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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Picture of little Spurgeon and various Duggar's from Jessa's Instagram


What happened to #babyQuincy? Bin put his foot down and insist they use that horrible moniker? Even his and her family tried to save #babydear.

  • Love 3

Why must every single one of these kids saw away on a violin?  Isn't there a choice of instruments to play?  I can understand a parent mandating you must learn an instrument, but why violins?  Does Aldi carry violins??


I think it probably relates to the fact that Gothard only supports playing the most boring dumbed-down Mozart pieces you can find and the like, so his followers would go orchestral mainly. Although I guess he doesn't actually ban any instrument except drums. On the bright side, they'd undoubtedly sound a lot worse if they were sucking away on wind instruments.

  • Love 2

First pic I've seen of Jessa since the birth.11215180_829407597158051_470082552060863


Well, it's nice to see them smiling. I wonder whether they can smile in a relaxed way like that when they're posting all the fire and brimstone stuff. Seems incongruous to me, but maybe it's so much second nature to them that they can. 

  • Love 3
I wonder whether they can smile in a relaxed way like that when they're posting all the fire and brimstone stuff.


I'm sure they can. They believe they have a guaranteed reservation in Heaven, so none of the fire and brimstone applies to them. And I'm sure that the thought of all the Catholics and gays and feminists burning in eternal torment gives them an added measure of satisfaction.

  • Love 13

 And I'm sure that the thought of all the Catholics and gays and feminists burning in eternal torment gives them an added measure of satisfaction.


I so hope that this last isn't true. That they are so clueless and silly and disengaged that this real consequence of what they say may not even occur to them. .... And, honestly, they're so stupid, so uneducated, so apparently genetically devoid of empathy and so well trained to feel no strong emotions or engage in any acts of imagination that I think there's a chance this is the case.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 9

That "shower" was really lame. Nobody thought to stop by the grocery store and pick up a couple of deli trays? It's right on par with Jill's fake going away party...that no one showed up for.

Regarding the Thanksgiving picture, wow, Jessa is really short.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 4


Jessa gets another baby shower! I guess her fans didn't send enough Target gift cards! The comments are so strange, I'm guessing a lot have been deleted.

They're all about that mustard yellow. Ugliest color available, IMO. This shower screams to me that is was 1) by a bunch of 'fans' and not really friends and family, because 2) they're associating that ugly mustard sweater with "we just know this is Jessa's FAVE color!), 3) it was way after the birth, which isn't common for evangelicals (I know Jewish people and some Southern European Christians - some Italian, Sicilian, Greek, etc. think it's bad luck to have a shower before the birth, but Baptists don't), so it tells me this group wasn't a priority. Jessa was speaking at events, but seriously, she didn't have a full time job where she was gone every evening and couldn't book in a shwoer if she wanted to. Usually the Church Supastar will have 15 showers three months into the pregnancy. 


My fave comment is the person who said "don't you think it is a coincidence that you and Jill both had BABY BOYS" - uh, no. Seriously there's a 50% chance a baby is going to be a boy, so............

  • Love 8

Deeper skin tones can look awesome in the mustards, golds, mangoes, etc. Layers of bronzer do not give fairer skin tones the pigment needed to pull off mustard. I'm one of those fairer, golden tones who looks jaundiced or like Data from Star Trek in mustard. So is Jessa.

  • Love 1

Let's keep the discussion about Ben, Jessa, and the little guy. Yes, you can discuss Jessa wearing the dreaded yellow sweater, but the discussion about what if you wear one, own one, or who looks good or bad wearing one is going off into off topic land, and the topic has been brought up and discussed more than once. We can bury the yellow sweater talk in the back of the PTV closet with the other why were these pieces of clothing items made. Posts about the sweater will be hidden or deleted faster than you can close your eyes in order to deflate the scary yellow sweater from your vision. Thank you.

Definitely, as compared to premarital pics.

Let's hope it's due to breastfeeding, not because she has taken the Plastic Fun Bags ala Karduggians For Christ route.

Lol - I doubt you can implants one month post partum. Jessa's probably pissed at her post-pregnancy body. She'll be pregnant again soon, so even if she looses the weight, it'll come right back.

  • Love 2

That pic up there^^^^^^....yikes !!


Collarbone !! Nursing boobage !! Shadow of cleavage !! Tight top !! Un-modest sitting postition !! Bare feet !!


I feel defrauded in every way possible.


Oh, yeah...and doofy husband. Why doesn't he just slice the brims off those stupid caps.

  • Love 7

Jessa has not been featuring herself in selfies since the birth of little Sturgee . I was pretty sure it was because she was all swollen looking but the boobs make me laugh because ol' bin can't fully enjoy them for what is it 60 days for a boy.

40 days for a boy. Given what happened to Jessa, not nearly enough time.

  • Love 6

Wow! Her feet sure are dirty!  

I hate to wear shoes around the house.  But i walk outside, in the garage, in the patio and my feet don't look like that at the end of the day!

Sometimes I wonder about what really goes on in their heads!

 My nieces are around Jessa's age - They have four bachelor's degrees (one has two!!) a master's degree, a master's degree in progress, and working towards a teaching credential between the three of them.  They each hold down at least two jobs.  One of them volunteers at an elementary school and a soup kitchen during her free time.

How do they exactly spend their time?  What do they do to earn a living?  How can they maintain their standard of living?  

I am constantly astonished (and not in a good way) by the things that they say, profess, behave.

  • Love 11

Re: filthy feet. One show had Jans (of course who else) using one of those swiffer wet jets. From my own personal experience those things don't really clean. The pads get dirty but the solution leaves a residue. I gave up on them. Same thing with swiffer steam cleaner. If I could find pads without solution that are thick enough I would use them. Their socks (if anyone wears socks) must be a mess.

  • Love 5

Considering the colors and splotches and smudgy-looking places I see all over Jessa's throat and defrauding clavicle, her ankle and pretty much Bin's whole face, I think it's likely that those are strange camera shadows on her feet. Just sayin.

Are we talking about that photo of Jessa, Ben, and Spurge in the carrier posted just upthread? Because I can barely see her feet, just a sort of foreshortened view of the toes and ball of one curled-under foot, rather out of focus. Far be it from me to defend her, but how can anyone make out enough of the foot to determine its level of cleanliness or lack thereof? I agree...feet are full of weird shadows to begin with, and it seems that there is plenty to snark about with these two without resorting to speculation over whether a darkish area on a barely visible foot is evidence of filth...

  • Love 10

Check out the wedding picture on the mantle. Ben looks stiff as a board and like he is about to fall over forward. Something is off with that picture.

That's the picture they use on photos they hand out, the one Josiah signed at the Southern women's show. Talk about a false idol - of yourself.

  • Love 1

Ben looks so strange in this photo. Like his head was badly photoshopped onto another person's body and that person's left arm is missing.

He is getting very doofus'y'. Jessa what the hell were you thinking?


Edit to add: Please go more over the top Bin. Rant a little more, look a little dumber, maybe throw some gangster signs and do some faux male modelling. The entire bunch is beginning to bore me and it's not fair to expect Josh to generate all the interest to keep the family in the news.

Edited by sometimesy
  • Love 10

I find Jessa's interior decorating interesting. It's not bad, but it's curiously mature. I'm pushing 60, and her house looks like how people of my generation (or older) decorate. Don't get me wrong--it's tasteful, but in a nice-hotel-lobby sort of way. My adult kids have good taste, but I can't picture any of them in this living room. Being nitpicky here, I admit--it just catches my attention when I see photos like this one.

  • Love 4
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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