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I'm not sure exactly where I stand on the topic of David getting in Vicki's face. Was it appropriate? No, but Vicki has gone so far past "appropriate" in her time on this show that the word has lost all meaning.

What I'm really thinking happened is that David has spent the last however many months listening to Shannon rail privately about Vicki and her numerous transgressions. In his (possibly fruitless) quest to regain Shannon's love and trust, he's likely listened and agreed over and over, smiled and nodded, lather, rinse, repeat. Couple this with the fact that he has obvious disdain for Vicki, and a few drinks probably loosened his tongue. He's been harboring frustration with her, PLUS listened to all of Shannon's frustration, and once filming started again, he reached his boiling point quickly.

Or maybe having a head full of blond pubes was just too much stress.

  • Love 3

Basically this episode  was a public service announcement. Remember kids 'just say No' to whatever these imbicles are on.

Did Shannon know those three women knew each other? Who knows, who cares. Kelly has been looking for trouble since she got on the show.

Shannon ~snerk~ I know its wrong but shannon losing it over Kelly was hysterical.  The only thing missing was shannon stomping her feet for the full hissy fit look. Lol

David should not be correcting anyones behavior but i will give him props for sticking up for his wife


Tamara being tamara again.

Heather if you want a gynormous McMansion then you dont get the husband home too. Thats how it works

My favorite part of the night was eddies wig. Loved the seventies

  • Love 6

The whole fight thing wouldn't have happened if Tamra didn't run over to Kelly and say, "it's sooooo bad what they are saying about you. So bad." From my eyes, it seemed that Tamra was the one who started that whole thing. Then Kelly started insulting how people looked, which was incredibly immature. I can't believe I thought she was super smart once. I also thought David was completely right to bitch at Vicki. He was keeping it in, but then when Vicki say, "There goes your wife again," with disgust, he lost it, and he should have, imo. He has been the only person honest this season about how horrible and low what Vicki did last season was. Others are okay with sweeping it under the rug, but last season she messed with everyone's heads and what she did, imo, was emotional abuse, screaming at people that they were filithy and disgusting, when their instincts were correct. 

I think Brianna is back in the OC to be on the show-- aka, a job. I'm fine without Brooks or Ryan. 

  • Love 9
16 hours ago, swankie said:

David has had his filthy moments.  Remember him making lewd remarks about Heather riding that bull at the Hoedown from hell?  Plus the fact that he slept with his wife and his mistress on the same night.  That's pretty filthy.

Yeah I agree ever since he left the mental image of himself having wet dreams all the time in his daughter's heads. That just went beyond the pale of imagination. It was a totally uncomfortable thing to watch. Plus, his crazy eyes make him look like a deranged lunatic with psychotic tendencies.

  • Love 5

What is Vicki's malfunction? I watched the ep again last night (BTW, I hate the "one day earlier" narrative device) and Vicki acted like the events of last season had never taken place. Is this why Kelly is trying so hard to get everyone to kiss and make up, but surely she heard about this thing with Brooks....? And I am still perplexed about Vicki calling him in the limo. Is she lieing about breaking up with him again or is she so desperate for a man that she keeps leaving him voicemail messages to the point that all her calls are dumped to voicemail? I'm losing interest in this show fast.

Edited by Ubiquitous
  • Love 7
18 hours ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Maybe she should hook up with Yolanda. They can swap stories of their JOURNEY.

Funny, I posted a link, just yesterday, regarding this. It's on the Meghan board. She has documented her journey with plenty of photos and the most cringeworthy videos on a special Instagram page:


  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

Funny, I posted a link, just yesterday, regarding this. It's on the Meghan board. She has documented her journey with plenty of photos and the most cringeworthy videos on a special Instagram page:



4 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

Funny, I posted a link, just yesterday, regarding this. It's on the Meghan board. She has documented her journey with plenty of photos and the most cringeworthy videos on a special Instagram page:


Oh God no...I just can't

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

The whole fight thing wouldn't have happened if Tamra didn't run over to Kelly and say, "it's sooooo bad what they are saying about you. So bad." From my eyes, it seemed that Tamra was the one who started that whole thing. Then Kelly started insulting how people looked, which was incredibly immature. I can't believe I thought she was super smart once. I also thought David was completely right to bitch at Vicki. He was keeping it in, but then when Vicki say, "There goes your wife again," with disgust, he lost it, and he should have, imo. He has been the only person honest this season about how horrible and low what Vicki did last season was. Others are okay with sweeping it under the rug, but last season she messed with everyone's heads and what she did, imo, was emotional abuse, screaming at people that they were filithy and disgusting, when their instincts were correct. 

