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S03.E04: Week 3, Night 1

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1 minute ago, LittleCabbage said:

I guess I'm in the vast minority (me 'n' Diablo Cody both), but I actually enjoy Evan. It's refreshing to see someone who's not completely ripped and has the IQ of a bowl of mashed turnips (I'm forgiving him for his little Thoreau transgression a couple of weeks ago).  And I think he and Carly are similar in a lot of ways-- I hope they go the distance. 

Then again, I used to have a huge crush on Crispin Glover as George McFly and am married to a guy who has been compared to Crispin Glover, looks-wise and mannerisms-wise... so there you go... ;)

Seriously, I love the heavy-handed editing in this show. The editors have given up any pretense of this being a serious matchmaking show and are just milking ot for comedy. I'm into it.

I too like Evan as well.  Both on Jojo season and here.  As I stated in a previous post you can't have a successful career as he appears to have and just be a complete idiot.  Unreal has left a bad taste in my mouth and I feel A LOT of his screen time is producer manipulated.  But I'm attracted to the odd and unusual as well so he's ok in my book =)

  • Love 3

"The Couples" skeeve me out. Why were Izzy/Vinny and Lace/Grant having personal conversations about their relationships in a group date setting? I would not be comfortable with hanging out with my friends and going around in circles to all look intimately at our significant others and tell a story of "Ever since we met..." And Amanda and Josh are disgusting. Amanda saying to him in bed, "You're so sweaty" just about summed it up for me.

I did however LOVE that they went to Senor Frog's for a date. First of all, I love Senor Frog's, and also it was probably the most real-life, normal date I've ever seen on this show, straight down to Lace being ready to knock a bitch out.

Carly expressed the surprise of everyone when she incredulously pointed out that Jared was actually excited about a girl.

I like Carly but am officially mad at her for keeping Evan on this show. Gross.

Very happy with Haley, however, for keeping Nick around. But question: Why are the twins allowed to each pick their own guy but only one guy is allowed to pick them as a unit?

Love Nick and like his friendship dynamic with the twins. And I would love him more for saying that there is nothing worse than a baby voice (during the end tag) if he hadn't been all over Amanda for the first couple days who perpetually sounds like a four year old.

Am I crazy for hoping that little beach segment may have been a Bachelor audition? Nick has been close to engagement twice... just wants to find love... AAAHH! Nick Viall for Bachelor!

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, jade.black said:

Very happy with Haley, however, for keeping Nick around. But question: Why are the twins allowed to each pick their own guy but only one guy is allowed to pick them as a unit?

Is that the rule?  For some reason, I thought it was that two guys could each give a rose to the two different twins, but that if one of the twins didn't get a rose, she was still "safe."  So, maybe the thought has been (so far) that once one twin was "safe," it is nicer/more strategic (to keep more women there) to not "waste" a rose on the second twin.  But, I may be wrong....

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, jade.black said:

Love Nick and like his friendship dynamic with the twins. And I would love him more for saying that there is nothing worse than a baby voice (during the end tag) if he hadn't been all over Amanda for the first couple days who perpetually sounds like a four year old.

Am I crazy for hoping that little beach segment may have been a Bachelor audition? Nick has been close to engagement twice... just wants to find love... AAAHH! Nick Viall for Bachelor!

I never thought Nick would have a shot at Bachelor (even though I love him), but Luke and Chase are such snores that it may actually be possible.

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, Nowhere said:

I actually felt bad for whatever twin got dumped by Jared. I've never liked them but individually they're pretty funny and sort of likable. I hate them together though. It's been nice to get to know whichever one that was. I forget.

Emily has more piercings going all the way up her ear and moles on the side of her face. (That's how Haley described their differences, anyhow.) I think she might have said something about personality too, like her sister is more outgoing? But I can't recall.


9 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Oh Evan.  He walks up to make his big play for Amanda wearing sweat pants.  She kindly tells him that she isn't interested but that when she first met him he had "surprised," her.  Evan translates this to, "I was really into you, Evan and we could have had a wonderful romance but Josh came along and just as soon as that burns out It will be you and me forever!"

Evan is the kind of dude you cannot let down gently. As much as you don't want to hurt his feelings, you have to spell it out for him. "I do not like you. There is no attraction there. None of this will ever change. Don't broach the subject again." Don't even thank him, because he'll see that as an opening. 


16 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Caila irritates me too so I have to agree with Twin in that regard. Something about how sprightly and chipper she is and the constant smiling no matter what is happening. I don't think she's prettier than anyone there either, including twins, unless an almost unibrow turns you on. Pretty hair though.

She has good hair, I'll give her that. We'll see if it can stand up to the climate down there, though. But I've always found that to be her only good attribute. Girl is bland and fake as hell, to me. 


16 hours ago, backformore said:

Watching this on delay, and the funniest moment so far is Josh, eating pizza, then Amanda comes back, and they resume making out.  Apparently he got some pizza on her.  He wipes her face, saying, "you had some pizza on your face", wipes the pizza grease ON HER LEG, before going back to kissing.   

At that point, she should have walked away and called out for Evan.  Or Nick.  Or ANYONE. 

