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The whole episode felt like a scary fever dream!

Having an open, honest discussion with your kids about the birds and the bees is great, but not in a costume shop on national television. The way Shannon's daughter said " OH, yeah!" when she brought up the topic makes me think scripted. 

I knew Kelly was a wack job from the start, but she and her weird ass husband getting ripped and jeering and yelling things was nuts. ( "WHO, WHO, WHO"?!)  Kelly's entire family situation is strange and her husband doesn't seem right in the head. 

Was that Nina person a man or woman? I don't think Shannon was behind that failed attack- it reeked of producer influence, even though Shannon didn't mind and may have been aware. 

Tamra should start drinking more and working out less because she isn't entertaining right now. 

Who else thinks Vicki called her office phone and NOT Brooks?! Something tells me Brooks' voicemail recording would have him twang some stupid message. 

Vicki almost blew it when she was rambling to David that she didn't lie/ the man she loved had cancer/ she believed him, blah,blah,blah..Stick a lime in it Vicki. 

The highlights of the night were Shannon hysterically tattling to David and telling him to sick em, and Heather falling on her snooty ass!!! LOL! 

  • Love 13

I knew Kelly was a wack job from the start, but she and her weird ass husband getting ripped and jeering and yelling things was nuts. ( "WHO, WHO, WHO"?!)  Kelly's entire family situation is strange and her husband doesn't seem right in the head. 

I admit to laughing at Tamra saying Kelly sounded like an owl during the whole "Whoooooo, whoooooooo, Whoooooooooo?" exchange, especially with Shannon replying "you, you, you!" after Kelly spoke each time. It was so ridiculous.

  • Love 22
4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

That comment was a dead giveaway. I don't think Shannon set up these bitches  but I sure as hell think production did, told Shannon what was going to happen and Shannon had to go along with it. Whose idea was it to hide Vicki's purse? None of it made any sense at all. 

Loved seeing Heather fall on her bony ass. In slo mo. Several times over. 

Vicki drunk dialing Brooks. I was actually feeling sorry for that nut job this season. Until she did that. 

 Poor Megan bringing her mom to the party because once again Jim is not around. He must have told her that if she was going to do another season of this shit show, she could just count him out. 

The woman with the accent moved Vicki's purse from 1 table to another so that she could join the group talking at the first table, I doubt she knew whos purse it was at the time.

Vicki calling Brooks as soon as they got in the limo was interesting but her telling him that she "loves him", present tense not past tense, said it all. Vicki and Brooks are still together (or at least they were when this was filmed) despite her claims they broke up for good.

1 hour ago, Almost 3000 said:

The WWHL pole was Shannon vs Kelly. Who won and by how much? thx!

Shannon won. It was something like 64% Shannon verses 36% Kelly.

  • Love 9

I like Greg Brady  & the Greatest American Hero, I went with Barney Rubble and the Greg Brady perm wig. 

It is hard for me to say this because I love Jeff Lewis with all of my cold heart but I like Heather for her genuine horror at Kelly's below the belt comments and doing the right thing by  Shannon in asking her quietly to calm down, and she stayed with her. She can stop saying champs anytime, though. Fetch is just not going to happen. 

One look at Meghan with her swollen ovaries and whining and I thought "here is your future Jim!" if she can't do a tiny needle in her belly labor and delivery will change her for life and not in a good way. 

I don't like Kelly, Or her husband. Or her kid. But I do love her house. 

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

That was like watching a convention of Avivas throwing their legs at each other. I need to lie down.

Those were several stunts converging on each other, I think, but I'm not 100% sure what I just watched. I don't buy a single thing Kelly is attempting to sell, every moment of her on-camera so far has been contrived shtick. I think she arrived at the party ready to stir shit of some kind, and so was her lizard-person husband. The silicone-infused hangers on definitely were, too, I think Shannon wrangled them to be shitty with Kelly and Vicki. And then they all threw all their pre-planned attacks at each other, or something? It seemed like David, Shannon, those two randos, and Kelly all had ammo for various people, and just chucked it the second they had a sliver of opportunity. It was batshit insane, unpleasant, yet kind of wonderful to behold.

