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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I kinda like her swim get-up. Looks like she raided Bin's closet for it though. The shirt is Adidas and the shorts look just like his. Baby steps....not up to Bates levels of cuteness yet, but it's a start.


Speaking of NIKE!!!!!!!!....Bin's shorts/swim trunks/whatever they are....they are WET !!!!!!!!! and WHITE !!!!! Whew.

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She's what- 20 some weeks along? She doesn't even KNOW beached whale yet. When she is in the 3rd trimester and the simple act of rolling over in bed becomes a 7 part maneuver, then she can claim beached whale.

(Says the pregnant lady who is more than ready to be done at 39 weeks and is more irritable by the day)

God bless you. I had my last at the end of July, and I hated every single day of that month. Jessa has no idea how good she has it right now. 20 weeks is when it's the most fun to be pregnant. You're showing, the baby is moving (but not enough to keep you up at night), morning sickness is usually over, and you aren't to the point of having to pee every hour on the hour! I can't wait to see self-absorbed little Jessa around the middle of October.

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If she goes on the "mission" trip, let's see if she writes about burdens or sacrifices. Jill didn't write anything, but her pictures from the trip demonstrate the Duggar view of pregnancy >>>> anyone else's, even those they ministered to. Can't wait to see this narcissist's version of "real" amongst the brown people. Ugh. 

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I'm sure you've talked about this before, but why can't she take photos on the actual day? If she knows the date of conception, why all the "22 weeks, 3 days?" If you're going to obsessively document your pregnancy for God and everyone, why not do it right? It's not like she's got a special set up for the photos, as evidenced by the random closet, hallway, bathroom, etc I've seen so far. I don't know why this rankles me so, but I'm just bugged about it.


Based on other similar pics I've seen - which are thankfully few and far between, but I still see them - I think it's a Pinterest thing. Every chalkboard "bump" pic I've seen has been like this. It annoys me too.

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Still think thery are really unsuited to each other,lately he looks quite angry in some of the things Jaaaasssa has posted( hate the way Michelle says her name like that.)


I actually think he is quite an unpleasant young man,the hate filled rants are something one would expect from one of thoese 5o something bald preachers.He has tiny shark like eyes,totally dead.

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Still think thery are really unsuited to each other,lately he looks quite angry in some of the things Jaaaasssa has posted( hate the way Michelle says her name like that.)


I actually think he is quite an unpleasant young man,the hate filled rants are something one would expect from one of thoese 5o something bald preachers.He has tiny shark like eyes,totally dead.

I think Ben & Jess are well suited for each other. She is just as zealous, if not more, as Ben in their pursuit of God and their passion for hellfire and brimstone and the judgment of God. Two peas in a pod, actually.

Ben gets those beady eyes from his father, Michael. Along with his hyper-Calvinistic beliefs.

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Ben gets those beady eyes from his father, Michael. Along with his hyper-Calvinistic beliefs.

Every time I see Ben's father all I can think about is that scene in The 40 Year Old Virgin where Steve Carrell is dancing to "Word Up" in his living room surrounded by his Star Wars memorabilia.

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I think Ben & Jess are well suited for each other. She is just as zealous, if not more, as Ben in their pursuit of God and their passion for hellfire and brimstone and the judgment of God. Two peas in a pod, actually.

Ben gets those beady eyes from his father, Michael. Along with his hyper-Calvinistic beliefs.

Ben and Jessa are a better match than Derrick and Jill. Jessa is his future Tammy Faye.
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Every time I see Ben's father all I can think about is that scene in The 40 Year Old Virgin where Steve Carrell is dancing to "Word Up" in his living room surrounded by his Star Wars memorabilia.

I haven't seen the movie, but he does resemble Steve Carrell.

Ben and Jessa are a better match than Derrick and Jill. Jessa is his future Tammy Faye.

I agree. Hopefully these two will not go that far and fleece the sheeple like Jim & Tammy Faye.

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I really don't think Tammy Faye was crooked. She wasn't maybe the sharpest pencil in the cup, but I think she started out meaning well. By the time her husband was flat out stealing, I think she was too depressed and drugged out to know what was going on, not that she would have questioned him, poor thing. 