Seriously. That dude is so gross, to me. I really do not see the appeal. His saliva must be made up of some really addicting drug, because I would have run away a long time ago if I were Amanda. 


5 hours ago, NaughtyKitty said:

I actually felt super bad for Christian.  It felt like he really liked Sarah.  His eyes and smile twinkled when he was with her and kissing her.  With Daniel, it felt like he kissed her because he felt like he had to.  It was painful to watch.  I am sad that she didn't pick the guy that was really into her and instead picked the guy that she "thought" would be a better match.  Christian seems like such a better person.  And that smile!!!....

I'm so confused by Sarah. I actually thought despite the kiss, she seemed to get on better with Daniel. He made her laugh a bunch and was really sweet with her. I think the kiss was tame, because...well, maybe he was nervous about making out on camera? Especially with how much other people are doing it. I don't know. But she picked him, but then didn't seem to interact with him any more after that. Suddenly she's sitting at the bitter bar with Emily, complaining about their lack of men. I mean, she wasn't completely repulsed by Daniel, like Carly was with Evan, so what happened???


14 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Right, but did they play Amanda's moans over all of that, or did I imagine hearing that?

No, I heard it too. But it was barely discernible and would probably make me laugh if I was a dude and having sex with her. 


8 hours ago, Madding crowd said:


What has Josh done though? All of the people who come on the show have the opportunity to ask an existing person on a date and they all do. Many of them also go on a date with one person and then switch to someone else. It's a bit like speed date, island style. I keep hearing that Josh has been awful since he came on the show, but why? In his conversation with Evan last night, he spoke calmly and rationally. Yes, he was sweaty and for some reason the show wanted to show him eating, I'm sure they all eat.


This true. He hasn't actually DONE anything. Yet. Maybe he won't. But there's something about Josh, for me. Something that just puts me on edge. I don't feel like he's really all that into Amanda. I feel like he saw she was hanging out with Nick and wanted to "steal" her just because. Now he's kissing her all the time to prove how manly and desirable he is. It just feels like a production and not a genuine connection. MMV

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, reggiejax said:

Well then I guess I'm delusional as well, because I find Emily, and naturally Haley as well, to be far prettier than the bland, dull as dishwater, Caila.

I am so glad Caila did not become the Bachelorette because she would have put Bachelor Nation in a coma. I find her only value to be that they use her to treat insomniacs who haven't responded to heavy drugs. (thank you, Robin Williams).

And I say that knowing full well that neither twin is exactly a bundle of dynamite, personality wise. But purely on looks, I'll take Emily and/or Haley every time. They've got kind of a young Faith Ford thing going. And lord knows I loves me some Corky Sherwood Forrest.

Yes, the MML household considers the twins to be leggy gorgeous young women--alone each would draw attention and together they probably could stop traffic. Caila is sort of cute. The twins at least are funny, too, while we see no real personality on Caila's part (of course the editing monkeys have a hand in this, but she just is smiling and tossing her hair all the time). Jared, who is sort of passive aggressive, and she will have the most boring relationship ever. According to the MML viewers, anyway. 

  • Love 2

I understand how Caila's perpetually sunny disposition can be off-putting, but it doesn't bother me because I don't recall her being mean-spirited. I know the "seemingly sweet, but really an asshole" types (see: blonde twin who liked Jared), but Caila doesn't strike me as that type.  Also, her hair continues to be ah-mazing, and I'm grateful she didn't ruin it by going the way of the ombre and ratty extensions.  She's more of an accessible beauty to me - like 20 years from now, she'll look as if she's barely aged a day.  Not sure I believe that for any of the other women still around. I was confused by her horseback riding attire, though with the heat and humidity, she probably didn't pack for that sort of thing. 

I'm rather "eh, whatever" on Nick's personality, but he's still hands down the best looking man there.  That none of the "available" women are going for him is interesting.  I guess Jared's dispassionate persona (until Caila) is more appealing? 

I was highly amused at how quickly Jared disavowed the blonde twin to Caila, though.  Caila was about to be like, "Oh, that's cool, I'll back off."  And Jared was, "Hold on! That's not what I mean! I just need to have a conversation with her, so I'm not the bad guy! Be right back!" Then the twin crying over a man she's known for all of 4-5 days and claiming Caila is too perfect while they go off without a fuck to give.  Good times! 

  • Love 9
56 minutes ago, MMLEsq said:

Is that the rule?  For some reason, I thought it was that two guys could each give a rose to the two different twins, but that if one of the twins didn't get a rose, she was still "safe."  So, maybe the thought has been (so far) that once one twin was "safe," it is nicer/more strategic (to keep more women there) to not "waste" a rose on the second twin.  But, I may be wrong....

Ah, that makes a little sense. They haven't really been clear on it. So then I guess if two guys separately decided to give roses to the twins we would lose an extra girl? Do they have extra cast members on standby for that to even it out again the next episode? I realize the "rules" are basically meaningless on this show, so I don't know why I'm bothering, but thanks!

