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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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14 hours ago, Marigold said:

I don't like Jessa but I do think she has a higher IQ than some of the other Duggar kidults.  

I don't know if she is the smartest, however, she comes across as the most confident. I say this because she appears to be the only one willing to stand up to their parents.  They seem deathly afraid of her. 

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

What's even more pathetic is that you could see him reading from a script. He couldn't even do <1 minute extemporaneously. How sad is that for a guy who wants to preach?

Exactly.  There's no passion in his speech at all, just a poorly worded script with some random inflections thrown in to make it sound like he knows what he's talking about.


Edited by laurakaye
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4 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

The Gawdman?? Yikes! He sorta had one finger gun going while he said that.  Do all know-nothing 20 year olds make self important UTube videos?  I don't know I'm not on social media much (except this forum CONSTANTLY)

Superman? Batman? Antman? Gawdman? Desperate to be hip dustBin?

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

Exactly.  There's no passion in his speech at all, just a poorly worded script with some random inflections thrown in to make it sound like he knows what he's talking about.


I keep thinking about his foray into rap. No Ben, you can't rap with a cheat sheet.

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17 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

In which Ben totally disregards the Constitution. We need a REVIVAL, y'all! He's still dumb as a post. 

"An organization other than the Church, and powered by the Holy Spirit, by the grace of God, can ever make a nation truly great". Did he mean to say "no organization"? 

Ben, Jessa knows where that door is, and she's going to find your hiding spot and confiscate your phone. 

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Using that indefinite article completely contradicted what he was trying to say! Great catch, @Kokapetl

Maybe he needs a new Rx for his contacts? Or his crib notes were just BAD. Words have meaning, dude, even the little ones! 

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He didn't ban me, and I haven't received an alert from IG that he's responded to me, so I think my post is safe. Maybe deleted without comment, but I took a real risk posting something in opposition with his *intended* view. As Koka pointed out, he managed to screw that up! LMAO

Edited by Sew Sumi
needed another comma for my compound sentence. I wish Sierra was here so I could show her where commas actually go!
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I know in the courtship episode, Jessa informed Ben that she would need the house well heated in winter and I think Ben said he needed an icy cold air conditioned house in summer.

Is that why poor Spurgeon is wearing winter flannels and cords?  Cute baby, though.

Can anyone tell what is on the lower wall? Some sort of antenna?

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3 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

"An organization other than the Church, and powered by the Holy Spirit, by the grace of God, can ever make a nation truly great". Did he mean to say "no organization"? 

Ben, Jessa knows where that door is, and she's going to find your hiding spot and confiscate your phone. 

He might have been saying "...can NEVER make a nation truly great", I suppose. Hard to tell.

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I know in the courtship episode, Jessa informed Ben that she would need the house well heated in winter and I think Ben said he needed an icy cold air conditioned house in summer.

Is that why poor Spurgeon is wearing winter flannels and cords?  Cute baby, though.

Can anyone tell what is on the lower wall? Some sort of antenna?

It's a trunk.

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Ugh.  I can tell Bin is trying really hard to up his style and be more peppy but it's not working. That was terrible and he's not even looking at the camera. 


The God-man indeed :/

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4 hours ago, louannems said:

I know in the courtship episode, Jessa informed Ben that she would need the house well heated in winter and I think Ben said he needed an icy cold air conditioned house in summer.

Is that why poor Spurgeon is wearing winter flannels and cords?  Cute baby, though.

Can anyone tell what is on the lower wall? Some sort of antenna?

I've tried to resist. Maybe it's Satan building a fortress in my heart...but that is one goony-looking baby. 

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Spurgeon is adorable and I hate to say something so heinous about a baby, but to me he looks like his big bad uncle. Are there any pictures floating around of Joshie as a baby? Maybe I'm just seeing the Duggar genes. Sorry Spurg. You can overcome this.

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In that video clip, Ben's hair looks better than the monk haircut he has been sporting for a while.  Either Jessa let him get a professional haircut or she watched a new youtube viedo and learned a new style technique.  I'm just happy he didn't have the "lick" hat on! 

Why would you film yourself up-nose?  Shouldn't you film yourself straight on? 

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He's holding onto the trunk. The picture is angled. I just wonder where they have room for trunks and random chairs in a 800 sf house. I live in a 2 BR apartment of the same size, and there is no spare room in "hallways." Then again, I have TONS of closet space in both bedrooms, plus a utility closet. Having lived here for almost 20 years, I'll take storage over a stupid accent chair and trunk any day of the week. They're young and dumb; hopefully, they'll learn. 

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16 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

He's holding onto the trunk. The picture is angled. I just wonder where they have room for trunks and random chairs in a 800 sf house. I live in a 2 BR apartment of the same size, and there is no spare room in "hallways." Then again, I have TONS of closet space in both bedrooms, plus a utility closet. Having lived here for almost 20 years, I'll take storage over a stupid accent chair and trunk any day of the week. They're young and dumb; hopefully, they'll learn. 

Thank you i see it now. Agreeded storage is so important .  

Edited by amitville
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5 hours ago, emma675 said:

I feel terrible even writing this, but I don't think Spurgeon is cute at all. However, I've noticed ugly babies are sometimes the most good looking adults.

It's really hard for a lot of people to look past the Boob/Josh resemblance. I have a fondness for chubby babies, so I think he's cute, but I can see how some would think the opposite. 

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9 hours ago, momofsquid said:

Spurgeon is adorable and I hate to say something so heinous about a baby, but to me he looks like his big bad uncle. Are there any pictures floating around of Joshie as a baby? Maybe I'm just seeing the Duggar genes. Sorry Spurg. You can overcome this.