Jessa, I have to say, strikes me as a different breed. I get a very strong impression she's one of those kids from a bullying environment who came up bully-identified, and I think Ben is going to have a time if he thinks he's the head of that household.

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Jessa (and the other Duggars, btw) would be pretty much the only people in the world with this much public followings to not receive tons of free stuff.  It's a very inexpensive way for companies to get their products out there.  And just scrolling through Jessa's instagram thingy, it's pretty clear that everything she posts on her account is very deliberate and intentional.  

(Clears throat.) As I have mentioned, I'm an author. I use a certain national upscale department store's website to dress the characters in my books. I have mentioned this fact on Twitter a few times in passing. Their social media group contacted me as a result. I thought they were going to send me some fragrance samples, catalogs, etcetera. I was shocked to receive a gift card to their espresso bar, some (cute and fun) merchandise, and a handwritten thank-you note.


I don't have anywhere near the social media numbers that the Duggars have, but I can verify that the above is the truth.

I agree. Hopefully these two will not go that far and fleece the sheeple like Jim & Tammy Faye.

Tammy Faye Bakker experienced a real repentance and spent the rest of her life making amends before she died. I don't consider her anywhere in the same league as those who are currently grifting from the Christian "faithful" like the Duggars, Mark Driscoll and his ilk. If you have a couple of hours, I believe The Eyes of Tammy Faye is still available for streaming on Netflix.


If Bin and Jessa Blessa think they're going to follow the same path, Bin's going to have to get a personality transplant. He's a bombastic, humorless little prig. And Jessa Blessa is a bit too impressed with herself to be the kind, nurturing pastor's wife.

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I don't have anywhere near the social media numbers that the Duggars have, but I can verify that the above is the truth.

Thank you. I just don't believe the whole 'Duggars don't get much' line of thought. Swag gets thrown around freely ALL THE TIME. The stars of TLC's top rated show got PLENTY, and that's before the fan's donations are accounted for.



I get a very strong impression she's one of those kids from a bullying environment who came up bully-identified

Very insightful. It'll be interesting to see what happens to Jessa when the world stops giving a shit about her and she's downgraded to 'regular person, who was once pretty'.

Edited by JoanArc
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(Clears throat.) As I have mentioned, I'm an author. I use a certain national upscale department store's website to dress the characters in my books. I have mentioned this fact on Twitter a few times in passing. Their social media group contacted me as a result. I thought they were going to send me some fragrance samples, catalogs, etcetera. I was shocked to receive a gift card to their espresso bar, some (cute and fun) merchandise, and a handwritten thank-you note.


I don't have anywhere near the social media numbers that the Duggars have, but I can verify that the above is the truth.

Tammy Faye Bakker experienced a real repentance and spent the rest of her life making amends before she died. I don't consider her anywhere in the same league as those who are currently grifting from the Christian "faithful" like the Duggars, Mark Driscoll and his ilk. If you have a couple of hours, I believe The Eyes of Tammy Faye is still available for streaming on Netflix.


If Bin and Jessa Blessa think they're going to follow the same path, Bin's going to have to get a personality transplant. He's a bombastic, humorless little prig. And Jessa Blessa is a bit too impressed with herself to be the kind, nurturing pastor's wife.

I've seen it. I also watched a bit of the reality show Tammy Faye was on before her passing. She was very likable, compassionate and fun. I believe she deeply regretted all the lavishness and reckless spending. I don't know to what extent she knew of the embezzlement, but I think she genuinely felt remorse.

My point with Jessa is that she will uplift Ben to the highest heights to ensure his success in his theological pursuits and she naturally shares this interest herself. She seems pretty determined to get a spin-off in her faux disinterested way. She's been bitten by allure of easy money, the spotlight, the perks, trips, speaking engagements, and the fame.