  • Love 1

Evan is a production 'mark' and whore.  He'll do whatever they propose and most of the time I believe he thinks it's a Great Idea.  Not as much for screen time or drama purposes, but b/c  when Production says "hey Evan--why not go down and talk to Amanda while she's mid smooch with beefy Josh --can't give you a real date card--but hey you could write one --it would be cute!  We saw she had some interest in you and you're here to find love blahdee blah blah"  --and he (half) buys it. (What normal guy in their right mind does that )   Or "hey Evan.. lets put together a little 'med emergency '?.  "You were getting somewhere with Carly tonight.. and she's so caring--women LOVE to be caretakers--it'll soften her heart and  things will go from there".   "duh okay.  yeah, good idea!   AND the whole (production driven) 'tattletale' on Josh.  Again!  He can't get any play with the women so he plays big brother as an excuse to bad -mouth the men.  He's happy to get attention from anyone incl production. He's not a beefcake, but he doesn't have to be.  He could just be a nice guy and develop some self-awareness and he would get play.  He really is a douche. 

Not the same caliber douche as Josh though.  Josh is a douche And an ignoramus.  Bad enough that he is so desperate to come out of oblivion to be on this show,   but  THIS is how he goes about feeling 'significant' again?  Pathetic.   

He apparently has NOTHING going for himself otherwise.  Then doing the 'Chad Chew' with the pizza trying to be the 'cool' asswipe.  And all that Ridiculous smooching and  moaning--The show itself has a farce quality-yes- but Josh is acting a fool and just IS an Asswipe.    

I always thought Caila was a little bland and had a 'happy shield" up--just like Ben felt.  I see little sex appeal.  I felt the same way about Tenley--the other '"Disney Princess'".(I thought she had Zero sex appeal )    

But Caila is more mature.  The twins are young but act Way young--bordering on Ashley I childish.  I can see Jared with Caila.  He's no ball of fire either but he is more mature. The girls are still too silly and flighty.  The Twin act they've taken on the road has done them no favors either.

I like Vinny and I like Izzy now too.  They might become a real couple.  Lace--crazy-- doubt it will take flight with Grant.

I never saw the appeal in NIck and I still don't as far as being "hot".. But I am actually starting to like him.  

I thought Daniel would begin to make sense enough to actually become entertaining and funny but I guess he tries too hard and he's just a mess.    Hate this show. LOL  

  • Love 3

I KNEW Daniel was going to give Sarah a couple of closed-mouth dry kisses.  They seem to be pushing a "Daniel is gay" edit--what with him shaving the other guy's back,  trying to lift Evan's butt up to him after the push-up, his little game with Vinny's belly button, etc.  Whether he is or not, I don't know.  He certainly has shown zero interest in the women, other than what's required to stay on.  He bores me. 

That double date was a useless waste of my time. 

Josh is a foul pig and Amanda's little orgasm sound made me want to hurl. 

I just want to see some real(ish) romance!  Hoping Jared and Caila provide us with some.

  • Love 2

OK, for starters, producers, please please please stop it with the Josh moaning sounds. It was gross enough paired with the making out, but now you've given him the exact sounds over pizza? And then right back to making out? Shudder.

And man, dude must be seriously sweaty for her to comment on it while they're in bed. Ick.

When Daniel was helping Vinny shave his back, all I could think was "Of course it's Daniel helping with the manscaping." But then later he's drinking out of Vinny's belly button while Vinny's asleep? WTF? I swear, this man is going to make me say every single week that I just do not know what to make of him. But I hope he never leaves.

Evan definitely skeeves me out. The way he talks and acts has a certain boyish quality, and not in a cute, charming way, but in a creepy, I'd feel like I was kissing a child, sort of way. I'm sure he's aiming for charming, but it's definitely not working for me. And yeah, dude needs a refresher on consent. No does not mean yes. And statements like "She closed the door but forgot to lock it, so maybe I can sneak back in"? Ew. So much no. He thinks he's a nice guy, but he's gross.

Circling back to Josh, though, while we're on the subject of gross, I don't know if I was just more sensitive to it because it was in the middle of all this talk about whether or not he's emotionally abusive, but I did not care for his reaction to Amanda saying that she still kind of cared about Evan, or whatever exactly she said. Josh's reaction came across very much to me like "You can't still like him, because he did this thing that I didn't like, so I don't like him, and therefore you're not allowed to either." Maybe it's not quite red flag level, but it's maybe kind of a salmony-orange flag.

  • Love 12
4 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I think it is awful because her daughters are so young. The younger one wasn't even two years old when Amanda went on Ben's season.  At that age children are very attached to their mothers and have separation anxiety. Plus, the early years is when kids develop their personalities and grow and learn new things every single day, and you can never get that precious time back. Amanda has decided that it was more important to be on multiple reality shows than to be there for her daughters when they need her the most. 

Absolutely.   Kids have their primary attachment to their mothers, and feel abandoned when their mother disappears for any length of time.  Kids have no way to understand that mom is coming back, and can develop insecurity and anxiety, fear of going to school later (because they can't trust that mom will be there when they get home) and difficulty with attachments.   Yes, they survive, but long absences can be emotionally damaging.  Some mothers have to be away - n the military, or for a surgery or severe illness.  But why risk a child's emotional health for a dating show? 