I think Brianna is back in the OC to be on the show-- aka, a job. I'm fine without Brooks or Ryan. 

Tamara runs and plays "go tell that", making it seem much worse then it is.  However, she always come off unscathed in the fights.  It is obvious she is nothing but a trashy shit stirrer.  The "streaking" was really embarrassing.

I usually like Shannon and her parties, but this one was so tacky (and not in the "seventies were tacky way").

I really wonder why people with real money like the Beadors and Dubrows do this show?.  It never paints them in a good light.  It always feels like every season there is a new girl who wants to attack Shannon.

  • Love 4

The woman sitting on Shannon's right, the one with dark hair, was vile. I can't decide if she was so vile because she wanted to be sure her scene was aired or if she's just an awful person. Meagan was asked on WWHL about Jimmy's apparent disinterest in the baby. Meagan said he wasn't interested in the process, but is excited now that the baby is gestating (my word as I can't remember her exact phrase). It's hard to imagine him being excited with anything concerning his home life. 

  • Love 3

I finally got around to watching this.  Woo boy! There was some craziness going on. As someone who was a teenager on the 70s, I can attest it was just like the parties I attended.  Only we called them keggers.

And just like those parties, people inevitably drink too much.  Which then leads to verbal altercations and gets ramped up when one girl cries and ends with someone getting into a fight.  Someone always falls down (Heather).  Almost all of it leading to over reactions, people screaming and people letting of the civil retraints  most of us follow.

And that? Is why you could always find me in the corner with the potheads. Quietly smoking away, giggling and the only dignity being shredded was chowing through a bag of Funyons.

You should have had the marijuana station in the corner Shannon.  You just should have. 

Edited by dosodog
enough with this auto correct shirt
  • Love 13
1 hour ago, LovesTheDrama said:

Meagan was asked on WWHL about Jimmy's apparent disinterest in the baby. Meagan said he wasn't interested in the process, but is excited now that the baby is gestating (my word as I can't remember her exact phrase). It's hard to imagine him being excited with anything concerning his home life. 

Except candles. 


4 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

Funny, I posted a link, just yesterday, regarding this. It's on the Meghan board. She has documented her journey with plenty of photos and the most cringeworthy videos on a special Instagram page:


Wow, gross. I don't mean to body shame, we're all so different. But the picture where she's whining that she's "bloated" is truly disturbing. 

  • Love 6

Jeez.  Kelly and her restraining orders.  Not surprised but, knowing her history, why would the producers hire this woman?  Just a big pot of festering liability for them.

Well if BRAVO has no qualms about Brandi and Kim from Beverly Hills, or even the Curtains and their grifty selves. I think they have some pretty fail proof contracts. 

EDITED: Actually, now that I think about it, no matter how trashy the OC wives are, I'd think the franchise that has the highest liabilty factor in terms of the people on the show is BH. I mean between Taylor/Russel, and Kim and Brandi, BRAVO was really having to work hard to keep their liability to a minimum with that crew. 

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I think Atlanta may have a slight edge on the liability scale.  They have Porscha Williams and Kenya Moore.  Porscha will cut a bitch in a heartbeat.

Don't forget NJ, the Gorgas and the Giudices will fight at the drop of a penny and Teresa will manhandle Andy like he is a Raggedy Andy Doll! LOL There have been more physical altercations on the NJ show than any of the others.

  • Love 6

Does Kelly really believe the crap she spews? Calling viewers that disagree with her "haters" right out of the gate? LOL Form her blog this week

"To any objective viewer (not you haters) it's unmistakable that Shannon tried to set me up and paint me in the worst possible light, not through facts, but through the most vicious kinds of rumors. Sick, right?"

  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, What In The said:

Yup. If you disagree your a hater or obsessed. According to her tweets anyone that doesnt praise her is obsessed.

I haven't seen a newbie use the word "hater" in a blog or on their SM during their first season before, in fact, most HWs avoid using that term for viewers. Kelly really is full of herself! LOL She must love the taste and smell of shite a lot! LOL

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I haven't seen a newbie use the word "hater" in a blog or on their SM during their first season before, in fact, most HWs avoid using that term for viewers. Kelly really is full of herself! LOL She must love the taste and smell of shite a lot! LOL

Lol. She seems like the type that digs their own metaphorical grave. If you have a domestic violence charge and are ordered into alcohol treatment it is rather stupid to show up at a party drunk on national tv

  • Love 9

When Kelly came in the show I think she wanted to be portrayed as the zany, quirky woman with the funny family. It is far from entertaining when it turns out she and her very strange husband have alcohol, and psychological issues. I feel bad for their child. Bravo needs to start vetting their Housewive's better. 

