated numerous times by DFC. Their personal beliefs would lead the adoption agency to believe a child would not be able to grow mentally and physically in a healthy way.

I cannot see a professional approving them for a child.

I hate this with all of my being as I am a social worker and an adoptive mother but they would pass a home study. Now when they have more then two same sex kids in one room then they will have a problem. Honestly, I think the adoption stuff is all talk anyway.

ETA on a postive note all of the recent press is going to put a lot of pressure on any adoption agency or social worker to do a very detailed home assessment before they sign off.

Edited by nc socialworker
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Doesn't Jessa's  and Ben's house just have two bed rooms? Where I live, foster and adopted kids must each have their own room..you can't layer them in the bedrooms like sardines, like the older Duggars did. Maybe Jessa thinks everyone does that, since she lives an isolated life?


Arkansas requires opposite sex children to be in seperate rooms after age 4.

Otherwise, they just need 50 square feet in the bedroom per child.  The Arkansas DHS page doesn't even mention having their own bed. (Other states do... based on the fact the Duggar's don't even have their own children in separate beds, maybe DHS should spell that out for fosters...)


There are so many blogs of "child collectors". I have no doubt that Jessa and Ben can pass a homestudy. The requirements seem minimal, and finding a lax social worker seems to be key. 

  • Love 6

I don't know anything at all about the adoption process so please excuse me if this is a really dumb irrelevant question but I was wondering is there such a thing as a private adoption where say a woman who is still pregnant decides to give her child up for adoption and chooses the parents to raise her child and it's handled through private attorneys? There would probably still be some kinds of laws and things but would that kind of adoption be less restrictive in some ways?

There is a world within private adoption that is like the Wild West. Got money, you got a baby. Lots of unethical, grey water type stuff going on.

Not too long ago, I was still in the Navy and was stationed on the island of Guam. Once every 2 weeks I would fly to the nearby island of Saipan to maintain a piece of equipment. I'd be flown commercially and looked like a regular white woman while traveling/working. Often I was approached to adopt or basically pay for a baby. Turns out that Saipan has a large LDS adoption community and it's very easy to get a baby if you have money.

Tl;dr - if JB gave Jessa funds to adopt (which he won't), they could find babies (Saipan/CNMI are a commonwealth of the U.S. No pesky international adoption laws).

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 5

I've read some disturbing stories about informal adoption in America. Fundies adopt scores of school age kids from third world countries, and a few months in, are honestly shocked to discover that the children often have significant behavioral problems from living in orphanages until they were ten, and that they don't take well to their new restrictive and ultra religious families, so the kids get shunted around unofficially.

Edited by Kokapetl
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Unlike Jill, who I think was always going to have many children, Jessa seems like the type who's going to take into account how her body does or doesn't bounce back, and how she fares in the first 6 months of caring for an infant.

If they keep having unprotected sex, it won't matter. Those babies will keep coming.

  • Love 2

I think Jessa's mommy's little spite poodle, and I'll bet she's tickled to death that Jim Bob is her new hydrant.

I have got to find a way to use "mommy's little spite poodle" in conversation. That may be my favorite insult from PTV ever.

ETA - dibs on it for my band's name

Edited by MargeGunderson
  • Love 13

If they keep having unprotected sex, it won't matter. Those babies will keep coming.

I expect Jessa will inform Ben at some point that God has "laid it on her heart" that he must wear condoms. The whole "adoption perhaps" thing may be a consolation prize Jessa has thrown out to Ben or their parents who don't want to hear that they simply want a small family.

I agree with what others posters say,shes doing this to scare Daddy dearest,same with the lollipop video and skin showing.

Its clear something happened recently,that saracatic Fathers day message she did is proof of that!

It most likely involves money or the now-vacant mansion that Jill and Derrick habitated.
  • Love 1

Jessa reminds me of a relative of mine whose main interest in childbearing was how cute she thought the kids made her look. Now that her kids are grown, this person frequently poses for pictures with other people's kids because she thinks they look good on her. She shows very little interest in the kids when no one is looking. I think spawning a huge litter is all about the image for Jessa too. Look what a cute mommy I am! And if she gets to adopt, look what a cute AND saintly, giving mommy I am! But there's no love there when the audience isn't around.

  • Love 5

Jessa reminds me of a relative of mine whose main interest in childbearing was how cute she thought the kids made her look. Now that her kids are grown, this person frequently poses for pictures with other people's kids because she thinks they look good on her. She shows very little interest in the kids when no one is looking. I think spawning a huge litter is all about the image for Jessa too. Look what a cute mommy I am! And if she gets to adopt, look what a cute AND saintly, giving mommy I am! But there's no love there when the audience isn't around.

That's textbook narcissism.

  • Love 11

Don't they live in the mold house?  And was it fully mold remediated, or did they just wash off the walls & slap some paint on?   Video documentation exists of it, I think.  Doesn't sound very safe.   Plus, they'd have to show proof of renters insurance and liability insurance.  CPR & first aid certification is usually required.  That is if they adopted or fostered through the State of Arkansas.  Private placements might not care. 

  • Love 2

I've read some disturbing stories about informal adoption in America. Fundies adopt scores of school age kids from third world countries, and a few months in, are honestly shocked to discover that the children often have significant behavioral problems from living in orphanages until they were ten, and that they don't take well to their new restrictive and ultra religious families, so the kids get shunted around unofficially.