Love your whole post.    Especially that first line.  Girl? I was exhausted

10 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I can't stand Kelly.  And I can't stand her family.  They're famewhores.  And sorry Kelly, you don't come across as being a great mom and your husband looked like a classless fool.  Just like you did by calling your host ugly and the other physical insults you hurled out. 

Hmm. 'Tamra' is back with the shit stirring. 

I don't think that Shannon asked those two women to the party to throw shade at Kelly.  It's not really her style and we've seen nothing yet to give Shannon reason to do that.  Unless...apparently Kelly is not new to the 'neighborhood' according to Shannon's statement about having an affair with a neighbor.  Maybe Kelly has said some things about David's affair before she was cast or behind the scenes.  Not quite sure but I'm with Shannon on this right now.

I really did enjoy Brianna's two little boys this episode.  They were just little boys being little boys.

Unfortunately for Meg, Jim has how many other children already?  It's just not all that exciting for him plus that's his personality.

Vicks called Brooks?  WTF.  Why is it ok for Vicks to throw shade at David but he's wrong to speak to a 'woman' in that way?  

Heather just doesn't have a storyline so we're back to the Terry not being around.  Terry loves it because it gives him airtime. 

Came to say this.  Shannon isn't really the shady plotting planning type.  If she's got something to say she'd rather deliver the message herself and it doesn't usually wait.    If this was a production move they need to do a better job at directing messiness.  Jaci was fine until she slipped up her line.  But Nina?  Nina was:

4 hours ago, Marley said:

Kelly and Michael were so high it's not even funny ..plus shitfaced. Also, Kelly is all about that screen time which is why she's obsessed with Vicki.


As for the rest I honestly don't even know lol. What a shit show. Vicki is such a joke too.

I thought Shannon abandoned the weed booth for a coke station.  Nina was so non commensurately enraged about being asked the whereabouts of a purse she had moved, I was scared to keep watching.   I thought, if she cares enough to stop texting right now, Tony Montana is finna fly off that couch and beat you both to a bloody pulp.   I mean I'm not even sure I disagree with her assessment of Kelly but that reaction?  Shannon kinda turned profile and looked at her like, say what now?  They asked about a purse not your next shipment, calm the fuck down.

Vicki's outfit was more 60's Laugh In but it's whatever, she looked cute in it. 

David not budging as Shannon pulled on his arm was hilarious and sad. 

I'm kinda jealous of Heather, I can't skate. 

  • Love 16

Haven't read page 2 yet so apologies if this has been covered.

YES there is a huge difference in Tequila. They were probably drinking (top shelf) Patron at Kellys house. It is smooth and shots are good with the smoothness. Cheaper booze burns your throat and is nasty. So,yeah, it was probably not Patron. 

Yes streakers were HUGE in the 70's. I was a senior in 76 and ever event or party seemed to have a streaker. Remember the song "The Streak"? Pure 70's

I truly,madly,deeply detest Kelly. Like Brandi Glanville and Aviva all rolled into one detest. Isn't she the one who was yelling Racist crap while drunk and it got caught on video? Her husband and his smirk while that was going on made me want to go through the tv and punch him. Somethings not right with those two. I read on Radar (I think could have been TMZ) that her brother has been arrested, more then once, for assaulting women. Lovely. 

  • Love 16

I get that people don't like Kelly but at least she brings some drama! The rest of the them (except Shannon who is always a MVP) have boring or self-serving storylines this year.  Heather, I like you but I don't care about your house and your marriage is fine -- you like being married to a wealthy, workaholic surgeon, it is what you signed up for.  Megan, glad you eventually got pregnant but don't need to see another segment of you getting shots -- gross.  Tamra, yawn -- don't care about your fake born again Christian act or your fitness competition.  Vicki, stop trying to use Briana and the poor belabored Grandma storyline to make yourself look good in light of your lies last season.

Honestly, only Kelly and Shannon are bringing anything relatively new or fresh to this season.  Kelly might be a little wacky but girl can fight and she does not back down. Also, love her house, crazy family dynamics and mystery marriage -- I admit it -- I do find her interesting. And she looked beautiful at the 70's party -- loved her Jaclyn Smith wig and brown suede dress.  Shannon is always funny -- her Talking Heads crack me up.  Again, at least these two are entertaining, for the love  of God. The other three just put me to sleep.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

I could be wrong, but I heard past tense, as in I loved you.  Of course I agree she still loves him and probably pays him to let her visit.

