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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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24 minutes ago, QuinnInND said:

The South Beach diet commercial. The one woman. Jessie James Decker. "Singer, songwriter, wife and mom." First of all, spare me.. Singer, songwriter? Suuuuure. Sure she is. Second of all, I can't stand women who use their maiden and married name like that. Pick one please. YMMV of course. 

She is a singer songwriter.  She has three albums and four EPs out.

On 2/12/2019 at 8:06 PM, chessiegal said:

Well of course there isn't a physical accident museum. It's a visual depiction of claims they've covered. 

Actually, Farmer's web site says it's a virtual museum of actual claims they have covered.

Farmer's virtual hall of claims

Huh. I assumed they were all made up by a committee somewhere.

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11 hours ago, QuinnInND said:

The South Beach diet commercial. The one woman. Jessie James Decker. "Singer, songwriter, wife and mom." First of all, spare me.. Singer, songwriter? Suuuuure. Sure she is. Second of all, I can't stand women who use their maiden and married name like that. Pick one please. YMMV of course. 

Or even worse, hyphenate the two last names,  I hate it with a passion.  It looks hicksville or hipsterville, neither one attractive. Why on earth would you want to write that out every time you sign something?

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7 hours ago, Browncoat said:

See also Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sandra Day O'Connor.  Both of whom are awesome.

They're also both lawyers.  I don't know the rules in their states (NY and Ariz, respectively) but in Calif, lawyers have to register with the Bar Assoc. under their full names.  For women, that means first name, maiden name, and current married name. 

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The Colgate close talker is grating on my last nerve. If that were real life, he would have been punched by now. 

I’m slightly amused by the King’s Hawaiian commercial, mostly because my family of four can go through a package of Hawaiian rolls in a day or two. Of course, we don’t see the part of the commercial where the mother is most likely stuck cleaning up the mess her family left behind. 

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The commercial for chrome books with everyone saying “I’m dying” has a 20-something whiny girl on a bus making an announcement to the ENTIRE bus “does anyone have a charger we’re  dyyyyingg” complete with vocal fry and a sense of entitlement. Great you have the self esteem to just make an unsolicited announcement to the ENTIRE bus but I get the sense no one ever told her she wasn’t the center of the universe. 

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1 hour ago, OpalNightstream said:

The commercial for chrome books with everyone saying “I’m dying” has a 20-something whiny girl on a bus making an announcement to the ENTIRE bus “does anyone have a charger we’re  dyyyyingg” complete with vocal fry and a sense of entitlement. Great you have the self esteem to just make an unsolicited announcement to the ENTIRE bus but I get the sense no one ever told her she wasn’t the center of the universe. 

I hate that ad, I had no idea who it was for but I've never heard any one say "I'm dying" when they have low battery on their cell phone or computer.  

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13 hours ago, fairffaxx said:

They're also both lawyers.  I don't know the rules in their states (NY and Ariz, respectively) but in Calif, lawyers have to register with the Bar Assoc. under their full names.  For women, that means first name, maiden name, and current married name. 

I presume registration is actually with their full legal name, which by convention follows that pattern, but doesn't have to. It does seem like lawyers lean towards using longer names (e.g. "F. Lee Bailey", rather than "Lee Bailey").

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I should have said that, when a woman registered with the Calif Bar Assoc. approx. 40 years ago, she was required to use her "full legal name", which consisted of her "Christian" (i.e., first or given) name, maiden name, and current married name (if any) -- she also had to state any "aliases" that she had used, which included any former married names or pseudonyms (e.g., stage names) or nicknames (e.g., Betty instead of Elizabeth).  The Bar Assoc. was concerned with accurately identifying the registrant, which makes sense for a governmental agency that issues licenses to perform professional services subject to state law.  I don't know what the current requirements are -- probably not more streamlined, since they now must address issues raised by registrants who are transsexual and/or parties to same-sex marriages.  

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On 2/15/2019 at 10:13 AM, partofme said:

I hate that ad, I had no idea who it was for but I've never heard any one say "I'm dying" when they have low battery on their cell phone or computer.  

IMO, this is because some folks now ARE their phones.  Or vice versa.  Their phones have taken over their lives so completely that they have merged.  So, they are dying, in their own minds.

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On 2/15/2019 at 8:36 AM, OpalNightstream said:

The commercial for chrome books with everyone saying “I’m dying” has a 20-something whiny girl on a bus making an announcement to the ENTIRE bus “does anyone have a charger we’re  dyyyyingg” complete with vocal fry and a sense of entitlement. Great you have the self esteem to just make an unsolicited announcement to the ENTIRE bus but I get the sense no one ever told her she wasn’t the center of the universe. 

 It's probable that at least one person in her life DID try to tell her but she refused to believe it! I've known folks like that in Real Life. 

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There is a commercial for the website Chewy where someone with a new puppy is asking for advice on various things like food, puppy pads, crates.  Who wouldn't have all these things ready before you brought home the puppy?  Who would sell/adopt out a puppy without confirming that the new owners where prepared to take the puppy?

  • Love 14
15 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

For those annoyed by the alligators in the Chevy commercial, after watching it several times I think that the alligators are CGI. No way they would go to the expense and hassle of using real animals. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

But that would mean the "real people, not actors" would have to act afraid of alligators that aren't there.