Not sure why people think it is Vicki's responsibility to hire childcare for her grandsons. Briana is a grown woman and seems to be pretty controlling and headstrong and would probably flip a fit if  Vicky started making the decisions about  her sons. Briana now wants privacy for her medical issues- maybe she should have thought about that before she allowed it to be a major story line on a reality show. I have empathy for her as a young mother that has health problems, but find her increasingly unpleasant and unlikeable on the show. 

Oh how I yearn for the early days of the Real Housewives when they weren't all so uber savvy about their images and it was more a glimpse into their lives and less producer driven drama!!!! 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Juliegirlj said:

When Kelly came in the show I think she wanted to be portrayed as the zany, quirky woman with the funny family. It is far from entertaining when it turns out she and her very strange husband have alcohol, and psychological issues. I feel bad for their child. Bravo needs to start vetting their Housewive's better. 

But where would the show be with mentally stable people? ha ha

That said, I am disliking Kelly the more I see her on this show.

  • Love 3
On 7/28/2016 at 8:19 PM, What In The said:


Mrs Roper better have her guard up as should all of them. Even Bicki could be her next target if she falls out with her.

She is one classy lady, repeatedly texting the guy's ex-wife.  But instead of talking shit about Shannon's choice of college, she should have paid more attention in her own high school's English classes:

“You are so f**king lazy,” the texts read. “[Jake is] probably mad cuz you didn’t go to his game. He thinks your lazy.”

Another message read, “Maybe you should try going to the gym… you look a little saggy.”

In an e-mail, Dodd allegedly wrote, “You need a chin implant and your jowels done you old hag! And you tits done bring it on you old hag! You troll of a b***h.”

  • Love 4

Somewhere Kelly answered a tweet from someone saying the texts were proven fake. How? Why would someone make fake texts and pin it pn her? 

Oops spelling snafu.

I have no tolerance for someone that willingly feeds an alcohol problem by drinking until they can't be normal anymore. When you have had a drunk stepparent or parent and live that you don't put up with it as an adult.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Not sure why people think it is Vicki's responsibility to hire childcare for her grandsons. Briana is a grown woman and seems to be pretty controlling and headstrong and would probably flip a fit if  Vicky started making the decisions about  her sons. Briana now wants privacy for her medical issues- maybe she should have thought about that before she allowed it to be a major story line on a reality show. I have empathy for her as a young mother that has health problems, but find her increasingly unpleasant and unlikeable on the show. 

I think if Vicki promised Brianna she'd "help" while she recovered, I think Vicki owes it to her to, in fact, help her, including helping get childcare, if that's what makes Vicki's life easier (being able to help Brianna and still tend to work issues).  (Which is again why it really makes no sense for her to leave so suddenly - I get she wanted different doctors and that apparently wanted to be on the show. But I'm assuming they probably already had some kind of childcare arrangements* in Oklahoma plus Ryan, her husband, could help. We are talking about just a couple of weeks - not a year.)

* A cousin is in the military and he has young children and I know for a fact his wife gets very close to the other military spouses and they help each other out a lot because none of them usually have family close by. Something tells me, though, that Brianna never got close to the other wives there. I swear some of it is the snotty attitude she and her mother display about people who live in "flyover country."  Come to think of it, it doesn't seem like she's ever really had close friends that we've seen?  She was all wrapped up in the high school boyfriend. 

Totally with you on Brianna begging "privacy" for her medical issues when they've used them for this show.

  • Love 3
On ‎7‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 9:26 AM, swankie said:

I think Kelly was saying that Shannon wasn't this young sexy disco queen she was trying to portray.  Instead, she looked like Mrs. Roper, who was an old lady.  The fact that Mrs. Roper was a seventies icon was a non factor for Kelly.  She wanted Shannon to know that she looked like a frump.

While Mrs. Roper was a fan favorite, from what I remember she was a bit pathetic.  She had a disinterested husband she was constantly attempting to have sex with.  I'm sure Kelly knows this and expects Shannon to know it, too. 