There was a kid on Intervention named Gabe who was the perfect example of this. He was adopted as a toddler from India or Nepal, by a conservative, fundie-lite, very caucasian family where all the kids were platinum blondes and he was obviously not. He was forced to go to their conservative church and wasn't accepted by his adoptive grandfather. He was a very conflicted kid who was torn between feelings of rejection and gratitude at the same time.
  • Love 6

You know who else I bet is enjoying this? Michelle. Because the former cheerleader may have to be sweet about decades of spending eight hours a day sitting in the dark dressed in a neon sack and pumping her breasts to get away from her houseful of burdens who never leave, but she sure did make sure her special little mean girl got rewarded for torturing Daddy's favorite. I think Jessa's mommy's little spite poodle, and I'll bet she's tickled to death that Jim Bob is her new hydrant.

I also think Josh's get out of jail free card has expired, but he's got a few weeks before he needs to worry about that.


I would think Jinger, wouldn't you? Although I suspect she probably isn't as much of an alpha without Jessa backing her up.

I really really love your posts and perspective on things! You take words out of my mouth that i can't articulate properly. Bravo!
  • Love 1

I think Jessa would have to be willing to say that her parents didn't handle their children being molested en masse over a stretch of years appropriately before the state is going to put the wellbeing of children into her hands. I don't know if she's going to be willing to do that.

Also, she keeps talking about how small her house is. Unless Jim Bob still has the house kit he scammed out of the prefab company and the kids' construction skills have improved, I doubt they're going to have the wherewithal to move to a bigger one.

What size IS their house?? If it has two bedrooms, it's more than adequate. Privilege much, Jessa?
  • Love 1

1044 SF with one bathroom for 2 people, soon to be 3, is 'tiny' according to Jessa?  Fire and Binstone need to face some facts.  She grew up, most of her childhood, in a 3 bedroom house with 16+ people.  Fire just wants to call it 'tiny' so her public feels sorry for her and sends her stuff or gives her a show.   

  • Love 9

I've looked in all of the obvious places but uh, Pa Seewald has some opinions on Josh Duggar.


I didn't think it was even possible for me to dislike someone more than i do Josh.

I think we need to pit Steve Carrell lite against Big JBob in a celebrity grudge match! Pay per view special. Winner takes all.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 6

I've looked in all of the obvious places but uh, Pa Seewald has some opinions on Josh Duggar.


"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" is truly lost on these people (except when they're defending someone who sexually molested his sisters.) That was a million times nastier than anything on these boards. Basically "Josh is a hypocrite, a liar, and not a true Christian--like we all are. Thought he was one of us--nope, we're way better. Thank goodness there are still good non-hypocrite Christians who are perfect (like me) out there." *facepalm*

Go to hell, Papa Seewald. First for being the biggest prick on the planet and second for forcing me to say something that could be interpreted as defending Josh Duggar.

Edited by Aja
  • Love 21

There was a kid on Intervention named Gabe who was the perfect example of this. He was adopted as a toddler from India or Nepal, by a conservative, fundie-lite, very caucasian family where all the kids were platinum blondes and he was obviously not. He was forced to go to their conservative church and wasn't accepted by his adoptive grandfather. He was a very conflicted kid who was torn between feelings of rejection and gratitude at the same time.

I have a wonderful nephew via international adoption. Great guy who has just started college on combined academic and athletic scholarships. He has been a much loved and integral part of our family from infancy. Hearing this about another child hurts my heart.

  • Love 8

There was a kid on Intervention named Gabe who was the perfect example of this. He was adopted as a toddler from India or Nepal, by a conservative, fundie-lite, very caucasian family where all the kids were platinum blondes and he was obviously not. He was forced to go to their conservative church and wasn't accepted by his adoptive grandfather. He was a very conflicted kid who was torn between feelings of rejection and gratitude at the same time.

Yes, and if I recall correctly, Gabe's father was also totally confounded at why they couldn't just pray the heroin away. Familiar.


You have the right to remain silent. :-)

But unfortunately not the conscience or filter. :(


ETA Another thing that bugs me about Pa Seewald's pious little rant, there, is that the distinction he makes between the sins "real" Christians like himself and "fake" Christians like Josh is that Josh is just pretending to have faith while he actually DOES. Therefore HIS sins are totally fine and Josh--well, he'll burn in hell forever. (Not for molesting his sisters, though--just for the Ashley Madison stuff.)  Who appointed him judge and freaking jury of who is a real Christian and who isn't? I'd be really curious to hear all about real vs. fake Christianity in about 10 years' time when his own idiot offspring gets caught snorting coke off of a stripper's boobs. Somehow I have the strong feeling that Bin is one of those "true" Christians, no matter what he does.

Edited by Aja
  • Love 17

 I could only read Papa Seewalds preaching once so I don't even know if I'm remembering it correctly, but somewhere around the start he mentions King David committing adultery and I'm thinking here we go - comparing Josh to King David, from sinner to saint by God's design.  Then he goes into describing  all kinds of terrible sins and how so many, many people commit them.  Then he rips into Josh really well. Then something toward the end about redemption.  To me it read like condemning Josh and then leaving the door open for redemption.  Not sure if I am understanding him correctly but didn't want to read it again, once was enough. Didn't like his judging all of humanity on what he believes.  I must only compare myself to good Christians or something to that effect.  

  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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