I heard past tense, as well.  To me, it seemed like Vicki was calling Brooks to drunkenly bitch him out about the fact that she stuck by him, she loved him, during his cancer scam, and now, he's left her to deal with the fallout.  She seemed pissed, almost "family van phone call" pissed off.  It was like "I believed you last year, I stood by you, and now, you're gone, and I'm left with no friends because of you."

  • Love 7

I was wathcing a movie on E last night and guess what? Seem Dr. Dubrow has ANOTHER new show. Botched by Nature or some such tomfoolery. Apparently he and Paul go around the country? Not sure about that but it is show no. 3 for him. So I'm guessing that he isn't home more! Although I side eye anyone(Heather) who lives a life of luxury and no money worries and then bitches because the person who works there ass off to provide said life of luxury isn't home 24/7 to rub your feet.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

In conclusion, they were all asses, but I thought Kelly and her husband were a special kind of ass. 

Yes - this pretty much sums up my feelings on that ridiculous fight(s). Kelly and her weird husband and annoying kid can go anytime now. 

I still loves me some Shannon, but when she was screaming in a decibel only dogs could here, I was pulling a Ross Gellar "quiet down" hands-motion here in my living room. 


Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 13

Why would anyone of the housewives ever throw a party for any reason, the parties always turn out to be a cluster fuck. Yelling and screaming and sometimes even getting physical and the same goes for the trips these women take...it would take a huge Bravo paycheck for me to keep on battling women (on TV) I hardly know or really friends with.  I will never feel sorry for any of those girls, I will feel sorry for their children.

Kelly is really fixated on the OC blonde thing isn't she?  It makes her seem like she is jealous of the blondes.

I am still shaking my head about Vicki's knee jerk reaction to call Brooks, did she really think he would pick up the phone?  He is too busy trying to get a handicapped parking pass and a wheelchair for his next scam to talk over old times with Vicki.  They didn't end on a good note, what was she thinking?  This will be ammo for all the ladies at the reunion!

Edited by Baltimore Betty
  • Love 6
1 minute ago, tabloidlover said:


Hate defending Terry, but he was in the middle of filming Botched by Nature when this was filmed.  He and Paul travel to meet patients that were born with defects and try to fix them.  Thus the title Botched by Nature.  I think he was referring to this work when he said how important it is.  I admire this type of surgery so much more than fixing people botched by going to Mexico for cheap plastic surgery.

Well, if that's the one Terry was filming, then, I completely take back what I said.  I didn't realize he had another "Botched" show that actually does something to help people who really need it, and I do admire that.  And, Heather shouldn't be complaining about him traveling for that show...not at all.

  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:


Hate defending Terry, but he was in the middle of filming Botched by Nature when this was filmed.  He and Paul travel to meet patients that were born with defects and try to fix them.  Thus the title Botched by Nature.  I think he was referring to this work when he said how important it is.  I admire this type of surgery so much more than fixing people botched by going to Mexico for cheap plastic surgery.

I think it's wonderful work too, but I'm always going to give Terry the side eye because he's been so fame hungry for so long. He forged Heather's signature for this show. Botched by Nature is his fifth or sixth reality show. He's been on the Swan, Bridalplasty, RHoC, Good Work, Botched, and Botched by Nature. So while he's doing good things with Botched by Nature, I don't think altruism was what guiding him in the show.

Kelly is actually awful. I thought #justice was bad, but I realize she was somewhat tolerable because she was gunning for Crooks. Kelly is sticking up for Vicki who she barely knows and isn't really familiar with all of Vicki and Crooks' transgressions. Vicki has been capably defending herself for 10 years. Kelly needs to stay out of this.

  • Love 15

I can't honestly recall if Vicks said "love" or "loved," but that call didn't sound past-tense at all to me. It was very reflexive--like, the first chance she got, she called him. I know we're talking about Vicki here, but I would guess that most normal people who were either livid at an ex or completely over said ex would not ring them up so readily, expecting the ex to intervene and defend them. I mean, you might mutter about it to yourself and friends, like, "I can't believe that jerk is still causing me problems," but not "get on the stick and prove to these people that I am a loving and honest woman who in no way participated in any cancer scam."