On ‎7‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 3:33 PM, lilmarysunshine said:

I could not agree more, particularly  because I believe she got pg her first go 'round?  There seems to be nothing wrong with his sperm and your eggs therefore you are NOT infertile.  You don't have immune issues that won't hold a pregnancy.  This really angers me.  While not my husband's ex-wife two wives ago, I have many, many friends who struggled mightily with infertility and none of them dealt with the issue of them being in that position (IVF) because they chose permanent birth control. If she showed up in some IF forum, I think they would run her out on a rail when she started yammering on about her "struggle."

I agree with you and have said the same myself.  But, there are less invasive ways to inseminate Meghan - AI or IUI - which makes me think Meghan does have a fertility issue.  

  • Love 2

In Shannon's TH from the previous episode she said she didn't want a typical 70s disco party and that she wanted more of the Rock and roll style. She even told the party planner that and the party ended up being straight up disco. Tamra was the only one who looked more rock and roll than disco.  

I can see ragey Ryan not being able to find gainful employment and becoming more of an ahole because he can't be the man of the family. He'll be selling insurance along with the rest of them before we know it 

  • Love 4
40 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:


I can see ragey Ryan not being able to find gainful employment and becoming more of an ahole because he can't be the man of the family. He'll be selling insurance along with the rest of them before we know it 

He should do well in sales with his delightful personality.  His LinkedIn profile indicates he is leaning towards real estate sales and flipping.


  • Love 3
Just now, Snarky McSnarky said:

He should do well in sales with his delightful personality.  His LinkedIn profile indicates he is leaning towards real estate sales and flipping.


Gee, I wonder where soon to be unemployed Ryan will be getting the money to buy houses?  Briana better hope for a long term contract with Bravo.

  • Love 2

I do not understand these people yelling and screaming at a social gathering. Even in my 20s I never went to a party where people got into fights. Sometimes people get their feelings hurt or become miffed, but then they go home and the next day bitch about it to their friends. 

Since ive never ever seen this behavior, I have to think it is all producer driven. Shannon is urrged to invite controversial guests  (I still don't know who those women were). Tamara is urged to go tattle tale, etc. etc.. Even so, I can't believe adult people scream at each other.  

As for Kelly, I believe her assignment is to befriend Vicky so Vicky isn't isolated on the show.  Heather especially understands it's a show and regardless of how you view a cast mate, you have to get along some how to get the show done. 

Just a word of defense for Mr. Heather (ha! I blanked on his name!  Oh ok got it  Terry!), the new season of botched is going to be repairing actually deformed people and not bad plastic surgery procedures.  That may have bee what he was talking about  I do think he's an attention hound so normally I wouldn't defend him  But the "my work is so important" is the go to excuse for doctors when wives complain about lack of family time  

  • Love 2

The OC needs another real estate agent about as much as it needs another COTO insurance agent. Maybe the show will land him some connections tamra sure didn't get very far. If anyone saw Ryan flying into a rage over the lady who had her feet on the couch would probably think twice about dealing with him. Can you imagine if he sold model homes and someone sat down even?  

You might as well just say you're unemployed if you just decide one day you're going to sell houses Ryan. He's going to resent Briana being the breadwinner and Vicki sure won't let him forget it!

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Stinamaia said:

I do not understand these people yelling and screaming at a social gathering. Even in my 20s I never went to a party where people got into fights. Sometimes people get their feelings hurt or become miffed, but then they go home and the next day bitch about it to their friends. 

Since ive never ever seen this behavior, I have to think it is all producer driven. Shannon is urrged to invite controversial guests  (I still don't know who those women were). Tamara is urged to go tattle tale, etc. etc.. Even so, I can't believe adult people scream at each other.  

As for Kelly, I believe her assignment is to befriend Vicky so Vicky isn't isolated on the show.  Heather especially understands it's a show and regardless of how you view a cast mate, you have to get along some how to get the show done. 

Just a word of defense for Mr. Heather (ha! I blanked on his name!  Oh ok got it  Terry!), the new season of botched is going to be repairing actually deformed people and not bad plastic surgery procedures.  That may have bee what he was talking about  I do think he's an attention hound so normally I wouldn't defend him  But the "my work is so important" is the go to excuse for doctors when wives complain about lack of family time  

I agree what is with drunk Kelly and her husband acting like such twits from the time they arrived.

Shannon brought up a good point in her blog-Jaci is head of the HOA where Shannon and Heather had their homes.  They had prohibited filming and Jaci apparently greased the skids.  Since Kelly brought up where she knew Jaci from-I don't think Shannon set it up.  Loser Kelly's husband flashing the L sign towards Jaci probably went a long way in angering Nina and Jaci.