I'd love to read some of the books you've authored, I'll pm you. :)

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I see Ben as legalistic, too-young know-it-all, and mean-spirited.  But I don't believe that Ben had a childhood all filled with pleasant memories. Before the wedding, the way his father said "Ben has responded well to our training" made my blood chill.

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Hmmm....I see Tammy as a total opportunist who bailed the moment she could and made sure she landed on her TV feet for everyone to see. That doesn't mean she was or wasn't sincere - I'm not interested in judging someone's sincerity. But she made sure she stayed on camera.

Jessa should be so lucky! ;)

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Tammy had a bad death, after a flamboyant life.  Both of her husbands gave me the creeps, really, so you know the type of guy I'm not interested in al all, ever, under any circumstances, blah blah.  They sleaze around like the undead.

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Jessa is wearing shorts! Celebrating her independence. About damn time.

Those are shorts? They look like a pair of pajama pants or nursing pants to me.

I may be in the minority here but... oh God I'm gonna go to hell for this.... Ben is hot! Yeah he has some bad pics but all in all I'd date him lol. ( don't judge to hard please)

I'm glad they look happy and are out having fun.

Edit to say, I usually wear my ring 24/7 but my husband tells me I need to take them off for certain things. Like we went to the lake and he bugged the shit outta me to take my ring off. He says he paid to much money to give it to the lake.

Edited by MrsMommy
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Those are shorts? They look like a pair of pajama pants or nursing pants to me.

I may be in the minority here but... oh God I'm gonna go to hell for this.... Ben is hot! Yeah he has some bad pics but all in all I'd date him lol. ( don't judge to hard please)

I'm glad they look happy and are out having fun.

Edit to say, I usually wear my ring 24/7 but my husband tells me I need to take them off for certain things. Like we went to the lake and he bugged the shit outta me to take my ring off. He says he paid to much money to give it to the lake.

Bin is a male butterface. He's average at best, IMO. He needs to get rid of his coonskin hairdo.

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Ben is attractive but he has that weird hairstyle that certain guys think is acceptable, where little strands are plastered down on the forehead almost like a fringe.

That "style" is absolutely unacceptable and I don't know what makes some males think otherwise.

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Haha your right about the hair!! Unfortunately my ex's and my husband all favor ben, hair, eyes, body, nose. I've been commented on how all my exes look similar. Bens personality is what makes him unattractive to me, but from the outside is another story. That's just my opinion tho, I'm sure lots of people think my ex's are dog face or butterface lol

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If only Ben & Jessa really knew how naive they are. The average 19 - 25 year olds are still figuring themselves and the world around them out. The Seewald couple have had a lot less exposure to the real world. I wonder if they will look back in 20 years and think "Oh my goodness, what were we thinking?!"

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When Jessa mentioned wanting to adopt lots of children I hoped she meant her parents children, saving them from JB and Mechelle. Wishful thinking I guess but in a way she was like an adoptive mother during her entire 'childhood' having to raise someone else's kids.

I'll bet Michelle is going bananas over that photo with Ben -- wet t-shirt, bulging biceps, sheer white swim trunks...

Maybe he's defrauding her and she'll actually be able to enjoy JB tonight instead of just counting the minutes.

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Jessa doesn't consider the misleading info she wrote accompanying this pic, lying?


For me it puts Jessa in a different light:


During the last episode when Josh was being evasive about whether the new baby would have an M name, Jessa shot Anna a look when she said yes, the new baby would also have an M name.


And her not revealing whether she is having a boy or a girl. I thought she was being private. It feels to me she is really crafty at playing the celebrity game.


Or maybe I am just cranky today.

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When Jessa mentioned wanting to adopt lots of children I hoped she meant her parents children, saving them from JB and Mechelle. Wishful thinking I guess but in a way she was like an adoptive mother during her entire 'childhood' having to raise someone else's kids.

Maybe he's defrauding her and she'll actually be able to enjoy JB tonight instead of just counting the minutes.

Minutes?      lol

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Ben is attractive but he has that weird hairstyle that certain guys think is acceptable, where little strands are plastered down on the forehead almost like a fringe.

That "style" is absolutely unacceptable and I don't know what makes some males think otherwise.