My thoughts on David/Vicki: I think David thought he WAS defending Shannon when she asked him to go defend her in that other fight. Like dang woman, how many battles can I fight for you at once? Let me fight the original one I can't stand first. LOL

  • Love 15

Not defending Vicky and what she did but I'll give her a pass on the phone call. Haven't a lot of us drunk dialed a old boyfriend or ex? I have....no shame. I don't drink anymore (maybe a glass of wine once or twice a year---still love it just can't handle it anymore) but when I did I drunk dialed. Usually at 2 am! And my ex treated me like crap after we broke up (long story) and all I heard was what a piece of shit he was from everybody. It's been 3 years and I still love him. The heart wants what the heart wants.

  • Love 11
13 hours ago, jnymph said:

Why wouldn't you tell your teenage daughters it's INAPPROPRIATE to discuss their Fathers sex life?!? 

Agreed, It's one thing if they asked and he said "Yes, it happens at times to most males, even me." and then stopped it then and there nipping the personal history portion in the bud but they went on and on. It was ok to answer the first question but not to engage further unless there is an honest question. You still shut it down (especially on camera) but you discuss the honest question at another time.

Kind of like the TV show when Roseanne caught her young son DJ jerking off and DJ and his dad Dan had a talk with Dan saying "Everybody does it, even me, but it's private. It's not a topic for conversation"  That is ok but not anything further unless there is an honest question.

Edited by Giselle
added the word agreed
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Cherrio said:

I heard it a few times, once on the show and twice in teasers so I will stick by my opinion.   It will be fun to see what other folks heard.

I re-watched it and listened closely to what she said. Vicki says "I believed you and I love you" love was said in present tense, not as past tense but she says it quickly. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-11/episode-5/videos/vicki-gunvalson-calls-brooks

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 6
6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Vicki drunk dialing Brooks. I was actually feeling sorry for that nut job this season. Until she did that. 

Yes, Vicki lost what little sympathy she had when she called Brooks.

54 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I think it's wonderful work too, but I'm always going to give Terry the side eye because he's been so fame hungry for so long. He forged Heather's signature for this show. Botched by Nature is his fifth or sixth reality show. He's been on the Swan, Bridalplasty, RHoC, Good Work, Botched, and Botched by Nature. So while he's doing good things with Botched by Nature, I don't think altruism was what guiding him in the show.

Kelly is actually awful. I thought #justice was bad, but I realize she was somewhat tolerable because she was gunning for Crooks. Kelly is sticking up for Vicki who she barely knows and isn't really familiar with all of Vicki and Crooks' transgressions. Vicki has been capably defending herself for 10 years. Kelly needs to stay out of this.

It never occurred to me that Terry was filming for Botched by Nature, so that makes a little more sense.

I think Kelly knows exactly what happened with Vicki and Brooks last season, even if she didn't watch this show.

I did laugh at Terry accidentally(?) making Heather fall on her butt at the party.

  • Love 3

I have to figure that Heather and Terry have cooked up this whole script of him traveling or working so much, seriously how would Terry be able to make the payments on the mausoleum that is Chateaux Dubrow if he doesn't hustle for the Bravo/reality show dollar.  Besides the big money aspect I thought that she would be happy to have him out of the house because it really doesn't look like she enjoys his company if you know what I mean.

I would pee in my pants if they brought Brooks in for the reunion to talk about the voice mail Vicki left that night and reveal that happens on the regular.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Boring is in the eye of the beholder, but OC has always been family oriented. In the first season we saw a lot of Lauri's son, Josh's, troubles. We saw Bianca's birthday party in the hotel. There was plenty of drama surrounding the Keough children (baseball, new cars, etc.) and Vicki's kids (Brianna and Colby, Mike not working and wanting to party.) It's really always been this way.


Sorry I wasn't clear in my post regarding the Real Boring Children of the OC. (I think because I threw Brianna in at the end). Yes, the show has always included various teenagers and their problems as it relates to the parents, which is why I specified children. There is nothing interesting about a 4 year old going to the bathroom, pedis for spoiled kids and wet dreams talk of children and their parents. Yawn. I actually didn't mind Brianna even as a teenager but as an adult she is just as boring, if not moreso than the children (as in young) on the show.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I also couldn't figure out what Meghan was saying when she thought of the 70's...could she have said "drugs and Ashton Kutcher", as in from "That 70's Show"?  On that sitcom, there is always at least one scene in every episode alluding to the group smoking weed.