4 hours ago, Seawolff said:

1. If you are on a show designed for you to explore dating with various people then kudos for Evan for calling it on Josh for being a possessive hog of Amanda's time. That is the kind of bravery that can only be learned by being one of many bachelors competing for a bachelorette -constantly being interrupted by other guys makes it "normal" to do the same.

Yes, and what is fundamentally wrong with this show is that it encourages people to couple-up and stay coupled-up.  I think a better show would be if they were randomly assigned to dates, and there were several dates going on simultaneously.  or had tasks, or puzzles to do, to compete for prizes, and the prizes could be the better dates, but giving couples chances to get to know all of the opposite sex participants, not just 1 or 2.   I would also add - separate sleeping arrangements, men and women - not only to discourage having to be in an established couple, but also to include footage of the guys and the girls talking together about their dates.   There would be more of an element of not knowing who is getting roses.  The way it is now, going on a date with someone seems like you then would have to "break up"  with them if you go on a date with someone else.   The pairing off right from the start is boring to watch. 

  • Love 10

When Daniel was helping Vinny shave his back, all I could think was "Of course it's Daniel helping with the manscaping." But then later he's drinking out of Vinny's belly button while Vinny's asleep? WTF? I swear, this man is going to make me say every single week that I just do not know what to make of him. But I hope he never leaves.

Do you think he is gay? I like him but am embarrassed he is from my home town! lol

Evan creeps me out. He is like a stalker and would probably look in windows.

The idea of his job bugs me. After a day of touching other men (I imagine) he better wash his hands when he gets home!

9 minutes ago, kingshearte said:

but I did not care for his reaction to Amanda saying that she still kind of cared about Evan, or whatever exactly she said. Josh's reaction came across very much to me like "You can't still like him, because he did this thing that I didn't like, so I don't like him, and therefore you're not allowed to either." Maybe it's not quite red flag level, but it's maybe kind of a salmony-orange flag.

That was definitely a red flag for me. Anyone who tries to tell you who you can and cannot like is a controlling ass and should be avoided. Then again, Amanda is so freaking passive she clearly needs someone to tell her what to do and eat and thing so they might be the perfect match.

I don't find the twins beautiful at all. They are 100% manufactured and that is never appealing to me, but I'm a woman so what do I know. I think Caila is stunning, but it's mostly the hair. I would kill for her hair. She's cute, and more natural looking than most of these women.

  • Love 4

I think Caila's allure is that she's a breath of fresh air on these types of shows - physically and personality-wise. She doesn't plaster her face with a ton of makeup, or decorate her hair in obvious extensions, or sport long artificial nails, or "enhance" her eyes with spidery eyelash extensions. (There's nothing wrong with any of those things per-say, but the fact that she's so natural definitely stands out in a good way.) She's also genuinely sweet and doesn't seem to talk about other women behind their backs or say things like, "I'm prettier than ___" or "I'm sweeter than ____," or "she's so _______." Caila just comes across as a kind, all american, easygoing, girl-next-door. The twins are pretty in a bleached-blonde, heavily made up, Vegas type of way (extensions, faux nails, heavy eyeliner and all) but Caila is just... fresh. It's not something you can necessarily buy or pretend to be. I can see why the guys like her.

  • Love 14
40 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

I don't find the twins beautiful at all. They are 100% manufactured and that is never appealing to me, but I'm a woman so what do I know.

The twins seem as real as any other girls on the show, other than piling on the make-up. They were some of the only real blondes on Ben's season, as judged by everyone else's roots. Noses look real, too. I assume the tans come from laying out in Las Vegas all the time. 

  • Love 1

The sweating:  It really makes me wonder how he can not smell bad... it's either that or he is forced to wear a heavy cologne, neither of which are attractive... either way for me it just adds to the smarmy image.

As for Caila I'd have to have her normalize the spelling of her name before I could deal, as it's a key peeve of mine. It's making me a little itchy just seeing it typed over and over here. ETA: I just realized part of it is my eyes keep wanting to make it be Cialis and then I think of Evan.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 1

If subjecting me to the Amanda/Josh Tonsil Variety Hour is just a ruse to create Nick's audition tape for Bachelor, consider me pleased with the cost-benefit analysis.

Nick is 35 and more mature than these 20-something men-children who dated Jojo. He's downright brotherly with the twins and all cast mates, minus Josh, seem to love him. Even Amanda lauded his judgment.

Lord, answer my prayers. He's getting a fabulous edit and Josh is being shredded. The only purpose behind doing this to a finalist and winner would be to cement the rehab of Nick.

Edited by thesupremediva1
  • Love 10
34 minutes ago, Koala said:

I think Caila's allure is that she's a breath of fresh air on these types of shows - physically and personality-wise. She doesn't plaster her face with a ton of makeup, or decorate her hair in obvious extensions, or sport long artificial nails, or "enhance" her eyes with spidery eyelash extensions. (There's nothing wrong with any of those things per-say, but the fact that she's so natural definitely stands out in a good way.) She's also genuinely sweet and doesn't seem to talk about other women behind their backs or say things like, "I'm prettier than ___" or "I'm sweeter than ____," or "she's so _______." Caila just comes across as a kind, all american, easygoing, girl-next-door. The twins are pretty in a bleached-blonde, heavily made up, Vegas type of way (extensions, faux nails, heavy eyeliner and all) but Caila is just... fresh. It's not something you can necessarily buy or pretend to be. I can see why the guys like her.