Those bangs on Ben remind me of Jim Carey in dumb and dumber. ick
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Jessa doesn't consider the misleading info she wrote accompanying this pic, lying?



She's certainly been tutored in what lying is and isn't by her lying parents and by the life of a "reality" tv star on a show in which the principals are determined not to present reality. Plus, the only actual sins and wrongs in the world are sexual. So I guess her life lessons have all pretty much told her that misleading for God and Duggardom is a-ok.

Edited by Churchhoney
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She's certainly been tutored in what lying is and isn't by her lying parents and by the life of a "reality" tv star on a show in which the principals are determined not to present reality. Plus, the only actual sins and wrongs in the world are sexual. So I guess her life lessons have all pretty much told her that misleading for God and Duggardom is a-ok.

She knows she lied


Edited by Kokapetl
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Those bangs on Ben remind me of Jim Carey in dumb and dumber. ick

Hammer, meet head of nail!  I've been trying and trying to figure out exactly why Bin's hair fills me with rage...AND THAT'S IT. Thank you. Thank you so much. :)

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Ben is attractive but he has that weird hairstyle that certain guys think is acceptable, where little strands are plastered down on the forehead almost like a fringe.

That "style" is absolutely unacceptable and I don't know what makes some males think otherwise.

I think Ben is sort of cute as well, but I typically tend to see hairstyles as pretty peripheral. It takes someone commenting on it to make me go back and see what the fuss was. I'm a mouth/teeth girl. That's what I seem to focus on, and the further out from that you get, the less likely I'll notice. Footwear choices (for example) don't even register on my radar.


Oddly, though I tend to like imperfect tooth structure more appealing than a perfectly aligned grill, I still like Ben's teeth far more than I like Derick's. Then again, I like small-toothed smiles better than larger-toothed ones. I'd mention that I was utterly obsessed with Clay Aiken's pre-veneer teeth, but that's way into prayer closet territory, so I won't ;)

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I actually wasn't referring to Hamlet-style bangs, like in Dumb and Dumber. I meant those weird pieces of hair that are plastered over a guy's forehead in "points", and separated. I don't know how to post a pic.

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"Lusting with the eyes" is considered a major sin for them, right?

Sort of but it's the person who is 'causing' someone to lust with their eyes that is to blame.  The 'defrauder', dressing 'immodestly' causing someone to sin with impure thoughts.  The 'stirring up desires that can't be righteously fulfilled' - the one who is doing the actual lusting is not to blame - the one who 'caused' it is to blame, the 'defrauder' as they say.  This way the actual luster is innocent and can't help their impure thoughts - for they were 'defrauded'.   

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Yeah, not sure what wholesome modesty standards Jessa thinks she's upholding by sticking her boobs and her lips out and taking mirror selfies all the time.

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Seriously? We're all different. I love my husband dearly, been married nearly 23 years, and I take my rings off every night, when I clean, when I'm working in the yard ... It doesn't mean I love him any less, and I've been this way since the start of our marriage.

We lived in Central America for a few years and I only wore my band. I left my diamond in the US.

I am a 9 month newlywed...my husband rarely wears his ring...actually he only puts it on if we/ he is going out  or dressing up or like family function... I don't really care. 


I wear mine all the time because i love shiny things. The only time I take mine off is when I am playing sports and it could catch someone and hurt them.

I wore them on vacation too, but I drink on vacation and eat all the things salt, which makes my hands swell up so theres no chance they are falling off. :-)

So Ben gets a pass from me and my ringless husband!


EDIT: you know if Jessa was mainstream she would totally be posting bikini pics and fitspo , Ben the same

TBH Ben totally defrauded me in that swim photo...he has a nice body!! He should have removed his shirt tho, you know, for safety..

Edited by yogi2014L
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Yeah, not sure what wholesome modesty standards Jessa thinks she's upholding by sticking her boobs and her lips out and taking mirror selfies all the time.

I would love to see someone post that on her IG photos, because it's very accurate. Of course it would get deleted and they'd be blocked, but people would still have seen it.

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