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On ‎2‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 9:36 AM, OpalNightstream said:

The commercial for chrome books with everyone saying “I’m dying” has a 20-something whiny girl on a bus making an announcement to the ENTIRE bus “does anyone have a charger we’re  dyyyyingg” complete with vocal fry and a sense of entitlement. Great you have the self esteem to just make an unsolicited announcement to the ENTIRE bus but I get the sense no one ever told her she wasn’t the center of the universe. 

Yeah, I meant to mention this one. I have never heard anyone say that, either, and it seemed like a lame setup for the old people telling their son or daughter that "Honey, we're dying!". Nyuck nyuck nyuck. What a side-splitter.

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There's a subcategory of commercials that we comment on at our house:

Commercials where the ad agency includes teenagers, and it is obvious that they do not have teenagers at home.

Hyundai has come out with BlueLink technology, where you can track your teens while they drive. In 2019!  And it was such breakthrough technology that they advertised it during the Super Bowl. . .

In 2019!

Didn't anybody think to tell them,  "Excuse me, Harvey.  But we have been able to track them by their phones for years now.  And they don't need to be driving a Hyundai to do it."

This was a superbowl ad.  I just can't believe nobody stopped them.

What next?  Hyundai will invent a way to play music from your phone through your car speakers? 

Edited by TheLastKidPicked
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36 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

If the kids turn their cell phones off can you still track them? Asking because I don't know.

That's a good question, and I don't really know.  I'm sure they have a way to turn the location off if they want to.

With our kids, we don't check their location unless they are late for something.  At their school, they are allowed off school property to go to lunch, and they are in after school activities.  So there is no reason to turn off their location because we allow them to go where they need to go, within reason.

The commercial just made us laugh because its another commercial that makes us say,  "This commercial is about teenagers.  But I don't think the writers have teenagers at home or they wouldn't be saying that."

It reminds me of commercials where people say,  "Dude" and "Awesome" years after real kids quit saying that.

16 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Do those car tracking devices also report on driving habits -- speeding, etc.?

My assistant is early 20s and she still says "dude" and "awesome".

The ones Progressive want you to plug into your car's computer does - that's how they determine your insurance rate.

 I have no idea what the device advertised in the car commercial does.

  • Useful 1

Saw an ad this morning for Cottonelle toilet paper that really made me go ‘ewww” - parents who are going to a long-awaited kid free Caribbean resort vacation and the wife is recommending Cottonelle toilet paper. Because she wants to be extra fresh and have all of the nooks and crannies extra squeaky clean.  I was immediately reminded of anal sex and just nooooo.

ETA:  Not that I object at all to two consenting adults having whatever kind of sex they want to, I just don’t need to be thinking about it when I buy Cottonelle!

Edited by captain1
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I saw a commercial on Hulu the other day. A couple are always eating out at fancy and trendy restaurants. They discover they can't save money for a house. Gee I wonder why. So they call Wells Fargo, who has this amazing new service that will help! For free, they help the couple understand that if they stop blowing money on eating out all the time, they'll save money! Amazing!!  🤦‍♀️

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4 hours ago, TheLastKidPicked said:

There's a subcategory of commercials that we comment on at our house:

Commercials where the ad agency includes teenagers, and it is obvious that they do not have teenagers at home.

Hyundai has come out with BlueLink technology, where you can track your teens while they drive. In 2019!  And it was such breakthrough technology that they advertised it during the Super Bowl. . .

In 2019!

I saw something like that on Shark Tank... *googles* in 2013 - https://2paragraphs.com/2017/09/smartwheel-teen-steering-wheel-on-shark-tank-selling-for-149/. It was one of those "kid entrepreneur" specials; I remember thinking "there's a kid who's going to be really popular at school".

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On ‎2‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 10:56 PM, QuinnInND said:

Second of all, I can't stand women who use their maiden and married name like that. Pick one please. YMMV of course. 

when I was first married I used both names.  Because I had a professional career, including published articles, under my maiden name, and needed to list them on my resume. 

After a few years, I dropped the maiden name.  I wanted the same last name as my kids, so I used my married name.  

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, captain1 said:

Saw an ad this morning for Cottonelle toilet paper that really made me go ‘ewww” - parents who are going to a long-awaited kid free Caribbean resort vacation and the wife is recommending Cottonelle toilet paper. Because she wants to be extra fresh and have all of the nooks and crannies extra squeaky clean.  I was immediately reminded of anal sex and just nooooo.

I saw one where the guy is nervous about meeting his partner's parents.  They show a peach and then cottenelle whisking liquid off of it.  I was grossed out and then the couple was two guys.  Hate me, but that just evoked the same thought in my head as your thought in your post.  just ewwwwww!

3 hours ago, Pickles said:

The new Oreo cookie commercial with someone that I have no idea who they are—a rapper? The song/music is so annoying. Is Oreo trying to appeal to some young, hip, rapper crowd? I don’t get it. Lol. 

I saw that one.  Did the guy have a teardrop inked under his eye?  I didn't have my glasses on and am really wondering what was there.

Edited by kelslamu
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One of the drawbacks to watching so much cable news is that I see way too many BDO commercials. The characters all have way too much attitude and I resent the fact that I had to google to find out what they (BDO) actually do. I am similiarly pissed off by the "Entree" commercials from KPMG with Joie Chen. I feel like I am unwillingly crashing their little business lunch party. 

I guess I am just too easily ticked off these days 😒

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15 hours ago, chessiegal said:

I don't see how you can track someone by their phone if the phone is turned off, I mean totally turned off. But I can see how you can set a tracking device built into a car the kids can't turn off by using a code.

So you'll know that the car is parked at their friend's house, while they're off somewhere else in the friend's car?

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