Does Kelly think it makes her sound more sophisticated when she uses the word "whilst" in her blog, I am quite certain she is not British.  She sounds like a huge poser. 

  • Love 11

Just when I thought Kelly couldn't possibly be more of an idiot... I read this clip from her blog.  Does she really think anyone's buying what she's spinning?

"To cap off a tumultuous evening, David lost any sense of decorum and turned into a little bitch by attacking Vicki. Vicki's my girlfriend and I couldn't just stand by and watch her be attacked by a bully. To Vicki's credit she stood up to him and represented all women oppressed by men. So proud of her."

They really didn't do Vicki any favors by bringing in this bimbo.

  • Love 13

An IUI doesn't guarantee a pregnancy. In essence, the likelihood of getting pregnant isn't that much greater than getting pregnant through sex. Since they have a limited amount of sperm to work with, it does make sense to go the IVF route.

*I do have fertility problems and have gone the way of IUI and IVF. I'm not offended by this storyline. Is it stupid and annoying that she refers to this as "infertility"? Absolutely. But, choosing IVF is the smart route, especially when money is not an issue. She's going to a very reputable RE facility. 

Also, her getting pregnant on the first try is great, congratulations. I did too...I can't get pregnant without IVF. This storyline just doesn't bug me.

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Could be - she is so thin, too, and that can affect your fertility.

Absolutely.  It's probably two fold -- her thinness and possible sperm issues.  However, is it bad though that I picture them having no real fertility issues but she went that route because she thought it would be a great storyline?  "My fear of needles...look how human I am!" I mean, hell, she seemed to use her husband's terminal cancer as a storyline her first year.    IVF is expensive, but a drop in the bucket for someone in their wealth bracket.  Plus, with IVF, you would be more likely to get the baby girll you want...and voila, she's having a girl.  I know I'm very cynical, but nothing surprises me with these attention whores.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Absolutely.  It's probably two fold -- her thinness and possible sperm issues.  However, is it bad though that I picture them having no real fertility issues but she went that route because she thought it would be a great storyline?  "My fear of needles...look how human I am!" I mean, hell, she seemed to use her husband's terminal cancer as a storyline her first year.    IVF is expensive, but a drop in the bucket for someone in their wealth bracket.  Plus, with IVF, you would be more likely to get the baby girll you want...and voila, she's having a girl.  I know I'm very cynical, but nothing surprises me with these attention whores.


I guess I'm cynical right along with you -- in fact, my cynicism extends to: she's having IVF because Jim's lack of interest -- even disdain -- in her is so strong on camera (can't imagine what it is like in person) that I've wondered if they share anything more intimate than camera time. In other words, nothing happening in that marital bed.

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I agree with you and have said the same myself.  But, there are less invasive ways to inseminate Meghan - AI or IUI - which makes me think Meghan does have a fertility issue.

Isn't it the case that with IVF your chances are better? I was under the impression that IUI was cheaper and less invasive, so most people try that first. But if you really don't want to chance it, you might go right for IVF. I think Megan is young and impatient and wanted to lock Jimmy down right away. They have the money, so they jumped right in.

  • Love 4

But, regarding "infertility", it's kind of the case, no ?

Not her, but Jimmy ! There's only a small amount of 7 years old frozen sperm, so, in my opinion, it's not "wrong" to call it that way, because Jimmy is NOT fertile anymore, due to his vasectomy.

Anyway, that was a good solution for them, because it worked ;)

Edited by Diane Mars
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, steelcitysister said:


I guess I'm cynical right along with you -- in fact, my cynicism extends to: she's having IVF because Jim's lack of interest -- even disdain -- in her is so strong on camera (can't imagine what it is like in person) that I've wondered if they share anything more intimate than camera time. In other words, nothing happening in that marital bed.

Given that Jim had a vasectomy it wouldn't matter if they were having sex or not.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Isn't it the case that with IVF your chances are better? I was under the impression that IUI was cheaper and less invasive, so most people try that first. But if you really don't want to chance it, you might go right for IVF. I think Megan is young and impatient and wanted to lock Jimmy down right away. They have the money, so they jumped right in.


I went through infertility treatments and we did IUI first with no success.  But it was sort of a process that I think was required by insurance; we were fortunate enough to have insurance that paid for 3 IVF cycles.  I got pregnant each time w/IVF but not IUI, but could not sustain the pregnancies.  But life is good anyway because I have the most beautiful wonderful girl through adoption who is now 14!  And as weird as this sounds, I wouldn't change a thing b/c of my beautiful kid..

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 11

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