Meghan is one of those people who has zero interest in learning about other time periods because she wasn't living through it herself. Expand your horizons Meghan.  The world has a history.  She's very one-dimensional in that way. Plus I think she likes to point out how she is so young compared to the rest of the HW.  To me, she just comes off as entitled and uneducated. 

  • Love 9

Vicki made a comment about Shannon in front of Shannon's husband but she's didn't mention that point when they all converged and David got lectured. Also, isn't Vicki's line something about if you judge her than you better be perfect? Is she perfect? Because she was throwing a lot of judgments at David. Vicki is such an self-absorbed idiot. She wants to lecture David about how he speaks to women. She continued to date a man who told her son-in-law that he should beat her daughter when she gets out of line. Vicki needs to shut her mouth. I don't think there's anything at this point that she can call out in others that she wouldn't sound like a total hypocrite in the process of it. I can't stand her and I can't stand Kelly either. She seems to be trying too hard though the two randoms seem like they may have had a plan to bring up the Kelly issue at the party. Don't think Shannon knew but she certainly didn't dissuade her guests from gossiping about one of her other guests. 

Shannon running to David and complaining about people being mean to her was hilarious. This episode transported me back to watching a playground showdown. 

Kelly's insults about the average Newport blonde - you could say the same for Vicki, Tamra and Meghan...all girls that Kelly supposedly likes. I can totally believe her drunk racist incident more than ever now. Look at how juvenile and below the belt she gets when drunk and angry. Attacking someone's looks is playground bully tactics. 

Did Megan's uterus shrink as soon as the fighting started? She was up and standing for a quite a bit during the entire ordeal, lol. 

  • Love 18

Not gonna lie, last night's show gave me life.  I don't even like Megan and Brianna but I feel very sorry for the both of them. They are both married to such shitty people.  Remember when Vicki told David a man doesn't yell at a woman?  I immediately thought of an enraged Ryan threatening the hippie grandma for putting her feet on the couch.

It was painful to watch Kelly's two brain cells struggle to come up with an original thought.  Girlfriend came off bad.  She doesn't have the intellect to trade insults with people.  Her husband is weird too and yes, I noticed the smirking.  

I've studied footage of Heather falling like it's the Zapruder film, and I believe she hit a crack in the concrete while going slowly backwards, therefore she lost her balance.  There was a rug a few inches after the crack, but she fell before hitting that.  That looked painful.  Terry was pretty much innocent.  He may have touched her, he didn't push her.  Was he supposed to be Hugh Hefner?  I got that vibe.

I don't give a shit about Heather's mini-mall of a house.

I hope drunk Tamra comes back. I miss her naked-wasted self.

Shannon looked great on WWHL.  Whatever works she's had done, is on point.  She looks happier and less tired this season.  I really don't get why they are moving but whatever.  The wet dream discussion was set up and cringe-worthy.  

Do you listen to the podcast Bitch Sesh?  It is everything.  

Saw on twitter that Vicki's son is looking for a roommate.  Times must be lean.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, StevieRocks said:

Yeah, it's getting to be exasperating for me. When they all start screeching like they're on Jerry Springer, I don't even care what it's about. It's just tedious. I found the episode extremely boring even with all the manufactured, high-decibel drama. I think they're trying too hard to "bring it." <eyeroll> Yawn. 

Jerry Springer is right.  Many of them were wearing wigs.  Why didn't anyone do the Jerry Springer wig snatch?  I can see it now - wigs flying, dresses pulled off shoulders. 

During the fight, Kelly's husband kept poking his head out.  He looked like a malnourished turtle desperately trying to reach a piece of lettuce.  Some body feed him and get him to go back in his shell. 

  • Love 12
26 minutes ago, FanOfTheFans said:

Meghan is one of those people who has zero interest in learning about other time periods because she wasn't living through it herself. Expand your horizons Meghan.  The world has a history.  She's very one-dimensional in that way. Plus I think she likes to point out how she is so young compared to the rest of the HW.  To me, she just comes off as entitled and uneducated. 

I agree with you - her comments about "drugs and Ashton Kutcher" was definitely a reminder that she is too young to actually remember the 1970's (she wasn't born yet), and her only reference to that time was a nostalgic TV show.  The comment, I assume was supposed to be funny, but it was kind of snarky, to me.