Caila may well be boring, but she just has this halo around her.  I find most of these women to be plain under and over their spackle and ratty other person hair, and their energy seems flat to me.  Caila sparkles.

Sarah resembles Sharon Tate.  Get with the program lady.   You can definitely get a better man based on your demeanor and appearance. 

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Dirtybubble said:


I love it!

5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Evan is the kind of dude you cannot let down gently. As much as you don't want to hurt his feelings, you have to spell it out for him. "I do not like you. There is no attraction there. None of this will ever change. Don't broach the subject again." Don't even thank him, because he'll see that as an opening. 

OMG!  He and Ashley might be perfect for each other.

2 hours ago, kingshearte said:

And yeah, dude needs a refresher on consent. No does not mean yes. And statements like "She closed the door but forgot to lock it, so maybe I can sneak back in"?

I know, right?

1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said:

As for Caila I'd have to have her normalize the spelling of her name before I could deal, as it's a key peeve of mine. It's making me a little itchy just seeing it typed over and over here.

To be fair, it is her parents fault.  They really should not let moms sign documents while still hopped up on drugs.  On my birth certificate my name was (drum roll please) Tangerine.  WTF?  Before filing my mom woke up from her stupor and crossed it off and put a nice, normal name.

  • Love 8

I didn't watch Andi's show, so I know nothing about Josh Murray. I think he is super hot though. I think Daniel is right that Carly and Evan make the most sense as a couple, I"m glad to see Jared actually like someone, he always in the past just seemed to be being nice. Caily is a rich rich girl with good pedigree and upbrings, where the twins are sort of working Christian class. They would do good with someone who is military.

Nick can not blame Josh for Amanda not liking him-- Josh just was more her type. It's not personal. 

  • Love 1

Jared did a good job of avoiding looking like a jerk and being a manipulative ass and getting the twin to be like, "I want you to go." I haven't watched Jared on anything else, but that was definitely the most excited and talkative Jared has ever seemed. And could Caila have worn a more unfortunate shirt for horseback riding? I thought it was going to fall all the way off. We learned later that she was wearing a bathing suit underneath, but still.

The thing with Evan passing out was so producery and fakey. And dumb. It was all very dumb. Carly, nooooooo. He was being so weird and creepy, and then she gave into it anyway. Whyyyyy?

Daniel did not seem to enjoy kissing Sarah at all. I call total BS on his "feelings" for her. That was the most tentative kiss ever. He pulled away like "Are we done?" She went back in and he really just wanted to do the kiss so he could get it over with. He just wants to stay on the show. I assume a lot of people are doing this -- forming fake "connections" to get roses and stay on the show. They must discourage those confessions in the talking head interviews, but the show would feel a lot more real when obviously fake relationships were treated as such.

The whole Josh pizza segment was not nearly as entertaining as the producers thought. Oh my god, that lasted forever. The weirdest part? I'm pretty sure they got his eating moans audio from his makeout sessions with Amanda. Ew. His moaning is so weird. Still no conversation between Amanda and Nick, too. How do people think Amanda is a sweet person? That actually seems super shitty.

Was anyone sad Brandon left? Ha.

Edited by Falafel
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Falafel said:

Jared did a good job of avoiding looking like a jerk and being a manipulative ass and getting the twin to be like, "I want you to go." I haven't watched Jared on anything else, but that was definitely the most excited and talkative Jared has ever seemed. And could Caila have worn a more unfortunate shirt for horseback riding? I thought it was going to fall all the way off. We learned later that she was wearing a bathing suit underneath, but still.

IT was a strapless bathing suit.  Strapless anything is not a good choice for horseback riding.   Hell, sometimes strapless isn't a good choice for walking up stairs.

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, backformore said:

IT was a strapless bathing suit.  Strapless anything is not a good choice for horseback riding.   Hell, sometimes strapless isn't a good choice for walking up stairs.

I was enjoying the show, don't get me wrong, but I was so distracted by how it really looked like it was going to fall off and she was going to flash us. If only, I guess. Hah.

15 hours ago, simplyme said:

Oh, I get that. :) I agree that it may very well be embarrassing for her. I'm hoping she gets it out of her system before they're tweens and her very breathing is embarrassing to them.

I also think it's important that Evan not be given a free pass for the same behavior if we're going to criticize Amanda's choices, though I realize the mind wants to shy away from thinking of Evan...

I think Evan doesn't really come to mind so much because he isn't literally making out with someone every moment of the show.  Do I think he acts like a bit of a dope and that might be embarrassing in the long run?  Sure.  LOL.  But I think Amanda comes off worse for me because she mentions her kids more, and then at the same time is overtly making out with someone on national TV.   I can't imagine her family and friends think this is a great thing either.  But yes, Evan would not get a pass if he was doing the same thing.

  • Love 2
37 minutes ago, alexa said:

But I think Amanda comes off worse for me because she mentions her kids more, and then at the same time is overtly making out with someone on national TV.  