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On ‎8‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 0:45 AM, Sew Sumi said:

In which Ben totally disregards the Constitution. We need a REVIVAL, y'all! He's still dumb as a post. 

I would love to see Trae Crowder (The Liberal Redneck) have a little chat with Bin.

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On 8/4/2016 at 0:45 AM, Sew Sumi said:

In which Ben totally disregards the Constitution. We need a REVIVAL, y'all! He's still dumb as a post. 

Why does he have the camera angle so he's talking down to us?  He seems very full of himself.

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On 8/5/2016 at 9:12 AM, momofsquid said:

Spurgeon is adorable and I hate to say something so heinous about a baby, but to me he looks like his big bad uncle. Are there any pictures floating around of Joshie as a baby? Maybe I'm just seeing the Duggar genes. Sorry Spurg. You can overcome this.

I think Spurge looks exactly like Jim Blob.  Jessa and Jim Blob have very harsh features. 

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28 minutes ago, Baby Button Eyes said:

I don't know. Spurgeon looks like "Damien" as a baby from the 1976 film, The Omen to me!  That hair, that smirky look on his face.

Maybe Jessa is giving him smugness training in lieu of blanket training?

i would actually think Spurgy is an adorable child if I had no idea what a creeper his GF is...I really do like his pudgy hands and feet though.

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10 hours ago, Baby Button Eyes said:

I don't know. Spurgeon looks like "Damien" as a baby from the 1976 film, The Omen to me!  That hair, that smirky look on his face.

Or Chucky. Actually, I think he's pretty cute but once in a while I see JimBoob looking at me from that child's face and....

Re: the how to dress a baby (in half an hour or less) vid, I was waiting for the zipper to grab some soft baby-tummy! And maybe it did 'cuz just like magic it was zippered up. 

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On 8/4/2016 at 4:16 PM, JoanArc said:

She's probably got really good dirt on them.

I've been thinking this for a while now. She looks at them like, "I really dare you to try me right now."

Edited by Marigny
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16 minutes ago, Marigny said:

I've been thinking this for a while now. She looks at them like, "I really dare you to try me right now."

Many people have speculated that Joshie's late night activities may have gone deeper than what was indicated in the police report. It wouldn't surprise me if there were more skeletons in the closet. 

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5 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Many people have speculated that Joshie's late night activities may have gone deeper than what was indicated in the police report. It wouldn't surprise me if there were more skeletons in the closet. 

Yeah, it's been my experience that the police report is the tip of the iceberg. Could be just me, though.

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1 hour ago, Aja said:

Yeah, it's been my experience that the police report is the tip of the iceberg. Could be just me, though.

They had years and years to cover and reprogram the witnesses too. Jessa could easily bring the family down if she started telling the truth about what we already know. God help them all if she confirmed suspicions. For people so hung up on raising debt free, self supporting kids, the make no qualms that Jessa's family is a pack of parasites who can't make it on their own. Complete financial dependence of children is basically the opposite of frugal. It's probably payola.

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On 8/5/2016 at 6:39 PM, GeeGolly said:


The monthly hairspray budget for these two must've spiraled into the thousands back in the day.  I am a girl of the 80's and even I didn't know bangs could go that high.

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Sane people would have felt themselves hugely blessed to have the family in that picture. Or maybe just add one more girl to even things up, which I think they did (Jill came next, right?). Then you stop and thank God for your perfect family. They were so lucky right at that moment, but they had to indulge their ridiculous egos and turn it into a freak show. Sad. 

Oops, sorry, I've drifted off-topic. Might I save myself by adding that I hope Jessa and Ben will quit while they're ahead?

Edited by momofsquid
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What absolute ignoramuses. Thank you so much, bin and joe for edifying us by teaching us how to weight lift and squat properly. None of us have ever done that before, and were in sore need of your godly wisdom. Thank goodness we have you to guide us.  I especially appreciated you not looking at the camera, and your stumbling, halting tone of voice.


Ps. By talking about your physique you have taken our focus off your countenance. One mark against you in god's book. 

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Ben (assisted by Joe) show us unwashed ignoramuses how to lift weights. I guess this is TLC's male equivalent to the hair tutorial. *eyeroll*


So did KJB and MEchelle buy all that weight-lifting/gym equipment for Bin? Or maybe he moved some of it with him from his parents' house.

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I recognized a lot of the equipment from the first "weight loss" plot line: Boob vs. Smuggar. That stuff is housed in Ben's old digs in that warehouse on the compound. I guess they have added the weight benches since Ben arrived on the scene, and I supposed Mechelle's elliptical is still in the house somewhere. 

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3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Ben (assisted by Joe) show us unwashed ignoramuses how to lift weights. I guess this is TLC's male equivalent to the hair tutorial. *eyeroll*


The TLC audience loves weightlifting tips. 

On 7 August 2016 at 0:52 PM, Baby Button Eyes said:

I don't know. Spurgeon looks like "Damien" as a baby from the 1976 film, The Omen to me!  That hair, that smirky look on his face.

They tend to dress the baby in horizontal stripes, I think Spurgeon looks like the Hamburglar. 

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1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

Well, Bin, why not get your personal training certification so you can go out and get an actual job to support your family?

Bbbbbut that would cut into his preaching career time lol

Also, he could only train men; wouldn't want him to be defrauded by all those hussy women who were after his hot bod (also, Jessa is a jealous insecure bitch). 

Nope. Not doable.

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