Kind of like if the other women were going to a 1950's party, they could say the only thing they know about the 1950's would be poodle skirts, Ron Howard and Henry Winkler (from Happy Days).

  • Love 2

So....a few things I noticed, some of which have already been commented on, others....not so much....

1)  Purse-gate:  Yes, the woman with the heavy accent did move a purse, not knowing who it belonged to.  The way I saw it, the purse was on one of the high top "bar height" tables, where people would be standing around and wanting to set down drinks, and she moved it to a low table where it wouldn't be in the way or risk getting spilled on.  And why was it so odd that she (or anyone) would ask what a purse looks like if someone is looking for it?  Isn't that what normally happens?  "I can't find my phone" "What does it look like?" "It's an iPhone with a pink case" "Oh, I saw one like that on the counter in the kitchen".  Fairly normal party conversation....

2)  "Who?"  "Who?"  "Who?" - Smelly Kelly (sorry, couldn't resist) sounded like a mentally challenged owl.  Question was asked and answered.  If you don't like the answer, debate the answer, don't keep asking "Who?"

3)  David in Vicki's face.....ummm......Vicki walked up and was seriously 2 inches from David's face.  I don't blame him for getting angry and yelling back.  You can't have it both ways - you don't get to berate someone, yell and scream at them, and then cry because "A man doesn't talk to a woman that way".  Well.....a lady doesn't behave that way either Vicki....

4)  Terry's statement that he is doing important work, I do agree with previous posters that it was specifically in reference to his latest gig, the show about fixing naturally occurring issues people have (as opposed to frivolous plastic surgery).  

That's all I have to add.  

  • Love 23
11 hours ago, ninjago said:

It's very confusing on this show when someone tries to hurl an insult at someone by accusing them of doing something that the accuser also did.  Like Vickie cheated on Donn, right?  So where does she get off saying David is worse than her because he is a cheater?

I know Vickie needs Kelly for a "friend" on the show, but Vick did not seem comfortable with the way Kelly and her husband were talking in the limo after the party.  Vickie is a lot of things, but she's not really a gutter fighter like those two.

THIS!  I was screaming this at the tv last night!  Rumors I have heard from various boards over the years is it wasn't just Brooks she cheated with but many.  And please, what is with telling people they are filthy, dirty, and whatever other drivel came spewing out of her word hole.  I find no redeeming qualities in her and nothing amusing.  And I do think she is quite comfortable in the gutter as long as she is perceived as the strong one in the fight.  She is manipulative, has no self awareness, liarpants, rude, delusional, and I am sure there are other adjectives to describe what I think when I see her but you get the gist.  

I would bet money she still interacts with Brooks on the regular.  He knows WAY too many secrets about Vickie for her to ever stop reeling him back in.  I prefer to think this is the scenario than she just can't quit his junk.  I apologize for putting the visual out there.

Kelly and her creepy husband.  Man she is really awful as is he.  Repeating the pedophile insult again and again at David was disgusting and isn't a word that should be bandied about carelessly.  She best be careful what she tosses out there.  She has NO IDEA what super sleuths diehard fans are and her past (as well as lizard husband, the sight of him makes me squirm in a really bad way, just something there) is going to come careening out into the open at some point.  Throwing stones at glass houses and all that.  It isn't Shannon who has more than one restraining order in her past, just sayin.  And I can't see any evidence that her behavior has changed.  She is really yelly and quick to insult.  I truly hope she is one and done.

  • Love 24

I did laugh at Terry accidentally(?) making Heather fall on her butt at the party.

That was SO funny.  I generally don't mind Heather and Terry, as they seem in love despite their quirks.  I don't know if Heather is acting purposefully naive or if she doesn't understand that Terry has to work that much to afford their lifestyle.  I mean, maybe he doesn't, but I don't see very many people shopping for ice the way she does.  Her Bravo paycheck can't be pulling in that much. 

Kelly is a total fruitloop and her daughter looks a little too much like her brother.  I hate it when people have children as a narcissistic extention of themselves.