Yes and thanks to YouTube Amanda will still be making out with Josh's tongue when her girls are in middle school.


11 hours ago, huahaha said:

The twins seem as real as any other girls on the show, other than piling on the make-up. They were some of the only real blondes on Ben's season, as judged by everyone else's roots. Noses look real, too. I assume the tans come from laying out in Las Vegas all the time. 

I agree.  I don't know why the twins are always considered more fake than anyone else.  Even Caila probably doesn't step out of the shower with her hair hanging down her back in long glossy ringlets.  There are probably some styling tools and glossing products going on.  I also noticed she's wearing false eyelashes just like everyone else, just not two pairs at once like crazy Lace.  I can never really tell who's wearing lots of make-up and who isn't on these shows, other than bright colored lipstick vs pale, which I think some people (men) sometimes mistake for "too much ," even though it takes less red to brighten lips than pink. I don't have enough high-def to measure foundation depth.

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, booboopbedoo said:

Do you think he is gay? I like him but am embarrassed he is from my home town! lol

No idea. It's just one of the many mysteries of Daniel. On one hand, I would say that he doesn't make a particularly compelling case otherwise, but I don't think anyone is obligated to make a case for their own sexuality, so unless he says otherwise, I'll continue assuming not. But damn, he is weird.

15 hours ago, backformore said:

Did you see him at the rose ceremony?  Chris H commented on it.

Sure, but Chris H isn't sleeping with him and has no vested interest in actively ignoring anything that makes him seem less appealing.

  • Love 1

Oh Evan you've lost points with me this episode. Now I see you as sneaky and manipulative. Using techniques to get people to do what you want them to do and snickering at your success.

Actually the whole episode showed what seemed to be prearranged skits between Evan and anyone he interacted with. I saw him hiding behind the post on the deck before he got his cue to pretend he was just walking up to the deck where he and Josh had the confrontation.

I hope it IS producer driven because the manipulation of getting people to spend time with you was, and would be pathetic, if it was real.

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On 8/15/2016 at 7:01 PM, Armchair Critic said:

Josh and the pizza was comedy gold, he was more into it than he has been into Amanda. Then they show Amanda trying to talk herself into believing what a deep and sensitive guy he is while the lunkhead is smacking his lips on the pizza.

Maybe Evan's bugging until he wears somebody down actually  does work sometimes because he did end up making out with Carly. But then again she was drunk.

I almost felt bad for the twin that Jared turned down for Caila, but then I remembered she is 23 and probably could find somebody easily outside The Bachelor franchise.

I hope Daniel will be able to talk some sense into Ashley I. and her Jared obsession, but I doubt it.

LOL at the iguana at the end...

I thought he was having an orgasm.  The sound effects were priceless.  And it's true, Amanda came second to that cheese pizza.  We were laughing that he even positioned the plate so she couldn't reach and get a piece and he never offered her one, either.  

Carly, Carly, Carly...you are a nitwit.  First you can't stand his 'kisses', then you like him because he's got all of the qualities of a freaky stalker, from the pity party to the, "Stay with me tonight, please," moves?  Wow! Bimbo alert!

Ashley was a one woman self indulgence party, last night.  She's that gal that says, "C'mon girls, lets go to the restroom" that you say, "Ahhhh, no thanks" to.  Because you know its going to be a one-way conversation, with her talking at you about all of her dramatic trials and tribulations and how utterly mean the world is to her.  I used to have acquaintances like her.  I got rid of them.  Something in my inner 'id' said, you deserve as much attention as her.  Besides, the tears were manipulation.  Had I been Jared, I would have told her to go F herself, for coming there to sabotage his efforts to meet someone nice.  That type of manipulation wouldn't attract me for a possible lifetime sentence.

I do get a kick out of the passive aggression of the twins though.  They blurt out, "She so pretty everyone wants her, " about Caila and fret.  Then, "I don't get why he picked her when I'm so much prettier."  Dumb and Dumber was created for them, if only they had female roles.  And no, Emily and Haley, you aren't cuter than Caila.  She's got it hands down over both of you, because of your attitudes and the excessive makeup.  In fact the excessive makeup makes an otherwise normal nose you both have look odd. The twins remind me of a parody of some Swedish Swim Team Heineken babes.  It's too bad they don't develop their gray matter so they can pimp their product better.  And clues....hanging out with your sisters is cute in junior high.  Not so much on a date, or when you are old enough to put big girl panties on...even for twins.

Nick has finally found love...again.  Something tells me it won't be long and she'll figure him out too.  I keep wondering why they don't put the Argentine soccer player on with his odd form of "Ayyy yayy yayy" in a squeaky voice that made me shudder as an Argentine woman.  After all, he was about as disgusting as Chad, as offensive as Sean, and sort of another Nick.  He would have been a perfect accomplice for Nick...two dorky dudes, one with a throwback Eddie Haskell hairdo, and the other with a homophobia and that very unmacho Ayyy yayy yayy" to Freddie Mercury, YMCA levels.  I always suspected he was more about "the fellas" anyway and I sort of feel that way with Nick..."not that there's anything wrong with that."  He didn't having me "Cry for him Argentina,"  I was crying because he was Argentine.

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, JennPear said:

Nick has finally found love...again.  Something tells me it won't be long and she'll figure him out too.  I keep wondering why they don't put the Argentine soccer player on with his odd form of "Ayyy yayy yayy" in a squeaky voice that made me shudder as an Argentine woman.  After all, he was about as disgusting as Chad, as offensive as Sean, and sort of another Nick.  He would have been a perfect accomplice for Nick...two dorky dudes, one with a throwback Eddie Haskell hairdo, and the other with a homophobia and that very unmacho Ayyy yayy yayy" to Freddie Mercury, YMCA levels.  I always suspected he was more about "the fellas" anyway and I sort of feel that way with Nick..."not that there's anything wrong with that."  He didn't having me "Cry for him Argentina,"  I was crying because he was Argentine.

Dry your tears, JennPear - Juan Pablo is Venezuelan.

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Ugh, Caila is just as fake and smug as always.  Oh, look at me as I swish my overly-big hair around, totally naturally of course and not just to get attention, and twirl around like a princess because I'm so sweet.  Blech.  The twins are much prettier than her.  And it says a lot that I like Amanda more than I like Caila.

Bye Christian.  Maybe being rejected early, again, should be a hint for you.  However great you think you are, obviously others feel differently.  I find you fake too.  Oh, maybe you and Caila should hook up?

Josh = gross.  What kind of person sweats that much?

Nick = awesome.

Amanda = sad, stupid.  The guy is more into pizza than you.  Wake up.

Jared = I still don't understand the appeal.

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One doesn't have to put down Caila to put up the twins -- and vice versa.  Why is everything black and white -- can't there be nuance!?   Why can't they all three be good-looking, or none of them are ugly to me at all?  I think the twins have this very goofy, cute demeanor -- they definitely have a sense of humour.  Caila has perfect teeth - as someone who never had braces, this is my weakness - and a B E A U T I F U L smile.  (My opinion).  Sure, the twins are gorgeous in that early 1990s, Sweet Valley High fantasy - Not an insult, just.... that's what I see.... But Caila has an even better personality (I know this is subjective) so that gives her edge for me.  I think she's gorgeous, probably because she smiles so easily and her personality is just so positive.  The worst I can say about the twins is that they seem innocent for this show and a tad immature -- and I think none of those things are bad, at all.  They're just growing up.  This show is not a competition for who the hottest women is... Why do women have to be pitted against each other in this way.  Ironically, it was Haley (?) who was putting Caila down, and out come people who think they should put down Caila to "defend" Haley's honour (?!)

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I think it's the show that starts all the comparisons.  They show a new woman coming in and all the men acting like every woman already there is now invisible because -- gasp-- the goddess has arrived!  Then we (at least I) start defending the ones who are there and looking for flaws in the person who is described as "perfect."  Because no one is perfect.  But I'll never feel guilty for picking apart people on reality TV.  We don't know them well enough to really say much about their character, the superficial is all we have to talk about, and they must surely know they're letting themselves in for criticism in exchange for being on TV.

Jared dropped a twin like she was a total dog the minute Caila walked in and that's what makes some of us want to defend  -- not her honor -- but just her over all appeal,  something that's important to almost all girls.  The whole make-up thing gets to me, too.  It's a sore point for me because as a dark brunette I liked the way red lipstick kind of balanced my hair, but there were always people who accused me of "wearing too much make-up," when that thin coat of red lip stain was all I was wearing.  Meanwhile my blonde friend would be wearing  foundation, powder,  eye-liner, mascara, shadow, blush and a thick  greasy layer of pale lip gloss and she was the "natural," one.  I think it must be even harder to tell how much make-up people are wearing on television which is fine just to comment on how it appears,  but some  seem to be almost making moral judgements about it. 

I had to laugh, last season, when people kept talking about how much more  "natural and wholesome," Jade was than the other girls and that was why the men all liked her.  Jade?  Jade with her $6000 worth of plastic implants and her porn videos on the internet was more natural and wholesome than the other women because she was letting her freckles show?  So, it seems, even when we do know something about character it still  comes down to whether we wear red lipstick or not like some obscure rule out of Leviticus.

  • Love 12

With HD screens some people without flawless skin (in their own opinion) aren't comfortable being filmed without full battle makeup all the time. And possibly Caila is wearing as much foundation as anyone else but uses it differently, but I've noticed when the women very infrequently are caught barefaced and without the eye stuff, they all really are natural beauties for the most part. Except for Carly's eyebrows and Amanda's inflexible forehead.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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I try to avoid "natural" when discussing beauty on this show, since I don't wear makeup and thus don't know all of the tricks to make one look more "natural" than another.  That's why I used "accessible beauty" to describe Caila, which is just my take.  To me, the rejected blonde twin was just salty because she could be - it's part of her disposition.  Also, the twins and Caila are only a couple of years apart in age, if I'm not mistaken.   

Regarding who is fake and who isn't: none of these people are genuine to me, though some people are more comfortable on camera than others. 