The scene with Briana & Troy reminded me of the time my son was his age & I was really sick (just flu, not death bed or anything LOL) & my husband was looking for my son, he had brought a bucket (I always put one by his bed when he was sick), his blanket, sippy cup, goldfish crackers & a Barney video to bed with me.  My hubby found him laying next to me, watching Barney & rubbing my back.  He refused to leave my bed "Mommy needed me"  He was a sweet boy :)

 That is so cute! It seems like Briana really does love her boys, which is nice.  I wonder if her husband took a chill pill and if his PTSD treatment helped.  He seemed in better spirits when he was seeing her off in Oklahoma.  A true test would be placing him at that 70s party - there were lots of feet up on the furniture! 

  • Love 6

Uh, Shannon, you were def NOT going for a Mrs. Roper look.  That's an easy one to attain -- big moo-moo housedress, red Orphan Annie wig & chunky jewelry.  Not at all what you looked like, Shannon.  Not sure why she even said she was going for a Mrs. Roper look. To save face in the face of Kelly's juvenile nasty jabs?

Kelly acted like an idiot.  Even worse, a drunk idiot.  Her calling Shannon ugly was lowball.  She may have been justified in her anger at Shannon, but she still acted like an idiot.  It was all pretty stupid to watch.  A shark jumping moment to me.  Along with that idiocy of Tams & whoever in those ghostie nakey outfits.  Dumb, dumb, dumb -- and not even funny.  WTF happened to this show?

I  was really bored by Terry's & Heather's super-duper serious scene.  Sheesh, what crap.  I wasn't listening to any of the bullshit they were babbling & was wondering if they both take acting lessons together.  They're both stinky actors.

David ranting on Vicks?  Fail.  They both looked like drunk idiots.  Idk, Satan Andy must be convinced middle-aged drunks are hilarious & just soooo entertaining & that's all we wanna see.  Uh, no.

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Production is ruining this show for me. Surely they have enough going on in their "real" lives without having to manufacture drama and set-up fights. The problem is, they, production and some of the hws, don't want to bring the "real" to the Real Housewives franchise anymore. Say what you want about Vicki, I still think she's the one housewife who consistently brings her real life to the show each season, warts and all, even when she's lying about Brooks -- she lived that shit in her real life. 

Vicki is still hanging onto Brooks even from a distance, she'll never see him for the scumbag that he is, which confirms her own scum-baggery and compliance in the cancer scam. True as that is, I'll never be on board with Shannon. She's an unlikable bitch. 

Who the f cares that Shannon looks like Mrs. Roper? What an annoying little twat Kelly is. Typical Newport Beach Blondes with big boob jobs and dyed blonde hair, big whoop, thanks Captain Obvious. If you wanted to insult the blonde lady talking shit about you why not point out her bad nose job? That nose was butchered and looked almost as bad as MJ's.

And as far Briana goes, I'm very sympathetic to her health problems and feel bad that she has been struggling for so long. I hope the long journey of suffering comes to an end soon and she's able function like a young and relatively healthy mommy to her adorable boys. I've been up and I've been down with my own health issues, to a much lesser degree, along with being heavy, thin, and everywhere in-between: I don't think it's fair to judge her appearance and weight, just my .02 cents!

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, biakbiak said:

People who down shots of Don Julio 1942 are missing the point of decent tequila.

Word.  DH would have been horrified if he'd seen that.  Personally I don't care for it (but I have an aversion to any tequila since one very drunken night of tequila shots when I was 19), but even I know that that is a sipping tequila and not meant to be done as a shot.

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2 hours ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

I was wathcing a movie on E last night and guess what? Seem Dr. Dubrow has ANOTHER new show. Botched by Nature or some such tomfoolery. Apparently he and Paul go around the country? Not sure about that but it is show no. 3 for him. So I'm guessing that he isn't home more! Although I side eye anyone(Heather) who lives a life of luxury and no money worries and then bitches because the person who works there ass off to provide said life of luxury isn't home 24/7 to rub your feet.

Such important work this man does.  I mean self-important.  When Heather said at the end of his life, he would not regret that he didn't do an extra dozen shows, Terry's face said "hell yeah I would!"  Terry is a narcissist/ fame-whore.  It annoys me that Heather only worries about *Terry's* future feelings/regret about missing his kids' childhood.  How do/will the kids feel?  Neither of them seem to consider that.  

Hello, Harry Chapin, Cats in the Cradle, anyone?  

Edited by OhGromit
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