Edited by ribboninthesky1
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The twins and Ashley don't just wear makeup, they do the full drag face of contour, highlight, primer, concealer, foundation,  blush, heavy eyeshadow,  sculptured eyebrows and false eyelashes.   It's that damned Kardashian wax figure look they appropriated from working drag queens.   Caila wears just enough to cover flaws and enhance her looks.   I think the heavy makeup looks stupid in a hot tropical place and also makes them all look older.  Also, it is drag makeup.   They all need to watch Wayne Goss for tips.

Carly needs to recognize she is a mashup of Jane Krakowski, Twiggy, and Deborah Harry and groom accordingly.   Then, stop being the friend zone girlfriend who does everything the guy wants,  instead of making him work too.  Caila and Britt are both examples of girls who believe they are valuable and men flock to them like bees to honey.   Carly, the twins, and Ashley don't think they are valuable, so men avoid them.  

Edited by Mu Shu
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On August 16, 2016 at 6:47 PM, kingshearte said:

Circling back to Josh, though, while we're on the subject of gross, I don't know if I was just more sensitive to it because it was in the middle of all this talk about whether or not he's emotionally abusive, but I did not care for his reaction to Amanda saying that she still kind of cared about Evan, or whatever exactly she said. Josh's reaction came across very much to me like "You can't still like him, because he did this thing that I didn't like, so I don't like him, and therefore you're not allowed to either." Maybe it's not quite red flag level, but it's maybe kind of a salmony-orange flag.

No it is a big red flag! You're right. He definitely acts very controlling and there's something off about him. I didn't read the book or anything. I actually liked him on Famously Single. But since he's been on BIP this season, I have been creeped for real. Chad didn't even bother me as much as Josh does. I get a very abusive, controlling vibe from Josh. Your interpretation was perfect. It's like when Christian first got there and he pulled all the men aside to ask the situation and instead of Josh saying, "Amanda and I are together", he said something like, "don't even think about it. She won't go with you." And he said it aggressively with a threatening look on his face. I was like, how the hell does he know what she wants? To say that they've been hanging out is one thing, but don't speak for her. Let a grown ass woman speak for herself. I now believe what Andi supposedly said. Sadly, Amanda doesnt strike me as a very strong woman like Andi seems to be. Josh will railroad Amanda and soon she'll be a mini female Josh, told what to think, what to wear, and only speak when spoken to.

  • Love 6

I'm watching the Famously Single finale, and because of THAT show, I have a different opinion of Josh's behavior on THIS show. He won't give ANY woman a chance. I remember he had told Andi that he hadn't been in a relationship for 5 years. I thought at the time he was a player. However, after watching Famously Single, I bet he didn't even date at all or never got past a first date. He won't give anyone a 9.99999 or less the time of day. And I don't just mean looks. She has to be the perfect package who will make the perfect wife and mother at first sight. How you can tell that on first sight, I don't know, but Josh literally wouldn't spend the time to talk to a woman if he didn't immediately think she was The One. Needless to say, he didn't think anyone was The One. But that's why I think he was so immediately taken with Amanda and decided she was The One before he got to know her...or anything more than her mouth region. I think it's also to her benefit (as far as he's concerned) that she is a mother because he can immediately check that off his list: 1) will be a great mother. I'm married to my second husband with two kids from my first (one with my second), and before I met him, with every other guy I think having children was a negative--or at least I had enough of that impression that the guys were a negative to me. But, like Josh, my husband also had no interest in dating to have a girlfriend. He wanted to find a wife and have kids, and when he met me and saw that I was already an amazing mother, bonus--sold! I think Josh just sees Amanda as the total package that he's been holding out for, and after years (minus a few months with Andi) of holding out for The One, he's just gaga over Amanda and can't even stop kissing her for a second...other than to eat pizza, that is.

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Saying this with the assumption that Josh is being genuine about liking Amanda and isn't just doing it to get back at Nick - which, granted, is a very generous assumption on my part - I'm almost surprised Josh doesn't mind that Amanda has kids.  He strikes me as the kind of guy that would draw a very hard distinction between kids he would have with Amanda, and her children from a previous marriage.

I know they piped in his moaning from something else (at least, I hope they did), but Josh moaning in delight over that pizza was disgusting.  I'm going to go ahead and guess he's never had good pizza before, because I guarantee pizza from a resort in Mexico is so-so at best (actually, pizza from a resort anywhere is going to be so-so).  Him sweaty and greasy at the rose ceremony was one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen.

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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If Josh is looking for a good mother, I think he's barking up the wrong tree. When my babies were her baby's ages, you couldn't pay me to leave them. If that's really what he's looking for you'd think he would have thought of the fact that she leaves her kids anytime she an opportunity to be on tv.

Plus, if he called Andi a slut for sleeping with Nick, then I'm sure Amanda will get at least some of the name calling for kissing Nick. 

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On 8/19/2016 at 8:03 AM, Princess Sparkle said:

 I'm going to go ahead and guess he's never had good pizza before, because I guarantee pizza from a resort in Mexico is so-so at best (actually, pizza from a resort anywhere is going to be so-so).  

Really!  After living in Mexico for nine years, the LAST thing I missed there was that God awful pizza!  And if it was a cheese pizza, I've seen TONS of better examples.

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